
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 23:23:47
今天新闻里有个英国议员George Galloway反对英国参战,说阿萨德不是好东西,自由军更是杂种,相关超大讨论http://lt.cjdby.net/thread-1705495-1-1.html

我偶尔上网乱看,发现在下院辩论之前,已经有英国记者发了一篇文章,预言George Galloway会在辩论里发威,并且极尽能事的某黑了这位议员一番,简直丧心病狂,为了追求效果不惜把自己的奶奶都搬出来黑了一番。

作者:Ruth Dudley Edwards 是一位历史学者,传记作家,同时还创作犯罪小说。

【标题】How will George Galloway, the member for Damascus West, exploit the Syria debate?
支持大马士革的George Galloway会怎样在有关叙利亚的辩论中搞事?

This says it all, really
I’ll be astounded if George Galloway MP isn’t revving himself up to make a rare visit to the Commons to give a bravura performance in today’s Syria debate, defending the sainted Assad with whataboutery directed at Israel and the West in the style of the late “devil’s advocate”, the lawyer Jacques Vergès, doughty defender of Klaus Barbie and Carlos “the Jackal” and bosom buddy of Pol Pot.

虽然George Galloway不常去下院,但如果他不在今天的辩论中来一番华丽的表演的话,姐我肯定会大吃一惊。他绝对会巧言为阿萨德辩护,就像“魔鬼代言人”Jacques Vergès为Klaus Barbie(党卫军军官)、Carlos “the Jackal”(委内瑞拉恐怖分子)和Pol Pot(红色高棉领导人)辩护一样。

If you’d like a trailer and are on twitter, see @georgegalloway, where he’s alternately exhorting and bullying, calling on the faithful to lobby their MPs, denouncing those with whom he doesn’t agree (I don’t know what Adam Boulton – whom he calls a “Murdoch hireling” and a “supine schmuck” – has done to be accused of “malevolent mendacity”) and threatening critics.  Even more dramatic was his declaration on Press TV (of which he has been a hireling for many years and which is owned by the Iranian government) : “If there has been a use of chemical weapons it was al-Qaeda who used chemical weapons. Who gave al-Qaeda chemical weapons? Here’s my theory: Israel gave them the chemical weapons so that they would use them so that they would bring the international community into the final destruction of Syria.”


Galloway reminds me of my Irish republican granny, who was not only a voluble bully and ideologue, but shared his passion for dictators and was devoted to conspiracy theories. She worshipped and mourned Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin. When many years after the war I asked her, “What about the Jews, Grandmother?” she replied, “British propaganda.” Galloway has had to settle for smaller fry like Saddam Hussein, the Assads and assorted Islamist leaders.


I shared a panel with Galloway last year in West Belfast and found him as unpleasant, unattractive, solipsistic, populist and predictable as I’d expected, but there’s no doubting his ruthlessness as an opponent and his brilliance as an orator. If he’s called on to speak in the Commons today, his performance shouldn’t be missed. However, I also discovered that he is so blatantly bigoted and bullying as to give his opponents at times an open goal. Seize your moment, you decent parliamentarians, like him ignore the Queensberry rules, and show him up for the nasty piece of work that he is.

去年我在West Belfast和Galloway一起参加一个研讨会,发现他是个烦人,又挫逼又自大的民粹主义者。和我预想的一样,他行事易于估计。但毫无疑问,作为对手他冷酷无情,作为演说家则才华横溢。如果在今天的下院会议中他有发言的机会,他的表演绝对吸引人眼球。不过,他如此固执,又气势凌人,简直是给他的对手们提供了个好靶子。国会议员们,抓住机会啊!像他一样,别管什么狗屁规则,呼他一脸板砖!

今天新闻里有个英国议员George Galloway反对英国参战,说阿萨德不是好东西,自由军更是杂种,相关超大讨论http://lt.cjdby.net/thread-1705495-1-1.html

我偶尔上网乱看,发现在下院辩论之前,已经有英国记者发了一篇文章,预言George Galloway会在辩论里发威,并且极尽能事的某黑了这位议员一番,简直丧心病狂,为了追求效果不惜把自己的奶奶都搬出来黑了一番。

作者:Ruth Dudley Edwards 是一位历史学者,传记作家,同时还创作犯罪小说。

【标题】How will George Galloway, the member for Damascus West, exploit the Syria debate?
支持大马士革的George Galloway会怎样在有关叙利亚的辩论中搞事?

This says it all, really
I’ll be astounded if George Galloway MP isn’t revving himself up to make a rare visit to the Commons to give a bravura performance in today’s Syria debate, defending the sainted Assad with whataboutery directed at Israel and the West in the style of the late “devil’s advocate”, the lawyer Jacques Vergès, doughty defender of Klaus Barbie and Carlos “the Jackal” and bosom buddy of Pol Pot.

虽然George Galloway不常去下院,但如果他不在今天的辩论中来一番华丽的表演的话,姐我肯定会大吃一惊。他绝对会巧言为阿萨德辩护,就像“魔鬼代言人”Jacques Vergès为Klaus Barbie(党卫军军官)、Carlos “the Jackal”(委内瑞拉恐怖分子)和Pol Pot(红色高棉领导人)辩护一样。

If you’d like a trailer and are on twitter, see @georgegalloway, where he’s alternately exhorting and bullying, calling on the faithful to lobby their MPs, denouncing those with whom he doesn’t agree (I don’t know what Adam Boulton – whom he calls a “Murdoch hireling” and a “supine schmuck” – has done to be accused of “malevolent mendacity”) and threatening critics.  Even more dramatic was his declaration on Press TV (of which he has been a hireling for many years and which is owned by the Iranian government) : “If there has been a use of chemical weapons it was al-Qaeda who used chemical weapons. Who gave al-Qaeda chemical weapons? Here’s my theory: Israel gave them the chemical weapons so that they would use them so that they would bring the international community into the final destruction of Syria.”


Galloway reminds me of my Irish republican granny, who was not only a voluble bully and ideologue, but shared his passion for dictators and was devoted to conspiracy theories. She worshipped and mourned Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin. When many years after the war I asked her, “What about the Jews, Grandmother?” she replied, “British propaganda.” Galloway has had to settle for smaller fry like Saddam Hussein, the Assads and assorted Islamist leaders.


I shared a panel with Galloway last year in West Belfast and found him as unpleasant, unattractive, solipsistic, populist and predictable as I’d expected, but there’s no doubting his ruthlessness as an opponent and his brilliance as an orator. If he’s called on to speak in the Commons today, his performance shouldn’t be missed. However, I also discovered that he is so blatantly bigoted and bullying as to give his opponents at times an open goal. Seize your moment, you decent parliamentarians, like him ignore the Queensberry rules, and show him up for the nasty piece of work that he is.

去年我在West Belfast和Galloway一起参加一个研讨会,发现他是个烦人,又挫逼又自大的民粹主义者。和我预想的一样,他行事易于估计。但毫无疑问,作为对手他冷酷无情,作为演说家则才华横溢。如果在今天的下院会议中他有发言的机会,他的表演绝对吸引人眼球。不过,他如此固执,又气势凌人,简直是给他的对手们提供了个好靶子。国会议员们,抓住机会啊!像他一样,别管什么狗屁规则,呼他一脸板砖!

Ruth Dudley Edwards 是爱尔兰人,不是英国人。

他的意见有本事通过House of Common再说。
天边的云123456 发表于 2013-8-31 07:07
攻击的好低级啊 让我想起了《竞选州长》