印度邀请日本参与Project 75I潜艇案竞标

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/05/04 20:26:29

来自印度时报(The times of india)的网站

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.c ... leshow/46049111.cms

德国、法国、西班牙、俄罗斯厂商当心了,印度Project 75I潜艇计画可能多一个竞争者日本。

印度总理莫迪(Modi)已经接洽日本首相安倍,询问日本是否有意参与Project 75I潜艇计画的竞标。

Project 75I是现在正执行的Project 75(向法国购买六艘鲉鱼型潜艇)的后续,打算购买六艘装备AIP的潜艇,目前计画预估总价值5000到8000亿卢比,2007年11月就评估必要性,但由于印度低落的官僚效率,一直到2014年10月25日印度政府才宣布正式开始执行,并打算在今年对世界各国合格的潜艇生产厂商发出需求徵询书(RFP)。德国TKMS、法国DCNS、西班牙纳凡提亚、俄罗斯武器出口公司等老面孔早已准备参与Project 75I多年。

India asks Japan if it’s interested in Rs 50,000 crore submarine project

NEW DELHI: Russia, France, Germany and Spain, all better watch out. They may have to contend with Japan in the race to supply submarines to India. In keeping with their expanding strategic partnership, the Modi government has asked the Shinzo Abe administration whether it would be interested in the over Rs 50,000 crore project to build six stealth submarines in India.

With Japan recently ending its decades old self-imposed arms export embargo, New Delhi has forwarded "a proposal" to Tokyo to "consider the possibility" of making its latest diesel-electric Soryu-class submarines in India, say sources.

This "feeler" dovetails into PM Narendra Modi's strategic outreach to Japan, as well as Australia and the US, since he took over last year. The possible sale of Japanese US-2i ShinMayva amphibious aircraft to the Indian Navy is already being discussed. Australia, too, is considering the Soryu submarines to replace its ageing Collins-class vessels.

READ ALSO: Rattled by Chinese submarines, India starts rebuilding fleet

The US, on its part, has been pushing for greater defence cooperation among India, Japan and Australia to counter China's assertiveness in the Asia-Pacific region. The recent Obama-Modi summit led to the "joint strategic vision for Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean Region" with a direct reference to South China Sea, where China is locked in territorial disputes with its neighbours. Both Japan and Australia are also keen to participate in the annual Indo-US Malabar naval exercise on a regular basis, which has riled China in the past.

But the 4,200-tonne Soryu submarines, manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Kawasaki Heavy Industries, may not meet Indian requirements. Japan will also be just one of the contenders for the mega programme, called Project-75-India, if it agrees to throw its hat into the ring.

Countries like France (ship-builder DCNS), Germany (HDW), Russia (Rosoboronexport) and Spain (Navantia) are already girding up, with the first three having the experience of building submarines for India.

READ ALSO: Rs 80,000 cr worth defence projects cleared, 6 subs to be built in India

The six new submarines, with both land-attack missile capabilities and air-independent propulsion for greater underwater endurance, are to be built at an Indian shipyard with foreign collaboration. "If Japan is really interested, it will have to form a joint venture with an Indian public/private shipyard," said the source.

The Modi government wants to kick-start Project-75-I, which has not taken off due to politico-bureaucratic apathy since being accorded "acceptance of necessity" in November 2007, in the backdrop of India's rapidly depleting conventional submarine fleet.

READ ALSO: India's first nuclear submarine heads for sea trials

A high-level committee, led by Vice Admiral AV Subhedar, is slated to submit a report to the defence ministry next month on the domestic shipyards which are capable of submarine-manufacturing. "The tender or RFP (request for proposal) to the shipyards should be issued this year," he said.

The Soryu submarines, incidentally, were inducted into the Japanese maritime self-defence force from 2009 onwards. Already equipped with AIP, Japan is now working to install lithium-ion battery propulsion systems in its next-generation of the Soryu submarines.

来自印度时报(The times of india)的网站

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.c ... leshow/46049111.cms

德国、法国、西班牙、俄罗斯厂商当心了,印度Project 75I潜艇计画可能多一个竞争者日本。

印度总理莫迪(Modi)已经接洽日本首相安倍,询问日本是否有意参与Project 75I潜艇计画的竞标。

Project 75I是现在正执行的Project 75(向法国购买六艘鲉鱼型潜艇)的后续,打算购买六艘装备AIP的潜艇,目前计画预估总价值5000到8000亿卢比,2007年11月就评估必要性,但由于印度低落的官僚效率,一直到2014年10月25日印度政府才宣布正式开始执行,并打算在今年对世界各国合格的潜艇生产厂商发出需求徵询书(RFP)。德国TKMS、法国DCNS、西班牙纳凡提亚、俄罗斯武器出口公司等老面孔早已准备参与Project 75I多年。

India asks Japan if it’s interested in Rs 50,000 crore submarine project

NEW DELHI: Russia, France, Germany and Spain, all better watch out. They may have to contend with Japan in the race to supply submarines to India. In keeping with their expanding strategic partnership, the Modi government has asked the Shinzo Abe administration whether it would be interested in the over Rs 50,000 crore project to build six stealth submarines in India.

With Japan recently ending its decades old self-imposed arms export embargo, New Delhi has forwarded "a proposal" to Tokyo to "consider the possibility" of making its latest diesel-electric Soryu-class submarines in India, say sources.

This "feeler" dovetails into PM Narendra Modi's strategic outreach to Japan, as well as Australia and the US, since he took over last year. The possible sale of Japanese US-2i ShinMayva amphibious aircraft to the Indian Navy is already being discussed. Australia, too, is considering the Soryu submarines to replace its ageing Collins-class vessels.

READ ALSO: Rattled by Chinese submarines, India starts rebuilding fleet

The US, on its part, has been pushing for greater defence cooperation among India, Japan and Australia to counter China's assertiveness in the Asia-Pacific region. The recent Obama-Modi summit led to the "joint strategic vision for Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean Region" with a direct reference to South China Sea, where China is locked in territorial disputes with its neighbours. Both Japan and Australia are also keen to participate in the annual Indo-US Malabar naval exercise on a regular basis, which has riled China in the past.

But the 4,200-tonne Soryu submarines, manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Kawasaki Heavy Industries, may not meet Indian requirements. Japan will also be just one of the contenders for the mega programme, called Project-75-India, if it agrees to throw its hat into the ring.

Countries like France (ship-builder DCNS), Germany (HDW), Russia (Rosoboronexport) and Spain (Navantia) are already girding up, with the first three having the experience of building submarines for India.

READ ALSO: Rs 80,000 cr worth defence projects cleared, 6 subs to be built in India

The six new submarines, with both land-attack missile capabilities and air-independent propulsion for greater underwater endurance, are to be built at an Indian shipyard with foreign collaboration. "If Japan is really interested, it will have to form a joint venture with an Indian public/private shipyard," said the source.

The Modi government wants to kick-start Project-75-I, which has not taken off due to politico-bureaucratic apathy since being accorded "acceptance of necessity" in November 2007, in the backdrop of India's rapidly depleting conventional submarine fleet.

READ ALSO: India's first nuclear submarine heads for sea trials

A high-level committee, led by Vice Admiral AV Subhedar, is slated to submit a report to the defence ministry next month on the domestic shipyards which are capable of submarine-manufacturing. "The tender or RFP (request for proposal) to the shipyards should be issued this year," he said.

The Soryu submarines, incidentally, were inducted into the Japanese maritime self-defence force from 2009 onwards. Already equipped with AIP, Japan is now working to install lithium-ion battery propulsion systems in its next-generation of the Soryu submarines.
那个鱿鱼级貌似还没搞定吧,现在又出后续计划了?来自: iPhone客户端
感觉阿三天天都在买东西啊 真有钱
lsksolomon 发表于 2015-1-30 08:05
法国的东西最好别买 不是一般贵。德国214级也不错又便宜 干嘛不买德国的。不知道三锅怎么想的
乐不思蜀 发表于 2015-1-30 10:08
早就黄了,法国人要加价,印度人不干,法国人就撤了,印度人又找了西班牙人接手,对,就是点错小数点,潜 ...
嘻嘻哈哈恰恰 发表于 2015-1-30 10:43
法国的东西最好别买 不是一般贵。德国214级也不错又便宜 干嘛不买德国的。不知道三锅怎么想的
法国的东西最好别买 不是一般贵。德国214级也不错又便宜 干嘛不买德国的。不知道三锅怎么想的
买过德国货 还自行建造不过造得不好
濒海战斗舰 发表于 2015-1-30 11:12
eb208 发表于 2015-1-30 08:04
zyssn571 发表于 2015-1-30 12:10
我估计他家所有工业产品都这个尿 ...