[龙腾]变种蔬菜的复仇?福岛核辐射导致农作物变型,是恶 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 12:25:42
龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com

Revenge of the mutant vegetables? Picturesof crops 'deformed by fall-out of Fukushima nuclear disaster' sweep Asia. . .but is it all just a hoax?

The fall out from Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster two years agoappears to have found its way into the food chain, as a series of snapsapparently showing 'mutant vegetables' have emerged online.

A Korean website has published pictures offlowers, vegetables and fruit covered with deformities and lumps.

But it is not immediately clear where theproduce was farmed from, whether the images have been doctored and whether thenuclear disaster is in fact to blame.

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant meltdown was triggered by an 8.9magnitude earthquake in 2011.

The disaster - which claimed the lives of18,500 people - was the largest nuclear disaster since the Chernobyl meltdownin 1986.

While none of the deaths have beenattributed to radiation exposure from the meltdown, high levels of radiationhave been detected in groundwater near the plant.

Among the 'mutant vegetables'  is agiant tomato apparently bubbling with tumours, a five-fingered turnip, and twopeaches which have grown into figures of eight.

Two gardeners hold cabbages aloft - one a normal size - the other at least fourtimes bigger.

And in one picture a cucumber seems to haveformed into a strange hybrid with leaves erupting from the base.

Earlier this year a fish caught close thethe Fukushima nuclear plant was over 2,500 times the legal safe radiation limitfor seafood, the plant's operator revealed.

The company Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco)caught the fish, dubbed 'Mike the Murasai' online, in the bay close to theFukukshima Daiichi main reactor.

It was confirmed by Tepco to have amountsof radioactive cesium equal to 254,000 becquerels per kilogram, or 2540 timesthe limit of 100 becquerels/kg set for seafood by the government.

A report in October last year found radiation levels in most kinds of fish caughtoff the coast of Fukushima haven't declined in the year following Japan'snuclear disaster in March 2011.


An earthquake knocked out nuclear plant'scooling system, causing three reactor cores to melt and spew radiation into theocean.

Researchers believe that deposits of thechemical cesium on the seafloor or leakage from the damaged reactors iscontinuing to contaminate the waters - and has the potential to threatenfisheries for decades.

The levels in the fish are also 10 timeshigher than the radiation measured last August in scorpion fish caught nearFukushima.

You do not say whether this propagandacomes from North or South Korea. Some significance, don't you think?
- Paul ,Cambridge, United Kingdom, 18/7/2013 00:11

" But it is not immediately clearwhere the produce was farmed from, whether the images have been doctored andwhether the nuclear disaster is in fact to blame." === So, in summary,unsubstantiated rubbish then?
- Yellowbelly ,Lincoln, United Kingdom, 18/7/2013 00:08

This is scary.......the images look prettyreal to me.
- THINKER ,birmingham, United Kingdom, 17/7/2013 23:51

Did this happen after Chernobyl?
- micky2shoes ,doncaster, United Kingdom, 17/7/2013 23:11

I photoshop for a living, those look realto me
- Thalia ,London, United Kingdom, 17/7/2013 23:03

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2367436/Fukushima-mutant-vegetable-images-sweep-region-years-nuclear-disaster.html龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com

Revenge of the mutant vegetables? Picturesof crops 'deformed by fall-out of Fukushima nuclear disaster' sweep Asia. . .but is it all just a hoax?变种蔬菜的复仇?福岛核辐射导致农作物变型,是恶作剧吗?

The fall out from Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster two years agoappears to have found its way into the food chain, as a series of snapsapparently showing 'mutant vegetables' have emerged online. 两年福岛核电站的辐射似乎对农作物产生了影响,因为有关变种蔬菜的大量照片在网上出现。

A Korean website has published pictures offlowers, vegetables and fruit covered with deformities and lumps. 一家韩国(或朝鲜)网站子发布了大量花朵,蔬菜以及水果畸形或者肿块的图片。
But it is not immediately clear where theproduce was farmed from, whether the images have been doctored and whether thenuclear disaster is in fact to blame.但是我们还不清楚这些照片中的农作物来自哪里,照片是否被动过手脚,以及是否是核泄漏导致的。

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant meltdown was triggered by an 8.9magnitude earthquake in 2011. 福岛第一核电站泄露是因为2011年的那场8.9级地震引发的。

The disaster - which claimed the lives of18,500 people - was the largest nuclear disaster since the Chernobyl meltdownin 1986. 这次灾难导致18500人遇难,是自1986年切尔诺贝利灾难以来最严重的一次。
While none of the deaths have beenattributed to radiation exposure from the meltdown, high levels of radiationhave been detected in groundwater near the plant.虽然这些人的死亡都不是因为核辐射导致的,但是还是从该核电厂附近的地下水中检测到了较高的辐射量。
Among the 'mutant vegetables'  is agiant tomato apparently bubbling with tumours, a five-fingered turnip, and twopeaches which have grown into figures of eight.在这些“变种”的蔬菜中,我们可以看到一个长满肿块的巨型西红柿,五根手指的萝卜,以及两个8字型的桃子。

Two gardeners hold cabbages aloft - one a normal size - the other at least fourtimes bigger. 两位农夫给我们展示了卷心菜,一个正常大小,另外一个至少四倍大。
And in one picture a cucumber seems to haveformed into a strange hybrid with leaves erupting from the base. 其中的一根黄瓜似乎还成了混血儿,身上长出了叶子。

Earlier this year a fish caught close thethe Fukushima nuclear plant was over 2,500 times the legal safe radiation limitfor seafood, the plant's operator revealed.今年早些时候,据该核电厂的经营者透露,他们在福岛核电厂附近捕捉到了一条超过安全辐射标准2500倍的鱼。
The company Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco)caught the fish, dubbed 'Mike the Murasai' online, in the bay close to theFukukshima Daiichi main reactor.东京电力集团在福岛第一核电厂的主要反应堆附近捉到了这条鱼。
It was confirmed by Tepco to have amountsof radioactive cesium equal to 254,000 becquerels per kilogram, or 2540 timesthe limit of 100 becquerels/kg set for seafood by the government.东京电力集团确认说这些鱼含有大量的放射性铯元素,相当于每千克的铯含量达到254000贝可,或者说是官方的海产品每千克100贝可标准的2540倍。

A report in October last year found radiation levels in most kinds of fish caughtoff the coast of Fukushima haven't declined in the year following Japan'snuclear disaster in March 2011.
An earthquake knocked out nuclear plant'scooling system, causing three reactor cores to melt and spew radiation into theocean.地震破坏了该核电厂的冷却系统,导致三个冷却堆芯熔化,所以放射性物质排到了海洋中。

Researchers believe that deposits of thechemical cesium on the seafloor or leakage from the damaged reactors iscontinuing to contaminate the waters - and has the potential to threatenfisheries for decades.研究人员认为海底中铯元素的累积或者说被破坏反应堆中的核泄漏正在不断的对海水造成污染,对渔业的影响可能是几十年的。

The levels in the fish are also 10 timeshigher than the radiation measured last August in scorpion fish caught nearFukushima.这只鱼的辐射量相当于去年8月份同在福岛附近捕捉到的蝎子鱼所含辐射量的10倍。

You do not say whether this propagandacomes from North or South Korea. Some significance, don't you think?- Paul ,Cambridge, United Kingdom, 18/7/2013 00:11这篇文章并没有说是南韩还是北韩。这很重要,不是吗?
" But it is not immediately clearwhere the produce was farmed from, whether the images have been doctored andwhether the nuclear disaster is in fact to blame." === So, in summary,unsubstantiated rubbish then?- Yellowbelly ,Lincoln, United Kingdom, 18/7/2013 00:08“但是我们还不清楚这些照片中的农作物来自哪里,照片是否被动过手脚,以及是否是核泄漏导致的。”这么说,这篇文章就是未经证实的一派胡言了?
This is scary.......the images look prettyreal to me.- THINKER ,birmingham, United Kingdom, 17/7/2013 23:51这太恐怖了。。。。我觉得这些照片是真的。
Did this happen after Chernobyl?- micky2shoes ,doncaster, United Kingdom, 17/7/2013 23:11切尔诺贝利事件之后也发生过这种事情吗?
I photoshop for a living, those look realto me- Thalia ,London, United Kingdom, 17/7/2013 23:03我是干图像处理的,我觉得这些照片是真的。http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-216966-1-1.html
汉唐大梦 发表于 2013-7-19 15:22