ZT龙腾翻译-【CNN】:战争之王Viktor Bout 被判处25年监 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 08:39:44

   Viktor Bout 被认为是尼古拉斯凯奇2005年的电影“战争之王”中的原型。   
The life of Viktor Bout is considered to have inspired the 2005 Nicolas Cage movie "Lord of War."

(CNN)--纽约联邦法院周四判处俄罗斯军火商Viktor Bout 25年监禁。
(CNN) -- Convicted Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout was sentenced Thursday to 25 years behind bars by a federal judge in New York.

Bout 通过翻译表示“我不认罪。我从未打算杀死任何人,也没打算把武器卖给任何人,上帝知道这是事实。”
"I am not guilty," Bout said through a translator."I never intended to kill anyone. I never intended to sell any arms to anyone. God knows this is the truth."

Last year Bout, who was dubbed "the merchant of death" by his accusers, was convicted on four counts of conspiracy to kill Americans, acquire and export anti-aircraft missiles and provide material support to a terrorist organization.

He had faced the possibility of life in prison.

曼哈顿的联邦检察官Preet Bharara说“Viktor Bout多年来都是头号国际军火贩子,为全球的暴力冲突提供武器。他同意向一个公开的、致力于杀害美国人的恐怖组织提供了数量惊人的军用武器,这回他终于被绳之以法了。”
"Viktor Bout has been international arms trafficking enemy number one for many years, arming some of the most violent conflicts around the globe," said Preet Bharara, the US attorney in Manhattan."He was finally brought to justice in an American court for agreeing to provide a staggering number of military-grade weapons to an avowed terrorist organization committed to killing Americans."

控方在审判中声称,2008年美国反毒人员在泰国执行“刺痛” 行动时逮捕了Bout ,Bout 相信他正在卖武器给哥伦比亚游击队。
At the trial, the prosecution said that during a 2008 sting operation by U.S. drug enforcement agents in Thailand, Bout believed he was selling weapons to Colombian guerrillas.

Bout 的律师Albert Dayan上周提交了一封信给主审法官Shira A. Scheindlin,希望暂不宣判Bout有罪。
His lawyer, Albert Dayan, filed a letter last week asking Judge Shira A. Scheindlin, who presided over the trial and who set Bout's sentence, to set aside the guilty verdict.

Dayan呼吁法官不要在这场他称之为“不当的起诉”中因为“纯粹的政治原因”而“站到错误的一边”。他认为定罪是“恶意的产物”,Bout 一直是华盛顿的“私人政治目标”。
Dayan urged the judge not to "become an unwilling party" in what he called a "wrongful prosecution" for "purely political reasons."He argued that the conviction is a "product of malice" and that Bout has been an "object of private politics" coming from Washington.

The lawyer claimed that Bout was picked out by the United States government and lured into a crime manufactured by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, in which the agency played "the role of judge, jury and executioner. "

Dayan坚持说Bout 不打算出售任何武器,他已经好几年没有卖武器了,这次他唯一想卖的是两架价值500万美元的运输机。Dayan 坚称是缉毒署诱使他的当事人从事了违法活动。
In his claim, Dayan insisted that Bout did not intend to sell any arms to the agents, that he had not sold any arms for several years and that the only thing he wanted to sell were two cargo airplanes, worth $5 million.Dayan stood by the claim that DEA officers baited his client into illegal activities.

Dayan 在信中写道“我不宣称,也不认为他是个天使,但他是无辜的。我觉得我的责任是讲出来让世界知道。”
"I do not profess, I do not argue that he's an angel, but he is innocent of these charges," Dayan wrote."I felt it was my duty to speak out and let the world know."

根据起诉书的说法,Bout 涉嫌建立一家公司,用飞机运送食品、药品以及武器。
According to a federal indictment, Bout was suspected of creating front companies that used his planes to deliver food and medical supplies, as well as arms.

2008年Bout 在泰国的诱捕行动中被捕,并在2010年被引渡到美国后开始了一场旷日持久的法庭诉讼。
After a sting operation in 2008, he was arrested in Thailand and in 2010 was extradited to the United States following a protracted court proceeding.

He was convicted in November after a three-week trial in New York.

在他被捕前,缉毒署努力诱使Bout 离开俄罗斯。俄罗斯长期以来一直庇护Bout 并为他辩护。
Before his arrest, the DEA had struggled to draw Bout out of his Russian homeland, which is long thought to have sheltered and defended him.

根据起诉书的说法,卧底探员在世界各地接触Bout 的联系人以试图找到他们的目标。
Undercover agents met with Bout's associates the world over, from Curacao to Copenhagen, in an attempt to set up a meeting with their target, according to the indictment.

The Russian businessman also has been accused of assembling a fleet of cargo planes to traffic military-grade weapons to conflict zones around the world since the 1990s.

Allegations of trafficking activities in Liberia prompted U.S. authorities to freeze his American assets in 2004 and prohibited U.S. transactions with him, according to the indictment.

Bout has maintained that he operated legitimate businesses and had acted as a mere logistics provider.His exact age is unclear, but he is believed to be in his late 40s or 50s, with his age in dispute because of different passports and documents.

The U.S. attorney's office said it had no confirmed age.

Critics have accused Bout of providing arms to rebels in several countries and fueling bloody conflicts in places such as Liberia and Sierra Leone.

时任英国外交官的Peter Hain 给他打上“非洲首席死亡商人”的标签时,Bout已经被认为在向前英国殖民地塞拉利昂的内战方提供武器。
In 2000, then-British Foreign Office official Peter Hain branded him "Africa's chief merchant of death" at a time when Bout is believed to have supplied arms to officials in Sierra Leone, a former British colony then embroiled in civil war.


Havent we (USA) sold arms to some pretty seedy countries?
            The USA have for sure.
            Like perhaps to the Taliban to fight the Soviets???And then, of course, to be used against our troops??
            Reagan, Contras, 1986.
           比如二战中的斯大林?这就是所谓至关重要的国家利益。这是个蛋痛的世界,现在Bout 充分认识到有多蛋痛了。
           Like Stalin in WWII?It's called vital national interests.It's a rough world out there.Bout is now fully aware of just how rough.
          Not to mention the Mexican drug cartels.
          伊朗正在飞来飞去(或至少试图飞来飞去) 的F-14就是我们卖去的。   
          Iran is flying around (or trying to at least) in F-14's we sold them.

Bout 应该知道,只有美国政府才能出售武器给叛乱团伙用来在第三世界国家制造流血冲突。他最大的错误就是试图与美国政府竞争,如果Bout 看到自20世纪90年代以来中央情报局打着他的旗号卖了多少武器,应该会很有趣的。
Bout should know that only the US government is permitted to sell weapons to rebel groups and fuel bloody conflicts in 3rd world countries.His biggest crime was trying to compete with the US government.It should be interesting if he starts naming names to see how many times the CIA availed themselves of his services since the 1990's.
           We just did it in Libya and now in Syria.

缉毒署和其他政府部门抓住Bout 是因为他搞低价竞争--我们的政府讨厌竞争。“我们说的不代表我们做的”应该是政府的新座右铭。
The DEA and the other governmental agencies decided to take him down because was trying to underbid them - our government hates competition."Do as we say, not what we do" should be government's new motto.
So the US DEA has a Russian national arrested in Thailand and extradited to the US to face charges for crimes he supposedly committed in other countries.Except for horning in on the CIA's action as international gun runner he had no involvement in the US.US DEA agents lured him into a criminal conspiracy in a third country and he is the one going to prison?Talk about entrapment.What a disgraceful mountain of BS y'all have going there.
       ----Charlemagne Bobby Amayzing
             Maybe you don't quite understand this.If you are a threat to our country we will take you out by any means possible.I completely agree with what we did.Maybe people will stop trying to find ways to harm the country with the greatest military.
            World police......
            In case you've forgotten we're the World Police.

This guy definitely deserves life in prison.This guy is so evil he was the inspiration for a Nicolas Cage film.That alone should warrant 10 years.

His crime: engaging in commerce that is the government's reserved domain.

Paul Lee
The US government (specially the ATF) hates competition.

USA is THE largest weapons manufacturer, supplier and consumer in the world.USA supplied weapons to terrorists in Afghanistan, Libya, Latin America and African countries in almost all conflicts.If anybody should be convicted for weapons smuggling it should be USA first and the rest next.

So the take-home message here is that the U.S. government is against arms dealing?
Uh, OK...

我以为死亡商人是指Tony Stark(钢铁侠)?
I thought the merchant of death was Tony Stark?
           Hey i thought it was McDonalds, such fools we are!


   Viktor Bout 被认为是尼古拉斯凯奇2005年的电影“战争之王”中的原型。   
The life of Viktor Bout is considered to have inspired the 2005 Nicolas Cage movie "Lord of War."

(CNN)--纽约联邦法院周四判处俄罗斯军火商Viktor Bout 25年监禁。
(CNN) -- Convicted Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout was sentenced Thursday to 25 years behind bars by a federal judge in New York.

Bout 通过翻译表示“我不认罪。我从未打算杀死任何人,也没打算把武器卖给任何人,上帝知道这是事实。”
"I am not guilty," Bout said through a translator."I never intended to kill anyone. I never intended to sell any arms to anyone. God knows this is the truth."

Last year Bout, who was dubbed "the merchant of death" by his accusers, was convicted on four counts of conspiracy to kill Americans, acquire and export anti-aircraft missiles and provide material support to a terrorist organization.

He had faced the possibility of life in prison.

曼哈顿的联邦检察官Preet Bharara说“Viktor Bout多年来都是头号国际军火贩子,为全球的暴力冲突提供武器。他同意向一个公开的、致力于杀害美国人的恐怖组织提供了数量惊人的军用武器,这回他终于被绳之以法了。”
"Viktor Bout has been international arms trafficking enemy number one for many years, arming some of the most violent conflicts around the globe," said Preet Bharara, the US attorney in Manhattan."He was finally brought to justice in an American court for agreeing to provide a staggering number of military-grade weapons to an avowed terrorist organization committed to killing Americans."

控方在审判中声称,2008年美国反毒人员在泰国执行“刺痛” 行动时逮捕了Bout ,Bout 相信他正在卖武器给哥伦比亚游击队。
At the trial, the prosecution said that during a 2008 sting operation by U.S. drug enforcement agents in Thailand, Bout believed he was selling weapons to Colombian guerrillas.

Bout 的律师Albert Dayan上周提交了一封信给主审法官Shira A. Scheindlin,希望暂不宣判Bout有罪。
His lawyer, Albert Dayan, filed a letter last week asking Judge Shira A. Scheindlin, who presided over the trial and who set Bout's sentence, to set aside the guilty verdict.

Dayan呼吁法官不要在这场他称之为“不当的起诉”中因为“纯粹的政治原因”而“站到错误的一边”。他认为定罪是“恶意的产物”,Bout 一直是华盛顿的“私人政治目标”。
Dayan urged the judge not to "become an unwilling party" in what he called a "wrongful prosecution" for "purely political reasons."He argued that the conviction is a "product of malice" and that Bout has been an "object of private politics" coming from Washington.

The lawyer claimed that Bout was picked out by the United States government and lured into a crime manufactured by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, in which the agency played "the role of judge, jury and executioner. "

Dayan坚持说Bout 不打算出售任何武器,他已经好几年没有卖武器了,这次他唯一想卖的是两架价值500万美元的运输机。Dayan 坚称是缉毒署诱使他的当事人从事了违法活动。
In his claim, Dayan insisted that Bout did not intend to sell any arms to the agents, that he had not sold any arms for several years and that the only thing he wanted to sell were two cargo airplanes, worth $5 million.Dayan stood by the claim that DEA officers baited his client into illegal activities.

Dayan 在信中写道“我不宣称,也不认为他是个天使,但他是无辜的。我觉得我的责任是讲出来让世界知道。”
"I do not profess, I do not argue that he's an angel, but he is innocent of these charges," Dayan wrote."I felt it was my duty to speak out and let the world know."

根据起诉书的说法,Bout 涉嫌建立一家公司,用飞机运送食品、药品以及武器。
According to a federal indictment, Bout was suspected of creating front companies that used his planes to deliver food and medical supplies, as well as arms.

2008年Bout 在泰国的诱捕行动中被捕,并在2010年被引渡到美国后开始了一场旷日持久的法庭诉讼。
After a sting operation in 2008, he was arrested in Thailand and in 2010 was extradited to the United States following a protracted court proceeding.

He was convicted in November after a three-week trial in New York.

在他被捕前,缉毒署努力诱使Bout 离开俄罗斯。俄罗斯长期以来一直庇护Bout 并为他辩护。
Before his arrest, the DEA had struggled to draw Bout out of his Russian homeland, which is long thought to have sheltered and defended him.

根据起诉书的说法,卧底探员在世界各地接触Bout 的联系人以试图找到他们的目标。
Undercover agents met with Bout's associates the world over, from Curacao to Copenhagen, in an attempt to set up a meeting with their target, according to the indictment.

The Russian businessman also has been accused of assembling a fleet of cargo planes to traffic military-grade weapons to conflict zones around the world since the 1990s.

Allegations of trafficking activities in Liberia prompted U.S. authorities to freeze his American assets in 2004 and prohibited U.S. transactions with him, according to the indictment.

Bout has maintained that he operated legitimate businesses and had acted as a mere logistics provider.His exact age is unclear, but he is believed to be in his late 40s or 50s, with his age in dispute because of different passports and documents.

The U.S. attorney's office said it had no confirmed age.

Critics have accused Bout of providing arms to rebels in several countries and fueling bloody conflicts in places such as Liberia and Sierra Leone.

时任英国外交官的Peter Hain 给他打上“非洲首席死亡商人”的标签时,Bout已经被认为在向前英国殖民地塞拉利昂的内战方提供武器。
In 2000, then-British Foreign Office official Peter Hain branded him "Africa's chief merchant of death" at a time when Bout is believed to have supplied arms to officials in Sierra Leone, a former British colony then embroiled in civil war.


Havent we (USA) sold arms to some pretty seedy countries?
            The USA have for sure.
            Like perhaps to the Taliban to fight the Soviets???And then, of course, to be used against our troops??
            Reagan, Contras, 1986.
           比如二战中的斯大林?这就是所谓至关重要的国家利益。这是个蛋痛的世界,现在Bout 充分认识到有多蛋痛了。
           Like Stalin in WWII?It's called vital national interests.It's a rough world out there.Bout is now fully aware of just how rough.
          Not to mention the Mexican drug cartels.
          伊朗正在飞来飞去(或至少试图飞来飞去) 的F-14就是我们卖去的。   
          Iran is flying around (or trying to at least) in F-14's we sold them.

Bout 应该知道,只有美国政府才能出售武器给叛乱团伙用来在第三世界国家制造流血冲突。他最大的错误就是试图与美国政府竞争,如果Bout 看到自20世纪90年代以来中央情报局打着他的旗号卖了多少武器,应该会很有趣的。
Bout should know that only the US government is permitted to sell weapons to rebel groups and fuel bloody conflicts in 3rd world countries.His biggest crime was trying to compete with the US government.It should be interesting if he starts naming names to see how many times the CIA availed themselves of his services since the 1990's.
           We just did it in Libya and now in Syria.

缉毒署和其他政府部门抓住Bout 是因为他搞低价竞争--我们的政府讨厌竞争。“我们说的不代表我们做的”应该是政府的新座右铭。
The DEA and the other governmental agencies decided to take him down because was trying to underbid them - our government hates competition."Do as we say, not what we do" should be government's new motto.
So the US DEA has a Russian national arrested in Thailand and extradited to the US to face charges for crimes he supposedly committed in other countries.Except for horning in on the CIA's action as international gun runner he had no involvement in the US.US DEA agents lured him into a criminal conspiracy in a third country and he is the one going to prison?Talk about entrapment.What a disgraceful mountain of BS y'all have going there.
       ----Charlemagne Bobby Amayzing
             Maybe you don't quite understand this.If you are a threat to our country we will take you out by any means possible.I completely agree with what we did.Maybe people will stop trying to find ways to harm the country with the greatest military.
            World police......
            In case you've forgotten we're the World Police.

This guy definitely deserves life in prison.This guy is so evil he was the inspiration for a Nicolas Cage film.That alone should warrant 10 years.

His crime: engaging in commerce that is the government's reserved domain.

Paul Lee
The US government (specially the ATF) hates competition.

USA is THE largest weapons manufacturer, supplier and consumer in the world.USA supplied weapons to terrorists in Afghanistan, Libya, Latin America and African countries in almost all conflicts.If anybody should be convicted for weapons smuggling it should be USA first and the rest next.

So the take-home message here is that the U.S. government is against arms dealing?
Uh, OK...

我以为死亡商人是指Tony Stark(钢铁侠)?
I thought the merchant of death was Tony Stark?
           Hey i thought it was McDonalds, such fools we are!

恩,现在 审核时间太长了。完全失去了时效性
