
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 04:39:47

Wealth and Power: China's Long March to the Twenty-first Century  
Through a series of lively and absorbing portraits of iconic modern Chinese leaders and thinkers, two of today’s foremost specialists on China provide a panoramic narrative of this country’s rise to preeminence that is at once analytical and personal. How did a nation, after a long and painful period of dynastic decline, intellectual upheaval, foreign occupation, civil war, and revolution, manage to burst forth onto the world stage with such an impressive run of hyperdevelopment and wealth creation—culminating in the extraordinary dynamism of China today?

通过一系列生动有趣的有代表性的现代中国领导人和思想家的画面,今天两个重要的专家以私人的角度对中国从发展到强盛提供了全方位的解析。在经历了漫长而痛苦的王朝衰退,知识分子的崛起,列强的侵略,人民战争,革命 到迅速在世界舞台的崛起。今天活力非凡的中国实现了 超越式的发展 和财富的急剧积累,这种进步令人印象深刻。那么,如何治理一个国家?

Wealth and Power answers this question by examining the lives of eleven influential officials, writers, activists, and leaders whose contributions helped create modern China. This fascinating survey begins in the lead-up to the first Opium War with Wei Yuan, the nineteenth-century scholar and reformer who was one of the first to urge China to borrow ideas from the West. It concludes in our time with human-rights advocate and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo, an outspoken opponent of single-party rule. Along the way, we meet such titans of Chinese history as the Empress Dowager Cixi, public intellectuals Feng Guifen, Liang Qichao, and Chen Duxiu, Nationalist stalwarts Sun Yat-sen and Chiang Kai-shek, and Communist Party leaders Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, and Zhu Rongji.

财富和权力  通过采访11个有影响的官员,作家,活动家和领导人回答了这个问题,他们的奉献铸就了今天的现代中国。这项有趣的调查起始于魏源引发的第一次鸦片战争。魏源,十九世纪的学者和改革家,他是第一个提出中国要“师夷长技”的人。“这肯定了在我们时代的人权主张”,诺贝尔和平奖获得者,反对一党专政的直言者 刘小波如是说。沿着这条轨迹,我看到了壮丽的中国历史:帝国统治者慈禧太后;大众知识分子 冯桂芬、梁启超和陈独秀;民族主义者孙中山、蒋介石 以及 GCD领导人毛泽东,邓小平,朱镕基。

The common goal that unites all of these disparate figures is their determined pursuit of fuqiang, “wealth and power.” This abiding quest for a restoration of national greatness in the face of a “century of humiliation” at the hands of the Great Powers came to define the modern Chinese character. It’s what drove both Mao and Deng to embark on root-and-branch transformations of Chinese society, first by means of Marxism-Leninism, then by authoritarian capitalism. And this determined quest remains the key to understanding many of China’s actions today.


By unwrapping the intellectual antecedents of today’s resurgent China, Orville Schell and John Delury supply much-needed insight into the country’s tortured progression from nineteenth-century decline to twenty-first-century boom. By looking backward into the past to understand forces at work for hundreds of years, they help us understand China today and the future that this singular country is helping shape for all of us


Editorial Reviews


“Superb . . . beautifully written and neatly structured.”—Financial Times


“[An] engaging narrative of the intellectual and cultural origins of China’s modern rise.”—The New York Times Book Review


“Informative and insightful . . . a must-read for anyone with an interest in the world’s fastest-rising superpower.”—Slate

斯莱特:丰富而深刻。每个有兴趣的人都应该 读一读这本“世界上发展最快的超级大国”

“It does a better job than most other books of answering a basic question the rest of the world naturally asks about China’s recent rise: What does China want?”—The Atlantic


“The portraits are beautifully written and bring to life not only their subjects but also the mood and intellectual debates of the times in which they lived.”—Foreign Affairs


“Excellent and erudite . . . [The authors] combine scholarly learning with a reportorial appreciation of colorful, revealing details.”—The National Interest


“I know there are lots of China history books these days, but this one is really well done. It tells the story with lots of interesting historical characters and deep insights into the country. Really worth reading.”—Fareed Zakaria (Book of the Week)

法里德 扎卡里亚(新书):我知道有很多中国的历史书,但这是真的做得很好。它讲述了很多有趣的历史人物和深刻的见解。真的值得一读。“

“In a provocative new book whose ideas have already begun stirring debate among China watchers, Orville Schell and John Delury argue that the quest for national rejuvenation, or for wealth and power, has long been at the heart of modern Chinese political and intellectual thought.”—The New York Times


“I highly recommend Wealth and Power: China’s Long March to the Twenty-first Century, an excellent new book from Orville Schell and John Delury. The book goes a long way to explaining what drives the current leadership, and why betting against their resolve to reform may be risky in the medium to long term.”—Bill Bishop, The New York Times

“我强烈推荐一本由Orville Schell 和 John Delury攥写的优异新书:《财富与权力:中国的二十一世纪长征》。书中用很长的篇幅去解释是什么动力在驱使中国的领导阶层进行改革,以及为什么猜测他们的改革方案在长期上对中产阶级有风险。”——Bill Bishop,《纽约时报》。

“Wealth and Power offers everything readers might expect from its two eminent authors. It is both sweeping and specific, authoritative and lively, sympathetic and critical, offering the perspective of both the hedgehog and the fox. The hardest challenge in writing about China, or finding things to read about it, is perceiving significant patterns while remaining aware of the chaos and contradictions. Orville Schell and John Delury meet that challenge in exemplary form. I only wish that they'd written the book years ago, so that (along with other readers) I could have been taking advantage of its insights all along.”—James Fallows, national correspondent, The Atlantic

“《财富与权力》一书包含了读者想知道的这两个杰出作者所想的一切。它的内容既全面又包含特例,行文既严谨又生动,文风既有感染力又有批判性。把多方面的观点都展现了出来。在写与中国相关的文章或寻找相关的资料时所遇到的最大的困难是,你会觉得看到一个成效显著的杰出榜样的同时又不断感觉到它自身的混乱与矛盾,Orville Schell与John Delury就遇到了这种典型的困难。我只是希望他们能更早写好这本书,那么我(和其他读者)就可以在这段时间中从这本书的见解中获益了。——James Fallows,国家通讯员,《大西洋月刊》。

“Orville Schell and John Delury have delivered a brilliantly original and essential book: the road map to China’s quest for national salvation. This is a story of ideas and the vibrant figures who shaped them: rebels, thinkers, and rivals, united by the quest for reinvention. It is required reading for anyone seeking to understand China’s motives and the future of global competition, and is, quite simply, a pleasure to read. Vivid, literate, and brimming with insights, Wealth and Power deserves to become a classic.”—Evan Osnos, China correspondent, The New Yorker

“Orville Schell和John Delury发表了一本精辟的原创著作:中国的救国之蓝图。这个故事包含了生动的人物角色与他们所塑造的理念:反叛者,思考者,竞争对手,他们为了文明的再造而团结起来。如果想要了解中国的动机以及全球竞争的未来,那么这本书必读,读起来也简单易懂,富于趣味。《财富和权力》一书既鲜活,又有深度,满是真知灼见,理应成为经典。”——《纽约客》驻中国记者Evan Osnos。

“In Wealth and Power, their crisp and comprehensive introduction to the history of modern China, historians Orville Schell and John Delury present us with the historical background we need to understand the driving mechanism that lies at the center of China today. By no longer presenting China’s past two centuries as a record of recurrent failures and humiliations, they give us a portrait of a nation in the making, and of leaders with the skills and determination to redirect China’s energies on a global scale. The change of perspective is valuable and challenging.”—Jonathan D. Spence, author of The Search for Modern China

”在《财富和权力》中,他们对现代中国的历史进行了清晰和全面的介绍,历史学家奥维尔-谢尔和约约翰德鲁里给我们展现了驱动如今中国前进的历史背景。书中不再将中国过去两百年的经历看成是中国的失败和耻辱,通过这种方式,书中给我们呈现的是一个正在形成中的国家的面貌以及向我们展示了拥有才能和决心的领袖们如何在全球范围内重新定位中国。这种视野的转变是非常有价值和具有挑战性的”——《寻找现代中国》作者Jonathan D. Spence。

About the Author
Orville Schell was educated at Harvard University and the University of California, Berkeley and is the author of numerous books and articles on China. The former dean of the Graduate School of Journalism at Berkeley, he is presently the Arthur Ross Director of the Center on U.S.-China Relations at the Asia Society in New York City.

作者简介:East Asian studies曾在哈佛大学和加州大学伯克利分校接受过教育,并且写过许多关于中国的书籍和文章。他是位于伯克利的新闻研究院的前任院长,现在他是位于纽约的亚洲协会中美战略关系中心的Arthur Ross Director。

John Delury received his Ph.D. in modern Chinese history at Yale University, where he wrote his dissertation on the Ming-Qing Confucian scholar Gu Yanwu. He taught at Brown, Columbia, and Peking University, and was associate director of Asia Society’s Center on U.S.-China Relations. He is currently an assistant professor of East Asian studies at Yonsei University in Seoul.

John Delury在耶鲁大学获得了他的中国现代史方向的哲学博士,他的博士论文是关于明清时期的儒学家顾炎武的。他曾执教于布朗大学,哥伦比亚大学和北京大学,并且曾是亚洲协会中美战略关系中心的副主任。现在他是位于首尔的延世大学东亚研究院的助理教授。

Wealth and Power: China's Long March to the Twenty-first Century  
Through a series of lively and absorbing portraits of iconic modern Chinese leaders and thinkers, two of today’s foremost specialists on China provide a panoramic narrative of this country’s rise to preeminence that is at once analytical and personal. How did a nation, after a long and painful period of dynastic decline, intellectual upheaval, foreign occupation, civil war, and revolution, manage to burst forth onto the world stage with such an impressive run of hyperdevelopment and wealth creation—culminating in the extraordinary dynamism of China today?

通过一系列生动有趣的有代表性的现代中国领导人和思想家的画面,今天两个重要的专家以私人的角度对中国从发展到强盛提供了全方位的解析。在经历了漫长而痛苦的王朝衰退,知识分子的崛起,列强的侵略,人民战争,革命 到迅速在世界舞台的崛起。今天活力非凡的中国实现了 超越式的发展 和财富的急剧积累,这种进步令人印象深刻。那么,如何治理一个国家?

Wealth and Power answers this question by examining the lives of eleven influential officials, writers, activists, and leaders whose contributions helped create modern China. This fascinating survey begins in the lead-up to the first Opium War with Wei Yuan, the nineteenth-century scholar and reformer who was one of the first to urge China to borrow ideas from the West. It concludes in our time with human-rights advocate and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo, an outspoken opponent of single-party rule. Along the way, we meet such titans of Chinese history as the Empress Dowager Cixi, public intellectuals Feng Guifen, Liang Qichao, and Chen Duxiu, Nationalist stalwarts Sun Yat-sen and Chiang Kai-shek, and Communist Party leaders Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, and Zhu Rongji.

财富和权力  通过采访11个有影响的官员,作家,活动家和领导人回答了这个问题,他们的奉献铸就了今天的现代中国。这项有趣的调查起始于魏源引发的第一次鸦片战争。魏源,十九世纪的学者和改革家,他是第一个提出中国要“师夷长技”的人。“这肯定了在我们时代的人权主张”,诺贝尔和平奖获得者,反对一党专政的直言者 刘小波如是说。沿着这条轨迹,我看到了壮丽的中国历史:帝国统治者慈禧太后;大众知识分子 冯桂芬、梁启超和陈独秀;民族主义者孙中山、蒋介石 以及 GCD领导人毛泽东,邓小平,朱镕基。

The common goal that unites all of these disparate figures is their determined pursuit of fuqiang, “wealth and power.” This abiding quest for a restoration of national greatness in the face of a “century of humiliation” at the hands of the Great Powers came to define the modern Chinese character. It’s what drove both Mao and Deng to embark on root-and-branch transformations of Chinese society, first by means of Marxism-Leninism, then by authoritarian capitalism. And this determined quest remains the key to understanding many of China’s actions today.


By unwrapping the intellectual antecedents of today’s resurgent China, Orville Schell and John Delury supply much-needed insight into the country’s tortured progression from nineteenth-century decline to twenty-first-century boom. By looking backward into the past to understand forces at work for hundreds of years, they help us understand China today and the future that this singular country is helping shape for all of us


Editorial Reviews


“Superb . . . beautifully written and neatly structured.”—Financial Times


“[An] engaging narrative of the intellectual and cultural origins of China’s modern rise.”—The New York Times Book Review


“Informative and insightful . . . a must-read for anyone with an interest in the world’s fastest-rising superpower.”—Slate

斯莱特:丰富而深刻。每个有兴趣的人都应该 读一读这本“世界上发展最快的超级大国”

“It does a better job than most other books of answering a basic question the rest of the world naturally asks about China’s recent rise: What does China want?”—The Atlantic


“The portraits are beautifully written and bring to life not only their subjects but also the mood and intellectual debates of the times in which they lived.”—Foreign Affairs


“Excellent and erudite . . . [The authors] combine scholarly learning with a reportorial appreciation of colorful, revealing details.”—The National Interest


“I know there are lots of China history books these days, but this one is really well done. It tells the story with lots of interesting historical characters and deep insights into the country. Really worth reading.”—Fareed Zakaria (Book of the Week)

法里德 扎卡里亚(新书):我知道有很多中国的历史书,但这是真的做得很好。它讲述了很多有趣的历史人物和深刻的见解。真的值得一读。“

“In a provocative new book whose ideas have already begun stirring debate among China watchers, Orville Schell and John Delury argue that the quest for national rejuvenation, or for wealth and power, has long been at the heart of modern Chinese political and intellectual thought.”—The New York Times


“I highly recommend Wealth and Power: China’s Long March to the Twenty-first Century, an excellent new book from Orville Schell and John Delury. The book goes a long way to explaining what drives the current leadership, and why betting against their resolve to reform may be risky in the medium to long term.”—Bill Bishop, The New York Times

“我强烈推荐一本由Orville Schell 和 John Delury攥写的优异新书:《财富与权力:中国的二十一世纪长征》。书中用很长的篇幅去解释是什么动力在驱使中国的领导阶层进行改革,以及为什么猜测他们的改革方案在长期上对中产阶级有风险。”——Bill Bishop,《纽约时报》。

“Wealth and Power offers everything readers might expect from its two eminent authors. It is both sweeping and specific, authoritative and lively, sympathetic and critical, offering the perspective of both the hedgehog and the fox. The hardest challenge in writing about China, or finding things to read about it, is perceiving significant patterns while remaining aware of the chaos and contradictions. Orville Schell and John Delury meet that challenge in exemplary form. I only wish that they'd written the book years ago, so that (along with other readers) I could have been taking advantage of its insights all along.”—James Fallows, national correspondent, The Atlantic

“《财富与权力》一书包含了读者想知道的这两个杰出作者所想的一切。它的内容既全面又包含特例,行文既严谨又生动,文风既有感染力又有批判性。把多方面的观点都展现了出来。在写与中国相关的文章或寻找相关的资料时所遇到的最大的困难是,你会觉得看到一个成效显著的杰出榜样的同时又不断感觉到它自身的混乱与矛盾,Orville Schell与John Delury就遇到了这种典型的困难。我只是希望他们能更早写好这本书,那么我(和其他读者)就可以在这段时间中从这本书的见解中获益了。——James Fallows,国家通讯员,《大西洋月刊》。

“Orville Schell and John Delury have delivered a brilliantly original and essential book: the road map to China’s quest for national salvation. This is a story of ideas and the vibrant figures who shaped them: rebels, thinkers, and rivals, united by the quest for reinvention. It is required reading for anyone seeking to understand China’s motives and the future of global competition, and is, quite simply, a pleasure to read. Vivid, literate, and brimming with insights, Wealth and Power deserves to become a classic.”—Evan Osnos, China correspondent, The New Yorker

“Orville Schell和John Delury发表了一本精辟的原创著作:中国的救国之蓝图。这个故事包含了生动的人物角色与他们所塑造的理念:反叛者,思考者,竞争对手,他们为了文明的再造而团结起来。如果想要了解中国的动机以及全球竞争的未来,那么这本书必读,读起来也简单易懂,富于趣味。《财富和权力》一书既鲜活,又有深度,满是真知灼见,理应成为经典。”——《纽约客》驻中国记者Evan Osnos。

“In Wealth and Power, their crisp and comprehensive introduction to the history of modern China, historians Orville Schell and John Delury present us with the historical background we need to understand the driving mechanism that lies at the center of China today. By no longer presenting China’s past two centuries as a record of recurrent failures and humiliations, they give us a portrait of a nation in the making, and of leaders with the skills and determination to redirect China’s energies on a global scale. The change of perspective is valuable and challenging.”—Jonathan D. Spence, author of The Search for Modern China

”在《财富和权力》中,他们对现代中国的历史进行了清晰和全面的介绍,历史学家奥维尔-谢尔和约约翰德鲁里给我们展现了驱动如今中国前进的历史背景。书中不再将中国过去两百年的经历看成是中国的失败和耻辱,通过这种方式,书中给我们呈现的是一个正在形成中的国家的面貌以及向我们展示了拥有才能和决心的领袖们如何在全球范围内重新定位中国。这种视野的转变是非常有价值和具有挑战性的”——《寻找现代中国》作者Jonathan D. Spence。

About the Author
Orville Schell was educated at Harvard University and the University of California, Berkeley and is the author of numerous books and articles on China. The former dean of the Graduate School of Journalism at Berkeley, he is presently the Arthur Ross Director of the Center on U.S.-China Relations at the Asia Society in New York City.

作者简介:East Asian studies曾在哈佛大学和加州大学伯克利分校接受过教育,并且写过许多关于中国的书籍和文章。他是位于伯克利的新闻研究院的前任院长,现在他是位于纽约的亚洲协会中美战略关系中心的Arthur Ross Director。

John Delury received his Ph.D. in modern Chinese history at Yale University, where he wrote his dissertation on the Ming-Qing Confucian scholar Gu Yanwu. He taught at Brown, Columbia, and Peking University, and was associate director of Asia Society’s Center on U.S.-China Relations. He is currently an assistant professor of East Asian studies at Yonsei University in Seoul.

John Delury在耶鲁大学获得了他的中国现代史方向的哲学博士,他的博士论文是关于明清时期的儒学家顾炎武的。他曾执教于布朗大学,哥伦比亚大学和北京大学,并且曾是亚洲协会中美战略关系中心的副主任。现在他是位于首尔的延世大学东亚研究院的助理教授。

Most Helpful Customer Reviews  

【书评一 评分:五星】

"When the country is humiliated, its spirit will be aroused." Wei Yuan, 1842

“国难当头,国民精神雄起” (此为个人翻译,原话不知在哪)。魏源,1842

"From 'Our technology is not as good as other people's,' to 'Our political system is not as good as other people's,' and on to 'Our culture is not as good as other people's,' Chinese reflections on our own defects probed ever deeper. But the primary mind-set that guided the probing was neither 'liberation of humanity,' nor even 'enriching people,' but rather a sense of shame at China's loss of sovereignty and other national humiliations."


These words of Nobel Prize winning dissident, Liu Xiaobo, give a rather neat summary of the arguments put forward in this fascinating and thought-provoking study of the Chinese psyche over the last 150 years or so, as evidenced and influenced by its greatest intellectuals, writers and leaders. The aim of the authors is to shed some light on how, in the last three decades, China has risen out of the poverty and political turmoil of the preceding century to become one of the richest and most powerful nations in the world.


The authors show how the encroachment of the Western empires and defeats at the hands of enemies within and without led, not just to the fall of the empire at the beginning of the twentieth century, but to the creation of a national mind-set that has kept the aim of achieving 'wealth and power' at the heart of Chinese politics ever since. The succession of military defeats and subsequent 'unequal treaties', which forced China to pay punitive reparations and give territory and access to foreign states, led to a spirit of 'national humiliation'. Far from allowing this to become a negative factor, however, successive intellectuals and leaders used it as a spur to galvanise China into a process of 'self-strengthening'. At the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century, the main thrust was to borrow what was needed from the West in terms of technical and scientific knowledge, while maintaining the existing Confucian culture. But the authors show how, as that failed to make China strong enough to defy the many circling predators, gradually some intellectuals began to believe that there must be a period of 'destruction' of cultural sacred cows before 'construction' of a new and stronger state could begin.


Each chapter focuses on one man, a leading intellectual or politician, taking us gradually through the decades from the end of the Opium wars to the present day. The emphasis is not on the events of any given period, although of course they are referenced and highlighted. Rather, the authors concentrate on the writings and speeches of each man, showing how each generation of political thought adopted, rejected or built on the ideas of the one before. Many of the people who are discussed were entirely unknown to me, especially those prior to WW2, but the authors create a continuous chain of intellectual development, clearly showing how and why ideas were influenced by, and adjusted in reaction to, events at home or abroad.


The authors take a sympathetic approach to their subject - in the afterword they tell us that the book is part of a project undertaken by the Center on US-China Relations at the Asia Society in New York to examine China's reform movement and transition to modernity. They attempt, successfully in my view, to explain to a Western audience the cultural differences that have enabled China to follow a path that seems, to our eyes, doomed to fail - to build a society that values the acquisition of 'wealth and power' above things that we see as essential for progress: intellectual freedom, human rights, democracy.


While in no way condoning the horrors of the era of Mao Zedong and the Cultural Revolution, they suggest that this period of destructiveness may in fact have cleared the way, culturally, for the creation under Deng Xiaoping of the 'Leninist capitalist' system that has enabled China to become the powerhouse it is today. An unequal society, yes, and with repression still at its core, but a country governed largely with the consent of its people nonetheless.


They end with some informed speculation about where next for China - having gained 'wealth and power' will they use that power to bully other nations as they were bullied in their nineteenth century weakness? Or will they, from a position of strength, continue to open up their society and perhaps gradually move towards an intellectual position and political system more closely aligned with the West?


I found this a lengthier read than its size would necessarily suggest, since after every few pages I would discover that I was staring at a wall and thinking. It has challenged and changed my pre-existing assumptions, certainly about China's culture and system of government but perhaps also about our own. It has gone a long way towards answering the question why China, alone of all the major states that adopted authoritarian non-democratic systems during the twentieth century, seems eventually to have made a relative success of it while retaining the support of the majority of its citizens.


Apologies for the length of this review, but I still feel I've given the merest glimpse into this highly illuminating and thought-provoking read. I can't recommend it highly enough to anyone who is interested in understanding the psyche of a nation that seems destined soon to be the wealthiest and most powerful of all.


NB This book was provided for review by the publisher.



Excellent review. I'm a third of the way through reading this for a second time. The best book I've read assessing the emerging history of China since the first Opium War. The authors descriptions of Empress Dowager Cixi are diametrically opposite those of Jung Chang, and in my opinion, much more objective. Both of Jung Chang's books on (Cixi and Mao) portray a prejudice which she is incapable of hiding through her writings.


Thanks! This is the only book I've read about this period of history and, as you'll know from my review, I found it fascinating. And while I can't comment on its accuracy, I can certainly say I found the arguments very convincing. It seemed to me the authors were sympathetic rather than biased towards the Chinese viewpoint, if that makes sense.


【书评二 评分:五星】

An Intellectual History of Modern China


Wealth and Power follows Chinese history from the Opium Wars to today. Modern Chinese history is generally considered to have begun with the Treaty of Nanjing at the close of the first Opium War. Schell and Delury see special significance is using that first great humiliation of China at the hands of the modern world as the starting point, central to a thesis they use to explore Chinese history through its intellectual history. Roughly, that thesis is that modern Chinese history is best understood as a reaction to its modern humiliation, the desire to strengthen itself and overcome that humiliation by achieving "wealth and power," and the tension that created with traditional Confucianism. The underlying intellectual tension in modern Chinese history then, is between conservative family-centric thinking and conservative state-centric thinking. It's thinking that dates back to the old conflict between Confucians and the Legalists, philosophical adversaries to the Confucians whose mantra was Wealth and Power. It's a conflict that predates and leaves precious little room for classical liberalism or even Marxism.

财富和权力 讲述了自鸦片战争至今的中国历史。现代中国史通常认为是始于 南京条约,终于第一次鸦片战争。Schell 和 Delury 看到了用中国在现代世界第一次巨大的耻辱做为起点的重要意义。文章的重点是 他们 通过知识分子的历史 去探索中国历史。总体上,从现代中国耻辱的角度, 此文是最容易理解的现代中国历史,通过自强的渴望和战胜羞辱 实现“财富和权力”,这种紧张源于传统的儒家学说。在现代中国历史 这种潜在的知识分子的紧张,介于 保守的家族中心思想和 保守的国家中心思想。这种思想可以追溯到旧有的儒家思想和法家思想 的冲突上,儒家哲学对手的宝典“财富和权力” 。这种冲突早于有一席之地的传统自由主义 甚至 马克思主义。

In service of this thesis, Schell and Delury dispense with a traditional narrative history in favor of focusing on 11 "iconic intellectuals and leaders, reformers and revolutionaries." The 11 are: Wei Yuan (born in 1794, died in 1857), Feng Guifen (1809-1874), the Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908), Liang Qichao (1873-1929), Sun Yat-Sen (1866-1925), Chen Duxiu (1879-1942), Chiang Kai-Shek (1887-1975), Mao Zedong (1893-1976), Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997), Zhu Rongji (1928-), and Liu Xiaobo (1955-). They are a mix of scholar-official civil servants (sharing the experience of failing at least one examination), writers, dissidents, and leaders of the Republic of China and in the Nationalist and Communist parties, as well as one (and, tellingly, only one) member of the royal family. They share much in common. Each argued that China needed to seriously change in some way. Most reverted to less radical and more Confucian positions in their later years. Their arguments tended to be utilitarian rather than rooted in natural rights (of the 11, only Liu can fairly be said to be a true proponent of natural rights and liberal democracy). When liberalism or democracy are advocated for, it tends to be not as an end but as a means to the end of Wealth and Power (the same could probably be said for Marxism). Unsurprisingly then, the need for an authoritarian prelude to self-government is common. Little if any respect is shown toward the Chinese people, even while the Chinese nation is viewed worshipfully.


As is to be expected, Communist China gets a great deal of attention. Mao and Deng are the only 2 of the 11 to get double chapters. It's interesting to both see how traditional Chinese culture and philosophy influenced the Chinese brand of Marxism and how the Chinese Communist Party differed from its counterpart in Moscow, both favorite topics of Schell and Delury. Mao had a belief in the power of the Great Man, influenced by the great Chinese classical novels, that was at odds with Marxism's economic determinism. He also recognized that rural China was better primed for a Communist revolution than urban China. We hear about the Long March, the Hundred Flowers Movement, and the Great Leap Forward, among others. The authors are perhaps too kind in dealing with Mao's commitment to disruptive change and cultural destruction.

和预想的一样,共产主义中国备受关注。毛和邓是11个人中仅有的2个在多个章节被提到的人。研究传统中国文化和哲学是如何影响中国特色的马克思主义以及研究中国GCD与他们在莫斯科的同志的区别是非常有趣的,这也是Schell 和 Delury最喜欢的话题。毛坚信自己会成为一代伟人,中国史书对他影响很大,也与马克思主义经济决定论不一致。他也认识到相比较于在城市,在中国农村地区更适用开展共产主义革命。我们都听说过长征、双百方针运动和大跃进等等。或许作者过于弱化了毛对破坏和毁灭改革与文化方面所应承担的责任。

Early on the authors describe their works as a "historical reflection on China's `economic miracle.'" I think the scare quotes are fairer than the authors probably do: I'm not convinced there is any economic miracle. In the final chapter they suggest that the incredible destruction wrought under Mao weakened traditional Confucianism--a force against progress--sufficient such that true reform was possible. I think the basic logic of that is fine, but what results at what cost? Tens of millions died, and the "economic miracle" looks like a miracle in large part because Mao's policies led to such incredible poverty. Yes, China now has the second largest economy in the world by GDP, but its per capita income still lags the US, Japan, Taiwan, and even the world average. Dramatic growth is easy when the simplest reforms are available because a country is doing virtually everything wrong. And this growth has come without any attendant real political freedom. Asia for whatever reason has produced several success stories of moving from authoritarianism to constitutionalism, but the intellectual history that Schell and Delury so richly illustrate, China has a deep, deep tradition of nationalistic utilitarianism and no serious tradition of classical liberalism.



I was initially put off by the authors' sometimes tortured metaphors and the format, which is difficult to follow without a good base in Chinese history, but by the end of the book I felt I had an understanding of the "mind of China" I never had before and, more importantly, a grasp on what I still don't know (more known unknowns and fewer unknown knowns). The centrality of national humiliation and the tension between Confucianism and the Legalists is pretty straightforward, albeit necessary to any real understanding of China. More nuanced, and so well explained by Schell and Delury, are the differences between Russia's brand of Marxism and that of China, and differences between party-founder Chen, Mao, and later party leaders. It's also enlightening to see how readily Chinese leaders--including Nationalist leaders--were to adopt Marxist-Leninist principles where they thought useful while discarding others.


Disclosure: I received a complimentary advance e-copy of Wealth and Power via NetGalley.


Good review, excellent. I would, however, suggest that the economic miracle is still in its emergent form. Though the national income levels are still well behind other Asian cultures, I would hypothesize that within the next two decades we will see a consolidated economic miracle that will result in an economy that will outshine the economies of every other country in the world.


【书评三 评分:五星】

Good Understanding -


In the 19th century, efforts to efface national humiliation (until then, China had one of the world's largest economies) and restore China to wealth and power had largely focused on how the West's military technology and economic techniques might be harnessed by China. The early 20th century brought questioning of the wisdom of maintaining its traditional Confucian culture. Mao then pursued destroying China's old core with violent and total resolve (his Cultural Revolution), but also stubbornly squelched anything resembling the practice of capitalism. Nonetheless, the authors contend he may have helped prepare the way for successor Deng Xiaoping to usher in a spectacular new kind of economic growth. The authors also tell us China's leaders were totally pragmatic (it was not ideology driven) about choosing their way, and democracy has not appeared to be the most effective route forward.


Now, after weathering a century and a half of domestic rebellion and foreign aggression, China has learned how to borrow effectively from the West. Deng Xiaoping struck the spark that lit China's rejuvenation by telling his people in the 1980s that it 'to get rich is glorious' and it was 'all right for some people to get rich first.' Hu Jintao (handpicked by Deng, among others) reinforced that progress when he told visitors from Taiwan in 2005 that 'Backwardness incurs beatings by others,' and 'the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has become the unswerving goal that each Chinese generation has striven to realize.' More recently, President Xi Jinping's first speeches as General Secretary in 2013 once again referred to this period of Chinese history.


The authors address the question of why China's economic dynamist began when it did, and has been as successful and durable as it has. They accomplish this by examining the lives of eleven influential officials, activists, and leaders who helped create modern China, beginning with the first Opium War. Why start there? Many Chinese date the start of their modern history to the date when the Qing Dynasty signed the Treaty of Nanjing and capitulated to Great Britain to end the disastrous First Opium War (1839-42). Every Chinese high-school student is expected the know the official narrative dividing Chinese history neatly into pre-Opium War and post-Opium War periods, China's counterpart to Americans learning the preamble of the Declaration of Independence. That began China's questioning the fundamental assumptions of their culture and governance.


Paradoxically, the authors find that one of the most interesting and paradoxical explanations originates with the person deemed to have had such a destructive effect on China's earlier progress - Mao Zedong. His movement to standardize oral language and simplify written language helped unify the nation, while his Cultural Revolution was so great a disaster that it provoked an even more profound cultural revolution - institutionalizing a key element Mao intended to stamp out.


Westerners need to rethink whether democratization was always an essential partner to market-driven growth and national development. Turns out China's painful historical experience has made nationalism a stronger sentiment than democracy or constitutionalism. Many Chinese have made an implicit bargain with the party - as long as they are allowed to enjoy growing wealthier and to pursue a better life, and as long as their country edges closer towards a modicum of world greatness, they will not seek to challenge authoritarian rule.


Yet, the confidence levels of many Chinese lag behind actual achievements in curing the nation's recent historical sense of inferiority. This is perhaps partly because the CCP finds perpetuating the victim culture to be in its interest. Another reason is that the West still regularly criticizes its fundamental values and does not emulate its example; the Chinese are learning that to win that outside respect they first have to treat their own people with respect. Nearby Asian, post-Confucian, and post-colonial societies such as Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea have all moved from authoritarianism to constitutionalism, while new leader Xi Jinping recently warned party leaders about the dangers of following the dreaded footsteps of the former Soviet Union. Perhaps instead China will begin enforcing its own constitution.

Meanwhile, there is also increasing worry that the country will flex its new economic and military muscles. Schell et al see its various South China Sea territory disputes as another dimension of nationalism, of 'payback time.' U.S. presence in the area (including spy flights along its coast) don't help either. And it does have legitimate security concerns about protecting access to various raw materials and trade outlets around the world.


I most enjoyed the section on Deng Xiaoping, the man who led China's turnaround after Mao. He'd seen how Mao's idealism had driven China to the brink of civil war and weakened its economy, as well as how other nations were far ahead of China (Deng admitted in 1973 that China was 40 years behind - both in economic and technology terms. He worked for economic development, undistorted by either Maoist mass politics or individualistic liberal democracy. His writing and speeches largely ignored the subject of traditional Chinese culture and Confucian ideology (Mao's last focus), seeing those topics as distractions from what really was needed - improving material conditions and making China a global powerhouse, while preserving the Party's monopoly on power. Looking at the U.S., Deng saw democracy as creating indecisiveness, inefficiency, instability (one branch of government holding back another; politicians constantly changing positions), and unable to deal with serious problems in a timely manner.


Deftly expressing criticism of the past w/o risking totally rejecting a former leader and the resentment that would create, he said 'Mao was 70% correct and 30% wrong' - the same rating Mao had given himself. Deng also did not suffer from Mao's insecurity vs. intellectual, and one of his first acts was to reverse the political verdicts on nearly 3 million party cadre and intellectuals branded 'class enemies' and persecuted during the Cultural Revolution. This won him many friends among the elite and provided the government with a vast new reservoir of well-educated individuals with technical skills. 'Pragmatism' was Deng's focus - 'From this day forward, we renounce class struggle as the central focus, and instead take up economic development as our central focus' (1978, upon taking the reins), 'Practice is the sole determinant of truth,' 'Seek truth from facts,' 'Poverty is not socialism,' 'The Purpose of socialism is to make a country rich and strong.' Deng himself traveled to the U.S. and Europe, and regularly pumped foreign visitors for their ideas on improvement; one of his most effective techniques was sending officials abroad to look and study, reversing a century of Chinese resistance to and ambivalence about learning from the West. ('Only when we recognize that we are backward will we progress.') Upon return, they were looked upon as valuable assets - eg. Xi Jinping, now president, was a staff member on a military delegation to the Pentagon in 1980 and member of an agricultural delegation to Iowa in 1985. Supported incentivizing productivity, private entrepreneurialism, and decentralized economic decision-making, and hired as his architects Zhao Ziyang and Zhu Rongi who later became premiers.


Demanded local officials boldly experiment, sometimes there experiments were illegal but Deng let them proceed and succeed/fail on their own merits. One of the first, and most important, was the de-communalization of agriculture. Another was 'town and village enterprises' (TVEs) that were local public-private joint ventures allowed to side-step existing limits on the number of employees. A third was Special Economic Zones (SEZs) piloted near Hong Kong and Taiwan. The first proposal came from Guangdong Province governor Xi Zhongxun, father the current president. Xi also had hero status from the 1930s anti-Japanese resistance. Overseeing this new project was Sichuan party secretary Zhao Ziyang who had earlier encouraged marketization reform and separating party management from industrial management. He too later became premier.

邓小平要求当地官员大胆试验,虽然有时候这些试验是非法的,但是邓小平鼓励他们在自己擅长的领域去探索、成功与失败。第一类,也是最重要的试验,是农业去公社化。第二类是乡镇企业(TVEs),它采用公私合营实行双轨制,允许招聘有限数量的员工。第三类是经济特区(SEZs),它们靠近香港和台湾。第一类方案来自广东省委书记习仲勋,他也是现任中国国家主席X的父亲。习仲勋同时是20世纪30年代的抗日战争的战斗英雄。监督该项新项目实施的是时任四川省委书记Zhao ZiYang,他更早地鼓励市场化改革与政企分离。他后来成为国家总理。

1984 brought the peak of Deng's popularity. Then came inflation, party cadres exploiting the difference between state-set and market prices, softening employment, and eventually the 1989 Tiananmen demonstrations. Deng saw the latter as risking civil war and the CCP's authority and eventually ordered the PLA to restore order. Given Deng's prior reactions to eg. Fang Lizhi (high-level physics professor and official at a leading university - lost his position and was expelled from the CCP) and a much earlier protester (1978 - jailed for 15 years), the wonder is that the protests were allowed to continue as long as they were.

在1984年,邓小平的声望达到巅峰。随后就是通货膨胀,党的干部利用双轨制获利,失业潮,并逐渐发展成80年代最后一年的XXXXX。邓小平从后者中看到了内战和我党权威被挑战的风险,逐渐命令JD重建秩序。鉴于邓小平优先选择与Fang Lizhi(高级物理教授和大学领导,被开除党籍,失去地位)和某位更早的抗议者(1978年,15年入狱)交流,这些抗议者们令人惊奇地被允许继续抗议——只要他们愿意。

Concluding, the authors believe China's new leader is a Deng-type economic reformer, and that stability is much more highly valued in China than most Westerners realize - allowing foundations to become firmer. Thus, a privatized economy would be scary for CCP leadership - it would lose influence and have to contend with too much private power and influence. And the middle and upper classes, while perhaps wanting greater freedom and openness, also want government to protect their interests. As for Taiwan, they believe China would be wise to simply bide its time - Taiwan will voluntarily return when China becomes more democratic. Meanwhile, the U.S. has been unable to act on global warming, a concern that will significantly affect both nations (China probably more), that requires worldwide action that would bring the two nations closer together.
Bottom-Line: 'Wealth and Power' provides excellent insight into why the Chinese behave as they have in recent years.


转自龙腾 http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-332484-1-1.html


Most Helpful Customer Reviews  

【书评一 评分:五星】

"When the country is humiliated, its spirit will be aroused." Wei Yuan, 1842

“国难当头,国民精神雄起” (此为个人翻译,原话不知在哪)。魏源,1842

"From 'Our technology is not as good as other people's,' to 'Our political system is not as good as other people's,' and on to 'Our culture is not as good as other people's,' Chinese reflections on our own defects probed ever deeper. But the primary mind-set that guided the probing was neither 'liberation of humanity,' nor even 'enriching people,' but rather a sense of shame at China's loss of sovereignty and other national humiliations."


These words of Nobel Prize winning dissident, Liu Xiaobo, give a rather neat summary of the arguments put forward in this fascinating and thought-provoking study of the Chinese psyche over the last 150 years or so, as evidenced and influenced by its greatest intellectuals, writers and leaders. The aim of the authors is to shed some light on how, in the last three decades, China has risen out of the poverty and political turmoil of the preceding century to become one of the richest and most powerful nations in the world.


The authors show how the encroachment of the Western empires and defeats at the hands of enemies within and without led, not just to the fall of the empire at the beginning of the twentieth century, but to the creation of a national mind-set that has kept the aim of achieving 'wealth and power' at the heart of Chinese politics ever since. The succession of military defeats and subsequent 'unequal treaties', which forced China to pay punitive reparations and give territory and access to foreign states, led to a spirit of 'national humiliation'. Far from allowing this to become a negative factor, however, successive intellectuals and leaders used it as a spur to galvanise China into a process of 'self-strengthening'. At the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century, the main thrust was to borrow what was needed from the West in terms of technical and scientific knowledge, while maintaining the existing Confucian culture. But the authors show how, as that failed to make China strong enough to defy the many circling predators, gradually some intellectuals began to believe that there must be a period of 'destruction' of cultural sacred cows before 'construction' of a new and stronger state could begin.


Each chapter focuses on one man, a leading intellectual or politician, taking us gradually through the decades from the end of the Opium wars to the present day. The emphasis is not on the events of any given period, although of course they are referenced and highlighted. Rather, the authors concentrate on the writings and speeches of each man, showing how each generation of political thought adopted, rejected or built on the ideas of the one before. Many of the people who are discussed were entirely unknown to me, especially those prior to WW2, but the authors create a continuous chain of intellectual development, clearly showing how and why ideas were influenced by, and adjusted in reaction to, events at home or abroad.


The authors take a sympathetic approach to their subject - in the afterword they tell us that the book is part of a project undertaken by the Center on US-China Relations at the Asia Society in New York to examine China's reform movement and transition to modernity. They attempt, successfully in my view, to explain to a Western audience the cultural differences that have enabled China to follow a path that seems, to our eyes, doomed to fail - to build a society that values the acquisition of 'wealth and power' above things that we see as essential for progress: intellectual freedom, human rights, democracy.


While in no way condoning the horrors of the era of Mao Zedong and the Cultural Revolution, they suggest that this period of destructiveness may in fact have cleared the way, culturally, for the creation under Deng Xiaoping of the 'Leninist capitalist' system that has enabled China to become the powerhouse it is today. An unequal society, yes, and with repression still at its core, but a country governed largely with the consent of its people nonetheless.


They end with some informed speculation about where next for China - having gained 'wealth and power' will they use that power to bully other nations as they were bullied in their nineteenth century weakness? Or will they, from a position of strength, continue to open up their society and perhaps gradually move towards an intellectual position and political system more closely aligned with the West?


I found this a lengthier read than its size would necessarily suggest, since after every few pages I would discover that I was staring at a wall and thinking. It has challenged and changed my pre-existing assumptions, certainly about China's culture and system of government but perhaps also about our own. It has gone a long way towards answering the question why China, alone of all the major states that adopted authoritarian non-democratic systems during the twentieth century, seems eventually to have made a relative success of it while retaining the support of the majority of its citizens.


Apologies for the length of this review, but I still feel I've given the merest glimpse into this highly illuminating and thought-provoking read. I can't recommend it highly enough to anyone who is interested in understanding the psyche of a nation that seems destined soon to be the wealthiest and most powerful of all.


NB This book was provided for review by the publisher.



Excellent review. I'm a third of the way through reading this for a second time. The best book I've read assessing the emerging history of China since the first Opium War. The authors descriptions of Empress Dowager Cixi are diametrically opposite those of Jung Chang, and in my opinion, much more objective. Both of Jung Chang's books on (Cixi and Mao) portray a prejudice which she is incapable of hiding through her writings.


Thanks! This is the only book I've read about this period of history and, as you'll know from my review, I found it fascinating. And while I can't comment on its accuracy, I can certainly say I found the arguments very convincing. It seemed to me the authors were sympathetic rather than biased towards the Chinese viewpoint, if that makes sense.


【书评二 评分:五星】

An Intellectual History of Modern China


Wealth and Power follows Chinese history from the Opium Wars to today. Modern Chinese history is generally considered to have begun with the Treaty of Nanjing at the close of the first Opium War. Schell and Delury see special significance is using that first great humiliation of China at the hands of the modern world as the starting point, central to a thesis they use to explore Chinese history through its intellectual history. Roughly, that thesis is that modern Chinese history is best understood as a reaction to its modern humiliation, the desire to strengthen itself and overcome that humiliation by achieving "wealth and power," and the tension that created with traditional Confucianism. The underlying intellectual tension in modern Chinese history then, is between conservative family-centric thinking and conservative state-centric thinking. It's thinking that dates back to the old conflict between Confucians and the Legalists, philosophical adversaries to the Confucians whose mantra was Wealth and Power. It's a conflict that predates and leaves precious little room for classical liberalism or even Marxism.

财富和权力 讲述了自鸦片战争至今的中国历史。现代中国史通常认为是始于 南京条约,终于第一次鸦片战争。Schell 和 Delury 看到了用中国在现代世界第一次巨大的耻辱做为起点的重要意义。文章的重点是 他们 通过知识分子的历史 去探索中国历史。总体上,从现代中国耻辱的角度, 此文是最容易理解的现代中国历史,通过自强的渴望和战胜羞辱 实现“财富和权力”,这种紧张源于传统的儒家学说。在现代中国历史 这种潜在的知识分子的紧张,介于 保守的家族中心思想和 保守的国家中心思想。这种思想可以追溯到旧有的儒家思想和法家思想 的冲突上,儒家哲学对手的宝典“财富和权力” 。这种冲突早于有一席之地的传统自由主义 甚至 马克思主义。

In service of this thesis, Schell and Delury dispense with a traditional narrative history in favor of focusing on 11 "iconic intellectuals and leaders, reformers and revolutionaries." The 11 are: Wei Yuan (born in 1794, died in 1857), Feng Guifen (1809-1874), the Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908), Liang Qichao (1873-1929), Sun Yat-Sen (1866-1925), Chen Duxiu (1879-1942), Chiang Kai-Shek (1887-1975), Mao Zedong (1893-1976), Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997), Zhu Rongji (1928-), and Liu Xiaobo (1955-). They are a mix of scholar-official civil servants (sharing the experience of failing at least one examination), writers, dissidents, and leaders of the Republic of China and in the Nationalist and Communist parties, as well as one (and, tellingly, only one) member of the royal family. They share much in common. Each argued that China needed to seriously change in some way. Most reverted to less radical and more Confucian positions in their later years. Their arguments tended to be utilitarian rather than rooted in natural rights (of the 11, only Liu can fairly be said to be a true proponent of natural rights and liberal democracy). When liberalism or democracy are advocated for, it tends to be not as an end but as a means to the end of Wealth and Power (the same could probably be said for Marxism). Unsurprisingly then, the need for an authoritarian prelude to self-government is common. Little if any respect is shown toward the Chinese people, even while the Chinese nation is viewed worshipfully.


As is to be expected, Communist China gets a great deal of attention. Mao and Deng are the only 2 of the 11 to get double chapters. It's interesting to both see how traditional Chinese culture and philosophy influenced the Chinese brand of Marxism and how the Chinese Communist Party differed from its counterpart in Moscow, both favorite topics of Schell and Delury. Mao had a belief in the power of the Great Man, influenced by the great Chinese classical novels, that was at odds with Marxism's economic determinism. He also recognized that rural China was better primed for a Communist revolution than urban China. We hear about the Long March, the Hundred Flowers Movement, and the Great Leap Forward, among others. The authors are perhaps too kind in dealing with Mao's commitment to disruptive change and cultural destruction.

和预想的一样,共产主义中国备受关注。毛和邓是11个人中仅有的2个在多个章节被提到的人。研究传统中国文化和哲学是如何影响中国特色的马克思主义以及研究中国GCD与他们在莫斯科的同志的区别是非常有趣的,这也是Schell 和 Delury最喜欢的话题。毛坚信自己会成为一代伟人,中国史书对他影响很大,也与马克思主义经济决定论不一致。他也认识到相比较于在城市,在中国农村地区更适用开展共产主义革命。我们都听说过长征、双百方针运动和大跃进等等。或许作者过于弱化了毛对破坏和毁灭改革与文化方面所应承担的责任。

Early on the authors describe their works as a "historical reflection on China's `economic miracle.'" I think the scare quotes are fairer than the authors probably do: I'm not convinced there is any economic miracle. In the final chapter they suggest that the incredible destruction wrought under Mao weakened traditional Confucianism--a force against progress--sufficient such that true reform was possible. I think the basic logic of that is fine, but what results at what cost? Tens of millions died, and the "economic miracle" looks like a miracle in large part because Mao's policies led to such incredible poverty. Yes, China now has the second largest economy in the world by GDP, but its per capita income still lags the US, Japan, Taiwan, and even the world average. Dramatic growth is easy when the simplest reforms are available because a country is doing virtually everything wrong. And this growth has come without any attendant real political freedom. Asia for whatever reason has produced several success stories of moving from authoritarianism to constitutionalism, but the intellectual history that Schell and Delury so richly illustrate, China has a deep, deep tradition of nationalistic utilitarianism and no serious tradition of classical liberalism.



I was initially put off by the authors' sometimes tortured metaphors and the format, which is difficult to follow without a good base in Chinese history, but by the end of the book I felt I had an understanding of the "mind of China" I never had before and, more importantly, a grasp on what I still don't know (more known unknowns and fewer unknown knowns). The centrality of national humiliation and the tension between Confucianism and the Legalists is pretty straightforward, albeit necessary to any real understanding of China. More nuanced, and so well explained by Schell and Delury, are the differences between Russia's brand of Marxism and that of China, and differences between party-founder Chen, Mao, and later party leaders. It's also enlightening to see how readily Chinese leaders--including Nationalist leaders--were to adopt Marxist-Leninist principles where they thought useful while discarding others.


Disclosure: I received a complimentary advance e-copy of Wealth and Power via NetGalley.


Good review, excellent. I would, however, suggest that the economic miracle is still in its emergent form. Though the national income levels are still well behind other Asian cultures, I would hypothesize that within the next two decades we will see a consolidated economic miracle that will result in an economy that will outshine the economies of every other country in the world.


【书评三 评分:五星】

Good Understanding -


In the 19th century, efforts to efface national humiliation (until then, China had one of the world's largest economies) and restore China to wealth and power had largely focused on how the West's military technology and economic techniques might be harnessed by China. The early 20th century brought questioning of the wisdom of maintaining its traditional Confucian culture. Mao then pursued destroying China's old core with violent and total resolve (his Cultural Revolution), but also stubbornly squelched anything resembling the practice of capitalism. Nonetheless, the authors contend he may have helped prepare the way for successor Deng Xiaoping to usher in a spectacular new kind of economic growth. The authors also tell us China's leaders were totally pragmatic (it was not ideology driven) about choosing their way, and democracy has not appeared to be the most effective route forward.


Now, after weathering a century and a half of domestic rebellion and foreign aggression, China has learned how to borrow effectively from the West. Deng Xiaoping struck the spark that lit China's rejuvenation by telling his people in the 1980s that it 'to get rich is glorious' and it was 'all right for some people to get rich first.' Hu Jintao (handpicked by Deng, among others) reinforced that progress when he told visitors from Taiwan in 2005 that 'Backwardness incurs beatings by others,' and 'the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has become the unswerving goal that each Chinese generation has striven to realize.' More recently, President Xi Jinping's first speeches as General Secretary in 2013 once again referred to this period of Chinese history.


The authors address the question of why China's economic dynamist began when it did, and has been as successful and durable as it has. They accomplish this by examining the lives of eleven influential officials, activists, and leaders who helped create modern China, beginning with the first Opium War. Why start there? Many Chinese date the start of their modern history to the date when the Qing Dynasty signed the Treaty of Nanjing and capitulated to Great Britain to end the disastrous First Opium War (1839-42). Every Chinese high-school student is expected the know the official narrative dividing Chinese history neatly into pre-Opium War and post-Opium War periods, China's counterpart to Americans learning the preamble of the Declaration of Independence. That began China's questioning the fundamental assumptions of their culture and governance.


Paradoxically, the authors find that one of the most interesting and paradoxical explanations originates with the person deemed to have had such a destructive effect on China's earlier progress - Mao Zedong. His movement to standardize oral language and simplify written language helped unify the nation, while his Cultural Revolution was so great a disaster that it provoked an even more profound cultural revolution - institutionalizing a key element Mao intended to stamp out.


Westerners need to rethink whether democratization was always an essential partner to market-driven growth and national development. Turns out China's painful historical experience has made nationalism a stronger sentiment than democracy or constitutionalism. Many Chinese have made an implicit bargain with the party - as long as they are allowed to enjoy growing wealthier and to pursue a better life, and as long as their country edges closer towards a modicum of world greatness, they will not seek to challenge authoritarian rule.


Yet, the confidence levels of many Chinese lag behind actual achievements in curing the nation's recent historical sense of inferiority. This is perhaps partly because the CCP finds perpetuating the victim culture to be in its interest. Another reason is that the West still regularly criticizes its fundamental values and does not emulate its example; the Chinese are learning that to win that outside respect they first have to treat their own people with respect. Nearby Asian, post-Confucian, and post-colonial societies such as Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea have all moved from authoritarianism to constitutionalism, while new leader Xi Jinping recently warned party leaders about the dangers of following the dreaded footsteps of the former Soviet Union. Perhaps instead China will begin enforcing its own constitution.

Meanwhile, there is also increasing worry that the country will flex its new economic and military muscles. Schell et al see its various South China Sea territory disputes as another dimension of nationalism, of 'payback time.' U.S. presence in the area (including spy flights along its coast) don't help either. And it does have legitimate security concerns about protecting access to various raw materials and trade outlets around the world.


I most enjoyed the section on Deng Xiaoping, the man who led China's turnaround after Mao. He'd seen how Mao's idealism had driven China to the brink of civil war and weakened its economy, as well as how other nations were far ahead of China (Deng admitted in 1973 that China was 40 years behind - both in economic and technology terms. He worked for economic development, undistorted by either Maoist mass politics or individualistic liberal democracy. His writing and speeches largely ignored the subject of traditional Chinese culture and Confucian ideology (Mao's last focus), seeing those topics as distractions from what really was needed - improving material conditions and making China a global powerhouse, while preserving the Party's monopoly on power. Looking at the U.S., Deng saw democracy as creating indecisiveness, inefficiency, instability (one branch of government holding back another; politicians constantly changing positions), and unable to deal with serious problems in a timely manner.


Deftly expressing criticism of the past w/o risking totally rejecting a former leader and the resentment that would create, he said 'Mao was 70% correct and 30% wrong' - the same rating Mao had given himself. Deng also did not suffer from Mao's insecurity vs. intellectual, and one of his first acts was to reverse the political verdicts on nearly 3 million party cadre and intellectuals branded 'class enemies' and persecuted during the Cultural Revolution. This won him many friends among the elite and provided the government with a vast new reservoir of well-educated individuals with technical skills. 'Pragmatism' was Deng's focus - 'From this day forward, we renounce class struggle as the central focus, and instead take up economic development as our central focus' (1978, upon taking the reins), 'Practice is the sole determinant of truth,' 'Seek truth from facts,' 'Poverty is not socialism,' 'The Purpose of socialism is to make a country rich and strong.' Deng himself traveled to the U.S. and Europe, and regularly pumped foreign visitors for their ideas on improvement; one of his most effective techniques was sending officials abroad to look and study, reversing a century of Chinese resistance to and ambivalence about learning from the West. ('Only when we recognize that we are backward will we progress.') Upon return, they were looked upon as valuable assets - eg. Xi Jinping, now president, was a staff member on a military delegation to the Pentagon in 1980 and member of an agricultural delegation to Iowa in 1985. Supported incentivizing productivity, private entrepreneurialism, and decentralized economic decision-making, and hired as his architects Zhao Ziyang and Zhu Rongi who later became premiers.


Demanded local officials boldly experiment, sometimes there experiments were illegal but Deng let them proceed and succeed/fail on their own merits. One of the first, and most important, was the de-communalization of agriculture. Another was 'town and village enterprises' (TVEs) that were local public-private joint ventures allowed to side-step existing limits on the number of employees. A third was Special Economic Zones (SEZs) piloted near Hong Kong and Taiwan. The first proposal came from Guangdong Province governor Xi Zhongxun, father the current president. Xi also had hero status from the 1930s anti-Japanese resistance. Overseeing this new project was Sichuan party secretary Zhao Ziyang who had earlier encouraged marketization reform and separating party management from industrial management. He too later became premier.

邓小平要求当地官员大胆试验,虽然有时候这些试验是非法的,但是邓小平鼓励他们在自己擅长的领域去探索、成功与失败。第一类,也是最重要的试验,是农业去公社化。第二类是乡镇企业(TVEs),它采用公私合营实行双轨制,允许招聘有限数量的员工。第三类是经济特区(SEZs),它们靠近香港和台湾。第一类方案来自广东省委书记习仲勋,他也是现任中国国家主席X的父亲。习仲勋同时是20世纪30年代的抗日战争的战斗英雄。监督该项新项目实施的是时任四川省委书记Zhao ZiYang,他更早地鼓励市场化改革与政企分离。他后来成为国家总理。

1984 brought the peak of Deng's popularity. Then came inflation, party cadres exploiting the difference between state-set and market prices, softening employment, and eventually the 1989 Tiananmen demonstrations. Deng saw the latter as risking civil war and the CCP's authority and eventually ordered the PLA to restore order. Given Deng's prior reactions to eg. Fang Lizhi (high-level physics professor and official at a leading university - lost his position and was expelled from the CCP) and a much earlier protester (1978 - jailed for 15 years), the wonder is that the protests were allowed to continue as long as they were.

在1984年,邓小平的声望达到巅峰。随后就是通货膨胀,党的干部利用双轨制获利,失业潮,并逐渐发展成80年代最后一年的XXXXX。邓小平从后者中看到了内战和我党权威被挑战的风险,逐渐命令JD重建秩序。鉴于邓小平优先选择与Fang Lizhi(高级物理教授和大学领导,被开除党籍,失去地位)和某位更早的抗议者(1978年,15年入狱)交流,这些抗议者们令人惊奇地被允许继续抗议——只要他们愿意。

Concluding, the authors believe China's new leader is a Deng-type economic reformer, and that stability is much more highly valued in China than most Westerners realize - allowing foundations to become firmer. Thus, a privatized economy would be scary for CCP leadership - it would lose influence and have to contend with too much private power and influence. And the middle and upper classes, while perhaps wanting greater freedom and openness, also want government to protect their interests. As for Taiwan, they believe China would be wise to simply bide its time - Taiwan will voluntarily return when China becomes more democratic. Meanwhile, the U.S. has been unable to act on global warming, a concern that will significantly affect both nations (China probably more), that requires worldwide action that would bring the two nations closer together.
Bottom-Line: 'Wealth and Power' provides excellent insight into why the Chinese behave as they have in recent years.


转自龙腾 http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-332484-1-1.html
