【翻译】利比亚战事——俄罗斯加入驱逐卡扎菲的西方合唱 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/30 11:46:18

原文标题:Russia Joins Western Chorus For Muammar Gaddafi To Go

发布人:苏灿 协作:苏灿 发布日期:2011-05-30 16:33:52 原文国家:美国  阅读:3380 评论:29条

导读: 看来北极熊也要在卡扎菲问题上插一脚了~~~~~

(Reuters) - Russia believes Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi should quit and could help broker his departure, a senior Russian official said on Friday in an important boost to NATO powers bent on ending his 41-year rule.
It was a striking change in tone from Kremlin criticism of Western air strikes in Libya officially intended to protect civilians in a civil war but effectively taking the side of rebels seeking Gaddafi's removal and democratic change.
Share your Comment:
patman77 195 Fans
1 minute ago (8:11 PM)
russia needs to quit messing with our citizens who happen to be gay.

americaisracist 62 Fans
4 hours ago (4:31 PM)
Putin and Medvedev are awsome. firm, no nonsense, stand up, honest, and have concern for the world around them.

procrustes13 218 Fans
5 hours ago (3:34 PM)
The Jamahiriya has the right to exist. What the west is proposing must be genocide as it's trying to snuff out the Jamahiriya­.
利比亚有权利存在。 西方正在提议什么种族灭绝,因为它是在试图扼杀利比亚。

fredly2 21 Fans
7 hours ago (1:36 PM)
Holding a book and saying, "It is written", does not make it true.

Anne Mccormick 225 Fans
11 hours ago (9:25 AM)
i would bet the new Russian stance is a result of private conversati­ons Medeve had with Cameron, Sarkozy, Obama and Harper of Canada. Russia had to be brought in on side with us. so, what did Russia get in return for its support?

jimmygwrites 8 Fans
10 hours ago (9:48 AM)
I don't think anyone actually supports Gaddafi, but how can we support the insurgents when their own leadership has admitted they have plenty of Al Qaeda fighters in their ranks? Thee killing and destructio­n would have over weeks ago if the West had not stepped in. And let's face it, if they were a Republican in office right now, you'd be livid.

patman77 195 Fans
0 minute ago (8:12 PM
jimmy pants on fire. -1
吉米的裤子着火了。- 1

Sweetbay 1234 Fans
13 hours ago (7:27 AM)
Once voice can change a room, one room can change a city, one city can change a state, one state can change a nation, one nation can change the world. One voice can change the world."
I think of those words every time he comes back from a foreign trip with new trade deals for American companies or another foreign leader lends support for a U.S. foreign policy. And, I think of the President'­s words today as I watch the tremendous changes occurring in N Africa and across the ME. The voices of change and hope for their futures are being heard.
每次他从外国旅行回来,为美国公司敲定新贸易协定,或同其他的外国领导人签署支持美国的外交政府,我就想起上面那段那些话。而且今天, 当我看到发生在北非以及中东的巨大的变化我就想起(奥巴马)总统的­医生的话,就能听见那些要求变化、希望着眼他们的未来的声音。

Philani-Lubanyana 4 Fans
13 hours ago (7:05 AM)
As Africans we are deeply disturb by the Russian stance on the issue of Libya. The UN resolution was never about “regime change” we are shocked as Africans by this stance of Moscow. All along we thought Moscow understood the situation but it is clear that they have change tune. It is clear to us as Africans that we’ve got no allies in the UNSC; no country wants to take a position in favor of Africans, no country wants to listen to African’s predicamen­t, no country wants to listen to the AU resolution or take AU serious. We are the outsiders in the UNSC. We are treated like sub-humans­. People just come into our continent and butchered our people without any reasons and demands regime change. Who are these people who are demanding regime change in our continent? Who are these people who are butchering our people (including women and children)? Sponsoring rebels to kill our people! Can anyone sponsor Al-Qaida and not called a terrorist? Philani Lubanyana@­Durban.Sou­th Africa
(译者注:本段也是关于和下一个帖子的一样的吐槽,原因同下一个帖子Sassan K Darian 2 Fans的发言)

Sweetbay 1234 Fans
13 hours ago (7:32 AM)
So, you're not outraged that Ghaddafi hired mercenarie­s to k1// Libyans? Is your support of Ghaddafi based on the premise that it's okay for him to k!// Libyans, but not okay for Libyans to not want to be k!//ed? Ghaddafi had his chance to listen to his people and he could have avoided this. He chose a different path early into the protests to snuff them out.
所以卡 扎 菲雇了雇 佣 军来杀 死利比亚人,你怎么不义愤填膺?

jimmygwrites 8 Fans
10 hours ago (9:56 AM)
The West stepped in when the revolution was on the verge of collapse. They were begging for assistance­. The killing would have been over weeks ago without the air support. It would most likely be over if we would have stuck the UN no fly zone. We've moved well beyond the limits of that resolution­. And let's admit this, if there were a Republican in office right now you'd be screaming off with his head.
当革命者处于崩溃边缘,他们乞求援助,西方强势介入­。没有空中支援,利比亚的杀 戮似乎已经持续了几星期。如果我们僵硬的执行联合国禁飞区决议,事情啥也弄不成。针对联合国的禁飞区决议,我们绕道多捞了几票(超越决议干私活)­。这个事我们得大方的承认,如果现在有一个共和党人在办公室的话,你就最好冲他惊声尖叫。

Sassan K Darian 2 Fans
13 hours ago (7:03 AM)
Beautiful time for the sake of liberty. And for people who make such ignorant statements as "let them take care of it themselves­" I hope you wouldn't use the same principle to claim to justify the slaughter of people such as cases like Rwanda. Not only is it our duty to assist people when slaughter is about to take place, it is our obligation to assist people striving for freedom away from the world's most brutal oppressors and regimes. Let's only hope the great people of Iran will soon be liberated from the oppressive­, maniacal, and end-of-the­-world mentality of a regime that has occupied the once great nation of Iran.
自 由的大好机会啊。我希望你不会用无知的,比如“让他们自己照顾自己”言论来开脱,想一想像卢 旺 达 的大屠杀 案件。镇压屠 杀不仅是我们的责任,帮助人们争取摆脱最 残 酷的压 迫从而达到自 由。让我们解 放伊 朗吧。

dbrmn1 154 Fans
12 hours ago (8:02 AM)
Trouble was there hadn't been a slaughter. Qaddafi was attempting to put down an insurgency­...one the US and Europe have said want freedom and democracy.­..but that is far from verified. If it were truly about preventing slaughters as you say we would have stepped in to places where slaughters ARE already taking place on huge scale. This is about oil for Europe. Qaddafi has been obedient to the US for 10 years and there is probably some truth in his assessment of the rebels.
问题是是利比亚真的没有发生大 屠 杀啊。卡扎菲试图平息局势、恢复安定而已……美国和欧洲说想要自 由和民 主。. .但这远非事实。假如(屠 杀)是真的,想要防止像你说的大 屠 杀,我们美帝早就会大规模的出现在开始在(发生)大 屠 杀的地方了。这是欧洲为了石油的借口而已。卡扎菲10年前已顺从美国,他对反政府武装的看法可能也有一些道理。

Sassan K Darian 2 Fans
12 hours ago (8:27 AM
There wasn't a slaughter because the internatio­nal community stepped up hours before a slaughter was about to take place by Ghaddafi. How do we know? Ghaddafi had stated his intentions himself and his loyalists and thugs were literally hours away from the slaughter. You don't allow a slaughter to first happen and then intervene. Those of us on the side of life and advocate of military interventi­on in dictatoria­l countries stand with human rights in contrast to those who claim "anti-war" because of "human rights" when human rights don't matter much to the majority of them; it is simply their calling card.
利比亚没有大 屠 杀,因为国际社会在大 屠 杀前几个小时已经介入了。(可能你要问)我们是怎么知道的?卡扎菲表达了他自己的意图,他的支持者和恶棍很快就被(因干涉而)远离屠杀。你不能先让屠 杀发生后再来干涉。对我们这些站在生命(高于一切)一边的人,鼓吹对独裁政府的军事干涉就代表了人 权,相比之下,那些“人权”为借口“反战”的人不配提人权,人 权只是他们的名片。

Sassan K Darian 2 Fans
12 hours ago (8:29 AM)
And the oil claim is simply stupid like those who make the claim for every interventi­on without using their own brains critically­.

Sassan K Darian 2 Fans
13 hours ago (7:03 AM)
It's a beautiful time for the world. One by one dictators, tyrants, war criminals, and terrorists are being brought to justice. For the sake of the Iranian people and for the sake of humanity let's hope Iran will soon be liberated of the Islamic Republic of Terror.

jerryjerry5959 457 Fan
14 hours ago (6:24 AM
Give it a break. Either s@$t or get off the pot. People are dying every day because of this. End it or get out.
In similarity to Iraq, Sadam is accused of killing tens of thousands. So we go in there and tens of thousands are killed. Huh.......­....? Maybe I need to take basic math again.
与伊拉克相似,萨达姆被指控杀死数万人,所以我们进去,然后数万人死亡。嗯....... ....我错了吗? 我可能需要使用初等数学了。

Jack Morgan 1 Fan
15 hours ago (5:07 AM)
Why France,Bri­tain, and Russia are so silent and not telling to the Dragon Leader dictator, Fu Jian Tho of China to step down......­Scare???

allencollinsa 20 Fans
15 hours ago (4:46 AM)
Gadaffi acts like a republican­, you know he does not believe in medicare or social security just like these republican medicare terrioust here in america led by that freak paul"eddie munster"ry­an

jimmygwrites 8 Fans
10 hours ago (10:05 AM
You might want to look into things before you post, Libya provides universal health care to their citizens. And no one is cutting social security, though like Medicare, it does need some reformatio­n if its to still be around for our children and grand children.

palefeet 19 Fans
17 hours ago (3:01 AM
Gadaffi is not the worst thing that ever happened to that country...­Nato air strikes have done far more harm. All the people that support what Nato is doing there, do so with the bravery of being out of range. History will show what a farce this "humanitar­ian" mission is. And the thousands of innocents who die will keep appearing in black and white numbers for our perusal, until something more exciting starts happening.­..

jerryjerry5959 457 Fans
14 hours ago (6:29 AM
I also have trouble with it. Any organized government has the right to protect themselves from a coup, whether we are for or against their principles­. We would do the same if the Republican­s attacked (hehehehe)

terry63 195 Fans
8 hours ago (12:30 PM
Who wouldnt? Im no fan of Gadaffi and I know that this is just his chickens coming home.
But Whats really going on? and who's next on the U.N. hit list. Also why is the United states following europe, the same Europe that started two world wars. When did we stop leading?

terry63 195 Fans
8 hours ago (12:37 PM
And is attacked immediatly by the U.N.. Because he would root out the rebels fro his country. Also Im not buying the Viagra bit. It doesnt fit the story and just doesnt sound right and we all know what Judge Judy says " If it doesnt sound right , its probably a lie".
联合国立即发起的攻击. .因为他想揪出他国的叛军。我一点也不买伟哥。它不适合这个故事,只是听起来有些虚假,我们的法官朱蒂说:“如果它听起来不正确,那么就可能是假的”。

Georgious Bushus 10 Fans
20 hours ago (1:19 AM)
of course that commie satanic atheist chinese terrorists regime is still supporting socialist brother
当然,邪 恶的无 神 论的中国当局仍然支持社 会 主 义的恐 怖分 子。

JRStrafer 0 Fans
21 hours ago (11:56 PM)
RIP Muammar you are headed where other dictators went before you. Have you not learned anything from the other "gods". They will find you, try you and execute you!

procrustes13 218 Fans
20 hours ago (12:51 AM
Seems to me that you consider the Imperial leaders to be gods.

wom122 92 Fan
21 hours ago (11:32 PM)
The rats are deserting the sinking ship.

wwoody 431 Fan
22 hours ago (11:03 PM)
Gaddafi you're own worst enemy, it time to go now.

原文标题:Russia Joins Western Chorus For Muammar Gaddafi To Go

发布人:苏灿 协作:苏灿 发布日期:2011-05-30 16:33:52 原文国家:美国  阅读:3380 评论:29条

导读: 看来北极熊也要在卡扎菲问题上插一脚了~~~~~

(Reuters) - Russia believes Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi should quit and could help broker his departure, a senior Russian official said on Friday in an important boost to NATO powers bent on ending his 41-year rule.
It was a striking change in tone from Kremlin criticism of Western air strikes in Libya officially intended to protect civilians in a civil war but effectively taking the side of rebels seeking Gaddafi's removal and democratic change.
Share your Comment:
patman77 195 Fans
1 minute ago (8:11 PM)
russia needs to quit messing with our citizens who happen to be gay.

americaisracist 62 Fans
4 hours ago (4:31 PM)
Putin and Medvedev are awsome. firm, no nonsense, stand up, honest, and have concern for the world around them.

procrustes13 218 Fans
5 hours ago (3:34 PM)
The Jamahiriya has the right to exist. What the west is proposing must be genocide as it's trying to snuff out the Jamahiriya­.
利比亚有权利存在。 西方正在提议什么种族灭绝,因为它是在试图扼杀利比亚。

fredly2 21 Fans
7 hours ago (1:36 PM)
Holding a book and saying, "It is written", does not make it true.

Anne Mccormick 225 Fans
11 hours ago (9:25 AM)
i would bet the new Russian stance is a result of private conversati­ons Medeve had with Cameron, Sarkozy, Obama and Harper of Canada. Russia had to be brought in on side with us. so, what did Russia get in return for its support?

jimmygwrites 8 Fans
10 hours ago (9:48 AM)
I don't think anyone actually supports Gaddafi, but how can we support the insurgents when their own leadership has admitted they have plenty of Al Qaeda fighters in their ranks? Thee killing and destructio­n would have over weeks ago if the West had not stepped in. And let's face it, if they were a Republican in office right now, you'd be livid.

patman77 195 Fans
0 minute ago (8:12 PM
jimmy pants on fire. -1
吉米的裤子着火了。- 1

Sweetbay 1234 Fans
13 hours ago (7:27 AM)
Once voice can change a room, one room can change a city, one city can change a state, one state can change a nation, one nation can change the world. One voice can change the world."
I think of those words every time he comes back from a foreign trip with new trade deals for American companies or another foreign leader lends support for a U.S. foreign policy. And, I think of the President'­s words today as I watch the tremendous changes occurring in N Africa and across the ME. The voices of change and hope for their futures are being heard.
每次他从外国旅行回来,为美国公司敲定新贸易协定,或同其他的外国领导人签署支持美国的外交政府,我就想起上面那段那些话。而且今天, 当我看到发生在北非以及中东的巨大的变化我就想起(奥巴马)总统的­医生的话,就能听见那些要求变化、希望着眼他们的未来的声音。

Philani-Lubanyana 4 Fans
13 hours ago (7:05 AM)
As Africans we are deeply disturb by the Russian stance on the issue of Libya. The UN resolution was never about “regime change” we are shocked as Africans by this stance of Moscow. All along we thought Moscow understood the situation but it is clear that they have change tune. It is clear to us as Africans that we’ve got no allies in the UNSC; no country wants to take a position in favor of Africans, no country wants to listen to African’s predicamen­t, no country wants to listen to the AU resolution or take AU serious. We are the outsiders in the UNSC. We are treated like sub-humans­. People just come into our continent and butchered our people without any reasons and demands regime change. Who are these people who are demanding regime change in our continent? Who are these people who are butchering our people (including women and children)? Sponsoring rebels to kill our people! Can anyone sponsor Al-Qaida and not called a terrorist? Philani Lubanyana@­Durban.Sou­th Africa
(译者注:本段也是关于和下一个帖子的一样的吐槽,原因同下一个帖子Sassan K Darian 2 Fans的发言)

Sweetbay 1234 Fans
13 hours ago (7:32 AM)
So, you're not outraged that Ghaddafi hired mercenarie­s to k1// Libyans? Is your support of Ghaddafi based on the premise that it's okay for him to k!// Libyans, but not okay for Libyans to not want to be k!//ed? Ghaddafi had his chance to listen to his people and he could have avoided this. He chose a different path early into the protests to snuff them out.
所以卡 扎 菲雇了雇 佣 军来杀 死利比亚人,你怎么不义愤填膺?

jimmygwrites 8 Fans
10 hours ago (9:56 AM)
The West stepped in when the revolution was on the verge of collapse. They were begging for assistance­. The killing would have been over weeks ago without the air support. It would most likely be over if we would have stuck the UN no fly zone. We've moved well beyond the limits of that resolution­. And let's admit this, if there were a Republican in office right now you'd be screaming off with his head.
当革命者处于崩溃边缘,他们乞求援助,西方强势介入­。没有空中支援,利比亚的杀 戮似乎已经持续了几星期。如果我们僵硬的执行联合国禁飞区决议,事情啥也弄不成。针对联合国的禁飞区决议,我们绕道多捞了几票(超越决议干私活)­。这个事我们得大方的承认,如果现在有一个共和党人在办公室的话,你就最好冲他惊声尖叫。

Sassan K Darian 2 Fans
13 hours ago (7:03 AM)
Beautiful time for the sake of liberty. And for people who make such ignorant statements as "let them take care of it themselves­" I hope you wouldn't use the same principle to claim to justify the slaughter of people such as cases like Rwanda. Not only is it our duty to assist people when slaughter is about to take place, it is our obligation to assist people striving for freedom away from the world's most brutal oppressors and regimes. Let's only hope the great people of Iran will soon be liberated from the oppressive­, maniacal, and end-of-the­-world mentality of a regime that has occupied the once great nation of Iran.
自 由的大好机会啊。我希望你不会用无知的,比如“让他们自己照顾自己”言论来开脱,想一想像卢 旺 达 的大屠杀 案件。镇压屠 杀不仅是我们的责任,帮助人们争取摆脱最 残 酷的压 迫从而达到自 由。让我们解 放伊 朗吧。

dbrmn1 154 Fans
12 hours ago (8:02 AM)
Trouble was there hadn't been a slaughter. Qaddafi was attempting to put down an insurgency­...one the US and Europe have said want freedom and democracy.­..but that is far from verified. If it were truly about preventing slaughters as you say we would have stepped in to places where slaughters ARE already taking place on huge scale. This is about oil for Europe. Qaddafi has been obedient to the US for 10 years and there is probably some truth in his assessment of the rebels.
问题是是利比亚真的没有发生大 屠 杀啊。卡扎菲试图平息局势、恢复安定而已……美国和欧洲说想要自 由和民 主。. .但这远非事实。假如(屠 杀)是真的,想要防止像你说的大 屠 杀,我们美帝早就会大规模的出现在开始在(发生)大 屠 杀的地方了。这是欧洲为了石油的借口而已。卡扎菲10年前已顺从美国,他对反政府武装的看法可能也有一些道理。

Sassan K Darian 2 Fans
12 hours ago (8:27 AM
There wasn't a slaughter because the internatio­nal community stepped up hours before a slaughter was about to take place by Ghaddafi. How do we know? Ghaddafi had stated his intentions himself and his loyalists and thugs were literally hours away from the slaughter. You don't allow a slaughter to first happen and then intervene. Those of us on the side of life and advocate of military interventi­on in dictatoria­l countries stand with human rights in contrast to those who claim "anti-war" because of "human rights" when human rights don't matter much to the majority of them; it is simply their calling card.
利比亚没有大 屠 杀,因为国际社会在大 屠 杀前几个小时已经介入了。(可能你要问)我们是怎么知道的?卡扎菲表达了他自己的意图,他的支持者和恶棍很快就被(因干涉而)远离屠杀。你不能先让屠 杀发生后再来干涉。对我们这些站在生命(高于一切)一边的人,鼓吹对独裁政府的军事干涉就代表了人 权,相比之下,那些“人权”为借口“反战”的人不配提人权,人 权只是他们的名片。

Sassan K Darian 2 Fans
12 hours ago (8:29 AM)
And the oil claim is simply stupid like those who make the claim for every interventi­on without using their own brains critically­.

Sassan K Darian 2 Fans
13 hours ago (7:03 AM)
It's a beautiful time for the world. One by one dictators, tyrants, war criminals, and terrorists are being brought to justice. For the sake of the Iranian people and for the sake of humanity let's hope Iran will soon be liberated of the Islamic Republic of Terror.

jerryjerry5959 457 Fan
14 hours ago (6:24 AM
Give it a break. Either s@$t or get off the pot. People are dying every day because of this. End it or get out.
In similarity to Iraq, Sadam is accused of killing tens of thousands. So we go in there and tens of thousands are killed. Huh.......­....? Maybe I need to take basic math again.
与伊拉克相似,萨达姆被指控杀死数万人,所以我们进去,然后数万人死亡。嗯....... ....我错了吗? 我可能需要使用初等数学了。

Jack Morgan 1 Fan
15 hours ago (5:07 AM)
Why France,Bri­tain, and Russia are so silent and not telling to the Dragon Leader dictator, Fu Jian Tho of China to step down......­Scare???

allencollinsa 20 Fans
15 hours ago (4:46 AM)
Gadaffi acts like a republican­, you know he does not believe in medicare or social security just like these republican medicare terrioust here in america led by that freak paul"eddie munster"ry­an

jimmygwrites 8 Fans
10 hours ago (10:05 AM
You might want to look into things before you post, Libya provides universal health care to their citizens. And no one is cutting social security, though like Medicare, it does need some reformatio­n if its to still be around for our children and grand children.

palefeet 19 Fans
17 hours ago (3:01 AM
Gadaffi is not the worst thing that ever happened to that country...­Nato air strikes have done far more harm. All the people that support what Nato is doing there, do so with the bravery of being out of range. History will show what a farce this "humanitar­ian" mission is. And the thousands of innocents who die will keep appearing in black and white numbers for our perusal, until something more exciting starts happening.­..

jerryjerry5959 457 Fans
14 hours ago (6:29 AM
I also have trouble with it. Any organized government has the right to protect themselves from a coup, whether we are for or against their principles­. We would do the same if the Republican­s attacked (hehehehe)

terry63 195 Fans
8 hours ago (12:30 PM
Who wouldnt? Im no fan of Gadaffi and I know that this is just his chickens coming home.
But Whats really going on? and who's next on the U.N. hit list. Also why is the United states following europe, the same Europe that started two world wars. When did we stop leading?

terry63 195 Fans
8 hours ago (12:37 PM
And is attacked immediatly by the U.N.. Because he would root out the rebels fro his country. Also Im not buying the Viagra bit. It doesnt fit the story and just doesnt sound right and we all know what Judge Judy says " If it doesnt sound right , its probably a lie".
联合国立即发起的攻击. .因为他想揪出他国的叛军。我一点也不买伟哥。它不适合这个故事,只是听起来有些虚假,我们的法官朱蒂说:“如果它听起来不正确,那么就可能是假的”。

Georgious Bushus 10 Fans
20 hours ago (1:19 AM)
of course that commie satanic atheist chinese terrorists regime is still supporting socialist brother
当然,邪 恶的无 神 论的中国当局仍然支持社 会 主 义的恐 怖分 子。

JRStrafer 0 Fans
21 hours ago (11:56 PM)
RIP Muammar you are headed where other dictators went before you. Have you not learned anything from the other "gods". They will find you, try you and execute you!

procrustes13 218 Fans
20 hours ago (12:51 AM
Seems to me that you consider the Imperial leaders to be gods.

wom122 92 Fan
21 hours ago (11:32 PM)
The rats are deserting the sinking ship.

wwoody 431 Fan
22 hours ago (11:03 PM)
Gaddafi you're own worst enemy, it time to go now.
真的打老卡不用MD陆军, 英法联军足矣~!{:soso__3907055873597765495_3:}(新表情真好)
