
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 16:22:06
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com  

North Korea 'demanded $10 billion in cash and food' for summit with South

SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea demanded $10 billion in cash and half a million tons of food in 2009 as a precondition of holding a summit with the South, former South Korean president Lee Myung-bak said, adding that he refused to pay anything for holding talks.

路透社首尔1月29日电  韩国前总理李明博说,2009年朝鲜曾要求100亿美元现金、50万吨粮食,来作为与韩国进行首脑会议的前提条件,但李明博当时拒绝了为进行会谈付出任何代价。

A predecessor, Kim Dae-jung, held the first summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Il in 2000 and was credited with bringing in a period of warming ties, an achievement that was tarnished later by a revelation that he helped channel $500 million to the North.

金大中是在李明博之前的一任总理,他在2000年与朝鲜领导人金正日举行了第一次峰会,为这带来了两国关系一段回暖期。金大中曾因此备受赞誉,但后来却又被披露他向朝鲜投资了5亿美元,这次成果也因此蒙上了阴影。译文来源:龙腾网 HTTP://WWW.LTAAA.COM

The two Koreas remain technically at war because their 1950-53 war ended in a truce, not a peace treaty.


Lee, president from 2008 to 2013, said in a book to be published next week that he rejected the North's terms.


"The document looked like some sort of standardized 'summit bill' with its list of assistance we had to provide and the schedule written up," Lee said. Reuters obtained an advance copy of chapters on North Korea on Thursday.


The document referred to a list sent from the North "as a condition for a summit" that included 400,000 tons of rice, 100,000 tons of corn, 300,000 tons of fertilizer and $10 billion in capital the North would use to set up a bank.


"We shouldn't be haggling for a summit," Lee wrote.


Kim Dae-jung's successor, Roh Moo-hyun, met Kim Jong Il for a second summit in 2007.


Kim Jong Il continued to push for a summit with the South before he died in late 2011, but it did not materialize because he refused to acknowledge a 2010 torpedo attack on a South Korean naval vessel, Lee said in the book.


Lee, a conservative who pushed Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear weapons program, left office without meeting the North's leader.


The Cheonan was torpedoed in 2010, killing 46 sailors. South Korea blamed the North which denied any involvement.


Both Kim Jong Il's successor, Kim Jong Un, and current South Korean President Park Geun-hye said this month they were open to the idea of talks.


North Korea on Friday demanded the lifting of sanctions imposed by Lee's government after the 2010 sinking as a condition for resuming dialogue.

周五,朝鲜要求解除李明博政府自2010年天安舰沉没事件之后对朝鲜的制裁,以此作为恢复对话的条件。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com  

North Korea 'demanded $10 billion in cash and food' for summit with South

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2015-1-30 09:52 上传

SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea demanded $10 billion in cash and half a million tons of food in 2009 as a precondition of holding a summit with the South, former South Korean president Lee Myung-bak said, adding that he refused to pay anything for holding talks.

路透社首尔1月29日电  韩国前总理李明博说,2009年朝鲜曾要求100亿美元现金、50万吨粮食,来作为与韩国进行首脑会议的前提条件,但李明博当时拒绝了为进行会谈付出任何代价。

A predecessor, Kim Dae-jung, held the first summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Il in 2000 and was credited with bringing in a period of warming ties, an achievement that was tarnished later by a revelation that he helped channel $500 million to the North.

金大中是在李明博之前的一任总理,他在2000年与朝鲜领导人金正日举行了第一次峰会,为这带来了两国关系一段回暖期。金大中曾因此备受赞誉,但后来却又被披露他向朝鲜投资了5亿美元,这次成果也因此蒙上了阴影。译文来源:龙腾网 HTTP://WWW.LTAAA.COM

The two Koreas remain technically at war because their 1950-53 war ended in a truce, not a peace treaty.


Lee, president from 2008 to 2013, said in a book to be published next week that he rejected the North's terms.


"The document looked like some sort of standardized 'summit bill' with its list of assistance we had to provide and the schedule written up," Lee said. Reuters obtained an advance copy of chapters on North Korea on Thursday.


The document referred to a list sent from the North "as a condition for a summit" that included 400,000 tons of rice, 100,000 tons of corn, 300,000 tons of fertilizer and $10 billion in capital the North would use to set up a bank.


"We shouldn't be haggling for a summit," Lee wrote.


Kim Dae-jung's successor, Roh Moo-hyun, met Kim Jong Il for a second summit in 2007.


Kim Jong Il continued to push for a summit with the South before he died in late 2011, but it did not materialize because he refused to acknowledge a 2010 torpedo attack on a South Korean naval vessel, Lee said in the book.


Lee, a conservative who pushed Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear weapons program, left office without meeting the North's leader.


The Cheonan was torpedoed in 2010, killing 46 sailors. South Korea blamed the North which denied any involvement.


Both Kim Jong Il's successor, Kim Jong Un, and current South Korean President Park Geun-hye said this month they were open to the idea of talks.


North Korea on Friday demanded the lifting of sanctions imposed by Lee's government after the 2010 sinking as a condition for resuming dialogue.


flamdayek 发表于 2015-1-30 10:05

前总理 应该翻译有误,是前总统。
组成 发表于 2015-1-30 11:49
前总理 应该翻译有误,是前总统。