贴图:walking in space

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 02:50:26
Astronauts make walking in space look easy. But astronauts use a lot of tools and equipment to help them do their job and stay safe. This gallery is filled with photos of astronauts on spacewalks. The pictures show tools like handrails and foot restraints that astronauts use to move around on spacewalks. They show some of the work astronauts do on spacewalks and how spacewalkers stay safe. The gallery also highlights some of NASA's most historic spacewalks.

01.America's First Spacewalk (1965) 美国第一次太空行走
Astronaut Ed White performed the first American spacewalk during the Gemini 4 mission on June 3, 1965.
宇航员Ed White在双子座4任务中,执行第一次美国人太空行走,时间1965年6月3日。

02.Sticking Your Neck Out (1969) 探头
Apollo 9 astronaut David Scott stands inside the Apollo capsule with the hatch open. The Apollo 9 mission tested the docking of two spacecraft that would later take astronauts to the moon.
阿波罗9号宇航员David Scott站在打开舱门的阿波罗飞船里。阿波罗9号任务是测试两艘飞船对接为随后登月准备。

03.On the Way Home (1972) 回家
On the way back from the moon, Apollo 17 astronaut Ronald Evans went on a spacewalk. Evans brought in film from cameras outside the command and service module. Apollo 17 was the final Apollo mission to the moon.
在从月球返回途中,阿波罗17号宇航员Ronald Evans进行太空行走。指令和服务舱外的镜头记录了Evans。阿波罗17是最后一次阿波罗登月计划任务。

04.Making Repairs (1973) 维修
Skylab astronaut Owen Garriott works outside Skylab, America's first space station. Spacewalks on Skylab were the first time astronauts went outside to fix a problem with their spacecraft.
天空实验室宇航员Owen Garriott正在美国第一个空间站“天空实验室”外工作。这次太空行走是宇航员第一次出舱维修航天器的故障。

05.Shielded From the Sun (1973) 遮阳
Astronaut Jack Lousma helped install a solar shield on the Skylab space station. The shield protected part of Skylab from the sun's heat. Look closely in Lousma's helmet to see a reflection of Earth.
宇航员Jack Lousma辅助安装“天空实验室”空间站的太阳防护罩。防护罩保护“天空实验室”的一部分避免阳光的烘烤。近距离观察Lousma的头盔,可以看到地球的投影。

06.The Shuttle's First EVA (1983) 航天飞机第一次舱外活动
Astronaut Story Musgrave works in the payload bay of the space shuttle. Musgrave and astronaut Donald Peterson performed the first extravehicular activity, or spacewalk, outside the space shuttle on STS-6 in 1983.
宇航员Story Musgrave在航天飞机的载荷舱工作。Musgrave和宇航员Donald Peterson进行第一次舱外活动或叫太空行走,1983年航天飞机任务STS-6。

07.Free Floating (1984) 自由漂浮
Astronaut Bruce McCandless is seen floating above Earth. He is farther away from the safety of his spaceship than any astronaut had ever been. This was made possible by a jet pack on his back called the Manned Maneuvering Unit, or MMU. McCandless tested the MMU near the space shuttle. He then went "free-flying" to a distance of 320 feet away from the space shuttle.
宇航员Bruce McCandless看上去漂浮在地球上。他比历史上任何宇航员都要远离飞船的保护。这可能归功于他背部携带的喷气背包,人工机动单元或MMU。McCandless在航天飞机附近测试MMU,随后自由飞行至距离航天飞机320码远的地方。

08.First U.S. Woman Spacewalker (1984) 第一位美国女性太空行走
Astronaut Kathryn Sullivan was the first American woman to go on a spacewalk. She was a mission specialist on the STS-41G space shuttle mission.
宇航员Kathryn Sullivan是第一位美国女性进行太空行走。她是航天飞机任务STS-41G中的任务专员。

09.It Takes Three (1992) 三人组
Left to right, astronauts Richard Hieb, Thomas Akers and Pierre Thuot pull a satellite into the space shuttle's cargo bay for repairs. The STS-49 mission was the first time three astronauts went on a spacewalk together.
从左至右分别是宇航员Richard Hieb,Thomas Akers和Pierre Thuot,拖拽一颗卫星进入航天飞机的货舱进行维修。

10.Letting Go (1993) 任它去
Astronaut Kathy Thornton releases into space an old solar panel that was removed from the Hubble Space Telescope. The solar panel was damaged and was replaced with a new one.
宇航员Kathy Thornton将哈勃望远镜拆卸下来的一块旧太阳能电池板释放进入太空。这块太阳能电池板已经损坏,替换成一块新的。

11.Flying SAFER (1994) 漂浮的舱外活动简易救援装置
Astronaut Carl Meade (left) wears the backpack called SAFER. Astronaut Mark Lee stands connected to the space shuttle robotic arm. SAFER could be used to move an astronaut back to the spacecraft if he or she became untethered from the shuttle or International Space Station. Meade and Lee are almost 150 miles above Earth.
宇航员Carl Meade(左)穿着的背包叫做舱外活动简易救援装置(SAFER)。宇航员Mark Lee站在航天飞机的机械臂上。如果宇航员未连接保护绳索到航天飞机或国际空间站,SAFER可以用于移动宇航员返回航天器。

12.Two Peas in a Pod (1995) 一个豆荚两颗豆
Astronauts Bernard Harris Jr. (right), and Michael Foale (left) get ready to go on a spacewalk in the airlock of space shuttle Discovery. Harris was the first African-American to walk in space.
宇航员Bernard Harris Jr.(右)和Michael Foale(左)在发现号航天飞机的气闸舱中准备进行太空行走。Harris是第一位非洲裔美国人行走在太空。

13.Crane in Space (1997) 太空中的吊臂
Astronaut Takao Doi works with a 156-pound crane outside the space shuttle's cargo bay.
宇航员Takao Doi在航天飞机载荷舱外使用156磅(70.8千克)吊臂。

14.Hi, Mom! (1998) 嗨,妈妈!
Astronaut James Newman waves at the camera. He is holding on to a handrail of the Unity connecting module of the space station. His spacewalk lasted 7 hours and 21 minutes.
宇航员的James Newman在相机前挥手。他正握着空间站团结号连接舱外的扶手。这次太空行走历时7小时21分钟。

15.How Cool Is That! (2001) 那有多酷!
Astronaut Robert Curbeam dons, or puts on, his spacesuit before going on a spacewalk. He is wearing a liquid cooling and ventilation garment. This full bodysuit, worn under the spacesuit, keeps astronauts cool during a spacewalk.
宇航员Robert Curbeam,在进行太空行走前穿着宇航服。他正穿着一件液冷透气服。这个套装穿在宇航服内,为宇航员在太空行走中降温

16.Peeking Through the Window (2001) 从窗外窥视
Astronaut Scott Parazynski smiles as he peeks into the Destiny Laboratory window on the International Space Station.
宇航员Scott Parazynski在国际空间站命运号实验舱的舷窗外窥视微笑。

17.Hold on Tight (2002) 绑紧
Astronaut Piers Sellers works on the space station. He is using a foot restraint on the Canadarm2 robotic arm to keep from floating away.
宇航员Piers Sellers在空间站外工作。他利用加拿大机械臂2上的脚部固定装置以防止飘走。

18.Suited Up (2002) 整装
Astronaut John Herrington is suited up and ready to leave the airlock to begin a spacewalk. Herrington was the first Native American to walk in space.
宇航员John Herrington整装待发离开气闸舱开始太空行走。Herrington是第一位美国原住民行走在太空。

19.In the Shadows (2003) 在阴影中
Astronaut Chris Hadfield seems to be dangling upside down in the shadow of the International Space Station. But he is securely attached by the foot pedestal platform on the robotic arm.
宇航员Chris Hadfield像是倒悬在国际空间站的阴影中。但实际上他被安全的固定在机械臂的脚部基座平台。

20.Tethered to the Station (2006) 栓在空间站
Astronaut Joseph Tanner's tether line is pulled tightly as he moves outside the International Space Station. Although the tether looks thin, it is made of strong material called Kevlar.
当在国际空间站外移动时,宇航员Joseph Tanner的保护绳拉紧。尽管保护绳看起来很细,它由一种叫做“凯夫拉”高强度材料制成。

21.A Spacewalk in the Dark (2006) 在黑暗中太空行走
An astronaut's helmet has lights on it. When astronauts on a spacewalk are working in the dark, they can turn on the lights on their helmets.

22.Working Hard (2007) 努力工作
Astronaut Sunita Williams uses tools to do work outside the International Space Station. Williams was a flight engineer on Expedition 14. She lived on the station for 195 days. She went on four spacewalks for a total of 29 hours and 17 minutes.
宇航员Sunita Williams在国际空间站外使用工具完成工作。Williams是第14期远征队的飞行工程师。她在空间站上生活195天,进行四次太空行走,总共时间29小时17分钟。

23.A Really Big Job (2007) 真正的艰巨工作
Astronaut Scott Parazynski moves toward a tear in one of the space station's solar array blankets. He is attached to the end of the Orbiter Boom Sensor System, or OBSS. The OBSS is usually attached to the space shuttle robotic arm to make it longer. For this job, it was attached to the Canadarm2 robotic arm on the space station. The ride on the OBSS took 45 minutes from the station to the tear.
宇航员Scott Parazynski移动至空间站太阳能电池板撕裂处。他被固定在轨道器遥控臂传感器系统(OBSS)的末端。OBSS通常连接在航天飞机的机械臂上用于增加长度,这次任务中固定在国际空间站的加拿大机械臂2上。通过OBSS,从空间站移动到撕裂处需要45分钟时间。

24.A Cloudy Day (2007) 多云天
Astronaut Peggy Whitson holds the world record for the woman with the most spacewalks, with a total of five. This record was set while Whitson was the commander of Expedition 16.
宇航员Peggy Whitson保持女性太空行走次数最多的世界纪录,总共5次。这个纪录是她在担任第16期远征队指令长时创造的。

25.Record Holder (2007) 纪录保持者
Astronaut Michael Lopez-Alegria holds the American record for the amount of time spent walking in space. He has performed 10 spacewalks totaling 67 hours and 40 minutes. He was also the first Hispanic astronaut to perform a spacewalk.
宇航员Michael Lopez-Alegria保持太空行走总时间最长的美国纪录。他共执行10次太空行走,总时间67小时40分钟。他也是第一位西班牙裔宇航员执行太空行走。

26.When an Astronaut Flies By Your Window (2008) 当宇航员漂浮在窗前
Astronaut Rick Linnehan can be seen through a window on space shuttle Endeavour's flight deck.
宇航员Rick Linnehan可以从奋进号航天飞机飞行控制台的窗口看到。

27.Wish You Were Here (2008) 希望你在这里
Expedition 16 flight engineer Daniel Tani smiles while participating in an extravehicular activity outside the space station. Earth’s blue waters are far below.
第16期远征队飞行工程师Daniel Tani在微笑,他正执行空间站外的舱外活动。地球蓝色的海洋在远处。

28.Say Cheese (2008) 说“茄子”
Anchored to the Canadarm2 mobile foot restraint, STS-123 mission specialist Rick Linnehan takes a picture during the mission's third spacewalk.
STS-123任务专员Rick Linnehan固定在加拿大臂2的移动脚步固定装置上,是本次任务第三次太空行走中的照片。

29.Lost In Space (2008) 丢失在太空
A tool bag used during spacewalks drifts away from the space station. This happened during space shuttle mission STS-126. Grease from a grease gun had leaked into the bag. As the astronaut was cleaning the inside of the bag, it drifted away. The bag later entered Earth's atmosphere and burned up.

30.Tethered Tools (2009) 拴好工具
Even tools must be tethered in space. Astronauts always make sure their tools are connected to their spacesuits so the tools don't float away.

31.Really Big Camera (2009) 超级大相机
Astronaut Andrew Feustel helps install the Wide Field Camera 3 on the Hubble Space Telescope. The camera is about the size of a baby grand piano. He would not be able to hold something this heavy while on Earth.
宇航员Andrew Feustel辅助安装第三代广域照相机到哈勃望远镜。照相机大小有如一台平台式钢琴。宇航员在地球上可没有能力抱住这么重的东西。

32.Balancing Act (2009) 平衡行动
Astronauts Michael Good (left) and Mike Massimino (background) work on the Hubble Space Telescope. Tethers keep both astronauts from floating away from the telescope as they work.
宇航员Michael Good(左)和Mike Massimino(背景)维修哈勃望远镜。保护绳防止宇航员们在工作时飘离望远镜。

33.Tethers and Tools (2009) 保护绳和工具
Astronaut Christopher Cassidy wears many tools for his spacewalk outside the International Space Station. He is wearing a tether. It connects him to the station so he will not float away.
宇航员Christopher Cassidy携带很多工具用于国际空间站外的太空行走。他系一根保护绳连接到空间站以防止飘走。

34.Outside Hubble (2009) 在哈勃外面
Astronaut John Grunsfeld works on the Hubble Space Telescope during space shuttle mission STS-125. During the spacewalks, astronauts replaced parts that were no longer working and added new parts.
宇航员John Grunsfeld在航天飞机任务STS-125中维修哈勃望远镜。太空行走期间,宇航员替换不再工作的部件,并增加一些新部件。

35.Get Me Out! (2009) 让我出来
Astronaut Dave Wolf gets ready to enter the airlock on the International Space Station. Astronaut Christopher Cassidy’s feet and backpack are also visible.
宇航员Dave Wolf准备进入国际空间站的气闸舱。宇航员Christopher Cassidy的脚和背包也可以看到。

Astronauts make walking in space look easy. But astronauts use a lot of tools and equipment to help them do their job and stay safe. This gallery is filled with photos of astronauts on spacewalks. The pictures show tools like handrails and foot restraints that astronauts use to move around on spacewalks. They show some of the work astronauts do on spacewalks and how spacewalkers stay safe. The gallery also highlights some of NASA's most historic spacewalks.

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01.America's First Spacewalk (1965) 美国第一次太空行走
Astronaut Ed White performed the first American spacewalk during the Gemini 4 mission on June 3, 1965.
宇航员Ed White在双子座4任务中,执行第一次美国人太空行走,时间1965年6月3日。

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02.Sticking Your Neck Out (1969) 探头
Apollo 9 astronaut David Scott stands inside the Apollo capsule with the hatch open. The Apollo 9 mission tested the docking of two spacecraft that would later take astronauts to the moon.
阿波罗9号宇航员David Scott站在打开舱门的阿波罗飞船里。阿波罗9号任务是测试两艘飞船对接为随后登月准备。

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03.On the Way Home (1972) 回家
On the way back from the moon, Apollo 17 astronaut Ronald Evans went on a spacewalk. Evans brought in film from cameras outside the command and service module. Apollo 17 was the final Apollo mission to the moon.
在从月球返回途中,阿波罗17号宇航员Ronald Evans进行太空行走。指令和服务舱外的镜头记录了Evans。阿波罗17是最后一次阿波罗登月计划任务。

03.On the Way Home (1972).jpg (116.43 KB, 下载次数: 0)

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04.Making Repairs (1973) 维修
Skylab astronaut Owen Garriott works outside Skylab, America's first space station. Spacewalks on Skylab were the first time astronauts went outside to fix a problem with their spacecraft.
天空实验室宇航员Owen Garriott正在美国第一个空间站“天空实验室”外工作。这次太空行走是宇航员第一次出舱维修航天器的故障。

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05.Shielded From the Sun (1973) 遮阳
Astronaut Jack Lousma helped install a solar shield on the Skylab space station. The shield protected part of Skylab from the sun's heat. Look closely in Lousma's helmet to see a reflection of Earth.
宇航员Jack Lousma辅助安装“天空实验室”空间站的太阳防护罩。防护罩保护“天空实验室”的一部分避免阳光的烘烤。近距离观察Lousma的头盔,可以看到地球的投影。

05.Shielded From the Sun (1973).jpg (108.2 KB, 下载次数: 0)

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06.The Shuttle's First EVA (1983) 航天飞机第一次舱外活动
Astronaut Story Musgrave works in the payload bay of the space shuttle. Musgrave and astronaut Donald Peterson performed the first extravehicular activity, or spacewalk, outside the space shuttle on STS-6 in 1983.
宇航员Story Musgrave在航天飞机的载荷舱工作。Musgrave和宇航员Donald Peterson进行第一次舱外活动或叫太空行走,1983年航天飞机任务STS-6。

06.The Shuttle's First EVA (1983).jpg (110.5 KB, 下载次数: 0)

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07.Free Floating (1984) 自由漂浮
Astronaut Bruce McCandless is seen floating above Earth. He is farther away from the safety of his spaceship than any astronaut had ever been. This was made possible by a jet pack on his back called the Manned Maneuvering Unit, or MMU. McCandless tested the MMU near the space shuttle. He then went "free-flying" to a distance of 320 feet away from the space shuttle.
宇航员Bruce McCandless看上去漂浮在地球上。他比历史上任何宇航员都要远离飞船的保护。这可能归功于他背部携带的喷气背包,人工机动单元或MMU。McCandless在航天飞机附近测试MMU,随后自由飞行至距离航天飞机320码远的地方。

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08.First U.S. Woman Spacewalker (1984) 第一位美国女性太空行走
Astronaut Kathryn Sullivan was the first American woman to go on a spacewalk. She was a mission specialist on the STS-41G space shuttle mission.
宇航员Kathryn Sullivan是第一位美国女性进行太空行走。她是航天飞机任务STS-41G中的任务专员。

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09.It Takes Three (1992) 三人组
Left to right, astronauts Richard Hieb, Thomas Akers and Pierre Thuot pull a satellite into the space shuttle's cargo bay for repairs. The STS-49 mission was the first time three astronauts went on a spacewalk together.
从左至右分别是宇航员Richard Hieb,Thomas Akers和Pierre Thuot,拖拽一颗卫星进入航天飞机的货舱进行维修。

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10.Letting Go (1993) 任它去
Astronaut Kathy Thornton releases into space an old solar panel that was removed from the Hubble Space Telescope. The solar panel was damaged and was replaced with a new one.
宇航员Kathy Thornton将哈勃望远镜拆卸下来的一块旧太阳能电池板释放进入太空。这块太阳能电池板已经损坏,替换成一块新的。

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11.Flying SAFER (1994) 漂浮的舱外活动简易救援装置
Astronaut Carl Meade (left) wears the backpack called SAFER. Astronaut Mark Lee stands connected to the space shuttle robotic arm. SAFER could be used to move an astronaut back to the spacecraft if he or she became untethered from the shuttle or International Space Station. Meade and Lee are almost 150 miles above Earth.
宇航员Carl Meade(左)穿着的背包叫做舱外活动简易救援装置(SAFER)。宇航员Mark Lee站在航天飞机的机械臂上。如果宇航员未连接保护绳索到航天飞机或国际空间站,SAFER可以用于移动宇航员返回航天器。

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12.Two Peas in a Pod (1995) 一个豆荚两颗豆
Astronauts Bernard Harris Jr. (right), and Michael Foale (left) get ready to go on a spacewalk in the airlock of space shuttle Discovery. Harris was the first African-American to walk in space.
宇航员Bernard Harris Jr.(右)和Michael Foale(左)在发现号航天飞机的气闸舱中准备进行太空行走。Harris是第一位非洲裔美国人行走在太空。

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13.Crane in Space (1997) 太空中的吊臂
Astronaut Takao Doi works with a 156-pound crane outside the space shuttle's cargo bay.
宇航员Takao Doi在航天飞机载荷舱外使用156磅(70.8千克)吊臂。

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14.Hi, Mom! (1998) 嗨,妈妈!
Astronaut James Newman waves at the camera. He is holding on to a handrail of the Unity connecting module of the space station. His spacewalk lasted 7 hours and 21 minutes.
宇航员的James Newman在相机前挥手。他正握着空间站团结号连接舱外的扶手。这次太空行走历时7小时21分钟。

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15.How Cool Is That! (2001) 那有多酷!
Astronaut Robert Curbeam dons, or puts on, his spacesuit before going on a spacewalk. He is wearing a liquid cooling and ventilation garment. This full bodysuit, worn under the spacesuit, keeps astronauts cool during a spacewalk.
宇航员Robert Curbeam,在进行太空行走前穿着宇航服。他正穿着一件液冷透气服。这个套装穿在宇航服内,为宇航员在太空行走中降温

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16.Peeking Through the Window (2001) 从窗外窥视
Astronaut Scott Parazynski smiles as he peeks into the Destiny Laboratory window on the International Space Station.
宇航员Scott Parazynski在国际空间站命运号实验舱的舷窗外窥视微笑。

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17.Hold on Tight (2002) 绑紧
Astronaut Piers Sellers works on the space station. He is using a foot restraint on the Canadarm2 robotic arm to keep from floating away.
宇航员Piers Sellers在空间站外工作。他利用加拿大机械臂2上的脚部固定装置以防止飘走。

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18.Suited Up (2002) 整装
Astronaut John Herrington is suited up and ready to leave the airlock to begin a spacewalk. Herrington was the first Native American to walk in space.
宇航员John Herrington整装待发离开气闸舱开始太空行走。Herrington是第一位美国原住民行走在太空。

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19.In the Shadows (2003) 在阴影中
Astronaut Chris Hadfield seems to be dangling upside down in the shadow of the International Space Station. But he is securely attached by the foot pedestal platform on the robotic arm.
宇航员Chris Hadfield像是倒悬在国际空间站的阴影中。但实际上他被安全的固定在机械臂的脚部基座平台。

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20.Tethered to the Station (2006) 栓在空间站
Astronaut Joseph Tanner's tether line is pulled tightly as he moves outside the International Space Station. Although the tether looks thin, it is made of strong material called Kevlar.
当在国际空间站外移动时,宇航员Joseph Tanner的保护绳拉紧。尽管保护绳看起来很细,它由一种叫做“凯夫拉”高强度材料制成。

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21.A Spacewalk in the Dark (2006) 在黑暗中太空行走
An astronaut's helmet has lights on it. When astronauts on a spacewalk are working in the dark, they can turn on the lights on their helmets.

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22.Working Hard (2007) 努力工作
Astronaut Sunita Williams uses tools to do work outside the International Space Station. Williams was a flight engineer on Expedition 14. She lived on the station for 195 days. She went on four spacewalks for a total of 29 hours and 17 minutes.
宇航员Sunita Williams在国际空间站外使用工具完成工作。Williams是第14期远征队的飞行工程师。她在空间站上生活195天,进行四次太空行走,总共时间29小时17分钟。

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23.A Really Big Job (2007) 真正的艰巨工作
Astronaut Scott Parazynski moves toward a tear in one of the space station's solar array blankets. He is attached to the end of the Orbiter Boom Sensor System, or OBSS. The OBSS is usually attached to the space shuttle robotic arm to make it longer. For this job, it was attached to the Canadarm2 robotic arm on the space station. The ride on the OBSS took 45 minutes from the station to the tear.
宇航员Scott Parazynski移动至空间站太阳能电池板撕裂处。他被固定在轨道器遥控臂传感器系统(OBSS)的末端。OBSS通常连接在航天飞机的机械臂上用于增加长度,这次任务中固定在国际空间站的加拿大机械臂2上。通过OBSS,从空间站移动到撕裂处需要45分钟时间。

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24.A Cloudy Day (2007) 多云天
Astronaut Peggy Whitson holds the world record for the woman with the most spacewalks, with a total of five. This record was set while Whitson was the commander of Expedition 16.
宇航员Peggy Whitson保持女性太空行走次数最多的世界纪录,总共5次。这个纪录是她在担任第16期远征队指令长时创造的。

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25.Record Holder (2007) 纪录保持者
Astronaut Michael Lopez-Alegria holds the American record for the amount of time spent walking in space. He has performed 10 spacewalks totaling 67 hours and 40 minutes. He was also the first Hispanic astronaut to perform a spacewalk.
宇航员Michael Lopez-Alegria保持太空行走总时间最长的美国纪录。他共执行10次太空行走,总时间67小时40分钟。他也是第一位西班牙裔宇航员执行太空行走。

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26.When an Astronaut Flies By Your Window (2008) 当宇航员漂浮在窗前
Astronaut Rick Linnehan can be seen through a window on space shuttle Endeavour's flight deck.
宇航员Rick Linnehan可以从奋进号航天飞机飞行控制台的窗口看到。

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27.Wish You Were Here (2008) 希望你在这里
Expedition 16 flight engineer Daniel Tani smiles while participating in an extravehicular activity outside the space station. Earth’s blue waters are far below.
第16期远征队飞行工程师Daniel Tani在微笑,他正执行空间站外的舱外活动。地球蓝色的海洋在远处。

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28.Say Cheese (2008) 说“茄子”
Anchored to the Canadarm2 mobile foot restraint, STS-123 mission specialist Rick Linnehan takes a picture during the mission's third spacewalk.
STS-123任务专员Rick Linnehan固定在加拿大臂2的移动脚步固定装置上,是本次任务第三次太空行走中的照片。

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29.Lost In Space (2008) 丢失在太空
A tool bag used during spacewalks drifts away from the space station. This happened during space shuttle mission STS-126. Grease from a grease gun had leaked into the bag. As the astronaut was cleaning the inside of the bag, it drifted away. The bag later entered Earth's atmosphere and burned up.

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30.Tethered Tools (2009) 拴好工具
Even tools must be tethered in space. Astronauts always make sure their tools are connected to their spacesuits so the tools don't float away.

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31.Really Big Camera (2009) 超级大相机
Astronaut Andrew Feustel helps install the Wide Field Camera 3 on the Hubble Space Telescope. The camera is about the size of a baby grand piano. He would not be able to hold something this heavy while on Earth.
宇航员Andrew Feustel辅助安装第三代广域照相机到哈勃望远镜。照相机大小有如一台平台式钢琴。宇航员在地球上可没有能力抱住这么重的东西。

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32.Balancing Act (2009) 平衡行动
Astronauts Michael Good (left) and Mike Massimino (background) work on the Hubble Space Telescope. Tethers keep both astronauts from floating away from the telescope as they work.
宇航员Michael Good(左)和Mike Massimino(背景)维修哈勃望远镜。保护绳防止宇航员们在工作时飘离望远镜。

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33.Tethers and Tools (2009) 保护绳和工具
Astronaut Christopher Cassidy wears many tools for his spacewalk outside the International Space Station. He is wearing a tether. It connects him to the station so he will not float away.
宇航员Christopher Cassidy携带很多工具用于国际空间站外的太空行走。他系一根保护绳连接到空间站以防止飘走。

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34.Outside Hubble (2009) 在哈勃外面
Astronaut John Grunsfeld works on the Hubble Space Telescope during space shuttle mission STS-125. During the spacewalks, astronauts replaced parts that were no longer working and added new parts.
宇航员John Grunsfeld在航天飞机任务STS-125中维修哈勃望远镜。太空行走期间,宇航员替换不再工作的部件,并增加一些新部件。

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35.Get Me Out! (2009) 让我出来
Astronaut Dave Wolf gets ready to enter the airlock on the International Space Station. Astronaut Christopher Cassidy’s feet and backpack are also visible.
宇航员Dave Wolf准备进入国际空间站的气闸舱。宇航员Christopher Cassidy的脚和背包也可以看到。

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