
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 12:03:41
The BRICS countries, which include Brazil, Russia, India and China, have been listed among those posing a threat to the US national security along with terrorism, cyber attacks, and the nuclear programs of Iran and North Korea. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta urged Washington to protect the planet against these countries’ attempts to ruin global stability.


The US development plan, approved last year, said nothing about any threats coming from Russia or China. At the end of August this year, the Pentagon cautioned Congress that in nine years China could have an army as strong as that of the US. China’s hefty investment in its military-industrial complex will enable it to build a military potential that could break the balance of strength in the region, reports from the Pentagon said. As for Russia, the Pentagon did not have to specify why it posed a threat because Russia is the world’s only country whose strategic nuclear potential is comparable to that of the US.


The recent data reveal, however, that the US tops the list of countries with high military expenditures. The Pentagon’s injections in the military-industrial complex accounted for 40 percent of the total defense spending of other countries last year. Russia is second on the list, and China is third. Since investment in new weapons requires funding, the American concern can also be attributed to the economic might of the BRIC group, which is now BRICS, after it was joined by South Africa. BRICS countries demonstrated rapid economic growth in the heat of the financial crisis.

But for the fact that Leon Panetta is not the only top US official to have recently made this kind of statement, his report could be seen as yet another move from Washington’s “hawks”. The more so since the US and Russian relations have been characterized as a reset and the two countries have moved away from the Cold War rhetoric. However, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said a few days ago that the US is the leader and other countries are followers. Its for this very reason that Washington often sees a threat where there is none, Director of the Social and Political Research Center Vlaimdir Yevseev said in an interview with a Voice of Russia correspondent.

"It’s discouraging that the United States continues to perceive stability as a unipolar world in which it holds the domineering position. If you feel a leader, there will always be someone who you think is challenging you. In the meantime, there is a large number of real threats which need to be addressed by joint effort."

The reality is that the world has entered a ‘post-American’ era and Washington will have to come to terms with it. Andrei Volodin, Director of the Oriental Research Center at the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Diplomatic Academy, comments.

"In this new era, the US will play a far less significant role than it has before. Washington will no longer enjoy the right to set the rules of the game in the financial, military and political areas. Russia and a number of other European countries are gradually getting out of US control."

Politicians in the US have been making all sorts of statements ahead of the forthcoming presidential elections. President Obama’s opponents, of which there are quite a few, have been using every opportunity to express their views.

In the days of the British Empire, colonizers pursued the so-called civilizing mission. Later on, this mission was renamed into ‘democratization’. But as it happens, there is a variety of civilizations across the globe and they supplement each other fairly well, if not disturbed.

http://english.ruvr.ru/2011/09/12/56040883.htmlThe BRICS countries, which include Brazil, Russia, India and China, have been listed among those posing a threat to the US national security along with terrorism, cyber attacks, and the nuclear programs of Iran and North Korea. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta urged Washington to protect the planet against these countries’ attempts to ruin global stability.


The US development plan, approved last year, said nothing about any threats coming from Russia or China. At the end of August this year, the Pentagon cautioned Congress that in nine years China could have an army as strong as that of the US. China’s hefty investment in its military-industrial complex will enable it to build a military potential that could break the balance of strength in the region, reports from the Pentagon said. As for Russia, the Pentagon did not have to specify why it posed a threat because Russia is the world’s only country whose strategic nuclear potential is comparable to that of the US.


The recent data reveal, however, that the US tops the list of countries with high military expenditures. The Pentagon’s injections in the military-industrial complex accounted for 40 percent of the total defense spending of other countries last year. Russia is second on the list, and China is third. Since investment in new weapons requires funding, the American concern can also be attributed to the economic might of the BRIC group, which is now BRICS, after it was joined by South Africa. BRICS countries demonstrated rapid economic growth in the heat of the financial crisis.

But for the fact that Leon Panetta is not the only top US official to have recently made this kind of statement, his report could be seen as yet another move from Washington’s “hawks”. The more so since the US and Russian relations have been characterized as a reset and the two countries have moved away from the Cold War rhetoric. However, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said a few days ago that the US is the leader and other countries are followers. Its for this very reason that Washington often sees a threat where there is none, Director of the Social and Political Research Center Vlaimdir Yevseev said in an interview with a Voice of Russia correspondent.

"It’s discouraging that the United States continues to perceive stability as a unipolar world in which it holds the domineering position. If you feel a leader, there will always be someone who you think is challenging you. In the meantime, there is a large number of real threats which need to be addressed by joint effort."

The reality is that the world has entered a ‘post-American’ era and Washington will have to come to terms with it. Andrei Volodin, Director of the Oriental Research Center at the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Diplomatic Academy, comments.

"In this new era, the US will play a far less significant role than it has before. Washington will no longer enjoy the right to set the rules of the game in the financial, military and political areas. Russia and a number of other European countries are gradually getting out of US control."

Politicians in the US have been making all sorts of statements ahead of the forthcoming presidential elections. President Obama’s opponents, of which there are quite a few, have been using every opportunity to express their views.

In the days of the British Empire, colonizers pursued the so-called civilizing mission. Later on, this mission was renamed into ‘democratization’. But as it happens, there is a variety of civilizations across the globe and they supplement each other fairly well, if not disturbed.

美国将金砖五国列入威胁国家安全的黑名单,一方面 显示了MD的居安思危, 其实现在已经算不上居安思危,只能说 居危思危.另个方面 显示了 MD国内的严重性绝非你所能看到的,换句话 其实很容易解读,经济已经威胁到国家安全
忙碌的蚂蚁3 发表于 2011-9-13 19:17
美国将金砖五国列入威胁国家安全的黑名单,一方面 显示了MD的居安思危, 其实现在已经算不上居安思危,只能说  ...
风♂心灵の息 发表于 2011-9-13 20:14


bacoolbl 发表于 2011-9-13 19:41




        五角大楼的最新报告及其掌门的言论也许可以看作是美国“鹰派”的再次放言。更何况美俄外交近年来都是围绕“超载”时髦一词展开的,在处理两国关系时早已避而不谈“冷战”一词。然而令人遗憾的是,持帕内塔观点的并非他一人。稍早时候美国务卿希拉里·克林顿就曾声明说,华盛顿不会放弃全球霸主地位。按她的话说,美国是全球的领袖,是美国在引领其他国家。社会政治研究中心主任弗拉基米尔·叶夫谢耶夫在“俄罗斯之声”记者采访时说,正是站在这一立场华盛顿时常把自己薄弱的地区看成是对自己的威胁。令人郁闷的是,美国仍然把稳定看作是他们主导的单极世界。如果持有这种立场,那么他们就会不断捏造各种威胁,比如来自印度的威胁。我们面临各种需要对付的威胁 ,而且需要密切合作。






© The Voice of Russia   

        法国Agora Vox网络报纸上出现一条令人震惊的新闻,标题是:《法国是否很快将成为中国的殖民地?》这让人联想到,本世纪末中国将成为全球的主宰,文章作者用吓人的口吻写道。


        据德新社报道,在 波茨坦M 100 Sanssouci Colloquium总结会议框架内举办了媒体颁奖仪式。一位昵称为Michael Anti的中国博友获得了大奖。获奖者称,今天的中国意识到言论自由也是人权的一种。他将中国社会权益保护视作自己的责任。他在颁奖仪式上说:“这是我的任务,我的使命。”


