中文标题:三万亿大款,伤不起啊 (转帖)

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 15:22:35
中文标题:三万亿大款,伤不起啊 原文标题:Who wants to be a triple trillionaire?

发布人:solar115 协作:康康Tainy 发布日期:2011-05-14 17:56:34 原文国家:英国  阅读:5390 评论:37条

导读: 都说人怕出名猪怕壮,不怕贼偷就怕贼惦记。世界看中国是不是就好像在看着一只大如火星的烤乳猪……


China's foreign reserves

Who wants to be a triple trillionaire?

Window-shopping with China’s central bank  






今年石油的总产量 3.41万亿美元;











BY THE end of last year, China's foreign-exchange reserves amounted to $2.85 trillion. Although China ran a rare trade deficit in the first quarter of this year on April 14th the country's central bank released new figures showing that its reserves at the end of March had soared above $3 trillion.


China’s central bank has a lot of money but not a lot of imagination. It keeps a big chunk of its reserves in boring American government securities. That means it can count on getting its dollars back. But it frets about how much those dollars will be worth should America succumb to inflation or depreciation.


So what else could China do with the money? Instead of the dollar, China might fancy the euro. China could buy all of the outstanding sovereign debt of Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Greece, solving the euro area’s debt crisis in a trice. And it would still have almost half of its reserves left over.


【译者注:欧元区债务危机:2009年12月,全球三大评级公司标普、穆迪和惠誉分别下调希腊的主权债务评级,此后欧洲多个国家也开始陷入危机,“欧猪五国 PIIGS”(葡萄牙、意大利、爱尔兰、希腊、西班牙)的信用评级被调低,经济下滑,债台高筑,整个欧洲面临严峻考验。2010年5月10日,欧盟27国财长被迫决定设立总额为7500亿欧元的救助机制,帮助可能陷入债务危机的欧元区成员国,防止危机继续蔓延。危机至今还在困扰着欧洲。】

It might, alternatively, choose to abandon debt altogether and buy equity. China could gobble up Apple, Microsoft, IBM and Google for less than $1 trillion. It could also follow the lead of those sheikhs and oligarchs who like to buy English football clubs. According to Forbes magazine, the 50 most valuable sports franchises around the world were worth only $50.4 billion last year, less than 2% of China’s reserves.

中国也可以换个方向,选择抛开所有债券去炒股。中国可以用不到一万亿美元一口吞下苹果、微软、IBM和古狗*。它也可以学学中东油霸和俄国寡头买买英超俱乐部**。根据《福布斯》***杂志,去年全球价值最高的前50个运动俱乐部总值504亿美元,还不到中国外汇储备的2%  .




Another favoured sink for the world’s riches is property. Perhaps China should buy some exclusive Manhattan addresses. Hell, why not buy all of Manhattan? The island’s taxable real estate is worth only $287 billion, according to the New York City government. The properties of Washington, DC, are valued at a piffling $232 billion. China is accustomed to being Washington’s banker. Why not become its landlord instead?


【*华盛顿,此处双关,指美国。前面的华盛顿特区Washington, D.C是首都,总面积177平方公里。】

China could also allay its fears about energy, food and military security. Three trillion dollars would buy about 88% of this year’s global oil supply. It would take only $1.87 trillion (at 2009 prices) to buy all of the farmland (and farm buildings) in the continental United States. And China could theoretically buy America’s entire Department of Defence, which has assets worth only $1.9 trillion, according to its 2010 balance-sheet. Much of that figure is land, buildings and investments; the guns, tanks and other military gear are valued at only $413.7 billion.

中国也可以减轻他们对能源、食物和军事安全的焦虑。三万亿美元可以买下今年全球石油总供应量的88%   .在美国大陆买下所有农田(包括农场建筑)仅仅需要1.86万亿美元(2009年的价格)。而中国理论上可以买下美国的整个国防部,根据国防部的2010年资产报表,它的财产总值是1.9万亿美元。而且这个数据中很大部分还是土地、建筑物和投资所值;那些枪啊炮啊坦克啊啥啥的军事装备其实只值4137亿美元罢了。

These frivolous calculations illustrate the vast scale of China’s reserves but also the great difficulty it faces in diversifying them. Any purchase big enough to warrant China’s attention will also move the market against it. China can buy almost anything for a price—but almost nothing for today’s price.


reconst wrote: Apr 14th 2011 3:12 GMT
China should buy The Economist.
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ghaliban wrote: Apr 14th 2011 4:10 GMT
"China could buy all of the outstanding sovereign debt of Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Greece, solving the euro area’s debt crisis in a trice"
I know you're only trying to illustrate the scale of the numbers involved light-heartedly, but just to note that China buying the outstanding debt of the PIGS will not solve their debt crisis. It would only change the identity of their creditors.
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yongke wrote: Apr 14th 2011 3:05 GMT
Even the Chinese (me included) realise that at this point, forex are just numbers on papers. I don't think the Chinese government want to lend to the US anymore than the US want to borrow from China. Yet it is necessary to current keep the economy going.
So there is no need to preach, everyone (including the Chinese) are already on the same page. You just have to be patient while it is being fixed.
Also, certain options are not acceptable so it's pointless to demand them. Specifically I am talking about a large one-time re-eva luation of the Chinese Yuan.
Also also, may I point out to other readers that the Chinese holding on US debt is less than 5% of the entire US debt holdings. So even if the US default on China's loans, it will not solve their problem.
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SunT wrote: Apr 14th 2011 3:14 GMT
The money could be spent as partial compensation for all the technology and IP stolen and being stolen by the Chinese.
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lpc1998 wrote: Apr 14th 2011 2:44 GMT
At US$3 trillion, China's foreign reserves looks huge, but it works out to be only US$2,150 per capita which is lesser than many other countries'. Moreover, China's external debts rose exponentially in recent years hitting US$550 billion by the end of 2010. So the actual net foreign reserves is much lesser.
China's soaring external debts in the midst of rapidly increasing foreign reserves appear counter-intuitive. However, they are the consequences of many Chinese companies borrowing in foreign currencies and depositing them in the Chinese banks in exchange for RMB in expectation of making substantial gains from the appreciation of RMB against the foreign currencies. This is one manifestation of the intrinsic weakness of the world's major currencies.
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Dave222 wrote: Apr 14th 2011 3:38 GMT
Manhattan sure has gone up in value. 60 guilders of beads?
【60 guilders of beads 60荷兰盾的小玩物:1626年荷兰殖民者以价值60荷兰盾(相当于24美元)的一些小玩物从印第安人手中购买了“曼哈顿”作为贸易站,称之为“新阿姆斯特丹”。事后印第安人大呼“曼哈顿”(意为“受骗了”)。“曼哈顿”的名字即源于此。1664年英王查理二世的弟弟约克公爵成了这块土地的主人,改称“新约克”(New York)(英国有约克郡)即纽约。】
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ari g wrote: Apr 14th 2011 5:31 GMT
Everybody wants to get their filthy hands on Chinese money. The money rightfully belongs to the average Chinese. They had worked worked and sacrificed tremendously, earning below what they ought to have been entitled to in terms of a fair day's wage for a fair day's work. Beijing should return part (at least 30%) of the gains from this huge reserves to every Chinese above 18 years of age. The average Chinese citizen had been living beneath their means subsidising the rich In China, America and Europe. It's about time, Socialist China lives up to its name and make the next Spring festival a memorable festival with dividends to the Chinese citizen "shareholders" of "China Inc.", backdating to 2009 and 2010.
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Varun GuptaIndia wrote: Apr 14th 2011 3:18 GMT
How about using these reserves to improve the countryside and the rural and poor population.
How about China finally lets its currency float - a fixed rate regime would mean dollars accumulation would go on and the world would keep suffering the imbalances.
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Mac maRtin wrote: Apr 14th 2011 5:34 GMT
Please Do not refer the group of Spain, Greece, Portugal, ireland as "PIGS". It is quite offensive. Thank you
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Freak on a Mountain wrote: Apr 14th 2011 5:23 GMT
They're going to invest it on infrastructure. Trust me on this. The money's going to go to migrant workers building subway lines and highways. There's still the convertability problem, but all those dollars are building railways and riverways and ports. Oh, and solar panels and windmills, and your usual bureaucratic nonsense that gets in the way, but it's going to infrastructure in China, mostly. Thank God almighty that the Chinese haven't gotten that heavily into weapons manufacturing; otherwise the whole world would be full of cheap plastic AK-74s.
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nschomer wrote: Apr 14th 2011 4:53 GMT
@AphexTriplet"when you get to figures like that it's just a number."
I think that's sort of the point of this article, China has a lot of U.S. "dollars", which in reality means it has nothing, just a string of digits in a computer someplace of questionable actual value. In fact with the recent quantitative easings the U.S.government has demonstrated that even the number itself is subject to whimsical change. A lot of people complain that this was the government "printing a bunch of new money", but the reality is even more scary - they didn't print a single new bill, they just decided that certain bank accounts, with their permission, could go ahead and add another 0 or two. Sort of undercuts this whole mutually shared illusion of the value of floating currency, don't it.
In any case China is getting stuck with the bill as the U.S. comes to inevitable conclusion that the choices for shinking our debt are either A. A sound fiscal policy based on shared sacrifice and responsible cuts in spending paired with unpopular tax hikes, or, B. Inflation.
I don't think it will be hard to choose the winner on that count.
【quantitative easing “定量宽松”政策,实际上就是加大货币发行量,以放松(ease)借贷环境,属于扩张性的货币政策。具体而言,就是由央行发行一定量的新货币,然后用它在公开市场买入政府债券;银行把债券卖给央行后就有了更多的现金,就可以向外贷款。西方一些经济学家认为,所谓“定量宽松”政策,其实就是央行开动印钞机器的一种委婉说法,这一政策经常在银行利率已经降无可降的情况下采用。“定量宽松”政策的目的是为了促进贷款发放,企业增加投资,从而推动就业率的上升和经济的增长。】
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Democrates76 wrote: Apr 14th 2011 4:01 GMT
This is exactly what I've been saying. China's geniuses socked away all this money but they can't spend it without putting even more pressure on the RMB, it amounts to a bunch of worthless IOUs while American corporations hold the actual dollars thanks to cheap labour and the West's greed for cheap crap.
Any harm the communist government thinks it can do to foreign countries by tanking a currency, will ultimately come back and hit them even harder. American economy "collapses" and China's won't be far behind.
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AphexTriplet wrote: Apr 14th 2011 3:04 GMT
I don't know if it's the same for anyone else, but when you get to figures like that it's just a number.
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Aly-Khan Satchu wrote: Apr 14th 2011 3:06 GMT
Who has the Dollars? Hu does. In a c21st World, Where nearly Everyone is a 'Busted Flush', it makes the Creditor ever more powerful You said 'China can buy almost anything for a price—but almost nothing for today’s price' is in many ways a Narrative Fallacy about China. China can simply crater practically any Asset if they so choose. To assume they won't, seems a very poor Risk-Adjusted Position to be clinging to.
【*'Busted Flush同花却不顺。原意出自扑克,指握了一手同花的牌,很有机会同花顺的,最后没顺失败了。后来引申为开始有很大潜力但结果没有价值。
** Narrative Fallacy叙事谬误,就算周围环境中的所有事件都是随机的,我们也能讲出有头有尾的故事来阐述因果关系。】

Aly-Khan Satchu
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MorallyBankrupt wrote: Apr 14th 2011 5:58 GMT
Uhm, FX reserves are just that, reserves. They can't be "spent." They can be swapped for other assets that can be kept as reserves, but they are not a piggy bank. They are just something on the asset side of a CB balance sheet. Would it be wise to invest them properly? Yes. but they can't just buy illiquid assets with them. Those reserves are what is used to defend currencies when liquidity crises spill-over to FX markets. they are vital to keeping FX markets in range and must be kept liquid.
嗯,外汇储备也就仅仅是“储备”。它们不可以拿来“花”的。它们可以交换成其他能作为储备的财产,但却不是存钱罐。它们只不过是央行财务状况表里“资产”一栏里的条目而已。 用它们来适当投资明智吗?明智。但是不能用来买非流动资产。这些储备是在外汇市场流动性危机溢出之时,用来保卫货币的。他们对确保外汇市场受控至关重要,而且必须保持流动。
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lesterliu wrote: Apr 14th 2011 4:12 GMT
i dont know but can u hostile takeover IBM Apple? what about BP, Rio Tinto. Will FIRB approve these kind of takeovers? The chances are not.
Can you put a monetary values on the best universities, Think tank ect...
China has money, but those things worthing buying are not on the market.
humm how do you solve this.. any takers?
【*BP石油公司(British Petroleum),英国石油集团公司。BP是世界上最大的石油和石化集团公司之一。由前英国石油、阿莫科、阿科和嘉实多等公司整合重组形成。公司的主要业务是油气勘探开发;炼油;天然气销售和发电;油品零售和运输;以及石油化工产品生产和销售。
**力拓(Rio Tinto):世界第三大矿业公司,为世界第二大铁矿石生产商,在中国的市场占有率为第一。
*** FIRB澳大利亚外国投资审查委员会, (Foreign Investment Review Board)成立于1976年,负责向财长提供政府外资政策和执行的咨询。财长享有外国投资政策制定及外国投资项目的审批权。】
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Plen wrote: Apr 14th 2011 6:01 GMT
@ reconst - good idea, but considering the value of that purchase, the Chinese still have $1,999,999,999,999.99 trillion in change
Perhaps the economist should have made comparisons to purchasing assets of developing countries, or investments to uplift developing countries. With that kind of money China could easily upgrade most developing countries into (at least) middle income, which could be a good investment when those middle income countries turn around and buy more Chinese products.
But that is just me dreaming. China has no intention of uplifting developing countries....
好主意,但是考虑到这项采购的价值,中国仍然握有1.999 999 999 999 99万亿。
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Plen wrote: Apr 14th 2011 6:06 GMT
@ ari g - and then one could open the window and watch the pigs fly bye (no offense Mac maRtin). China socialist? It is only socialist when it suits the government. In fact it is only 'anything' when it suits them. Right now China is a dictatorship arresting free speech activists, but tomorrow they will tell us they are communist and the next day capitalist and the next day anti-imperialist and the next day.....
回复ari g
到那时你可以打开窗然后看见猪在天上飞(不是在冒犯 Mac martin*)。
【*Mac martin是前面的一个读者,他觉得把葡萄牙、爱尔兰等四国称作“笨猪”四国是一个冒犯的说法】
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Wayne Bernard wrote: Apr 14th 2011 4:57 GMT
Not only is China sitting on a pile of cash, they are sitting on a massive pile of gold as shown here:
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stratofile wrote: Apr 14th 2011 5:25 GMT
such amount of kept money is like to WMD and it will make huge problems to the entire world. Also,Chinas government can sink USA economics and it will lead us to destruction of global economics!
【*WMD weapon of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器,指用来大规模屠杀的武器,一般针对的是平民,但是也可以针对军事人员。它包括三类武器:核武器(包括放射性武器)、化学武器、生物武器。】
Recommend (13)中文标题:三万亿大款,伤不起啊 原文标题:Who wants to be a triple trillionaire?

发布人:solar115 协作:康康Tainy 发布日期:2011-05-14 17:56:34 原文国家:英国  阅读:5390 评论:37条

导读: 都说人怕出名猪怕壮,不怕贼偷就怕贼惦记。世界看中国是不是就好像在看着一只大如火星的烤乳猪……


China's foreign reserves

Who wants to be a triple trillionaire?

Window-shopping with China’s central bank  






今年石油的总产量 3.41万亿美元;











BY THE end of last year, China's foreign-exchange reserves amounted to $2.85 trillion. Although China ran a rare trade deficit in the first quarter of this year on April 14th the country's central bank released new figures showing that its reserves at the end of March had soared above $3 trillion.


China’s central bank has a lot of money but not a lot of imagination. It keeps a big chunk of its reserves in boring American government securities. That means it can count on getting its dollars back. But it frets about how much those dollars will be worth should America succumb to inflation or depreciation.


So what else could China do with the money? Instead of the dollar, China might fancy the euro. China could buy all of the outstanding sovereign debt of Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Greece, solving the euro area’s debt crisis in a trice. And it would still have almost half of its reserves left over.


【译者注:欧元区债务危机:2009年12月,全球三大评级公司标普、穆迪和惠誉分别下调希腊的主权债务评级,此后欧洲多个国家也开始陷入危机,“欧猪五国 PIIGS”(葡萄牙、意大利、爱尔兰、希腊、西班牙)的信用评级被调低,经济下滑,债台高筑,整个欧洲面临严峻考验。2010年5月10日,欧盟27国财长被迫决定设立总额为7500亿欧元的救助机制,帮助可能陷入债务危机的欧元区成员国,防止危机继续蔓延。危机至今还在困扰着欧洲。】

It might, alternatively, choose to abandon debt altogether and buy equity. China could gobble up Apple, Microsoft, IBM and Google for less than $1 trillion. It could also follow the lead of those sheikhs and oligarchs who like to buy English football clubs. According to Forbes magazine, the 50 most valuable sports franchises around the world were worth only $50.4 billion last year, less than 2% of China’s reserves.

中国也可以换个方向,选择抛开所有债券去炒股。中国可以用不到一万亿美元一口吞下苹果、微软、IBM和古狗*。它也可以学学中东油霸和俄国寡头买买英超俱乐部**。根据《福布斯》***杂志,去年全球价值最高的前50个运动俱乐部总值504亿美元,还不到中国外汇储备的2%  .




Another favoured sink for the world’s riches is property. Perhaps China should buy some exclusive Manhattan addresses. Hell, why not buy all of Manhattan? The island’s taxable real estate is worth only $287 billion, according to the New York City government. The properties of Washington, DC, are valued at a piffling $232 billion. China is accustomed to being Washington’s banker. Why not become its landlord instead?


【*华盛顿,此处双关,指美国。前面的华盛顿特区Washington, D.C是首都,总面积177平方公里。】

China could also allay its fears about energy, food and military security. Three trillion dollars would buy about 88% of this year’s global oil supply. It would take only $1.87 trillion (at 2009 prices) to buy all of the farmland (and farm buildings) in the continental United States. And China could theoretically buy America’s entire Department of Defence, which has assets worth only $1.9 trillion, according to its 2010 balance-sheet. Much of that figure is land, buildings and investments; the guns, tanks and other military gear are valued at only $413.7 billion.

中国也可以减轻他们对能源、食物和军事安全的焦虑。三万亿美元可以买下今年全球石油总供应量的88%   .在美国大陆买下所有农田(包括农场建筑)仅仅需要1.86万亿美元(2009年的价格)。而中国理论上可以买下美国的整个国防部,根据国防部的2010年资产报表,它的财产总值是1.9万亿美元。而且这个数据中很大部分还是土地、建筑物和投资所值;那些枪啊炮啊坦克啊啥啥的军事装备其实只值4137亿美元罢了。

These frivolous calculations illustrate the vast scale of China’s reserves but also the great difficulty it faces in diversifying them. Any purchase big enough to warrant China’s attention will also move the market against it. China can buy almost anything for a price—but almost nothing for today’s price.


reconst wrote: Apr 14th 2011 3:12 GMT
China should buy The Economist.
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ghaliban wrote: Apr 14th 2011 4:10 GMT
"China could buy all of the outstanding sovereign debt of Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Greece, solving the euro area’s debt crisis in a trice"
I know you're only trying to illustrate the scale of the numbers involved light-heartedly, but just to note that China buying the outstanding debt of the PIGS will not solve their debt crisis. It would only change the identity of their creditors.
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yongke wrote: Apr 14th 2011 3:05 GMT
Even the Chinese (me included) realise that at this point, forex are just numbers on papers. I don't think the Chinese government want to lend to the US anymore than the US want to borrow from China. Yet it is necessary to current keep the economy going.
So there is no need to preach, everyone (including the Chinese) are already on the same page. You just have to be patient while it is being fixed.
Also, certain options are not acceptable so it's pointless to demand them. Specifically I am talking about a large one-time re-eva luation of the Chinese Yuan.
Also also, may I point out to other readers that the Chinese holding on US debt is less than 5% of the entire US debt holdings. So even if the US default on China's loans, it will not solve their problem.
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SunT wrote: Apr 14th 2011 3:14 GMT
The money could be spent as partial compensation for all the technology and IP stolen and being stolen by the Chinese.
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lpc1998 wrote: Apr 14th 2011 2:44 GMT
At US$3 trillion, China's foreign reserves looks huge, but it works out to be only US$2,150 per capita which is lesser than many other countries'. Moreover, China's external debts rose exponentially in recent years hitting US$550 billion by the end of 2010. So the actual net foreign reserves is much lesser.
China's soaring external debts in the midst of rapidly increasing foreign reserves appear counter-intuitive. However, they are the consequences of many Chinese companies borrowing in foreign currencies and depositing them in the Chinese banks in exchange for RMB in expectation of making substantial gains from the appreciation of RMB against the foreign currencies. This is one manifestation of the intrinsic weakness of the world's major currencies.
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Dave222 wrote: Apr 14th 2011 3:38 GMT
Manhattan sure has gone up in value. 60 guilders of beads?
【60 guilders of beads 60荷兰盾的小玩物:1626年荷兰殖民者以价值60荷兰盾(相当于24美元)的一些小玩物从印第安人手中购买了“曼哈顿”作为贸易站,称之为“新阿姆斯特丹”。事后印第安人大呼“曼哈顿”(意为“受骗了”)。“曼哈顿”的名字即源于此。1664年英王查理二世的弟弟约克公爵成了这块土地的主人,改称“新约克”(New York)(英国有约克郡)即纽约。】
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ari g wrote: Apr 14th 2011 5:31 GMT
Everybody wants to get their filthy hands on Chinese money. The money rightfully belongs to the average Chinese. They had worked worked and sacrificed tremendously, earning below what they ought to have been entitled to in terms of a fair day's wage for a fair day's work. Beijing should return part (at least 30%) of the gains from this huge reserves to every Chinese above 18 years of age. The average Chinese citizen had been living beneath their means subsidising the rich In China, America and Europe. It's about time, Socialist China lives up to its name and make the next Spring festival a memorable festival with dividends to the Chinese citizen "shareholders" of "China Inc.", backdating to 2009 and 2010.
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Varun GuptaIndia wrote: Apr 14th 2011 3:18 GMT
How about using these reserves to improve the countryside and the rural and poor population.
How about China finally lets its currency float - a fixed rate regime would mean dollars accumulation would go on and the world would keep suffering the imbalances.
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Mac maRtin wrote: Apr 14th 2011 5:34 GMT
Please Do not refer the group of Spain, Greece, Portugal, ireland as "PIGS". It is quite offensive. Thank you
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Freak on a Mountain wrote: Apr 14th 2011 5:23 GMT
They're going to invest it on infrastructure. Trust me on this. The money's going to go to migrant workers building subway lines and highways. There's still the convertability problem, but all those dollars are building railways and riverways and ports. Oh, and solar panels and windmills, and your usual bureaucratic nonsense that gets in the way, but it's going to infrastructure in China, mostly. Thank God almighty that the Chinese haven't gotten that heavily into weapons manufacturing; otherwise the whole world would be full of cheap plastic AK-74s.
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nschomer wrote: Apr 14th 2011 4:53 GMT
@AphexTriplet"when you get to figures like that it's just a number."
I think that's sort of the point of this article, China has a lot of U.S. "dollars", which in reality means it has nothing, just a string of digits in a computer someplace of questionable actual value. In fact with the recent quantitative easings the U.S.government has demonstrated that even the number itself is subject to whimsical change. A lot of people complain that this was the government "printing a bunch of new money", but the reality is even more scary - they didn't print a single new bill, they just decided that certain bank accounts, with their permission, could go ahead and add another 0 or two. Sort of undercuts this whole mutually shared illusion of the value of floating currency, don't it.
In any case China is getting stuck with the bill as the U.S. comes to inevitable conclusion that the choices for shinking our debt are either A. A sound fiscal policy based on shared sacrifice and responsible cuts in spending paired with unpopular tax hikes, or, B. Inflation.
I don't think it will be hard to choose the winner on that count.
【quantitative easing “定量宽松”政策,实际上就是加大货币发行量,以放松(ease)借贷环境,属于扩张性的货币政策。具体而言,就是由央行发行一定量的新货币,然后用它在公开市场买入政府债券;银行把债券卖给央行后就有了更多的现金,就可以向外贷款。西方一些经济学家认为,所谓“定量宽松”政策,其实就是央行开动印钞机器的一种委婉说法,这一政策经常在银行利率已经降无可降的情况下采用。“定量宽松”政策的目的是为了促进贷款发放,企业增加投资,从而推动就业率的上升和经济的增长。】
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Democrates76 wrote: Apr 14th 2011 4:01 GMT
This is exactly what I've been saying. China's geniuses socked away all this money but they can't spend it without putting even more pressure on the RMB, it amounts to a bunch of worthless IOUs while American corporations hold the actual dollars thanks to cheap labour and the West's greed for cheap crap.
Any harm the communist government thinks it can do to foreign countries by tanking a currency, will ultimately come back and hit them even harder. American economy "collapses" and China's won't be far behind.
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AphexTriplet wrote: Apr 14th 2011 3:04 GMT
I don't know if it's the same for anyone else, but when you get to figures like that it's just a number.
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Aly-Khan Satchu wrote: Apr 14th 2011 3:06 GMT
Who has the Dollars? Hu does. In a c21st World, Where nearly Everyone is a 'Busted Flush', it makes the Creditor ever more powerful You said 'China can buy almost anything for a price—but almost nothing for today’s price' is in many ways a Narrative Fallacy about China. China can simply crater practically any Asset if they so choose. To assume they won't, seems a very poor Risk-Adjusted Position to be clinging to.
【*'Busted Flush同花却不顺。原意出自扑克,指握了一手同花的牌,很有机会同花顺的,最后没顺失败了。后来引申为开始有很大潜力但结果没有价值。
** Narrative Fallacy叙事谬误,就算周围环境中的所有事件都是随机的,我们也能讲出有头有尾的故事来阐述因果关系。】

Aly-Khan Satchu
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MorallyBankrupt wrote: Apr 14th 2011 5:58 GMT
Uhm, FX reserves are just that, reserves. They can't be "spent." They can be swapped for other assets that can be kept as reserves, but they are not a piggy bank. They are just something on the asset side of a CB balance sheet. Would it be wise to invest them properly? Yes. but they can't just buy illiquid assets with them. Those reserves are what is used to defend currencies when liquidity crises spill-over to FX markets. they are vital to keeping FX markets in range and must be kept liquid.
嗯,外汇储备也就仅仅是“储备”。它们不可以拿来“花”的。它们可以交换成其他能作为储备的财产,但却不是存钱罐。它们只不过是央行财务状况表里“资产”一栏里的条目而已。 用它们来适当投资明智吗?明智。但是不能用来买非流动资产。这些储备是在外汇市场流动性危机溢出之时,用来保卫货币的。他们对确保外汇市场受控至关重要,而且必须保持流动。
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lesterliu wrote: Apr 14th 2011 4:12 GMT
i dont know but can u hostile takeover IBM Apple? what about BP, Rio Tinto. Will FIRB approve these kind of takeovers? The chances are not.
Can you put a monetary values on the best universities, Think tank ect...
China has money, but those things worthing buying are not on the market.
humm how do you solve this.. any takers?
【*BP石油公司(British Petroleum),英国石油集团公司。BP是世界上最大的石油和石化集团公司之一。由前英国石油、阿莫科、阿科和嘉实多等公司整合重组形成。公司的主要业务是油气勘探开发;炼油;天然气销售和发电;油品零售和运输;以及石油化工产品生产和销售。
**力拓(Rio Tinto):世界第三大矿业公司,为世界第二大铁矿石生产商,在中国的市场占有率为第一。
*** FIRB澳大利亚外国投资审查委员会, (Foreign Investment Review Board)成立于1976年,负责向财长提供政府外资政策和执行的咨询。财长享有外国投资政策制定及外国投资项目的审批权。】
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Plen wrote: Apr 14th 2011 6:01 GMT
@ reconst - good idea, but considering the value of that purchase, the Chinese still have $1,999,999,999,999.99 trillion in change
Perhaps the economist should have made comparisons to purchasing assets of developing countries, or investments to uplift developing countries. With that kind of money China could easily upgrade most developing countries into (at least) middle income, which could be a good investment when those middle income countries turn around and buy more Chinese products.
But that is just me dreaming. China has no intention of uplifting developing countries....
好主意,但是考虑到这项采购的价值,中国仍然握有1.999 999 999 999 99万亿。
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Plen wrote: Apr 14th 2011 6:06 GMT
@ ari g - and then one could open the window and watch the pigs fly bye (no offense Mac maRtin). China socialist? It is only socialist when it suits the government. In fact it is only 'anything' when it suits them. Right now China is a dictatorship arresting free speech activists, but tomorrow they will tell us they are communist and the next day capitalist and the next day anti-imperialist and the next day.....
回复ari g
到那时你可以打开窗然后看见猪在天上飞(不是在冒犯 Mac martin*)。
【*Mac martin是前面的一个读者,他觉得把葡萄牙、爱尔兰等四国称作“笨猪”四国是一个冒犯的说法】
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Wayne Bernard wrote: Apr 14th 2011 4:57 GMT
Not only is China sitting on a pile of cash, they are sitting on a massive pile of gold as shown here:
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stratofile wrote: Apr 14th 2011 5:25 GMT
such amount of kept money is like to WMD and it will make huge problems to the entire world. Also,Chinas government can sink USA economics and it will lead us to destruction of global economics!
【*WMD weapon of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器,指用来大规模屠杀的武器,一般针对的是平民,但是也可以针对军事人员。它包括三类武器:核武器(包括放射性武器)、化学武器、生物武器。】
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卖激素不? 动不动就神马和谐激素,直要是呐们木有滴,介个东西有多少要多少。
简单来说 有多少外汇储备 人民币就多印了多少
GDP??咱两邻居,我请你老妈到我家当保姆,月薪1000,你又请我老妈到你家当保姆,月薪也是1000.然后这个月咱们为国家奉献的GDP。。。。翻倍了!!学过经济没?GDP其实都一喙头,国家搞经济,真要重视GDP就输了,别看着新闻说GDP GDP神马神马,忽悠老外呢。。。咱TB是5000年的谋略化神级老祖,怎么发展有自己的一套、、、LZ,您别操心了
a6292109 发表于 2011-5-15 13:38