
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 00:25:42
并求助几个地名的翻译:Danger Reef, Tizard Bank and Namyit Island。欢迎指正。

Facilities in the South China Sea reflect technologies otherwise hidden
链接:www  . warfighter  . org /chinatech.html

by James C. Bussert , Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, Virginia
作者:James C. Bussert,隶属于在Dahlgren, Virginia的海军水面作战中心

[1]As with other maritime forces, China has been seeking to network disparate assets, and to meet that requirement, it has been establishing signal stations on islands and atolls throughout the South China Sea.

These facilities, which range from communications relays to radar units, both demonstrate China’s expanding regional reach and provide a rare glimpse of the country’s military electronics technologies.

[2]China has been actively expanding south from Hainan Island since 1974 when it seized the Paracel Islands from the Vietnamese, and its activities continued in the 1990s with construction on several Spratley Islands reefs. Locations of Chinese military electronics on the mainland are largely hidden, and any photographs are classified. But, facilities on the South China Sea islands and reefs place this technology out in the open.

[3]Based on electronics and facilities observed, Woody Island in the Paracels and Fiery Cross Island in the Spratleys seem to be the main control links to China’s South Fleet Guangzhou headquarters. Other armed Chinese islands or reefs are linked via satellite communications and radio to the local and fleet commanders. The electronics and combat systems of the Chinese aircraft, warships and paramilitary ships greatly augment the island-based electronics.

[4]The only electronic systems directly off the south China coast are ones that involve offshore naval operations. A large over-the-horizon (OTH) backscatter (OTH-B) radar faces south near the southern coast of China. In the 1970s, the experimental OTH radar had a 2,300-meter antenna and could pick up surface ships at 250 kilometers. A series of technical papers describing a skyway OTH radar in the early 1990s leads to the conclusion that operational deployment would have been in that period.

[5]The fact that Guangzhou is the headquarters of the South China Fleet indicates a major complex of tactical and strategic space and land-based communication and long-range radars in that area. They would be focused south into the South China Sea.

[6]Radio beacon navigation–differential global positioning system (GPS), or RBN-DGPS, are located at the southern ports of Zhanjiang, Fangcheng and Luyu. DGPS manufactured by Communication Systems International can be accurate to within 5 to 10 meters with a 300-kilometer range. The vessel traffic service (VTS) is located at Zhanjiang. Western imported technology is an integral part of these electronic systems because the DGPS is Australian and VTS is from Lockheed Martin in Syracuse, New York.

[7]Although appearing to be a tourist island of native tribes and small villages, Hainan Island features an embedded, but nearly invisible, strong military electronic infrastructure. The emergency landing of a U.S. Navy EP-3C at Lingshui airfield in 2001 was a peek into this. Mainland Chinese governments prior to World War II minimally touched Hainan, although there was a naval station at “Hoihow” (now Haikou) in the early 1900s. During the seven-year Japanese occupation in World War II, the island had an extensive military and industrial buildup. This included large coal and ore mines as well as the first railroads connecting to a new major Japanese submarine base at Yulin. Although today the locations of Hainan long-range air search sites are classified, Japan had sites at Yulin, Basuo and Haikou in 1944.

[8]Work started in the late 1970s on three high-power radio navigation aids in south China, but they were not online until 1983. Modern RBN-DGPS navigation aids are located at Sanya, Haikou and Haifou. The VTS with radar and a computer tracking/control station are located on the west coast at Dong Fang (formerly Basuo) and in Haikou. The Haikou facility has one local and three remote dual X-band radars, a local and remote very high frequency (VHF) communication system and a remote VHF direction finder. This vessel traffic management system controls traffic in the Qiongzhou Channel between Hainan and the mainland. A digital GPS beacon station of 295 kilohertz was activated in 1999 at Sanya, and two more followed at Yangpu.

[9]In June 2001, HY-2 antiship cruise missiles appeared. They would require a long-range surface-search radar to detect surface ship targets. In mid-1995, a new signals intelligence (SIGINT) station entered service on Rocky Island, which is near Woody Island. This station could support air or surface warning for air missions or ship targeting, especially because Rocky Island has the highest peak in the Paracel Islands.
The largest island in the Paracels is Pattle Island, which had a weather station when Vietnam lost it in 1974. The port facilities on Duncan Island, the second largest island, are being enlarged, which would indicate increased military construction and electronic equipment. Drummond Island, the site of a naval battle in 1974, is not known to have any buildings or electronic equipment.

[10]The only radio beacon south of Hainan is at Robert Island, which is only 500 meters long. There are no modern DGPS navigation beacons in the Paracels, so this must be an older type installed in the late 1970s.

[11]Another disputed island group claimed by China is the Spratley Islands. Popular opinion tends to state that the Spratley Islands largely were uninhabited until the recent construction. In fact, during World War II, Japan built bases on Danger Reef, Tizard Bank and Namyit Island, which are occupied by Vietnam and the Philippines today.

[12]In the 1980s, cruises in the Spratleys by nonmilitary fishermen and later ocean research ships soon were followed by Chinese warship visits. In 1988-1989, several dozen Chinese warships conducted large naval exercises coinciding with occupation of reefs in the Spratleys. In November 1990, China completed a lengthy hydrological survey with “research” ships in the Spratleys. In the 1990s, construction began on crude huts and octagonal wooden structures on wooden pilings. These were called “typhoon shelters for fishermen” by the Beijing government.
在南沙,20世纪80年代,中国先出动非军事渔船,随后派出海洋科学考察船巡游,中国海军于是接踵而来。 1988-1989年,数十条中国军舰进行了大规模的海军演习,而这些演习恰好跟[中国]对南沙一些礁群的占领同步。在1990年11月,中国在南沙完成了用“科学考察船”进行的漫长的水文调查。在20世纪90年代,中国开始建设些简单的棚屋和基于木桩的八角形的木结构[吊脚屋]。这些人被北京政府称之为“避风渔民”。

[13]In 1995, China built its first structures on one point of the circular Mischief Reef. In October 1998, these were expanded with three additional clusters of more octagonal wooden structures. Each cluster of structures has a 2.5-meter satellite communication dish aimed skyward. The northern and southern clusters had two-story cement buildings constructed, which resembled forts with the usual satellite communication and high frequency (HF) whip antennas. The southern building was about 36 meters long, and the northern building was 122 meters long. Two years later, major electronic and weapon emplacements were added to the smaller northern building. Additional piers, a helicopter pad and several anti-aircraft guns were added along with an unidentified missile weapon system. The new weapon system could be HY-2 or newer C-801 anti-surface-ship cruise missiles. A white rectangular antenna was placed on top of the building control tower. It resembles a navy navigation radar, which would have a range of about 25 miles around the semi-submerged “island.” It could be an imported Racal Decca 1290 Arpa radar or a Chinese Model 756 navigation radar with a dual X-band and S-band antenna.
1995年,中国在圆型的美济礁上建立了初批结构。 1998年10月,又加建了三个额外的结构群。每个集群的结构有一个2.5米的卫星通信天线碟,指向天空。北部和南部的集群有两层楼高的水泥建筑,它类似于有着通常的卫星通信和高频(HF)鞭状天线的堡垒。南面的楼约36米长,北方的长122米。两年后,主要的电子和武器炮位添加到较小的北楼。后来增加了额外的码头,一个直升机停机坪,几个高射炮和一个不明的导弹武器系统。新的武器系统可能是HY-2或较新的C-801反水面舰艇的巡航导弹。一个白色的矩形天线安放在建筑控制塔的顶部。它类似于一个海军导航雷达,涵盖这半淹“小岛“周围的约25英里的范围。这可能是进口的雷卡迪卡1290 ARPA雷达,也可能是一个中国产的有双X波段和S波段天线的756型导航雷达。

[14]After civilian and scientific vessels reconnoitered the area in October 1987, China seized Fiery Cross Island in March 1988. It sits in the eastern Spratleys deep in Philippine waters. A photo of a 200-foot-long cement building on Fiery Cross Island shows a standard naval HF yagi radar antenna based on the Soviet Knife Rest. The Chinese copy, designated Bean Sticks, operates in the 70- to 73-megahertz frequencies with a range of about 180 kilometers.
继民用和科研船只1987年10月侦察永暑礁之后,中国于1988年3月拿下该礁。它坐落在深入菲律宾水域的南沙东部。一张显有200英尺长的水泥建筑物的照片显示了一个基于苏联刀架的标准的海军短波八木雷达天线。中国的仿制品,别称豆棒,运行于70 - 73兆赫频率,涵盖半径大约180公里的区域。

[15]Two other small electronic countermeasures (ECM) radomes on the building appear similar to the RWS-1 mounted on navy destroyers. Land-based ECM domes such as these are not identified in references. Several whip communication antennas and taller mast antennas also are on the roof.

[16]Chinese radios may be connected to different antennas for different needs. For example, R-series HF radios use a 4-meter whip for up to 25-kilometer communications, and they use an 11-meter mast for ranges out to 40 kilometers. A long wire runs from a mast on one end of the building to the ground, which would be an HF long-line radio antenna. A probable radio would be the large 73-kilogram SR 109 synthesized receiver with a band from 10 kilohertz to 30 megahertz. It is suitable for radio signal surveillance and long-range distance communications. In addition to two roof-mounted 2.5-meter satellite communications dishes, there is a large 4-meter dish mounted on a large pedestal. This probably is a meteorological weather antenna.
中国收音机可针对不同的需求连接到不同的天线。例如,针对不超过长达25公里的范围,他们使用4米鞭型R系列高频无线电天线,而对不超过40公里的的范围则使用11米高的桅杆型天线。而 从楼的端点上的桅杆通到地面的长缆线则可能是一个短波长线的无线电天线。一个可能的无线电台会是大的73公斤重 的从10千赫至30兆赫波段的SR109合成接收器。这个适用于无线电信号监测和远程通信距离。除了两个在屋顶上安装的2.5米卫星通信碟,还有一个大的4米天线安装在一个大型基座上。这可能是气象天线。

[17]On Johnson South Reef, four octagonal huts initially were built on wooden pilings. By 1989 there were two round cement towers on the ends of a two-story white rectangular building on a cement base. At one end is a 2.5-meter satellite communications antenna adjacent to an 8-foot mast antenna, with two more tall mast antennas on the roof. Chigua Island has an identical building structure with a wooden barracks adding greatly increased manning space. Subi Reef in 1997 had the typical wooden barracks structure and a two-story building with one satellite communications antenna. Two unusual features are a huge round helicopter landing pad and a sturdy cement bridge with cement arches connecting it to the headquarters building. These are both unique to Subi Reef.
赤瓜礁上,4个八角形的木屋最初是建在木桩上。到1989年,有了一栋两层的白色水泥底座上的长方形建筑,在其两端各有一个圆形水泥塔。一端是相邻于一个8英尺高桅杆型天线的2.5米卫星通信天线, 在屋顶上还有两个高的桅杆型天线。赤瓜岛有一个相同的建筑结构用木制营房[怀疑原作者有误],但加大了作业空间。渚碧礁在1997年时拥有典型的木制营房和一个附带卫星通信天线的两层楼房。两个不同寻常的特点是一个巨大的圆形直升机停机坪和连接它的总部大楼的水泥拱门坚固的水泥桥。这些都是渚碧礁所特有的。

[18]Most of the Chinese outposts have a small tower on top of the two-story cement buildings that are the electronics centers for communications, ELINT and radars. This would be where the duty officer would stand watches. Many of these complexes retain small wooden huts on the end of jetties, which would be a good location for noisy power generators and hazardous toxic materials like fuel barrels for the power sources. Most outposts have helicopter landing pads and small- to medium-size piers to receive personnel or logistic supplies via ships.

[19]On the far western edge of the South China Sea is a Chinese electronic activity aimed at India. In 1992, construction began on a SIGINT station on Coco Island near the Indian navy’s large base on Andaman Island.

James C. Bussert is employed at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, Virginia, where he works on surface ship antisubmarine fire control systems with commercial off-the-shelf technology upgrades.
并求助几个地名的翻译:Danger Reef, Tizard Bank and Namyit Island。欢迎指正。

Facilities in the South China Sea reflect technologies otherwise hidden
链接:www  . warfighter  . org /chinatech.html

by James C. Bussert , Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, Virginia
作者:James C. Bussert,隶属于在Dahlgren, Virginia的海军水面作战中心

[1]As with other maritime forces, China has been seeking to network disparate assets, and to meet that requirement, it has been establishing signal stations on islands and atolls throughout the South China Sea.

These facilities, which range from communications relays to radar units, both demonstrate China’s expanding regional reach and provide a rare glimpse of the country’s military electronics technologies.

[2]China has been actively expanding south from Hainan Island since 1974 when it seized the Paracel Islands from the Vietnamese, and its activities continued in the 1990s with construction on several Spratley Islands reefs. Locations of Chinese military electronics on the mainland are largely hidden, and any photographs are classified. But, facilities on the South China Sea islands and reefs place this technology out in the open.

[3]Based on electronics and facilities observed, Woody Island in the Paracels and Fiery Cross Island in the Spratleys seem to be the main control links to China’s South Fleet Guangzhou headquarters. Other armed Chinese islands or reefs are linked via satellite communications and radio to the local and fleet commanders. The electronics and combat systems of the Chinese aircraft, warships and paramilitary ships greatly augment the island-based electronics.

[4]The only electronic systems directly off the south China coast are ones that involve offshore naval operations. A large over-the-horizon (OTH) backscatter (OTH-B) radar faces south near the southern coast of China. In the 1970s, the experimental OTH radar had a 2,300-meter antenna and could pick up surface ships at 250 kilometers. A series of technical papers describing a skyway OTH radar in the early 1990s leads to the conclusion that operational deployment would have been in that period.

[5]The fact that Guangzhou is the headquarters of the South China Fleet indicates a major complex of tactical and strategic space and land-based communication and long-range radars in that area. They would be focused south into the South China Sea.

[6]Radio beacon navigation–differential global positioning system (GPS), or RBN-DGPS, are located at the southern ports of Zhanjiang, Fangcheng and Luyu. DGPS manufactured by Communication Systems International can be accurate to within 5 to 10 meters with a 300-kilometer range. The vessel traffic service (VTS) is located at Zhanjiang. Western imported technology is an integral part of these electronic systems because the DGPS is Australian and VTS is from Lockheed Martin in Syracuse, New York.

[7]Although appearing to be a tourist island of native tribes and small villages, Hainan Island features an embedded, but nearly invisible, strong military electronic infrastructure. The emergency landing of a U.S. Navy EP-3C at Lingshui airfield in 2001 was a peek into this. Mainland Chinese governments prior to World War II minimally touched Hainan, although there was a naval station at “Hoihow” (now Haikou) in the early 1900s. During the seven-year Japanese occupation in World War II, the island had an extensive military and industrial buildup. This included large coal and ore mines as well as the first railroads connecting to a new major Japanese submarine base at Yulin. Although today the locations of Hainan long-range air search sites are classified, Japan had sites at Yulin, Basuo and Haikou in 1944.

[8]Work started in the late 1970s on three high-power radio navigation aids in south China, but they were not online until 1983. Modern RBN-DGPS navigation aids are located at Sanya, Haikou and Haifou. The VTS with radar and a computer tracking/control station are located on the west coast at Dong Fang (formerly Basuo) and in Haikou. The Haikou facility has one local and three remote dual X-band radars, a local and remote very high frequency (VHF) communication system and a remote VHF direction finder. This vessel traffic management system controls traffic in the Qiongzhou Channel between Hainan and the mainland. A digital GPS beacon station of 295 kilohertz was activated in 1999 at Sanya, and two more followed at Yangpu.

[9]In June 2001, HY-2 antiship cruise missiles appeared. They would require a long-range surface-search radar to detect surface ship targets. In mid-1995, a new signals intelligence (SIGINT) station entered service on Rocky Island, which is near Woody Island. This station could support air or surface warning for air missions or ship targeting, especially because Rocky Island has the highest peak in the Paracel Islands.
The largest island in the Paracels is Pattle Island, which had a weather station when Vietnam lost it in 1974. The port facilities on Duncan Island, the second largest island, are being enlarged, which would indicate increased military construction and electronic equipment. Drummond Island, the site of a naval battle in 1974, is not known to have any buildings or electronic equipment.

[10]The only radio beacon south of Hainan is at Robert Island, which is only 500 meters long. There are no modern DGPS navigation beacons in the Paracels, so this must be an older type installed in the late 1970s.

[11]Another disputed island group claimed by China is the Spratley Islands. Popular opinion tends to state that the Spratley Islands largely were uninhabited until the recent construction. In fact, during World War II, Japan built bases on Danger Reef, Tizard Bank and Namyit Island, which are occupied by Vietnam and the Philippines today.

[12]In the 1980s, cruises in the Spratleys by nonmilitary fishermen and later ocean research ships soon were followed by Chinese warship visits. In 1988-1989, several dozen Chinese warships conducted large naval exercises coinciding with occupation of reefs in the Spratleys. In November 1990, China completed a lengthy hydrological survey with “research” ships in the Spratleys. In the 1990s, construction began on crude huts and octagonal wooden structures on wooden pilings. These were called “typhoon shelters for fishermen” by the Beijing government.
在南沙,20世纪80年代,中国先出动非军事渔船,随后派出海洋科学考察船巡游,中国海军于是接踵而来。 1988-1989年,数十条中国军舰进行了大规模的海军演习,而这些演习恰好跟[中国]对南沙一些礁群的占领同步。在1990年11月,中国在南沙完成了用“科学考察船”进行的漫长的水文调查。在20世纪90年代,中国开始建设些简单的棚屋和基于木桩的八角形的木结构[吊脚屋]。这些人被北京政府称之为“避风渔民”。

[13]In 1995, China built its first structures on one point of the circular Mischief Reef. In October 1998, these were expanded with three additional clusters of more octagonal wooden structures. Each cluster of structures has a 2.5-meter satellite communication dish aimed skyward. The northern and southern clusters had two-story cement buildings constructed, which resembled forts with the usual satellite communication and high frequency (HF) whip antennas. The southern building was about 36 meters long, and the northern building was 122 meters long. Two years later, major electronic and weapon emplacements were added to the smaller northern building. Additional piers, a helicopter pad and several anti-aircraft guns were added along with an unidentified missile weapon system. The new weapon system could be HY-2 or newer C-801 anti-surface-ship cruise missiles. A white rectangular antenna was placed on top of the building control tower. It resembles a navy navigation radar, which would have a range of about 25 miles around the semi-submerged “island.” It could be an imported Racal Decca 1290 Arpa radar or a Chinese Model 756 navigation radar with a dual X-band and S-band antenna.
1995年,中国在圆型的美济礁上建立了初批结构。 1998年10月,又加建了三个额外的结构群。每个集群的结构有一个2.5米的卫星通信天线碟,指向天空。北部和南部的集群有两层楼高的水泥建筑,它类似于有着通常的卫星通信和高频(HF)鞭状天线的堡垒。南面的楼约36米长,北方的长122米。两年后,主要的电子和武器炮位添加到较小的北楼。后来增加了额外的码头,一个直升机停机坪,几个高射炮和一个不明的导弹武器系统。新的武器系统可能是HY-2或较新的C-801反水面舰艇的巡航导弹。一个白色的矩形天线安放在建筑控制塔的顶部。它类似于一个海军导航雷达,涵盖这半淹“小岛“周围的约25英里的范围。这可能是进口的雷卡迪卡1290 ARPA雷达,也可能是一个中国产的有双X波段和S波段天线的756型导航雷达。

[14]After civilian and scientific vessels reconnoitered the area in October 1987, China seized Fiery Cross Island in March 1988. It sits in the eastern Spratleys deep in Philippine waters. A photo of a 200-foot-long cement building on Fiery Cross Island shows a standard naval HF yagi radar antenna based on the Soviet Knife Rest. The Chinese copy, designated Bean Sticks, operates in the 70- to 73-megahertz frequencies with a range of about 180 kilometers.
继民用和科研船只1987年10月侦察永暑礁之后,中国于1988年3月拿下该礁。它坐落在深入菲律宾水域的南沙东部。一张显有200英尺长的水泥建筑物的照片显示了一个基于苏联刀架的标准的海军短波八木雷达天线。中国的仿制品,别称豆棒,运行于70 - 73兆赫频率,涵盖半径大约180公里的区域。

[15]Two other small electronic countermeasures (ECM) radomes on the building appear similar to the RWS-1 mounted on navy destroyers. Land-based ECM domes such as these are not identified in references. Several whip communication antennas and taller mast antennas also are on the roof.

[16]Chinese radios may be connected to different antennas for different needs. For example, R-series HF radios use a 4-meter whip for up to 25-kilometer communications, and they use an 11-meter mast for ranges out to 40 kilometers. A long wire runs from a mast on one end of the building to the ground, which would be an HF long-line radio antenna. A probable radio would be the large 73-kilogram SR 109 synthesized receiver with a band from 10 kilohertz to 30 megahertz. It is suitable for radio signal surveillance and long-range distance communications. In addition to two roof-mounted 2.5-meter satellite communications dishes, there is a large 4-meter dish mounted on a large pedestal. This probably is a meteorological weather antenna.
中国收音机可针对不同的需求连接到不同的天线。例如,针对不超过长达25公里的范围,他们使用4米鞭型R系列高频无线电天线,而对不超过40公里的的范围则使用11米高的桅杆型天线。而 从楼的端点上的桅杆通到地面的长缆线则可能是一个短波长线的无线电天线。一个可能的无线电台会是大的73公斤重 的从10千赫至30兆赫波段的SR109合成接收器。这个适用于无线电信号监测和远程通信距离。除了两个在屋顶上安装的2.5米卫星通信碟,还有一个大的4米天线安装在一个大型基座上。这可能是气象天线。

[17]On Johnson South Reef, four octagonal huts initially were built on wooden pilings. By 1989 there were two round cement towers on the ends of a two-story white rectangular building on a cement base. At one end is a 2.5-meter satellite communications antenna adjacent to an 8-foot mast antenna, with two more tall mast antennas on the roof. Chigua Island has an identical building structure with a wooden barracks adding greatly increased manning space. Subi Reef in 1997 had the typical wooden barracks structure and a two-story building with one satellite communications antenna. Two unusual features are a huge round helicopter landing pad and a sturdy cement bridge with cement arches connecting it to the headquarters building. These are both unique to Subi Reef.
赤瓜礁上,4个八角形的木屋最初是建在木桩上。到1989年,有了一栋两层的白色水泥底座上的长方形建筑,在其两端各有一个圆形水泥塔。一端是相邻于一个8英尺高桅杆型天线的2.5米卫星通信天线, 在屋顶上还有两个高的桅杆型天线。赤瓜岛有一个相同的建筑结构用木制营房[怀疑原作者有误],但加大了作业空间。渚碧礁在1997年时拥有典型的木制营房和一个附带卫星通信天线的两层楼房。两个不同寻常的特点是一个巨大的圆形直升机停机坪和连接它的总部大楼的水泥拱门坚固的水泥桥。这些都是渚碧礁所特有的。

[18]Most of the Chinese outposts have a small tower on top of the two-story cement buildings that are the electronics centers for communications, ELINT and radars. This would be where the duty officer would stand watches. Many of these complexes retain small wooden huts on the end of jetties, which would be a good location for noisy power generators and hazardous toxic materials like fuel barrels for the power sources. Most outposts have helicopter landing pads and small- to medium-size piers to receive personnel or logistic supplies via ships.

[19]On the far western edge of the South China Sea is a Chinese electronic activity aimed at India. In 1992, construction began on a SIGINT station on Coco Island near the Indian navy’s large base on Andaman Island.

James C. Bussert is employed at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, Virginia, where he works on surface ship antisubmarine fire control systems with commercial off-the-shelf technology upgrades.