
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/05/03 02:28:30

原文地址:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ ... lieve-promises.html

Cameron will call for Britain to LEAVE the European Union if he fails in bid to claw powers back from Brussels

(简介:英国首相接受BBC采访, 以对欧政策开场,主要还是为两周后议会大选拉票,结果被网友痛批)

By Matt Chorley, Mailonline Political Editor   11 May 2014

作者:马特·乔利,每日邮报时政编辑           5月11日,2014年

David Cameron today signalled he would call for Britain to leave the European Union if Brussels refuses his demands for change. The Prime Minister said he would not 'sit on the fence' in the in-out referendum he has vowed to hold by the end of 2017, after trying to renegotiate the UK's membership.


But he repeatedly insisted he remains confident his plan to overhaul the EU's powers will be successful. The PM wants to make it harder for migrants to claim the dole, stop child benefit being sent to families living across the EU, a guarantee that Britain will never be forced to join the Euro and an exemption from the aim of 'ever closer union'.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Dutch PM Mark Rutte has suggested they are willing to act on benefits and red-tape.  Mr Cameron said he was increasingly confident that a deal could be reached. The renegotiation is expected to start soon after the general election in 2015, before a promised in-out referendum before the end of 2017.


But Mr Cameron faced repeated questions about whether he whether he would back leaving the EU if his renegotiation failed. Asked by the BBC's Andrew Marr if he would give a clear recommendation to the British people to vote yes or no in the referendum, Mr Cameron replied: 'Of course, I am not going to sit on the fence.'

He added: 'We have the referendum whether or not I have successfully negotiated. I think the negotiation will be successful.' He insisted that he is confident of reaching agreement across to EU for changes which means he could recommend staying in.


' I am tremendously upbeat, bullish and optimistic about what Britain can achieve in terms of our our economy but also our place in Europe.' Mr Cameron reiterated his pledge that he will not become Prime Minister if he cannot deliver an in-out referendum. It means that such a vote will be a deal breaker for any future coalition with the Lib Dems. It also suggests Mr Cameron would quit as Tory leader, rather than lead a minority Conservative government.

“我无论是对英国的经济成就还是在欧盟内的政治地位都感到信心十足。”卡梅伦还重申了他之前的承诺,如果公投失败他将辞去首相一职。 这意味着公投将会成为自由民主党联盟未来的大忌,这同时还表明了卡梅伦辞去保守党党魁总好过领导一个少数党政府。

With less than two weeks to go until the European elections, Mr Cameron set out more of the changes he wants to see in Britain's relationship with Brussels. He said: 'We are very clear about what we want to achieve. Let's end benefit tourism, let's make sure the single market is properly safeguarded.

(译者注:1 福利旅游:英国近年来十分头痛的事,就是随着欧盟的扩大,援引欧盟的规定进入英国的外国人与日居多,在那里就业、定居,享受英国的福利。这种现象,英国政府把它叫做benefit tourism,其实它不是真正意义上的“旅游”,而是欧盟中一些低福利的国家向像英国这样福利较好的国家移民的现象。 2 单一市场:英国商界担心融入欧洲单一市场会让英国国家经济利益受损,尤其是欧盟的进一步整合,成员国将要出让部分权力给布鲁塞尔。)

'Let's make sure that Parliaments can get together and block unwelcome proposals from the European Commission. 'Let's make a series of changes to make Europe more flexible, more competitive. Those are the sorts of things I want to see.'


The government has already increased to the three months the time migrants must wait before they can claim benefits after they arrive in the UK. Mr Cameron said he wanted the limit to be much longer, adding: 'We need to make sure that the freedom to move to work is about just that. It's to go and get a job, it's not to claim.'


He also wants to stop millions of pounds being sent abroad each year in child benefit for children who live elsewhere in the EU. There are around 24,000 families claiming for 40,000 children, with two-thirds of the children based in Poland. Mr Cameron said he had not made 'anybody who thinks that is sensible' but admitted that under existing EU rules 'it seems impossible to change that'.


The Prime Minister said he could 'absolutely' give a cast-iron guarantee that the vote would go ahead in 2017 if he is returned to No 10. But the comment will draw unhelpful comparisons with his last 'cast-iron' promise - to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty - which never happened because the treaty was passed by the EU before Mr Cameron came to power.

首相说他可以“铁定”承诺在2017之前举行公投只要他能回到唐宁街10号。但此言会引发无谓的对比,他上次“铁定” 承诺对里斯本条约发动公投就没兑现-因为欧盟在卡梅伦上台前就通过了。

Earlier Mr Cameron told sceptics that he 'gets it' after previous plans to offer them a referendum on British membership of the European Union did not materialise. But the Conservative leader insisted that his party is the only 'credible' option. The Tories face an electoral drubbing on May 22, possibly even pushed into third behind UkIP and Labour.


Ukip leader Nigel Farage has boasted that he will trigger a 'political earthquake' by topping the polls. Earlier Mr Cameron issued a direct plea to undecided voters to back his plans for Europe in this month's elections - but admits that he understands their doubts over his ability to deliver.


Mr Cameron launched attacks on Labour - who are not offering voters a choice on Europe - and said that they are 'flailing around' on the economy. He also hit out at Ukip, characterising them as 'doom-mongers' who are convinced Britain's best days are over.


Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, he said that 'there is only one party with a credible plan in Europe', before reiterating his aim of securing concessions from the EU on immigration, trade, justice and ending the commitment to 'ever closer union'.


Pre-empting doubts over whether he will follow through on his promises, he said: 'If you’re reading this thinking “I’ve heard all this before” – I get it. 'I was watching, too, when Labour made Britain the doormat of Europe and signed British taxpayers up to eurozone bail-out funds. So I understand the scepticism.'

为了避免有人质疑他是否言行一致,他说“如果你看到这里想’这听着太耳熟了’-我能理解。 当工党把英国搞成欧盟的擦鞋垫和签署多项了提高税收以支持欧元区纾困基金的条款时,我也在观望。”

He then boasted of ways the Government had saved taxpayers from paying for bail-outs and a higher EU budget, before repeating his recent promise to resign if the referendum doesn't happen. The Prime Minister also took an apparent swipe at Mr Farage, mocking his pessimism, although he does not directly name him, with a reference to Dad's Army character Private Frazer.


He said: 'There are politicians who refuse to be upbeat about Britain. To them, pessimism equals patriotism. They insist that our best days are behind us and that everything is bound to get worse. 'Like Private Frazer politicians they're perennially crying out that 'we're all doomed'.'  By contrast, Mr Cameron said that he and his party are 'optimistic' about the future of Britain.

他说:“有些政客不看好英国,对他们来说悲观跟爱国是一回事。他们坚信一切都是昨日黄花且江河日下。就像大兵弗雷泽那样整天嚎丧’我们在劫难逃’”。 相比之下,卡梅伦声称他和保守党对不列颠未来“满怀信心”。

Polling has indicated Nigel Farage's party will come first in the UK's European Parliament results, with the Conservatives pushed into a humiliating third place.


评论-以得赞数量顺序无漏截取(Best rated)

Fellman, Penrith, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Blah Blah Blah. Still voting UKIP. And so is everyone I know. 嘘151/ 赞2480(以下都是前嘘后赞)


1 Tesa, Dorchester, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
You could believe him if he had already started negotiating and had some results to report, but why is he leaving it so late? The polish MEP Haas already said they would veto any changes because they would affect polish people. Cameron doesn't get it at all, I'm voting UKIP.  5 /299


2 kangaroo92, bristol, 1 day ago
I think many people who love to portray themselves as left-wing liberals will vote UKIP once in the secrecy of the voting cubicle.     8/216


3 Expat, Shanghai, China, 1 day ago
How many articles are reading each day about how our once Great Country is being run down by a few and all most of us do is whinge, it's time you lot stood up and Voted for the ONLY alternative. UKIP. Also, remember you Labour Voters, you Keep Voting for them and if you haven't Realized yet that Blair, Brown and rest are no more Labour than Cameron, you shouldn't be voting. Where I used to live, a Pig could stand for Labour and still win, wake up now before it's too late.   4/206


4 DAVID YAZ, ELTHAM, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Another deceit beloved by pro EU propagandists is to pretend that one of the advantages of membership is all the money Britain receives from Brussels in grants and subsidies. What they fail to explain, of course, is that all this money was handed over by British taxpayers in the first place, and that we have merely received part of our own money back. What they also fail to explain is that many grants are only paid on condition that ¿matching funding¿ of 50 percent or more is provided by the UK government, so that for every pound returned by Brussels the taxpayer can end up contributing 3 pounds. But all this is hidden away, and the grant is publicised as if it was simply another example of Brussels largesse and of the benefits of belonging to the EU. Vote UKIP for the truth and transparency.    4/232


5 john, Britain Needs YOU, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
He knows full well that he is out on his neck 2015 and there is every probability we will have to suffer a Limp/Liebor coalition!! And boy do we all know where that will take this country further down into the EU attempt at controlling the UK politically and financially because thats exactly what he wants and when its to late the Conservative can point the blame elsewhere! OUR ONLY HOPE IS UKIP..    3/239


6 Paw Lean, Manchester, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
IKIP, UKIP. We have nothing to lose and a great deal to win.  4/ 233


7 Di, Stevenage, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Posted my UKIP votes this morning!!                9/267


8 Buttercup, Near Toronto, Canada, 1 day ago
Cameron: Promises, promises.....and more promises! Folks that I know in the UK are all onto you! Have been for years!                    5/188


9 UKIP Thatcherite, Vienna, Austria, 1 day ago
Cameron told El Pais (Spanish newspaper) in 2009 that he'd keep Britain in the EU whatever a referendum's outcome.             1/201


10 Moradin, Dartford, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Everyone i know, is voting UKIP, in 2014 AND 2015.                3/ 205


Cheryl - whitby, Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
It's UKIP all the way, Cameron has so lost what British people want.   82/1854


1 Goth, Milton Keynes, 1 day ago
It’s not just cameron.....the rest of the main partys lost the plot too.    5/250


2 Martin JP, Bradford, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Cheryl. Except UKIP are a party in name only. They just don't have enough candidate material ever to form a government, or even a significant coalition partner. They're just an admiration society and poster campaign for a one man BS merchant. They're not attracting gifted joiners either.   65/3


3  SimonThe1st, ENGLAND, United Kingdom, 23 hours ago
If UK Most British people want uncontrolled mass imm!gration stopped. The ONLY way to achieve this is to vote UKIP into a position of influence. EVERY vote counts.     1/ 64


4 Martin JP, Bradford, United Kingdom, 22 hours ago
Simon. A set of initials and election posters can never exert executive influence. Who are the PEOPLE in UKIP who would do this? They haven't got ANYONE, have they?        80/5

楼上的,拼凑出来的选举海报就是镜花水月。独立党谁会出来制止移民? 他们都找不出个像样的家伙,不是么?

6 SimonThe1st, ENGLAND, United Kingdom, 21 hours ago
Martin - Paul Nuttal, Steven Woolfe, Suzanne Evans, Diane James, Roger Helmer etc. 2/62


UKipper, England, 1 day ago
Broken promises by any political leader does not give the voters any confidence in them to run the country for a second time, especially when they make grovelling last minute pleas!  42/1766


1 perryorchard, Hartlepool, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
I always believed that attempts to manipulate the outcome of an election were illegal. If David Cameron wants to put out a manifesto with all these promises and commitments then so be it. Until then he is breaking the law when he makes promises to entice me to vote for him - AGAIN - WHICH I AM NEVER, NEVER GOING TO DO SO AGAIN, AFTER 65 YEARS OF VOTING BLUE.17/594

(译者注:“VOTING BLUE”就是投票给保守党。在大选中蓝色代表保守党、红色代表工党、黄色代表自由民主党。)

2 UKIP Thatcherite, Vienna, Austria, 1 day ago
You're a fool if you voted for the CONservatives for 65 years...            100/159

原文地址:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ ... lieve-promises.html

Cameron will call for Britain to LEAVE the European Union if he fails in bid to claw powers back from Brussels

(简介:英国首相接受BBC采访, 以对欧政策开场,主要还是为两周后议会大选拉票,结果被网友痛批)

By Matt Chorley, Mailonline Political Editor   11 May 2014

作者:马特·乔利,每日邮报时政编辑           5月11日,2014年

David Cameron today signalled he would call for Britain to leave the European Union if Brussels refuses his demands for change. The Prime Minister said he would not 'sit on the fence' in the in-out referendum he has vowed to hold by the end of 2017, after trying to renegotiate the UK's membership.


But he repeatedly insisted he remains confident his plan to overhaul the EU's powers will be successful. The PM wants to make it harder for migrants to claim the dole, stop child benefit being sent to families living across the EU, a guarantee that Britain will never be forced to join the Euro and an exemption from the aim of 'ever closer union'.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Dutch PM Mark Rutte has suggested they are willing to act on benefits and red-tape.  Mr Cameron said he was increasingly confident that a deal could be reached. The renegotiation is expected to start soon after the general election in 2015, before a promised in-out referendum before the end of 2017.


But Mr Cameron faced repeated questions about whether he whether he would back leaving the EU if his renegotiation failed. Asked by the BBC's Andrew Marr if he would give a clear recommendation to the British people to vote yes or no in the referendum, Mr Cameron replied: 'Of course, I am not going to sit on the fence.'

He added: 'We have the referendum whether or not I have successfully negotiated. I think the negotiation will be successful.' He insisted that he is confident of reaching agreement across to EU for changes which means he could recommend staying in.


' I am tremendously upbeat, bullish and optimistic about what Britain can achieve in terms of our our economy but also our place in Europe.' Mr Cameron reiterated his pledge that he will not become Prime Minister if he cannot deliver an in-out referendum. It means that such a vote will be a deal breaker for any future coalition with the Lib Dems. It also suggests Mr Cameron would quit as Tory leader, rather than lead a minority Conservative government.

“我无论是对英国的经济成就还是在欧盟内的政治地位都感到信心十足。”卡梅伦还重申了他之前的承诺,如果公投失败他将辞去首相一职。 这意味着公投将会成为自由民主党联盟未来的大忌,这同时还表明了卡梅伦辞去保守党党魁总好过领导一个少数党政府。

With less than two weeks to go until the European elections, Mr Cameron set out more of the changes he wants to see in Britain's relationship with Brussels. He said: 'We are very clear about what we want to achieve. Let's end benefit tourism, let's make sure the single market is properly safeguarded.

(译者注:1 福利旅游:英国近年来十分头痛的事,就是随着欧盟的扩大,援引欧盟的规定进入英国的外国人与日居多,在那里就业、定居,享受英国的福利。这种现象,英国政府把它叫做benefit tourism,其实它不是真正意义上的“旅游”,而是欧盟中一些低福利的国家向像英国这样福利较好的国家移民的现象。 2 单一市场:英国商界担心融入欧洲单一市场会让英国国家经济利益受损,尤其是欧盟的进一步整合,成员国将要出让部分权力给布鲁塞尔。)

'Let's make sure that Parliaments can get together and block unwelcome proposals from the European Commission. 'Let's make a series of changes to make Europe more flexible, more competitive. Those are the sorts of things I want to see.'


The government has already increased to the three months the time migrants must wait before they can claim benefits after they arrive in the UK. Mr Cameron said he wanted the limit to be much longer, adding: 'We need to make sure that the freedom to move to work is about just that. It's to go and get a job, it's not to claim.'


He also wants to stop millions of pounds being sent abroad each year in child benefit for children who live elsewhere in the EU. There are around 24,000 families claiming for 40,000 children, with two-thirds of the children based in Poland. Mr Cameron said he had not made 'anybody who thinks that is sensible' but admitted that under existing EU rules 'it seems impossible to change that'.


The Prime Minister said he could 'absolutely' give a cast-iron guarantee that the vote would go ahead in 2017 if he is returned to No 10. But the comment will draw unhelpful comparisons with his last 'cast-iron' promise - to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty - which never happened because the treaty was passed by the EU before Mr Cameron came to power.

首相说他可以“铁定”承诺在2017之前举行公投只要他能回到唐宁街10号。但此言会引发无谓的对比,他上次“铁定” 承诺对里斯本条约发动公投就没兑现-因为欧盟在卡梅伦上台前就通过了。

Earlier Mr Cameron told sceptics that he 'gets it' after previous plans to offer them a referendum on British membership of the European Union did not materialise. But the Conservative leader insisted that his party is the only 'credible' option. The Tories face an electoral drubbing on May 22, possibly even pushed into third behind UkIP and Labour.


Ukip leader Nigel Farage has boasted that he will trigger a 'political earthquake' by topping the polls. Earlier Mr Cameron issued a direct plea to undecided voters to back his plans for Europe in this month's elections - but admits that he understands their doubts over his ability to deliver.


Mr Cameron launched attacks on Labour - who are not offering voters a choice on Europe - and said that they are 'flailing around' on the economy. He also hit out at Ukip, characterising them as 'doom-mongers' who are convinced Britain's best days are over.


Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, he said that 'there is only one party with a credible plan in Europe', before reiterating his aim of securing concessions from the EU on immigration, trade, justice and ending the commitment to 'ever closer union'.


Pre-empting doubts over whether he will follow through on his promises, he said: 'If you’re reading this thinking “I’ve heard all this before” – I get it. 'I was watching, too, when Labour made Britain the doormat of Europe and signed British taxpayers up to eurozone bail-out funds. So I understand the scepticism.'

为了避免有人质疑他是否言行一致,他说“如果你看到这里想’这听着太耳熟了’-我能理解。 当工党把英国搞成欧盟的擦鞋垫和签署多项了提高税收以支持欧元区纾困基金的条款时,我也在观望。”

He then boasted of ways the Government had saved taxpayers from paying for bail-outs and a higher EU budget, before repeating his recent promise to resign if the referendum doesn't happen. The Prime Minister also took an apparent swipe at Mr Farage, mocking his pessimism, although he does not directly name him, with a reference to Dad's Army character Private Frazer.


He said: 'There are politicians who refuse to be upbeat about Britain. To them, pessimism equals patriotism. They insist that our best days are behind us and that everything is bound to get worse. 'Like Private Frazer politicians they're perennially crying out that 'we're all doomed'.'  By contrast, Mr Cameron said that he and his party are 'optimistic' about the future of Britain.

他说:“有些政客不看好英国,对他们来说悲观跟爱国是一回事。他们坚信一切都是昨日黄花且江河日下。就像大兵弗雷泽那样整天嚎丧’我们在劫难逃’”。 相比之下,卡梅伦声称他和保守党对不列颠未来“满怀信心”。

Polling has indicated Nigel Farage's party will come first in the UK's European Parliament results, with the Conservatives pushed into a humiliating third place.


评论-以得赞数量顺序无漏截取(Best rated)

Fellman, Penrith, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Blah Blah Blah. Still voting UKIP. And so is everyone I know. 嘘151/ 赞2480(以下都是前嘘后赞)


1 Tesa, Dorchester, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
You could believe him if he had already started negotiating and had some results to report, but why is he leaving it so late? The polish MEP Haas already said they would veto any changes because they would affect polish people. Cameron doesn't get it at all, I'm voting UKIP.  5 /299


2 kangaroo92, bristol, 1 day ago
I think many people who love to portray themselves as left-wing liberals will vote UKIP once in the secrecy of the voting cubicle.     8/216


3 Expat, Shanghai, China, 1 day ago
How many articles are reading each day about how our once Great Country is being run down by a few and all most of us do is whinge, it's time you lot stood up and Voted for the ONLY alternative. UKIP. Also, remember you Labour Voters, you Keep Voting for them and if you haven't Realized yet that Blair, Brown and rest are no more Labour than Cameron, you shouldn't be voting. Where I used to live, a Pig could stand for Labour and still win, wake up now before it's too late.   4/206


4 DAVID YAZ, ELTHAM, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Another deceit beloved by pro EU propagandists is to pretend that one of the advantages of membership is all the money Britain receives from Brussels in grants and subsidies. What they fail to explain, of course, is that all this money was handed over by British taxpayers in the first place, and that we have merely received part of our own money back. What they also fail to explain is that many grants are only paid on condition that ¿matching funding¿ of 50 percent or more is provided by the UK government, so that for every pound returned by Brussels the taxpayer can end up contributing 3 pounds. But all this is hidden away, and the grant is publicised as if it was simply another example of Brussels largesse and of the benefits of belonging to the EU. Vote UKIP for the truth and transparency.    4/232


5 john, Britain Needs YOU, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
He knows full well that he is out on his neck 2015 and there is every probability we will have to suffer a Limp/Liebor coalition!! And boy do we all know where that will take this country further down into the EU attempt at controlling the UK politically and financially because thats exactly what he wants and when its to late the Conservative can point the blame elsewhere! OUR ONLY HOPE IS UKIP..    3/239


6 Paw Lean, Manchester, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
IKIP, UKIP. We have nothing to lose and a great deal to win.  4/ 233


7 Di, Stevenage, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Posted my UKIP votes this morning!!                9/267


8 Buttercup, Near Toronto, Canada, 1 day ago
Cameron: Promises, promises.....and more promises! Folks that I know in the UK are all onto you! Have been for years!                    5/188


9 UKIP Thatcherite, Vienna, Austria, 1 day ago
Cameron told El Pais (Spanish newspaper) in 2009 that he'd keep Britain in the EU whatever a referendum's outcome.             1/201


10 Moradin, Dartford, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Everyone i know, is voting UKIP, in 2014 AND 2015.                3/ 205


Cheryl - whitby, Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
It's UKIP all the way, Cameron has so lost what British people want.   82/1854


1 Goth, Milton Keynes, 1 day ago
It’s not just cameron.....the rest of the main partys lost the plot too.    5/250


2 Martin JP, Bradford, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Cheryl. Except UKIP are a party in name only. They just don't have enough candidate material ever to form a government, or even a significant coalition partner. They're just an admiration society and poster campaign for a one man BS merchant. They're not attracting gifted joiners either.   65/3


3  SimonThe1st, ENGLAND, United Kingdom, 23 hours ago
If UK Most British people want uncontrolled mass imm!gration stopped. The ONLY way to achieve this is to vote UKIP into a position of influence. EVERY vote counts.     1/ 64


4 Martin JP, Bradford, United Kingdom, 22 hours ago
Simon. A set of initials and election posters can never exert executive influence. Who are the PEOPLE in UKIP who would do this? They haven't got ANYONE, have they?        80/5

楼上的,拼凑出来的选举海报就是镜花水月。独立党谁会出来制止移民? 他们都找不出个像样的家伙,不是么?

6 SimonThe1st, ENGLAND, United Kingdom, 21 hours ago
Martin - Paul Nuttal, Steven Woolfe, Suzanne Evans, Diane James, Roger Helmer etc. 2/62


UKipper, England, 1 day ago
Broken promises by any political leader does not give the voters any confidence in them to run the country for a second time, especially when they make grovelling last minute pleas!  42/1766


1 perryorchard, Hartlepool, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
I always believed that attempts to manipulate the outcome of an election were illegal. If David Cameron wants to put out a manifesto with all these promises and commitments then so be it. Until then he is breaking the law when he makes promises to entice me to vote for him - AGAIN - WHICH I AM NEVER, NEVER GOING TO DO SO AGAIN, AFTER 65 YEARS OF VOTING BLUE.17/594

(译者注:“VOTING BLUE”就是投票给保守党。在大选中蓝色代表保守党、红色代表工党、黄色代表自由民主党。)

2 UKIP Thatcherite, Vienna, Austria, 1 day ago
You're a fool if you voted for the CONservatives for 65 years...            100/159

感觉欧盟没有英国会更好!来自: Android客户端
我要抢二楼 发表于 2014-5-14 10:28