大马士革南郊传来捷报,政府军拿下Hujayrah (Hejjera) ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/30 12:28:55

Hejjera town of Damascus countryside is under the Syrian Army’s full control.
According to Breaking News Network reporter, Units of the Army have raided strongholds of armed men, inflecting them heavy casualties among their militants.
Breaking News Network reporter said that the Army has taken full control over the town after regaining Hejjera al-Balad and the western side and Gharbah and now is chasing them in the outskirts of the town.
By this way, the Army has paved the way to take full control over al-Ghouta al-Sharqia.

大意是叙利亚政府军完全控制了Hejjera-Balad镇以及Gharbah并继续在城郊清缴恐怖分子,为完全控制Ghouta 和Sharqia铺平了道路(这里可能是解说有误,因为这两个地区在东郊而刚刚解放的Hujayrah 在南郊)。

这次维基更新的比较迅速,战报传来数小时后就进行了更新。占领了Hujayrah 进一步掐断了南郊的补给,并且撕去了南郊恐怖分子大本营Aswad的南部屏障,南郊恐怖分子被净化只是时间问题。另一方面在交战已久的东郊Barzeh最近也获得较大进展,相信不久后就会传来捷报。


Hejjera town of Damascus countryside is under the Syrian Army’s full control.
According to Breaking News Network reporter, Units of the Army have raided strongholds of armed men, inflecting them heavy casualties among their militants.
Breaking News Network reporter said that the Army has taken full control over the town after regaining Hejjera al-Balad and the western side and Gharbah and now is chasing them in the outskirts of the town.
By this way, the Army has paved the way to take full control over al-Ghouta al-Sharqia.

大意是叙利亚政府军完全控制了Hejjera-Balad镇以及Gharbah并继续在城郊清缴恐怖分子,为完全控制Ghouta 和Sharqia铺平了道路(这里可能是解说有误,因为这两个地区在东郊而刚刚解放的Hujayrah 在南郊)。

这次维基更新的比较迅速,战报传来数小时后就进行了更新。占领了Hujayrah 进一步掐断了南郊的补给,并且撕去了南郊恐怖分子大本营Aswad的南部屏障,南郊恐怖分子被净化只是时间问题。另一方面在交战已久的东郊Barzeh最近也获得较大进展,相信不久后就会传来捷报。

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