
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/30 00:27:34
中国国防大学的一名教授表示,如果伊朗被攻击,中国将会毫不犹豫的保护伊朗伊斯兰共和国,不惜引发第三次世界大战。A professor from the Chinese National Defense University says if Iran is attacked, China will not hesitate to protect the Islamic Republic even by launching the Third World War.
美国和以色列宣称伊朗的核计划暗藏军事用途,已经多次威胁德黑兰要动用武力。伊朗已经驳斥了该说法,并声明作为核不扩散组织的签约国和国际原子能机构的成员国,伊朗有权利以和平为目的获取和发展核技术。过去的几周,以色列又开始发表反对伊朗的挑衅言论。11月21日,以色列国防部长Ehud Barak警告称,对伊朗动手的“时机到了”。以色列总统佩雷斯也在11月6日威胁称,对伊朗动武的“可能性越来越大。”伊朗官方已经承诺若国家受到军事攻击将会发起压倒性的反击,并警告任何类似行为都将引发战争并波及中东之外。。
中国国防大学的一名教授表示,如果伊朗被攻击,中国将会毫不犹豫的保护伊朗伊斯兰共和国,不惜引发第三次世界大战。A professor from the Chinese National Defense University says if Iran is attacked, China will not hesitate to protect the Islamic Republic even by launching the Third World War.
美国和以色列宣称伊朗的核计划暗藏军事用途,已经多次威胁德黑兰要动用武力。伊朗已经驳斥了该说法,并声明作为核不扩散组织的签约国和国际原子能机构的成员国,伊朗有权利以和平为目的获取和发展核技术。过去的几周,以色列又开始发表反对伊朗的挑衅言论。11月21日,以色列国防部长Ehud Barak警告称,对伊朗动手的“时机到了”。以色列总统佩雷斯也在11月6日威胁称,对伊朗动武的“可能性越来越大。”伊朗官方已经承诺若国家受到军事攻击将会发起压倒性的反击,并警告任何类似行为都将引发战争并波及中东之外。。
Dec 5, 2011 12:47 AM
Russia better start thinking like China before it is too late and they are totally encircled by the West. China is beginning to understand the importance of cooperating with Iran for their own survival. Russians better wake up as well or forget about "Mother Russia"!!

Frankly, it would not make much sense for China to not defend and protect Asia from U.S and its surrogates, nor for Russia to not do so as well. Russia and China should never leave their allies from the Middle East and the Asian continent undefended and unprotected. It would be nice if Japan would realize that it’s an obstacle to a unified Asia. It needs to come off its high horses, apologize to China, Korea, Philippines, and the rest of Asia for its WW2 acts. Japan needs to understand that no force on the planet can protect it if China is in anyway threatened. Its true protection is tied with the rest of Asia, China to be specific. It needs to resolve border issues with China, sign the necessary docs., conduct joint exercises instead of foolishly nursing the idea that Japan will be protected by the entity that threatens Asia, which can't differentiate a Japanese from a Chinese.


We will never forget these positive stances from the great people of China. The few commenters (Ashraf, who always comments pro Israel) is just part of some israeli cyber group. China has a bright future and the US empire is falling quicker than anyone expected.



Gratefull Brazilian
Dec 4, 2011 10:35 PM
The new China and Iran which emerged after their revolutions , with inspiring millenar cultures of pride and honour are leaders for all other developing younger nations like many of us from all of the Americas to learn and grow. Obrigado China, obrigado Iran, shining examples of human progress which although painfull at moments, will shine as moral guides for us all others who aspire to freedom anbd peace, as most of Latin Americans for sure.


Muslims have to support China in all the ways.WE need them and they need us,this country is not ruled by the jews like the west is.THis new made my day!Support chineses,buy at chineses shops,always privilegiate the chineses!

Unlike Russians, Chinese are no sleeping dragons knowing what is in their best interests and what's not. While quiet, Chinese don't appear to be closing their eyes to the facts and realities while pretending they can't see it coming to them but to the contrary. The fact of the matter is that Russians with their vast and mostly unpopulated country along with its enormous potential and abundant amount of natural resources yet to be discovered is the considered tasty feast of colonial regimes while over populated China is their tallest wall to claim to get their hands on it. Expand the Shanghai Organization membership and keep NATO in check to its demise now that most of its member states are bankrupt with having little or no room to maneuver.



Dec 4, 2011 9:15 PM
I totally agree with the comments of the Leader saying that we would respond to threats with threats. This filthy watchdog of the u.s.a. has her days numbered and hence barking so loudly. Inshaallah, after elimination of israHELL the world can experience a significantly less violent and more peaceful ambiance.



Dec 4, 2011 8:25 PM
Doesn’t matter what Chinas interests are in the region. Chinese behaviour is far from the behaviour of the Racist West!



Dec 4, 2011 6:48 PM
This is the best news today, it's actually in everyone's interest to not have a war. I'm British and don't want anything to do with another false war, it's not our fault as we are repressed here to. Remember if that day comes, it's the British and US establishments who want this crap not the people they represent and that isn't just my word even though I've written this post. *** VIVA IRAN ***


China should help Iran and Iran should obtain the HQ-9/HQ-16 air defense system from China. Both systems are similar to Russian S-300/400 air defense system.



Dec 4, 2011 5:29 PM
Iran and China are true friends.


truthin reply to Toushif

12/4/2011 9:36:40 PM
I trust sooo!!!


The Chinese are only interested to secure their desperately required energy supply from Iran.Believe me; they don't care about the Iranian as much as they don't care about Africans like the Sudanese people.


eddyin reply to Akbar

12/4/2011 10:35:36 PM
Akbaryou said that China is only interested in obtaining oil from Iran and really don't care about if they are attacked. My question to you is: does any of the big countries care about any of the lesser developed countries; not just Iran? Does America care about the humanitarian situation in Syria or are they just using this as a pretext to invade Syria?


From Pakistanin reply to Akbar

12/4/2011 6:40:19 PM
US and Israel have very short history 200 and 60 years respectively, China and Iran have been here for thousands of year and shall be here as long as there is life on this planet. Besides if we dont stand with each other now then every nation will be under US/Israel domination, some may end up on reservations like the native Americans. Chinese being wise nation know this very well.


ParsianXin reply to Akbar

12/4/2011 6:06:12 PM
Iranians and Chinese have been friends for over 2.500 years...... (we never had any of bad relations in all those years)



Dec 4, 2011 5:21 PM
Chinese knows the real aim of USA/EU is blocking Chinese military and economic power and also encircle Russia.If Iran falls its very easy for boycotting Russian oil and gas.



Dec 4, 2011 4:29 PM
challenging ISLAM is not easy,remember that .


Okanin reply to mohammad

12/4/2011 5:18:57 PM
Islam ? are you talking about china and russia ?



Dec 4, 2011 4:10 PM
We all muslim love China.


damonin reply to Toushif

12/4/2011 10:35:49 PM
forgotten about China's mistreatment of muslims in East Turkestan, have you?

who are these little people to protect iran?...dont disrespect iran by posting such nonsense articles....let them just focus on their chow mein and fried rice.


Ashrafin reply to little china

12/4/2011 7:42:16 PM
@ Little China....You are disrespecting the most populated country in the world by calling it little, Remember almost one in every 6 in the world is Chinese.... .. China & Iran have relation going back to the time of silk road more than thousand years ago& they believe in many things same as Iran... independence.....& Equality &..... Respect , China currently has about 16 million Muslims..... So, Thank you China, & Thank you Major General Zhang Zhaozhon for your support of Iran......United against bullies.....

回Little China:。。。你刚刚用“小”侮辱了世界上人口最大的国家。记住世界上每六个人就有一个是中国人。。。。中国和伊朗的关系可以追溯至数千年前的丝绸之路,他们同伊朗笃信很多相同的观点。。“独立自主”“平等”“尊重”。中国现在有一千六百万MSL。。。所以,感谢你中国。也谢谢张召忠少将对伊朗的支持。。。。团结一致抵御霸权。

Toushifin reply to little china

12/4/2011 5:49:32 PM
These types of comments are made by Jewish and western Christian people to make china angry.

回Little China:这种回复是犹太人和西方基督徒为了惹怒中国发表的。

blackmanAdamin reply to little china

12/4/2011 5:06:48 PM
don't make enemies out of friends!!

回Little China:不要化友为敌!!


Dec 4, 2011 2:11 PM
really the end game is china in the eyes of the zionest, Afghanistan, Iraq, syria, russia are stepping stones into reaching their final agenda and that is to have control over life on this planet, and the best way they can do that is to control energy, food, water, medicine. If you control energy then you control other nations. If they control iran then they control china, as china with out oil is same is the Japan and Nazi germany wit out oil, its a loosing battle



Dec 4, 2011 2:9 PM
So the nuclear arms for preservation and attack on humanity, culture, civilization and life on planet earth issue is now mute for the deep throated westerners. With or without nuclear arms Iran has China's legs, and China has Iran's back. This is what we have needed throughout history. A world coming together to rescue earth, peace, sanity and sanctity of life. Amen

当(以色列的)核武器威胁着这个星球上的人权,文化,文明,生命的时候,那些西方的“深喉”倒哑火了。无论有没有核武器伊朗都会有中国的扶助,中国都会有伊朗的支持。(With or without nuclear arms Iran has China's legs, and China has Iran's back这句话让我虎躯一震,大家自己体会吧~译者注)这就是始终贯穿我们历史的东西。为了拯救地球,和平,理智,神圣的生命我们需要一个团结一致的世界。阿门。


Dec 4, 2011 2:9 PM
Please don't read too much into this.China's more scared of the US and is happy for Iran to always take the heat for them.They hide behind Iran to further their agenda with the West.They don't have the guts to confront the West.They've voted on every resolution initiated against Iran by the West. That should tell you something.Iran will take care of herself..


mohammedin reply to Ali

12/4/2011 9:33:03 PM
u have a point!!!


Tingin reply to Ali

12/4/2011 8:25:48 PM
You forget how poorly armed Chinese soldiers fought against the U.S. in Korean War.


End of Tyrannyin reply to Ali

12/4/2011 8:11:28 PM
Russia and China will not let another Libya happen. Just a note to all UK, US readers. I know for a fact that UK armed Iran with missile systems aswell as Russia. In the words of my UK Defence contractor " We were there for 3 years. They have all the kit money can buy believe me". It's time we in the West rise against the Tyrants in Public Office.


Dec 4, 2011 2:7 PM
I love China


driton albania
Dec 4, 2011 2:5 PM
bigest lie ever heard in media said from a polytheist chinese they said the same for gadafi but at the end both russia and china said to him dont even think escaping to us, we muslims must steek to each other and dont wait help from slavic orthodox or polytheist chinese they are one and the same with zionist israhell


Kkhaleelin reply to driton albania

12/4/2011 5:55:08 PM
Ali and driton of albania speak the absolute truth. "Whether east or west" they are all gog and magog. Islaam will take care of itself. The people of Islaam have only themselves to rely upon. Glory to the Islaamic Republic of Iran; it is invincible.

回复driton albania:Ali和driton albania说的绝对是事实。“无论东方或者西方”他们都是歌革和玛各(神之敌,译者注),伊斯兰将自己照顾自己,伊斯兰的人民只能依赖他们自己。荣耀属于伊朗伊斯兰共和国,它是不可战胜的。


Dec 4, 2011 2:4 PM
I like the hearing of that and thank you you very much China. Let's hope Russia can also fill in the puzzle and join in and many other that detest the West and IsraeHELL. It's time to show these infidels that they can't have everything their way cause we are not to be fooled any more.


the bystander
Dec 5, 2011 1:47 PM
every1 do u realise this is not a football game and we r tokn about a nuclear holocaust of seismic proportions..f either 1 of these powers either China,Israel or America and its allies are bluffing....then sm1 at sm point is going to be forced to employ desperate measures and non of the asian or western countries will enjoy the consequences..I personally do not blame the Japanese for keeping a low profile since they, more than any1 else know 1st hand about the devastating results of nuclear warfare..now China and Russia perhaps with Iran are formidable force bt against the Americans, Israelites and the NATO, ey will wish they had minded eir own business...
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Dec 5, 2011 1:26 PM
Iran is very important to China ,but whether China will protect Iran or not it's a very big problem.
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saf ali
Dec 5, 2011 12:37 PM
I will stand with China...God bless you as well as Iran!
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Dec 5, 2011 12:19 PM
I am ashamed to be American. Our country has allowed INTERNATIONAL BANKERS and WAR/POWER HUNGRY A@@ HOLES to make HELL all through the Middle East. All over POWER, OIL, and CONTROL. I pray there is NO WW3. I believe ISREAL is WRONG and the BANKERS want to start a WAR with IRAN because after the war there WILL BE A CENTRAL BANK IN IRAN. There isn't one yet but there will be after a war. Just like Iraq and other countries that has been invaded for their NATURAL RESOURCES and OIL. It's SAD that EVEN when WRONG it's RIGHT TO PULL FOR YOUR OWN. PEACE
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Dec 5, 2011 10:57 AM
There are 1.5 billion to 2 billion muslims but thanks to the Saudi leaders we just beat each other. This is where we Muslims can learn from the Chinese - they are not even a religion but when they do something they do it for their 1.3 billion fellows not for themselves as individuals. ALL Muslims need to unite today and defend Iran against the war mongers.
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Dec 5, 2011 10:21 AM
well said mr general zhang i know chinese keep thier promise.support iran plz all the way
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Dec 5, 2011 10:12 AM
1st of all, whatever thoughts Chinese government has in mind,don't believe in this joker guy, he's telling no truth nor representing any official intent of China.2nd No permanent friends, only permanent interests.3rd what site is this?I'm from mainland china and I've been feeling like back to the crib when browsing this site....5maos,5cents....you guys rock....
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Dec 5, 2011 9:55 AM
Zhang has said Iraq was not as same as Afghanistan,and Saddam would beat US.Zhang has said Gaddafi would beat the the Opposition.In Oct.2010,Zhang said China is not developing the four generation fighter,but in 2011,we have seen J-20.Now u can get the resalt from this news,lol.
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Dec 5, 2011 9:55 AM
Zhang has said Iraq was not as same as Afghanistan,and Saddam would beat US.Zhang has said Gaddafi would beat the the Opposition.In Oct.2010,Zhang said China is not developing the four generation fighter,but in 2011,we have seen J-20.Now u can get the resalt from this news,lol.
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Dec 5, 2011 9:55 AM
Zhang has said Iraq was not as same as Afghanistan,and Saddam would beat US.Zhang has said Gaddafi would beat the the Opposition.In Oct.2010,Zhang said China is not developing the four generation fighter,but in 2011,we have seen J-20.Now u can get the resalt from this news,lol.
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Dec 5, 2011 9:55 AM
Zhang has said Iraq was not as same as Afghanistan,and Saddam would beat US.Zhang has said Gaddafi would beat the the Opposition.In Oct.2010,Zhang said China is not developing the four generation fighter,but in 2011,we have seen J-20.Now u can get the resalt from this news,lol.
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Dec 5, 2011 10:12 AM
1st of all, whatever thoughts Chinese government has in mind,don't believe in this joker guy, he's telling no truth nor representing any official intent of China.2nd No permanent friends, only permanent interests.3rd what site is this?I'm from mainland china and I've been feeling like back to the crib when browsing this site....5maos,5cents....you guys rock....
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但是外国人也会看  防务新观察和今日关注吗??

z57807641c 发表于 2011-12-7 15:48
日全食 发表于 2011-12-7 15:14
“张局曾经说过伊拉克不像阿富汗,萨达姆会教训美国。张局在2010年10月份曾经说过卡扎菲将会胖揍反对派。张 ...