【捏造假新闻示众】英国皇家海军将再建造 6 艘 45 型驱 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 05:27:19

英国《简氏防卫》报道:英国政府 13 日发布了“ 国家海洋安全战略报告”,强调了英国在近期和未来都面临着来自俄罗斯的威胁,报告指出俄罗斯军舰在过去一年里通过英吉利海峡的次数比以往都要多,俄罗斯势力向欧洲扩散,以及可能随时来临的新冷战,严重威胁到英国的海上贸易线,英国必须做好准备迎接挑战。

报告指出,世界局势发生了重大变化,英国皇家海军必须保有一支足够抗衡俄罗斯的军事力量,维持英国海军能够在全球部署和作战的实力,英国将会在现在 6 艘45 型驱逐舰的基础上再建造 6 艘来增强英国的海上力量。英国的两艘航母将按时全部服役,并在2020年前完成 26 型护卫舰的建造工作。此外,英国的“机敏级”核潜艇也保留建造数量增加的空间。

报告还指出,海上核力量是英国的最后防线,英国将会维持海基核威慑的能力,已经开启下一代战略核潜艇“ 继承者” 级的准备工作,争取在 2025 年服役取代现役的 “前卫级” 核潜艇。

此外,英国还将更新海岸警卫队的军舰,已经着手设计 “ 蛇” 级近海巡洋舰。

http //www janes com/article/37928/uk-unveils-strategy-for-national-maritime-security

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2014-5-21 00:47 上传

英国《简氏防卫》报道:英国政府 13 日发布了“ 国家海洋安全战略报告”,强调了英国在近期和未来都面临着来自俄罗斯的威胁,报告指出俄罗斯军舰在过去一年里通过英吉利海峡的次数比以往都要多,俄罗斯势力向欧洲扩散,以及可能随时来临的新冷战,严重威胁到英国的海上贸易线,英国必须做好准备迎接挑战。

报告指出,世界局势发生了重大变化,英国皇家海军必须保有一支足够抗衡俄罗斯的军事力量,维持英国海军能够在全球部署和作战的实力,英国将会在现在 6 艘45 型驱逐舰的基础上再建造 6 艘来增强英国的海上力量。英国的两艘航母将按时全部服役,并在2020年前完成 26 型护卫舰的建造工作。此外,英国的“机敏级”核潜艇也保留建造数量增加的空间。

报告还指出,海上核力量是英国的最后防线,英国将会维持海基核威慑的能力,已经开启下一代战略核潜艇“ 继承者” 级的准备工作,争取在 2025 年服役取代现役的 “前卫级” 核潜艇。

此外,英国还将更新海岸警卫队的军舰,已经着手设计 “ 蛇” 级近海巡洋舰。

http //www janes com/article/37928/uk-unveils-strategy-for-national-maritime-security
游骑兵不骑马 发表于 2014-5-21 00:54


近年英国政策向来是大幅削减国防预算来节约政府开支,除非反向大幅增加军费,把水面舰艇规模从2010年国防报告砍到的19艘加回来,否则增购Type 45是痴心妄想,连威尔士亲王号是否入役或者Type 26能不能买到13艘都有疑问了。
弹道飘渺 发表于 2014-5-21 01:00
zyz201 发表于 2014-5-21 01:06
钱从何来啊来自: Android客户端

zyz201 发表于 2014-5-21 01:00
米国一发话,大阴蒂国反应可真快啊,前几天才批评北约其他成员国军费开支不足。这尼玛是和阴蒂国商量好了才 ...

zyz201 发表于 2014-5-21 01:00
米国一发话,大阴蒂国反应可真快啊,前几天才批评北约其他成员国军费开支不足。这尼玛是和阴蒂国商量好了才 ...

涡轮 发表于 2014-5-21 07:42
zyz201 发表于 2014-5-21 01:06
毛子说 好吧 我们比核武器数量 欧洲跟进否?
37690538@qq.com 发表于 2014-5-21 08:10
不知所云 你在说什么
感觉 英国海军为了争军费 把毛子这个好基友拉上了 敌人的敌人就是兄弟 英国海军的敌人是陆军和空军 哈哈
勇敢舰艏前头的地府小鬼图是PS上去的还是真就牛牛就这么玩的?神马品味啊。来自: Android客户端

UK unveils strategy for national maritime security

http://www.janes.com/article/379 ... l-maritime-security

Dr. Lee Willett, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
14 May 2014
The UK government has published for the first time a cross-department maritime security strategy, designed to advance and protect national interests at home and overseas in the maritime environment.

Releasing the UK National Strategy for Maritime Security (NSMS) on 13 May, Foreign Secretary William Hague, Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin, Home Secretary Theresa May, and Defence Secretary Philip Hammond stated that the UK "depend on the sea for [its] prosperity and security".

The strategy, they continued, details how the UK will "organise and use [its] current national capabilities to identify, assess, and address maritime security issues at home and overseas, and how [the UK intends] to improve [its] ability to do so in the future through the most efficient use of available resource".

The four secretaries added that the strategy was designed around "an ambitious but pragmatic approach to the opportunities [the UK] could exploit - so as well as having the capabilities to respond to security incidents, [the UK will] also undertake overseas capacity building, deterrence, and diplomacy to disrupt potential future threats before they appear".

With the NSMS focusing on the need to promote a stable maritime environment and freedom of the seas, but noting that maritime trade and energy security requirements are continuing to expand, building a comprehensive cross-government approach to maritime surveillance, information gathering, and decision-making enhanced by regional and multinational co-operation, sits at the heart of the strategy.

Speaking at the public release of the NSMS at the Chamber of Shipping in London on 13 May, Shipping Minister Stephen Hammond said: "While we need to maintain security, and that need is permanent, the nature of the threats we face changes." Alongside the ability to protect UK trade, he outlined a number of potential risk areas (including for cyber attack), such as: cargo and passenger ships; infrastructure at sea and ashore, including offshore assets and ports; and the transportation of other risks directly into the UK, for example through various forms of trafficking.

With the NSMS in place, attention is already turning to its implementation. Hammond said: "We are improving our knowledge of the threats we face now and are likely to face in the future. We will review the maritime risk assessment biennially to ensure that we remain focused on the threats of greatest concern to UK maritime interests." The shipping minister noted that there is a "clear intention" for the maritime risk assessment to feed into wider the national risk assessment process.

Hammond also announced that the UK's cross-government National Maritime Information Centre (NMIC) will move in 2014 to a new, permanent location. IHS Jane's understands the location to be outside Portsmouth, UK. NMIC was established in 2010 under the Strategic Defence and Security Review and is based currently at the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) Permanent Joint Headquarters in Northwood, UK. Alongside the new location, the UK Border Force will take over as NMIC's lead executive agency.

The minister noted how NMIC brings together maritime information from across government, forges links with international partners, and provides real-time information on maritime activity around the UK to support government decision-making. The relocation is intended to further capitalise on opportunities for co-operation, he said. The MoD's Minister of State for the Armed Forces, Mark Francois, added that NMIC is a "world leader at monitoring maritime threats".

Francois highlighted the enduring role of the UK Royal Navy (RN) in supporting UK maritime security interests, listing examples including: mine countermeasures activity under Operation 'Kipion' in the Gulf; counter-piracy work in the Gulf of Aden; exercises including the 'Joint Warrior' series, and annual deployments such as 'Cougar'; the RN's efforts to support international freedom of navigation at sea; and the recent contribution of the multirole hydrographic and oceanographic survey vessel HMS Echo and Trafalgar-class nuclear-powered attack submarine HMS Tireless to the international search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

Emphasising the role of international co-operation in bolstering opportunities to spot security risks at distance, he detailed the RN's role in a "worldwide web" of maritime security alliances including the three Indian Ocean international counter-piracy task groups - the US-led Combined Maritime Forces, the European Union's Operation 'Atalanta', and NATO's 'Ocean Shield'. Francois pointed also to the close alignment of the NSMS with NATO's Alliance Maritime Strategy.

Responding to a question from IHS Jane's , Francois added that, as part of the holistic, collective approach to maritime security, the role of the UK MoD "is to provide naval capability to support those collective decisions that the government departments come to by this new mechanism [the NSMS] …. [and] to make sure that the Royal Navy is available to execute those decisions".

UK unveils strategy for national maritime security

http://www.janes.com/article/379 ... l-maritime-security

Dr. Lee Willett, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
14 May 2014
The UK government has published for the first time a cross-department maritime security strategy, designed to advance and protect national interests at home and overseas in the maritime environment.

Releasing the UK National Strategy for Maritime Security (NSMS) on 13 May, Foreign Secretary William Hague, Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin, Home Secretary Theresa May, and Defence Secretary Philip Hammond stated that the UK "depend on the sea for [its] prosperity and security".

The strategy, they continued, details how the UK will "organise and use [its] current national capabilities to identify, assess, and address maritime security issues at home and overseas, and how [the UK intends] to improve [its] ability to do so in the future through the most efficient use of available resource".

The four secretaries added that the strategy was designed around "an ambitious but pragmatic approach to the opportunities [the UK] could exploit - so as well as having the capabilities to respond to security incidents, [the UK will] also undertake overseas capacity building, deterrence, and diplomacy to disrupt potential future threats before they appear".

With the NSMS focusing on the need to promote a stable maritime environment and freedom of the seas, but noting that maritime trade and energy security requirements are continuing to expand, building a comprehensive cross-government approach to maritime surveillance, information gathering, and decision-making enhanced by regional and multinational co-operation, sits at the heart of the strategy.

Speaking at the public release of the NSMS at the Chamber of Shipping in London on 13 May, Shipping Minister Stephen Hammond said: "While we need to maintain security, and that need is permanent, the nature of the threats we face changes." Alongside the ability to protect UK trade, he outlined a number of potential risk areas (including for cyber attack), such as: cargo and passenger ships; infrastructure at sea and ashore, including offshore assets and ports; and the transportation of other risks directly into the UK, for example through various forms of trafficking.

With the NSMS in place, attention is already turning to its implementation. Hammond said: "We are improving our knowledge of the threats we face now and are likely to face in the future. We will review the maritime risk assessment biennially to ensure that we remain focused on the threats of greatest concern to UK maritime interests." The shipping minister noted that there is a "clear intention" for the maritime risk assessment to feed into wider the national risk assessment process.

Hammond also announced that the UK's cross-government National Maritime Information Centre (NMIC) will move in 2014 to a new, permanent location. IHS Jane's understands the location to be outside Portsmouth, UK. NMIC was established in 2010 under the Strategic Defence and Security Review and is based currently at the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) Permanent Joint Headquarters in Northwood, UK. Alongside the new location, the UK Border Force will take over as NMIC's lead executive agency.

The minister noted how NMIC brings together maritime information from across government, forges links with international partners, and provides real-time information on maritime activity around the UK to support government decision-making. The relocation is intended to further capitalise on opportunities for co-operation, he said. The MoD's Minister of State for the Armed Forces, Mark Francois, added that NMIC is a "world leader at monitoring maritime threats".

Francois highlighted the enduring role of the UK Royal Navy (RN) in supporting UK maritime security interests, listing examples including: mine countermeasures activity under Operation 'Kipion' in the Gulf; counter-piracy work in the Gulf of Aden; exercises including the 'Joint Warrior' series, and annual deployments such as 'Cougar'; the RN's efforts to support international freedom of navigation at sea; and the recent contribution of the multirole hydrographic and oceanographic survey vessel HMS Echo and Trafalgar-class nuclear-powered attack submarine HMS Tireless to the international search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

Emphasising the role of international co-operation in bolstering opportunities to spot security risks at distance, he detailed the RN's role in a "worldwide web" of maritime security alliances including the three Indian Ocean international counter-piracy task groups - the US-led Combined Maritime Forces, the European Union's Operation 'Atalanta', and NATO's 'Ocean Shield'. Francois pointed also to the close alignment of the NSMS with NATO's Alliance Maritime Strategy.

Responding to a question from IHS Jane's , Francois added that, as part of the holistic, collective approach to maritime security, the role of the UK MoD "is to provide naval capability to support those collective decisions that the government departments come to by this new mechanism [the NSMS] …. [and] to make sure that the Royal Navy is available to execute those decisions".
45是好船啊 可惜太小了兔子看不上了
zydos 发表于 2014-5-21 09:06
估计是在响应MD的号召,欧洲各国会加大对军事的投入,担负起大部分原来MD在欧洲的责任,这样MD就可以从欧洲 ...
彩妆的小丑 发表于 2014-5-21 08:55
xpatrickc 发表于 2014-5-21 09:54
你听英国人放P,还真不如自己YY呢,英国人嘴里有一句实话吗?今天说6艘,明年弄不好就说财政不足取消计划 ...
游骑兵不骑马 发表于 2014-5-21 00:54