叙利亚戴尔祖尔的自油军:如果这周末西方的援助不到账就 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/30 00:02:53

http://edition.cnn.com/2014/07/0 ... ivil-war/index.html

Floodgates open as ISIS takes over swaths of both Syria and Iraq

(CNN) -- After three years of seesaw battles with the regime, Syrian rebels now face another daunting challenge: fending off radical Sunni militants who are taking over swaths of the country.

The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has gained notoriety in recent weeks after capturing city after city in Iraq. It's goal: To create a caliphate, or Islamic state, spanning Iraq and Syria.

Now, the crises in both countries are blending into a combined regional disaster as ISIS now controls land on both sides of the border -- opening the floodgates for weapons and fighters between Syria and Iraq

All the cities between Deir Ezzor city and the Iraq border -- a stretch of 90 miles (150 kilometers) -- have fallen to ISIS, said Omar Abu Leila, a spokesman for the rebel Free Syrian Army.
所有在戴尔祖尔市和伊拉克边境之间的城镇——大约90英里(150公里)长的地带,全部落入ISIS之手,一位自油军的发言人,Omar Abu Leila说到。

Deir Ezzor itself is controlled partly by the government and partly by opposition militants, he said.

That's not all. ISIS also took over six Syrian oil and gas fields and a major pumping station that distributes oil from Iraq into Syria, Abu Leila said.
但这并不是全部,ISIS也拿下了叙利亚的6块油气田和通往伊拉克的主要的泵站, Abu Leila说到。

The captures include the al-Omar oil field, Syria's largest oil facility that can produce 75,000 barrels of oil a day. ISIS has also seized a military airport and a local army base.
ISIS占领的区域包括 al-Oma油田——叙利亚最大的油田。它每天可以产75,000桶油。ISIS同时还控制了一所军用机场和一个当地的军事基地。

The land grabs by ISIS now stretch from Syria's Deir Ezzor province to the group's recently gained territories in Iraq's Sunni heartland, the opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said.
Some Syrians turn to ISIS
ISIS在叙利亚戴尔祖尔省占领的区域成了恐怖分子的沃土,反对派叙利亚人权组织(SOHR) 说到。一些叙利亚人加入了ISIS。

ISIS has gained not just cities, but also some Syrians' claims of allegiance.

After capturing the town of al-Shahil, ISIS demanded last week that fighters surrender their weapons and repent for fighting ISIS.

The militants then called on residents to leave the town for a week to 10 days until "peace returns to the streets," according to a social media video obtained by activists.
(反对派)军队通过街头的媒体设备呼吁( al-Shahil 镇)居民离开城镇7~10天直到“和平降临街道”

In a video statement, leaders in the town of al-Shahil announced their withdrawal from all anti-ISIS groups.
al-Shahil 镇的(反对派)领导们在一次视频中呼吁所有反ISIS的力量撤退。

A town representative announced by video that they "decided to swear allegiance" to shadowy ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

But about 30,000 people have fled the town, Abu Leila said.

Other Syrians flee

Days after their land grabs across Deir Ezzor province, ISIS militants have not let residents return to the towns of Khsham and Tabyeh, the SOHR said.
在ISIS夺取了戴尔祖尔省的领土后,ISIS军队没有让居民返回Khsham 和 Tabyeh镇,SOHR(叙利亚人权组织)说到。

About 15,000 people lived in each town.

The residents were forced to leave on June 23. They had been told to "accept their repentance" after fighting ISIS, the SOHR said.

ISIS militants have already declared they have set up an Islamic state spanning large areas of the two countries. The group called on Muslims to swear allegiance to the caliphate.

The message claims that the group's territory now spans from Aleppo province in northwestern Syria to Diyala province in eastern Iraq. It announced that ISIS was changing its name to just the "Islamic State."

But both Shia and Sunni Muslims have been deeply offended by the claim.


Syrian rebels demand help
A group of 11 battalions fighting ISIS in Syria has threatened to stop battling the insurgents by the end of this week if they don't get supplies and support from their Western-backed interim government.

The demand, posted on the Facebook page of one of the battalions, was addressed to the Syrian Coalition and the Syrian interim government -- both of which are Western-backed rebel groups fighting the Syrian regime.

"We ask for reinforcement and full support to face (ISIS), and expel them from our land, and stop them from advancing on the liberated cities," the statement said.

"If our call is not answered, we will be forced to lay down our weapons and pull our fighters from the areas we control."

Syrian Coalition spokeswoman Bayan Khatib relayed the group's demands to the media, saying ISIS is not only a threat to Syria, but to the West as well.
叙利亚联合的喉舌Bayan Khatib向媒体重播了这条组织的声明,称ISIS不仅仅是一个对叙利亚的威胁,也是对西方的威胁。

"The Free Syrian Army has made significant gains in Syria, but ISIS has consistently battled them for these areas and often won," Khatib said.
“自油军在叙利亚取得了显著进展(这句我只能呵呵了),但是ISIS持续和他们在这些区域作战并且获胜”,Khatib 说

The demands come after ISIS made advances in Deir Ezzor and, more alarmingly, the suburbs of Aleppo -- Syria's largest city, Khatib said.

The rebels "have been screaming at the top of their lungs for months for assistance that never came," Khatib said. "In their statement, they predict that ISIS will take over all opposition territory in Syria unless decisive action is taken promptly."
自油军“已经在用他们最大的肺活量在呼叫不会到来的支援”,Khatib 说。“在他们的声明中,如果没有下一个决定性的举措的话,他们预测ISIS将夺取所有叙利亚反对派的地盘。”

http://edition.cnn.com/2014/07/0 ... ivil-war/index.html

Floodgates open as ISIS takes over swaths of both Syria and Iraq

(CNN) -- After three years of seesaw battles with the regime, Syrian rebels now face another daunting challenge: fending off radical Sunni militants who are taking over swaths of the country.

The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has gained notoriety in recent weeks after capturing city after city in Iraq. It's goal: To create a caliphate, or Islamic state, spanning Iraq and Syria.

Now, the crises in both countries are blending into a combined regional disaster as ISIS now controls land on both sides of the border -- opening the floodgates for weapons and fighters between Syria and Iraq

All the cities between Deir Ezzor city and the Iraq border -- a stretch of 90 miles (150 kilometers) -- have fallen to ISIS, said Omar Abu Leila, a spokesman for the rebel Free Syrian Army.
所有在戴尔祖尔市和伊拉克边境之间的城镇——大约90英里(150公里)长的地带,全部落入ISIS之手,一位自油军的发言人,Omar Abu Leila说到。

Deir Ezzor itself is controlled partly by the government and partly by opposition militants, he said.

That's not all. ISIS also took over six Syrian oil and gas fields and a major pumping station that distributes oil from Iraq into Syria, Abu Leila said.
但这并不是全部,ISIS也拿下了叙利亚的6块油气田和通往伊拉克的主要的泵站, Abu Leila说到。

The captures include the al-Omar oil field, Syria's largest oil facility that can produce 75,000 barrels of oil a day. ISIS has also seized a military airport and a local army base.
ISIS占领的区域包括 al-Oma油田——叙利亚最大的油田。它每天可以产75,000桶油。ISIS同时还控制了一所军用机场和一个当地的军事基地。

The land grabs by ISIS now stretch from Syria's Deir Ezzor province to the group's recently gained territories in Iraq's Sunni heartland, the opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said.
Some Syrians turn to ISIS
ISIS在叙利亚戴尔祖尔省占领的区域成了恐怖分子的沃土,反对派叙利亚人权组织(SOHR) 说到。一些叙利亚人加入了ISIS。

ISIS has gained not just cities, but also some Syrians' claims of allegiance.

After capturing the town of al-Shahil, ISIS demanded last week that fighters surrender their weapons and repent for fighting ISIS.

The militants then called on residents to leave the town for a week to 10 days until "peace returns to the streets," according to a social media video obtained by activists.
(反对派)军队通过街头的媒体设备呼吁( al-Shahil 镇)居民离开城镇7~10天直到“和平降临街道”

In a video statement, leaders in the town of al-Shahil announced their withdrawal from all anti-ISIS groups.
al-Shahil 镇的(反对派)领导们在一次视频中呼吁所有反ISIS的力量撤退。

A town representative announced by video that they "decided to swear allegiance" to shadowy ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

But about 30,000 people have fled the town, Abu Leila said.

Other Syrians flee

Days after their land grabs across Deir Ezzor province, ISIS militants have not let residents return to the towns of Khsham and Tabyeh, the SOHR said.
在ISIS夺取了戴尔祖尔省的领土后,ISIS军队没有让居民返回Khsham 和 Tabyeh镇,SOHR(叙利亚人权组织)说到。

About 15,000 people lived in each town.

The residents were forced to leave on June 23. They had been told to "accept their repentance" after fighting ISIS, the SOHR said.

ISIS militants have already declared they have set up an Islamic state spanning large areas of the two countries. The group called on Muslims to swear allegiance to the caliphate.

The message claims that the group's territory now spans from Aleppo province in northwestern Syria to Diyala province in eastern Iraq. It announced that ISIS was changing its name to just the "Islamic State."

But both Shia and Sunni Muslims have been deeply offended by the claim.


Syrian rebels demand help
A group of 11 battalions fighting ISIS in Syria has threatened to stop battling the insurgents by the end of this week if they don't get supplies and support from their Western-backed interim government.

The demand, posted on the Facebook page of one of the battalions, was addressed to the Syrian Coalition and the Syrian interim government -- both of which are Western-backed rebel groups fighting the Syrian regime.

"We ask for reinforcement and full support to face (ISIS), and expel them from our land, and stop them from advancing on the liberated cities," the statement said.

"If our call is not answered, we will be forced to lay down our weapons and pull our fighters from the areas we control."

Syrian Coalition spokeswoman Bayan Khatib relayed the group's demands to the media, saying ISIS is not only a threat to Syria, but to the West as well.
叙利亚联合的喉舌Bayan Khatib向媒体重播了这条组织的声明,称ISIS不仅仅是一个对叙利亚的威胁,也是对西方的威胁。

"The Free Syrian Army has made significant gains in Syria, but ISIS has consistently battled them for these areas and often won," Khatib said.
“自油军在叙利亚取得了显著进展(这句我只能呵呵了),但是ISIS持续和他们在这些区域作战并且获胜”,Khatib 说

The demands come after ISIS made advances in Deir Ezzor and, more alarmingly, the suburbs of Aleppo -- Syria's largest city, Khatib said.

The rebels "have been screaming at the top of their lungs for months for assistance that never came," Khatib said. "In their statement, they predict that ISIS will take over all opposition territory in Syria unless decisive action is taken promptly."
自油军“已经在用他们最大的肺活量在呼叫不会到来的支援”,Khatib 说。“在他们的声明中,如果没有下一个决定性的举措的话,他们预测ISIS将夺取所有叙利亚反对派的地盘。”
阿宅发发 发表于 2014-7-9 10:23
自由军玩完了,两面夹攻啊。对于伊斯兰国来说,自由军要被消灭和改编,胜利阵线等组织也需要被收编 ...




"We ask for reinforcement and full support to face (ISIS), and expel them from our land, and stop them from advancing on the liberated cities," the statement said.
“我们要求支援和完整的援助来面对ISIS,阻止他们向被(我们)解放了的城镇进发, 并把他们驱逐出我们的土地。”声明说

roach1234 发表于 2014-7-9 10:36

叙利亚政府军很清楚,不管谁上台,他们在叙利亚都是少数派,输=灭族!这心气 ...
danielcat2 发表于 2014-7-9 10:37

"We ask for reinforcement and full support to face (ISIS), and expel  ...


阿宅发发 发表于 2014-7-9 10:55
MD和其它国家越晚介入,它们要付出的代价就越高,直到谁都无法承受那样的代价,中东的逊尼派地区就是ISIS的 ...
阿宅发发 发表于 2014-7-9 10:25
Fuck_Dick 发表于 2014-7-9 10:35
呵呵   狗咬狗去吧  
真主党这么牛?ISIS不打算现在就大规模进攻什叶派地区的。沙特约旦都是软柿子,和也门的盟友一起进攻沙特 ...

iskinf 发表于 2014-7-9 12:02