印度计划修建"世界上最危险的" 阿富汗-伊朗中亚铁路 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 18:53:14

印度一直投资伊朗的Chabahar 海港, 这个距离中国投资的巴基斯坦Gwadar海港仅几百公里, 同样拥有进入中亚的交通方便.  印度一直长年投资建立阿富汗境内高速公路, 如今的阿富汗-伊朗中亚铁路计划可以适得印度绕过巴基斯坦, 直接将中亚, 尤其是阿富汗本身的丰富矿藏资源经陆路, 铁路, 海运运回印度.  这是印度版"丝绸之路"大计划的具体实施.


India plans 'world's most dangerous railroad' from Afghanistan to Iran

India is planning to build what could be the world's most dangerous railroad from Afghanistan's mineral-rich heartland to an Iranian port on the Arabian Sea in attempt to open a new trade route and reduce Kabul's dependence on Pakistan.

Image 1 of 2
Railroad from Chabahar in Iran to Hajigak in Afghanistan
  Image 1 of 2India plans 'world's most dangerous railroad'  Photo: Alamy
By Dean Nelson, New Delhi
7:00AM GMT 02 Nov 2011
Details of the new plan emerged on the eve of the Istanbul conference on security and economic development in Afghanistan in the run-up to the planned withdrawal of American troops in 2014.

Washington has urged India, Pakistan and Afghanistan to co-operate in creating a new 'Silk Road' of trade ties to break the current suspicion which mars political relations and restricts potential trade.

India expects American hostility to its plan, however, because it will bolster Iran's sea capability by developing a major port at Chabahar on the southern tip of the country facing out over the Gulf of Oman.

For India, the prize is a potentially highly lucrative contract to mine Afghanistan's iron reserves, which are estimated to be worth up to $3 trillion – several times the size of India's growing economy – and the strategic advantage of a new trade and logistics route to Afghanistan which bypasses Pakistan.

Despite recent improvements in diplomatic relations between India and Pakistan, trade is still highly restricted and while Afghan imports trickle slowly through Pakistan into India at the Wagah border, between Amritsar and Lahore, Indian exports to Afghanistan through Pakistan are almost non-existent.

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The new route would allow Afghan minerals and products to be shipped to Surat, Mumbai or private ports in Gujarat on India's Western seaboard.

Sources close to the project said an Indian delegation from its foreign, railways, shipping and commerce ministries, will visit Iran next month to continue negotiations on the plan which are understood to have been discussed between the two countries when Indian prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh and Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met in New York in September.

The plan is a revival of an idea which has been discussed infrequently between the two countries since 2003, but it has regained momentum following the discovery of vast reserves of iron ore and other coveted minerals in Afghanistan in the last few years.

While earlier plans extended the current Iranian rail network to the Afghan border in the north and linked to Chabahar via a spur from Bam and Faraj in the south, the new plan extends the rail link to Hajigak in the heart of Afghanistan's Bamiyan province, 80 miles north-west of Kabul.

India accounts for more than half the 22 companies bidding for iron ore mining contracts in the region.

A leaked memo from India's Ministry of External Affairs to its Railways ministry said the economic potential of the mineral reserves called for a new approach. "To coordinate the strategy for investment in Hajigak in the backdrop of the security, infrastructure, financial and regional challenges involved, there is a need to plan and craft our strategy to address these challenges," the memo stated.

The plan appears to have Afghanistan's backing. An Afghan official last night told The Telegraph:"Whenever it suits them, Pakistan can close the border. We don't want to be dependent on them."

One figure close to the project said although India's plans look to exploit Afghanistan's mineral reserves, the threat to any rail development from the Taliban and other militant groups would be so great that it would have to be regarded as a strategic rather than commercial project. "They could blow it up at any time," he said.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ ... nistan-to-Iran.html

印度一直投资伊朗的Chabahar 海港, 这个距离中国投资的巴基斯坦Gwadar海港仅几百公里, 同样拥有进入中亚的交通方便.  印度一直长年投资建立阿富汗境内高速公路, 如今的阿富汗-伊朗中亚铁路计划可以适得印度绕过巴基斯坦, 直接将中亚, 尤其是阿富汗本身的丰富矿藏资源经陆路, 铁路, 海运运回印度.  这是印度版"丝绸之路"大计划的具体实施.

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2011-11-3 23:22 上传


India plans 'world's most dangerous railroad' from Afghanistan to Iran

India is planning to build what could be the world's most dangerous railroad from Afghanistan's mineral-rich heartland to an Iranian port on the Arabian Sea in attempt to open a new trade route and reduce Kabul's dependence on Pakistan.

Image 1 of 2
Railroad from Chabahar in Iran to Hajigak in Afghanistan
  Image 1 of 2India plans 'world's most dangerous railroad'  Photo: Alamy
By Dean Nelson, New Delhi
7:00AM GMT 02 Nov 2011
Details of the new plan emerged on the eve of the Istanbul conference on security and economic development in Afghanistan in the run-up to the planned withdrawal of American troops in 2014.

Washington has urged India, Pakistan and Afghanistan to co-operate in creating a new 'Silk Road' of trade ties to break the current suspicion which mars political relations and restricts potential trade.

India expects American hostility to its plan, however, because it will bolster Iran's sea capability by developing a major port at Chabahar on the southern tip of the country facing out over the Gulf of Oman.

For India, the prize is a potentially highly lucrative contract to mine Afghanistan's iron reserves, which are estimated to be worth up to $3 trillion – several times the size of India's growing economy – and the strategic advantage of a new trade and logistics route to Afghanistan which bypasses Pakistan.

Despite recent improvements in diplomatic relations between India and Pakistan, trade is still highly restricted and while Afghan imports trickle slowly through Pakistan into India at the Wagah border, between Amritsar and Lahore, Indian exports to Afghanistan through Pakistan are almost non-existent.

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The new route would allow Afghan minerals and products to be shipped to Surat, Mumbai or private ports in Gujarat on India's Western seaboard.

Sources close to the project said an Indian delegation from its foreign, railways, shipping and commerce ministries, will visit Iran next month to continue negotiations on the plan which are understood to have been discussed between the two countries when Indian prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh and Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met in New York in September.

The plan is a revival of an idea which has been discussed infrequently between the two countries since 2003, but it has regained momentum following the discovery of vast reserves of iron ore and other coveted minerals in Afghanistan in the last few years.

While earlier plans extended the current Iranian rail network to the Afghan border in the north and linked to Chabahar via a spur from Bam and Faraj in the south, the new plan extends the rail link to Hajigak in the heart of Afghanistan's Bamiyan province, 80 miles north-west of Kabul.

India accounts for more than half the 22 companies bidding for iron ore mining contracts in the region.

A leaked memo from India's Ministry of External Affairs to its Railways ministry said the economic potential of the mineral reserves called for a new approach. "To coordinate the strategy for investment in Hajigak in the backdrop of the security, infrastructure, financial and regional challenges involved, there is a need to plan and craft our strategy to address these challenges," the memo stated.

The plan appears to have Afghanistan's backing. An Afghan official last night told The Telegraph:"Whenever it suits them, Pakistan can close the border. We don't want to be dependent on them."

One figure close to the project said although India's plans look to exploit Afghanistan's mineral reserves, the threat to any rail development from the Taliban and other militant groups would be so great that it would have to be regarded as a strategic rather than commercial project. "They could blow it up at any time," he said.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ ... nistan-to-Iran.html

azerenals 发表于 2011-11-3 23:39

这个计划从2003年就开始实施, 印度一直在伊朗向北, 阿富汗向南修建陆路通道.  自从阿富汗的巨大铁矿资源被发现后, 更得以加速.  几乎说谁能打通这条陆路, 谁就能分得到阿富汗价值3万亿美元的铁矿开发工程项目的大部分, 这个价值就已经是印度GDP的几倍.  并且在如今22个竞标阿富汗铁矿开发的公司里, 印度公司已经超过了总数的一半....

中国不要又让丧失先机开发南海石油, 孟加拉湾天然气等就在中国周边资源的事情重演.
白虹 发表于 2011-11-3 23:59

这个计划从2003年就开始实施, 印度一直在伊朗向北, 阿富汗向南修建陆路 ...
白虹 发表于 2011-11-3 23:59

这个计划从2003年就开始实施, 印度一直在伊朗向北, 阿富汗向南修建陆路 ...
白虹 发表于 2011-11-3 23:59

这个计划从2003年就开始实施, 印度一直在伊朗向北, 阿富汗向南修建陆路 ...





白虹 发表于 2011-11-3 23:59

这个计划从2003年就开始实施, 印度一直在伊朗向北, 阿富汗向南修建陆路 ...
白虹 发表于 2011-11-3 23:59

这个计划从2003年就开始实施, 印度一直在伊朗向北, 阿富汗向南修建陆路 ...
修吧 三哥不知道有多少援助非洲的计划这么多年了都还只停留在纸面上
又一“计划”  “将”要实施
密码忘了 发表于 2011-11-4 06:27
pmxa 发表于 2011-11-4 02:58
白虹 发表于 2011-11-3 23:59

这个计划从2003年就开始实施, 印度一直在伊朗向北, 阿富汗向南修建陆路 ...
天高任鸿飞 发表于 2011-11-4 01:32

印度本身就有丰 ...

谁拥有了资源谁就有了自主发展权.  当中国全世界寻找矿产, 寻求矿产议价权而又不得所终; 不得不依靠它国提供资源, 而又眼见它国取得更多矿产开发权的时还如此无谓已经是无知.
