
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/05/07 07:56:49

        <a href="%20http://www.foia.cia.gov/docs/DOC_0000309534/0000309534_0001.gif">http://www.foia.cia.gov/docs/DOC_0000309534/0000309534_0001.gif</a><br/>





CIA Declassification
Guide <br/>

DRAFT Version A, 21 Oct 99<br/>







(U) Domestic, officially acknowledged overt CIA office buildings are
listed below. Declassify their identity and location (all in the
Washington metropolitan area):<br/>


D.C. Locations<br/>


[1] 1016 16th Street NW<br/>


[2] 1717 H Street NW (Matomic Building)<br/>


[3] 2210 E Street NW (Briggs School) [New building.](新楼)<br/>


[4] 2430 E Street NW complex (includes Buildings 7, 9, 11 and 12 and
the North, East, Central and South Buildings) [New buildings. This is
the location of the original CIA headquarters, across the street from
the State Department. State has several offices listed in the complex.](新楼,原CIA总部)<br/>


[5] Alcott, Barton, Curie Halls, Recreation and Services (R&amp;S)
Building, Quarters Eye, West Potomac Park [Buildings gone.](已拆迁)<br/>


[6] Riverside Stadium (aka The Coliseum), 26th Street NW, Foggy Bottom [Building gone, now the Kennedy Center.](已拆迁,现在是肯尼迪中心)<br/>


[7] Steuart Motors Building (top floors), New York Avenue at 5th Street
NW [Building exists but not clear if in use. This was the original
location of the National Reconnaissance Office.](楼还在,不清楚是否还在使用。原国家侦察办公室)<br/>


[8] Temporary Buildings Q and M, D Street NW, Foggy Bottom [Buildings gone.](已拆迁)<br/>


[9] Temporary Buildings 13 &amp; 14, D Street NW, Foggy Bottom [Buildings gone.](已拆迁)<br/>


[10] Temporary Buildings I, J, K, L, West Potomac Park [Buildings gone.](已拆迁)<br/>


Virginia Locations<br/>


[11] Ames Building, 1820 Fort Myer Drive, Rosslyn<br/>


[12] Arlington Towers Garage, Fort Myer Drive [sic], Rosslyn <br/>


[13] Broyhill Building, 1000 North Glebe Road, Ballston<br/>


[14] Chamber of Commerce Building, 4600 North Fairfax Drive, Ballston<br/>


[15] Key Building, (1200 Wilson Blvd.), and [16] Magazine Building, Rosslyn<br/>


[17] CIA Headquarters Building complex(CIA总部)<br/>








[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-21 14:21:15编辑过]

        <a href="%20http://www.foia.cia.gov/docs/DOC_0000309534/0000309534_0001.gif">http://www.foia.cia.gov/docs/DOC_0000309534/0000309534_0001.gif</a><br/>





CIA Declassification
Guide <br/>

DRAFT Version A, 21 Oct 99<br/>







(U) Domestic, officially acknowledged overt CIA office buildings are
listed below. Declassify their identity and location (all in the
Washington metropolitan area):<br/>


D.C. Locations<br/>


[1] 1016 16th Street NW<br/>


[2] 1717 H Street NW (Matomic Building)<br/>


[3] 2210 E Street NW (Briggs School) [New building.](新楼)<br/>


[4] 2430 E Street NW complex (includes Buildings 7, 9, 11 and 12 and
the North, East, Central and South Buildings) [New buildings. This is
the location of the original CIA headquarters, across the street from
the State Department. State has several offices listed in the complex.](新楼,原CIA总部)<br/>


[5] Alcott, Barton, Curie Halls, Recreation and Services (R&amp;S)
Building, Quarters Eye, West Potomac Park [Buildings gone.](已拆迁)<br/>


[6] Riverside Stadium (aka The Coliseum), 26th Street NW, Foggy Bottom [Building gone, now the Kennedy Center.](已拆迁,现在是肯尼迪中心)<br/>


[7] Steuart Motors Building (top floors), New York Avenue at 5th Street
NW [Building exists but not clear if in use. This was the original
location of the National Reconnaissance Office.](楼还在,不清楚是否还在使用。原国家侦察办公室)<br/>


[8] Temporary Buildings Q and M, D Street NW, Foggy Bottom [Buildings gone.](已拆迁)<br/>


[9] Temporary Buildings 13 &amp; 14, D Street NW, Foggy Bottom [Buildings gone.](已拆迁)<br/>


[10] Temporary Buildings I, J, K, L, West Potomac Park [Buildings gone.](已拆迁)<br/>


Virginia Locations<br/>


[11] Ames Building, 1820 Fort Myer Drive, Rosslyn<br/>


[12] Arlington Towers Garage, Fort Myer Drive [sic], Rosslyn <br/>


[13] Broyhill Building, 1000 North Glebe Road, Ballston<br/>


[14] Chamber of Commerce Building, 4600 North Fairfax Drive, Ballston<br/>


[15] Key Building, (1200 Wilson Blvd.), and [16] Magazine Building, Rosslyn<br/>


[17] CIA Headquarters Building complex(CIA总部)<br/>








[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-21 14:21:15编辑过]
[1] 1016 16th Street NW Looking East<br/>
[2] 1717 H Street NW (Matomic Building) Looking North<br/>
[3] 2210 E Street NW Looking North (新楼)<br/>
[4] 2430 E Street NW complex Looking North (原CIA总部)<br/>
[7] Steuart Motors Building (top floors), New York Avenue at 5th Street NW (原国家侦察办公室)<br/>
[11] Ames Building, 1820 Fort Myer Drive, Rosslyn<br/>
[12] Arlington Towers Garage, Fort Myer Drive [sic], Rosslyn<br/>
[15] Key Building, (1200 Wilson Blvd.), and [16] Magazine Building, Rosslyn<br/>
[13] Broyhill Building, 1000 North Glebe Road, Ballston<br/>
[14] Chamber of Commerce Building, 4600 North Fairfax Drive, Ballston<br/>
[17] CIA Headquarters Building complex (CIA总部)<br/>
CIA的训练中心,有名‘农场’(the ‘farm’)就在这里:<br/>
CIA Camp Peary -Special Training Center "The Farm"<br/>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-20 12:15:13编辑过]
哪位高人能帮我解释一下上文中的‘brush pass’的意思?应该是秘密联络的一种技巧。<br/>
关于哈维角较早前的文字资料:<br/><br/>Harvey Point Defense Testing Activity<br/>Elizabeth City, NC<br/><br/>The Harvey Point facility was established in World War II as an operating base for blimps conducting anti-submarine surveillance of the Atlantic coast. It is used by CIA's Directorate of Operations for personnel training in explosives, paramilitary combat, and other clandestine warfare techniques.<br/><br/>Specifically, the Point is where "hardcore" paramilitary ops are worked on. The Farm teaches basics, relative to work done at the Point, from a paramilitary perspective. A course called AET, or Applied Explosive Techniques, is just one example. US Navy SEALs are frequently trained in this course of instruction. The group called SAD, or Special Activities Division, which is part of DS&amp;T teaches many of these courses as well. SAD is an office devoted to sabotage techniques and blowing things up. They run training all the time--were responsible for the mining of the harbors down south about 10 years ago. SAD also runs EOD courses for the Secret Service.<br/><br/>Within the CIA's Directorate of Operation the areas are broken into the following organizational structures--divisions and staffs and branches, respectively. There is a PM Branch (or paramilitary branch) and their staff is called the Special Activities Staff or SAS. The Special Activities Staff is on par with CAG (Combat Applications Group, formerly Delta) and DevGroup (Naval SpecWar Development Group, former Seal Team 6) as far as operational ability and missions profile. It is considered a special mission unit [SMU], and carried out special collection activites (LRSU ops, etc), sabotage, friendly personnel/material recovery, threat pers/material snatches, BDAs, CT osp, raids, hostage rescue and other activities as directed by the President.<br/><br/>The SAS is a little known group working within the DO's paramilitary structure and is divided into branches: Ground Branch (handles land-based paramilitary combat, special collection activities, sabo, LRSU ops and training of agency personnel in counter terror/counter surv techniques at Camp Peary, Harvey Point, and two other areas within CONUS). The Maritime Branch handles all waterborne activites, such as the jet ski training in the Nevada lakes during the gulf war buildup as part of a insertion/Hostage rescue op. The Air Branch is the modern day version of Air America but to the entire world. Air Branch supplies al planes, helos and related air assets to the agency. If a bigwig needs to fly from HQ to STC (STC is agency parlance for Special Training Center, or Peary) they call on Air Branch, which is in the basement of the agency. If Ground branch needs an air platform for an insertion, they call on Air Branch.<br/><br/>Source<br/><br/>[Walters, Robert, "Going Underground," Inquiry, 2 February 1991, pages 12-16.]<br/><br/><br/><br/>哈维角防卫试验活动<br/><br/>哈维角设施二战时是小型飞艇的基地,用于反潜监控。它现在被中情局用于训练爆破,准军事作战和其他隐密作战技术。<br/><br/>从准军事作战的角度来讲,在‘农场’教的只是一些基本的,而在哈维角受训的都是些中坚分子。例如,在哈维角就有一门叫AET(应用爆破技术)的训练科目。美海军的海豹突击队就经常接受这方面的指导。DS&amp;T(科技理事会)里面有个叫SAD(特别活动部门)的部门就是专门研究爆破技术的。SAD也为安全部门提供排弹训练。<br/><br/>CIA里的准军事部门和其人员叫做SAS(特种活动人员)。SAS的行动能力跟CAG(原三角洲)和DevGroup(原海豹突击队6队)是一个水平。SAS就是CIA里执行特种任务的单位,曾进行过情报搜集,远程监控,破坏,营救,反恐等行动。<br/><br/>SAS又分为陆,海,空三个部门。陆上分局主管地面准军事作战,特种搜集行动,破坏,远程监控,在‘农场’和‘哈维角’的人员训练。海上分局主管水中的活动,包括为海湾战争中的投送/人质解救任务做准备,而在Nevada湖上进行的汽艇训练。航空分局主管空中投送和人员交通。<br/>
Harvey Point (哈维角)在这里<br/>
这是 Harvey Point 2003 年秋的航拍。可以清楚地看到地面上的爆破试验场。<br/>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-22 13:12:16编辑过]
Anonymous writes:<br/>This is Ft. Washington, MD.<br/>It is run by the CIA under the cover of a Navy research facility or Federal Communications site. The site is totally black budget, and the majority of the agencies involved deny any knowledge the site even exists. There have been numerous investigations into financial anomalies at the site, and Congress has raked the leadership of the site over the coal more then a few times. Huge budgetary holes have been traced to this facility over the past 30 years, and you have to have a security clearance just to mow the grass. The site is used to develop bugging devices for the CIA and State Department for bugging of foreign embassies. They also develop torture and assassination devices, lock-picks, safe-cracking tools, kidnapping tools, and a variety of poisons and toxins for use in the field. Basically, this is the site that develops all the little nefarious toys that the government's spies play with to bring about death and destruction.<br/><br/>有消息指:<br/>这个CIA的特种技术办公室(OST)对外是海军科研机构或联邦通讯设施。在过去30年里,许多预算黑洞都与此设施有关联,也就是说,它的运作经费都是秘密的。此设施专门为CIA提供用于监听外国领使馆的设备。他们也研发刑具,绑架/刺杀工具,开锁/开保险柜的工具和行动中所需的各类毒剂......
USGS Coordinates of Photograph<br/>
Southwest (Bottom Left) Corner    西南(左下角)坐标  38.730441 N, 77.014393 W <br/>
Northeast (Top Right) Corner       东北(右上角)坐标 38.738799 N, 77.002771 W<br/>



USGS Coordinates of Photograph<br/>
Southwest (Bottom Left) Corner 西南(左下角)坐标 38.943015 N, 77.152653 W     <br/>
Northeast (Top Right) Corner      东北(右上角)坐标 38.958635 N, 77.140498 W<br/>
下面简要地介绍一下CIA和NSA的‘特种搜集部门’(SCS):<br/><br/>据前情报高官透露‘特种搜集部门’(SCS)是在上世纪70年代晚期建立的。因为NSA基于使领馆的窃听部门与CIA的D部门(全球奔波的窃听专家们)之间的竞争产生的效果适得其反,所以就合并为SCS。有的消息称SCS只用使领馆里的电子窃听设备进行窃听,而其他消息称SCS也会进行更高风险的秘密潜入行动以安装窃听装置。<br/>目前,唯一有纪录的关于SCS信息来自前加拿大通讯安全部门(CSE,加拿大的NSA对口部门)的副部长Mike Frost,他曾在SCS受过培训。在一本1994年的回忆录中Frost描述了进行‘特种搜集’任务的复杂性——通过外交渠道运送复杂的窃听设备,在使馆中秘密地组装窃听设备,在复杂的环境里解决技术问题......<br/>
相关材料<br/>Jason Vest and Wayne Madsen write of the Special Collection Service (SCS):<br/><br/>According to a former high-ranking intelligence official, SCS was formed in the late 1970s after competition between the NSA's embassy-based eavesdroppers and the CIA's globe-trotting bugging specialists from its Division D had become counterproductive. While sources differ on how SCS works— some claim its agents never leave their secret embassy warrens where they perform close-quarters electronic eavesdropping, while others say agents operate embassy-based equipment in addition to performing riskier "black-bag" jobs, or break-ins, for purposes of bugging— "there's a lot of pride taken in what SCS has accomplished," the former official says.<br/>Intriguingly, the only on-the-record account of the Special Collection Service has been provided not by an American but by a Canadian. Mike Frost, formerly of the Communications Security Establishment— Canada's NSA equivalent— served as deputy director of CSE's SCS counterpart and was trained by the SCS. In a 1994 memoir, Frost describes the complexities of mounting "special collection" operations— finding ways to transport sophisticated eavesdropping equipment in diplomatic pouches without arousing suspicion, surreptitiously assembling a device without arousing suspicion in his embassy, technically troubleshooting under less than ideal conditions— and also devotes considerable space to describing visits to SCS's old College Park headquarters.<br/>"It is not the usual sanitorium-clean atmosphere you would expect to find in a top-secret installation," writes Frost. "Wires everywhere, jerry-rigged gizmos everywhere, computers all over the place, some people buzzing around in three-piece suits, and others in jeans and t-shirts. [It was] the ultimate testing and engineering centre for any espionage equipment." Perhaps one of its most extraordinary areas was its "live room," a 30-foot-square area where NSA and CIA devices were put through dry runs, and where engineers simulated the electronic environment of cities where eavesdroppers are deployed. Several years ago, according to sources, SCS relocated to a new, 300-acre, three-building complex disguised as a corporate campus and shielded by a dense forest outside Beltsville, Maryland. Curious visitors to the site will find themselves stopped at a gate by a Department of Defense police officer who, if one lingers, will threaten arrest.<br/>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-31 17:09:56编辑过]
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