game over!! 泰米尔猛虎大头目被击毙

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 05:25:04
BBC报道, 据斯政府军报道泰米尔猛虎的大头目 Velupillai Prabhakaran被击毙,  同时被击毙的还包括另外两名高级指挥官,  他们是在试图突围时被政府军击毙的. 到目前为之, 还没有尸体的照片公布, 据政府军透露, 正在对泰米尔猛虎的最后据点中阵亡游击队员尸体进行取证. 不过,  这次泰米尔猛虎是GAME OVER 了,  公司斯里兰卡同事都是兴高采烈的, 准备庆祝了{:3_83:}


猛虎的虎头,生于1954年11月,  在1972年创立Tamil New Tigers (TNT), forerunner of LTTE.  被斯里兰卡和三哥列为特级通缉罪犯.

猛虎最后的据点BBC报道, 据斯政府军报道泰米尔猛虎的大头目 Velupillai Prabhakaran被击毙,  同时被击毙的还包括另外两名高级指挥官,  他们是在试图突围时被政府军击毙的. 到目前为之, 还没有尸体的照片公布, 据政府军透露, 正在对泰米尔猛虎的最后据点中阵亡游击队员尸体进行取证. 不过,  这次泰米尔猛虎是GAME OVER 了,  公司斯里兰卡同事都是兴高采烈的, 准备庆祝了{:3_83:}


猛虎的虎头,生于1954年11月,  在1972年创立Tamil New Tigers (TNT), forerunner of LTTE.  被斯里兰卡和三哥列为特级通缉罪犯.


拍于73-74年的, 虎头年轻照, 女子为其夫人.


80年代初期内战开始, 猛虎第一次占领jaffna时的游击队员

1987年三哥介入, 当中那个头缠决死带的是被俘的三哥{:3_89:}


虎头和人肉炸弹们的合影, 唉, 都那么年轻{:3_78:}



1995年, 猛虎袭击了科伦坡郊外的油库, 造成大火燎原


1996年对科伦坡中央银行的炸弹袭击造成90人死亡, 近1400人受伤

2002年签署的停火协议, 在四年后被打破

得知猛虎被灭,  兴奋的斯里兰卡人


斯里兰卡人,庆贺时也放 鞭炮?

不知道这次天朝出手助斯国迅速平乱, 会不会做成品牌效应. 以前内战几十年都无法搞得定的发展中国家都是师从西方, 样样都听西方人的教导, 结果搞来搞去就是不能平乱从而得到和平发展. 这次看斯国的政府网站, 看来是斯国终於觉悟, 知道西方人并不真心希望象斯国这种发展中国家真正得到和平发展机会, 而是让它们永远保持一定程度动乱, 只能作为初级原料出口国, 西方借人道主义之名不时玩双重标准假道德的把戏. 斯国政府对西方甚为不爽, 幸好今时今日除了西方还有天朝这个码头可以靠上. 以後那些被内乱困扰了几十年的发展中国家会不会靠上天朝这个码头, 不理西方那些假人道主义者的抗议制裁, 师从天朝把多年的内乱平定 ?:L
12# 屠城校尉

虎头挂了.Game continue……半个世纪造成的隔阂和仇恨是不会在1代人之内消除的……
感谢天朝的文章没有, 可能天朝也要求低调, 但有下面这些觉悟的总结, 其他发展中国家也应好好学习.;P

A number of lessons should be learned from the whole episode. Firstly, making the West the cornerstone of our foreign policy is clearly a mistake – or at any rate the old West about which we still continue sentimental. If for instance we had voted not for Britain (which we did unconditionally last year) but for Spain, the latter would have been elected to the Council instead of Britain and we would not have had so many headaches. Secondly, whilst of course we must still continue good relations with the West (for they too have decent politicians, who will not all promote terrorism for political considerations), we must work more concertedly with our neighbours and also the regional groupings which share our interests.

Thirdly, we must also endeavour to satisfy the idealistic expectations of these our friends. All of them asked about the intended political solution to the political problem and, while they were steadfast in accepting that terror had to be dealt with militarily, and dealt with conclusively, they will also all expect a decent package that exemplifies the pluralistic nature of Sri Lankan society. They could understand delays while the terrorist sword hung over us but, now that is no longer a major threat, we must fulfil their expectations about the essentially democratic dispensation our government has defended so ably.

But at the same time there are also lessons the West should learn. The anger at obvious double standards was palpable amongst all our friends. Obviously we do not expect even the most idealistic country to abandon its own interests. But in sticking to them ruthlessly, the use of sanctimonious pronouncements to reach other ends is abhorrent. It is especially important that the Obama administration, which came in with such high hopes, should not be seen as just another cynical mixture as before.

Secondly, the West should not take the rest of the world for granted. Its failure to consult at all was surprising, its failure to consult neighbours who obviously have a stake in a stable neighbourhood was astonishing. The impression could have arisen that stability in our areas is not to the interest of the West, which would prefer a plethora of weak states, to allow it to maintain more easily its current hegemony, political as well as economic.

And thirdly, the West should think about the message it is sending, in seeming to want the Tigers to survive in some form or another, particularly in the light of its past blunders. After all the horrors we are witnessing now, which are attributed largely to the West, spring from its own encouragement of Taliban terrorism during the Cold War. Whatever its purposes then, there is no doubt they could have been achieved without worrying consequences had there been at least a modicum of adherence to basic principles.

Sri Lanka may for the moment have escaped the worst the West could do to it. But we need to be constantly vigilant for the future. We should do this with greater dialogue and discussion with our friends, and more forthright discussion with the West to enable them to achieve their own goals without irritating so much of the rest of the world. And we should use the intellectual and social capital of Dr Jayatilleka and his staff in Geneva to develop solid guiding principles for international relations in the current world context.
屠城校尉 发表于 2009-5-19 10:48
18# 彩虹瀑布



契卡主席 发表于 2009-5-19 11:04
The clarifications from Mr. Pathmanathan follow:

Statement 1:

I wish to inform the Global Tamil community distressed witnessing the final events of the war that our beloved leader Velupillai Pirapaharan is alive and safe. He will continue to lead the quest for dignity and freedom for the Tamil people.

The President and the Government of Sri Lanka needing to carry on and gloat in the planned Victory Celebrations on Tuesday, had their military establishment deliberately come up with the story detailing the demise of the leader of the LTTE. We categorically reject this and wish to inform the Tamil community to be vigilant and to exercise maximum restraint whilst grieving for the loss of Tamil civilian lives in the barbaric conduct of the final chapters of this battle.

The Tamil freedom struggle is a just cause and will not be quashed by the events of the last 24 hours. Truth and justice will always prevail.

Statement 2:

We wish to bring to the notice of the International Community the events of the last 24 hours in the so called safety zone in the war in Sri Lanka.

Subsequent to our announcement that the LTTE had decided to "silence the guns" in view of the unbearable civilian carnage at the hands of the Sri Lankan military and the heavy weaponry donated to it by third parties, we were informed by some member states of the International Community that arrangements had been made with the Sri Lankan military for discussions on an orderly end to the war.

We were instructed to make contact with the 58th Division of the Sri Lankan forces in the war zone, un-armed and carrying white flags. Head of our Political Wing, Mr. B. Nadesan and Mr. Puleedevan then proceeded to do so. They were un-armed and carrying white flags and were called on by the Officers of the 58th Division to come forward for discussions. When they complied they were both shot and killed. We vehemently condemn this action. The International Community needs to take this into account in its deliberations about charges of "Crimes against Humanity" against the members of the Sri Lanka Government and its military establishment. This act is even more unpalatable when one takes into account that the LTTE released as an act of goodwill, seven Sri Lankan Prisoners of War the day before totally unharmed.

We appeal to the International Community to act now to ensure the safety and basic needs of the displaced people who are suffering in the prison camps of the Sri Lankan military. The onus is now on the International Community to see that further war crimes and crimes against humanity are not committed on Tamils by the Sri Lankan state and to force the Sri Lankan state to yield in to the political aspirations of the Tamil people.
dachun 发表于 2009-5-19 11:11 西方早就把猛虎列入恐怖组织了.
f22 发表于 2009-5-19 11:42
本人E文不太好,大致看了一下。第一个声明主要说猛虎组织的领导人那个叫P什么的胖子is alive and safe. 他将继续领导为泰米尔人民的尊严和自由而进行的追求。还说斯里兰卡政府和总统要举行一个幸灾乐祸的庆祝活动,他们的军队故意编造了猛虎组织领导人死亡的细节。但也呼吁泰米尔社会尽最大努力保持克制。
幽幽南山 发表于 2009-5-19 09:01
胖虎大概是找不到了, 如果成功逃脱也会出镜宣传下, 如果被击也会有张尸照. 但如果是炸到尸骸不剩, 要靠 DNA 检测了.;funk
只眼开只眼闭吧, 放那麽多炸弹不当是恐怖份子西方人面皮再厚也说不过去, 但如果西方真要封杀还可以活得那麽自在麽. 换成是威协西方安全的恐怖份子早就杀无赦了.;P
第二个声明大致说他们希望引起国际社会对最近24小时发生在斯里兰卡战争中被称为“安全区”的事件。说他们在通告停火后,被国际社会的一些成员国通知斯里兰卡军队已经为通过会谈有序的结束战争作出了安排。于是他们派人去和斯里兰卡第58师进行了接触。派Political Wing, Mr. B. Nadesan andMr.Puleedevan 去谈判,他们都没有武装且打了白旗,但都被射杀了。
中新网5月19日电 综合媒体报道,斯里兰卡政府军18日杀死泰米尔猛虎组织创办人普拉巴卡兰父子,军方随即发表胜利宣言,称已收复所有被猛虎组织控制的土地,并完成清剿游击队残兵,宣告长达1/4个世纪的内战正式落幕。  









f22 发表于 2009-5-19 11:42
幽幽南山 发表于 2009-5-19 09:01

昨天死了 350 个猛虎, 为什麽都是光脚, 难道都给脱来卖了 ? 还有看见被俘的都是小萝莉, 男的都是尸, 难道是杀无赦 ?;funk

昨天死了 350 个猛虎, 为什麽都是光脚, 难道都给脱来卖了 ? 还有看见被俘的都是小萝莉, 男的都是尸, 难道是杀无赦 ?;funk
屠城校尉 发表于 2009-5-19 13:14
17# lzz
