
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/30 02:57:47






Handsome Chinese vagrant draws fans of “homeless chic”


'Brother Sharp',left,on the streets of Ningbo; Vivienne Westwood's 'homeless chic’ collection form January, right can be cool chimes with a fashion trend that many have considered tasteless; in January, the designer Vivienne West-wood presented a "homeless chic” show in which models were styled to look like rough sleepers, a move prefigured by Ben Stiller's satirical film Zoolander, which featured a similar show called Derelicte. Two years ago the supermodel Erin Wasson revealed the homeless were her fashion inspiration, saying:"When I...see the homeless,like,I'm like,'Oh my God,they're pulling out,like,crazy look and they,like,pull shit out of like garbage cans.'"

“夏普哥(英文中的“夏普”是“犀利”的译音——译者注)”(见图左)在宁波街头;维维安•韦斯特伍德今年一月的“潮人游民”系列(见图右)走的是冷酷时尚路线,但被很多人认为很俗气。一月,这位设计师维维安发布了“潮人游民”时装秀,里面的模特们打扮得如同邋遢的嗜睡者。这种行为在本•斯蒂勒(《博物馆惊魂夜》的男主角——译者注)的讽刺电影《祖兰德》(别名《名模大间谍》)中早有预示,该部影片中的一大特色就是一个类似节目,名叫Derelicte。两年前,超级名模Erin Wasson就曾透露,她的时尚灵感来源于流浪汉,她说:“当我看见那些流浪汉,像,我就像,‘哦,天呐!他们拉出来的,就像,狂野的外表,而且他们,就像,把T恤拉出外面来就像垃圾箱’。”(这段语无伦次的描述……以及令人汗颜的时尚品味……译者注)

But anyone with similar designs on Brother Sharp's sartorial tips is out of luck. His identity remains a secret, and social workers in Ningbo say they want to keep it that way.” Homeless people are vulnerable. It is incorrect to use them for entertainment purposes,” said one worker at a homeless centre in Ningbo. Brother Sharp is said to appear mentally disturbed when approached on the street.


In China, begging is technically illegal, as the Communist Party-run state provides all a citizen could need. In reality, the rapid development of the Chinese economy in the last 30 years has marginalised many.


The rumours surrounding Brother Sharp's true identity persist. Some say he is a university graduate who lost his mind after his girlfriend left him. Others have blogged about how they sought him out and tried to help him find work or to go back to his family, but that he appeared frightened and cried out without speaking.


The local government in Ningbo said it had a policy of looking after the homeless, and that it would extend the same treatment to Mr Sharp.







Handsome Chinese vagrant draws fans of “homeless chic”


'Brother Sharp',left,on the streets of Ningbo; Vivienne Westwood's 'homeless chic’ collection form January, right can be cool chimes with a fashion trend that many have considered tasteless; in January, the designer Vivienne West-wood presented a "homeless chic” show in which models were styled to look like rough sleepers, a move prefigured by Ben Stiller's satirical film Zoolander, which featured a similar show called Derelicte. Two years ago the supermodel Erin Wasson revealed the homeless were her fashion inspiration, saying:"When I...see the homeless,like,I'm like,'Oh my God,they're pulling out,like,crazy look and they,like,pull shit out of like garbage cans.'"

“夏普哥(英文中的“夏普”是“犀利”的译音——译者注)”(见图左)在宁波街头;维维安•韦斯特伍德今年一月的“潮人游民”系列(见图右)走的是冷酷时尚路线,但被很多人认为很俗气。一月,这位设计师维维安发布了“潮人游民”时装秀,里面的模特们打扮得如同邋遢的嗜睡者。这种行为在本•斯蒂勒(《博物馆惊魂夜》的男主角——译者注)的讽刺电影《祖兰德》(别名《名模大间谍》)中早有预示,该部影片中的一大特色就是一个类似节目,名叫Derelicte。两年前,超级名模Erin Wasson就曾透露,她的时尚灵感来源于流浪汉,她说:“当我看见那些流浪汉,像,我就像,‘哦,天呐!他们拉出来的,就像,狂野的外表,而且他们,就像,把T恤拉出外面来就像垃圾箱’。”(这段语无伦次的描述……以及令人汗颜的时尚品味……译者注)

But anyone with similar designs on Brother Sharp's sartorial tips is out of luck. His identity remains a secret, and social workers in Ningbo say they want to keep it that way.” Homeless people are vulnerable. It is incorrect to use them for entertainment purposes,” said one worker at a homeless centre in Ningbo. Brother Sharp is said to appear mentally disturbed when approached on the street.


In China, begging is technically illegal, as the Communist Party-run state provides all a citizen could need. In reality, the rapid development of the Chinese economy in the last 30 years has marginalised many.


The rumours surrounding Brother Sharp's true identity persist. Some say he is a university graduate who lost his mind after his girlfriend left him. Others have blogged about how they sought him out and tried to help him find work or to go back to his family, but that he appeared frightened and cried out without speaking.


The local government in Ningbo said it had a policy of looking after the homeless, and that it would extend the same treatment to Mr Sharp.

brother sharp,