
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 21:59:05
<p>这是网址<a href="http://www.magweb.com/">WWW.magweb.com</a></p><p>这是综合结果</p><p>1. 亚历山大 Alexander the Great 19.8%<br/>2. 拿破仑 Napoleon 19.5%<br/>3. 汉尼拔 Hannibal 5.2%<br/>4. 马尔波罗 Duke of Marlborough 4.3%<br/>4. 隆美尔 Rommel 4.3%<br/>6. 恺撒 Julius Caesar 3.0%<br/>6. 腓特烈 Frederick the Great 3.0%<br/>6. 成吉斯汗 Genghis Khan 3.0%<br/>6. 纳尔逊 Nelson 3.0%<br/>10. 李 Robert E Lee 2.4%<br/>10. 巴顿 Patton 2.4%<br/>12. 威灵顿 Wellington 2.1%<br/>13. 古斯塔夫 Gustavus Adolphus 1.8%<br/>13. 西庇阿 Scipio 1.8%<br/>13. 杰克逊 Stonewall Jackson 1.8%<br/>13. 华盛顿 George Washington 1.8%<br/>17. 毛奇 Von Moltke 1.2%<br/>18. 贝利撒留 Belisarius 0.9%<br/>18. 达武 Davout 0.9%<br/>18. 格兰特 U.S. Grant 0.9%<br/>18. 曼斯坦 von Manstein 0.9%<br/>18. 朱可夫 Zhukov 0.9%<br/><br/>如按第一选:<br/>亚历山大 Alexander the Great 29.7%<br/>拿破仑 Napoleon 28.8%<br/>汉尼拔 Hannibal 6.8%<br/>威灵顿 Wellington 2.5%<br/>贝利撒留 Belisarius 2.5%<br/>西庇阿 Scipio 2.5%<br/>成吉斯汗 Ghengis Khan 1.7%<br/>腓特烈 Fredrick the Great 1.7%<br/>马尔波罗 Marlborough 1.7%<br/>隆美尔 Rommel 1.7%<br/>曼斯坦 von Manstein 1.7%</p><p>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><center><h2>1999 MagWeb Survey Results</h2></center><p>The following results were recorded in MagWeb's 1999 survey, which asked for member opinions concerning best commander, most pivotal battle, battle you'd like to see most, MagWeb strengths and areas for improvement, and other opinions. </p><p>Highlights: </p><ul>Would you recommend MagWeb to a friend? <b>Yes: 97.3%</b> No: 2.7%<br/>59.9% access MagWeb with <b>56.6K or faster</b> connections<br/>Most enjoyed aspect of MagWeb: <b>variety of information</b><br/>On 1 (awful) to 10 (excellent) scale, rate MagWeb's selection of articles: <b>8.7</b><br/>If you could "time travel," which single battle would you observe? <b>Waterloo</b><br/>Location for <b>next major war?</b> Middle East<br/><b>Best commander</b> in history: Alexander the Great</ul><p><b>Note:</b> Permission is granted to reproduce some or all of MagWeb's 1999 survey in print or electronic form as long as "MagWeb (www.magweb.com)" is credited as the source. </p><h3>1. Who are the three best commanders in history (in order of preference)? </h3><p><b>First Choice:</b> </p><ul>Alexander the Great 29.7%<br/>Napoleon 28.8%<br/>Hannibal 6.8%<br/>Wellington 2.5%<br/>Belisarius 2.5%<br/>Scipio 2.5%<br/>Ghengis Khan 1.7%<br/>Fredrick the Great 1.7%<br/>Marlborough 1.7%<br/>Rommel 1.7%<br/>von Manstein 1.7% <p>Other 18.7% <br/>(Charles XII, Michael Collins, Prince Eugene, Guderian, Nelson, Patton, Subotai, Temujin, Washington (George), Minamoto Yoshitsune, Zhukov, Jan Zizka) </p></ul><p><b>Second Choice:</b> </p><ul>Alexander the Great 20.8%<br/>Napoleon 15.1%<br/>Julius Caesar 9.4%<br/>Robert E Lee 5.7%<br/>Frederick the Great 4.7%<br/>Genghis Khan 4.7%<br/>Duke of Marlborough 4.7%<br/>Hannibal 3.8%<br/>Nelson 3.8%<br/>Rommel 3.8%<br/>Gustavus Adolphus 2.8%<br/>Stonewall Jackson 2.8%<br/>Patton 2.8%<br/>Scipio 1.9%<br/>von Moltke 1.9%<br/>Washington 1.9%<br/>Wellington 1.9% <p>Other 8.1% <br/>(Augustus Caesar, John Churchill, Davout, US Grant, Lannes, Saladin, Scott, Timur)</p></ul><p><b>Third Choice</b> </p><ul>Napoleon 13.5%<br/>Alexander the Great 7.7%<br/>Rommel 7.7%<br/>Duke of Marlborough 5.8%<br/>Julius Caesar 5.8%<br/>Hannibal 4.8%<br/>Nelson 4.8%<br/>Patton 3.8%<br/>Gustavus Adolphus 2.9%<br/>Frederick the Great 2.9%<br/>Stonewall Jackson 2.9%<br/>Ghengis Khan 2.9%<br/>George Washington 2.9%<br/>Davout 1.9%<br/>Eisenhower 1.9%<br/>Grant (U.S.) 1.9%<br/>Robert E. Lee 1.9%<br/>Von Moltke 1.9%<br/>Wellington 1.9%<br/>Zhukov 1.9%<br/><p>Other 21.2% <br/>(Charlemagne, Cochise, Cromwell, Eugene of Savoy, Bedford Forrest, Sir Guy Gibson, Nathaniel Greene, Guderian, Kessering, MacArthur, Manteuffel, Saladin, Schwartzkopf, Scipio Africanus, Admiral Somerville, Stilwell, George Thomas (ACW), Tokugawa Iyaesu von Manstein, Wolfe, Jan Zizka)</p></ul><p><b>Combined Top 20 (selected regardless of preference) </b></p><ul>1. Alexander the Great 19.8% <br/>2. Napoleon 19.5%<br/>3. Hannibal 5.2%<br/>4. Duke of Marlborough 4.3%<br/>4. Rommel 4.3%<br/>6. Julius Caesar 3.0%<br/>6. Frederick the Great 3.0%<br/>6. Genghis Khan 3.0%<br/>6. Nelson 3.0%<br/>10. Robert E Lee 2.4%<br/>10. Patton 2.4%<br/>12. Wellington 2.1%<br/>13. Gustavus Adolphus 1.8%<br/>13. Scipio 1.8%<br/>13. Stonewall Jackson 1.8%<br/>13. George Washington 1.8%<br/>17. Von Moltke 1.2%<br/>18. Belisarius 0.9%<br/>18. Davout 0.9%<br/>18. U.S. Grant 0.9%<br/>18. von Manstein 0.9%<br/>18. Zhukov 0.9%<br/>Others: 15.1%</ul><p><br/>&nbsp;</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-26 20:24:04编辑过]
<p>这是网址<a href="http://www.magweb.com/">WWW.magweb.com</a></p><p>这是综合结果</p><p>1. 亚历山大 Alexander the Great 19.8%<br/>2. 拿破仑 Napoleon 19.5%<br/>3. 汉尼拔 Hannibal 5.2%<br/>4. 马尔波罗 Duke of Marlborough 4.3%<br/>4. 隆美尔 Rommel 4.3%<br/>6. 恺撒 Julius Caesar 3.0%<br/>6. 腓特烈 Frederick the Great 3.0%<br/>6. 成吉斯汗 Genghis Khan 3.0%<br/>6. 纳尔逊 Nelson 3.0%<br/>10. 李 Robert E Lee 2.4%<br/>10. 巴顿 Patton 2.4%<br/>12. 威灵顿 Wellington 2.1%<br/>13. 古斯塔夫 Gustavus Adolphus 1.8%<br/>13. 西庇阿 Scipio 1.8%<br/>13. 杰克逊 Stonewall Jackson 1.8%<br/>13. 华盛顿 George Washington 1.8%<br/>17. 毛奇 Von Moltke 1.2%<br/>18. 贝利撒留 Belisarius 0.9%<br/>18. 达武 Davout 0.9%<br/>18. 格兰特 U.S. Grant 0.9%<br/>18. 曼斯坦 von Manstein 0.9%<br/>18. 朱可夫 Zhukov 0.9%<br/><br/>如按第一选:<br/>亚历山大 Alexander the Great 29.7%<br/>拿破仑 Napoleon 28.8%<br/>汉尼拔 Hannibal 6.8%<br/>威灵顿 Wellington 2.5%<br/>贝利撒留 Belisarius 2.5%<br/>西庇阿 Scipio 2.5%<br/>成吉斯汗 Ghengis Khan 1.7%<br/>腓特烈 Fredrick the Great 1.7%<br/>马尔波罗 Marlborough 1.7%<br/>隆美尔 Rommel 1.7%<br/>曼斯坦 von Manstein 1.7%</p><p>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><center><h2>1999 MagWeb Survey Results</h2></center><p>The following results were recorded in MagWeb's 1999 survey, which asked for member opinions concerning best commander, most pivotal battle, battle you'd like to see most, MagWeb strengths and areas for improvement, and other opinions. </p><p>Highlights: </p><ul>Would you recommend MagWeb to a friend? <b>Yes: 97.3%</b> No: 2.7%<br/>59.9% access MagWeb with <b>56.6K or faster</b> connections<br/>Most enjoyed aspect of MagWeb: <b>variety of information</b><br/>On 1 (awful) to 10 (excellent) scale, rate MagWeb's selection of articles: <b>8.7</b><br/>If you could "time travel," which single battle would you observe? <b>Waterloo</b><br/>Location for <b>next major war?</b> Middle East<br/><b>Best commander</b> in history: Alexander the Great</ul><p><b>Note:</b> Permission is granted to reproduce some or all of MagWeb's 1999 survey in print or electronic form as long as "MagWeb (www.magweb.com)" is credited as the source. </p><h3>1. Who are the three best commanders in history (in order of preference)? </h3><p><b>First Choice:</b> </p><ul>Alexander the Great 29.7%<br/>Napoleon 28.8%<br/>Hannibal 6.8%<br/>Wellington 2.5%<br/>Belisarius 2.5%<br/>Scipio 2.5%<br/>Ghengis Khan 1.7%<br/>Fredrick the Great 1.7%<br/>Marlborough 1.7%<br/>Rommel 1.7%<br/>von Manstein 1.7% <p>Other 18.7% <br/>(Charles XII, Michael Collins, Prince Eugene, Guderian, Nelson, Patton, Subotai, Temujin, Washington (George), Minamoto Yoshitsune, Zhukov, Jan Zizka) </p></ul><p><b>Second Choice:</b> </p><ul>Alexander the Great 20.8%<br/>Napoleon 15.1%<br/>Julius Caesar 9.4%<br/>Robert E Lee 5.7%<br/>Frederick the Great 4.7%<br/>Genghis Khan 4.7%<br/>Duke of Marlborough 4.7%<br/>Hannibal 3.8%<br/>Nelson 3.8%<br/>Rommel 3.8%<br/>Gustavus Adolphus 2.8%<br/>Stonewall Jackson 2.8%<br/>Patton 2.8%<br/>Scipio 1.9%<br/>von Moltke 1.9%<br/>Washington 1.9%<br/>Wellington 1.9% <p>Other 8.1% <br/>(Augustus Caesar, John Churchill, Davout, US Grant, Lannes, Saladin, Scott, Timur)</p></ul><p><b>Third Choice</b> </p><ul>Napoleon 13.5%<br/>Alexander the Great 7.7%<br/>Rommel 7.7%<br/>Duke of Marlborough 5.8%<br/>Julius Caesar 5.8%<br/>Hannibal 4.8%<br/>Nelson 4.8%<br/>Patton 3.8%<br/>Gustavus Adolphus 2.9%<br/>Frederick the Great 2.9%<br/>Stonewall Jackson 2.9%<br/>Ghengis Khan 2.9%<br/>George Washington 2.9%<br/>Davout 1.9%<br/>Eisenhower 1.9%<br/>Grant (U.S.) 1.9%<br/>Robert E. Lee 1.9%<br/>Von Moltke 1.9%<br/>Wellington 1.9%<br/>Zhukov 1.9%<br/><p>Other 21.2% <br/>(Charlemagne, Cochise, Cromwell, Eugene of Savoy, Bedford Forrest, Sir Guy Gibson, Nathaniel Greene, Guderian, Kessering, MacArthur, Manteuffel, Saladin, Schwartzkopf, Scipio Africanus, Admiral Somerville, Stilwell, George Thomas (ACW), Tokugawa Iyaesu von Manstein, Wolfe, Jan Zizka)</p></ul><p><b>Combined Top 20 (selected regardless of preference) </b></p><ul>1. Alexander the Great 19.8% <br/>2. Napoleon 19.5%<br/>3. Hannibal 5.2%<br/>4. Duke of Marlborough 4.3%<br/>4. Rommel 4.3%<br/>6. Julius Caesar 3.0%<br/>6. Frederick the Great 3.0%<br/>6. Genghis Khan 3.0%<br/>6. Nelson 3.0%<br/>10. Robert E Lee 2.4%<br/>10. Patton 2.4%<br/>12. Wellington 2.1%<br/>13. Gustavus Adolphus 1.8%<br/>13. Scipio 1.8%<br/>13. Stonewall Jackson 1.8%<br/>13. George Washington 1.8%<br/>17. Von Moltke 1.2%<br/>18. Belisarius 0.9%<br/>18. Davout 0.9%<br/>18. U.S. Grant 0.9%<br/>18. von Manstein 0.9%<br/>18. Zhukov 0.9%<br/>Others: 15.1%</ul><p><br/>&nbsp;</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-26 20:24:04编辑过]
<p>1. 亚历山大 Alexander the Great 19.8%</p><p>无责任发言:小正太果然最吸引人……飘走……</p>
<p>亚历山大 干掉了 成吉斯汗...</p><p>这个命题本身就有问题  拿破仑 成吉斯汗这些仅仅是个将才吗</p>
<p>同上 ,</p><p>怎么没有那位把“亚洲恺撒”打得没脾气的中国将军 ?</p>
西方人评西方的 东方人评东方的[em01]
最好有个齐全的评论 ---------
<p>呵呵</p><p> 华盛顿怎么也不是将领啊</p>