
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 14:42:14
作者:戴维 麦卡洛
两届普利策奖得主打造,最 好看的美国独立战争史
第一部 围城
第一章 王权之责
第二章 武装暴民
第三章 多切斯特高地
第二部 决定命运的夏天
第四章 划定界限
第五章 战场
第三部 大撤退
第六章 命运蹙额之时
第七章 最黑暗的时刻
作者:威廉森 默里 ,阿伦·米利特
根据作者的姓名找到了英文原版的资料,原名为:A War To Be Won: Fighting the Second World War
In the course of the twentieth century, no war looms as profoundly transformative or as destructive as World War II. Its global scope and human toll reveal the true face of modern, industrialized warfare. Now, for the first time, we have a comprehensive, single-volume account of how and why this global conflict evolved as it did. A War To Be Won is a unique and powerful operational history of the Second World War that tells the full story of battle on land, on sea, and in the air.
Williamson Murray and Allan R. Millett analyze the operations and tactics that defined the conduct of the war in both the European and Pacific Theaters. Moving between the war room and the battlefield, we see how strategies were crafted and revised, and how the multitudes of combat troops struggled to discharge their orders. The authors present incisive portraits of the military leaders, on both sides of the struggle, demonstrating the ambiguities they faced, the opportunities they took, and those they missed. Throughout, we see the relationship between the actual operations of the war and their political and moral implications.
A War To Be Won is the culmination of decades of research by two of America’s premier military historians. It avoids a celebratory view of the war but preserves a profound respect for the problems the Allies faced and overcame as well as a realistic assessment of the Axis accomplishments and failures. It is the essential military history of World War II—from the Sino-Japanese War in 1937 to the surrender of Japan in 1945—for students, scholars, and general readers alike.
Table of Contents
1. Origins of a Catastrophe
2. The Revolution in Military Operations, 1919–1939
3. German Designs, 1939–1940
4. Germany Triumphant, 1940
5. Diversions in the Mediterranean and Balkans, 1940–1941
6. Barbarossa, 1941
7. The Origins of the Asia-Pacific War, 1919–1941
8. The Japanese War of Conquest, 1941–1942
9. The Asia-Pacific War, 1942–1944
10. The Battle of the Atlantic, 1939–1943
11. Year of Decision for Germany, 1942
12. The Combined Bomber Offensive, 1941—1945
13. The Destruction of Japanese Naval Power, 1943–1944
14. The Killing Time, 1943–1944
15. The Invasion of France, 1944
16. The End in Europe, 1944–1945
17. The Destruction of the Japanese Empire, 1944–1945
18. The End of the Asia-Pacific War, 1945
19. Peoples at War, 1937–1945
20. The Aftermath of War
Epilogue: In Retrospect
1. Military Organization
2. The Conduct of War
3. Weapons
4. Exploring World War II

Suggested Reading
Illustration Credits

最后一本是《二战的决定性战役(德国观点)》,作者是汉斯 阿道夫 ·雅各布斯。这书严格来说不能叫新书,因为本书初版于1965年,三十年前国内就引进了这本书了,本次再版我实在是不知道有什么意义。另外,本书貌似是一本论文集。《1776:美国的诞生》
作者:戴维 麦卡洛
两届普利策奖得主打造,最 好看的美国独立战争史
第一部 围城
第一章 王权之责
第二章 武装暴民
第三章 多切斯特高地
第二部 决定命运的夏天
第四章 划定界限
第五章 战场
第三部 大撤退
第六章 命运蹙额之时
第七章 最黑暗的时刻
作者:威廉森 默里 ,阿伦·米利特
根据作者的姓名找到了英文原版的资料,原名为:A War To Be Won: Fighting the Second World War
In the course of the twentieth century, no war looms as profoundly transformative or as destructive as World War II. Its global scope and human toll reveal the true face of modern, industrialized warfare. Now, for the first time, we have a comprehensive, single-volume account of how and why this global conflict evolved as it did. A War To Be Won is a unique and powerful operational history of the Second World War that tells the full story of battle on land, on sea, and in the air.
Williamson Murray and Allan R. Millett analyze the operations and tactics that defined the conduct of the war in both the European and Pacific Theaters. Moving between the war room and the battlefield, we see how strategies were crafted and revised, and how the multitudes of combat troops struggled to discharge their orders. The authors present incisive portraits of the military leaders, on both sides of the struggle, demonstrating the ambiguities they faced, the opportunities they took, and those they missed. Throughout, we see the relationship between the actual operations of the war and their political and moral implications.
A War To Be Won is the culmination of decades of research by two of America’s premier military historians. It avoids a celebratory view of the war but preserves a profound respect for the problems the Allies faced and overcame as well as a realistic assessment of the Axis accomplishments and failures. It is the essential military history of World War II—from the Sino-Japanese War in 1937 to the surrender of Japan in 1945—for students, scholars, and general readers alike.
Table of Contents
1. Origins of a Catastrophe
2. The Revolution in Military Operations, 1919–1939
3. German Designs, 1939–1940
4. Germany Triumphant, 1940
5. Diversions in the Mediterranean and Balkans, 1940–1941
6. Barbarossa, 1941
7. The Origins of the Asia-Pacific War, 1919–1941
8. The Japanese War of Conquest, 1941–1942
9. The Asia-Pacific War, 1942–1944
10. The Battle of the Atlantic, 1939–1943
11. Year of Decision for Germany, 1942
12. The Combined Bomber Offensive, 1941—1945
13. The Destruction of Japanese Naval Power, 1943–1944
14. The Killing Time, 1943–1944
15. The Invasion of France, 1944
16. The End in Europe, 1944–1945
17. The Destruction of the Japanese Empire, 1944–1945
18. The End of the Asia-Pacific War, 1945
19. Peoples at War, 1937–1945
20. The Aftermath of War
Epilogue: In Retrospect
1. Military Organization
2. The Conduct of War
3. Weapons
4. Exploring World War II

Suggested Reading
Illustration Credits

最后一本是《二战的决定性战役(德国观点)》,作者是汉斯 阿道夫 ·雅各布斯。这书严格来说不能叫新书,因为本书初版于1965年,三十年前国内就引进了这本书了,本次再版我实在是不知道有什么意义。另外,本书貌似是一本论文集。
《二战的决定性战役(德国观点)》这书大陆和台湾都翻译出版过 台版的译者是钮先钟