
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/05/01 01:10:47

China-Philippines navy spat captured on camera(相机下的中菲海军摩擦)
Journalists on board a Philippine ship have witnessed a Chinese coast guard vessel trying to block access to a disputed shoal in the South China Sea.(在菲律宾船上的记者目睹了中国海警船只试图阻止访问南中国海的浅滩)
The Chinese ship radioed to demand the crew turn around, or "take full responsibility" for their actions.(中国海警船通过无线电要求菲律宾船只回转,要不然会为自己的行为付出代价)
But the Philippine boat, ferrying food to troops stationed on the Second Thomas Shoal, managed to slip past.(但是菲律宾船只溜过海警船,运送食物给驻军在仁爱礁的菲律宾船只)
The shoal is one of many flashpoints in the area, where several countries have overlapping territorial claims.(该浅滩是多国家领土主张多有重叠的该区域的诸多摩擦点之一)
下面主要讲解仁爱礁一系列新事件的历史变革,主要提到了菲律宾想通过这次运送物资事件取得在国际社会上对于菲律宾的同情和支持(这也是带记者上船并照相的原因,BBC直接说明“They had been invited by the Philippine military to board the government vessel to show alleged bullying by Chinese vessels in the area.”他们被菲律宾军方邀请到船上以展现在该区域是如何的被中国欺压凌辱。


NO.2 miamiherald(不认识的外站呀,但是外文报道少的情况下只能如此了)
“About one hour away from Second Thomas Shoal, where the detachment is based, a Chinese coast guard ship marked "1141" twice crossed the bow of the smaller Philippine vessel in an attempt to stop it from proceeding. Another tailed the Filipino boat.”(在距离菲律宾搁浅船只的仁爱礁一小时路程的地方,一艏中国海警船两次越过菲方较小的船的船首阻止其前进。另外一首海警船则相应的尾随菲船)
“The Chinese radioed the Filipinos, telling them to stop. "You will take full responsibility for the consequences of your action," the voice said in English.”(中国海警船通过电台让菲方船只停船,“你将为你的行为负责”,他们用英语这样说道)
“The Filipino captain maneuvered his vessel to shallow waters where the Chinese ships couldn't sail to reach the marooned vessel, BRP Sierra Madre, which has become an awkward symbol of Philippine sovereignty in the remote offshore territory.”(船长驱动船只到达中国海警船没办法到达的浅水区,最终到达被困船只BPR sireea Madre,该被困船只已经成为菲律宾远洋海上领土的尴尬象征
“The confrontation at sea was witnessed by Associated Press journalists and more than a dozen other media members who were invited by the Philippine military to board the government vessel to show what Manila has described as "China's bullying" in the disputed waters.”(包括美联社在内的十几家媒体被菲军方邀请到该船只目睹该事情,以显示菲律宾成为的“被中国欺压凌辱”)


China-Philippines navy spat captured on camera(相机下的中菲海军摩擦)
Journalists on board a Philippine ship have witnessed a Chinese coast guard vessel trying to block access to a disputed shoal in the South China Sea.(在菲律宾船上的记者目睹了中国海警船只试图阻止访问南中国海的浅滩)
The Chinese ship radioed to demand the crew turn around, or "take full responsibility" for their actions.(中国海警船通过无线电要求菲律宾船只回转,要不然会为自己的行为付出代价)
But the Philippine boat, ferrying food to troops stationed on the Second Thomas Shoal, managed to slip past.(但是菲律宾船只溜过海警船,运送食物给驻军在仁爱礁的菲律宾船只)
The shoal is one of many flashpoints in the area, where several countries have overlapping territorial claims.(该浅滩是多国家领土主张多有重叠的该区域的诸多摩擦点之一)
下面主要讲解仁爱礁一系列新事件的历史变革,主要提到了菲律宾想通过这次运送物资事件取得在国际社会上对于菲律宾的同情和支持(这也是带记者上船并照相的原因,BBC直接说明“They had been invited by the Philippine military to board the government vessel to show alleged bullying by Chinese vessels in the area.”他们被菲律宾军方邀请到船上以展现在该区域是如何的被中国欺压凌辱。


NO.2 miamiherald(不认识的外站呀,但是外文报道少的情况下只能如此了)
“About one hour away from Second Thomas Shoal, where the detachment is based, a Chinese coast guard ship marked "1141" twice crossed the bow of the smaller Philippine vessel in an attempt to stop it from proceeding. Another tailed the Filipino boat.”(在距离菲律宾搁浅船只的仁爱礁一小时路程的地方,一艏中国海警船两次越过菲方较小的船的船首阻止其前进。另外一首海警船则相应的尾随菲船)
“The Chinese radioed the Filipinos, telling them to stop. "You will take full responsibility for the consequences of your action," the voice said in English.”(中国海警船通过电台让菲方船只停船,“你将为你的行为负责”,他们用英语这样说道)
“The Filipino captain maneuvered his vessel to shallow waters where the Chinese ships couldn't sail to reach the marooned vessel, BRP Sierra Madre, which has become an awkward symbol of Philippine sovereignty in the remote offshore territory.”(船长驱动船只到达中国海警船没办法到达的浅水区,最终到达被困船只BPR sireea Madre,该被困船只已经成为菲律宾远洋海上领土的尴尬象征
“The confrontation at sea was witnessed by Associated Press journalists and more than a dozen other media members who were invited by the Philippine military to board the government vessel to show what Manila has described as "China's bullying" in the disputed waters.”(包括美联社在内的十几家媒体被菲军方邀请到该船只目睹该事情,以显示菲律宾成为的“被中国欺压凌辱”)

到底除了补给还有什么?有建筑材料吗? 有说十吨物资的,是不是真的?
lch7178 发表于 2014-3-30 13:06
到底除了补给还有什么?有建筑材料吗? 有说十吨物资的,是不是真的?
Gato said he was determined to complete his supply mission despite the Chinese presence. "I will not let them stop us because our marines will starve," he said.(我必须完成使命让这些东西送到,因为被围困的会饿死)

The supply ship carried about 10 tons of food, including rice and canned goods, and water(10吨食物,包含粮食喝水)
lch7178 发表于 2014-3-30 13:06
到底除了补给还有什么?有建筑材料吗? 有说十吨物资的,是不是真的?