
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 21:11:25


If it can be remotely controlled, then just jam all the signals and render it uncontrollable. It may just shoot all the way to the moon.


It probably has on-board programming with evasive maneuvers included. Who would remotely control a mach-10 missile? LOL You wanna hand-guide it like a video game with a joystick?


And America continues its downward spiral while we fight over tax cuts for the rich, economic inequality, gays, abortion and trickle-down economics, none of which are moving this country forward. Oh, yes, let's not forget our decline in math, science, engineering, and education over-all. Keep it up Congress, especially the Obstructionists and Fundamentalists, and the right-wing hate mongers who have no problem denigrating science, liberals, climate change and, worst of all, the President of the United States - being black doesn't give anyone else the right to destroy the country simply to destroy the man.



It is for high speed transportation for the rich to go to gamble on their floating casino. No Panic, and if transportation plan don't work, it will be only use for atmospheric research instrument.


The government sponsored cyber theft of military and industrial research and development by China costs the US one trillion dollars a year. And far more when increased defense spending is required as a result...

美国为了防范中国偷窃我们的军事和商业技术,每年要花费一百亿美元。而且还将逐年递增,因为我们每发明一件新武器,他们就想方设法来偷。realist 33 minutes ago

Or... the US could stop trying to make weapons that leave other people defenseless, then they won't steal American weapons tech. If you design weapons to kill people, you can bet your last dollar that they'll do everything possible to defend themselves. Your statement sounds like, "Damn neighbors! Every time I build a new gun to shoot him with (if I feel he's out of line), he steals the plans and builds one too! Why can't he just stop defending himself or at least as a courtesy, spend as much as me?"


USA had already controlled most of the countries in Asia. Troops are stationed in South Korea, japan, Australia etc. and its spy planes are flying up and down the eastern coast of China not to mention that their Navy is always exercising within 1000 miles off the coast of China. Of course China is jittery. Imagine if China or Russian navies were to sail within 1000 miles off the coast of California or Hawaii USA will be as jittery too.


The aging population of China, the huge disparity of men to women, and the increase in weapons makes China a very volatile super power.


OMG they are going to bomb arabs women and babies too?


Sounds like USA. Remember that USA is now embroiled in wars - Iraq and Afghanistan. It had been at war with Libya and is thinking about entering Syria and Iran. China does not even have troops outside its borders.


Ho - there are Chinese contractors connected to the PLA stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan right now to ensure the oil and minerals there keep flowing to China, as they have for eight years now.


原帖地址h t t p://bbs.tiexue.net/post2_7046358_1.html


If it can be remotely controlled, then just jam all the signals and render it uncontrollable. It may just shoot all the way to the moon.


It probably has on-board programming with evasive maneuvers included. Who would remotely control a mach-10 missile? LOL You wanna hand-guide it like a video game with a joystick?


And America continues its downward spiral while we fight over tax cuts for the rich, economic inequality, gays, abortion and trickle-down economics, none of which are moving this country forward. Oh, yes, let's not forget our decline in math, science, engineering, and education over-all. Keep it up Congress, especially the Obstructionists and Fundamentalists, and the right-wing hate mongers who have no problem denigrating science, liberals, climate change and, worst of all, the President of the United States - being black doesn't give anyone else the right to destroy the country simply to destroy the man.



It is for high speed transportation for the rich to go to gamble on their floating casino. No Panic, and if transportation plan don't work, it will be only use for atmospheric research instrument.


The government sponsored cyber theft of military and industrial research and development by China costs the US one trillion dollars a year. And far more when increased defense spending is required as a result...

美国为了防范中国偷窃我们的军事和商业技术,每年要花费一百亿美元。而且还将逐年递增,因为我们每发明一件新武器,他们就想方设法来偷。realist 33 minutes ago

Or... the US could stop trying to make weapons that leave other people defenseless, then they won't steal American weapons tech. If you design weapons to kill people, you can bet your last dollar that they'll do everything possible to defend themselves. Your statement sounds like, "Damn neighbors! Every time I build a new gun to shoot him with (if I feel he's out of line), he steals the plans and builds one too! Why can't he just stop defending himself or at least as a courtesy, spend as much as me?"


USA had already controlled most of the countries in Asia. Troops are stationed in South Korea, japan, Australia etc. and its spy planes are flying up and down the eastern coast of China not to mention that their Navy is always exercising within 1000 miles off the coast of China. Of course China is jittery. Imagine if China or Russian navies were to sail within 1000 miles off the coast of California or Hawaii USA will be as jittery too.


The aging population of China, the huge disparity of men to women, and the increase in weapons makes China a very volatile super power.


OMG they are going to bomb arabs women and babies too?


Sounds like USA. Remember that USA is now embroiled in wars - Iraq and Afghanistan. It had been at war with Libya and is thinking about entering Syria and Iran. China does not even have troops outside its borders.


Ho - there are Chinese contractors connected to the PLA stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan right now to ensure the oil and minerals there keep flowing to China, as they have for eight years now.


原帖地址h t t p://bbs.tiexue.net/post2_7046358_1.html
Come on, I wouldn't worry about China at all. Most Chinese people are still worrying about where is their next bowl of rice going to come from.


That may have been true 30 years ago, but it is not the reality now. China is a full on industrialized nation with a booming economy and true nuclear superpower status. Dismissing them would be a mistake.


Fully agree. Chinese are too much into making money not war. That is how they can export cheap goods when USA spend all its energy into making weapons. Recommend you guys read " The rise and fall of great powers" by Paul Kennedy

完全同意楼上。中国人现在只想挣钱,不想打仗。我们把所有的钱都用来制造武器和打仗,而他们则制造产品赚钱。推荐你看看Paul Kennedy的专著“超级大国的崛起和陷落”

The ones looking for their next bowl of rice are deffinately the ones you should be worried about. Hunger for food, wealth, power, or just to be #1 can and does drive people to do things they may not normally do. Keep paying your taxes and we'll hopefully keep ahead of the Chinese.


Frank: u haven't read papers or gone on internet for news for many years, right?


China is only a world factory. China is only following world technology, they never has a step ahead on world technology they just copy it.

China even can not produce a standard quality car. Just look out on the road you only see Japanese or American or European cars, no Chinese cars on the road around us.



China is so good at stealing technology and making their own stuff with it.

This may be more advanced than the US program... and no defense against hypersonic delivery.

Grab your ankles Obama fans and study Mandarin.




So why can't the US steal Chinese tech? Oh that's right not enough smart white christians working in science and space development programs, but the Bible instead.


Good grief Doce, I guess once Obama was elected thats when they decided to steal US tech. In reality land, they have been doing that way before Obama.


LOL, it is arrogant Americans like you make losers of America. The Russians were the first to sent up satellites and astronauts into orbit, so by conclusion USA stole their secrets? It is the rabbit and the tortoise race. If you fall asleep in complacency sooner or later others catches up. Simple as that.


....and they are still 25 years behind the US in terms of strength, technology, and fortitude. 50 years behind in tactical knowledge and experience. And they lack one major component to being a superpower - a willing populace. There are over a billion people in china and only a small amount of them would actually be willing to die for their country.


what planet do you live on ..their military is as big as the u.s.'s entire population

they will just keep coming and coming, by the time you kill the fhalf of the line the kids will be grown up and at the back of the line, coming and coming...



Oooh, 25 and 50. Big numbers considering there's no way to actually evaluate that (50 years to develop a technology for 1 country could take 10, 25, or 100 for another country). Just say 100 if it makes you feel better bud, but my guess is it doesn't cus if you really felt China posed no challenge, you wouldn't have rambled about all the "weaknesses" you think they have when the article just says they tested something.


Still in the Korean war the Chinese almost pushed back the U.N. force to the sea, not because they had better military equippement but only the power of numbers.

When 1 million Chinese trops crossed the border, no amount of artillery from the U.N. forces was able to contain them, they were coming and coming and coming, more everytime.



Frank, another brainwashed person that doesn't follow logic... American had enough firepower in Korea at that time to kill every single person (+animal) on the planet; even 100 million Chinese troops would have meant nothing without genius tactics. Just remember how the 'human wave attacks' worked for the j@pps...


they eat their fallen comrades,for they had no food & 1/2 had nogun so they get gun from dead comrade before having him for supper


Jed - what planet do you live on??? Show me one credible source that shows that China has an active military of 300 million people.

A lot has changed since the Korean war. You are comparing apples to oranges.

And again - show me one credible source that says that every single person in China would be willing to fight and die for their country. A country that has 950 million people living in poverty (less than $5 per day) under an oppressive government.




Seres you can watch a documentary called the Koran war in Color on *ou*ube and learn.

Mc Arthur even thretened to use the bomb and he was removed from his job because of it, this is the reality of how effective the Chinese were in Korea.

The whole western world was figthing them at the time and still North Korea is still a communist country, maybe your logic is not so good after all because if it is then Korea should be a united and democratic country.

And dont tell me you would have used the bomb because the russian had the bomb and do you really think the Russian would have done nothing to help the Chinese against a nuclear attack.

People like you thrive on wars and conflict they like it because it's entertaining to them, they dont want to go but they watch the wars on TV and clap when other people die in front of their eyes.

关于朝鲜战争,你们可以去看一部纪录片叫做“the Loran war in Color”




想你们这种只会在电视上看别人打仗,夸夸其谈的人懂个屁的军事,有本事走出门扛上枪去试试? 的确我赞同你关于毛的战争理论,他认为每一个健全的中国人都应该当炮灰,都应该义无反顾勇往直前的冲上去被打死。但关于你认为没有几个中国人愿意为了自己祖国献身的理论,我表示高度怀疑。首先,你说美国人愿意为了自己的祖国献身,而事实是很多美国人是胆小鬼,懦夫,没人愿意为国捐躯。其次,如果真的同中国打仗,很多中国人会心怀愤怒和仇恨来拼命,因为他们把美国看作是入侵者,掠夺者。美国只想掠夺中国的资源,挑战中国在亚洲的霸权,而亚洲在几个世纪都已经是中国人的地盘了。而美国人呢,如果一旦有伤亡,就会想到“我们为什么要跑到离我家一万英里以外的地方,为了那些日本人和菲律宾人作战?我为什么不待在家里好好享受生活?这些中国人又没有跑来美国侵略我们,为什么要在这里同他们拼命,眼看着自己的朋友和亲人在自己眼里一个一个战死?

USA, with all its modern up to date advance hardware got their #$%$ kicked in Vietnam and bog down by a bunch of turban heads who do not have an air force or navy and even helmets . So stop bragging about supremacy of USA military.


why people using USA as a guard dog, then kick USA out when not need it - what worst? why is American have to foot the war bills for decade? Also, why is USA signed them self into such a deal? is it for the interest of American? I dont get it!


Because Corporation runs America now, and those corporation makes momney by selling weapons and the only way to sell more weapons is to create more conflict around the globe.

President Eisenhower warned us about the danger, we closed our eyes for 70 years and now we see the cost of doing nothing!



Wallsters own corporations by buying majority shares and stocks. Sampunk is run by Wallsters.


LOL , You are partially right. American is indeed a guard dog but not by invitation. It intrudes into other countries to control its resource and guard them for themselves. Of course there is a strong desire to kick it out.


why does the US have to be the policeman of the globe. The other asian countries should defend their own assets.


because the u.s cannot mind its own business...they need to pome their nose in everywhere, remember they self appointed themselves as policemen, most countries want nothing to do with them


It is not the policing the globe but hegemony of the globe. It sends troops to stir up trouble in other countries so that they pay "protection money" and to sell weapons.

Do you know that the chief exports of USA is not cars or IPads but weapons? In the middle east it is in it for the oil not policing it. Before USA enter on the pretext of destroying weapons of mass destruction Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan had their own political systems and peace even if you don't like their system. But once USA enters all hell broke loose and USA military industrial complex and the oil men are laughing to the bank. Only the ordinary Americans dumb enough to wrap the flag round themselves thinking themselves as patriotic dying for their country which is thousands of miles away. LOL.



China gets the oil from all of those places in the middle east and Africa - the US just keeps the shipping lanes free and clear so China can ship poisonous junk all over the place and make plenty of money for those connected to the CCP Chinese government or PLA military.


paid for by corporate America and WalMart shoppers


Well done China.


The people of America and China should wake-up because their gov is about to send them to war and die for big corporation and profit.

I dont hate the Chinese, i dont see any reason why i would hate them, they didnt do anything to me, but i hate the big corporation and i'm sure the chinese who work at 1$/h hate them even more than me.

We are all slaves in our own way, working for the sake of profit for some people the 1% to get richer.

I'm a citizen of the earth and i consider every human being equal to me, except those who try to profit from other misery, they are not equal, they are #$%$ and we should unite to fight them instead of taking the hit everytime.





Big corp are owned by Zionist freaks.


We finance them so they can fight us later, what a great idea!


China get the oil from Iraq and Afghanistan as well as South Sudan and the Sudan - the US now exports gasoline straight to China in trade for poisonous food and toys.


With the low to zero IP protection and ill work ethics in China, advanced technology China has developed would be likely mis-used, enter black market, and eventually push the civilization backwards. .


" Let China Sleep, for when the Dragon awakes, she will shake the World. "

------ Napoleon



He may have been right, but he still never saw Waterloo coming, so. . .


and america sent all their work over there just to be cheap...it will kill us in the long run...


China catches up REALLY FAST.


If China were the first country to ever test such a thing, I might consider it a justifiable source of worry. But from what is clearly stated in the article - this sort of thing has been tested before. If one party can test it, then there's no reason some other party wouldn't. Also, I have to wonder if Russia has also tested it, but just didn't bother letting anyone else know about it.


only usa have right to conduct such test .


since when pentagon become chinese govt mouthpiece, they always brag about capability of china military.


China just needing to be better neighbor,and quite acting like

spoiled little child . . . .maybe that help


China can only steal and copy other nations technology. The whole rotten polluted house that is China will implode.


And the Agni 5 missile of India has a speed of Mach 24 or 24 times the speed of sound.



Yeah, just like US stole Nazi rocket technologies after WWII. BTW, if it is so easy to steal and copy, why so few countries test such technologies??


楼主辛苦 还有吗 接着发啊



Sounds like USA. Remember that USA is now embroiled in wars - Iraq and Afghanistan. It had been at war with Libya and is thinking about entering Syria and Iran. China does not even have troops outside its borders.


Ho - there are Chinese contractors connected to the PLA stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan right now to ensure the oil and minerals there keep flowing to China, as they have for eight years now.


贼特干吗扣我分啊{:soso__13496012817283154022_3:}  我标题不写了 铁血吗?本来就14分,你一下就扣掉10分
vicwsp 发表于 2014-1-18 02:19
我这感觉有点无奈。。。很多评论中国的,就像没去过火星的,非说火星上有外星人,长得就和老斯拍的《alien ...
看了楼上懂“方 ...
Come on, I wouldn't worry about China at all. Most Chinese people are still worrying about where is their next bowl of rice going to come from.


美国佬这么担心被别人打吗?来自: Android客户端
贼特干吗扣我分啊 我标题不写了 铁血吗?本来就14分,你一下就扣掉10分{ ...

默默吃一口草   美帝人民真富裕啊  还有空上网  

Or... the US could stop trying to make weapons that leave other people defenseless, then they won't steal American weapons tech. If you design weapons to kill people, you can bet your last dollar that they'll do everything possible to defend themselves. Your statement sounds like, "Damn neighbors! Every time I build a new gun to shoot him with (if I feel he's out of line), he steals the plans and builds one too! Why can't he just stop defending himself or at least as a courtesy, spend as much as me?"

PowerBus 发表于 2014-1-18 01:39

凉灬宫 发表于 2014-1-18 09:54
默默吃一口草   美帝人民真富裕啊  还有空上网
Gooogle 发表于 2014-1-18 10:19
Or... the US could stop trying to make weapons that leave other people defenseless, then they won ...

这个帖子翻译得较差,看到第二条评论,mach-10 missile 居然翻成长征十号导弹,可见译者的常识啊,不过犯这样的错误,可以肯定不是机器翻译


这个帖子翻译得较差,看到第二条评论,mach-10 missile 居然翻成长征十号导弹,可见译者的常识啊,不过犯这样的错误,可以肯定不是机器翻译
