
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 17:44:54
引自 CNN World.


British top official decries situation
Commenting on the current situation in Iraq, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw told the British Broadcasting Corp. on Friday that the recent violence represents the "most serious" situation the U.S.-led coalition has faced since President Bush declared the end of major combat.

英国外交事务秘书, Jack Straw 在星期五, 告诉英国广播公司,由美国领导的多国部队正面对自美国总统 Bush 宣布主要战事已经结束以来最紧迫的局势. 最近的暴力活动证实了这一点.

Straw told BBC radio that a year ago, he had not imagined today's situation in Iraq. "I thought that they would go from some good days and some bad days. There is no doubt that the current situation is very serious and it is the most serious that we have faced."

Straw 告诉 BBC 广播电台, 在一年前, 他并没有想象到伊拉克会出现今天的局势. "当时我只是想, 时局会时好时坏. 然而, 现在的局势是非常紧迫, 这是毫无疑问的. 我们从来没有面对过这样(美国总统 Bush 宣布主要战事已经结束以来)最紧迫的局势."

"The lid of the pressure cooker has come off," Straw said, but he blamed events on the Saddam regime's legacy. He also said the coalition occupation of Iraq was necessary for the formation of a democratic government.

Straw 形容伊拉克现在的局势就象 "压力锅的盖子蹦起来了". 但是他把目前发生的事件归究于(前伊拉克总统)Saddam 统治时所遗留下来的问题所引起. 他还说, 联军占领伊拉克对建立民主政府是必须的.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-4-10 6:13:01编辑过]
引自 CNN World.


British top official decries situation
Commenting on the current situation in Iraq, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw told the British Broadcasting Corp. on Friday that the recent violence represents the "most serious" situation the U.S.-led coalition has faced since President Bush declared the end of major combat.

英国外交事务秘书, Jack Straw 在星期五, 告诉英国广播公司,由美国领导的多国部队正面对自美国总统 Bush 宣布主要战事已经结束以来最紧迫的局势. 最近的暴力活动证实了这一点.

Straw told BBC radio that a year ago, he had not imagined today's situation in Iraq. "I thought that they would go from some good days and some bad days. There is no doubt that the current situation is very serious and it is the most serious that we have faced."

Straw 告诉 BBC 广播电台, 在一年前, 他并没有想象到伊拉克会出现今天的局势. "当时我只是想, 时局会时好时坏. 然而, 现在的局势是非常紧迫, 这是毫无疑问的. 我们从来没有面对过这样(美国总统 Bush 宣布主要战事已经结束以来)最紧迫的局势."

"The lid of the pressure cooker has come off," Straw said, but he blamed events on the Saddam regime's legacy. He also said the coalition occupation of Iraq was necessary for the formation of a democratic government.

Straw 形容伊拉克现在的局势就象 "压力锅的盖子蹦起来了". 但是他把目前发生的事件归究于(前伊拉克总统)Saddam 统治时所遗留下来的问题所引起. 他还说, 联军占领伊拉克对建立民主政府是必须的.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-4-10 6:13:01编辑过]
以下是引用dai1010在2004-4-11 20:45:00的发言:

以下是引用dai1010在2004-4-11 20:45:00的发言:
