
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 16:54:19
Comparison between Taiwan and China's military professionalism and readiness

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China, Taiwan volunteer armies part ways


Recent developments have shown the volunteer recruitment systems in Taiwan and China moving on decidedly different trajectories. The Taiwan military’s attempt to implement a volunteer transition fully by the end of 2015, which already faced serious problems, appears to be in jeopardy after the death of 24-year-old Army Corporal Hung Chung-chiu from a heatstroke following extensive drills while in disciplinary detention.

最近的发展迹象表明台湾和中国的志愿兵招募体制朝向不同的轨迹而去。自从24岁的陆军下士 Hung Chung-chiu 在纪律拘留中高强度运动而中暑死亡以来,台湾业已面对严重问题的期望在2015年底以前完成面向全面志愿兵招募体制转变的举措,看来很悬。

In addition, a short training period for new conscripts will contribute, along with limited joint and combined arms training, to declining operational readiness. A military with decreasing operational readiness and capabilities will be unable to execute a deterrence or defense strategy, weaken Taipei's position in dealing with Beijing and force a reliance on the US military for the defense of Taiwan.


Meanwhile, the PLA has taken an incremental approach to the transition to an all-volunteer force. Noncommissioned officer (NCO) reform, resulting in the expansion and qualitative improvement of the NCO force, combined with an active program to recruit qualified personnel, with an emphasis on college students and graduates, has increased the quantity and quality of volunteer personnel in the PLA. These programs to enhance military talent are important to PLA modernization efforts to build a high-tech force, which in turn would support a coercive strategy or diverse military operations in a crisis.

与此同时,PLA (People's Liberation Army)人民解放军显示了对一支 全志愿兵部队 的转型的持续升高的热情。 Noncommissioned officer (NCO) 士官 改制,使得士官的人员和质量水平扩张与提高,与对于强调大学生与毕业生的高级人才的积极项目一起,使得解放军中的志愿兵从数量到质量都得到了提高。

Taiwan's volunteer program


Public recriminations continue against the military over Hung's death, placing Taiwan's ability to recruit a volunteer force in doubt. A crowd of 30,000 in Taipei on July 20 protested outside of the Ministry of National Defense (MND), while a larger protest held on August 3 in Taipei drew a crowd variously estimated at 100-250,000.

公众因为 Hung 氏死亡案持续对军方指责,使得台湾招募志愿兵部队的能力遭受质疑。(2013年)7月20日在台北国防部外有3万民众散步,而在8月3日兴起的另一次更大的散步运动招来了大约有10~25万的人群。

Furthermore, 18 officers and noncommissioned officers have been indicted and defense minister Kao Hua-chu resigned over the case.

此外,18名军官和士官被控告,国防部长 Kao Hua-chu 因此案辞职。

The results of a Taiwan public opinion poll released in late July showed that respondents did not trust the military judiciary to investigate and prosecute military personnel in the Hung case. The poll also showed that 74.7% of respondents viewed the Taiwanese military as "unfit to fight a war," providing evidence of the military's low credibility among Taiwanese civilians.

一项7月末公布的民测结果显示公众不相信在 Hung 氏案中调查和起诉军事人员的军事司法系统。民测同时也显示出 74.7% 的受访者认为 Taiwanese military 台湾人的军队 “不适合作战”,提供了军方在台湾民间的低口碑的证据。

This widespread lack of confidence in the military does not bode well for the future of a force whose capabilities appeared to be in decline even before the uproar over Hung's death.

此一广为散布的人们对于军方的信心缺失使得早在 Hung 氏案的喧嚣以前就已经显示出能力低下的部队,前景更加不看好。

While military reforms are occurring, it is not likely that indictments of a number of officers or military reforms can easily counter the impact of Hung's death on public opinion. Colonel Hu Zhong-shi, director of the Recruitment Center of the National Armed Forces, admitted at a press conference that "the Hung case will surely have negative impacts on the plan".

值此军事改革正在进行时,很难说一票军官的受控或者军事改革可以轻易抵消因为 Hung 氏案对公众的影响。Hu Zhong-shi 上校, National Armed Forces 国家武装部队(译注:不适宜翻译成“国军”)招兵中心的主任,在一场媒体会上承认“Hung氏案肯定对计划(前述军事改革计划)带来负面影响”。

Even before the uproar over Hung's death, the volunteer plan appeared to be having serious trouble with both the quantity and the quality of its recruits. Colonel Hu reported on August 19 that only 72% of the 2012 recruitment goal had been met, and that only 4,290 personnel had been recruited out of the 2013 goal of 28,531.

即使在 Hung 氏之死以前,志愿制计划就已经显示出在兵员的数量和质量上的问题。Hu 上校在8月19日说到2012年的招兵计划只达到了72%,而2013年计划目标 28,531 的新兵员额中现在仅仅招得 4290 人。(微软计算器显示:15.04%)

The MND announced on August 19 that it will loosen requirements, place greater emphasis on recruiting women and work to promote recruitment (Central News Agency, August 20). It is doubtful these measures will fill the recruitment gap without an increased defense budget to provide improve pay and benefits.


The PLA's move to a volunteer force


The PLA has taken a slower, steadier approach to its move towards a volunteer force. It has recently placed greater emphasis on recruiting college students and graduates, and has initiated links with civilian universities and military educational institutes to train select students for eventual service in the PLA. These efforts, along with NCO reforms and expansion, are furthering the transition to a volunteer force.


Historically, conscription was the mainstay of PLA recruitment. Conscription began on November 1 each year, preceded by registration starting on September 30. Demobilization of soldiers would often occur in December, with transportation of some demobilized soldiers beginning in late November. The influx of untrained new conscripts and release of soldiers would result in a sharp decrease in unit operational readiness and impact training.


The PLA began transitioning away from compulsory service in 1998 with the recognition that high quality personnel were required to support modernization. A key component in the move to a volunteer force has been the reform and expansion of the NCO corps, begun in 1999 to provide greater stability to the military with long-term skilled personnel.


Conscription reform


The PLA began to move away from compulsory service in 1998, when the words "based on the compulsory service system as the main body" were deleted from the Military Service Law. The compulsory service period was shortened to two years, and the active service system for voluntary servicemen and the reserve service system were reformed.



Additional changes have included the following:


In 2009, recruitment standards for women were changed to include raising the maximum age requirements for various categories in order to recruit more highly qualified and educated women.


In 2011, physical restrictions were relaxed on tattoos and pierced ears, and height requirements for women were lowered, aided by the development of standardized medical and psychological screening system for the PLA.


Also in 2011, an online registration and pre-recruiting system aimed at high school graduates and college students was established, and inducements for students were strengthened, including tuition compensation, payments of government subsidized student loans and compensatory payments for qualified college graduates.


The National People's Congress in 2011 also removed limits on the registration of urban youth, abolished recruitment deferrals for full-time students was abolished, and allowed college graduates with excellent military service to be promoted directly to serve as active-duty officers. Furthermore, college students enlisting for active duty could resume their studies within two years of demobilization, the recruitment age for college graduates was raised to 24 years, and the registration period (but not the conscription period) was moved from September 30 to June 30.

National People's Congress (NPC) 全国人民代表大会于2011年取消了对于城市年轻人注册的限制,对全日制学生的延期服役制也被取消了,使得拥有优良服役经历的大学毕业生可以直接晋升为现役军官。此外,在读大学生招入现役以后可以在退役两年以内重新复读,对于大学毕业生的征召年龄限制也提升到了24岁,同时志愿兵注册时间(不是义务兵)从9月30日移到了6月30日。

Recruiting quality students


The PLA began recruiting college graduates in 2001, with more than 130,000 college graduates serving as soldiers at the end of 2009. From 2009 to 2012, approximately 100,000 college students joined the military each year. This represents perhaps a quarter to a third of all recruits, by this author's rough estimate.

解放军从2001年开始征召大学毕业生,到2009年有超过 13万 大学毕业生在军中以普通士兵身份服役。从2009年到2012年,大约每年有 10万 大学生参军。本文作者估算,这个数字大约是 1/4 到 1/3 的总新兵数。

The current emphasis is on increasing quality personnel by focusing on recruitment of college students and graduates. The State Council and CMC recently moved the start of the intake period to August 1, synchronizing it with the graduation period in order to attract qualified graduates, while limiting the numbers of secondary school students recruited.

现阶段的重点就是强调对于大学生和毕业生的征召。国务院和 CMC (Central Military Commission) 中央军委最近把征召起始日期移到了8月1日,与毕业时期同步,就是为了吸引有资质的毕业生,同时限制中学生的征召人数。

The previous November 1 start date resulted in missed opportunities to recruit the most qualified college graduates, due to the time lag. For example, one survey showed that in 2012 approximately 90% of university graduates had found work before the winter intake period, limiting the number of quality personnel available for PLA recruitment. The change to an earlier recruitment period will also lessen the drop in PLA unit combat readiness, as it allows for basic training of new recruits before the annual demobilization of personnel at the end of the year.

之前的11月1日征召起始日期因为时间区间的延迟,使得军方错过了最优质大学毕业生的时期。比如,一份调查显示在2012年大约 90% 的大学毕业生在冬季征兵期开始以前就找到了工作,限制了解放军征召优质兵员的数量。把征召日期的提前也能减小对于解放军现役部队的战备度的下降压力,使得新兵能在年底的老兵退伍期以前完成基本训练。

The Ministry of National Defense (MND) began receiving applications in June through an online website. Major cities focused on recruiting college students employing mobilization and propaganda campaigns. MND officials stated that college students will enjoy advantages in registration, admission and recruitment.

国防部从6月就开始接受在线申请。大城市利用各种动员和 铣脑宣传 手段重点关注对于大学毕业生的征召。国防部官员声称大学生将享受注册、准入和征召的各种优势。

(译注:Propaganda 这个词自古以来就是个贬义词,龙腾其他翻译有必要在各自作品中体现出这个词的词性出来。)

The PLA Daily reports active recruitment drives throughout China, with various locations reporting increased college applicants over previous years. For example, Shanghai began military service registration on June 1, with over 300 military service registration stations set up at colleges and universities, while Beijing began recruiting college students on June 15, including activities with China's first female astronaut, Liu Yang, to attract prospects.

解放军日报报道说这种主动性地征召红遍了全国,各地喜报大学生申请人数比上一年度大幅增加。比如,上海的军人征召注册始于6月1日,设立了超过 300 家招兵注册点横跨全市院校,而北京从6月15日开始征召大学生,包括找来中国的第一位女航天员 刘洋,来吸引人气。

The PLA has enhanced its propaganda and mobilization campaign this year, including online social networking programs, aimed at attracting college students and graduates away from potential business recruiters .The Ministry of Education (MOE) announced on August 21 that over 200,000 college students had taken part in pre-conscription registration in large and medium cities.

解放军今年进一步加强了其动员和铣脑宣传的攻势,包括网络社交项目,旨在把大学生和毕业生从潜在的商业聘用机会中诱走。教育部在8月21日宣部在大中城市有超过 20万 大学生参加了征兵前期注册。

College students and graduates can receive preferential treatment as an inducement to volunteer, including admission advantages, tuition payments, one time recruitment payments, preferential employment opportunities in state-owned enterprises and the civil service upon decommissioning, three years of free administrative charges for decommissioned college students starting their own business, and possible Beijing household registration permits for non-local college students recruited from Beijing universities and colleges.

大学生和毕业生志愿入役能享受各种待遇,包括准入优势,学费支付,一次性征召费用支付,退役后在国营企业和民事单位的优先录取机会,退役后自创业享受3年免行政费用优待,以及外地户口就读北京本地大学的大学生的落户北京的 可能性。

Unemployment and underemployment among college graduates could benefit the PLA's recruitment efforts. The expansion of higher education since 1999 has increased the number of college graduates entering the job market, with college graduates numbering 6.99 million in 2013, 190,000 more than in 2012. The MyCOS Institute, a Beijing-based education research company, tracks college employment: a 2012 report indicated an employment rate of approximately 90.2% for 2011 graduates, and 89.6% for 2010 graduates.

大学毕业生的失业率和低就业率帮了解放军的忙,自从1999年的大学扩招以来,更多大学毕业生进入就业市场打拼,在2013年达到了 699万,比2012年多了 19万。MyCOS Institute,一家基于北京的教育研究公司,跟踪着大学就业数据:一份2012年的报告显示有 90.2% 的2011年毕业生,89.6% 的2010年毕业生就职。

May 2013 statistics released by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education reported that only 33.6% of college graduates in Beijing had signed employment contracts, reflecting continuing poor job opportunities.

2013年北京市教育厅的数据显示北京只有大约 33.6% 的应届大学毕业生得到了就职合同,反映了就职机会的持续惨淡。

The decline in students' physical condition, however, has hurt recruiting, with the PLA finding since at least 1995 that sedentary life styles have resulted in weight, strength and vision problems. The Beijing recruiting office reported that approximately 60% of college students failed the physical fitness exam, 23% failed the eye exam, and 19% were either obese or underweight.

然而学生的身体素质的下降,也伤及了征兵。解放军当局发现久坐的生活方式引起了体重、力量、视力等方面的一系列问题。北京征兵办报道说大约 60% 的大学生挂掉了体能测试,23%的挂掉了眼科测试,还有19%的不是肥胖就是体重过轻。

Even with physical standards reduced in 2008 and 2011, the physical condition of students is adversely affecting student recruitment. The 60% failure rate would indicate that of the 200,000 college students reported registering for military service this year, perhaps only 80,000 are fit for service, barring any other disqualifications. This is less than the reported 100,000 college students recruited each year between 2009 and 2012.

即使在2008年和2011年一降再降体质标准,当代学生的身体素质已经极大的影响了学生征兵情况。60%的淘汰率表明今年的据报道的 20万 大学生注册征召兵中,即使不算其他的不合格标准,大约只有 8万 能入役。这比据报道的从2009年到2012年每年 10万 大学生的征召数字要低。

It is not clear whether the PLA has met past recruitment goals for college students and graduates. While the PLA published the goal of recruiting some 150,000 college graduates in 2010, only 100,000 were recruited that year. The PLA has not announced recruiting goals for college graduates since then, which could mean that goals are not being met even with the incentives and poor employment environment.

事实上我们并不清楚解放军是否达到了设立的征召大学生和毕业生的目标线。2010年解放军发布了其 15万 大学生征召兵的征召计划目标,当年只达到了 10万。解放军从那以后就没有再公布过每年的大学生征兵计划目标,也就可能说明,即使在优秀的奖励政策和糟糕的就业市场环境下,他们依然达不到征兵计划目标。

Leveraging civilian and military educational institutions


The PLA is recruiting college students and graduates in greater numbers than before, but possibly still not enough to meet their requirements. Other PLA programs may be providing additional talent. While the PLA is primarily targeting students in higher education, some programs select highly qualified candidates to receive higher education through joint civilian-military programs.


The PLA is using educational opportunities as an inducement to attract qualified male and female high school graduates. The PLA Air Force (PLAAF) took the lead in 2011 to partner with Tsinghua University to train qualified students to become pilots. The "3+1" [1] training model includes three years at a civilian college followed by a year at a military educational institute.


For example, the class of 32 "3+1" students at Tsinghua University will study at its School of Aerospace and Aviation for three years and then spend a year at the Air Force Aviation University (AFAU), followed up a year of advanced flight training. The PLA has also partnered with 19 civilian colleges and universities to train national defense students.

比如,32名 “3+1项目”的学生在清华大学的航空航天学院学习3年,然后在空军航空大学学习1年,接下来接受1年的高级飞行训练。解放军同时还与19所民事院校合作训练国防生。

In 2012, Beijing University and the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA) began a program to train national defense students. These students reportedly will spend four years at the civilian universities and then two years at AFAU for flight and command training.


Building on the PLAAF plan, the General Staff Department (GSD), General Political Department (GPD), and the MOE expanded the effort this year by initiating a joint pilot training program to allow high school graduates to study in both military educational institutes and civilian universities. The program seeks an innovative military-civilian integration model in order to maximize resources to optimize training of student pilots.


The first 87 candidates will train in military educational institutes such as the Naval Aviation College and AFAU, and Beijing University (25 students), Tsinghua University (32 students) and BUAA (30 students). The civilian universities will provide a basic education with the military educational institutes providing specialized education and flight training. Qualified graduates will be sent to aviation units in the ground forces, PLAAF and PLA Navy (PLAN).


This year the MOE and the four General Departments (Staff, Political, Logistics and Armaments) began targeting juniors from top universities to join the military upon graduation to become military engineers as part of the "3+1" program. Select students undergo a 6-12 month study in military academies and schools, research institutes, high-tech units and armament production enterprises.

今年教育部将和四大总部(总参总政总后总装)一起开始一项面向顶尖大学的新生的旨在毕业后成为军事工程兵的项目,作为“3+1项目”的一个新的部分。被选上的学生将在军事院校、科研机构、高科技部队和军工单位进行 6~12 个月的学习。

The program will provide military and academic education and training, as well as possible eligibility for post-graduate study. The government notice stated that over 300 students will be selected this year for the new engineering program.




Taiwan and China represent two volunteer recruitment programs moving along opposite trajectories. The Taiwanese volunteer force program has been launched with a shorter preparation and implementation period, and a lack of funding to increase pay and other benefits for servicemen, combined with a general disregard for military service by civilians, resulted in failures to achieve recruitment goals even before the current uproar over Corporal Hung's death.

台湾和中国代表着两种朝向截然不同轨迹运行的志愿兵征召项目。台湾人的志愿兵部队项目发起于不足的准备和实施时间之下,缺少对服役人员提薪和提高待遇的资金,与大众基本上对军事服役的冷漠态度一起,形成了即使在 Hung 氏之死以前就无法达到征兵目标的现实。

Hung's death in detention is further souring public opinion regarding military service and the competence of the armed forces. This inability to reach recruitment goals leaves the status of the volunteer program in doubt, and operational readiness will continue to decline as active duty authorized strength cannot be met.


Not all of the fault lies with the Taiwanese military for the, as legislators have failed to meet the military's stated minimum budgetary requirements. It is difficult to envision how the volunteer system can be saved without significant increases to volunteer pay and benefits and a successful public relations campaign.


A return to the old conscription system would appear equally difficult, considering the current state of public opinion regarding military service. Declining operational readiness and an increasingly hollow military will make it difficult for Taiwan to execute its stated defense strategy, will place Taipei in a position of weakness in its dealings with Beijing, and could leave Taiwan's defense reliant on the US military.


Moving in the opposite direction, the PLA has chosen a gradual, multipronged approach to attract high quality volunteers. The slower approach, supported by adequate funding for increased pay, benefits and other inducements, also allows for reassessments and readjustments to improve the initiatives. The recent moves to recruit highly qualified students, with an emphasis on college students and graduates, appear to be achieving some success.


Limited employment opportunities combined with inducements should allow the PLA to recruit better-qualified talent to support a growing high-tech force and complex operational theories. Increasing PLA capabilities will provide a greater range of options against Taiwan, whether coercive or direct military actions.


It is not clear whether recruitment goals for college students and graduates are being met, and poor student physical fitness is hurting recruitment, but it does appear that the PLA is moving forward as it relies to a greater extent on volunteers to man high-tech units, while the Taiwanese program appears to be in deep trouble.


(This article first appeared in The Jamestown Foundation. Used with permission.)
(Copyright 2013 The Jamestown Foundation.)

文章受权引用自 詹姆斯敦基金会。


#1 08-27-2013
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Join Date Mar 2006
Location Sydney
Posts 324
Asia Times Online :: China, Taiwan volunteer armies part ways (链接见本帖前部引用链接)
This was posted just recently, though it was something people here would like to check out.


#2 08-27-2013
Franklin 富兰克林
Junior Member
Join Date Mar 2012
Posts 888
I wanted to post this article but you beat me to it. China has been moving away from conscription since 1998. Does anyone know if there are still any conscripts left in the PLA today. And why is a promotional campaign to recruit more highly educated volunteers called a "propoganda campaign" ?


#3 08-28-2013
solarz 太阳能
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Join Date Oct 2009
Posts 2,215
The PRC has never had compulsory military service, so I don't know what that article is referring to when it said "The compulsory service period was shortened to two years".

PRC (People's Republic of China) 人民共和国从来就没有一套义务兵役制度啊,所以当文章提到“义务兵役制缩短到两年”的时候,我完全不清楚它在说什么啊。

#4 08-28-2013
PanAsian 亚洲潘
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Join Date Oct 2005
Posts 509

I thought the PRC did have compulsory service but also a quota, it was just that there used to be usually more than enough people to fill the quota. Nowadays there are fewer young people to begin with, who are also less physically capable, at the same time the PLA is raising the bar, and more young people are using all sorts of excuses to avoid military service to try for other better opportunities.

全文引用 #3 楼:

#5 08-28-2013
no_name 无_名
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In the even that soldiers lost their lives in the line of duty whether in combat or not, the government should have the duty to take care of their parents.


#6 08-28-2013
Player 0
Death of a conscript highlights Taiwan
Somewhat related, an article related to the dead Taiwanese soldier mentioned at the beginning of the previous article.


#7 08-28-2013
Senior Member
Compulsory service means every male of a certain age has to go to the military. South Korea has a compulsory military service.
I can't see how a quote is supposed to work, but China doesn't have anything like what SK has.

全文引用 #4 楼:

#8 08-28-2013
Join Date May 2006
Posts 364
i read somewhere, that taiwan air force from refuel/arm/fly is within 10min while china take much longer time for its plane to get its plane ready to fly, something like 40-50mins. not sure true or not, anyone knows?

我从哪里读到过,说台湾的空军战机 重新加油/武装/起飞 是在10分钟以内,而中国则需要长得多的时间来备飞,大约在 40~50 分钟。不知道是不是真的,有人知道吗?

#9 08-29-2013
Lion 狮子
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Join Date Apr 2009
Posts 2,086
Nonsense. Where you heard that crap from?

全文引用 #8 楼:
我从哪里读到过,说台湾的空军战机 重新加油/武装/起飞 是在10分钟以内,而中国则需要长得多的时间来备飞,大约在 40~50 分钟。不知道是不是真的,有人知道吗?

#10 08-30-2013
i forgot either from military tv channel in taiwan or some article. but if you said tis nonsense, do you have any actual/crediable article on how fast PLA can get tis jet ready for re-sorty/combat operation?

全文引用 #9 楼:
我忘了是从 台湾的军事电视频道还是书刊上看来的了,但是如果你说这是荒谬的,你有任何实际/可信的文章来说明解放军能多快完成其战斗机的重新出动吗?

#11 08-30-2013
Skywatcher 望空者
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Join Date Jun 2007
Posts 778
Which aircraft?
It might be easier and quicker to flight prep a F-16 compared to a H-6K.

也许重装一架 F-16 比 一架 H-6K 要简单和快捷一点呢。

#12 08-31-2013
generally speaking fighter jet/interceptor


#13 08-31-2013
Junior Member
Even then, there would obviously be a big difference between the prep time for a F-5, vs. a J-11B.

全文引用 #12 楼:
即使那样,整装时间 F-5 vs. J-11B 也显然完全极其不一样啊。

#14 08-31-2013
rhino123 犀牛123 (犀牛通常也是美军重型装备比如主战坦克、轰炸机的呼叫代号)
Pencil Pusher (头衔:)秘书、办公文员、轰炸机领航员
Join Date Apr 2006
Location Somewhere out there.
Posts 1,843
Actually you have to see what is the status of those aircraft. Some of them are already readied for flight, all countries had this system whereby they would allocate some squadrons of fighters and interceptors (rotatable shift) for emergency deployment.
If you count these squadrons that are already at the readied state to those that are not, then of course you will see a big difference.
I never believe that the Chinese reactions are that slow to begin with. Plus you need to know where the news came from... from Taiwan boasting about their capability (for political or otherwise usage), it might just be a ruse to tell their people that they have nothing to worry about, then yeah... they can said that.
But common sense has it that it cannot be the case. And unless China had officially told the world how fast they can react, it would be up to everyone's guess... but a simple example would be, during the time when US spy plane was intercepted by two J-8... we all know the rest of the story, my point is... if the Chinese are as slow as was stated... wouldn't that spy plane already left the location before the J-8 even arrive?

但是常识告诉我们不是那样的。除非中国官方正式的告诉全世界他们的重整时间多快,否则大家都只能猜测……但是一个简单的例子是,在美国间谍机被两架 J-8 拦截的案例……我们都知道故事余下的部分了,我的意思是……如果中国人真的如(台媒)所称那么慢的话,那么不是应该间谍机早在 J-8 来到它们的位置的时候就应该早就跑了吗?
Comparison between Taiwan and China's military professionalism and readiness

原文地址: ... readiness-6543.html


China, Taiwan volunteer armies part ways


Recent developments have shown the volunteer recruitment systems in Taiwan and China moving on decidedly different trajectories. The Taiwan military’s attempt to implement a volunteer transition fully by the end of 2015, which already faced serious problems, appears to be in jeopardy after the death of 24-year-old Army Corporal Hung Chung-chiu from a heatstroke following extensive drills while in disciplinary detention.

最近的发展迹象表明台湾和中国的志愿兵招募体制朝向不同的轨迹而去。自从24岁的陆军下士 Hung Chung-chiu 在纪律拘留中高强度运动而中暑死亡以来,台湾业已面对严重问题的期望在2015年底以前完成面向全面志愿兵招募体制转变的举措,看来很悬。

In addition, a short training period for new conscripts will contribute, along with limited joint and combined arms training, to declining operational readiness. A military with decreasing operational readiness and capabilities will be unable to execute a deterrence or defense strategy, weaken Taipei's position in dealing with Beijing and force a reliance on the US military for the defense of Taiwan.


Meanwhile, the PLA has taken an incremental approach to the transition to an all-volunteer force. Noncommissioned officer (NCO) reform, resulting in the expansion and qualitative improvement of the NCO force, combined with an active program to recruit qualified personnel, with an emphasis on college students and graduates, has increased the quantity and quality of volunteer personnel in the PLA. These programs to enhance military talent are important to PLA modernization efforts to build a high-tech force, which in turn would support a coercive strategy or diverse military operations in a crisis.

与此同时,PLA (People's Liberation Army)人民解放军显示了对一支 全志愿兵部队 的转型的持续升高的热情。 Noncommissioned officer (NCO) 士官 改制,使得士官的人员和质量水平扩张与提高,与对于强调大学生与毕业生的高级人才的积极项目一起,使得解放军中的志愿兵从数量到质量都得到了提高。

Taiwan's volunteer program


Public recriminations continue against the military over Hung's death, placing Taiwan's ability to recruit a volunteer force in doubt. A crowd of 30,000 in Taipei on July 20 protested outside of the Ministry of National Defense (MND), while a larger protest held on August 3 in Taipei drew a crowd variously estimated at 100-250,000.

公众因为 Hung 氏死亡案持续对军方指责,使得台湾招募志愿兵部队的能力遭受质疑。(2013年)7月20日在台北国防部外有3万民众散步,而在8月3日兴起的另一次更大的散步运动招来了大约有10~25万的人群。

Furthermore, 18 officers and noncommissioned officers have been indicted and defense minister Kao Hua-chu resigned over the case.

此外,18名军官和士官被控告,国防部长 Kao Hua-chu 因此案辞职。

The results of a Taiwan public opinion poll released in late July showed that respondents did not trust the military judiciary to investigate and prosecute military personnel in the Hung case. The poll also showed that 74.7% of respondents viewed the Taiwanese military as "unfit to fight a war," providing evidence of the military's low credibility among Taiwanese civilians.

一项7月末公布的民测结果显示公众不相信在 Hung 氏案中调查和起诉军事人员的军事司法系统。民测同时也显示出 74.7% 的受访者认为 Taiwanese military 台湾人的军队 “不适合作战”,提供了军方在台湾民间的低口碑的证据。

This widespread lack of confidence in the military does not bode well for the future of a force whose capabilities appeared to be in decline even before the uproar over Hung's death.

此一广为散布的人们对于军方的信心缺失使得早在 Hung 氏案的喧嚣以前就已经显示出能力低下的部队,前景更加不看好。

While military reforms are occurring, it is not likely that indictments of a number of officers or military reforms can easily counter the impact of Hung's death on public opinion. Colonel Hu Zhong-shi, director of the Recruitment Center of the National Armed Forces, admitted at a press conference that "the Hung case will surely have negative impacts on the plan".

值此军事改革正在进行时,很难说一票军官的受控或者军事改革可以轻易抵消因为 Hung 氏案对公众的影响。Hu Zhong-shi 上校, National Armed Forces 国家武装部队(译注:不适宜翻译成“国军”)招兵中心的主任,在一场媒体会上承认“Hung氏案肯定对计划(前述军事改革计划)带来负面影响”。

Even before the uproar over Hung's death, the volunteer plan appeared to be having serious trouble with both the quantity and the quality of its recruits. Colonel Hu reported on August 19 that only 72% of the 2012 recruitment goal had been met, and that only 4,290 personnel had been recruited out of the 2013 goal of 28,531.

即使在 Hung 氏之死以前,志愿制计划就已经显示出在兵员的数量和质量上的问题。Hu 上校在8月19日说到2012年的招兵计划只达到了72%,而2013年计划目标 28,531 的新兵员额中现在仅仅招得 4290 人。(微软计算器显示:15.04%)

The MND announced on August 19 that it will loosen requirements, place greater emphasis on recruiting women and work to promote recruitment (Central News Agency, August 20). It is doubtful these measures will fill the recruitment gap without an increased defense budget to provide improve pay and benefits.


The PLA's move to a volunteer force


The PLA has taken a slower, steadier approach to its move towards a volunteer force. It has recently placed greater emphasis on recruiting college students and graduates, and has initiated links with civilian universities and military educational institutes to train select students for eventual service in the PLA. These efforts, along with NCO reforms and expansion, are furthering the transition to a volunteer force.


Historically, conscription was the mainstay of PLA recruitment. Conscription began on November 1 each year, preceded by registration starting on September 30. Demobilization of soldiers would often occur in December, with transportation of some demobilized soldiers beginning in late November. The influx of untrained new conscripts and release of soldiers would result in a sharp decrease in unit operational readiness and impact training.


The PLA began transitioning away from compulsory service in 1998 with the recognition that high quality personnel were required to support modernization. A key component in the move to a volunteer force has been the reform and expansion of the NCO corps, begun in 1999 to provide greater stability to the military with long-term skilled personnel.


Conscription reform


The PLA began to move away from compulsory service in 1998, when the words "based on the compulsory service system as the main body" were deleted from the Military Service Law. The compulsory service period was shortened to two years, and the active service system for voluntary servicemen and the reserve service system were reformed.



Additional changes have included the following:


In 2009, recruitment standards for women were changed to include raising the maximum age requirements for various categories in order to recruit more highly qualified and educated women.


In 2011, physical restrictions were relaxed on tattoos and pierced ears, and height requirements for women were lowered, aided by the development of standardized medical and psychological screening system for the PLA.


Also in 2011, an online registration and pre-recruiting system aimed at high school graduates and college students was established, and inducements for students were strengthened, including tuition compensation, payments of government subsidized student loans and compensatory payments for qualified college graduates.


The National People's Congress in 2011 also removed limits on the registration of urban youth, abolished recruitment deferrals for full-time students was abolished, and allowed college graduates with excellent military service to be promoted directly to serve as active-duty officers. Furthermore, college students enlisting for active duty could resume their studies within two years of demobilization, the recruitment age for college graduates was raised to 24 years, and the registration period (but not the conscription period) was moved from September 30 to June 30.

National People's Congress (NPC) 全国人民代表大会于2011年取消了对于城市年轻人注册的限制,对全日制学生的延期服役制也被取消了,使得拥有优良服役经历的大学毕业生可以直接晋升为现役军官。此外,在读大学生招入现役以后可以在退役两年以内重新复读,对于大学毕业生的征召年龄限制也提升到了24岁,同时志愿兵注册时间(不是义务兵)从9月30日移到了6月30日。

Recruiting quality students


The PLA began recruiting college graduates in 2001, with more than 130,000 college graduates serving as soldiers at the end of 2009. From 2009 to 2012, approximately 100,000 college students joined the military each year. This represents perhaps a quarter to a third of all recruits, by this author's rough estimate.

解放军从2001年开始征召大学毕业生,到2009年有超过 13万 大学毕业生在军中以普通士兵身份服役。从2009年到2012年,大约每年有 10万 大学生参军。本文作者估算,这个数字大约是 1/4 到 1/3 的总新兵数。

The current emphasis is on increasing quality personnel by focusing on recruitment of college students and graduates. The State Council and CMC recently moved the start of the intake period to August 1, synchronizing it with the graduation period in order to attract qualified graduates, while limiting the numbers of secondary school students recruited.

现阶段的重点就是强调对于大学生和毕业生的征召。国务院和 CMC (Central Military Commission) 中央军委最近把征召起始日期移到了8月1日,与毕业时期同步,就是为了吸引有资质的毕业生,同时限制中学生的征召人数。

The previous November 1 start date resulted in missed opportunities to recruit the most qualified college graduates, due to the time lag. For example, one survey showed that in 2012 approximately 90% of university graduates had found work before the winter intake period, limiting the number of quality personnel available for PLA recruitment. The change to an earlier recruitment period will also lessen the drop in PLA unit combat readiness, as it allows for basic training of new recruits before the annual demobilization of personnel at the end of the year.

之前的11月1日征召起始日期因为时间区间的延迟,使得军方错过了最优质大学毕业生的时期。比如,一份调查显示在2012年大约 90% 的大学毕业生在冬季征兵期开始以前就找到了工作,限制了解放军征召优质兵员的数量。把征召日期的提前也能减小对于解放军现役部队的战备度的下降压力,使得新兵能在年底的老兵退伍期以前完成基本训练。

The Ministry of National Defense (MND) began receiving applications in June through an online website. Major cities focused on recruiting college students employing mobilization and propaganda campaigns. MND officials stated that college students will enjoy advantages in registration, admission and recruitment.

国防部从6月就开始接受在线申请。大城市利用各种动员和 铣脑宣传 手段重点关注对于大学毕业生的征召。国防部官员声称大学生将享受注册、准入和征召的各种优势。

(译注:Propaganda 这个词自古以来就是个贬义词,龙腾其他翻译有必要在各自作品中体现出这个词的词性出来。)

The PLA Daily reports active recruitment drives throughout China, with various locations reporting increased college applicants over previous years. For example, Shanghai began military service registration on June 1, with over 300 military service registration stations set up at colleges and universities, while Beijing began recruiting college students on June 15, including activities with China's first female astronaut, Liu Yang, to attract prospects.

解放军日报报道说这种主动性地征召红遍了全国,各地喜报大学生申请人数比上一年度大幅增加。比如,上海的军人征召注册始于6月1日,设立了超过 300 家招兵注册点横跨全市院校,而北京从6月15日开始征召大学生,包括找来中国的第一位女航天员 刘洋,来吸引人气。

The PLA has enhanced its propaganda and mobilization campaign this year, including online social networking programs, aimed at attracting college students and graduates away from potential business recruiters .The Ministry of Education (MOE) announced on August 21 that over 200,000 college students had taken part in pre-conscription registration in large and medium cities.

解放军今年进一步加强了其动员和铣脑宣传的攻势,包括网络社交项目,旨在把大学生和毕业生从潜在的商业聘用机会中诱走。教育部在8月21日宣部在大中城市有超过 20万 大学生参加了征兵前期注册。

College students and graduates can receive preferential treatment as an inducement to volunteer, including admission advantages, tuition payments, one time recruitment payments, preferential employment opportunities in state-owned enterprises and the civil service upon decommissioning, three years of free administrative charges for decommissioned college students starting their own business, and possible Beijing household registration permits for non-local college students recruited from Beijing universities and colleges.

大学生和毕业生志愿入役能享受各种待遇,包括准入优势,学费支付,一次性征召费用支付,退役后在国营企业和民事单位的优先录取机会,退役后自创业享受3年免行政费用优待,以及外地户口就读北京本地大学的大学生的落户北京的 可能性。

Unemployment and underemployment among college graduates could benefit the PLA's recruitment efforts. The expansion of higher education since 1999 has increased the number of college graduates entering the job market, with college graduates numbering 6.99 million in 2013, 190,000 more than in 2012. The MyCOS Institute, a Beijing-based education research company, tracks college employment: a 2012 report indicated an employment rate of approximately 90.2% for 2011 graduates, and 89.6% for 2010 graduates.

大学毕业生的失业率和低就业率帮了解放军的忙,自从1999年的大学扩招以来,更多大学毕业生进入就业市场打拼,在2013年达到了 699万,比2012年多了 19万。MyCOS Institute,一家基于北京的教育研究公司,跟踪着大学就业数据:一份2012年的报告显示有 90.2% 的2011年毕业生,89.6% 的2010年毕业生就职。

May 2013 statistics released by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education reported that only 33.6% of college graduates in Beijing had signed employment contracts, reflecting continuing poor job opportunities.

2013年北京市教育厅的数据显示北京只有大约 33.6% 的应届大学毕业生得到了就职合同,反映了就职机会的持续惨淡。

The decline in students' physical condition, however, has hurt recruiting, with the PLA finding since at least 1995 that sedentary life styles have resulted in weight, strength and vision problems. The Beijing recruiting office reported that approximately 60% of college students failed the physical fitness exam, 23% failed the eye exam, and 19% were either obese or underweight.

然而学生的身体素质的下降,也伤及了征兵。解放军当局发现久坐的生活方式引起了体重、力量、视力等方面的一系列问题。北京征兵办报道说大约 60% 的大学生挂掉了体能测试,23%的挂掉了眼科测试,还有19%的不是肥胖就是体重过轻。

Even with physical standards reduced in 2008 and 2011, the physical condition of students is adversely affecting student recruitment. The 60% failure rate would indicate that of the 200,000 college students reported registering for military service this year, perhaps only 80,000 are fit for service, barring any other disqualifications. This is less than the reported 100,000 college students recruited each year between 2009 and 2012.

即使在2008年和2011年一降再降体质标准,当代学生的身体素质已经极大的影响了学生征兵情况。60%的淘汰率表明今年的据报道的 20万 大学生注册征召兵中,即使不算其他的不合格标准,大约只有 8万 能入役。这比据报道的从2009年到2012年每年 10万 大学生的征召数字要低。

It is not clear whether the PLA has met past recruitment goals for college students and graduates. While the PLA published the goal of recruiting some 150,000 college graduates in 2010, only 100,000 were recruited that year. The PLA has not announced recruiting goals for college graduates since then, which could mean that goals are not being met even with the incentives and poor employment environment.

事实上我们并不清楚解放军是否达到了设立的征召大学生和毕业生的目标线。2010年解放军发布了其 15万 大学生征召兵的征召计划目标,当年只达到了 10万。解放军从那以后就没有再公布过每年的大学生征兵计划目标,也就可能说明,即使在优秀的奖励政策和糟糕的就业市场环境下,他们依然达不到征兵计划目标。

Leveraging civilian and military educational institutions


The PLA is recruiting college students and graduates in greater numbers than before, but possibly still not enough to meet their requirements. Other PLA programs may be providing additional talent. While the PLA is primarily targeting students in higher education, some programs select highly qualified candidates to receive higher education through joint civilian-military programs.


The PLA is using educational opportunities as an inducement to attract qualified male and female high school graduates. The PLA Air Force (PLAAF) took the lead in 2011 to partner with Tsinghua University to train qualified students to become pilots. The "3+1" [1] training model includes three years at a civilian college followed by a year at a military educational institute.


For example, the class of 32 "3+1" students at Tsinghua University will study at its School of Aerospace and Aviation for three years and then spend a year at the Air Force Aviation University (AFAU), followed up a year of advanced flight training. The PLA has also partnered with 19 civilian colleges and universities to train national defense students.

比如,32名 “3+1项目”的学生在清华大学的航空航天学院学习3年,然后在空军航空大学学习1年,接下来接受1年的高级飞行训练。解放军同时还与19所民事院校合作训练国防生。

In 2012, Beijing University and the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA) began a program to train national defense students. These students reportedly will spend four years at the civilian universities and then two years at AFAU for flight and command training.


Building on the PLAAF plan, the General Staff Department (GSD), General Political Department (GPD), and the MOE expanded the effort this year by initiating a joint pilot training program to allow high school graduates to study in both military educational institutes and civilian universities. The program seeks an innovative military-civilian integration model in order to maximize resources to optimize training of student pilots.


The first 87 candidates will train in military educational institutes such as the Naval Aviation College and AFAU, and Beijing University (25 students), Tsinghua University (32 students) and BUAA (30 students). The civilian universities will provide a basic education with the military educational institutes providing specialized education and flight training. Qualified graduates will be sent to aviation units in the ground forces, PLAAF and PLA Navy (PLAN).


This year the MOE and the four General Departments (Staff, Political, Logistics and Armaments) began targeting juniors from top universities to join the military upon graduation to become military engineers as part of the "3+1" program. Select students undergo a 6-12 month study in military academies and schools, research institutes, high-tech units and armament production enterprises.

今年教育部将和四大总部(总参总政总后总装)一起开始一项面向顶尖大学的新生的旨在毕业后成为军事工程兵的项目,作为“3+1项目”的一个新的部分。被选上的学生将在军事院校、科研机构、高科技部队和军工单位进行 6~12 个月的学习。

The program will provide military and academic education and training, as well as possible eligibility for post-graduate study. The government notice stated that over 300 students will be selected this year for the new engineering program.




Taiwan and China represent two volunteer recruitment programs moving along opposite trajectories. The Taiwanese volunteer force program has been launched with a shorter preparation and implementation period, and a lack of funding to increase pay and other benefits for servicemen, combined with a general disregard for military service by civilians, resulted in failures to achieve recruitment goals even before the current uproar over Corporal Hung's death.

台湾和中国代表着两种朝向截然不同轨迹运行的志愿兵征召项目。台湾人的志愿兵部队项目发起于不足的准备和实施时间之下,缺少对服役人员提薪和提高待遇的资金,与大众基本上对军事服役的冷漠态度一起,形成了即使在 Hung 氏之死以前就无法达到征兵目标的现实。

Hung's death in detention is further souring public opinion regarding military service and the competence of the armed forces. This inability to reach recruitment goals leaves the status of the volunteer program in doubt, and operational readiness will continue to decline as active duty authorized strength cannot be met.


Not all of the fault lies with the Taiwanese military for the, as legislators have failed to meet the military's stated minimum budgetary requirements. It is difficult to envision how the volunteer system can be saved without significant increases to volunteer pay and benefits and a successful public relations campaign.


A return to the old conscription system would appear equally difficult, considering the current state of public opinion regarding military service. Declining operational readiness and an increasingly hollow military will make it difficult for Taiwan to execute its stated defense strategy, will place Taipei in a position of weakness in its dealings with Beijing, and could leave Taiwan's defense reliant on the US military.


Moving in the opposite direction, the PLA has chosen a gradual, multipronged approach to attract high quality volunteers. The slower approach, supported by adequate funding for increased pay, benefits and other inducements, also allows for reassessments and readjustments to improve the initiatives. The recent moves to recruit highly qualified students, with an emphasis on college students and graduates, appear to be achieving some success.


Limited employment opportunities combined with inducements should allow the PLA to recruit better-qualified talent to support a growing high-tech force and complex operational theories. Increasing PLA capabilities will provide a greater range of options against Taiwan, whether coercive or direct military actions.


It is not clear whether recruitment goals for college students and graduates are being met, and poor student physical fitness is hurting recruitment, but it does appear that the PLA is moving forward as it relies to a greater extent on volunteers to man high-tech units, while the Taiwanese program appears to be in deep trouble.


(This article first appeared in The Jamestown Foundation. Used with permission.)
(Copyright 2013 The Jamestown Foundation.)

文章受权引用自 詹姆斯敦基金会。


#1 08-27-2013
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Join Date Mar 2006
Location Sydney
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Asia Times Online :: China, Taiwan volunteer armies part ways (链接见本帖前部引用链接)
This was posted just recently, though it was something people here would like to check out.


#2 08-27-2013
Franklin 富兰克林
Junior Member
Join Date Mar 2012
Posts 888
I wanted to post this article but you beat me to it. China has been moving away from conscription since 1998. Does anyone know if there are still any conscripts left in the PLA today. And why is a promotional campaign to recruit more highly educated volunteers called a "propoganda campaign" ?


#3 08-28-2013
solarz 太阳能
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Join Date Oct 2009
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The PRC has never had compulsory military service, so I don't know what that article is referring to when it said "The compulsory service period was shortened to two years".

PRC (People's Republic of China) 人民共和国从来就没有一套义务兵役制度啊,所以当文章提到“义务兵役制缩短到两年”的时候,我完全不清楚它在说什么啊。

#4 08-28-2013
PanAsian 亚洲潘
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Join Date Oct 2005
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I thought the PRC did have compulsory service but also a quota, it was just that there used to be usually more than enough people to fill the quota. Nowadays there are fewer young people to begin with, who are also less physically capable, at the same time the PLA is raising the bar, and more young people are using all sorts of excuses to avoid military service to try for other better opportunities.

全文引用 #3 楼:

#5 08-28-2013
no_name 无_名
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In the even that soldiers lost their lives in the line of duty whether in combat or not, the government should have the duty to take care of their parents.


#6 08-28-2013
Player 0
Death of a conscript highlights Taiwan
Somewhat related, an article related to the dead Taiwanese soldier mentioned at the beginning of the previous article.


#7 08-28-2013
Senior Member
Compulsory service means every male of a certain age has to go to the military. South Korea has a compulsory military service.
I can't see how a quote is supposed to work, but China doesn't have anything like what SK has.

全文引用 #4 楼:

#8 08-28-2013
Join Date May 2006
Posts 364
i read somewhere, that taiwan air force from refuel/arm/fly is within 10min while china take much longer time for its plane to get its plane ready to fly, something like 40-50mins. not sure true or not, anyone knows?

我从哪里读到过,说台湾的空军战机 重新加油/武装/起飞 是在10分钟以内,而中国则需要长得多的时间来备飞,大约在 40~50 分钟。不知道是不是真的,有人知道吗?

#9 08-29-2013
Lion 狮子
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Join Date Apr 2009
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Nonsense. Where you heard that crap from?

全文引用 #8 楼:
我从哪里读到过,说台湾的空军战机 重新加油/武装/起飞 是在10分钟以内,而中国则需要长得多的时间来备飞,大约在 40~50 分钟。不知道是不是真的,有人知道吗?

#10 08-30-2013
i forgot either from military tv channel in taiwan or some article. but if you said tis nonsense, do you have any actual/crediable article on how fast PLA can get tis jet ready for re-sorty/combat operation?

全文引用 #9 楼:
我忘了是从 台湾的军事电视频道还是书刊上看来的了,但是如果你说这是荒谬的,你有任何实际/可信的文章来说明解放军能多快完成其战斗机的重新出动吗?

#11 08-30-2013
Skywatcher 望空者
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Which aircraft?
It might be easier and quicker to flight prep a F-16 compared to a H-6K.

也许重装一架 F-16 比 一架 H-6K 要简单和快捷一点呢。

#12 08-31-2013
generally speaking fighter jet/interceptor


#13 08-31-2013
Junior Member
Even then, there would obviously be a big difference between the prep time for a F-5, vs. a J-11B.

全文引用 #12 楼:
即使那样,整装时间 F-5 vs. J-11B 也显然完全极其不一样啊。

#14 08-31-2013
rhino123 犀牛123 (犀牛通常也是美军重型装备比如主战坦克、轰炸机的呼叫代号)
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Actually you have to see what is the status of those aircraft. Some of them are already readied for flight, all countries had this system whereby they would allocate some squadrons of fighters and interceptors (rotatable shift) for emergency deployment.
If you count these squadrons that are already at the readied state to those that are not, then of course you will see a big difference.
I never believe that the Chinese reactions are that slow to begin with. Plus you need to know where the news came from... from Taiwan boasting about their capability (for political or otherwise usage), it might just be a ruse to tell their people that they have nothing to worry about, then yeah... they can said that.
But common sense has it that it cannot be the case. And unless China had officially told the world how fast they can react, it would be up to everyone's guess... but a simple example would be, during the time when US spy plane was intercepted by two J-8... we all know the rest of the story, my point is... if the Chinese are as slow as was stated... wouldn't that spy plane already left the location before the J-8 even arrive?

但是常识告诉我们不是那样的。除非中国官方正式的告诉全世界他们的重整时间多快,否则大家都只能猜测……但是一个简单的例子是,在美国间谍机被两架 J-8 拦截的案例……我们都知道故事余下的部分了,我的意思是……如果中国人真的如(台媒)所称那么慢的话,那么不是应该间谍机早在 J-8 来到它们的位置的时候就应该早就跑了吗?

#15 08-31-2013
silkroute 丝绸之路
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What could cause these differences?


#16 09-01-2013
well i don't about china prep time on jet, but i think nato standard is something like 20mins, from refuel/get ammo rdy/to take off etc. not sure about j10/j11/j8.

呃我不知道中国的战机备飞时间,但是我知道 nato (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 北大西洋公约组织的标准是大概 20分钟,从加油到装弹/备飞 到起飞什么的,不确定 j10/j11/j8 怎么样。

#17 09-01-2013
thunderchief 雷霆军士
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For a relatively small country like Taiwan with big opponent like China mandatory military service (i.e. conscription) is a must . No country in such position ever managed to defend itself with just professional army without trained citizen-soldiers . Basically , when Taiwan abolished conscription system they practically extinguished any hope they would fight PLA on the land . All they have now is a possibility to repel invasion before China manages to create bridgehead.


#18 09-01-2013
no_name 无_名
Senior Member
They tried to recruit their first 10,000 men with the voluntary service not long ago.
The number that eventually applied in the end is around 400.

它们(国军)不久以前试着在志愿制下征召它们的第一个 1万 名新兵。
最后它们收到的申请只有大约 400 名 (笑脸)。

#19 09-01-2013
siegecrossbow 攻城十字弓
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I could be wrong but the standard check up time for something as sophisticated as a modern jet fighter is around 20 minutes. Average ready time might be even longer than that. This is the reason that the F-16s failed to intercept inbound hijacked jets on September 11th.

全文引用 #16 楼:

呃我不知道中国的战机备飞时间,但是我知道 nato (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 北大西洋公约组织的标准是大概 20分钟,从加油到装弹/备飞 到起飞什么的,不确定 j10/j11/j8 怎么样。
我有可能错了,但是(译注:这是英语中一种谦虚的开场白)标准的检查一种如同当代战斗机一样先进繁琐的飞机的时间大约是在20分钟左右。平均的准备时间也许可能更长。这也是其中一个造成当年 9/11 的时候 F-16 没有能够拦截下被劫持的飞机的原因之一。

#20 09-01-2013
thunderchief 雷霆军士
Interestingly enough , older planes like Mig-21 could take off in 3 minutes and even faster , if the pilot sits in his flight suit and the plane is fueled and armed . Reason is of course that they don't have much of sophisticated equipment that needs to be readied .

全文引用 #16 楼:
我有可能错了,但是标准的检查一种如同当代战斗机一样先进繁琐的飞机的时间大约是在20分钟左右。平均的准备时间也许可能更长。这也是其中一个造成当年 9/11 的时候 F-16 没有能够拦截下被劫持的飞机的原因之一。
很有趣。老飞机比如 Mig-21 如果飞行员穿着飞行服坐在座舱里而飞机已经装好油填好弹的话,只需要3分钟就能起飞。原因当然要归于它们没有现代飞机复杂的装备需要当场准备。

#21 11-05-2013
volleyballer 排球手
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Both Taiwan and China aren't going to be up to US standards when it comes to the readiness of aircrafts. Both militaries lack a significant NCO force and we know that aircraft maintenance is done by NCOs. China is moving quickly to address the NCO gap but Taiwan I'm afraid is falling further and further behind. The big recruitment drive in Taiwan is having a real hard time meeting quotas. I think the latest quota was only 5~10% filled. It's terrible. Furthermore, the majority of new recruits are female seeking administrative assignments. They join the military to earn a stable income and support their family.
There's no doubt in my mind, a decade from now, the PLA would be able to field a very modern all-professional force with a large number of well trained NCOs. The PLAAF pilots are already getting almost twice as much airtime as their ROCAF counterparts. Recent studies show that ROCAF pilots are getting intercepted within 3 minutes of taking off (crossing the Taiwan strait). It used to be that ROCAF completely dominated the strait and flew across the line all the time. By the time the PLAAF interceptors got up there, the ROCAFs were gone. My how the times have changed.
Also another really bad sign of ROCAF readiness: Their planes are crashing due to poor maintenance. Just look at the incident with PH and ROC earlier this year. Taiwan staged several large scale war games and patrols with a combined ROCN and ROCAF force and they lost at least 3 or 4 planes (Mirage + F-16), which resulted in both plane types being grounded for safety inspections. They had to mobilize the IDFs instead. Even one of the much vaunted Lafayette frigates, of which the ROCN has just two, was caught being used by its sailors to smuggle contrabands and her captain was also found to have participated in group gambling right after the end of a failed exercise!

在提到飞机准备率方面台湾和中国都无法和美国的标准相比。两家(民国,共和国)都缺乏一支足够庞大的 NCO 军士 团队,而我们知道飞机的维护都是靠士官的。中国在快速的解决这个士官差距问题,而台湾我恐怕是越落越远了。台湾的征召大问题就是达到指标。我想它们最近只达到了 5~10% 的指标。太糟糕了。另外,现在新招兵的主体是一些希望参军获得一些行政职位的女兵,她们参军的主要目的只是是为了补贴家用。
就我认为,毫无疑问的,从现在开始一个十年期内,解放军将有能力整装一支全职业化的由大量高度受训的士官们组成的非常现代化的部队。PLAAF 解放军空军已经能得到近乎两倍于 ROCAF (Republic of China Air Force) 民国空军(译注:这里也不适合翻译成“国军”)的空训时间了。最近的研究显示民国空军飞行员在起飞3分钟以内(朝向跨越台湾海峡方向)就被拦截了。 以前的情况是民国空军完全主宰着台湾海峡,穿越中线随时随地,而等到解放军空军拦截机到那儿的时候,民国空军早就离开了。唉,世道变得真快啊!
另外一个对于民国空军来说的恶劣信号:它们的飞机因为恶劣的维护而坠机。看看今年早些时候的菲律宾与民国之间的事件吧。台湾摆出了一副大范围的军事演习并且拿出 ROCN 民国海军(译注:同样不适合翻译成“国军”)和民国空军的联合巡逻,结果摔掉了至少3架或者4架飞机 (幻影 + F-16),引发了这两种机型都被全面停飞以进行安全检查。它们不得不把 IDF 拿来替代。即使那被极度鼓吹的拉菲叶护卫舰,有且仅有的两艘中的一艘,被发现其水兵走私违禁物,而其舰长则在紧接着一次失败的演习以后聚众赌博被抓现行!

#22 11-05-2013
Senior Member
I don't think China combat readiness standard is behind US but more on rather the amount of combat readiness aircraft compare to US.
Given the rising military budget. China definitely has a group of highly combat readiness fighter ready for war anytime. But this group will probably bear the brute of the airforce. China military always emphasize on 1st tier group which is definitely the best equipped and most well funded. I will expect this to be limited number that can react the crisis or non aticipated situtation.
Then they will have the 2nd tier which will definitely a step below the 1st tier. less fund, less efficient pilot, less maintenance to save cost.

全文引用 #21 楼:
“在提到飞机准备率方面台湾和中国都无法和美国的标准相比。两家(民国,共和国)都缺乏一支足够庞大的 NCO 军士 团队,而我们知道飞机的维护都是靠士官的。中国在快速的解决这个士官差距问题,而台湾我恐怕是越落越远了。台湾的征召大问题就是达到指标。我想它们最近只达到了 5~10% 的指标。太糟糕了。另外,现在新招兵的主体是一些希望参军获得一些行政职位的女兵,她们参军的主要目的只是是为了补贴家用。
就我认为,毫无疑问的,从现在开始一个十年期内,解放军将有能力整装一支全职业化的由大量高度受训的士官们组成的非常现代化的部队。PLAAF 解放军空军已经能得到近乎两倍于 ROCAF (Republic of China Air Force) 民国空军(译注:这里也不适合翻译成“国军”)的空训时间了。最近的研究显示民国空军飞行员在起飞3分钟以内(朝向跨越台湾海峡方向)就被拦截了。 以前的情况是民国空军完全主宰着台湾海峡,穿越中线随时随地,而等到解放军空军拦截机到那儿的时候,民国空军早就离开了。唉,世道变得真快啊!
另外一个对于民国空军来说的恶劣信号:它们的飞机因为恶劣的维护而坠机。看看今年早些时候的菲律宾与民国之间的事件吧。台湾摆出了一副大范围的军事演习并且拿出 ROCN 民国海军(译注:同样不适合翻译成“国军”)和民国空军的联合巡逻,结果摔掉了至少3架或者4架飞机 (幻影 + F-16),引发了这两种机型都被全面停飞以进行安全检查。它们不得不把 IDF 拿来替代。即使那被极度鼓吹的拉菲叶护卫舰,有且仅有的两艘中的一艘,被发现其水兵走私违禁物,而其舰长则在紧接着一次失败的演习以后聚众赌博被抓现行!”

#23 12-22-2013
Red___Sword 红剑三道杠
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Here's my understanding of the People's Republic's conscription system:
1. Buttom-line for any military force's conscription system: Met the quantative needs of fielding an active force and reserve force.
2. If you are a small regime to start with, to met that supposed quantative needs, your national think tanks calculated that you need to "grab" all of the suitable aged men and women (preferably men, no intention to debate with feminist here), every year! So the conscription system in these parts of the world work as "No one get away".
3. If you are a huge nation with jaw-dropping population to start with, to met the supposed quantative needs, your national think tanks calculated that you only need to "grab" partial of the suitable aged men every year. So the conscriotion system in these part of the world seems like "Someone can get away".
4. So the logical conclusion is: Met the needs is the ultimate core-function of conscription system, "grab everyone" is one of the means to that end, but not the end itself.
So to the People's Republic more precisely, the MoD issued bills which National Congress passed as laws in the 1990's and amended in the 2000's, the 《国防法》、《动员法》 (National Defence law, Conscription law), clearly dictate that EVERY abled men, and when appliable, women, aged from no earlier than 16 and no later than 24 (or something, not sure the exact figure), is eligible to a mandatory national service.
...... so that if one day when the Zergs really comes and invaded our holly Terra, there is already existing laws to response to crappy ney-sayers of "make love, not war" gangs. Similar practicese has been observed to the United States of Ace, during Vitnam war era.
Now if you take a closer look to the bolded font of "eligible" and the absent text of " a mandatory national service of XX years -- this is the game part.
Eligible means "you will be on call", but dose not means specificlly YOU the individual will be called - not to the active unit at least.
The conscription law also said the aforementioned suitable aged men (and when appliable, women) can take part in the local 人武部 (roughly translated as "Department of People's Arms") validated 军事训练 (military training) which can be organized by Academic institutes, state owned organization/entity, Organized factory, Organized street administration unit... no less than a period of time (usually less than 3 months), as considered to fulfilled the aforementioned mandatory national service duty.
And each year's active unit's new conscription men-strength, shall be determined by the MoD, all the calrification rights of related documentation and orders shall be retained by MoD, all the other branches of governmental bodys and social entities shall assist the relevant conscription work without explicit hampering... and bla bla bla.
The reality is: Despite PRC having the largest men-strength of active military force on earth, and to replenish decommissioned servicemen requires the largest men-strength of new conscription EVERY YEAR, only a tiny fraction of China's abled aged eligible men and women, ever entered the active PLA and PAP units. The rest of vast number of supposed eligible men and women, every year a new batch, all aged 18 or so, being herded by less-than-excited relevant academical, governmental, social bodys of various type, to some less-than-excited so called military trainings which less sporty than western world's boy scouts, to a period of likes of 2 weeks, accommodations not included, AWOLs not logged, military standards not supposed, firearms not involved, you-have-served-your-country-well-I-am-proud-of-you concluded, CONSCRIPTION.
And by THAT, many considers the People's Republic as THE threat to world peace, can't tell which link failed at this information age here.
On the other hand, mainlander I, am very sincerely looking forward any man or woman, from the perspective of R.O.C. Nationalist Revolutionary Army (THIS, NRA, PLA's opposide side of a sovereign coin, is the formal name of the good force that ended China's Imperium era; and fighted with the good people of the rest of world side by side at WWII; that Taiwanese media try their best not to ever mention it in its full name for explicit reasons) point of view, to shed more light on their professionalism and readiness, rather than any other “资深媒体人”(Senior media hotshot) across either side of the strait.

1. 任何一支军队对于义务征兵制的最低限度:满足 装备一支现役和预备役部队的 数量上 的要求。
2. 如果你是个小政权,为了满足你的设想中需要的数量要求,你的国家智库们经过计算发现,你需要“拉壮丁”拉来你们国家 所有的适龄男子和女子(最好是男的,这里没有跟女权主义者争辩的意愿)——每一年啊!所以义务征兵制在世界上这些地方运作起来就是“没有人可以逃避”的样子。
3. 如果你是一个巨大的国家有着让人下巴掉地上的人口,为了满足设想中的需要的数量要求,你的国家智库们经过计算发现,你只需要每年“弄来” 适龄男子中的 一部分 就够了。所以义务征兵制在世界上这些地方运作起来就是 “有些人可以逃避开” 的样子。
4. 所以逻辑结论是:达到要求 就是最终极的义务征兵体系的核心功能,“拉每一个壮丁”只是其中一种实现这个目的的方法,但不是目的本身。
所以更具体地说到人民共和国身上,国防部于1990年代提出了法案,全国人大通过了这些法案使之成为了法律,于2000年代进行了修订——《国防法》、《动员法》明确要求, 每一个 健康适龄的男子,适用时也可包括女子,不低于16岁,不高于24岁(或者类似的,具体数字不记得了),是 eligible 适合于 义务的国防服役的。
……所以呢,当哪天星际争霸里的虫族真的入侵了我们神圣的地球时,我们已经有现成的法律来应对那些扯蛋的高喊:“make love, not war 要做爱,不要作战”的家伙们。类似的实际操作在美国的越战时期就有过。

(译注:1. make love, not war 是美国越战时期著名的反战示薇口号;2.SDF论坛的会员休闲区里面曾经有一个扯蛋又火爆的帖子:“假如外星人入侵了中国,该怎么办?”)

现在你仔细看看条文中的黑色字体的 “eligible 适合于”,以及条文中并没有出现的 “……义务国防服役 ××年”的字样——这就是游戏精华所在。


事实情况是:尽管人民共和国有着地球上数量最为庞大的军队,尽管为了更新每年退役下来的军人的每年新征兵数量需要地球上最庞大的征兵额,每年却 仅仅一小部分 中国的适龄男子女子进入了现役 PLA 解放军和 PAP (People's Armed Police) 人民武警序列。其他数量庞大的理论上适于服役的男子女子,每年一批新的,全都是18岁左右,都像赶羊一样的由心不在焉的各种院校、政府、社会机构们扔到各种心不在焉的所谓的军训里面,其运动量甚至都比不上西方国家的童子军,持续类似于2周一样的时期,住宿不包,开小差不报,军事标准不要求,军火没门,“你为你的国家付出了贡献,我为你感到骄傲”为结束词,的“国防服役”。
另一方面,作为一个内地人的我,诚恳殷切地希望任何男子女子,从 R.O.C. Nationalist Revolutionary Army 中华民国国民革命军(这,NRA,作为一个主权硬币上 PLA 的对面那一面,结束了中国帝制的正义力量;与世界其他正义人士一起并肩战斗的二战生力军;台湾媒体尽它们自己最大的努力出于专门的目的,连其全名都不敢说出来只敢以“国军”一笔带过——才是这支部队的正规的全名) 的观点出发,来抛砖引玉的探讨探讨他们的专业性和备战性,而不是从海峡两岸任何哪边的什么所谓“资深媒体人”(Senior media hotshot)那里来。
Hung Chung-chiu 中文名是 洪仲丘

胡忠信:洪仲丘案后遗症严重 军队不敢让士兵割草出操

2014年01月06日 14:16   来源:凤凰卫视 ... 06/32764172_0.shtml
lightsun7 发表于 2014-1-13 06:50
Hung Chung-chiu 中文名是 洪仲丘

胡忠信:洪仲丘案后遗症严重 军队不敢让士兵割草出操
让我想起了蒋介石的译名作“chung  kai sheng” ,

duanmingxuan 发表于 2014-1-13 10:13
让我想起了蒋介石的译名作“chung  kai sheng” ,

应该是 Chang Kai-shik……
应该是 Chang Kai-shik……
威妥码倒是 ...


翻译在自说自话吗?propaganda确实会用于类似洗脑之类的解释,但是本质上是中性偏右的,而固定用法中用于征兵的宣传,只能用propaganda。 recruitment propaganda各国都在用这个词组,征兵海报也叫propaganda poster,所以用你的翻译,就是洗脑海报了?