阿根廷展开封锁马岛行动 已扣押12艘西班牙渔船

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 06:56:11
国际在线专稿:据英国《每日电讯报》12月5日报道,阿根廷日前发起封锁与英国争议岛屿马岛(Falkland Islands,英国称福克兰群岛)的海上行动,扣押了12艘西班牙渔船,称他们违反了阿根廷的马岛海峡封锁令,此举标志着阿根廷与英国之间的紧张关系进一步升级。


  阿根廷针对外国渔船的策略标志着其与英国紧张关系进一步升级。英国外交部已经对阿根廷采取的行动提出正式抗议。英国方面称:“阿根廷的海上行动显然不符合国际法和联合国大会海洋法的规定。”马岛议会成员麦克·萨默斯(Mike Summers)说,阿根廷正试图切断马岛与南美大陆的联系http://news.sohu.com/20111206/n328095300.shtml 国际在线专稿:据英国《每日电讯报》12月5日报道,阿根廷日前发起封锁与英国争议岛屿马岛(Falkland Islands,英国称福克兰群岛)的海上行动,扣押了12艘西班牙渔船,称他们违反了阿根廷的马岛海峡封锁令,此举标志着阿根廷与英国之间的紧张关系进一步升级。


  阿根廷针对外国渔船的策略标志着其与英国紧张关系进一步升级。英国外交部已经对阿根廷采取的行动提出正式抗议。英国方面称:“阿根廷的海上行动显然不符合国际法和联合国大会海洋法的规定。”马岛议会成员麦克·萨默斯(Mike Summers)说,阿根廷正试图切断马岛与南美大陆的联系http://news.sohu.com/20111206/n328095300.shtml
阿根廷,放手干吧 我代表个人支持你

Argentine patrol vessels have boarded 12 Spanish boats, operating under fishing licences issued by the Falkland Islands, for operating “illegally” in disputed waters in recent weeks.

Argentine patrol commanders carrying out interceptions near the South American coast told Spanish captains they were in violation of Argentina’s “legal” blockade of sea channels to the Falklands.

The warning has been backed up in a letter to Aetinape, the Spanish fishing vessels association from the Argentine embassy in Madrid warning boats in the area that “Falklands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands and adjoining maritime spaces are an integral part of the Argentine territory.”

The confrontation strategy targetting foreign boats marks an escalation of tensions in seas that Duke of Cambridge, a Flight Lieutenant with the RAF, is set to patrol during a tour of duty last year.

The Duke is to be deployed to the Falklands next February as part of a routine training duties. Commanders would face the dilemma of despatching the Royal to take part in an operations to monitor or contain the Argentine challenge.
President Cristina Kirchner has adopted a steadily more beligerent stance towards Britain’s South Atlantic possessions.

A newly formed gathering of South American nations meeting in Venezeula backed Argentina’s sovereignty demands at the weekend.

Argentina’s claim over the Falklands was backed by a newly formed block of South American and Caribbean countries, CELAC, on Saturday with unanimous approval. Mrs Kirchner used the last UN General Assembly meeting to put Argentina’s claims of sovereignty over the Falklands on a par with Palestinian claims to statehood.

But it is the Falklands economic lifeline that has been most affected by Argentinian manoeurving.

It announced permits were required by all ships using Argentine waters en route to the Falklands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, all of which are UK controlled.

Argentina declared vessels were “operating illegally” in the South Atlantic if they did not request permission to enter Argentine waters. The authorities declared their willingness “to put an end to all those illegal fishing activities”.

The vessels, from Galicia, were boarded as they were making their way across the huge Rio de la Plata estuary, which separates Argentina and Uruguay, before off-loading their catches in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Mrs Kirchner, 58, has also threatened to suspend a vital Falklands air link — the only one off the islands — which was established in a 1999 deal between the UK and Argentina unless Britain entered into talks leading to sovereignty negotiations.

A Foreign Office spokesman said Britain had lodged an official complaint about the Argentine action. “We are aware that Argentina has recently challenged vessels transiting between the Falklands and the port of Montevideo,” the spokesman said. “The UK has protested to Argentina. We consider that it is not compliant with international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Mike Summers, a member of the Falkland Islands legislative assembly, said Argentina was trying to cut the Islands off from the South American mainland. “The Falkland Islands Government has no doubt about its right to issue licenses to foreign companies to fish in its waters,” he said. “There have been other difficulties in recent months with Falklands flagged vessels seeking to use South American ports; Argentina seeks to prevail on its neighbours to implement its foreign policy for it, by denying access to their ports for vessels doing business in the Falklands.”

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ ... lkland-Islands.html

Argentine patrol vessels have boarded 12 Spanish boats, operating under fishing licences issued by the Falkland Islands, for operating “illegally” in disputed waters in recent weeks.

Argentine patrol commanders carrying out interceptions near the South American coast told Spanish captains they were in violation of Argentina’s “legal” blockade of sea channels to the Falklands.

The warning has been backed up in a letter to Aetinape, the Spanish fishing vessels association from the Argentine embassy in Madrid warning boats in the area that “Falklands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands and adjoining maritime spaces are an integral part of the Argentine territory.”

The confrontation strategy targetting foreign boats marks an escalation of tensions in seas that Duke of Cambridge, a Flight Lieutenant with the RAF, is set to patrol during a tour of duty last year.

The Duke is to be deployed to the Falklands next February as part of a routine training duties. Commanders would face the dilemma of despatching the Royal to take part in an operations to monitor or contain the Argentine challenge.
President Cristina Kirchner has adopted a steadily more beligerent stance towards Britain’s South Atlantic possessions.

A newly formed gathering of South American nations meeting in Venezeula backed Argentina’s sovereignty demands at the weekend.

Argentina’s claim over the Falklands was backed by a newly formed block of South American and Caribbean countries, CELAC, on Saturday with unanimous approval. Mrs Kirchner used the last UN General Assembly meeting to put Argentina’s claims of sovereignty over the Falklands on a par with Palestinian claims to statehood.

But it is the Falklands economic lifeline that has been most affected by Argentinian manoeurving.

It announced permits were required by all ships using Argentine waters en route to the Falklands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, all of which are UK controlled.

Argentina declared vessels were “operating illegally” in the South Atlantic if they did not request permission to enter Argentine waters. The authorities declared their willingness “to put an end to all those illegal fishing activities”.

The vessels, from Galicia, were boarded as they were making their way across the huge Rio de la Plata estuary, which separates Argentina and Uruguay, before off-loading their catches in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Mrs Kirchner, 58, has also threatened to suspend a vital Falklands air link — the only one off the islands — which was established in a 1999 deal between the UK and Argentina unless Britain entered into talks leading to sovereignty negotiations.

A Foreign Office spokesman said Britain had lodged an official complaint about the Argentine action. “We are aware that Argentina has recently challenged vessels transiting between the Falklands and the port of Montevideo,” the spokesman said. “The UK has protested to Argentina. We consider that it is not compliant with international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Mike Summers, a member of the Falkland Islands legislative assembly, said Argentina was trying to cut the Islands off from the South American mainland. “The Falkland Islands Government has no doubt about its right to issue licenses to foreign companies to fish in its waters,” he said. “There have been other difficulties in recent months with Falklands flagged vessels seeking to use South American ports; Argentina seeks to prevail on its neighbours to implement its foreign policy for it, by denying access to their ports for vessels doing business in the Falklands.”

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ ... lkland-Islands.html











基什内尔的夫人,58岁,还威胁要暂停一个重要的福克兰群岛空中联系 - 关闭岛屿只有一个 - 这是建立在1999年英国和阿根廷之间的交易,除非英国导致主权谈判的谈判进入。

外交部发言人说,英国对阿根廷的行动已提出正式投诉。发言人说:“我们都知道,阿根廷最近挑战之间的马岛和蒙得维的亚港口的船只过境,”。 “英国对阿根廷提出抗议。我们认为这是不符合国际法,包括联合国海洋法公约“。

福克兰群岛立法议会的成员,麦克萨默斯说,阿根廷是试图削减从南美大陆的群岛。 “福克兰群岛政府发牌给外国公司在其水域捕鱼的权利毫无疑问,”他说。 “已经有福克兰群岛的船只试图利用南美港口在近几个月来的其他困难,阿根廷旨在为准对邻国推行其外交政策,否认在马岛做生意的船只进入其港口,。

机器人翻译的啊 凑活的看吧  没时间调整了
2011-12-6 23:01 上传

小白兔拉开了仓库的大门, 手一挥, 自个儿拣, 全部8折, 打沉凭照片再折上8折, 后门付帐, 包邮的亲

GE大神 发表于 2011-12-6 22:38
GE大神 发表于 2011-12-6 22:38
超级逛逛晃晃 发表于 2011-12-6 23:46
小白兔拉开了仓库的大门, 手一挥, 自个儿拣, 全部8折, 打沉凭照片再折上8折, 后门付帐, 包邮的亲

{:158: ...
flynow 发表于 2011-12-7 00:19

小白兔拉开了仓库的大门, 手一挥, 自个儿拣, 全部8折, 打沉凭照片再折上8折, 后门付帐, 包邮的亲

{:158: ...
他乡射手 发表于 2011-12-7 07:19
发扬传统, 直接交几个现役师的装备过去