
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/05/02 23:48:32
The Racial Tensions Lurking Under the Surface of American Society


Even as they quickly condemn the likes of Donald Sterling, surveys reveal whites have serious misgivings about a more diverse nation.

虽然Donald Sterling迅速被主流舆论谴责,调查显示,白人对美国的种族多元化趋势正变得越来越担忧。

Typically, April showers bring May flowers. This year, however, April also delivered a torrent of racially charged issues to the national stage. In Michigan, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the ban on university-admissions programs that use race as a criterion in college admissions. Clippers owner Donald Sterling ignited a firestorm when a recording surfaced in which he asked his mixed-race girlfriend not to post photos of herself with black people on Instagram or bring black people to NBA games. Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy garnered support from Senator Rand Paul and other prominent conservatives in the wake of his standoff with the federal government over cattle grazing rights. But most supporters hurried to distance themselves from Bundy when he offered these stunning remarks at a news conference:

和往年一样,四月的细雨灌溉出五月的花海。但是今年的四月更在全美范围内带来了一系列的种族事件。美国最高法院支持了一项旨在阻止密歇根州在大学入学时用新生的种族作为一项入学标准的禁令。快船队的老板Donald Sterling因为自己的一段录音被曝光而卷入了舆论风暴,其内容为他对自己的混血女友说不要再把她和黑人的合影上传到网上,也不要明目张胆和黑人一起去看NBA比赛(此文说得很委婉, 真相请自行百度)。内华达州的一名农场主Cliven Bundy在和联邦政府关于放牧权的争执中一开始得到了参议院Rand Paul 及其他著名保守分子的支持,但他们很快在Buncy在记者发布会上发表了以下言论之后对他避之不及:

I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro …. They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy?


The nearly unanimous denunciations of both Sterling and Bundy makes clear that as nation, we have moved beyond the point where blatantly racist statements are publicly acceptable, easily explained away, and carry no real consequences.


When did this happen? While cultural shifts are difficult to pin down, there is good evidence that the country reached a tipping point in attitudes about racism sometime in the mid-1990s. For example, the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation’s largest Protestant denomination and an anchor of southern culture, finally came around to offering a sober apology for its former defense of slavery, Jim Crow segregation, and racism at its 1995 annual meeting in Atlanta.


Google’s Ngram viewer allows us to assess the relative usage frequency of the words “prejudice” and “racism” in American English books over time, revealing a confirming pattern. The frequency of the more generic word “prejudice” remains relatively stable from 1900 through 1970, when it begins to decline. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the more normative word “racism” did not appear until 1902, and its usage only begins to pick up in the mid-1960s just as major federal civil-rights legislation is passing. The term “racism” rises through the early 1970s, declines during the Reagan-era 1980s, but then rises sharply again in the 1990s. Most notably, the term “racism,” which relies both on the acknowledgment of racial bias and on a shared normative negative judgment, outpaces the term “prejudice”for the first time in the early 1990s and significantly exceeds it by the mid-1990s.


Well before the election of the first black president in 2008, the condemnation of direct and open expressions of racism had become a social norm. While the fading acceptability of openly racist attitudes is to be celebrated, it clearly does not mean that race no longer matters or that racial tensions and anxieties have disappeared. In her scathing dissent in the Michigan case, Justice Sonia Sotomayor chastised her colleagues for downplaying the continuing significance of race:

于是在2008年选出第一个黑人总统之前,对于公开的种族言论表示谴责就已经是一种常态了。虽然对于种族言论的容忍程度在降低这一点是可喜的,但这并不意味着种族差异,或者种族之间的冲突已经不存在了。美国高院大法官Sonia Sotomayor在对给予密歇根州的禁令表示强烈反对的同时,对她的同僚纵容这种给持续而明显的种族问题盖盖子的行为表示了这样的谴责:

Race matters…. This refusal to accept the stark reality that race matters is regrettable. The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to speak openly and candidly on the subject of race, and to apply the Constitution with eyes open to the unfortunate effects of centuries of racial discrimination.


For civil-rights activists, the challenge is that the open racism of the past may transmute into what Ta-Nehisi Coates describes as an “elegant racism” that is less visible and that “disguises itself in the national vocabulary, avoids epithets and didacticism,” For researchers, journalists, and policymakers, the new challenge is that this positive social norm may make the public less willing to speak openly and candidly about race, a problem social scientists call “social-desirability bias.”

对民权活动家来说,面对的挑战应该是过去公开的种族歧视可能正转变为像Ta-Nehisi Coates(黑人作家,大西洋月刊的编辑)所说的“隐性歧视”,它的形式是不易察觉的,而且在公众舆论中伪装成没有歧视性称呼和不公开声明自己目的的形式。对于研究者,记者和政策制定者来说,他们要面对的问题是在这种社会风气影响下,公众已经不喜欢公开而坦诚地谈论种族问题,社会科学研究者将这种问题称为“社会倾向偏差化”

Recent research reveals that social-desirability bias remains active in the measurement of white anxieties about the changing racial composition of the country. In early 2013, the Public Religion Research Institute team set up a controlled survey experiment designed to assess anxieties concerning the changing racial makeup of the country. First, we asked respondents to tell telephone interviewers whether they agreed or disagreed with the statement, “The idea of an America where most people are not white bothers me.” Among whites, 13 percent admitted to an interviewer that the idea of a majority-minority America bothers them. There was only modest variation among white subgroups, ranging from 10 percent of younger whites young than 50 years of age at the low end to 18 percent of white Republicans at the high end who said an America that is not mostly white concerns them.

最近的研究表明,在白人对这个国家的种族发生改变表示焦虑时,这种社会倾向偏差化便加剧了。在2013年初,公众宗教研究中心设置了一个实验,内容为社会种族组成对人的焦虑程度的影响,首先让受访者在电话中回答这样一个问题“你是否同意下面这个句子里的内容,如果美国大部分人不是白人, 你会感到困扰。”有13%的白人受访者直接对调查者表示这的确会对他们造成困扰,而把白人群体进一步划分后,对这句话表示赞同比例最低的是50岁以下的年轻白人,占其总数的10%,而比例最高的是18%的共和党人。

Next, we employed a technique called a list experiment, which is designed to allow respondents to indirectly express their views on sensitive subjects. We divided the survey respondents into two demographically identical groups and asked each group to tell us how many, but not which specific items from a list bothered them. One group was designated as a control group and received three control statements, while the other group was designated as a treatment group and received the same three control statements plus a fourth statement that read, “An America that is not mostly white.” Because the control and treatment groups were demographically identical, any variation in the average number of statements chosen between the groups is solely attributable to respondents in the treatment group picking the treatment statement. For any subgroup (but not for an individual), then, one can statistically estimate the proportion of respondents choosing the treatment statement by subtracting the mean number of statements chosen by the treatment group from the mean number of statements chosen by the control group. That number is presented in the chart below as the “indirect response.”


The indirect responses revealed significant social-desirability bias at work across all white subgroups and produced a much more dramatic spread in opinions among white respondents. Among white Americans overall, the indirect measure was nearly 20 percentage points higher than the direct measure (31 percent versus 13 percent). White non-born-again Christians and white non-southerners register the lowest indirect measures of concern, but even with these groups there is a double-digit social-desirability-bias effect at play. For example, while only 13 percent of whites outside the South say a majority-minority country bothers them, fully one-quarter register this opinion when the indirect measure is used.


Notably, the racial anxiety differences between white Republicans and white Democrats are significant on the direct question, with white Republicans more likely than white Democrats to say a majority non-white country bothers them (18 percent versus 11 percent). But this apparent difference disappears with the indirect measure; when white Democrats are given the opportunity to register this opinion indirectly, those expressing concern over racial changes jumps from 11 percent to 33 percent, while white Republicans expressing concern rises from 18 percent to 30 percent.


White born-again Protestants and white southerners, two overlapping groups, register both the highest indirect measures of anxiety about racial changes in the country and the strongest social-desirability-bias effect. When asked by a telephone interviewer directly about whether an America that is not mostly white bothers them, only 15 percent of white born-again Protestants are willing to agree. But that number climbs a stunning 35 percentage points when the question is posed indirectly. Similarly, the difference between the direct and indirect question among white southerners is 26 percentage points, 16 percent when asked directly but 42 percent when asked indirectly.


The core of Sotomayor’s dissent was that even after significant civil-rights legislation has passed, the Southern Baptist denomination has apologized, and the nation has elected a black president, race still matters. The data suggest we are still living in a liminal time, when outright racism is nearly universally condemned but when white Americans still carry significant unspoken anxiety and negative feelings about the shifting racial balance in the country.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:Utne 转载请注明出处
论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-296696-1-1.htmlArcite • a month ago
The balance therefore is shifting to an eventual multiracial majority, a bit of everything.


Faith Science Arcite • a month ago
  The most segregated cities are :
  New York
  St Louis
  Los Angeles

美国种族冲突最严重的十个城市, 并贴出一个链接:
http://www.salon.com/2011/03/29/ ... ities/slide_show/9/

Fair Dinkum Arcite • a month ago
Will someone please explain why whites shouldn't feel anxious about becoming a minority in a country where they were once the dominant political, cultural and demographic majority? How can that possibly be a good thing for us?
Whites are the only people who are seriously expected not to care about race. Clearly something has gone horribly wrong with our society and culture.

有人能告诉我为毛我们白人不能对自己正在变成少数民族感到担忧么? 白人明明曾在文化上,政治上都曾占绝对优势,怎么现在这种趋势对我们来说还是好事不成?

Steve • a month ago
Have any of you ever set foot outside the United States? The US is far and away the global leader when it comes to racial sensitivity. Virtually everywhere else on earth (with the exception of a handful of European countries, Canada, etc) blatant racism is the norm. Countries like China and Japan are racist in ways we can barely fathom.
Racism -- xenophobia more gernally -- is the default condition of humanity. Every human being is to some extent racist, not least "enlightened" liberals (there is nothing more dangerous than thinking yourself pure in these matters). It takes tremendous effort to overcome this "original sin", and the United States has done far more of the heavy lifting than any other culture. There is still a long, long way to go, however I'm as sick and tired of left-wingers vilifying America as I am sick and tired of right-wingers pretending there's no problem in the first place.


http://www.ltaaa.com/wtfy/13367.htmlThe Racial Tensions Lurking Under the Surface of American Society


Even as they quickly condemn the likes of Donald Sterling, surveys reveal whites have serious misgivings about a more diverse nation.

虽然Donald Sterling迅速被主流舆论谴责,调查显示,白人对美国的种族多元化趋势正变得越来越担忧。

Typically, April showers bring May flowers. This year, however, April also delivered a torrent of racially charged issues to the national stage. In Michigan, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the ban on university-admissions programs that use race as a criterion in college admissions. Clippers owner Donald Sterling ignited a firestorm when a recording surfaced in which he asked his mixed-race girlfriend not to post photos of herself with black people on Instagram or bring black people to NBA games. Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy garnered support from Senator Rand Paul and other prominent conservatives in the wake of his standoff with the federal government over cattle grazing rights. But most supporters hurried to distance themselves from Bundy when he offered these stunning remarks at a news conference:

和往年一样,四月的细雨灌溉出五月的花海。但是今年的四月更在全美范围内带来了一系列的种族事件。美国最高法院支持了一项旨在阻止密歇根州在大学入学时用新生的种族作为一项入学标准的禁令。快船队的老板Donald Sterling因为自己的一段录音被曝光而卷入了舆论风暴,其内容为他对自己的混血女友说不要再把她和黑人的合影上传到网上,也不要明目张胆和黑人一起去看NBA比赛(此文说得很委婉, 真相请自行百度)。内华达州的一名农场主Cliven Bundy在和联邦政府关于放牧权的争执中一开始得到了参议院Rand Paul 及其他著名保守分子的支持,但他们很快在Buncy在记者发布会上发表了以下言论之后对他避之不及:

I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro …. They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy?


The nearly unanimous denunciations of both Sterling and Bundy makes clear that as nation, we have moved beyond the point where blatantly racist statements are publicly acceptable, easily explained away, and carry no real consequences.


When did this happen? While cultural shifts are difficult to pin down, there is good evidence that the country reached a tipping point in attitudes about racism sometime in the mid-1990s. For example, the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation’s largest Protestant denomination and an anchor of southern culture, finally came around to offering a sober apology for its former defense of slavery, Jim Crow segregation, and racism at its 1995 annual meeting in Atlanta.


Google’s Ngram viewer allows us to assess the relative usage frequency of the words “prejudice” and “racism” in American English books over time, revealing a confirming pattern. The frequency of the more generic word “prejudice” remains relatively stable from 1900 through 1970, when it begins to decline. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the more normative word “racism” did not appear until 1902, and its usage only begins to pick up in the mid-1960s just as major federal civil-rights legislation is passing. The term “racism” rises through the early 1970s, declines during the Reagan-era 1980s, but then rises sharply again in the 1990s. Most notably, the term “racism,” which relies both on the acknowledgment of racial bias and on a shared normative negative judgment, outpaces the term “prejudice”for the first time in the early 1990s and significantly exceeds it by the mid-1990s.


Well before the election of the first black president in 2008, the condemnation of direct and open expressions of racism had become a social norm. While the fading acceptability of openly racist attitudes is to be celebrated, it clearly does not mean that race no longer matters or that racial tensions and anxieties have disappeared. In her scathing dissent in the Michigan case, Justice Sonia Sotomayor chastised her colleagues for downplaying the continuing significance of race:

于是在2008年选出第一个黑人总统之前,对于公开的种族言论表示谴责就已经是一种常态了。虽然对于种族言论的容忍程度在降低这一点是可喜的,但这并不意味着种族差异,或者种族之间的冲突已经不存在了。美国高院大法官Sonia Sotomayor在对给予密歇根州的禁令表示强烈反对的同时,对她的同僚纵容这种给持续而明显的种族问题盖盖子的行为表示了这样的谴责:

Race matters…. This refusal to accept the stark reality that race matters is regrettable. The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to speak openly and candidly on the subject of race, and to apply the Constitution with eyes open to the unfortunate effects of centuries of racial discrimination.


For civil-rights activists, the challenge is that the open racism of the past may transmute into what Ta-Nehisi Coates describes as an “elegant racism” that is less visible and that “disguises itself in the national vocabulary, avoids epithets and didacticism,” For researchers, journalists, and policymakers, the new challenge is that this positive social norm may make the public less willing to speak openly and candidly about race, a problem social scientists call “social-desirability bias.”

对民权活动家来说,面对的挑战应该是过去公开的种族歧视可能正转变为像Ta-Nehisi Coates(黑人作家,大西洋月刊的编辑)所说的“隐性歧视”,它的形式是不易察觉的,而且在公众舆论中伪装成没有歧视性称呼和不公开声明自己目的的形式。对于研究者,记者和政策制定者来说,他们要面对的问题是在这种社会风气影响下,公众已经不喜欢公开而坦诚地谈论种族问题,社会科学研究者将这种问题称为“社会倾向偏差化”

Recent research reveals that social-desirability bias remains active in the measurement of white anxieties about the changing racial composition of the country. In early 2013, the Public Religion Research Institute team set up a controlled survey experiment designed to assess anxieties concerning the changing racial makeup of the country. First, we asked respondents to tell telephone interviewers whether they agreed or disagreed with the statement, “The idea of an America where most people are not white bothers me.” Among whites, 13 percent admitted to an interviewer that the idea of a majority-minority America bothers them. There was only modest variation among white subgroups, ranging from 10 percent of younger whites young than 50 years of age at the low end to 18 percent of white Republicans at the high end who said an America that is not mostly white concerns them.

最近的研究表明,在白人对这个国家的种族发生改变表示焦虑时,这种社会倾向偏差化便加剧了。在2013年初,公众宗教研究中心设置了一个实验,内容为社会种族组成对人的焦虑程度的影响,首先让受访者在电话中回答这样一个问题“你是否同意下面这个句子里的内容,如果美国大部分人不是白人, 你会感到困扰。”有13%的白人受访者直接对调查者表示这的确会对他们造成困扰,而把白人群体进一步划分后,对这句话表示赞同比例最低的是50岁以下的年轻白人,占其总数的10%,而比例最高的是18%的共和党人。

Next, we employed a technique called a list experiment, which is designed to allow respondents to indirectly express their views on sensitive subjects. We divided the survey respondents into two demographically identical groups and asked each group to tell us how many, but not which specific items from a list bothered them. One group was designated as a control group and received three control statements, while the other group was designated as a treatment group and received the same three control statements plus a fourth statement that read, “An America that is not mostly white.” Because the control and treatment groups were demographically identical, any variation in the average number of statements chosen between the groups is solely attributable to respondents in the treatment group picking the treatment statement. For any subgroup (but not for an individual), then, one can statistically estimate the proportion of respondents choosing the treatment statement by subtracting the mean number of statements chosen by the treatment group from the mean number of statements chosen by the control group. That number is presented in the chart below as the “indirect response.”


The indirect responses revealed significant social-desirability bias at work across all white subgroups and produced a much more dramatic spread in opinions among white respondents. Among white Americans overall, the indirect measure was nearly 20 percentage points higher than the direct measure (31 percent versus 13 percent). White non-born-again Christians and white non-southerners register the lowest indirect measures of concern, but even with these groups there is a double-digit social-desirability-bias effect at play. For example, while only 13 percent of whites outside the South say a majority-minority country bothers them, fully one-quarter register this opinion when the indirect measure is used.


Notably, the racial anxiety differences between white Republicans and white Democrats are significant on the direct question, with white Republicans more likely than white Democrats to say a majority non-white country bothers them (18 percent versus 11 percent). But this apparent difference disappears with the indirect measure; when white Democrats are given the opportunity to register this opinion indirectly, those expressing concern over racial changes jumps from 11 percent to 33 percent, while white Republicans expressing concern rises from 18 percent to 30 percent.


White born-again Protestants and white southerners, two overlapping groups, register both the highest indirect measures of anxiety about racial changes in the country and the strongest social-desirability-bias effect. When asked by a telephone interviewer directly about whether an America that is not mostly white bothers them, only 15 percent of white born-again Protestants are willing to agree. But that number climbs a stunning 35 percentage points when the question is posed indirectly. Similarly, the difference between the direct and indirect question among white southerners is 26 percentage points, 16 percent when asked directly but 42 percent when asked indirectly.


The core of Sotomayor’s dissent was that even after significant civil-rights legislation has passed, the Southern Baptist denomination has apologized, and the nation has elected a black president, race still matters. The data suggest we are still living in a liminal time, when outright racism is nearly universally condemned but when white Americans still carry significant unspoken anxiety and negative feelings about the shifting racial balance in the country.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:Utne 转载请注明出处
论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-296696-1-1.htmlArcite • a month ago
The balance therefore is shifting to an eventual multiracial majority, a bit of everything.


Faith Science Arcite • a month ago
  The most segregated cities are :
  New York
  St Louis
  Los Angeles

美国种族冲突最严重的十个城市, 并贴出一个链接:
http://www.salon.com/2011/03/29/ ... ities/slide_show/9/

Fair Dinkum Arcite • a month ago
Will someone please explain why whites shouldn't feel anxious about becoming a minority in a country where they were once the dominant political, cultural and demographic majority? How can that possibly be a good thing for us?
Whites are the only people who are seriously expected not to care about race. Clearly something has gone horribly wrong with our society and culture.

有人能告诉我为毛我们白人不能对自己正在变成少数民族感到担忧么? 白人明明曾在文化上,政治上都曾占绝对优势,怎么现在这种趋势对我们来说还是好事不成?

Steve • a month ago
Have any of you ever set foot outside the United States? The US is far and away the global leader when it comes to racial sensitivity. Virtually everywhere else on earth (with the exception of a handful of European countries, Canada, etc) blatant racism is the norm. Countries like China and Japan are racist in ways we can barely fathom.
Racism -- xenophobia more gernally -- is the default condition of humanity. Every human being is to some extent racist, not least "enlightened" liberals (there is nothing more dangerous than thinking yourself pure in these matters). It takes tremendous effort to overcome this "original sin", and the United States has done far more of the heavy lifting than any other culture. There is still a long, long way to go, however I'm as sick and tired of left-wingers vilifying America as I am sick and tired of right-wingers pretending there's no problem in the first place.


Donald Sterling 说实话被迫害,这就是种族岐视