我们都以为利比亚变了,是的,变成了蛮荒之地!(转自龙 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 20:17:00
Libya has plunged unnoticed into its worst political and economic crisis since the defeat of Gaddafi


A little under two years ago, Philip Hammond, the Defence Secretary, urged British businessmen to begin “packing their suitcases” and to fly to Libya to share in the reconstruction of the country and exploit an anticipated boom in natural resources.
Yet now Libya has almost entirely stopped producing oil as the government loses control of much of the country to militia fighters.


Mutinying security men have taken over oil ports on the Mediterranean and are seeking to sell crude oil on the black market. Ali Zeidan, Libya’s Prime Minister, has threatened to “bomb from the air and the sea” any oil tanker trying to pick up the illicit oil from the oil terminal guards, who are mostly former rebels who overthrew Muammar Gaddafi and have been on strike over low pay and alleged government corruption since July.


As world attention focused on the coup in Egypt and the poison gas attack in Syria over the past two months, Libya has plunged unnoticed into its worst political and economic crisis since the defeat of Gaddafi two years ago. Government authority is disintegrating in all parts of the country putting in doubt claims by American, British and French politicians that Nato’s military action in Libya in 2011 was an outstanding example of a successful foreign military intervention which should be repeated in Syria.


In an escalating crisis little regarded hitherto outside the oil markets, output of Libya’s prized high-quality crude oil has plunged from 1.4 million barrels a day earlier this year to just 160,000 barrels a day now. Despite threats to use military force to retake the oil ports, the government in Tripoli has been unable to move effectively against striking guards and mutinous military units that are linked to secessionist forces in the east of the country.


Libyans are increasingly at the mercy of militias which act outside the law. Popular protests against militiamen have been met with gunfire; 31 demonstrators were shot dead and many others wounded as they protested outside the barracks of “the Libyan Shield Brigade” in the eastern capital Benghazi in June.
Though the Nato intervention against Gaddafi was justified as a humanitarian response to the threat that Gaddafi’s tanks would slaughter dissidents in Benghazi, the international community has ignored the escalating violence. The foreign media, which once filled the hotels of Benghazi and Tripoli, have likewise paid little attention to the near collapse of the central government.


The strikers in the eastern region Cyrenaica, which contains most of Libya’s oil, are part of a broader movement seeking more autonomy and blaming the government for spending oil revenues in the west of the country. Foreigners have mostly fled Benghazi since the American ambassador, Chris Stevens, was murdered in the US consulate by jihadi militiamen last September. Violence has worsened since then with Libya’s military prosecutor Colonel Yussef Ali al-Asseifar, in charge of investigating assassinations of politicians, soldiers and journalists, himself assassinated by a bomb in his car on 29 August.

利比亚主要产油区,东部的昔兰尼加地区因为不满石油的税收大部分用于西部地区,也在发起众多抗议来谋取更多的自治权。由于去年九月,美国驻利比亚大使可莱丝·斯蒂芬斯被圣战组织残忍杀害,导致班加西的外国人几乎逃亡殆尽。自从利比亚临时政府的军事检察官 Colonel Yussef Ali al-Asseifar刺杀官员,士兵和记者开始,暴力事件在利比亚越发严重,这位检察官在在8月29日也死于一次汽车炸弹袭击。

Rule by local militias is also spreading anarchy around the capital. Ethnic Berbers, whose militia led the assault on Tripoli in 2011, temporarily took over the parliament building in Tripoli. The New York-based Human Rights Watch has called for an independent investigation into the violent crushing of a prison mutiny in Tripoli on 26 August in which 500 prisoners had been on hunger strike. The hunger strikers were demanding that they be taken before a prosecutor or formally charged since many had been held without charge for two years.

首都也由于军事人员的缺乏监管而处于无政府状态。 Ethnic Berbers的部队在2011年袭击了的黎波里,并短时间占领了议会大楼。纽约国际人权观察组织要求就今年8月26日发生在的黎波里的一次监狱暴动展开独立调查。这次监狱暴动有超过500名犯人绝食,犯人们强调他们都是被非法囚禁的,其中很多人已经被关押2年以上。

The government called on the Supreme Security Committee, made up of former anti-Gaddafi militiamen nominally under the control of the interior ministry, to restore order. At least 19 prisoners received gunshot shrapnel wounds, with one inmate saying “they were shooting directly at us through the metal bars”. There have been several mass prison escapes this year in Libya including 1,200 escaping from a prison after a riot in Benghazi in July.


The Interior Minister, Mohammed al-Sheikh, resigned last month in frustration at being unable to do his job, saying in a memo sent to Mr Zeidan that he blamed him for failing to build up the army and the police. He accused the government, which is largely dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, of being weak and dependent on tribal support. Other critics point out that a war between two Libyan tribes, the Zawiya and the Wirrshifana, is going on just 15 miles from the Prime Minister’s office.

上个月刚辞职的内政部官员Mohammed al-Sheikh表示这份工作已经让他失望透顶,他给现任总理提交了备忘录。备忘录中谴责了总理未能在利比亚建立军队和警队。他控诉以MSL兄弟会为主的政府软弱而且过于依赖种族支持。另有批评者指出利比亚的两个种族正在内战,Zawiya和Wirrshifana两族的战斗距离总理办公室只有15英里。

Diplomats have come under attack in Tripoli with the EU ambassador’s convoy ambushed outside the Corinthia hotel on the waterfront. A bomb also wrecked the French embassy.
One of the many failings of the post-Gaddafi government is its inability to revive the moribund economy. Libya is wholly dependent on its oil and gas revenues and without these may not be able to pay its civil servants. Sliman Qajam, a member of the parliamentary energy committee, told Bloomberg that “the government is running on its reserves. If the situation doesn’t improve, it won’t be able to pay salaries by the end of the year”.

不能振兴利比亚停滞不前的经济状况是临时过渡政府众多失败中重要的一项。利比亚的财政收入全部来自于石油和天然气税收,如果没有这些税收,临时政府根本不可能给付公务员们报酬。国家能源委员会的成员Sliman Qajam告诉记者:“现在政府全靠储备金来运作,如果情况得不到改善,今年年底政府将发不出工资。”
Libya has plunged unnoticed into its worst political and economic crisis since the defeat of Gaddafi


A little under two years ago, Philip Hammond, the Defence Secretary, urged British businessmen to begin “packing their suitcases” and to fly to Libya to share in the reconstruction of the country and exploit an anticipated boom in natural resources.
Yet now Libya has almost entirely stopped producing oil as the government loses control of much of the country to militia fighters.


Mutinying security men have taken over oil ports on the Mediterranean and are seeking to sell crude oil on the black market. Ali Zeidan, Libya’s Prime Minister, has threatened to “bomb from the air and the sea” any oil tanker trying to pick up the illicit oil from the oil terminal guards, who are mostly former rebels who overthrew Muammar Gaddafi and have been on strike over low pay and alleged government corruption since July.


As world attention focused on the coup in Egypt and the poison gas attack in Syria over the past two months, Libya has plunged unnoticed into its worst political and economic crisis since the defeat of Gaddafi two years ago. Government authority is disintegrating in all parts of the country putting in doubt claims by American, British and French politicians that Nato’s military action in Libya in 2011 was an outstanding example of a successful foreign military intervention which should be repeated in Syria.


In an escalating crisis little regarded hitherto outside the oil markets, output of Libya’s prized high-quality crude oil has plunged from 1.4 million barrels a day earlier this year to just 160,000 barrels a day now. Despite threats to use military force to retake the oil ports, the government in Tripoli has been unable to move effectively against striking guards and mutinous military units that are linked to secessionist forces in the east of the country.


Libyans are increasingly at the mercy of militias which act outside the law. Popular protests against militiamen have been met with gunfire; 31 demonstrators were shot dead and many others wounded as they protested outside the barracks of “the Libyan Shield Brigade” in the eastern capital Benghazi in June.
Though the Nato intervention against Gaddafi was justified as a humanitarian response to the threat that Gaddafi’s tanks would slaughter dissidents in Benghazi, the international community has ignored the escalating violence. The foreign media, which once filled the hotels of Benghazi and Tripoli, have likewise paid little attention to the near collapse of the central government.


The strikers in the eastern region Cyrenaica, which contains most of Libya’s oil, are part of a broader movement seeking more autonomy and blaming the government for spending oil revenues in the west of the country. Foreigners have mostly fled Benghazi since the American ambassador, Chris Stevens, was murdered in the US consulate by jihadi militiamen last September. Violence has worsened since then with Libya’s military prosecutor Colonel Yussef Ali al-Asseifar, in charge of investigating assassinations of politicians, soldiers and journalists, himself assassinated by a bomb in his car on 29 August.

利比亚主要产油区,东部的昔兰尼加地区因为不满石油的税收大部分用于西部地区,也在发起众多抗议来谋取更多的自治权。由于去年九月,美国驻利比亚大使可莱丝·斯蒂芬斯被圣战组织残忍杀害,导致班加西的外国人几乎逃亡殆尽。自从利比亚临时政府的军事检察官 Colonel Yussef Ali al-Asseifar刺杀官员,士兵和记者开始,暴力事件在利比亚越发严重,这位检察官在在8月29日也死于一次汽车炸弹袭击。

Rule by local militias is also spreading anarchy around the capital. Ethnic Berbers, whose militia led the assault on Tripoli in 2011, temporarily took over the parliament building in Tripoli. The New York-based Human Rights Watch has called for an independent investigation into the violent crushing of a prison mutiny in Tripoli on 26 August in which 500 prisoners had been on hunger strike. The hunger strikers were demanding that they be taken before a prosecutor or formally charged since many had been held without charge for two years.

首都也由于军事人员的缺乏监管而处于无政府状态。 Ethnic Berbers的部队在2011年袭击了的黎波里,并短时间占领了议会大楼。纽约国际人权观察组织要求就今年8月26日发生在的黎波里的一次监狱暴动展开独立调查。这次监狱暴动有超过500名犯人绝食,犯人们强调他们都是被非法囚禁的,其中很多人已经被关押2年以上。

The government called on the Supreme Security Committee, made up of former anti-Gaddafi militiamen nominally under the control of the interior ministry, to restore order. At least 19 prisoners received gunshot shrapnel wounds, with one inmate saying “they were shooting directly at us through the metal bars”. There have been several mass prison escapes this year in Libya including 1,200 escaping from a prison after a riot in Benghazi in July.


The Interior Minister, Mohammed al-Sheikh, resigned last month in frustration at being unable to do his job, saying in a memo sent to Mr Zeidan that he blamed him for failing to build up the army and the police. He accused the government, which is largely dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, of being weak and dependent on tribal support. Other critics point out that a war between two Libyan tribes, the Zawiya and the Wirrshifana, is going on just 15 miles from the Prime Minister’s office.

上个月刚辞职的内政部官员Mohammed al-Sheikh表示这份工作已经让他失望透顶,他给现任总理提交了备忘录。备忘录中谴责了总理未能在利比亚建立军队和警队。他控诉以MSL兄弟会为主的政府软弱而且过于依赖种族支持。另有批评者指出利比亚的两个种族正在内战,Zawiya和Wirrshifana两族的战斗距离总理办公室只有15英里。

Diplomats have come under attack in Tripoli with the EU ambassador’s convoy ambushed outside the Corinthia hotel on the waterfront. A bomb also wrecked the French embassy.
One of the many failings of the post-Gaddafi government is its inability to revive the moribund economy. Libya is wholly dependent on its oil and gas revenues and without these may not be able to pay its civil servants. Sliman Qajam, a member of the parliamentary energy committee, told Bloomberg that “the government is running on its reserves. If the situation doesn’t improve, it won’t be able to pay salaries by the end of the year”.

不能振兴利比亚停滞不前的经济状况是临时过渡政府众多失败中重要的一项。利比亚的财政收入全部来自于石油和天然气税收,如果没有这些税收,临时政府根本不可能给付公务员们报酬。国家能源委员会的成员Sliman Qajam告诉记者:“现在政府全靠储备金来运作,如果情况得不到改善,今年年底政府将发不出工资。”
评论翻译:原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:cola2000 转载请注明出处
论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-236853-1-1.htmlBomber_the_Cat • 20 hours ago
Ah, but we restored democracy, just like we are doing in Afghanistan and are going to do in Syria.
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davidcoleman01 Bomber_the_Cat • 15 hours ago
Wow. Consider the difference in the world after eight years of Reagan vs almost six years of Obama. Under Reagan freedom was on the march, America's allies were confident in Reagan's leadership, and the US and Russia were building a positive relationship. Under Obama, disaster and chaos, fears of terrorism grow, and no one can trust anything Obama says. It's actually quite terrifying.
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hydrangea1 davidcoleman01 • 13 hours ago
Ah, yes, but we've got 'hope and change', doncha know.
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shearwater davidcoleman01 • 6 hours ago
This is what happens when the cretins take over . . . Pelosi, Reid, Clinton, Schumer, Obama, Durbin, Boxer, Kerry, Jarret, and all of the rest of the brain dead liberals, AKA communists.
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BobSmith223 shearwater • 31 minutes ago
You should also list "Republicans" like McCain, Graham, et al
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Arclight101 davidcoleman01 • 7 hours ago
This is a UK newspaper. What are you doing on here belly-aching about US domestic politics. Try the New York Times.
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GoneApe Arclight101 • 3 hours ago
This is the only place we can find some truth about US domestic politics dunderhead.
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TNFamily Arclight101 • an hour ago
WWW = World Wide Web
Paper Form - UK Only
I'm quite sho that no Englishmen have commented on Drudge or NYT's website befoe.
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Greybeard Chieftain davidcoleman01 • 15 hours ago
Are you kidding me? Most of the world's current problems can be traced back to Reagan's inconsistent principles, his gratuitous funding nd support for dictators in exchange for the further economic expansion of US business and above all else, the founding father of the 'bomb everything in sight' doctrine, a beloved component of the 'screw your own country and others too!' toolkit which modern day policy makers seem overly fond of.
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Bryn Watkins Greybeard Chieftain • 14 hours ago
So, the "blame Bush" meme has run out, we have to go back to "blame Reagan?
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hydrangea1 Bryn Watkins • 13 hours ago
Yeah, you'll notice that these leftists can't take the blame for ANYTHING.
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John (magnum) JamesOnThePotomac • 14 hours ago
"The Messiah" KING OBONGO's 'Arab Spring has caused thousands of deaths and country's in ruin.
Between the Arab Spring, Benghazi and Fast & Furious, I would like to know how much blood this IDIOT has on his hands !
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College Geek John (magnum) • 13 hours ago
He has more than blood on his hands too:
-A ruined economy
-A shrunken military
-Higher taxes
-Loss of full time jobs
-Massive debt
-An infusion addicted market
-An unhappy populace
-Unconstitutional court appointments
-Uconstitutional BoehnerCare
-NSA spying on everyone
-HHS given the authority to break into homes deemed 'unfit for children'
-Restriction of gun laws through executive fiat
-Refusal to enforce the LAW in immigration
-Unconstitutionally altering existing law on his whim
see more
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pgroup KDouglas • 14 hours ago
It's not possible to laugh about this. Deep bitter sarcasm is about the best we can do.
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JamesOnThePotomac KDouglas • 14 hours ago
Do you trust Obamas leadership?
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Bob_Salem JamesOnThePotomac • 3 hours ago
Obama is the leader for the Al-Qaeda resurgence and he has done a great job. He has handed Iraq over to them, just about done giving them back Afghanistan, he has destroyed Libya for them and Egypt is struggling for control afer all his help there. Syria is simply next on his list.
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libwithIQ JamesOnThePotomac • 3 hours ago
Obama couldn't lead a thirsty horse to a bucket of water.
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Jim_Watford • 18 hours ago
This is what awaits the people of Syria if the U.S goes ahead with backing Al Qaeda.
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semihardrock • 16 hours ago
"lawlessness and ruin" sounds like Detroit, streets of Chicago and/or Washington DC
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HappyG semihardrock • 16 hours ago
Well it was touched by the incompetence of democrats...
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spin43 • 6 hours ago
Thank you for informing us in the USA about the situation in Libya. Our press will not cover any news that my be detrimental to the Obama regime and Hillary Clinton.
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Bernie Blasnalus • 16 hours ago
Obama owns the Libyan fiasco from the tragic deaths of US Ambassadors and other US citizens to the lawlessness as a result of his illegal war to oust Quaddafi. The man is an international disaster.
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NoBlarney Bernie Blasnalus • 15 hours ago
The man is a domestic disaster also.
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alsordi Bernie Blasnalus • 5 hours ago
The blame goes to the Israeli lobby that controls the US government and media.
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yerfackingmammy • 16 hours ago
This is Obama's legacy.
Just wait 'til he's done here.
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basthagen • 20 hours ago
But, but, they promised it was going to be ok - that if we invaded yet another independent sovereign country illegally and overthrew their government and killed their head of government (what the attackers and the BBC calls a 'regime') - everything was going to be much better. Did they fib us - is that what politicians do? Hmmm. I get this horrible feeling they seem to side with the military-industrial complex and corporatist representatives in our governments, rather than us that they said they were serving? What went wrong?
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Clarence Worley basthagen • 16 hours ago
But but this one is OK because it was a Democrat president. But not only a Democrat president, a black one at that so it is ok and you should just move on. You are racist to even consider questioning the Libya debacle.
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Terry Johnson • 15 hours ago
Let's see...our economy, racial tension, health care, Libya, Egypt, and now Syria....how much more damage can President Obama do?
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Mr. Chaotic Attractor Terry Johnson • 15 hours ago
Oh don't worry there's much more. More anarchy and chaos, coming soon! And to a neighborhood near you! Brought to you by Obama, the Democrats, and the Rino Republicans.
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Thomas Fendley Terry Johnson • 15 hours ago
3 more years worth, unless he gets impeached
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articuleum • 16 hours ago
All those advocating regime change in Syria, I refer you to the article above.
Learn from the mistakes of the past or be doomed to repeat them, and repeat them we will.
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wroka articuleum • 16 hours ago −
You make it seem like this is a mistake and not intentional.
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articuleum wroka • 5 hours ago
Its an 'intentional mistake'
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Justanaveragejoeinmd[size=9.600000381469727px]• 18 hours ago
The Islamic people of the Middle East are totally unprepared for democracy. The mind set of Islam require obedience to dictators, whether they are Imams or Colonels. They must live under totalitarian government otherwise they just go crazy. They need someone to tell them what to do.

我一直以为利比亚的石油生产没有受到太大的影响,不是说产能很快就恢复了吗?这帮家伙真能造谣掩盖真相。{: ...
lhr817 发表于 2013-9-6 12:22
产能是恢复了,甚至可能还提高了,只是大部分石油生产没有掌握在政府手里,而是被少数黑帮把持,文章开头 ...
maoxuangen 发表于 2013-9-6 13:17
xxg1017 发表于 2013-9-6 13:54
坛里已经有共识了,毛泽东带领下的红军革命成功以前,中国也混乱了几十年,利比亚才几年就想成功,慢慢熬肯 ...

lvchunyou 发表于 2013-9-6 14:34

主席领导闹革命也是泥腿子实在活不下去了,可利比亚好端端的可是 ...
尼克曼克尼 发表于 2013-9-6 14:44
lvchunyou 发表于 2013-9-6 14:34

主席领导闹革命也是泥腿子实在活不下去了,可利比亚好端端的可是 ...
xxg1017 发表于 2013-9-6 15:24



兔子红眼了 发表于 2013-9-6 10:19
恭喜恭喜,利比亚终于民主了。当年那个号召要推翻卡扎菲的女大学生不知得到如意郎君了吗?还是要与三个姐妹 ...
矫情的贱人 发表于 2013-9-6 15:31

所以这篇文章的英国独立报,以及路透社、BBC的主流调子都成了 ...
南飞 发表于 2013-9-6 19:48

