
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 03:45:47

When Muhterem Aras became the first Muslim house speaker of one of Germany's federal parliaments in May the time could not have been more sensitive. The country had just welcomed more than 1 million refugees in 2015 — many of them Muslims. For months tensions had risen between supporters and opponents of refugees.

今年五月,当穆特琳.阿拉斯成为德国联邦议会的第一个穆斯林众议院议长在时,这个时间点不可能更敏感了。2015年,该国刚刚迎来了超过一百万的难民 -他们中许多人是穆斯林。几个月来,支持和反对接纳难民者之间的紧张关系持续上升。

Parliamentary presidents' words carry particular weight because of their significance for bridging the divides between various parties. The office could enable Aras to become a significant counterweight to the Alternative for Germany an anti-foreigner party which has double-digit approval ratings in the polls at the moment.



SSeng Lim
1:40 PM GMT+0800
Germany the beginning of your nightmare.


10:09 AM GMT+0800
About 3% of Canadians are Muslims who now hold 13 seats with the federal government and one a woman appointed to cabinet a minister of the crown. Other Muslims serve in Provincial and civic legislatures and school boards while conservative Calgary re-elected a Muslim as mayor. 25000 Syrian refugees have just arrived who no doubt will continue to contribute to the mosaic called Canada.


10:15 AM GMT+0800
What could go wrong?


10:10 AM GMT+0800
Nothing. Except in your imagination.


10:15 AM GMT+0800
You should try picking up some Islamic source texts. Reading is fundamental.


Nia Provenzano
6:14 AM GMT+0800
It's because Muslims are out breeding Germans and rising to power.Libyan dictatar Khaddafi said Muslims would take over the West without firing a shot.By mass migration and
heavy breeding way past Westerners.Europeans averaging two children will not make a dent in a Muslim population averaging five per couple.AVERAGE.Not unusual to have children into the double digits.


6:26 AM GMT+0800 [Edited]
@NIA Provenzano
"It's because Muslims are out breeding Germans and rising to power.Libyan dictatar Khaddafi said Muslims would take over the West without firing a shot.By mass migration and
heavy breeding way past Westerners.Europeans averaging two children will not make a dent in a Muslim population averaging five per couple.AVERAGE.Not unusual to have children into the double digits."
Why is it that people like you think that you can post blatant lies which every 10-year-old can falsify within 2 minutes just by looking it up in an online dictionary and get away with it?
Fertility in Syria is 2.3 and in Turkey 2.1. (That's why Erdogan is whining all day that Turkish women should have more children .... but they don't.)

为什么像你这类人总认为可以这样满口胡话, 然后拍拍屁股走人, 这些谎言连十岁的孩子一上网两分钟内都可以揭穿。
叙利亚平均每对夫妇2.3个孩子,土耳其是2.1(这就是埃尔多安为什么整天喋喋不休土耳其妇女应该多生育的原因 ......但是她们不想生〉

8:04 AM GMT+0800
@Nia Provenzano
"People registering so called Migrants
say only 3% have any college at all.
80% range from 100% illiterate to
high school drop out level."
You got caught posting lies and respond by posting more lies. No such people like you mention exist. You pulled it out of thin air. You have no source for it because you invented it.


8:26 AM GMT+0800 [Edited]
"Germany has largely led by example successfully assimilating and integrating Muslim immigrants into German life (and culture) and the rest of the EU can learn from that."
Unfortunately not really.
A major part of the German society was aware of the problem setup by the early 80s. There was a rather good official report about it by ... I think 1982. What happened next was German conservatives developing a mantra: "Germany is no immigration country Germany is no immigration country Germany..." It was as if they were convinced that praying this 5 times a day would make those people somehow go away while the real figures were growing. 1999 was the last time that a German conservative (Robert Koch in Hessen) won an election carried by xenophobia and racism. So we lost two decades and the future of a whole generation of young immigrants was sacrificed. (Which of course also means that they do not contribute to society as they normally could have done.)
Within the last 15 years Germany has indeed started to act more intelligently and it needs to be said that meanwhile this includes our conservatives.

德国很大一部分人意识到80年代初的移民社会问题。 关于这点直到,我想,1982年有不少官方报道。 接下来德国保守派宣扬一‘真言’:“德国不是移民国,德国不是移民国,德国......"好像他们认为祈祷五遍就可以让这些人离开然而实际上移民数目一直在增加。1999是最后一届德国保守派(黑森州的罗布特.科赫 )借助恐外和种族歧视情绪当选。由此我们荒废了二十年,代价是牺牲了整个一代的年轻移民的未来(这也意味着他们不能正常地为社会做贡献)。 在过去的十五年里,德国的确开始更明智地对待这方面的问题,需要指出的是这也包括我们的保守派。

Imran Khan
1:35 PM GMT+0800
Well it's not our fault that so many of you people need viagra!


5:39 AM GMT+0800
Western culture is very efficient in assimilating immigrants from places although sub-Saharan Africans still face barriers. The Jewish experience in America is paradigmatic. The first waves of Jewish immigration made a virtue of retaining their cultural identity and endogamous marriage preferences. A century later Jewish intermarriage rates are nearing 70 per cent and the descendants of what in Europe were often poor rural farmers and tradesmen have taken full opportunity of the opportunities America offers. The violence associated with the first few generations of Muslim immigrants will decline as secularism also transforms their cultures. Germany includes many citizens whose parents came from Poland Holland Italy England and elsewhere. Arabs too will become part of the mix.


5:48 AM GMT+0800
The problem with Islam that makes it different from all the rest is that the religion actually tells its followers to keep themselves apart from and to despise non Muslims and as a result they tend to form insular communities with their host countries and many of their children are raised isolated from the culture of the countries they have been born in. In order to integrate the immigrant has to be willing to do so in the first place and as the Muslim communities become ever larger it is increasingly obvious that they are becoming nations within nations and hostile ones at that where according to a very recent poll two thirds of the residents would not report one of their community to the police even if they knew he was preparing a terrorist act.


6:01 AM GMT+0800
I was born and raised into - and fled as soon as I could - a blue-blooded American cult called Apostolic Pentecostals that holds the same disdain for non-believers as what you ascribe to Muslims.
In fact there are even more liberal "christian" denominations that do the same - all with majority American-born practitioners.
So it's not just the Muslims ok?


5:16 AM GMT+0800
"Twilight In The Palace Of Reason"


5:15 AM GMT+0800
She won the seat by speaking the truth to the people and obviously they trust her judgement.


5:04 AM GMT+0800
The EU is an unholy alliance of left-wing authoritarianism and global high capital.
It is just the latest in a series of corrupt european empires and that's what makes a Brexit (for example) so necessary. European empires have always been nasty - and they have always failed in the past usually AFTER a cracking big WAR. The EU with it ultra-aggressive expansion policies will not be an exception. Reject Political Correctness. Reject the construction of the Global Corporate's New World Order.


When Muhterem Aras became the first Muslim house speaker of one of Germany's federal parliaments in May the time could not have been more sensitive. The country had just welcomed more than 1 million refugees in 2015 — many of them Muslims. For months tensions had risen between supporters and opponents of refugees.

今年五月,当穆特琳.阿拉斯成为德国联邦议会的第一个穆斯林众议院议长在时,这个时间点不可能更敏感了。2015年,该国刚刚迎来了超过一百万的难民 -他们中许多人是穆斯林。几个月来,支持和反对接纳难民者之间的紧张关系持续上升。

Parliamentary presidents' words carry particular weight because of their significance for bridging the divides between various parties. The office could enable Aras to become a significant counterweight to the Alternative for Germany an anti-foreigner party which has double-digit approval ratings in the polls at the moment.



SSeng Lim
1:40 PM GMT+0800
Germany the beginning of your nightmare.


10:09 AM GMT+0800
About 3% of Canadians are Muslims who now hold 13 seats with the federal government and one a woman appointed to cabinet a minister of the crown. Other Muslims serve in Provincial and civic legislatures and school boards while conservative Calgary re-elected a Muslim as mayor. 25000 Syrian refugees have just arrived who no doubt will continue to contribute to the mosaic called Canada.


10:15 AM GMT+0800
What could go wrong?


10:10 AM GMT+0800
Nothing. Except in your imagination.


10:15 AM GMT+0800
You should try picking up some Islamic source texts. Reading is fundamental.


Nia Provenzano
6:14 AM GMT+0800
It's because Muslims are out breeding Germans and rising to power.Libyan dictatar Khaddafi said Muslims would take over the West without firing a shot.By mass migration and
heavy breeding way past Westerners.Europeans averaging two children will not make a dent in a Muslim population averaging five per couple.AVERAGE.Not unusual to have children into the double digits.


6:26 AM GMT+0800 [Edited]
@NIA Provenzano
"It's because Muslims are out breeding Germans and rising to power.Libyan dictatar Khaddafi said Muslims would take over the West without firing a shot.By mass migration and
heavy breeding way past Westerners.Europeans averaging two children will not make a dent in a Muslim population averaging five per couple.AVERAGE.Not unusual to have children into the double digits."
Why is it that people like you think that you can post blatant lies which every 10-year-old can falsify within 2 minutes just by looking it up in an online dictionary and get away with it?
Fertility in Syria is 2.3 and in Turkey 2.1. (That's why Erdogan is whining all day that Turkish women should have more children .... but they don't.)

为什么像你这类人总认为可以这样满口胡话, 然后拍拍屁股走人, 这些谎言连十岁的孩子一上网两分钟内都可以揭穿。
叙利亚平均每对夫妇2.3个孩子,土耳其是2.1(这就是埃尔多安为什么整天喋喋不休土耳其妇女应该多生育的原因 ......但是她们不想生〉

8:04 AM GMT+0800
@Nia Provenzano
"People registering so called Migrants
say only 3% have any college at all.
80% range from 100% illiterate to
high school drop out level."
You got caught posting lies and respond by posting more lies. No such people like you mention exist. You pulled it out of thin air. You have no source for it because you invented it.


8:26 AM GMT+0800 [Edited]
"Germany has largely led by example successfully assimilating and integrating Muslim immigrants into German life (and culture) and the rest of the EU can learn from that."
Unfortunately not really.
A major part of the German society was aware of the problem setup by the early 80s. There was a rather good official report about it by ... I think 1982. What happened next was German conservatives developing a mantra: "Germany is no immigration country Germany is no immigration country Germany..." It was as if they were convinced that praying this 5 times a day would make those people somehow go away while the real figures were growing. 1999 was the last time that a German conservative (Robert Koch in Hessen) won an election carried by xenophobia and racism. So we lost two decades and the future of a whole generation of young immigrants was sacrificed. (Which of course also means that they do not contribute to society as they normally could have done.)
Within the last 15 years Germany has indeed started to act more intelligently and it needs to be said that meanwhile this includes our conservatives.

德国很大一部分人意识到80年代初的移民社会问题。 关于这点直到,我想,1982年有不少官方报道。 接下来德国保守派宣扬一‘真言’:“德国不是移民国,德国不是移民国,德国......"好像他们认为祈祷五遍就可以让这些人离开然而实际上移民数目一直在增加。1999是最后一届德国保守派(黑森州的罗布特.科赫 )借助恐外和种族歧视情绪当选。由此我们荒废了二十年,代价是牺牲了整个一代的年轻移民的未来(这也意味着他们不能正常地为社会做贡献)。 在过去的十五年里,德国的确开始更明智地对待这方面的问题,需要指出的是这也包括我们的保守派。

Imran Khan
1:35 PM GMT+0800
Well it's not our fault that so many of you people need viagra!


5:39 AM GMT+0800
Western culture is very efficient in assimilating immigrants from places although sub-Saharan Africans still face barriers. The Jewish experience in America is paradigmatic. The first waves of Jewish immigration made a virtue of retaining their cultural identity and endogamous marriage preferences. A century later Jewish intermarriage rates are nearing 70 per cent and the descendants of what in Europe were often poor rural farmers and tradesmen have taken full opportunity of the opportunities America offers. The violence associated with the first few generations of Muslim immigrants will decline as secularism also transforms their cultures. Germany includes many citizens whose parents came from Poland Holland Italy England and elsewhere. Arabs too will become part of the mix.


5:48 AM GMT+0800
The problem with Islam that makes it different from all the rest is that the religion actually tells its followers to keep themselves apart from and to despise non Muslims and as a result they tend to form insular communities with their host countries and many of their children are raised isolated from the culture of the countries they have been born in. In order to integrate the immigrant has to be willing to do so in the first place and as the Muslim communities become ever larger it is increasingly obvious that they are becoming nations within nations and hostile ones at that where according to a very recent poll two thirds of the residents would not report one of their community to the police even if they knew he was preparing a terrorist act.


6:01 AM GMT+0800
I was born and raised into - and fled as soon as I could - a blue-blooded American cult called Apostolic Pentecostals that holds the same disdain for non-believers as what you ascribe to Muslims.
In fact there are even more liberal "christian" denominations that do the same - all with majority American-born practitioners.
So it's not just the Muslims ok?


5:16 AM GMT+0800
"Twilight In The Palace Of Reason"


5:15 AM GMT+0800
She won the seat by speaking the truth to the people and obviously they trust her judgement.


5:04 AM GMT+0800
The EU is an unholy alliance of left-wing authoritarianism and global high capital.
It is just the latest in a series of corrupt european empires and that's what makes a Brexit (for example) so necessary. European empires have always been nasty - and they have always failed in the past usually AFTER a cracking big WAR. The EU with it ultra-aggressive expansion policies will not be an exception. Reject Political Correctness. Reject the construction of the Global Corporate's New World Order.



女性穆斯林众议院议长……女性……这太不清真了,实施教法的话,她在黑名单上的排位会在异教徒之前吗?- -
sasin 发表于 2016-6-27 14:43
女性穆斯林众议院议长……女性……这太不清真了,实施教法的话,她在黑名单上的排位会在异教徒之前吗?- -
jialiang1949 发表于 2016-6-27 14:14

准备三站  真打起来就以征役令 征了 而且军法管制
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