[原创翻译]那些在安倍2014新年感言中被遗漏了的语句 日 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 13:15:26

以下为安倍2014年新年感言的全文翻译. (先发日文的, 再发日本官网的英文翻译, 我再发我自己翻译的中文的.)

























内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三

New Year’s Reflection by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

Wednesday, January 1, 2014
发表于2014年1月1日 星期三

  A Happy New Year to everyone.
  One year ago, Japan was facing delayed reconstruction, prolonged deflation and economic stagnation, a series of provocations against our sovereignty, and a crisis in education.  I recall that on New Year’s Day, six days after taking office, I was overflowing with enthusiasm and a strong sense of mission, yet filled with nervous tension at the weighty responsibility before me.
一年前, 我们的国家在面临着重大的问题, 这些问题包括发展滞后不前, 经济衰退, 还有其他的包括教育方面的危机. 那时我刚在就职后的第六天, 我感到无比的困难在我面前, 但与此同时我又充满了活力与热情去面对它们.
  Here we are, one year later.
  Our achievements include substantially transforming our economic policy, joining the negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement, reforming reconstruction efforts after the earthquake disaster, working to bring the Olympic and Paralympic Games to Tokyo, and taking the decision to raise the consumption tax.  We have also newly created a National Security Council and a National Security Strategy and reviewed the National Defense Program Guidelines.  These 365 days of resolute decision-making and action have been a long and arduous path to walk down.
我们过去这一年的成就包括有: 经济方面的改革, 在TPP协定中成功地谈判, 很好地处理了地震带来的灾害, 带来了举办东京奥运会的机遇, 和决定了提高消费税的决定. 我们更在国土安全问题上取得了更高的进展, 我们建立了国土安全和加强了国土安全方面的防范. 以往的365天以来我们走过了艰难的路, 但成果显著.
  Yet the struggle to restore a strong Japan has just begun.  Here as we begin a new year, I have renewed my determination to continue to be highly attentive as we proceed down this long and arduous path.
现在, 夺回强大的日本才刚刚开始. 在新的一年开始之际, 我会全力投入以完成这一目标.
  Even today, the third New Year’s Day since the great earthquake disaster, there are still people taking shelter as evacuees.  We will push forward in rebuilding residences so that as many people as possible are able to ring in the next new year in new housing.  We will steadily move forward in our measures to address the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Company and tackle the issue of contaminated water.  I would like for all the people of Fukushima who have been forced to live evacuated from their hometowns as a result of the nuclear accident to return to their regular ways of life at the earliest possible time.
在地震灾难发生之后的三年, 部分灾区的居民还是不能回到自己的原住地, 我们会加快重建灾区的工作令灾民们在未来一年的今天可以有新的房子落脚. 我们在处理核泄露方面还在努力. 我保证会让所有在这次受核影响的居民尽快地回归到他们以前正常的生活上去.
  With these thoughts firmly in mind, I will accelerate reconstruction even further.
除了目前这些工作, 我会更进一步地把我的工作延伸到其他领域.
  The Japanese economy has transitioned dramatically from negative to positive growth as a result of “three arrows.”  Despite this, we are still only halfway to our goal of breaking free from deflation, which has been engrained into our economy for close to twenty years.  I will continue to spare no effort going forward in order to restore a robust economy.
日本经济已在发生根本的转变, 从衰退进入了发展期. 这都是三个政策的结果. 我们国家在以往的二十个年头中都被通货膨胀所困扰, 而我们现在正在慢慢地走出通货膨胀的阴影. 我会继续努力带领人民创造出更辉煌的经济.
  Our aims will be to expand employment for people who work hard and increase their income.  I will convey a tangible feeling of economic recovery without fail to every corner of the country, notably to small- and medium-sized enterprises and small-scale employers.
我们的目标是提高就业率, 是奖励那些勤奋工作的人, 给予他们更高的工作待遇. 国家的每一个角落都会受带经济增长带来的好处, 尤其是那些小到中型的企业和老板.
  To quote Guan Zhong, who was called an excellent prime minister during China’s Spring and Autumn period,
     When planning for one year, there is nothing better than cultivating grain.
     When planning for ten years, there is nothing better than cultivating trees.
十年可以种植好的树木. (十年养木)
     When planning for a lifetime, there is nothing better than cultivating people.
一百年可以教育好的人才. (百年养人)
  While our responses to the problems facing us immediately are also important, we cannot forget to carve out the future of Japan ten or one hundred years into the future.  In doing so, we must not resort to superficial measures.  Instead, it is imperative to engage in true reforms that ascertain the state of society we seek to achieve.
我们面前的问题固然重要, 但是我们要看到日本十年甚至一百年后的更长远的问题. 因此, 我们必须不限于使用肤浅的, 表面的方法, 我们要进行更深化的改革/改变去完成我们目标中的社会. (我个人感觉这是全文重点啊, 是他要修宪的意思. 他要恢复军国主义了.)
  In a world that is deepening its mutual interdependence, inward-focused thinking is no longer able to safeguard the peace of Japan.  Japan will play an even more proactive role than ever before for world peace and stability.  I am fully confident that this "proactive contribution to peace" is the banner Japan should raise in the 21st century.
目前世界局势各国之间开始拉帮结派, 单纯凭借日本国内的防卫已不能保证日本的安全了. 日本要在世界的和平方面采取更一步的方法去确保世界的和平与稳定, 我深信这是日本在21世纪所应该扮演的角色. (你要扩军嘛, 谁看不出来, 还装13说要在世界和平方面担当重要角色.)
  We will fully defend the lives and assets of our nationals as well as our territory, territorial waters, and territorial airspace in a resolute manner.  We will prepare the foundation that will make this possible.
我们会全力在合理范围内保卫我们的民族, 我们的领土, 我们的领海, 我们的领空. 我们会建立坚实的基础让这一切成为现实.
  Fostering human resources is the best way to “plan for a lifetime.”  We will cultivate human resources that have both high levels of academic achievement and abundant compassion as human beings, who take pride in having been born in Japan.  We will steadily implement reforms in education to bring this about.
对人民的教育是极其重要的, 我们要教育出那些有更高学历水平而同时对国家的建设有极高热情的人民. 我们为生在日本而骄傲. 而教育方面的改革可以让我们达到这一点.
  Moreover, with regard to the Constitution, which expresses the “form of the nation,” it is soon going to be 68 years since its enactment.  I believe that now we should deepen our national discussions further, with a view to introducing amendments that incorporate various changes in the times.
而我们的宪法在上一次修订已是68年亲的事了. 我们需要全民讨论对修改宪法的必要了. (你丫的就是要改.)
  Looking back to New Year’s Day, 1951—the 26th year of Showa in the Japanese calendar—we find Japan still under occupation.  Our course forward as “post-war Japan” started from the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, both signed that year.
在1951年, 那是二战之后的事了, 我们国家因为签定了战败条约, 我们在被他人占领中. 直至今天仍然如此.
  Now it is New Year’s Day, 2013—the 26th year of Heisei.  This is a time at which we in the modern world should again take a great step forward towards building a “new Japan.”
如今, 新年, 我们是时候建立一个"新日本"了.
  Moving forward on the most significant reforms in the post-war era will surely not be an easy task.  We are already well aware of the challenges involved.
想改变现状而改变战后我们的国家状况是一件非常不容易的事, 我们已深深地体会到此事是困难重重的.
  However, what we have now is hope for the future.  This is because politics changed dramatically through the power of the Japanese people in the recent general election and in last year’s House of Councillors election.  The economy has also changed.  And moreover, society is also now changing.
然而, 我们对未来充满. 这是因为日本在经过以往年的政治换班和改变中, 以及社会, 经济各方面的改变, 我们已和以前截然不同.
  That power is found in the people.  I am able to overcome any kind of challenge so long as I am working together with the people.  We can restore “a Japan we can be proud of.”  I feel that way once again here at the start of a new year.
我们的力量来自于人民. 有人民与我同在, 我不怕任何的挑战与困难. 我们要建立一个"新的日本". 我在新年之际再一次有这样的愿望和冲动.
  In closing, I would like to ask for the public’s further understanding and support, and I extend my sincere wishes that this year is a rewarding and wonderful year for each and every one of you.
在最后, 我希望再一恳求人民的支持, 我向大家送去最真挚的新年祝福.

Shinzo Abe
Prime Minister of Japan
January 1, 2014

以下为安倍2014年新年感言的全文翻译. (先发日文的, 再发日本官网的英文翻译, 我再发我自己翻译的中文的.)

























内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三

New Year’s Reflection by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

Wednesday, January 1, 2014
发表于2014年1月1日 星期三

  A Happy New Year to everyone.
  One year ago, Japan was facing delayed reconstruction, prolonged deflation and economic stagnation, a series of provocations against our sovereignty, and a crisis in education.  I recall that on New Year’s Day, six days after taking office, I was overflowing with enthusiasm and a strong sense of mission, yet filled with nervous tension at the weighty responsibility before me.
一年前, 我们的国家在面临着重大的问题, 这些问题包括发展滞后不前, 经济衰退, 还有其他的包括教育方面的危机. 那时我刚在就职后的第六天, 我感到无比的困难在我面前, 但与此同时我又充满了活力与热情去面对它们.
  Here we are, one year later.
  Our achievements include substantially transforming our economic policy, joining the negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement, reforming reconstruction efforts after the earthquake disaster, working to bring the Olympic and Paralympic Games to Tokyo, and taking the decision to raise the consumption tax.  We have also newly created a National Security Council and a National Security Strategy and reviewed the National Defense Program Guidelines.  These 365 days of resolute decision-making and action have been a long and arduous path to walk down.
我们过去这一年的成就包括有: 经济方面的改革, 在TPP协定中成功地谈判, 很好地处理了地震带来的灾害, 带来了举办东京奥运会的机遇, 和决定了提高消费税的决定. 我们更在国土安全问题上取得了更高的进展, 我们建立了国土安全和加强了国土安全方面的防范. 以往的365天以来我们走过了艰难的路, 但成果显著.
  Yet the struggle to restore a strong Japan has just begun.  Here as we begin a new year, I have renewed my determination to continue to be highly attentive as we proceed down this long and arduous path.
现在, 夺回强大的日本才刚刚开始. 在新的一年开始之际, 我会全力投入以完成这一目标.
  Even today, the third New Year’s Day since the great earthquake disaster, there are still people taking shelter as evacuees.  We will push forward in rebuilding residences so that as many people as possible are able to ring in the next new year in new housing.  We will steadily move forward in our measures to address the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Company and tackle the issue of contaminated water.  I would like for all the people of Fukushima who have been forced to live evacuated from their hometowns as a result of the nuclear accident to return to their regular ways of life at the earliest possible time.
在地震灾难发生之后的三年, 部分灾区的居民还是不能回到自己的原住地, 我们会加快重建灾区的工作令灾民们在未来一年的今天可以有新的房子落脚. 我们在处理核泄露方面还在努力. 我保证会让所有在这次受核影响的居民尽快地回归到他们以前正常的生活上去.
  With these thoughts firmly in mind, I will accelerate reconstruction even further.
除了目前这些工作, 我会更进一步地把我的工作延伸到其他领域.
  The Japanese economy has transitioned dramatically from negative to positive growth as a result of “three arrows.”  Despite this, we are still only halfway to our goal of breaking free from deflation, which has been engrained into our economy for close to twenty years.  I will continue to spare no effort going forward in order to restore a robust economy.
日本经济已在发生根本的转变, 从衰退进入了发展期. 这都是三个政策的结果. 我们国家在以往的二十个年头中都被通货膨胀所困扰, 而我们现在正在慢慢地走出通货膨胀的阴影. 我会继续努力带领人民创造出更辉煌的经济.
  Our aims will be to expand employment for people who work hard and increase their income.  I will convey a tangible feeling of economic recovery without fail to every corner of the country, notably to small- and medium-sized enterprises and small-scale employers.
我们的目标是提高就业率, 是奖励那些勤奋工作的人, 给予他们更高的工作待遇. 国家的每一个角落都会受带经济增长带来的好处, 尤其是那些小到中型的企业和老板.
  To quote Guan Zhong, who was called an excellent prime minister during China’s Spring and Autumn period,
     When planning for one year, there is nothing better than cultivating grain.
     When planning for ten years, there is nothing better than cultivating trees.
十年可以种植好的树木. (十年养木)
     When planning for a lifetime, there is nothing better than cultivating people.
一百年可以教育好的人才. (百年养人)
  While our responses to the problems facing us immediately are also important, we cannot forget to carve out the future of Japan ten or one hundred years into the future.  In doing so, we must not resort to superficial measures.  Instead, it is imperative to engage in true reforms that ascertain the state of society we seek to achieve.
我们面前的问题固然重要, 但是我们要看到日本十年甚至一百年后的更长远的问题. 因此, 我们必须不限于使用肤浅的, 表面的方法, 我们要进行更深化的改革/改变去完成我们目标中的社会. (我个人感觉这是全文重点啊, 是他要修宪的意思. 他要恢复军国主义了.)
  In a world that is deepening its mutual interdependence, inward-focused thinking is no longer able to safeguard the peace of Japan.  Japan will play an even more proactive role than ever before for world peace and stability.  I am fully confident that this "proactive contribution to peace" is the banner Japan should raise in the 21st century.
目前世界局势各国之间开始拉帮结派, 单纯凭借日本国内的防卫已不能保证日本的安全了. 日本要在世界的和平方面采取更一步的方法去确保世界的和平与稳定, 我深信这是日本在21世纪所应该扮演的角色. (你要扩军嘛, 谁看不出来, 还装13说要在世界和平方面担当重要角色.)
  We will fully defend the lives and assets of our nationals as well as our territory, territorial waters, and territorial airspace in a resolute manner.  We will prepare the foundation that will make this possible.
我们会全力在合理范围内保卫我们的民族, 我们的领土, 我们的领海, 我们的领空. 我们会建立坚实的基础让这一切成为现实.
  Fostering human resources is the best way to “plan for a lifetime.”  We will cultivate human resources that have both high levels of academic achievement and abundant compassion as human beings, who take pride in having been born in Japan.  We will steadily implement reforms in education to bring this about.
对人民的教育是极其重要的, 我们要教育出那些有更高学历水平而同时对国家的建设有极高热情的人民. 我们为生在日本而骄傲. 而教育方面的改革可以让我们达到这一点.
  Moreover, with regard to the Constitution, which expresses the “form of the nation,” it is soon going to be 68 years since its enactment.  I believe that now we should deepen our national discussions further, with a view to introducing amendments that incorporate various changes in the times.
而我们的宪法在上一次修订已是68年亲的事了. 我们需要全民讨论对修改宪法的必要了. (你丫的就是要改.)
  Looking back to New Year’s Day, 1951—the 26th year of Showa in the Japanese calendar—we find Japan still under occupation.  Our course forward as “post-war Japan” started from the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, both signed that year.
在1951年, 那是二战之后的事了, 我们国家因为签定了战败条约, 我们在被他人占领中. 直至今天仍然如此.
  Now it is New Year’s Day, 2013—the 26th year of Heisei.  This is a time at which we in the modern world should again take a great step forward towards building a “new Japan.”
如今, 新年, 我们是时候建立一个"新日本"了.
  Moving forward on the most significant reforms in the post-war era will surely not be an easy task.  We are already well aware of the challenges involved.
想改变现状而改变战后我们的国家状况是一件非常不容易的事, 我们已深深地体会到此事是困难重重的.
  However, what we have now is hope for the future.  This is because politics changed dramatically through the power of the Japanese people in the recent general election and in last year’s House of Councillors election.  The economy has also changed.  And moreover, society is also now changing.
然而, 我们对未来充满. 这是因为日本在经过以往年的政治换班和改变中, 以及社会, 经济各方面的改变, 我们已和以前截然不同.
  That power is found in the people.  I am able to overcome any kind of challenge so long as I am working together with the people.  We can restore “a Japan we can be proud of.”  I feel that way once again here at the start of a new year.
我们的力量来自于人民. 有人民与我同在, 我不怕任何的挑战与困难. 我们要建立一个"新的日本". 我在新年之际再一次有这样的愿望和冲动.
  In closing, I would like to ask for the public’s further understanding and support, and I extend my sincere wishes that this year is a rewarding and wonderful year for each and every one of you.
在最后, 我希望再一恳求人民的支持, 我向大家送去最真挚的新年祝福.

Shinzo Abe
Prime Minister of Japan
January 1, 2014
写完了. 等待班主审核.
Looking back to New Year’s Day, 1951—the 26th year of Showa in the Japanese calendar—we find Japan still under occupation.  Our course forward as “post-war Japan” started from the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, both signed that year.
在1951年, 那是二战之后的事了, 我们国家因为签定了战败条约, 我们在被他人占领中. 直至今天仍然如此.
  Now it is New Year’s Day, 2013—the 26th year of Heisei.  This is a time at which we in the modern world should again take a great step forward towards building a “new Japan.”
如今, 新年, 我们是时候建立一个"新日本"了.

哈哈  对占领有意见了  说出来就好  说出来就好啊   
阔剑 发表于 2014-1-4 22:32
Looking back to New Year’s Day, 1951—the 26th year of Showa in the Japanese calendar—we find Japa ...
这样做死 鹰酱一点意见都没真大度~鹰酱作死,记得签收核辐射哦~~
不作死就不会死!安培2014走你来自: Android客户端
deflation - 应该是通缩,不是通胀!
大核民族的福岛表示支持安倍  {:soso_e144:}