日外相赴伦敦做入常游说 以期获非洲国家支持

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 16:14:48
中新网7月24日电 据路透社报道,日本外相町村信孝24日离开日本前往伦敦,准备就日本想获得联合国安理会常任理事国地位一事做最后的游说,以期得到一些非洲国家的支持。
被称为四国联盟(G4)的日本、德国、巴西以及印度正在与非洲联盟(AU)谈判有关扩大联合国安理会的事宜,此前G4和AU分别提出了各自的扩大安理会的提议。G4希望将安理会成员国扩大到25个,其中包括6个新的常任理事国,但这些新增加的常任理事国将不拥有否决权。AU则希望安理会成员国扩大到 26个,其中新增加5个非常任理事国,而且其提议新增加的常任理事国应该拥有否决权。
分析人士称,如果G4的提议未能获得通过,尤其是如果亚洲国家对日本入常表示反对,那对日本而言将是很难堪的。纽约哥伦比亚大学的政治科学系教授杰拉尔德·科蒂斯表示:“将真正让日本外务省感到震惊的是,很多亚洲国家不赞成G4的提议,哪怕是很依赖日本援助的印度尼西亚也是这样,那将显示日本在这个问题上是多么失败。”(春风)中新网7月24日电 据路透社报道,日本外相町村信孝24日离开日本前往伦敦,准备就日本想获得联合国安理会常任理事国地位一事做最后的游说,以期得到一些非洲国家的支持。
被称为四国联盟(G4)的日本、德国、巴西以及印度正在与非洲联盟(AU)谈判有关扩大联合国安理会的事宜,此前G4和AU分别提出了各自的扩大安理会的提议。G4希望将安理会成员国扩大到25个,其中包括6个新的常任理事国,但这些新增加的常任理事国将不拥有否决权。AU则希望安理会成员国扩大到 26个,其中新增加5个非常任理事国,而且其提议新增加的常任理事国应该拥有否决权。
Japan to Make Last - Minute Push for UN Council Seat

Published: July 24, 2005
Filed at 1:26 a.m. ET
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura left for London on Sunday for a last-ditch effort to gain support from African states for Japan's bid to become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.
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Machimura may skip a series of regional meetings in Laos from Wednesday, including an Asia-Pacific security conference, to focus on the U.N. campaign, even though his absence could be seen as a slight by some Asian countries.
Japan has stepped up a decade-old drive for a permanent seat, eager to win diplomatic status equal to its economic clout and its 20 percent share of the world body's bills, but it has met opposition from China and U.S. support has beeen half-hearted.
Japan, Germany, Brazil and India, known as the Group of Four (G4), are negotiating with the African Union (AU) over competing proposals to enlarge the 15-member U.N. Security Council.
The G4 wants an expansion to 25 seats, including six new permanent members who would not have veto powers.
The African Union wants a 26-member council, with five new non-permanent seats rather than the G4's four, and it advocates veto powers for new permanent members.
Machimura and his G4 counterparts will meet AU foreign ministers in London on Monday to try to forge a joint resolution.
The G4 is hoping for a U.N. General Assembly vote on a resolution -- the first step needed for Security Council expansion -- by the end of the month.
They need substantial support from the 53-member African Union to have any hope of gaining the two-thirds approval in the 191-member General Assembly needed for changing the composition of the council.
``If we have the feeling that we will get 35-plus African votes, we want a vote in July. But this is a G-4 decision on when we want to vote,'' Brazil's deputy U.N. ambassador, Henrique Valle, told reporters in New York on Saturday.
If the London talks open the way to a General Assembly vote, Machimura may fly to New York and skip the meetings in Laos from July 27-29, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said.
``If there is to be a vote this month, there will probably be discussions among ... various countries in New York,'' Foreign Ministry spokesman Hatsuhisa Takashima said on Friday.
The last step for enlargement involves a change in the U.N. Charter and would need approval from the five current permanent council members, which include China.
Japan's relations with China have been strained by a series of disputes and its U.N. bid was among the factors that triggered violent anti-Japanese protests in Chinese cities in April.
``This is a difficult proposal ... It is hard to tell until the final stage,'' Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi told reporters on Friday, when asked about the prospects for the G4 proposal.
Failure could spark annoyance with Washington and anger at China among Japanese lawmakers, already irked by Beijing's criticism of Koizumi's visits to a Tokyo shrine for war dead where convicted war criminals are also honored.
It would also cause deep embarrassment, especially if it highlighted a lack of Asian support for the Japanese bid.
``What really shocked the Foreign Ministry was that no significant Asian country sponsored the proposal, not even Indonesia, which relies heavily on Japanese aid,'' said Gerald Curtis, a political science professor at New York's Columbia University. ``It shows how poorly it's been handled.''