卫国战争 反坦克炮 老兵回忆

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/30 12:47:02


原贴地址:http://www.langmanzg.com/forumvi ... ;c_message_classno=


Our barrels are long, our lives are short...
Michail Badigin is full Cavalier of the Order of Glory, joined the war in February 1942


- It was not my plan to become an anti-tank artillery man. I was in the mortar officer training. The training was cancelled, and the whole academy was sent out to the Stalingrad front to reinforce the 169th Rifle Division. And in five minutes I switched from a mortar operator to 45 mm gun tank destroyer. And served in AT artillery till the end of the war, but with different guns. First I switched to 57 mm, then to 76 mm gun...

- 最初我并没有打算成为一名反坦克炮兵。在军校里我接受的是迫击炮的相关训练。前方严峻的战势,终止了我们的训练计划。所有军校的学员被送到斯大林格勒前线去填补第169步兵师在战斗中的人员损失。只花了五分钟我就从迫击炮手转行当了一名45毫米反坦克炮手,之后就呆在反坦克炮兵部队直到战争结束。期间我们换装过几种不同口径的火炮,从57毫米到后来的76毫米炮...

- Say, 122 mm gun-howitzers, 152 mm howitzers and other big stuff are standing some 3–5 km behind the front-line infantry. And the anti-tank guns are, as a rule, just next to the infantry, "sorokopyatka"[a nickname for 45 mm anti-tank gun, basically means No.45 — transl.] would stand really close... or in some 50 metres behind the infantry. And when the infantry go to storm the enemy, you roll your gun, suppressing the MG-nests together with the infantry. And this is when you are in a bad spot: say, German MG opens fire. The infantry, they can duck for cover, and you’re just rolling your gun on, and they’re shooting at you. And the howitzers — nobody rolls them, they are standing, they are dug-in, and they are stationary. That’s the difference. As the saying goes, our barrels are long, our lives are short in anti-tank artillery...

- 122毫米,152毫米榴弹炮以及其他一些大口径武器一般都呆在距离前线3——5公里的后方。通常来说反坦克武器总是紧挨着步兵.“45”[45毫米反坦克炮的绰号]会呆在距离前线很近的地方,有时候甚至就在一线步兵身后50米不到的地方。当士兵们向敌人发起冲锋时,你就推着小炮同步兵们一起进攻,一路上负责随时压制敌人冒出来的机枪巢等火力点。不久你就会看到一幅恐怖的画面:德国人的机枪开火了。步兵们这时可以立刻卧倒寻求掩护,可你还推着小炮往前冲。很自然对方的火力都会向你这个方向集中。看看那些榴弹炮,不用人力去推,不用费力的挖战壕,它们就这么呆在掩体里一动不动。差距实在是太大了。就好象我开头说的那样,我们火炮的炮管很长,可是反坦克炮兵们的生命却很短暂...

- "Sorokopyatka"was the first one. The second system — that was after I came back from the hospital... I got the 57 mm gun. That was 1943. And in 1943, again after another wound, I got the 76 mm gun [throughout the whole war Badigin was wounded 5 times — at Stalingrad, at Lugansk, after that — location unknown, two more wounds in Poznan’ — Valeri Potapov]. We entered Berlin with 76 mm guns.

- “45”是我接触的第一种火炮。1943年我从医院回来的时候,部队换装了57毫米炮。同年我再一次伤愈归队的时候,换成了76毫米火炮(在整场战争中巴季金一共负过5次伤-斯大林格勒,卢甘斯克,第三次的地点不明,后两次是在波森负得伤)。我们在攻打柏林时用的是76毫米炮。

- And you were firing from open positions?

- Well, how can you have closed position in street fighting? You’re just rolling your gun down the street. The assault groups: infantry, 76 mm gun, and a tank. The mission is the building, help the infantry to get it.We’re opening on the basement windows: this is where the German guys with panzerfausts would be. So we’re getting them out of there. We would not spare the ammo, it was not like in the Ukraine, when we had just one piece of ammo per gun a day. Here we had plenty of ammo and we used it generously, because every shell was sparing life of our soldiers.

- 你们当时也正在从没有掩蔽的位置开火吗?

- 是的,巷战时我们怎么可能找得到有掩蔽的阵地呢?你只能推着炮沿着马路往前走。突击群由步兵,76毫米炮和一辆坦克组成。任务是帮助步兵攻占大楼。我们暴露在地下室的窗户前,那些携带着铁拳的德国士兵会从窗户里向我们射击,所以一定要想办法把他们赶出来。我们不需要好象之前在乌克兰那样节约炮弹——当时我们每门炮每天只有一发炮弹。在这我们完全不用担心弹药的问题。要知道我们发射出去的每一发炮弹都可以拯救我们战士的生命。

- Well, "sorokopyatka"...actually, it was a wonderful gun! It only weights 540 kg — very manoeuvrable, it’s easy to handle. Even if you get stuck in a shell hole you and your crew can pull it out...very precise. But the armour penetration capacity is low. When those new Tigers came in, it could not penetrate them, even if hitting the side. Later it was ordered out of service. We got new 57 mm guns. This one is stronger and the shell is heavier. Greater direct shot range, too. Excellent gun! In 1943 we received sub-caliber shells. You know, it’s an amazing shell! It was made out of light alloy, and had a wolfram kernel inside. When it hit the tank, the shell itself would disintegrate, and all the kinetic energy was concentrated in the core, and it would go right through the armour [In post-war period the design was changed and the shell disintegrated when fired — just the core flew on — Valeri Potapov].Say, you hit a tank in a side at 700–800 metres — it would go right through the tank, and go out on the other side.

- “45”...真得是门好炮!重量只有540公斤——用手就可以轻松的推动。就算是不幸掉进弹坑,炮组也可以把它给拽出来...火炮的射击精度非常高。可是它的穿甲能力太差了。当德国人的虎式坦克出现在战场的时候,它就算是从侧面也无法击穿其装甲。45毫米火炮就这样逐步退出了现役。我们换装了新型的57毫米炮。这种火炮所使用的炮弹更重威力也更大,直射距离也更远。又是一门好炮弹!1943年我们接收了次口径弹。你知道这种炮弹的威力太惊人了!它是由轻质合金构成,有一个钨锰合金的内部核心。当它击中坦克时,炮弹本身会解体,然后所有的动能都集中于核心上,它会径直穿透装甲(在战后这种设计进行了修改,炮弹外壳会在出膛时解体,然后是由内部的核心飞向目标)。

- Gunner is the key figure in the crew. Almost everything depends on him, you see? What’s the man problem of firing at a tank? Tank is on the move all the time. If it stands it is easy to hit. But range correction...A gunner has to have all the skills of firing at moving targets. Coolness comes later — you are stressed, but your brain works well, you scan and control everything. And if you have such a gunnner, you’ll have success. I’ve been gun commander since Stalingrad battle... This is where our gun commander was wounded, so I had to replace him. I stayed in this position till the end of the war.

- 炮手是整个炮组的关键。所有人都要依靠他。你知道,向坦克射击时会遇到的最大问题是什么?坦克是个不断运动的物体,如果是在静止状态的话还容易对付。但是射程的校正...一名炮手需要掌握向移动目标射击的技巧。你担负着重任,需要时刻保持头脑清晰。你需要掌控所有的一切。如果能做到这几点,那么恭喜你一定会成为一名出色的炮手。从斯大林格勒战役起我成为了一名炮长...当时我们炮的炮长负伤了,我被临时任命接替了他的位置,之后就作为一名炮长直到战争结束。

- How many gunners did you have during the war?

- I can’t remember them all...there were KIAs, there were wounded...Somehow I remember the 8th of August 1944...That day we lost three guns, 50 percent of personnel, although we knew about the incoming German attack, we knew about it at 10.00 AM! Our intelligence worked well, they warned us...it was such a total mess! So many of our guys lost their lives there!

- 战争期间你一共有过多少位炮手?

- 我记不太清了...他们非死既伤...我记得在1944年8月8日...那天我们损失了三门炮,,人员伤亡了近一半。我们知道德国人马上就要发起进攻了,我们甚至知道进攻发起的时间是上午10点!我们情报部门的工作非常出色,他们事先通知了我们...战斗的结果真是一团糟!我们的很多战友都倒在了那里!

- Throughout the whole war we slept in trenches; in the best case trench were covered with lids from ammo boxes or a raincoat, but often we would not even have these things...

- 我们大部分时间都睡在战壕里。有时候会用弹药箱或雨衣覆盖在战壕上,不过我们很少有机会做这些事...

- A tank? If the tank crew know where the gun is, then your chances are small. If they don’t, it is easier. The main thing is to choose a right position. You have to look at the terrain and guess, where the tank commander or driver will direct his vehicle. You can really predict it.If there is a hill, a tank would never go over it; it will always bypass it. So you have to position your gun in a way that a tank will expose its side.Then you can let it come as close as 400 metres, because you will kill it with the first hit on the side.

- 一辆坦克?如果坦克乘员发现了火炮的位置,那么你的机会就很小了。相反的话你应付起来就简单多了。关键是要选择正确的位置来部署火炮。你除了要仔细观察地形外,还要猜测对方的坦克车长或驾驶员会把坦克往哪个方向开。这时候就要靠你平时累积的经验进行判断了。如果那里有座小山,坦克一般是不会爬上去的。他们总是会想办法来避开这个障碍。这时候你就要把火炮放置在坦克会把自己的侧面暴露出来的位置上。战斗时为了做到首发命中侧面,你一定要把坦克放近到400米的距离上再开火。

- If you choose position improperly, tank would go right at you. Sorokopyatka would never penetrate the front armour, even with that longer barrel: shots just ricochet; that’s it! It’s the same with throwing peas against the wall! We got 57 mm guns instead. These ones could penetrate the front armour. At 600–700 metres 57 mm sub-caliber shells dealt with all armour very well. We first received them in 1943. That changed things a lot...The enemy did not expect this — and all of a sudden what the hell? Before they attacked and never had losses that high, and here not a single tank survived.

- 如果你选择错误的地点来布置阵地,那么敌军的坦克就会直接向你开过来。“45”尽管有着比较长的身管,可却无法击穿坦克的正面装甲。射出去的炮弹会被弹飞,就好象把一把豌豆仍在墙壁上的感觉!我们的57毫米炮就不同了,它可以击穿敌军坦克正面装甲。在600—700米的距离上使用次口径炮弹可以从容的应对所有的敌军装甲目标。1943我们第一次把这种火炮投入战场,迅速扭转了局势...敌人完全没有意料到这个——他们被打了个措手不及。这之前他们从未在进攻中遭遇过这样惨重的损失,几乎所有的坦克都被击毁了。

- Engagements against tanks as they depict them now, when the whole crew, all seven, are at the gun — we would never in life do that. There were just two at the gun — the gunner and the loader. The rest were in trenches with light MG and SMGs. We would set two to three ammo boxes at the gun before the combat. That was enough. If they spend one ammo box, then the loader would run and get another. That was the way, it just worked out spontaneously.


- The crucial thing is here, and it comes with experience — to hit the tank in the right moment! If you let the tank too close, the tank can accelerate. It might be hard for tank to destroy the gun with a shell — it’s just the shield and the barrel almost at the ground level that shows. When the tank is too close, it can drive over your fire position and smash the gun, if you don’t hit it right. The tank would not always stop even if you hit it. Some burn and some just move on! We had this case at Riga bridgehead on the 8th of August 1944: we hit the tank, we saw it was a kill, but nevertheless it rolled on and smashed the gun. It arrived at the fire position at the high speed and squished it. If you have a chance, you should always burn the tank...



原贴地址:http://www.langmanzg.com/forumvi ... ;c_message_classno=


Our barrels are long, our lives are short...
Michail Badigin is full Cavalier of the Order of Glory, joined the war in February 1942


- It was not my plan to become an anti-tank artillery man. I was in the mortar officer training. The training was cancelled, and the whole academy was sent out to the Stalingrad front to reinforce the 169th Rifle Division. And in five minutes I switched from a mortar operator to 45 mm gun tank destroyer. And served in AT artillery till the end of the war, but with different guns. First I switched to 57 mm, then to 76 mm gun...

- 最初我并没有打算成为一名反坦克炮兵。在军校里我接受的是迫击炮的相关训练。前方严峻的战势,终止了我们的训练计划。所有军校的学员被送到斯大林格勒前线去填补第169步兵师在战斗中的人员损失。只花了五分钟我就从迫击炮手转行当了一名45毫米反坦克炮手,之后就呆在反坦克炮兵部队直到战争结束。期间我们换装过几种不同口径的火炮,从57毫米到后来的76毫米炮...

- Say, 122 mm gun-howitzers, 152 mm howitzers and other big stuff are standing some 3–5 km behind the front-line infantry. And the anti-tank guns are, as a rule, just next to the infantry, "sorokopyatka"[a nickname for 45 mm anti-tank gun, basically means No.45 — transl.] would stand really close... or in some 50 metres behind the infantry. And when the infantry go to storm the enemy, you roll your gun, suppressing the MG-nests together with the infantry. And this is when you are in a bad spot: say, German MG opens fire. The infantry, they can duck for cover, and you’re just rolling your gun on, and they’re shooting at you. And the howitzers — nobody rolls them, they are standing, they are dug-in, and they are stationary. That’s the difference. As the saying goes, our barrels are long, our lives are short in anti-tank artillery...

- 122毫米,152毫米榴弹炮以及其他一些大口径武器一般都呆在距离前线3——5公里的后方。通常来说反坦克武器总是紧挨着步兵.“45”[45毫米反坦克炮的绰号]会呆在距离前线很近的地方,有时候甚至就在一线步兵身后50米不到的地方。当士兵们向敌人发起冲锋时,你就推着小炮同步兵们一起进攻,一路上负责随时压制敌人冒出来的机枪巢等火力点。不久你就会看到一幅恐怖的画面:德国人的机枪开火了。步兵们这时可以立刻卧倒寻求掩护,可你还推着小炮往前冲。很自然对方的火力都会向你这个方向集中。看看那些榴弹炮,不用人力去推,不用费力的挖战壕,它们就这么呆在掩体里一动不动。差距实在是太大了。就好象我开头说的那样,我们火炮的炮管很长,可是反坦克炮兵们的生命却很短暂...

- "Sorokopyatka"was the first one. The second system — that was after I came back from the hospital... I got the 57 mm gun. That was 1943. And in 1943, again after another wound, I got the 76 mm gun [throughout the whole war Badigin was wounded 5 times — at Stalingrad, at Lugansk, after that — location unknown, two more wounds in Poznan’ — Valeri Potapov]. We entered Berlin with 76 mm guns.

- “45”是我接触的第一种火炮。1943年我从医院回来的时候,部队换装了57毫米炮。同年我再一次伤愈归队的时候,换成了76毫米火炮(在整场战争中巴季金一共负过5次伤-斯大林格勒,卢甘斯克,第三次的地点不明,后两次是在波森负得伤)。我们在攻打柏林时用的是76毫米炮。

- And you were firing from open positions?

- Well, how can you have closed position in street fighting? You’re just rolling your gun down the street. The assault groups: infantry, 76 mm gun, and a tank. The mission is the building, help the infantry to get it.We’re opening on the basement windows: this is where the German guys with panzerfausts would be. So we’re getting them out of there. We would not spare the ammo, it was not like in the Ukraine, when we had just one piece of ammo per gun a day. Here we had plenty of ammo and we used it generously, because every shell was sparing life of our soldiers.

- 你们当时也正在从没有掩蔽的位置开火吗?

- 是的,巷战时我们怎么可能找得到有掩蔽的阵地呢?你只能推着炮沿着马路往前走。突击群由步兵,76毫米炮和一辆坦克组成。任务是帮助步兵攻占大楼。我们暴露在地下室的窗户前,那些携带着铁拳的德国士兵会从窗户里向我们射击,所以一定要想办法把他们赶出来。我们不需要好象之前在乌克兰那样节约炮弹——当时我们每门炮每天只有一发炮弹。在这我们完全不用担心弹药的问题。要知道我们发射出去的每一发炮弹都可以拯救我们战士的生命。

- Well, "sorokopyatka"...actually, it was a wonderful gun! It only weights 540 kg — very manoeuvrable, it’s easy to handle. Even if you get stuck in a shell hole you and your crew can pull it out...very precise. But the armour penetration capacity is low. When those new Tigers came in, it could not penetrate them, even if hitting the side. Later it was ordered out of service. We got new 57 mm guns. This one is stronger and the shell is heavier. Greater direct shot range, too. Excellent gun! In 1943 we received sub-caliber shells. You know, it’s an amazing shell! It was made out of light alloy, and had a wolfram kernel inside. When it hit the tank, the shell itself would disintegrate, and all the kinetic energy was concentrated in the core, and it would go right through the armour [In post-war period the design was changed and the shell disintegrated when fired — just the core flew on — Valeri Potapov].Say, you hit a tank in a side at 700–800 metres — it would go right through the tank, and go out on the other side.

- “45”...真得是门好炮!重量只有540公斤——用手就可以轻松的推动。就算是不幸掉进弹坑,炮组也可以把它给拽出来...火炮的射击精度非常高。可是它的穿甲能力太差了。当德国人的虎式坦克出现在战场的时候,它就算是从侧面也无法击穿其装甲。45毫米火炮就这样逐步退出了现役。我们换装了新型的57毫米炮。这种火炮所使用的炮弹更重威力也更大,直射距离也更远。又是一门好炮弹!1943年我们接收了次口径弹。你知道这种炮弹的威力太惊人了!它是由轻质合金构成,有一个钨锰合金的内部核心。当它击中坦克时,炮弹本身会解体,然后所有的动能都集中于核心上,它会径直穿透装甲(在战后这种设计进行了修改,炮弹外壳会在出膛时解体,然后是由内部的核心飞向目标)。

- Gunner is the key figure in the crew. Almost everything depends on him, you see? What’s the man problem of firing at a tank? Tank is on the move all the time. If it stands it is easy to hit. But range correction...A gunner has to have all the skills of firing at moving targets. Coolness comes later — you are stressed, but your brain works well, you scan and control everything. And if you have such a gunnner, you’ll have success. I’ve been gun commander since Stalingrad battle... This is where our gun commander was wounded, so I had to replace him. I stayed in this position till the end of the war.

- 炮手是整个炮组的关键。所有人都要依靠他。你知道,向坦克射击时会遇到的最大问题是什么?坦克是个不断运动的物体,如果是在静止状态的话还容易对付。但是射程的校正...一名炮手需要掌握向移动目标射击的技巧。你担负着重任,需要时刻保持头脑清晰。你需要掌控所有的一切。如果能做到这几点,那么恭喜你一定会成为一名出色的炮手。从斯大林格勒战役起我成为了一名炮长...当时我们炮的炮长负伤了,我被临时任命接替了他的位置,之后就作为一名炮长直到战争结束。

- How many gunners did you have during the war?

- I can’t remember them all...there were KIAs, there were wounded...Somehow I remember the 8th of August 1944...That day we lost three guns, 50 percent of personnel, although we knew about the incoming German attack, we knew about it at 10.00 AM! Our intelligence worked well, they warned us...it was such a total mess! So many of our guys lost their lives there!

- 战争期间你一共有过多少位炮手?

- 我记不太清了...他们非死既伤...我记得在1944年8月8日...那天我们损失了三门炮,,人员伤亡了近一半。我们知道德国人马上就要发起进攻了,我们甚至知道进攻发起的时间是上午10点!我们情报部门的工作非常出色,他们事先通知了我们...战斗的结果真是一团糟!我们的很多战友都倒在了那里!

- Throughout the whole war we slept in trenches; in the best case trench were covered with lids from ammo boxes or a raincoat, but often we would not even have these things...

- 我们大部分时间都睡在战壕里。有时候会用弹药箱或雨衣覆盖在战壕上,不过我们很少有机会做这些事...

- A tank? If the tank crew know where the gun is, then your chances are small. If they don’t, it is easier. The main thing is to choose a right position. You have to look at the terrain and guess, where the tank commander or driver will direct his vehicle. You can really predict it.If there is a hill, a tank would never go over it; it will always bypass it. So you have to position your gun in a way that a tank will expose its side.Then you can let it come as close as 400 metres, because you will kill it with the first hit on the side.

- 一辆坦克?如果坦克乘员发现了火炮的位置,那么你的机会就很小了。相反的话你应付起来就简单多了。关键是要选择正确的位置来部署火炮。你除了要仔细观察地形外,还要猜测对方的坦克车长或驾驶员会把坦克往哪个方向开。这时候就要靠你平时累积的经验进行判断了。如果那里有座小山,坦克一般是不会爬上去的。他们总是会想办法来避开这个障碍。这时候你就要把火炮放置在坦克会把自己的侧面暴露出来的位置上。战斗时为了做到首发命中侧面,你一定要把坦克放近到400米的距离上再开火。

- If you choose position improperly, tank would go right at you. Sorokopyatka would never penetrate the front armour, even with that longer barrel: shots just ricochet; that’s it! It’s the same with throwing peas against the wall! We got 57 mm guns instead. These ones could penetrate the front armour. At 600–700 metres 57 mm sub-caliber shells dealt with all armour very well. We first received them in 1943. That changed things a lot...The enemy did not expect this — and all of a sudden what the hell? Before they attacked and never had losses that high, and here not a single tank survived.

- 如果你选择错误的地点来布置阵地,那么敌军的坦克就会直接向你开过来。“45”尽管有着比较长的身管,可却无法击穿坦克的正面装甲。射出去的炮弹会被弹飞,就好象把一把豌豆仍在墙壁上的感觉!我们的57毫米炮就不同了,它可以击穿敌军坦克正面装甲。在600—700米的距离上使用次口径炮弹可以从容的应对所有的敌军装甲目标。1943我们第一次把这种火炮投入战场,迅速扭转了局势...敌人完全没有意料到这个——他们被打了个措手不及。这之前他们从未在进攻中遭遇过这样惨重的损失,几乎所有的坦克都被击毁了。

- Engagements against tanks as they depict them now, when the whole crew, all seven, are at the gun — we would never in life do that. There were just two at the gun — the gunner and the loader. The rest were in trenches with light MG and SMGs. We would set two to three ammo boxes at the gun before the combat. That was enough. If they spend one ammo box, then the loader would run and get another. That was the way, it just worked out spontaneously.


- The crucial thing is here, and it comes with experience — to hit the tank in the right moment! If you let the tank too close, the tank can accelerate. It might be hard for tank to destroy the gun with a shell — it’s just the shield and the barrel almost at the ground level that shows. When the tank is too close, it can drive over your fire position and smash the gun, if you don’t hit it right. The tank would not always stop even if you hit it. Some burn and some just move on! We had this case at Riga bridgehead on the 8th of August 1944: we hit the tank, we saw it was a kill, but nevertheless it rolled on and smashed the gun. It arrived at the fire position at the high speed and squished it. If you have a chance, you should always burn the tank...

Badigin has scored 7 tank kills in the war (tank kills, APCs and all the other "small things"do not count — Valeri Potapov). Seven kills. Is that a lot? Some tell us, they have scored more in a single engagement. However, Badigin is very precise and punctilious person. Just seven kills. So is that a lot? It is, indeed. If every our anti-tank gun had killed just one German tank, by mid-war the Germans would not have had any armour left!


- And there was this order — I don’t know, who established it. During the winter we all received 100 gramms of Vodka. I did not drink at all, I mean, during the war — even when they issued it, I would not drink. I just did not feel confident. But when one of us was awarded, I would participate in the party, of course...

- 我不知道是谁下的命令。冬天的时候我们每个人都得到了100克的伏特加。我没有喝酒,我觉得在战争期间,就算是上面发的,我也不喝。我只是觉得没有信心。不过如果我们中的某个人获得嘉奖的话,我会参加他们的庆贺宴,接着嘛...

[Badigin recalls his gunner Valiev from Chimkent].


- He enjoyed great authority. Digging a trench, digging-in the gun, gun and small arms maintenance — he was very strict about all this. Even if we fired one shot and we had a break, he would tell the crew to clean the barrel. The guys did not like it. But we would have been dead if something went wrong with the gun. To have sharp shovels — it all hung upon him. He was seemingly very slow, but in the assault he would act very confidently, precisely, not a single unnecessary move. My loader was Naumenov. He was just huge. He could lift two ammo boxes, which weighted over 100 kg, and load them into "Studebecker"truck.

- 他享有很高的威望。无论是挖战壕,挖炮位,还是火炮和轻武器的维护保养,他对所有的一切都有着严格的要求。甚至每次我们开完炮都要停一下,清洁下炮管。大伙都不愿意干这个,可另一方面,如果火炮出问题那我们就都会死。听从他的话,作好准备工作。他平时看上去有点默默唧唧,但在战斗中他表现得非常自信,反应很快,没有任何多余的动作。我们的装填手名叫Naumenov,是个大块头。他可以一次从Studebecker卡车上搬下两个总重超过100公斤的弹药箱。

- It was street fighting in Poznan. The closer we got to the fortress, the stronger the resistance was. As we fired, the gun jumped back on the stone-paved street. You could not get the gun fixed on those damn stones. You just roll the gun forward, fire, it jumps back, and you roll it on. That was in the evening. Normally you walk right by the house walls, and if shelling starts, you jump in a window for cover. Just as we started to cross the street, mines started to explode all around. I heard guys shouting: "Valiev got hit!"We grabbed him, no time to put bandages, we had to get him out of there. We pulled him out, and his finger was hanging freely, just on a piece of the skin. He told us to cut it off. It was hard to put bandage on him, so we just cut it off...I...thought that only one of his legs got hit. It turned out that both of his legs were wounded. What a bad luck! He also lost his finger.

- 在波森我们陷入了巷战。越是接近要塞,敌人的抵抗程度就越强。我们每开一炮,火炮就从石头路面上往后倒退几步。我们没办法在这些该死的石头上面固定火炮。你就推着火炮往前,开炮,火炮往后退两步,再继续往前推,就这样一直到晚上。通常你会沿着房子的外墙走,听到炮弹落下的声音,你就可以立马从窗子里跳到房内。就在我们准备穿过一条马路的时候,周围传来了地雷爆炸的声音。我听到有人在喊:“Valiev被打中了!”我们把他拖了回来,没时间用绷带包扎。我以为他只有一条腿受伤了,谁知道他的两条腿都伤了。太不幸了!他的手指也没了。

- And our platoon leader was Tikhon Yakovlevich Goloschapov, born in 1923. An excellent comrade! One has to say that officers’ life at FEBA [Forward Edge of the Battle Area 战斗地区前沿]differed a lot from that in the rear. We would not salute too much...At the combat area you can’t really give orders if you had given up or hidden somewhere in a dangerous moment...you can’t sit in the trench and give orders...

- 我们的排长是Tikhon Yakovlevich Goloschapov,生于1923年,是个好同志!

- The most difficult part in the war is work, a physically exhausting work that was to be done before you can assault the enemy — that was the easy part, actually. Many people think that war is just fighting all the time. No! It is a continuos effort. Fighting is like a dream — it passes by, and it is gone! And you have to work again and again. In order to dig in a 45-mm gun one has to dig out thirty cubic metres of soil, and for the 76-mm gun you have to take out fifty-six cubes. In peacetime it would take two days. In the war you had to manage before dawn. 45-mm gun crew is six, the 76-mm gun crew is seven. The difference is just one soldier, but one has to dig almost twice as much! We dug so much, that several dozens of people would not dig in their whole life. It would be like this: we have dug ourselves in, but generals decide to move the battery one km to the right. You have to dig again, those whole fifty-six cubes. Before you finish it they say — five kilometres to the left. So you dig again. Sometimes this would last for two weeks — just digging.

- 战争中最困难的活就是劳动,令人疲惫的体力劳动完成后才能发动进攻,而后者,实际上是容易的。很多人觉得打仗就是不停的投入战斗。事实不是这样!你必须不停的工作。布置一个45毫米火炮的阵地需要挖30立方米的土,76毫米炮阵地则必须要挖56立方米。平时的话你要花上两天才能完成。但是在战争期间你必须赶在黎明前完工。45毫米炮有6个人,76毫米炮是7个。虽然差别只是一个人,但是后者的工作量却是前者的两倍!我们挖够多了,很多人一辈子也挖不了这么多。我们刚挖好,将军一句话:火炮阵地向右移1公里,我们就得再挖56个立方。这个还没挖完,上面又要把阵地往左边挪5公里。没办法只能再挖,有时光挖坑就花了2个多星期。

- Soldiers were getting exhausted both physically and morally; they could not take it any more. However, this was a war, not a picnic, we had missions stated. You don’t dig yourself in — you’re dead. Only if you have dug the gun in you can fight and win in your sector. If you are not dug in — you won’t hold long. First, as a rule, we would dig trenches for cover, and only after that a fortification for the gun. As soon as you dig two bayonets deep (for those who have never had business with shovels — “two bayonets” means two shovel blades in deep — Valeri Potapov) you are safe, you can duck there.And there was this rule of thumb — it was not a regulation, but we strictly stuck to it — you dig a trench close to a shell or mine hole. Because we, as artillerists, knew, that it is very hard to hit the same spot twice... We felt ourselves more secure...

- 士兵们身心俱疲:他们受不了了。但是这是在打仗不是在野餐,我们有任务要执行。如果你不给自己挖掩体,那么你就死了。通常来说,你首先要为自己挖好掩体,这之后再开始加强火炮的防御工事。在你以最快的速度挖好一个有两把刺刀深()的掩体后,就安全了,你可以躲在里面。还有这样一条经验——不是一个硬性的规定,但我们却严格得执行——尽量靠近弹坑挖掩体,作为职业的炮兵,我们知道,炮击时击中同一地点两次的几率是很微小的...我们觉得这样做会让自己更安全...

- I spent just two and a half months in Stalingrad, but we changed at least thirty to forty positions, not less!It’s several hundreds kilometers! A dozer would not be able to dig as much as we did! You have to start digging from the middle. If you start digging from the edge, and all of a sudden you have to open fire, you don’t have any place to put your gun. And when you start from the middle, you put it there, and it sinks 20 cm into the ground. The second point is soldier’s physiology. It is harder to throw soil from the middle, but a soldier is fresh now. We also had pick axes. That was indispensable. A couple of pick axes, two crow-bars and seven shovels.

- 我在斯大林格勒呆了二个半月,我们最起码换了30到40个阵地!大约有几百公里长!推土机都没有我们挖得多!你必须要从中间开始挖。如果你多边缘开始挖的话,我们也用铁镐,这是必不可少的工具。几把铁镐,两只撬棍和七把铁锹。

- Small or large?

- There is no use for small one, you can’t dig much with a small shovel. A breastwork has to be two bayonets deep into the ground — 40 cm. And it also has to be 20 cm high. Total of 60 cm. And this is not for fun, it was calculated: you also had to shape it so that it could stop fragments and bullets. But digging was not the only thing we had to do in the war.

- There were no highways there; it was more like wild terrain. Pretty often we had to carry the gun around, and sometimes even pull the trucks themselves. When the gun stands on solid ground, it easy to handle, but when in dirt, it is ten times as heavy. Nevertheless, we pushed it, metre after metre, using all kinds of tricks, we pushed it on, hiding behind the armour shield...Say, 57 mm gun has a weight of 1250 kg. I have to say it was very manoeuvrable. Pretty successful design, from my point of view. It had wheels — five soldiers could handle it quite well...


- One thing I remember very well is when the weather let us down in Ukraine. That was early 1944. Normally you have snow and solid-frozen soil in December and January. It began that way. After that a thaw came, it all melted, soil turned into a quagmire. We would sometimes make an advance of three to four km a day. Either the gun or truck got stuck all the time. We pull out the gun — the truck gets stuck, and all over again. Only through the help of local population we managed to advance that much in 1944, up to Odessa, and liberated Odessa...


- During the night you re-deploy and dig the gun in. No time to sleep. It is not insomnia — there is just no time to sleep. In the morning you there is an artillery preparation, you move on together with the infantry. The next night you are digging again. Three or four days exhaust you to such an extent that you become indifferent, you are not even happy to live anymore.


- The last engagement, for which I actually got my Order of Glory First Degree was in Berlin. It was not so far from Reichstag building...We could not see it though because of the buildings. That day it was just 500 to 600 metres from Reichstag. Our guys were assaulting a six-floor building. The infantry stick to the building walls, shooting at the other side of the street, and we are rolling our gun. When we saw a single German soldier, we would open up on him, not sparing the ammo. We had instructions to fire at even single soldiers. And here this monster appears from behind the corner. The infantry ran back and jumped into the windows right away, kind of showing that it was not their job. It was so sudden and so close...

- 距离国会大厦不远...其他的建筑挡住了所以没有看到。那天就在距离国会大厦大约500到600米的地方,我们的人正在攻打一幢6层楼的建筑。步兵们贴着建筑外墙在向街道的另一边射击,我们推着自己的火炮。当我们看到一个德国士兵的时候,就会向他射击。我们得到命令不必节约炮弹,所以出现在我们面前的敌人都是我们的射击目标,甚至是单独的士兵。那个怪物从街道的拐角杀了出来。步兵们跑了回来跳进了窗户里寻找掩护,这玩意不属于他们的“业务范畴”,事出突然又离得那么近...

- Was it a Tiger?

- It was a Ferdinand [Ferdinands didn't participate Battle for Berlin, more likely it was StuG — Valeri Potapov]. Just 60 or 70 metres from us...here it is! And turns its 'knob' (means muzzle brake — Valeri Potapov)! And it faced us with its front armour, you see, that was the bad thing! If it exposed its side armour, it would have been easier, and this...This was a matter of who shot first. We could not escape anyway! A one shot matter. Well, our gun was fast. To our luck it fried after our first shot.


老牛居 发表于 2009-12-22 09:17

不过57炮似乎战争初期就有了,不过苏联认为45足够用了,弹药又很难供应,所以 直到老虎出来才重新出山的。
猎杀m1a2 发表于 2009-12-22 11:35


南宫儒 发表于 2009-12-22 11:49


南宫儒 发表于 2009-12-22 11:49


老牛居 发表于 2009-12-22 11:54


猎杀m1a2 发表于 2009-12-22 11:51




万字军骑士 发表于 2009-12-22 11:58

万字军骑士 发表于 2009-12-22 11:58

啊应该是婊 子养的步兵~
红色俱乐部 发表于 2009-12-22 15:23
万字军骑士 发表于 2009-12-22 15:47

红色俱乐部 发表于 2009-12-22 15:52
万字军骑士 发表于 2009-12-22 15:56

回复 25# 红色俱乐部
爱军习武 发表于 2009-12-22 16:06
回复 16# 59特射

万字军骑士 发表于 2009-12-22 16:09

红色俱乐部 发表于 2009-12-22 16:14
回复 33# mobilecastle
uiopuiop 发表于 2009-12-22 17:01




回复 37# rottenweed