
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/05/02 18:53:58
China Now Using a Cruise Ship to Haul Troops and Tanks
作者:翻译加工厂 发布日期:2012-09-03 浏览:14492
h t tp:// w
原创翻译:龙腾网 ht t p://w 翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处



The media freaked out about China’s crappy aircraft carrier and hyperventilated over the J-20 stealth fighter. But China’s newest addition to its military is more subtle, and stylish. It’s a 36,000-ton pleasure boat capable of disgorging thousands of troops and hundreds of vehicles held inside its belly.

That would be the Bahai Sea Green Pearl, a 36,000-ton ferry and cruise ship commissioned in August at Yantai Port in China’s northeastern Shandong Province. At heart a vessel for pleasure and civilian transport, the ship is intended to normally ferry cars and passengers across the Yellow Sea. But when needed by the People’s Liberation Army, the Green Pearl can double as a troop carrier. During its launching ceremony and demonstration on Aug. 8, PLA troops could be seen loading dozens of tanks, artillery pieces and armored vehicles on board.


Photos from Chinese state television posted to the China Defense Blog show some of the action, including what looks like fully loaded soldiers running through a corridor. Tanks and artillery pieces are also seen inside one of the ship’s three vehicle compartments. How they got there: via the ship’s roll-on/roll-off (or ro-ro) ramp on its stern.

China also has three more of the vessels under construction, which Zhang Wei, chief of the PLA’s Military Transportation Department under the PLA General Logistics Department, said is a “new leap in our military use of civilian vessels to improve the strategic projection.” The Green Pearl reportedly has room for more than 2,000 people and 300 cars. It’s even got a helicopter pad.

It’s also got luxury. When the ship isn’t ferrying civilians, China’s troops could take in the pleasure of tall windows for observing “the beautiful scenery of the sea,” reported the Yantai Daily Media Group. Not only that, but rooms — which range from first to third class — are equipped with televisions, cellphone signal amplifiers and wireless internet access. And if the troops get bored in their rooms, there’s always mingling in one of two staterooms and a cafe. There are even rooms set aside for reading and chess. And no cruise ship would be complete without some collective entertainment at a multi-purpose auditorium. If troops are feeling cooped up, they can always go above deck for excursions in the sun.


Armored vehicles from China’s People’s Liberation Army prepare to board the Green Pearl in August 2012. Photo: CCTV via China Defense Blog
2012年8月 来自中国人民解放军的装甲车准备登上渤海翠珠号 照片:CCTV 来自中国国防博客

However, the Green Pearl is by no means a true amphibious assault ship. There’s no indication of any landing craft, or any ability to launch them. The ship needs a proper dock to gets its heavier equipment onto land. That mostly rules out launching an invasion of troops while sitting (relatively) safely off-shore. Instead, the ship is more accurately called something like an “amphibious augmentation” platform. It can base a helicopter, and it can follow up an amphibious assault with more troops — after a landing site is secure.

It’s also not a new concept. Using civilian ships for double duty is “entirely in keeping with Chinese practices reaching back for centuries,” Jim Holmes, an associate professor of strategy at the Navy War College, tells Danger Room. For Western navies, that practice dated up until the 18th century. And today, the U.S. uses mixed military and commercial ships to refuel at sea, Holmes says.
这也是一项新的理念,利用民用船只执行双重任务,“这正符合中国过去几个世纪以来的实践。”海军战争学院战略部副教授Jim Holmes是这么告诉威胁论研究室的。对西方海军来说,那样的实践可以追溯到十八世纪。今天,美国采用军商两用的混合船只来进行海上补给,Holmes说道。

China has also been building up its fleet of amphibious assault ships, which could be at the front line of an invasion of Taiwan, say. That is, if China could conceivably launch one. But probably not. Since 2008, China has launched four Yuzhao-class, or Type 081 amphibious assault ships. The lead ship was deployed to fight pirates near Somalia. China is also reportedly working on a newer, bigger amphibious ship called the Type 081 .


What’s more likely is using the Green Pearl for “soft power” operations distant from China’s shores. “Beijing seems rather comfortable with the situation in the Taiwan Strait and is clearly looking beyond Taiwan, as it has been for some time now,” Holmes says. “Such a vessel could be a workhorse for any mission involving amphibious operations, meaning humanitarian relief.”

That could mean delivering aid, transporting doctors and engineers to a country beset by an emergency. And there’s always port calls. That is, making stops in countries friendly to China while carrying a contingent of visiting officers and diplomats on board.

And not that China’s new cruise ships of war have any chance of matching the United States’ own massive fleet of commercial transport ships available for military duties. The U.S. has 60 privately owned commercial ships available to be called upon by the Navy under the Department of Transportation’sMaritime Security Program. Most of those are heavy-duty container vessels, but 17 of them are ro-ro ships.

According to the DoT’s Maritime Administration , the Navy has relied on them to lift troops during the Persian Gulf War, and into Bosnia, Somalia and Kosovo, and has had to rely on those commercial ships even more in recent years to fight the war in Iraq. The United Kingdom famously hauled troops during the Falklands War with the Queen Elizabeth 2.

In the meantime, let the PLA take in the scenic views and relax to the soothing hum of the Green Pearl‘s engines. Unlike the U.S. and British cruise and ro-ro ships of war, there’s not a huge chance of China’s new pleasureboat invading anyone any time soon.




Mitch Sprague
No no, that's how the Chinese vacation. They line up in squads and march aboard the ship for shuffle board and bingo. When they get to the destination they tour in armoured personnel vehicles.

MoralDrift reply to Mitch Sprague
actually thats about true

Jeremy Caissie
Really? Western navies used civilian ships as transports "up to the 18th century"? Not in WWI (Olympic, for example) or WWII (Queen Mary)?

CommonSense033 reply to Jeremy Caissie 8 Likes
Or our own SS United States, built with torpedo banding. Both Queens served in WWII as troopships, and the French Line's Normandie would have if she hadn't caught fire and tipped over while being refitted and stripped of finery. Shhh. Wired would have to start doing research instead of just slapping the keyboard in their SF hipster office. Can't have that.

That ain't a cruise ship or ferry, that's a RoRo Ship, as in Roll-on/roll-off ships, which are used to transport automobiles. Jesus fucking Christ, it seems the Danger Room hires only dumbass turd faces these days.
(注:奥林匹克号邮轮(R.M.S. Olympic)(1911—1934),隶属于英国白星航运公司。奥林匹克号是白星公司奥林匹克级邮轮中的首舰,也是泰坦尼克号的姐妹舰。一战时被改造成战舰服役。奥林匹克号船首安装了一门12磅炮,船尾安装了2门4.7英寸炮,成为英国皇家海军T2810号运兵船。1934年被拆毁; 皇家邮轮玛丽王后号(RMS Queen Mary)和伊丽莎白王后号(RMS Queen Elizabeth)隶属于英国的卡纳德轮船公司,是第二次世界大战前欧洲上流社会歌舞升平的奢华生活达到顶峰时的产物。两艘邮船在战争期间因为快速、运兵量大成为所有英国船舰中对战争贡献最突出的船。伊丽莎白王后号一共运送了75万名乘客,航行50万海里。玛丽王后号运送了差不多同样多的士兵来到英国,航行约60万海里。总计运送超过160万以上部队到达世界各地,其中搭载乘客最多的一次是从美国运来了15988名士兵。丘吉尔评价说,由于两艘王后号邮船的卓越表现,运送了大量的人力和物力资源到欧洲战场,因此使得战争得以提前一年结束;合众国号邮轮(SS United States),又称“Big U”。二战之后,由于铁幕在欧洲落下,以及朝鲜战争的爆发,美国政府也决定鼓励美国的船运公司建造大型邮船,以便在冷战演变成热战的时候,能够象二战中英国那两艘著名的“王后”级豪华邮船一样充当快速运兵船使用。合众国号功率达24万马力,巡航航速35节,最高航速达43节,战时可以一次搭载15000名士兵。由于喷气式客机的出现,大型邮船在战后的命运已经很明显。冷战没有演变成美苏之间的热战(除了1962年古巴导弹危机,那次事件中合众国号已经准备改装工作了)。合众国号却在不断地给它的船主——合众国海运公司赔钱。1969年,合众国号退出航线运营。1999年,合众国号邮船作为美国国家历史遗产登记注册;诺曼底号游轮(S.S. Normandie),隶属于法国CGT(跨大西洋海运公司),由圣纳泽尔的Penhoet船厂建造,1932年下水。直到70余年后的今天,诺曼底号仍被国际客船界评价为历史上最大、最漂亮、最豪华的邮船。1940年6月,法国战败求和。美国宣布羁押当时停靠在纽约港的诺曼底号。1941年12月7日,日本空袭珍珠港,美国参战。诺曼底号被美国海军征用。美国海军将其改名为拉法耶特号,准备作为运兵船使用,1942年2月9日在改装过程中意外起火烧毁并倾覆在哈得逊河中。1946年10月,造价6000万美元的诺曼底号船壳以16万美元价格出售给新泽西州一家拆船公司。)

BK553 reply to Guest 4 Likes
"Auto transport" (PPCs) ships don't have accommodations for 2,000 people and an auditorium, jackass. It's called a cruiseferry, and it's one type of RoRo, of which there are many. You're just as wrong as he is.

I like thow they launched Type 081 class ships, but they are also working on a new ship, called the Type 081.

The WWI battle between the armed Cunard "Carmania" and the German "Cap Trafalgar" demonstrated that ocean liners are not warships.
Troop transports, sure, as long as you don't mind it pulling a Costa Concordia while loaded with troops at the first small-arms-fire hit. There's not even redundant power systems, and the smallest fire in the switching room can leave a modern liner drifting and helpless...and in recent years, has.

m12345 reply to CommonSense033
Im in 2 minds about a passenger vessel as flimsy as this being used. The concept is fine if and only if you have secured the transit route. Clearly subs have been removed from their equation....

Joe Loiacono
More targets for Taiwanese anti-shipping missiles.
Seriously i doubt these ships are even armed.

Jared Woody reply to Joe Loiacono
Unlikely that they are, considering the civilian use of the vessel. Likely the best weapons it has would be man portable weapons, Stinger-type SAMs for close-in air protection, and .50 cal machine guns for seaborne defense. It may have been built with some limited anti-submarine/anti-torpedo defenses installed, but they are unlikely to be of any type that could be used offensively.
I should say that it is POSSIBLE the ship could be retrofitted in a hurry for other defensive weapons, like Oerlikons if the wiring was pre-installed along with hard-points. However, it would rely on full-time PLAN ships escorting it for the majority of it's defense.

MoralDriftreply to Jared Woody
its a terrible idea .this hulking ship could never be used in combat

Jared Woody reply to MoralDrift
I agree, this is definitely not a combat ship by any means, although there's plenty of military ships in the United States that are not armed or outfitted for a fight any better than this one. The difference is we are unchallenged on the seas, so we don't really need to worry about it, and our Navy is large enough to serve escort duty if we ever did need to worry.

Playing at amphibious war, how cute. They do know that we have torpedoes that can be dropped into the ocean hundreds of miles away that can hunt these ships down , don't they?


m12345 reply to PeteEllis
Torpedos work if they "hit" their target.
The range of a torpedo is irrelevant, one could be conceivably be built and launched 15000 kilometers away. Hyper-sonic or whatever the hell tech they are working on at the moment for missiles that hit in 5 minutes is where its at today.
..Yes first strike would be based on targets not changing course every 3 minutes....... I bet you when they set there course it stays on that course.... If you wish to prevent American super-missiles hitting your vessel change course every 3 minutes slightly whilst on the course youve set. Okay job done (lots of small ships....better turning circles.), a new war time course zig zag will be inputted into fleets. Geez was that so hard. If i can think of it, China possibly has...actually they probably havent, but i am sure russians have.
Most war machines have about 1000 large missiles before they run out, take cruise missiles, they ran out of them in the Iraq war. More these days.... But a big war is going to be about how long you can last. How many decoys you have to use up enemy resources
Now let me jump to the American side...destroy China now. Find something they have like Rare Earth metals (sic) and Go to war over it. Hell im sure they have oil in them there hills.

James G Hogue
Before I get concerned about this they will need 499 more. Please set up an alert when they get that many.

The perfect vessel to disembark troops and tanks on the island of Taiwan!!!


Even better, sink them all with some leftover hyper-sonic torpedoes. See if their tanks and APCs can float! People are always saying, how the Chinese have more people and more resources - yet the United States has some of the most advanced weapons in the world, and plenty of weight to throw around. Plus, the Chinese are most likely infected with a Gauss or Flame, and as such we could just spoof their shipping coordinates into Taiwan.

Alejandro Renteria reply to xsp3ctrex
The United States has never fielded a hyper-sonic torpedo, you are thinking of Russia.
(注:可能指“暴风雪”鱼雷(或称“急风”),重为 2.7 吨,直径 533 毫米 ,长度 8.2 米。俄罗斯生产。由普通的鱼雷发射管发射,水中航速为 100 米 / 秒(约200 节或200海里/小时)。近乎小型飞机的速度。是目前世界上最快的鱼雷。)

Jared Woody
True, the only supercavitating torpedo that saw wide deployment was the VA-111 Shkval out of the USSR, however, there have been attempts to create more modern versions, but they are not cost-effective.
Realistically, the US doesn't need to worry about these ships anyway, as they would be easily sank from any level, air, sea, subsurface without a terrible degree of difficulty; the only problem would be an escort.
确实,苏制VA-111 Shkval(注:俄语:шквал - 急风)是唯一被广泛部署的超音速鱼雷。俄罗斯人已经尝试开发更先进的版本了,但这种鱼雷性价比太低。
China Now Using a Cruise Ship to Haul Troops and Tanks
作者:翻译加工厂 发布日期:2012-09-03 浏览:14492
h t tp:// w
原创翻译:龙腾网 ht t p://w 翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处



The media freaked out about China’s crappy aircraft carrier and hyperventilated over the J-20 stealth fighter. But China’s newest addition to its military is more subtle, and stylish. It’s a 36,000-ton pleasure boat capable of disgorging thousands of troops and hundreds of vehicles held inside its belly.

That would be the Bahai Sea Green Pearl, a 36,000-ton ferry and cruise ship commissioned in August at Yantai Port in China’s northeastern Shandong Province. At heart a vessel for pleasure and civilian transport, the ship is intended to normally ferry cars and passengers across the Yellow Sea. But when needed by the People’s Liberation Army, the Green Pearl can double as a troop carrier. During its launching ceremony and demonstration on Aug. 8, PLA troops could be seen loading dozens of tanks, artillery pieces and armored vehicles on board.


Photos from Chinese state television posted to the China Defense Blog show some of the action, including what looks like fully loaded soldiers running through a corridor. Tanks and artillery pieces are also seen inside one of the ship’s three vehicle compartments. How they got there: via the ship’s roll-on/roll-off (or ro-ro) ramp on its stern.

China also has three more of the vessels under construction, which Zhang Wei, chief of the PLA’s Military Transportation Department under the PLA General Logistics Department, said is a “new leap in our military use of civilian vessels to improve the strategic projection.” The Green Pearl reportedly has room for more than 2,000 people and 300 cars. It’s even got a helicopter pad.

It’s also got luxury. When the ship isn’t ferrying civilians, China’s troops could take in the pleasure of tall windows for observing “the beautiful scenery of the sea,” reported the Yantai Daily Media Group. Not only that, but rooms — which range from first to third class — are equipped with televisions, cellphone signal amplifiers and wireless internet access. And if the troops get bored in their rooms, there’s always mingling in one of two staterooms and a cafe. There are even rooms set aside for reading and chess. And no cruise ship would be complete without some collective entertainment at a multi-purpose auditorium. If troops are feeling cooped up, they can always go above deck for excursions in the sun.


Armored vehicles from China’s People’s Liberation Army prepare to board the Green Pearl in August 2012. Photo: CCTV via China Defense Blog
2012年8月 来自中国人民解放军的装甲车准备登上渤海翠珠号 照片:CCTV 来自中国国防博客

However, the Green Pearl is by no means a true amphibious assault ship. There’s no indication of any landing craft, or any ability to launch them. The ship needs a proper dock to gets its heavier equipment onto land. That mostly rules out launching an invasion of troops while sitting (relatively) safely off-shore. Instead, the ship is more accurately called something like an “amphibious augmentation” platform. It can base a helicopter, and it can follow up an amphibious assault with more troops — after a landing site is secure.

It’s also not a new concept. Using civilian ships for double duty is “entirely in keeping with Chinese practices reaching back for centuries,” Jim Holmes, an associate professor of strategy at the Navy War College, tells Danger Room. For Western navies, that practice dated up until the 18th century. And today, the U.S. uses mixed military and commercial ships to refuel at sea, Holmes says.
这也是一项新的理念,利用民用船只执行双重任务,“这正符合中国过去几个世纪以来的实践。”海军战争学院战略部副教授Jim Holmes是这么告诉威胁论研究室的。对西方海军来说,那样的实践可以追溯到十八世纪。今天,美国采用军商两用的混合船只来进行海上补给,Holmes说道。

China has also been building up its fleet of amphibious assault ships, which could be at the front line of an invasion of Taiwan, say. That is, if China could conceivably launch one. But probably not. Since 2008, China has launched four Yuzhao-class, or Type 081 amphibious assault ships. The lead ship was deployed to fight pirates near Somalia. China is also reportedly working on a newer, bigger amphibious ship called the Type 081 .


What’s more likely is using the Green Pearl for “soft power” operations distant from China’s shores. “Beijing seems rather comfortable with the situation in the Taiwan Strait and is clearly looking beyond Taiwan, as it has been for some time now,” Holmes says. “Such a vessel could be a workhorse for any mission involving amphibious operations, meaning humanitarian relief.”

That could mean delivering aid, transporting doctors and engineers to a country beset by an emergency. And there’s always port calls. That is, making stops in countries friendly to China while carrying a contingent of visiting officers and diplomats on board.

And not that China’s new cruise ships of war have any chance of matching the United States’ own massive fleet of commercial transport ships available for military duties. The U.S. has 60 privately owned commercial ships available to be called upon by the Navy under the Department of Transportation’sMaritime Security Program. Most of those are heavy-duty container vessels, but 17 of them are ro-ro ships.

According to the DoT’s Maritime Administration , the Navy has relied on them to lift troops during the Persian Gulf War, and into Bosnia, Somalia and Kosovo, and has had to rely on those commercial ships even more in recent years to fight the war in Iraq. The United Kingdom famously hauled troops during the Falklands War with the Queen Elizabeth 2.

In the meantime, let the PLA take in the scenic views and relax to the soothing hum of the Green Pearl‘s engines. Unlike the U.S. and British cruise and ro-ro ships of war, there’s not a huge chance of China’s new pleasureboat invading anyone any time soon.




Mitch Sprague
No no, that's how the Chinese vacation. They line up in squads and march aboard the ship for shuffle board and bingo. When they get to the destination they tour in armoured personnel vehicles.

MoralDrift reply to Mitch Sprague
actually thats about true

Jeremy Caissie
Really? Western navies used civilian ships as transports "up to the 18th century"? Not in WWI (Olympic, for example) or WWII (Queen Mary)?

CommonSense033 reply to Jeremy Caissie 8 Likes
Or our own SS United States, built with torpedo banding. Both Queens served in WWII as troopships, and the French Line's Normandie would have if she hadn't caught fire and tipped over while being refitted and stripped of finery. Shhh. Wired would have to start doing research instead of just slapping the keyboard in their SF hipster office. Can't have that.

That ain't a cruise ship or ferry, that's a RoRo Ship, as in Roll-on/roll-off ships, which are used to transport automobiles. Jesus fucking Christ, it seems the Danger Room hires only dumbass turd faces these days.
(注:奥林匹克号邮轮(R.M.S. Olympic)(1911—1934),隶属于英国白星航运公司。奥林匹克号是白星公司奥林匹克级邮轮中的首舰,也是泰坦尼克号的姐妹舰。一战时被改造成战舰服役。奥林匹克号船首安装了一门12磅炮,船尾安装了2门4.7英寸炮,成为英国皇家海军T2810号运兵船。1934年被拆毁; 皇家邮轮玛丽王后号(RMS Queen Mary)和伊丽莎白王后号(RMS Queen Elizabeth)隶属于英国的卡纳德轮船公司,是第二次世界大战前欧洲上流社会歌舞升平的奢华生活达到顶峰时的产物。两艘邮船在战争期间因为快速、运兵量大成为所有英国船舰中对战争贡献最突出的船。伊丽莎白王后号一共运送了75万名乘客,航行50万海里。玛丽王后号运送了差不多同样多的士兵来到英国,航行约60万海里。总计运送超过160万以上部队到达世界各地,其中搭载乘客最多的一次是从美国运来了15988名士兵。丘吉尔评价说,由于两艘王后号邮船的卓越表现,运送了大量的人力和物力资源到欧洲战场,因此使得战争得以提前一年结束;合众国号邮轮(SS United States),又称“Big U”。二战之后,由于铁幕在欧洲落下,以及朝鲜战争的爆发,美国政府也决定鼓励美国的船运公司建造大型邮船,以便在冷战演变成热战的时候,能够象二战中英国那两艘著名的“王后”级豪华邮船一样充当快速运兵船使用。合众国号功率达24万马力,巡航航速35节,最高航速达43节,战时可以一次搭载15000名士兵。由于喷气式客机的出现,大型邮船在战后的命运已经很明显。冷战没有演变成美苏之间的热战(除了1962年古巴导弹危机,那次事件中合众国号已经准备改装工作了)。合众国号却在不断地给它的船主——合众国海运公司赔钱。1969年,合众国号退出航线运营。1999年,合众国号邮船作为美国国家历史遗产登记注册;诺曼底号游轮(S.S. Normandie),隶属于法国CGT(跨大西洋海运公司),由圣纳泽尔的Penhoet船厂建造,1932年下水。直到70余年后的今天,诺曼底号仍被国际客船界评价为历史上最大、最漂亮、最豪华的邮船。1940年6月,法国战败求和。美国宣布羁押当时停靠在纽约港的诺曼底号。1941年12月7日,日本空袭珍珠港,美国参战。诺曼底号被美国海军征用。美国海军将其改名为拉法耶特号,准备作为运兵船使用,1942年2月9日在改装过程中意外起火烧毁并倾覆在哈得逊河中。1946年10月,造价6000万美元的诺曼底号船壳以16万美元价格出售给新泽西州一家拆船公司。)

BK553 reply to Guest 4 Likes
"Auto transport" (PPCs) ships don't have accommodations for 2,000 people and an auditorium, jackass. It's called a cruiseferry, and it's one type of RoRo, of which there are many. You're just as wrong as he is.

I like thow they launched Type 081 class ships, but they are also working on a new ship, called the Type 081.

The WWI battle between the armed Cunard "Carmania" and the German "Cap Trafalgar" demonstrated that ocean liners are not warships.
Troop transports, sure, as long as you don't mind it pulling a Costa Concordia while loaded with troops at the first small-arms-fire hit. There's not even redundant power systems, and the smallest fire in the switching room can leave a modern liner drifting and helpless...and in recent years, has.

m12345 reply to CommonSense033
Im in 2 minds about a passenger vessel as flimsy as this being used. The concept is fine if and only if you have secured the transit route. Clearly subs have been removed from their equation....

Joe Loiacono
More targets for Taiwanese anti-shipping missiles.
Seriously i doubt these ships are even armed.

Jared Woody reply to Joe Loiacono
Unlikely that they are, considering the civilian use of the vessel. Likely the best weapons it has would be man portable weapons, Stinger-type SAMs for close-in air protection, and .50 cal machine guns for seaborne defense. It may have been built with some limited anti-submarine/anti-torpedo defenses installed, but they are unlikely to be of any type that could be used offensively.
I should say that it is POSSIBLE the ship could be retrofitted in a hurry for other defensive weapons, like Oerlikons if the wiring was pre-installed along with hard-points. However, it would rely on full-time PLAN ships escorting it for the majority of it's defense.

MoralDriftreply to Jared Woody
its a terrible idea .this hulking ship could never be used in combat

Jared Woody reply to MoralDrift
I agree, this is definitely not a combat ship by any means, although there's plenty of military ships in the United States that are not armed or outfitted for a fight any better than this one. The difference is we are unchallenged on the seas, so we don't really need to worry about it, and our Navy is large enough to serve escort duty if we ever did need to worry.

Playing at amphibious war, how cute. They do know that we have torpedoes that can be dropped into the ocean hundreds of miles away that can hunt these ships down , don't they?


m12345 reply to PeteEllis
Torpedos work if they "hit" their target.
The range of a torpedo is irrelevant, one could be conceivably be built and launched 15000 kilometers away. Hyper-sonic or whatever the hell tech they are working on at the moment for missiles that hit in 5 minutes is where its at today.
..Yes first strike would be based on targets not changing course every 3 minutes....... I bet you when they set there course it stays on that course.... If you wish to prevent American super-missiles hitting your vessel change course every 3 minutes slightly whilst on the course youve set. Okay job done (lots of small ships....better turning circles.), a new war time course zig zag will be inputted into fleets. Geez was that so hard. If i can think of it, China possibly has...actually they probably havent, but i am sure russians have.
Most war machines have about 1000 large missiles before they run out, take cruise missiles, they ran out of them in the Iraq war. More these days.... But a big war is going to be about how long you can last. How many decoys you have to use up enemy resources
Now let me jump to the American side...destroy China now. Find something they have like Rare Earth metals (sic) and Go to war over it. Hell im sure they have oil in them there hills.

James G Hogue
Before I get concerned about this they will need 499 more. Please set up an alert when they get that many.

The perfect vessel to disembark troops and tanks on the island of Taiwan!!!


Even better, sink them all with some leftover hyper-sonic torpedoes. See if their tanks and APCs can float! People are always saying, how the Chinese have more people and more resources - yet the United States has some of the most advanced weapons in the world, and plenty of weight to throw around. Plus, the Chinese are most likely infected with a Gauss or Flame, and as such we could just spoof their shipping coordinates into Taiwan.

Alejandro Renteria reply to xsp3ctrex
The United States has never fielded a hyper-sonic torpedo, you are thinking of Russia.
(注:可能指“暴风雪”鱼雷(或称“急风”),重为 2.7 吨,直径 533 毫米 ,长度 8.2 米。俄罗斯生产。由普通的鱼雷发射管发射,水中航速为 100 米 / 秒(约200 节或200海里/小时)。近乎小型飞机的速度。是目前世界上最快的鱼雷。)

Jared Woody
True, the only supercavitating torpedo that saw wide deployment was the VA-111 Shkval out of the USSR, however, there have been attempts to create more modern versions, but they are not cost-effective.
Realistically, the US doesn't need to worry about these ships anyway, as they would be easily sank from any level, air, sea, subsurface without a terrible degree of difficulty; the only problem would be an escort.
确实,苏制VA-111 Shkval(注:俄语:шквал - 急风)是唯一被广泛部署的超音速鱼雷。俄罗斯人已经尝试开发更先进的版本了,但这种鱼雷性价比太低。
弱爆了,才60艘。真搞动员,中国光CSCL COSCO,就能轻松拿出600艘远洋船搞军事运输。阿妹还以为是90年代前的中国呀
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无聊郁闷 发表于 2012-9-4 23:02

pippo564 发表于 2012-9-5 00:21
