来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 22:07:13
On Thursday US President George W. Bush hikes along a muddy trail on Prairie Chapel, his 1,600-acre ranch near Crawford, Texas. Later Bush told the press that he expected the Korean peninsula to be 'nuclear free' and that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's 'day of reckoning' was coming.

布什总统 走在泥泞的小路上
  本周四,布什总统在教堂牧场的泥泞小路上远足,教堂牧场是他1600公顷的农场,在得州克洛福得镇附近。之后布什总统对新闻媒体说,他希望朝鲜半岛成为“无核区”以及伊拉克领导人萨达姆“秋后算账的日子要到了”。On Thursday US President George W. Bush hikes along a muddy trail on Prairie Chapel, his 1,600-acre ranch near Crawford, Texas. Later Bush told the press that he expected the Korean peninsula to be 'nuclear free' and that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's 'day of reckoning' was coming.

布什总统 走在泥泞的小路上