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航空论坛: >主题:测试的苏-35成功
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国家的军备计划,到2015年提供用于购买新型作战飞机为空军俄罗斯。它们之间的分配多用途苏-35战斗机,直至目前为止, -最现代化的航空模型飞机前端。首次飞行的原型机器, 2008年2月19日该方案的重要性是如此之高,第二天飞行员弗拉基米尔普京视察了汽车和德米特里梅德韦杰夫。苏-35 ,这是用在创造过去的科技成果,这将适用于在建设第五代飞机,旨在加强的领导地位,俄罗斯在该领域的作战飞机配合。他们战胜了由以往的型号okb “苏霍伊” -战斗机拦截飞机,苏- 27和苏3 0mk多用途。这些谁得到广泛的国际承认,作为最好的战斗机,他的时间,这些模型对市场的今天,迎接日趋激烈的竞争,从西方最新的发展。其中提出的建议的框架内与国际招标,包括“超级大黄蜂” , “拉法”和“ evrofayter ” 。

进步是不到位,赢得了在竞争的环境中应保留的立场,及时开发新市场提供。作为一个合乎逻辑的延伸,苏-27和苏30 ,新的“干”结合起来,他们最好的素质和在同一时间,远远超过他的前任在作战能力和飞行素质。不过,苏-35提供高的连续性,允许stroevym pereuchivatsya飞行员的一种新型战斗机,使用获得的技能较早前在一个家庭中的飞机苏-27 。对他的印象,新飞机“麦克风说: ”谢尔盖伯格丹-试点试验o kb“苏霍伊” ,这是受委托的飞行计划飞行试验苏- 35。

-多少航班已经履行了经验丰富的原型苏- 35呢?什么参数达到?

-今天,该方案的飞行测试进行了1 3个航班。基本上是评估的特点,稳定性和可控性的飞机,以及作为其操纵性,评估的特点,火电厂。此外,该评价进行了飞机。这是一个重要的一点,因为苏-35 -一个完全新的飞机,其中最现代的复杂的航空电子设备。主要核心是信息和控制系统。首次航班评估互动的所有机载系统,他们的行为,真正的飞行。它是非常重要的,找出如何,以及各系统联系成一个单一的复杂。

估计的特点,稳定和进行治理,高度可达1.1万米。发送在超音速,达到相应的速度向马哈米- 1 , 3 。



令人欣慰的高兴的工作,该电厂。苏-35装有引擎的土星与增加了16 % ,牵引。电厂管理新系统的远程控制特警队的三维-一个新的W ord在这一领域。

如果基本主旨基地- 31f forsazhnom政权达12.5万吨,但现在已增加至14.5万吨,从而提高动态疏散。并运行,新的起飞的飞机和深远的更流畅。增益牵引,与基线飞机和苏-27 ,苏- 30 。

第一次飞行表演与伴奏:随苏-35上升到空气中苏30mk 。这使人们有可能比较特色的飞机。当我在服务的最高疏散besforsazhnom模式,试点的飞机护送不得不用forsazh 。但是,尽管他有时滞后。当然,也有体现,是依赖于指标priemistosti电厂和如何管理的试点rud 。不过,航班明显认为,苏-35拥有庞大的盈余,显示更大的牵引和高速增长。

目前,是一个详细的分析飞行。对我来说,仍然是一个未决问题上一次飞行。它评估的特点,上苏-35 。他们指出,一个有趣的功能。初步分析表明,在中等高度,而工作的引擎besforsazhnom模式飞机,而在一个小超音速,继续加快。在这个过程中消散,飞机达到马赫数的米- 1 , 1 。不过,我都没有达到的最高车速横向飞行以来达成的边界地区准许超音速飞行,并被迫退回到“ dozvuk ” 。

在审查最后一次飞行在我的印象中,在某些结余燃料,在某些高度,飞机飞在“超音速”期间的制度引擎“ maksimal ” 。我们尚未针对飞机的身高和体重的高速范围内,尽可能“ superkreysersky ”飞行模式(超级邮轮-在超音速飞行的速度,而不使用f orsazha,战斗机从所有大规模生产的,他们只有米格3 1和F - 2 2A条猛禽。 -普里姆。版) 。

继续交谈约的优点,苏-35 ,应该指出,几乎增加了20 % ,在国内油箱。这是向前迈出的重要一步相比,与基本法苏恺二十七和苏恺三十。由于飞行距离显着提高。如果我怀疑,所依据的数据来自飞行测试,飞行距离达4500公里。当然,确切的数字是上检测结果的飞行测试。然而,有些事情要看看,仔细检查评估。最有可能,增加了供货的推进发动机,使一台机器有一个较高的巡航上限。从这个范围将进一步增加。但我们尚未确认此期间测试。

-外国武装分子可以相比,苏- 35呢?

-v yskazhu意见的专家, “苏霍伊” :苏- 35超过了所有“幻影” , “鹰狮” , “大黄蜂” , “台风”和“拉法” 。在新修改的飞机最接近的竞争对手-f /a-18e/f“超级大黄蜂” 。

-在美国空军武器装备进入第五代战斗机的F - 2 2A条猛禽。可苏-35处理这台机器上?

-我会这样说: “ r eptoru”我们已成功地对抗。在该价格为串行苏-35应该大大降低。根据比例的“价格-质量”我们的飞机历来占据一个在世界的领导地位。新苏-35将加强他们的显着。创造这架飞机-一个非常严重的突破。

-它是认为,苏- 35-更多的“电脑”飞机。我可以说,在其创作需要高度的工作,在看台上比以往的型号战机品牌的“ SU ” ?


我的主观看法-的程度,工作在看台上已大幅增加。以前,飞机的机械零件布线管理,使模拟有些事情在他们的创作是有点更加复杂化。苏-35有一个远程控制,实施,通过各种渠道。在这里,正如俗语所说, “飞机本身”了一个巨大的机会,为更深入的阐述台比以前的机器。这个一般的做法是: “飞机”一切应类似收到“计算机上” 。在牺牲更多的“情报方面”是可能的非常详细的许多问题在设计飞机和地面测试其系统。是什么,并证实在飞行测试:我没有问题的行为,飞机在飞行中是不是真正的。

根据我自己的经验,工作与专家设计局“苏霍伊” ,会认为他们是非常识字,体面的经验,在以往工作的机器。特别要提到的成员分工的空气动力学和亚历山德拉保罗moskaleva zasovina ,以及老牌公司-尤里i lichs henfinkelya。当我们浏览并尝试不同的制度,在苏- 35 ,我总是有充分的信心,令这些专家。结果他们的工作有:线的结果,从看台上和真正的飞行,非常高。关于适当命名的立场,对工作列苏-35 ,他们是类似在许多方面类似苏30mki 。尤其是苏-35在江户站设立了测试和修正软件内核飞机-信息管理系统。

相较于其他飞机苏-35具有良好的手“感到惊讶”试验叶片愉快的印象。特别是在条款的管理制度。如果某些特点进行其他飞行中的飞机的飞行员必须顾及,苏-35本身的“综合性解决方案”的所有制度在牺牲更强大的人工智能。飞机被看作是非常舒适的: “软”在同一时间,很听话的,具有优良的瞬态响应,充满活力,与演习。

例如,如果一个飞行员需飞机旋钮“假设” ,选择一个全过程,而不是“评分”正在发生的事情的速度很快,但是理顺大角度足球场,没有一个“分数” 。我们知道,从理论的管理系统,更多作业时间,更要调整。在同苏-35感谢其强大的人工智能创作者的追求高性能,但aperiodicheskogo出口参数。这是实施,以及在横向和纵向通道。

-什么的苏- 35给出了空军对俄罗斯?是否会提供新的素质和可能性呢?部队正在他的手臂,以改变在训练实践?

-与尊重,以新的素质,我回答“是” 。新的时间-使用控制牵引载体,这大大增加了安全飞行。飞机是不是“指责” ,是管理的,几乎任何速度。他们未能不会有这样的机会。不要让他们在现代化建设中。缺乏牵引矢量不容许重新飞机系统的运作,在低速,因为它使苏-35 。我认为,这是一个重要的论据,采购新战机,为空军的俄罗斯。


为飞行员,这是非常重要的新飞机不仅是优良的机动对制度' sverhmanevrennosti “ ,但在相对简单的飞行,与输出小高速-2 00k m/ h或更少。常规试验,与经典的了解,飞行中,行为的苏-35 ,是不足为奇的,在一个很好的意识字“令人震惊” 。

我认为在条件试行stroevyh飞行员,在原则上应该不会有任何问题与pereuchivanii在苏-35 。根据他的经验,我会说,当飞行员飞早些时候,在米格-29和苏-27 ,已经开始试验飞机的一代“四+ ” ,令人深感惊讶说,苏-35可以执行时,操纵。新飞机的订单,根本更好的苏恺二十七-飞机,这已得到广泛的承认,在世界上为他们的优秀品质。

-夏季的组成可能要更“电脑” ?


过渡期从几代人的“ 3 ”和“ 4 ”到“四+ ”和“五”增加的可能性多功能战斗机,就命令:扩大范围的武器,新途径,运用控制的弹药系统的视线-对雷达图片,利用电视和激光渠道。这是完全新的制度所面临的飞行员,飞行较早前在苏-27 。他们需要掌握,在那个时间。当然,这些问题将需要越来越多的关注。这将更多或更少的严重挑战stroevyh飞行员,主题,将须认真解决。

但在条款飞行安全的遵约问题,应该不会出现。苏-35是使这是很多“原谅” 。他创建的,例如飞往争取在这种情况下,如“经典”战斗机无法继续战斗。飞机的一代“四+ ”或更高许可证的工作中范围最广的高度和速度。

http://www.vpk-news.ru/article.a ... articles.defence_02

2008年2月7日[ 6时57分59秒]


“澳洲人在慌了手脚,从su35 ”

有“ dimaa ”中写道:

“ … …该网站正不断蔓延, vvs澳大利亚军事分析家关于该地区的局势,这最新的研究在2008年2月。贡献者是对数据的飞机数量和tth澳大利亚,印度,中国, vetnama ,马来西亚,泰国,日本...
在他们的意见,在该地区拥有丰富的干苍蝇,超越澳洲航空。 vvs第一次澳大利亚本身是无法执行军事任务。必须请求援助来自美国。如今,当地干燥更好地vvs澳洲的飞机和作战半径的行动和武器。
西vykinut被迫pomojki 3000的飞机,以铆钉与80互动就业。
有计划,以取代旧的飞机在f18e和f35 。作者估计,这一决定很怀疑。今天已经是一种浪费金钱,并出现后百发会根本vygyadet疯狂。
最后,我发现,至少还有一些数据的EPR 。 u f35在其创作需要做的EPR 0005平方米
奈良和我最近的EPR f117 。这已是在这本书中对军事航空。她0.01平方米
很难找到的EPR f22 。澳大利亚人写这才是一个真正的隐形飞机。一个真正的隐身在自己的日程开始与0001 。可以得出结论认为, EPR的f22 0001 。但他们并没有作出这样的结论。情况是很奇怪的。在每一个角落,我没有听到有关的伟大成就,该隐形飞机,但没有人会导致一个单一的数字。
在inete较早前的数字, 0001平方米的huljala俄罗斯是值得做的一个很好的雷达su35如何开始步行inetu已经EPR的0.0001 。
另一个谜:监禁下的隐形是f117 ,甚至对雷达枪没有。他的ESR 0.01 。 f35的EPR承诺减少一半,但不能。并隐藏这个事实不能,因为参与该方案堆的国家。 f22拥有庞大的规模相比, f117 。他没有牺牲的空气动力学为隐形。虽然这是少的EPR f117 。为什么呢?没有新的技术不会出现,否则,他们将适用于和f35 ,其中并没有发生。此外f35远小于f22 。和他并没有满足,甚至0005 。而不是大量堆放。
机载电子设备在f35 。 (他们写复制从f35 )
统一网络pvo团结在一个共同的信息领域的zrk地面,飞机和drlo su35 。 jtdis模拟。
良好的雷达一样, f22
最佳dyt 。

和此事的结论是,面对它只能f22 。 1 f18e和f35密切,而不是在说谎。

因此,作者抱怨沉重的avstraliskuyu的命运,并要求不买,也不f18或f35 。相反,它应该卖就美国出售f22和现代化f111 。 f22会争取su35和f111将炮轰的敌人。


2008年2月7日[ 7时00分50秒]

dimaa :


The state program of armaments to 2015 provides for the purchase of new types of combat aircraft for the Air Force of Russia. Among them is allocated multipurpose Su-35 fighter, so far - the most modern model airplanes aviation front. The first flight of a prototype of the machine, February 19, 2008 The importance of the programme is so high that the next day pilot Vladimir Putin inspected the car and Dmitry Medvedev. Su-35, which were used in the creation of the past technological achievements, which would be applied in the construction of the fifth generation aircraft, designed to strengthen the leading position of Russia in the field of combat aircraft complexes. They were conquered by previous models OKB "Sukhoi" - a fighter-interceptor jet Su-27 and Su-30MK multipurpose. Those who receive broad international recognition as the best fighter of his time, these models on the market today are greeted with growing competition from Western latest developments. Among the proposals submitted within the framework of international tenders include "Super Hornet", "Rafal" and "Evrofayter."

Progress is not in place, and won in a competitive environment should retain the position, timely development of new market offering. As a logical extension of Su-27 and Su-30, the new "dry" combined their best qualities and at the same time far exceeded his predecessors in fighting capabilities and flight qualities. However, Su-35 provides high continuity, allowing stroevym pereuchivatsya pilots on a new type of fighter planes, using skills acquired earlier in a family of airplanes Su-27. On his impressions of the new plane "MIC" says Sergei Bogdan - pilot-test OKB "Sukhoi", which is entrusted with flights within the programme of flight tests Su-35.

-- How many flights had fulfilled experienced prototype Su-35? What parameters achieved?

-- Today, the programme of flight tests carried out 13 flights. Basically evaluated the characteristics of stability and controllability of the aircraft, as well as its manoeuvrability, evaluated the characteristics of the power plant. In addition, the evaluation was conducted of the aircraft. This is an important point because Su-35 - a completely new aircraft, where the most modern complex avionics. The main kernel is the information and control system. The first flights assessed interaction of all onboard systems, their behavior in real flight. It was important to find out how well the various systems are linked into a single complex.

Estimates of the characteristics of stability and governability conducted at altitudes of up to eleven thousand meters. Send in at supersonic, reaching a speed corresponding to the Maha M-1, 3.

-- As revealed positive first flights?

-- Flight tests are held successfully. Already in the course of the first flight became clear that the plane has good characteristics of stability and governability. They such as anticipated as a result of preliminary work at the stands, real and comparability of data very high bench.

It is gratifying pleased with the work of the power plant. Su-35 equipped with engines Saturn with the increase of 16% traction. The power plant manages the new system of remote control SDU-D - a new word in this field.

If the basic thrust AL-31F forsazhnom regime amounted to 12.5 tons, but now it has increased to 14.5 tons, thus to improve the dynamics of dispersal. And run, the new aircraft taking off and far more fluid. The gain traction there, compared with a baseline aircraft and Su-27, and Su-30.

First flight was performed with the accompaniment: along with the Su-35 rose into the air Su-30MK. This made it possible to compare the characteristics of the aircraft. When I served at a maximum dispersal besforsazhnom mode, pilot of the aircraft escort had to use forsazh. But while he sometimes lagged. Of course, there is manifested dependence on indicators priemistosti power plant and of how the pilot managed RUD. Nevertheless, the flights were noticeably that Su-35 has a large surplus shows greater traction and speed growth.

At present, is a detailed analysis of flight. For me, remains an open question on the last flight. It evaluated the characteristics of upper Su-35. They noted the interesting feature. Preliminary analysis shows that at medium altitudes, while working on engines besforsazhnom mode aircraft, while on a small supersonic, continued accelerated. In the process disperse the plane reached the Mach number of M-1, 1. However, I have not reached the maximum speed horizontal flight since reached the border zone permitted supersonic flight and was forced to return to "dozvuk."

In reviewing last flight I have the impression that under certain balances fuel at certain altitudes, aircraft flies at "supersonic" during the regime of the engines "maksimal." We have yet to pinpoint the aircraft weight and height-speed range, where possible "superkreysersky" flight mode (super cruise - flying at supersonic speed without using forsazha, fighters from all mass-produced them have only MiG-31 and F-22A Raptor. - Prim . Ed.).

Continuing the conversation about the merits of Su-35, it should be noted increased by almost 20% in domestic fuel tanks. This is an important step forward compared with the basic Su-27 and Su-30. As a result of flight range significantly enhanced. Where I suspect, based on data from flight tests, flight range up to 4.5 thousand kilometres. Of course, the exact figure is detected on the results of flight tests. Yet some things have to look, check carefully evaluated. Most likely, the increased availability of propulsion engines would enable a machine to have a higher cruising ceiling. And from this range will further increase. But we have yet to verify this during testing.

-- Which of foreign fighters could be compared Su-35?

-- Vyskazhu opinion of specialists of "Sukhoi": Su-35 exceeds all "Mirage", "Gripen", "Hornet", "Typhoon" and "Rafal." Of the newly modified aircraft closest competitor - F/A-18E/F "Super Hornet".

-- At the U.S. Air Force armament enters fifth-generation fighter F-22A Raptor. Can Su-35 deal with this machine?

-- I will say this: "Reptoru" we have successfully confront. At that price for a serial Su-35 should be substantially lower. According to the ratio of "price-quality" our aircraft have traditionally occupy a leading position in the world. The new Su-35 will strengthen their markedly. The creation of this aircraft - a very serious breakthrough.

-- It is believed that Su-35 - more "computer" aircraft. Can I say that during its creation required a high degree of working at the stands than previous models fighters brand "Su"?

Answer is: the computer - an instrument. With his help we, in particular, have achieved high stability and governability, manoeuvrability. With the help of powerful computers control system aircraft can be configured so well that we have the highest output controllability at all modes.

My subjective view - the degree of working at the stands has increased substantially. Previous aircraft had mechanical elements wiring management, so that simulate some things in their creation was somewhat more complicated. Su-35 has a remote control, implemented through all channels. Here, as the saying goes, "the aircraft itself" gave a great opportunity for a deeper bench elaborate than previous machines. This general approach is: "plane" Everything should be similar to that received "on the computer." At the expense of more "intelligence side" was possible very detailed many issues during the design aircraft and ground testing of its systems. What and confirmed during the flight tests: I have no issues with the behaviour of the aircraft in flight was not real.

Based on my own experience working with specialists Design Bureau "Sukhoi", would argue that they are very literate, with decent experience gained in previous work on the machines. Especially want to mention members of the Division of aerodynamics and Alexandra Paul Moskaleva Zasovina, as well as veteran company - Yuri Ilich Shenfinkelya. When we browsed and tried different regimes in the Su-35, I always have full confidence that made these specialists. The result of their work there: line results from the stands and real flights, was very high. Regarding the proper nomenclature stands, on which work out Su-35, they are similar in many ways similar to the Su-30MKI. Especially for Su-35 in EDO stands were set up to test and refine software kernel aircraft - an information management system.

Compared with other aircraft Su-35 with a good hand "surprised" pilot leaves pleasant impression. Especially in terms of the management system. If some features of the conduct of other aircraft in flight pilots must necessarily take into account, the Su-35 itself "integrated approach" to all the regimes at the expense of more powerful artificial intelligence. The aircraft is seen as very comfortable: "soft" at the same time very obedient, with excellent transient response, energetic, with manoeuvres.

For example, if a pilot takes the plane knob "assume", choosing a full course, instead of "score" is happening fast, but smooth out the large-angle pitch, without a "score". As we know from the theory of management systems, the more operating time, the more to readjust. At the same Su-35 thanks to its powerful artificial intelligence creators seeking high performance and yet aperiodicheskogo exit to a parameter. This is implemented and in the transverse and longitudinal channel.

-- What's Su-35 gives the Air Force for Russia? Whether it will give new qualities and possibilities? Forces Are Taking up his arms to change the practice of training?

-- With respect to new qualities, and I answer "yes". The new time - the use of controlled traction vector, which substantially increases the safety of flights. The aircraft was not "blaming", is administered at virtually any speed. They failed not have such opportunities. And do not get them in modernization. The lack of traction vector does not allow re-aircraft system operated at low speeds as it makes Su-35. I think that this is an important argument for procurement of new fighter jets for the Air Force of Russia.

Increased tyagovooruzhennost improves acceleration characteristics. The severing of the aircraft on takeoff is sooner. Moreover, by the excellent performance of upper pilot Su-35 easier to evade the enemy or reduce the distance before him. Add to this larger range, as well as the fact that on-board radar detects targets at greater range, seizes goal at large distances, allowing you to hit the enemy on distant borders. List merits Su-35 could go on and on.

For pilots, it is important that the new aircraft not only excellent maneuvering on the regimes' sverhmanevrennosti "but in relatively simple flight, with the output of small-speed - 200 km / h or less. Conventional pilot, with the classic understanding of flight, the behaviour of Su-35 is surprising, in a nice sense of the word "shocking".

I think that in terms of piloting a stroevyh pilots, in principle, should not have any problem with pereuchivanii at Su-35. According to his experience, I would say that when pilots fly earlier in the Mig-29 and Su-27, are beginning to pilot aircraft generation "4 +", it is deeply surprised that the Su-35 can perform when manoeuvering. The new aircraft on order simply better Su-27 - the plane, which has received wide recognition in the world for their excellent quality.

-- Summer composition probably have to be more "computer"?

-- Programming, of course, pilots do not have to deal with. But in terms of the operator pilots have appropriate skills to develop and improve. I think that is not new, but still true. Any modern man must learn computer literacy and constantly improved.

The transition from generations of "3" and "4" to "4 +" and "5" increasing the possibility of multifunctional fighter jets on order: expanding range of weapons, new ways of applying controlled munitions systems of sight - on the radar picture, using television and laser channels. This is totally new regimes faced by pilots, to fly earlier in the Su-27. And they need to master, at that time. Of course, these issues will require increasing attention. And it will be more or less serious challenge to stroevyh pilots, the theme, which will have to be seriously addressed.

But in terms of flight safety compliance issues should not arise. Su-35 is made so that it is much "forgave". He created such that flew and fought in such circumstances, where "classic" fighters could not keep fighting. Planes generation "4 +" or higher permit to work in the broadest range of heights and speeds.
原帖由 zwz 于 2008-7-5 09:37 发表
太出乎意料了,毛子什么时候对虫子这么BKC了,记得当年约翰牛做的模拟,F-18E对老Su-37的交换比也才1:3。约翰牛的理由是F-18E虽然亚音速机动性有92分,但超音速机动性只得了23分(ef2000是满分),看到这里当即吐血3 ...

超级大黄蜂在国内曾经被充分地轻视过, 现在似乎观念也在逐渐扭转
想当年,人家俄国的35/37是要和F22比肩的, 18EF不过是三代机里厮混.......