美国:既然中国可以建造长城,我们也可以在边境建一个围 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/30 07:41:46
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), a relentless opponent of comprehensive immigration reform, on Saturday outlined a simple solution to the complex issue: build a better border fence.
全面移民改革政策的坚定反对者 史蒂夫.金议员(爱荷华州议员),在星期六针对这个复杂的问题提出了一个简单的解决办法:建一个更好的围栏。

"I supported the fence," King told Eagle Forum President Phyllis Schlafly on her radio program, according to Right Wing Watch. Building a fence along the approximately 2,000 mile Mexican-American border would not "be too much of an engineering marvel," King argued.

"We can do the Panama Canal 100 years-plus ago and I’ve been over there to take a look at the Great Wall of China that was built more than 2,000 years ago, and that’s 5,500 miles long," King said. "So building a fence is not that hard; I’ll just show you how to do it if it’s too complicated for our public policy people to get their mind around."


Later in the program, King spoke with a caller named Meryl, who claimed undocumented immigrants had allegedly trespassed on her property. King warned her that if the United States continued to have "open borders" it might go the way of "Third World countries" like "Mexico" and "places in the Caribbean or in Africa where there’s no law or very little law."

"If lawlessness prevails then the more wealthy build a better, more effective barrier around their own compounds," King cautioned.

King's comments came in response to a set of recommendations published last week by the Republican National Committee, which called for a modernization of the GOP's platform on immigration in order to stay competitive within America's evolving electorate. To gain support among Hispanic voters, the report said, the GOP “must embrace and champion comprehensive immigration reform."

King's resistance to his party's changing politics is not surprising considering his position as one of Congress's staunchest immigration hardliners. During his recent address to the Conservative Political Action Conference, King called immigration reform a "deconstruction" of the rule of law.







11:43 PM on 03/25/2013
Mexico's been a growing pain in America's hind-end, over the years, serving as a staging base for various criminal enterprises here in the US, and probable information-gathering point for points and people far and distant. At one point, they were talking about mass movement of methamphetamine precursor chemicals to Mexico, from China. They were also talking about truckloads of cold, hard cash being seized en route back to Mexico, from the US. A fence? The picture with this article demonstrates a method of breaching said fence, and another border story told about a piece of surplus US Army equipment, either purchased by/given to, or maybestolen by Mexico, at any rate, the treads were on the southern side of La Linea, with the bridge mounted atop the M-60 tank chassis  going right up and over the fence-y thing. Slowly, perhaps grudgingly, Mexico is starting to look at the drug tunnel-thing, and The Government(ours) is starting to acknowledge that there are some border-related crime problems that might need to be addressed.  


No matter what happens, though, we'll be neighbors with Mexico for a long time to come, yet. How good of a neighbor we end up being with that country, might very much depend on how well we tend and mend our fences...if they can spend hundreds of billions of dollars on not-fixing other countries, maybe they can spare the revenue and resources to reinforce our international boundary with Mexico.  
Another way to better our relations WITH Mexico, though, won't involve barbed wire, gasoline moats, air patrols, or other ouchy-painful things, but rather, helping to ensure that Mexico doesn't flush itself down the toilet, instead working to better their national circumstances so that their citizens aren't driven by desperation to criminal, violent, even murderous activity. Is there an issue, here? Yes. Is it chronic, on-going, lingering? Yes. Is part of the problem on this side of the border with high drug consumption and unscrupulous employers, doing the kind of thing that Cesar Chavez used to rail against? Yeppers.



So, how can we act to be better neighbors? And, that implies better law enforcement north of the border, and ensuring that we aren't scapegoating that country, for problems primarily extant in this one, either as a result of shoddy, poorly-considered policy like with pot, or with shifty-eyed individuals doing their own, personal, arms exports from the US to Mexico, and reinforcing criminal activity in that country, and in this one.  
Should travel to/from Mexico involve a passport, and a visa stamp? Maybe so, maybe so.


Boris from Oz
11:12 PM on 03/25/2013
History, yet another GOP blind spot. Ask the Chinese how well the wall worked to keep Ghengis Khan from invading China.
Hint: It didn't really help.

07:59 PM on 03/25/2013
Wouldn't it make more sense to just build a wall around Rep. King.

no body
07:48 PM on 03/25/2013
Forgetting the fact that the Mongols actually breached the Great Wall of China.
America can rest assured that an intelligent thought will never breach King's skull!

08:03 PM on 03/25/2013
Hey, you got that from history didn't you? Republicans don't believe in history because it's been shown to have a liberal bias..;-)


11:05 PM on 03/25/2013
Let's replicate the largest waste of money any empire ever committed. Yea, history isn't King's strong suit.

GySgt USMC (Retired)
05:17 AM on 03/26/2013
If I remember right, the Great Wall did not work...just sayin'.

Micheal Anderson
05:19 AM on 03/26/2013
Also took a few years to build.

05:57 AM on 03/26/2013
Surprised to hear a Republican advocating a big-government-sponsored program that employs people in construction. Sounds like a put-people-to-work-stimulus-program to me.
I guess I'd prefer high-speed rail infrastructure, which facilitates movement of people and goods from A to B, rather than fence infrastructure that impedes the flow of immigrants, which seems to have been in the US-to-México direction lately.
我更倾向于建高铁,它能够促进A和B之间的人员和物资流动;总好过建一个围栏来阻止移民潮, 好像最近有很多人从美国入境墨西哥倒是真的。

11:00 PM on 03/25/2013
Um, "If China can build a Great Wall that accomplished nothing other than attracting tourists, (and East Germany built a Berlin Wall that eventually accomplished nothing) then we can build a Border Fence that eventually accomplishes nothing too."

James Lorenzato
04:09 AM on 03/26/2013
Republicans apparently aren't long on history any more than on any other kinds of facts.
Do the words Mongol Empire ring a bell? That wall didn't exactly work, did it?

Phyllis Copeland
04:56 AM on 03/26/2013
Should we bother to point out that the Great Wall took over 1400 years to build by seven different dynasties? Oh, and no-one point out that these dynasties employed slaves, requiring no wages, pensions, health care and if the workers died on the job, well, that's the cost of doing business, right? Fun fact - only weak, xenophobic dynasties built and added to the Great Wall. The Tang and the Song dynasties, who were stronger on diplomacy and learned to play well with others never troubled themselves with the whole wall business and were arguably the most successful of the ancient dynasties ... certainly they were among the wealthiest!
And the GOP sneer at people who have history degrees! (Mine is actually in Graphic Design, but that's still considered Liberal Arts. National Geographic had a terrific piece on the Great Wall a few years back and I love history, so I just ate it up! :-) Perhaps if these GOP types troubled themselves to learn a little history, too, they could save a few billions dollars into the bargain!

big tom
03:44 AM on 03/26/2013
bought some more stock in that fence company did ya steve.
从那家围栏公司再多买点股票 ,对吗?史蒂夫?


03:34 AM on 03/26/2013
The Wall can be built. No problem. King only needs several hundred thousand slaves and a few hundred years.
The Steve King Jobs Bill.

03:29 AM on 03/26/2013
Perhaps it is better to build a wall around Iowa and keep King and the people who voted for him inside of that wall. Much safer for the rest of the country.

12:18 AM on 03/26/2013
Well since the Mongols conquered China in the 13th century, the Great Wall of China has be viewed as a spectacular failure.
So even if the Mexicans has constructed such a wall, it probably would not have kept the aggressive and expansionist Americans from conquering half of Mexico in 1848.
And Mexico is hardly a Third World country. Mexico has the 11th largest economy in the world, and in overall per capita terms is like an Eastern European country, and there are regions that are wealthier than that. Mexico does suffer from extreme income equality, (something Republicans love) which is embodied by the fact that Mexico is home to the world's richest person.
But I would not expect Steve King to be aware of any of this .

12:37 AM on 03/26/2013
Good point about the income inequality. Perhaps it's a vision of the future of the US if they don't do something about the income inequality here.
很好的关于收入差距的观点 。或者这就是美国未来的模板,如果他们不想办法改变收入差距的话。

12:49 AM on 03/26/2013
Excellent points. A better wall to compare to is the Berlin Wall. I found the exact figures some years ago, but have since lost and forgotten them. I do remember the BW cost was enormous to build and maintain it. 10's of millions yearly for 97 miles of killing fields. We're not gonna do that ... no way ... no how. How about Senator Steve cutting US subsidies for grains so we don't under cut the Mexican farmer? How about really doing something to persuade Mexico to make life in Mexico bearable for all of it's citizens? Help them in prudent fashions if we need to do that. Most human beings don't want to leave where they're born when they are comfortable. If you don't think so, spend some time in the hollows of Appalachia.
好主意。柏林墙就是最佳参照物。几年前我查阅了些数据,但最近找不到,忘记了。我可以确定的是柏林墙的建造和维护花销巨大。 只有97英里长的柏林墙每年的开销就是几千万美元 。我们决不能那样做……没门……不可以。史蒂夫议员为什么不削减粮食补贴这样我们就不用剥削墨西哥的农民?为什么不做些实际性的工作来劝说墨西哥建设他们的家园以养活他们的人民?如果需要我们就减少消费来帮助他们。如果生活安定,大多数人不会离开他们出生的地方。如果你不认同,那么到阿帕拉契亚山谷呆上一段时间。

01:58 AM on 03/26/2013
Two of the last three dynasties in China were founded by "barbarian" invaders - the Mongol Yuan Dynasty and the Manchu Qing Dynasty. So...good job, wall?

02:42 AM on 03/26/2013
Let's not forget the Great Wall of China essentially failed because the invaders were able to just go around it, which is just as possible with a border fence on the border or in some cases under.
不要忘记中国的长城实际上失败了,因为入侵者可以绕开它, 所以在美墨边境建围栏的效果也是一样的。
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), a relentless opponent of comprehensive immigration reform, on Saturday outlined a simple solution to the complex issue: build a better border fence.
全面移民改革政策的坚定反对者 史蒂夫.金议员(爱荷华州议员),在星期六针对这个复杂的问题提出了一个简单的解决办法:建一个更好的围栏。

"I supported the fence," King told Eagle Forum President Phyllis Schlafly on her radio program, according to Right Wing Watch. Building a fence along the approximately 2,000 mile Mexican-American border would not "be too much of an engineering marvel," King argued.

"We can do the Panama Canal 100 years-plus ago and I’ve been over there to take a look at the Great Wall of China that was built more than 2,000 years ago, and that’s 5,500 miles long," King said. "So building a fence is not that hard; I’ll just show you how to do it if it’s too complicated for our public policy people to get their mind around."


Later in the program, King spoke with a caller named Meryl, who claimed undocumented immigrants had allegedly trespassed on her property. King warned her that if the United States continued to have "open borders" it might go the way of "Third World countries" like "Mexico" and "places in the Caribbean or in Africa where there’s no law or very little law."

"If lawlessness prevails then the more wealthy build a better, more effective barrier around their own compounds," King cautioned.

King's comments came in response to a set of recommendations published last week by the Republican National Committee, which called for a modernization of the GOP's platform on immigration in order to stay competitive within America's evolving electorate. To gain support among Hispanic voters, the report said, the GOP “must embrace and champion comprehensive immigration reform."

King's resistance to his party's changing politics is not surprising considering his position as one of Congress's staunchest immigration hardliners. During his recent address to the Conservative Political Action Conference, King called immigration reform a "deconstruction" of the rule of law.







11:43 PM on 03/25/2013
Mexico's been a growing pain in America's hind-end, over the years, serving as a staging base for various criminal enterprises here in the US, and probable information-gathering point for points and people far and distant. At one point, they were talking about mass movement of methamphetamine precursor chemicals to Mexico, from China. They were also talking about truckloads of cold, hard cash being seized en route back to Mexico, from the US. A fence? The picture with this article demonstrates a method of breaching said fence, and another border story told about a piece of surplus US Army equipment, either purchased by/given to, or maybestolen by Mexico, at any rate, the treads were on the southern side of La Linea, with the bridge mounted atop the M-60 tank chassis  going right up and over the fence-y thing. Slowly, perhaps grudgingly, Mexico is starting to look at the drug tunnel-thing, and The Government(ours) is starting to acknowledge that there are some border-related crime problems that might need to be addressed.  


No matter what happens, though, we'll be neighbors with Mexico for a long time to come, yet. How good of a neighbor we end up being with that country, might very much depend on how well we tend and mend our fences...if they can spend hundreds of billions of dollars on not-fixing other countries, maybe they can spare the revenue and resources to reinforce our international boundary with Mexico.  
Another way to better our relations WITH Mexico, though, won't involve barbed wire, gasoline moats, air patrols, or other ouchy-painful things, but rather, helping to ensure that Mexico doesn't flush itself down the toilet, instead working to better their national circumstances so that their citizens aren't driven by desperation to criminal, violent, even murderous activity. Is there an issue, here? Yes. Is it chronic, on-going, lingering? Yes. Is part of the problem on this side of the border with high drug consumption and unscrupulous employers, doing the kind of thing that Cesar Chavez used to rail against? Yeppers.



So, how can we act to be better neighbors? And, that implies better law enforcement north of the border, and ensuring that we aren't scapegoating that country, for problems primarily extant in this one, either as a result of shoddy, poorly-considered policy like with pot, or with shifty-eyed individuals doing their own, personal, arms exports from the US to Mexico, and reinforcing criminal activity in that country, and in this one.  
Should travel to/from Mexico involve a passport, and a visa stamp? Maybe so, maybe so.


Boris from Oz
11:12 PM on 03/25/2013
History, yet another GOP blind spot. Ask the Chinese how well the wall worked to keep Ghengis Khan from invading China.
Hint: It didn't really help.

07:59 PM on 03/25/2013
Wouldn't it make more sense to just build a wall around Rep. King.

no body
07:48 PM on 03/25/2013
Forgetting the fact that the Mongols actually breached the Great Wall of China.
America can rest assured that an intelligent thought will never breach King's skull!

08:03 PM on 03/25/2013
Hey, you got that from history didn't you? Republicans don't believe in history because it's been shown to have a liberal bias..;-)


11:05 PM on 03/25/2013
Let's replicate the largest waste of money any empire ever committed. Yea, history isn't King's strong suit.

GySgt USMC (Retired)
05:17 AM on 03/26/2013
If I remember right, the Great Wall did not work...just sayin'.

Micheal Anderson
05:19 AM on 03/26/2013
Also took a few years to build.

05:57 AM on 03/26/2013
Surprised to hear a Republican advocating a big-government-sponsored program that employs people in construction. Sounds like a put-people-to-work-stimulus-program to me.
I guess I'd prefer high-speed rail infrastructure, which facilitates movement of people and goods from A to B, rather than fence infrastructure that impedes the flow of immigrants, which seems to have been in the US-to-México direction lately.
我更倾向于建高铁,它能够促进A和B之间的人员和物资流动;总好过建一个围栏来阻止移民潮, 好像最近有很多人从美国入境墨西哥倒是真的。

11:00 PM on 03/25/2013
Um, "If China can build a Great Wall that accomplished nothing other than attracting tourists, (and East Germany built a Berlin Wall that eventually accomplished nothing) then we can build a Border Fence that eventually accomplishes nothing too."

James Lorenzato
04:09 AM on 03/26/2013
Republicans apparently aren't long on history any more than on any other kinds of facts.
Do the words Mongol Empire ring a bell? That wall didn't exactly work, did it?

Phyllis Copeland
04:56 AM on 03/26/2013
Should we bother to point out that the Great Wall took over 1400 years to build by seven different dynasties? Oh, and no-one point out that these dynasties employed slaves, requiring no wages, pensions, health care and if the workers died on the job, well, that's the cost of doing business, right? Fun fact - only weak, xenophobic dynasties built and added to the Great Wall. The Tang and the Song dynasties, who were stronger on diplomacy and learned to play well with others never troubled themselves with the whole wall business and were arguably the most successful of the ancient dynasties ... certainly they were among the wealthiest!
And the GOP sneer at people who have history degrees! (Mine is actually in Graphic Design, but that's still considered Liberal Arts. National Geographic had a terrific piece on the Great Wall a few years back and I love history, so I just ate it up! :-) Perhaps if these GOP types troubled themselves to learn a little history, too, they could save a few billions dollars into the bargain!

big tom
03:44 AM on 03/26/2013
bought some more stock in that fence company did ya steve.
从那家围栏公司再多买点股票 ,对吗?史蒂夫?


03:34 AM on 03/26/2013
The Wall can be built. No problem. King only needs several hundred thousand slaves and a few hundred years.
The Steve King Jobs Bill.

03:29 AM on 03/26/2013
Perhaps it is better to build a wall around Iowa and keep King and the people who voted for him inside of that wall. Much safer for the rest of the country.

12:18 AM on 03/26/2013
Well since the Mongols conquered China in the 13th century, the Great Wall of China has be viewed as a spectacular failure.
So even if the Mexicans has constructed such a wall, it probably would not have kept the aggressive and expansionist Americans from conquering half of Mexico in 1848.
And Mexico is hardly a Third World country. Mexico has the 11th largest economy in the world, and in overall per capita terms is like an Eastern European country, and there are regions that are wealthier than that. Mexico does suffer from extreme income equality, (something Republicans love) which is embodied by the fact that Mexico is home to the world's richest person.
But I would not expect Steve King to be aware of any of this .

12:37 AM on 03/26/2013
Good point about the income inequality. Perhaps it's a vision of the future of the US if they don't do something about the income inequality here.
很好的关于收入差距的观点 。或者这就是美国未来的模板,如果他们不想办法改变收入差距的话。

12:49 AM on 03/26/2013
Excellent points. A better wall to compare to is the Berlin Wall. I found the exact figures some years ago, but have since lost and forgotten them. I do remember the BW cost was enormous to build and maintain it. 10's of millions yearly for 97 miles of killing fields. We're not gonna do that ... no way ... no how. How about Senator Steve cutting US subsidies for grains so we don't under cut the Mexican farmer? How about really doing something to persuade Mexico to make life in Mexico bearable for all of it's citizens? Help them in prudent fashions if we need to do that. Most human beings don't want to leave where they're born when they are comfortable. If you don't think so, spend some time in the hollows of Appalachia.
好主意。柏林墙就是最佳参照物。几年前我查阅了些数据,但最近找不到,忘记了。我可以确定的是柏林墙的建造和维护花销巨大。 只有97英里长的柏林墙每年的开销就是几千万美元 。我们决不能那样做……没门……不可以。史蒂夫议员为什么不削减粮食补贴这样我们就不用剥削墨西哥的农民?为什么不做些实际性的工作来劝说墨西哥建设他们的家园以养活他们的人民?如果需要我们就减少消费来帮助他们。如果生活安定,大多数人不会离开他们出生的地方。如果你不认同,那么到阿帕拉契亚山谷呆上一段时间。

01:58 AM on 03/26/2013
Two of the last three dynasties in China were founded by "barbarian" invaders - the Mongol Yuan Dynasty and the Manchu Qing Dynasty. So...good job, wall?

02:42 AM on 03/26/2013
Let's not forget the Great Wall of China essentially failed because the invaders were able to just go around it, which is just as possible with a border fence on the border or in some cases under.
不要忘记中国的长城实际上失败了,因为入侵者可以绕开它, 所以在美墨边境建围栏的效果也是一样的。

让他们 用上粮票 、建上围墙、种上棉花 、吃上高粱 拥着人妖 生下牛郎!







jincen 发表于 2013-4-3 07:44
让他们 用上粮票 、建上围墙、种上棉花 、吃上高粱 拥着人妖 生下牛郎!
何止有篱笆,而且还是电篱笆, 美国人难道都不知道自己的边境什么样吗?纳税人应该查查议员是不是有什么行业背景
砖垒的叫做圈(Juan )
美国人不愿意。请在美利坚的筒子解读解读。 真有那么一回事吗?还是街边笑话?
山海关怎么也进不来 最后还是某汉奸放进来的

vikinds 发表于 2013-4-3 09:11
长城确实是一道墙,有了它游牧民族的骑兵要想办法攻破它绕开它,没有这道墙,直接骑马过就行了。你说这道墙 ...
还有传讯的作用 点烽火可比跑马到京城快多了
声音 发表于 2013-4-3 07:14

我的电脑病毒 发表于 2013-4-3 07:46
汉家天下 发表于 2013-4-3 07:54
htl 发表于 2013-4-3 09:03
士族 发表于 2013-4-3 09:53
长城是防御性思维 毕竟进攻才是最好的防御嘛
ymx654321 发表于 2013-4-3 08:22
讲一个笑话 发表于 2013-4-3 09:56