
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 20:20:23
<P>Canadian sub calls for help off coast of Ireland
CTV.ca News Staff</P>
<P>A Canadian submarine off the west coast of Ireland has made a call for assistance and a British Royal Navy helicopter is responding.</P>
<P>The vessel has been identified as a diesel-electric patrolling sub, HMCS Chicoutimi.</P>
<P>It appears there is a fire on board, Neil Smith of the Royal Air Force's Rescue Centre, told CTV Newsnet.</P>
<P>Smith said the Royal Navy has a Sea King helicopter and a tanker on route to the site to lend assistance. The Royal Navy is also in the process of scrambling a frigate to head to the site.</P>
<P>The Canadian navy only recently took possession of Chicoutimi and three other Victoria-class submarines from the British navy. </P>
<P>A renaming ceremony was held Saturday at a base in Faslane, Scotland, as the submarine changed its name from HMS Upholder to HMCS Chicoutimi.</P>
<P>The Chicoutimi was due to sail into Halifax harbour Oct. 18 and then begin patrolling the East Coast. </P>
<P>Another of the submarines bought at the same time, HMCS Victoria, is currently testing its torpedo system on the West Coast. A third vessel, HMCS Corner Brook, is undergoing work in Halifax.</P>

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-6 0:22:33编辑过]
<P>Canadian sub calls for help off coast of Ireland
CTV.ca News Staff</P>
<P>A Canadian submarine off the west coast of Ireland has made a call for assistance and a British Royal Navy helicopter is responding.</P>
<P>The vessel has been identified as a diesel-electric patrolling sub, HMCS Chicoutimi.</P>
<P>It appears there is a fire on board, Neil Smith of the Royal Air Force's Rescue Centre, told CTV Newsnet.</P>
<P>Smith said the Royal Navy has a Sea King helicopter and a tanker on route to the site to lend assistance. The Royal Navy is also in the process of scrambling a frigate to head to the site.</P>
<P>The Canadian navy only recently took possession of Chicoutimi and three other Victoria-class submarines from the British navy. </P>
<P>A renaming ceremony was held Saturday at a base in Faslane, Scotland, as the submarine changed its name from HMS Upholder to HMCS Chicoutimi.</P>
<P>The Chicoutimi was due to sail into Halifax harbour Oct. 18 and then begin patrolling the East Coast. </P>
<P>Another of the submarines bought at the same time, HMCS Victoria, is currently testing its torpedo system on the West Coast. A third vessel, HMCS Corner Brook, is undergoing work in Halifax.</P>

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-6 0:22:33编辑过]
<P>此次出事的,就为“奇科迪米号”</P><P>-----------------------------------------------------</P><P>便宜没好货 加买英国二手潜艇开不动
  (联合早报网讯)伦敦《泰晤士报》昨日报道,加拿大向英国买了四艘二手潜艇,结果潜艇却严重故障与锈蚀,根本无法下水服役,加拿大政府可能为此控告英国。 </P><P>  报道指出,加拿大於一九九八年购买这四艘柴电潜艇,但四艘都迄未下水服役。其中一艘由英国造船厂全面翻修整建後,最近才准备交给加拿大海军。另外三艘已经交给加国的潜艇,有两艘是全新的,从未加入英国皇家海军服勤,却问题重重,包括阀门出现裂缝及有一个大小相当一块大披萨的凹痕。据指出,其中任何一项瑕疵都可能导致舰体破裂。 </P><P>  英国否认必须为这些问题负责。负责为加拿大海军准备这些潜艇的英国航太系统公司一名发言人表示:“如果你购买一辆停放在车库内多年的二手车,你不可能期待它性能完美,一定要确定它可以上路。潜艇是极精密复杂的船只,再度启用前必须完成许多程序。” </P><P>  泰晤士报指出,其中一艘新潜艇试航通过巴拿马运河时,舱内温度竟高达摄氏六十五度,使人怀疑是否适合前往中东等地的温暖海域执行任务。 </P><P>  这笔军购案似乎是优惠交易:四艘几近全新的潜艇建造成本高达十六亿美元,成交价却只有四亿四千万美元(一九九八年的价格)。这批潜艇是冷战时代产物,英国汰换後,以核子动力潜艇取代。 </P><P>  加拿大海军消息人士指出,其中的“温莎号”潜艇在加拿大购进後不久就开始渗水,“布鲁克角号”、“奇科迪米号”与迄未交船的第四艘潜艇“维多利亚号”也有排气阀门无法严实关紧的问题。检测结果显示,这些排气阀门均有裂损或腐蚀现象。 </P><P>  报道指出,阀门出现凹痕的“维多利亚号”已经引起有关责任归属的争议。加国海军人士认为,该舰可能在交运前撞到码头或撞到他船,然而英国方面坚称,在离开造船厂时,“维多利亚号”状况非常良好。 </P><P>  加国海军相关文件显示,“奇科迪米号”的压力舱锈蚀情况相当严重,这是导致一再延後交船的主要原因。此外,英国国防部涉嫌暗中拆卸“奇科迪米号”的零组件,以使另外三艘潜艇保持堪用状态。 </P><P>  加国当局估计,进行必要的整修将使这四艘潜艇的成本增加到将近九亿美元。加国在野党国会议员已要求英国支付额外的整修费用。
<P>事情基本上搞清楚了,潜艇在爱尔兰以西425公里处发生火灾,然后被扑灭,潜艇上浮发出求救信号,并要求拖到最近的港口。</P><P>-------------------------------------------------</P><P>Fire breaks out on Canadian submarine</P><P>
Last Updated Tue, 05 Oct 2004 12:30:33 EDT </P><P>
HALIFAX - A rescue effort is underway off of the west coast of Ireland after a Canadian military submarine with 56 people on board issued a distress call Tuesday. </P><P>Military officials in Halifax said a fire broke out on HMCS Chicoutimi about 425 kilometres west of Ireland, but has since been extinguished. </P><P>  
The sub surfaced and sent out a distress call at about 10:15 EDT. Emergency officials at Clyde responded. </P><P>Later the submarine sent out another message saying the fire was out, but the vessel needed a tug to the nearest port. </P><P>HMCS Chicoutimi, the latest addition to Canada's submarine fleet, was one of four Victoria-class submarines purchased from the British navy. </P><P>It left the Faslane base in Scotland on Saturday, and was expected to arrive in Halifax on Oct. 18.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-7 11:03:08编辑过]
加拿大潜艇起火追踪:已有1名士兵死亡8人受伤加拿大“维多利亚”级常规动力潜艇(资料图) <P>  中国日报网站消息:法新社10月7日报道说,加拿大的一艘从英国购买的潜艇在北大西洋着火,造成士兵一人死亡,8人受伤。


  加拿大在1998年从英国购买了这艘潜艇,有船员57人。日前从英国苏格兰返回加拿大军港途中起火,被迫浮出水面,在北大西洋的狂风中漂流。(王辉) </P>
<B>以下是引用<I>flyingeagle</I>在2004-10-6 1:10:00的发言:</B>

没什么 出事故是正常的 有潜艇能不出事吗 除非不用  看着
前车之鉴  不过我们也庆幸早几年策略的英明