
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/30 06:47:15



For decades, Koreans have beenpushing to preserve the legacy of women forced to provide sex to Japanese armysoldiers during World War II. Glendale, Calif., will dedicate a statuememorializing the victims, known as "comfort women," on Tuesday. Butthe statue has spurred controversy in this Southern California city, where some area residents say it is a divisivereminder of the horrors of war.
The sculpture is a bronzestatue of a young girl. She looks about 14 — around the same age as manycomfort women when they were forced into military brothels run by Japan'simperial army.


Ok-seon Lee, 86, was one ofthem. She's in California,visiting with Korean-American activists. These activists don't say"comfort women" when she's around. Instead, they call her halmoni,Korean for "grandmother."
As she tells her story, Leestares out at no one through her red-tinted glasses. She's back inside herdarkest days, decades ago. Lee says she was taken to a facility in Yanji, China,at age 15, where she was abused for three years until the end of the war.
"The comfort stationwhere we were taken was not a place for human beings to live," Lee saysthrough an interpreter. "It was a slaughterhouse. I'm telling you, it waskilling people."

    86岁的Ok-seon Lee是一名慰安妇,正在加州拜访一位韩裔美国活动家。这些活动家并不称呼她为“慰安妇”,他们叫他“halmoni”,韩语意为“奶奶”。当她讲述她的故事时,她不敢透过红色的镜片与别人对视。她回到了数十年前的黑暗岁月。她说她15岁时被带到了中国延吉,在那里被虐待了3年,直到战争结束。

    Lee, who lives near Seoul with several otherformer comfort women in a facility called House of Sharing, has many disturbingstories. She tells one about being stabbed by a Japanese officer, and raisesher arm to expose a scar a few inches long just below her right wrist.
"So I blocked the bladelike this," she recalls. "And I was enraged, because I didn't die.You can't imagine how agonizing it was."
Historians say as many as200,000 women from East Asia were traffickedas comfort women during the war.


  "It is really necessarythat we remember the rights that were violated, and the monument will be thereto remind people not to repeat that history," says Won Choi, coordinatorfor the Korean American Forum of California, the group that raised the fundsfor the Glendalememorial.
The statue in Glendaleis an exact replica of one in Seoul, South Korea,that sits right across from the Japanese embassy there. That "peacemonument," as it is called, has become a focal point for dissent betweenJapanese leaders and Korean victims.


Echoes Of An InternationalControversy
When Frank Quintero, aGlendale City Council member, announced a plan to put the very same statue inhis city's central park, hundreds of angry emails flooded his inbox — mostlyfrom Japan.
"The tone of probably 98percent, 99 percent of the email was total denial," Quintero says."Not just of the comfort women issue, but the Rape of Nanking and all ofthe other atrocities. They're in total denial."
"The story told byKoreans about comfort women is not based on the fact. It's a kind of, say,manufactured story," says Koichi Mera, one of a few dozenJapanese-Americans who showed up at a recent City Council meeting to oppose themonument.
Yoshi Miyake, who alsoattended the meeting, says the women were working voluntarily. That claim fliesin the face of the evidence, but has even been suggested by Japan's primeminister, Shinzo Abe. "These girls were allowed to refuse customers ifthey want to," Miyake says. "You call this sex slave?"


    当格兰岱儿市议员Frank Quintero宣布要在该市中央公园建立一座类似的雕塑时,数百封抗议邮件潮水般淹没了他的邮箱——大部分邮件来自日本。Frank Quintero说“98%到99%的邮件都是对慰安妇问题,甚至南京大屠杀的彻底否定。”

一个日裔美国人Koichi Mera最近在市议会反对这个纪念碑,他说:“那些关于慰安妇的事迹纯属韩国人的捏造,毫无事实依据。”

另一名参加议会的人,Yoshi Miyake说这些妇女是自愿的。她说:“如果她们想拒绝是可以拒绝的,所以这能称为性奴吗?这种罔顾事实的言论甚至是日本首相安倍晋三所支持的。

This isn't the first time thecomfort women dispute has flared up on U.S. soil. Last year, Japaneseofficials lobbied Palisades Park, N.J., to remove a similarmonument that was dedicated in 2010. And Buena  Park, Calif., isreconsidering plans to build a comfort women memorial after a spate of emailsopposing the proposal.
Japan and South Koreaclash on many details about the history of comfort women. They're also at oddsover Japan'sresponsibility to the victims. Japandid issue an apology 20 years ago, but many of its leaders have since tried totake it back.
Thomas Berger, a professor ofinternational relations at Boston University, says some in Japan long to promote a positiveimage, even if that means revising the past.
"There is a belief amongmany conservatives in Japanthat history has been used as a tool against Japan,that Japansuffers not from too much patriotism, but too little," Berger says.
But the victims say they need that history tobe accepted — and taught. There are only 58 "halmonies" like Ok-seonLee left. And like Lee, many are still traveling and speaking out.

韩国和日本在慰安妇历史问题上存在许多分歧。争论还包括日本对受害者应负的责任。波士顿大学国际关系学教授Thomas Berger说:“日本在20年前发表过道歉声明,但是许多后来的领导人都试图否认。一些日本人企图通过修改历史而营造一个正面的形象。”他说:“许多日本保守派人士认为历史被当成了一种反日工具,日本的爱国主义不是太多哦,而是太少。”
受害者说他们需要这段历史被承认和教育。像Ok-seon Lee这样的依然在世的"halmonies"只剩下58人。他们大部分依然在奔走疾呼。

"Why didn't I die? Why amI alive? I lived for this long, and that's why I can at least say somethingabout this," Lee says. "But think of what sorrows the other womenmust have died with. We need to speak for them, too."
But Ok-seon Lee can't do thisforever. She hopes monuments like the one in Glendale will be around to tell this storywhen she and the other women can't.

但是Ok-seon Lee没法永远这么做。她希望在她以及其他的妇女无法这么做的时候,格林岱儿这样的纪念碑能够告诉人们这段历史。


Kya Tuvo

The refusal of some men in Japan, and some in the US, to acceptwhat a previous generation of men did to Korean girls and women is appalling.Do Mr Miyake and Mr Mera seriously think an 86-year-old woman would make upsuch a thing? The lives of the "comfort women" were hell. They wereforced into sexual slavery and horrific treatment because they were female andbecause they were Korean.
That a simple statue of a teenage girl is threatening to grown men withblinders on says a lot about those men.


161 mdwestms Kya Tuvo

Well said!


Eric Cartman mdwestms
It nice to know history hasnot changed, yet.
Too many time NPR has used itsfreedom of the press to change history.
Like when Bill Clinton tookMonica Lewinsky an unpaid intern to be a "Comfort woman". How did NPRrun the story?


Ziyu Ziyu
If Japanwants to promote a positive image, it should learn from Germany andacknowledge its past, apologize, and make a sincere effort to reform.


Ryan P Ziyu Ziyu
Have you ever read Germanhistory textbooks? Lol


Michael Kagan Ryan P
Yes, and he is right. Readabout the culture of contrition and read some Japanese high school textbooks.It's as if WWII was America'sfault and their terrorizing of Asia neverhappened.


down town Michael Kagan
So, Michael,Japan has a state similar toTexas wheretheir textbooks are printed?


Ron Shirtz
"Yoshi Miyake, who alsoattended the meeting, says the women were working voluntarily. That claim fliesin the face of the evidence, but has even been suggested by Japan's primeminister, Shinzo Abe.
"These girls were allowedto refuse customers if they want to," Miyake says. "You call this sexslave?"
As Will Smith would say:"Oh Hell no!

It's not politically correctto say so these days, but the Japanese military had a pretty horrific recordduring the war in their treatment of people. To believe "comfortwomen"--particularity Korean women whose nation was subjugated by Japan ---hadthe option to say "no" to sex is a sanitized lie designed to saveface.

一个日裔美国人Koichi Mera最近在市议会反对这个纪念碑,他说:“那些关于慰安妇的事迹纯属韩国


另一名参加议会的人,Yoshi Miyake说这些妇女是自愿的。她说:“如果她们想拒绝是可以拒绝的,所以这能称为性奴吗?这种罔顾事实的言论甚至是日本首相安倍晋三所支持的。



M Flynt

This is particularlycompelling in light of the change in government in Japan. The new regime is leadingthe denial. I'm always struck by the contrast between modern Japan and Germany when it comes to takingresponsibility for war crimes. One encounters constant reminders, in the formof major museums and thousands of small memorials, in Berlin and other German cities. Thedirection Japanis taking concerns me not only from a historical perspective, but for itsimplications today.


Luke Frishkoff M Flynt

One is also struck by thedifferences in Europe versus Asia. Germany now is de facto head of an increasingintegrated Europe (current growing pains not withstanding), while Japan is still reviled across most of anincreasingly fractious Asia. I sometimeswonder what role acceptance versus denial of past war crimes has played intothese continent-wide relationships.


Michael Kagan Luke Frishkoff
True, and the Japanesecontinue to offend the Koreans with their denial and provide fuel for Chinesegovernment with its ramped up nationalism.



What a heartbreaking story.I'm glad that the memorial to the children and women's shattered lives will goup despite the protests of the deniers. It's so selfish to toss aside thevalidation of another human being's suffering because of national or historicalpride. Reminds me of some people in the south when it comes to the reasons forthe civil war. All nations have their skeletons; it's amazing to me that peopledon't realize that it just makes you look worse when you don't ask forgivenessfor your sins.


Mark Fraser J J

We need one next to the EnolaGay; to remind people why the war against Japan needed to be ended as fast aspossible.

我么需要另一个Enola Gay来告诉人们为什么抗日战争应该尽快结束。

Grey Sea

I apologize for the tortureMs. Ok-seon Lee and all other slaves suffered at the hands of my countrymenbefore and during World War II. The abuse she suffered is inhuman and can neverbe righted. We will never be good neighbors to the Koreans until every one ofus sincerely apologizes.

我向Ok-seon Lee以及所有在二战期间在我的同胞手中遭受苦难的人们道歉。她所糟受的这种非人的虐待无论如何都是错误的。除非我们每个人都真诚的道歉,否则我们和韩国永远不可能成为好邻居。

Sean Gregg

I'm sure it would be lesspainful to forget about the whole matter- that is exactly why we shouldremember, to keep it from happening again.


Heather A
What the women went through inthose rape houses is horrible and should always be remembered. The memorial isa fitting reminder of how their youth & womanhood was stolen from them.


The reporter implies that"halmoni" is a euphemism for "comfort woman". ("Thereare only 58 "halmonies" like Ok-seon Lee left. And like Lee, many arestill traveling and speaking out.") The term is a general honorific usedto address elderly women. I would not want a listener to hear a Korean matriarchcalled "halmoni" and assume that she was a comfort woman.


tgsm Parthenogenetic

The story does note that"halmoni" is Korean for grandmother.
And it appears that activists do use it as a euphemism for the surviving Koreanwomen who were raped and tortured by the Japanese army as young girls. It'scertainly better than the widely-used, alternative euphemism for these victims:"comfort women."


A.F. Kaplan

Oh, please...this is the sameJapanese government that diverted millions of relief aid funds that weresupposed to be for the survivors of the Fukishima meltdown to the Japanesewhaling fleet.
Listen carefully....that wasthe sound of me NOT CARING what the Japanese government has to say about thismonument!
The Japanese governmentbrought this on itself with its callous disregard for human life in World WarII, a pattern that continues to repeat itself to this day even with its ownpeople. The Japanese government should be ashamed for what it did to the womenit enslaved in World War II (and don't get me started on their whaling fleetpractices). FOR SHAME!!






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2013-7-30 21:45 上传


For decades, Koreans have beenpushing to preserve the legacy of women forced to provide sex to Japanese armysoldiers during World War II. Glendale, Calif., will dedicate a statuememorializing the victims, known as "comfort women," on Tuesday. Butthe statue has spurred controversy in this Southern California city, where some area residents say it is a divisivereminder of the horrors of war.
The sculpture is a bronzestatue of a young girl. She looks about 14 — around the same age as manycomfort women when they were forced into military brothels run by Japan'simperial army.


Ok-seon Lee, 86, was one ofthem. She's in California,visiting with Korean-American activists. These activists don't say"comfort women" when she's around. Instead, they call her halmoni,Korean for "grandmother."
As she tells her story, Leestares out at no one through her red-tinted glasses. She's back inside herdarkest days, decades ago. Lee says she was taken to a facility in Yanji, China,at age 15, where she was abused for three years until the end of the war.
"The comfort stationwhere we were taken was not a place for human beings to live," Lee saysthrough an interpreter. "It was a slaughterhouse. I'm telling you, it waskilling people."

    86岁的Ok-seon Lee是一名慰安妇,正在加州拜访一位韩裔美国活动家。这些活动家并不称呼她为“慰安妇”,他们叫他“halmoni”,韩语意为“奶奶”。当她讲述她的故事时,她不敢透过红色的镜片与别人对视。她回到了数十年前的黑暗岁月。她说她15岁时被带到了中国延吉,在那里被虐待了3年,直到战争结束。

    Lee, who lives near Seoul with several otherformer comfort women in a facility called House of Sharing, has many disturbingstories. She tells one about being stabbed by a Japanese officer, and raisesher arm to expose a scar a few inches long just below her right wrist.
"So I blocked the bladelike this," she recalls. "And I was enraged, because I didn't die.You can't imagine how agonizing it was."
Historians say as many as200,000 women from East Asia were traffickedas comfort women during the war.


  "It is really necessarythat we remember the rights that were violated, and the monument will be thereto remind people not to repeat that history," says Won Choi, coordinatorfor the Korean American Forum of California, the group that raised the fundsfor the Glendalememorial.
The statue in Glendaleis an exact replica of one in Seoul, South Korea,that sits right across from the Japanese embassy there. That "peacemonument," as it is called, has become a focal point for dissent betweenJapanese leaders and Korean victims.


Echoes Of An InternationalControversy
When Frank Quintero, aGlendale City Council member, announced a plan to put the very same statue inhis city's central park, hundreds of angry emails flooded his inbox — mostlyfrom Japan.
"The tone of probably 98percent, 99 percent of the email was total denial," Quintero says."Not just of the comfort women issue, but the Rape of Nanking and all ofthe other atrocities. They're in total denial."
"The story told byKoreans about comfort women is not based on the fact. It's a kind of, say,manufactured story," says Koichi Mera, one of a few dozenJapanese-Americans who showed up at a recent City Council meeting to oppose themonument.
Yoshi Miyake, who alsoattended the meeting, says the women were working voluntarily. That claim fliesin the face of the evidence, but has even been suggested by Japan's primeminister, Shinzo Abe. "These girls were allowed to refuse customers ifthey want to," Miyake says. "You call this sex slave?"


    当格兰岱儿市议员Frank Quintero宣布要在该市中央公园建立一座类似的雕塑时,数百封抗议邮件潮水般淹没了他的邮箱——大部分邮件来自日本。Frank Quintero说“98%到99%的邮件都是对慰安妇问题,甚至南京大屠杀的彻底否定。”

一个日裔美国人Koichi Mera最近在市议会反对这个纪念碑,他说:“那些关于慰安妇的事迹纯属韩国人的捏造,毫无事实依据。”

另一名参加议会的人,Yoshi Miyake说这些妇女是自愿的。她说:“如果她们想拒绝是可以拒绝的,所以这能称为性奴吗?这种罔顾事实的言论甚至是日本首相安倍晋三所支持的。

This isn't the first time thecomfort women dispute has flared up on U.S. soil. Last year, Japaneseofficials lobbied Palisades Park, N.J., to remove a similarmonument that was dedicated in 2010. And Buena  Park, Calif., isreconsidering plans to build a comfort women memorial after a spate of emailsopposing the proposal.
Japan and South Koreaclash on many details about the history of comfort women. They're also at oddsover Japan'sresponsibility to the victims. Japandid issue an apology 20 years ago, but many of its leaders have since tried totake it back.
Thomas Berger, a professor ofinternational relations at Boston University, says some in Japan long to promote a positiveimage, even if that means revising the past.
"There is a belief amongmany conservatives in Japanthat history has been used as a tool against Japan,that Japansuffers not from too much patriotism, but too little," Berger says.
But the victims say they need that history tobe accepted — and taught. There are only 58 "halmonies" like Ok-seonLee left. And like Lee, many are still traveling and speaking out.

韩国和日本在慰安妇历史问题上存在许多分歧。争论还包括日本对受害者应负的责任。波士顿大学国际关系学教授Thomas Berger说:“日本在20年前发表过道歉声明,但是许多后来的领导人都试图否认。一些日本人企图通过修改历史而营造一个正面的形象。”他说:“许多日本保守派人士认为历史被当成了一种反日工具,日本的爱国主义不是太多哦,而是太少。”
受害者说他们需要这段历史被承认和教育。像Ok-seon Lee这样的依然在世的"halmonies"只剩下58人。他们大部分依然在奔走疾呼。

"Why didn't I die? Why amI alive? I lived for this long, and that's why I can at least say somethingabout this," Lee says. "But think of what sorrows the other womenmust have died with. We need to speak for them, too."
But Ok-seon Lee can't do thisforever. She hopes monuments like the one in Glendale will be around to tell this storywhen she and the other women can't.

但是Ok-seon Lee没法永远这么做。她希望在她以及其他的妇女无法这么做的时候,格林岱儿这样的纪念碑能够告诉人们这段历史。


Kya Tuvo

The refusal of some men in Japan, and some in the US, to acceptwhat a previous generation of men did to Korean girls and women is appalling.Do Mr Miyake and Mr Mera seriously think an 86-year-old woman would make upsuch a thing? The lives of the "comfort women" were hell. They wereforced into sexual slavery and horrific treatment because they were female andbecause they were Korean.
That a simple statue of a teenage girl is threatening to grown men withblinders on says a lot about those men.


161 mdwestms Kya Tuvo

Well said!


Eric Cartman mdwestms
It nice to know history hasnot changed, yet.
Too many time NPR has used itsfreedom of the press to change history.
Like when Bill Clinton tookMonica Lewinsky an unpaid intern to be a "Comfort woman". How did NPRrun the story?


Ziyu Ziyu
If Japanwants to promote a positive image, it should learn from Germany andacknowledge its past, apologize, and make a sincere effort to reform.


Ryan P Ziyu Ziyu
Have you ever read Germanhistory textbooks? Lol


Michael Kagan Ryan P
Yes, and he is right. Readabout the culture of contrition and read some Japanese high school textbooks.It's as if WWII was America'sfault and their terrorizing of Asia neverhappened.


down town Michael Kagan
So, Michael,Japan has a state similar toTexas wheretheir textbooks are printed?


Ron Shirtz
"Yoshi Miyake, who alsoattended the meeting, says the women were working voluntarily. That claim fliesin the face of the evidence, but has even been suggested by Japan's primeminister, Shinzo Abe.
"These girls were allowedto refuse customers if they want to," Miyake says. "You call this sexslave?"
As Will Smith would say:"Oh Hell no!

It's not politically correctto say so these days, but the Japanese military had a pretty horrific recordduring the war in their treatment of people. To believe "comfortwomen"--particularity Korean women whose nation was subjugated by Japan ---hadthe option to say "no" to sex is a sanitized lie designed to saveface.

一个日裔美国人Koichi Mera最近在市议会反对这个纪念碑,他说:“那些关于慰安妇的事迹纯属韩国


另一名参加议会的人,Yoshi Miyake说这些妇女是自愿的。她说:“如果她们想拒绝是可以拒绝的,所以这能称为性奴吗?这种罔顾事实的言论甚至是日本首相安倍晋三所支持的。



M Flynt

This is particularlycompelling in light of the change in government in Japan. The new regime is leadingthe denial. I'm always struck by the contrast between modern Japan and Germany when it comes to takingresponsibility for war crimes. One encounters constant reminders, in the formof major museums and thousands of small memorials, in Berlin and other German cities. Thedirection Japanis taking concerns me not only from a historical perspective, but for itsimplications today.


Luke Frishkoff M Flynt

One is also struck by thedifferences in Europe versus Asia. Germany now is de facto head of an increasingintegrated Europe (current growing pains not withstanding), while Japan is still reviled across most of anincreasingly fractious Asia. I sometimeswonder what role acceptance versus denial of past war crimes has played intothese continent-wide relationships.


Michael Kagan Luke Frishkoff
True, and the Japanesecontinue to offend the Koreans with their denial and provide fuel for Chinesegovernment with its ramped up nationalism.



What a heartbreaking story.I'm glad that the memorial to the children and women's shattered lives will goup despite the protests of the deniers. It's so selfish to toss aside thevalidation of another human being's suffering because of national or historicalpride. Reminds me of some people in the south when it comes to the reasons forthe civil war. All nations have their skeletons; it's amazing to me that peopledon't realize that it just makes you look worse when you don't ask forgivenessfor your sins.


Mark Fraser J J

We need one next to the EnolaGay; to remind people why the war against Japan needed to be ended as fast aspossible.

我么需要另一个Enola Gay来告诉人们为什么抗日战争应该尽快结束。

Grey Sea

I apologize for the tortureMs. Ok-seon Lee and all other slaves suffered at the hands of my countrymenbefore and during World War II. The abuse she suffered is inhuman and can neverbe righted. We will never be good neighbors to the Koreans until every one ofus sincerely apologizes.

我向Ok-seon Lee以及所有在二战期间在我的同胞手中遭受苦难的人们道歉。她所糟受的这种非人的虐待无论如何都是错误的。除非我们每个人都真诚的道歉,否则我们和韩国永远不可能成为好邻居。

Sean Gregg

I'm sure it would be lesspainful to forget about the whole matter- that is exactly why we shouldremember, to keep it from happening again.


Heather A
What the women went through inthose rape houses is horrible and should always be remembered. The memorial isa fitting reminder of how their youth & womanhood was stolen from them.


The reporter implies that"halmoni" is a euphemism for "comfort woman". ("Thereare only 58 "halmonies" like Ok-seon Lee left. And like Lee, many arestill traveling and speaking out.") The term is a general honorific usedto address elderly women. I would not want a listener to hear a Korean matriarchcalled "halmoni" and assume that she was a comfort woman.


tgsm Parthenogenetic

The story does note that"halmoni" is Korean for grandmother.
And it appears that activists do use it as a euphemism for the surviving Koreanwomen who were raped and tortured by the Japanese army as young girls. It'scertainly better than the widely-used, alternative euphemism for these victims:"comfort women."


A.F. Kaplan

Oh, please...this is the sameJapanese government that diverted millions of relief aid funds that weresupposed to be for the survivors of the Fukishima meltdown to the Japanesewhaling fleet.
Listen carefully....that wasthe sound of me NOT CARING what the Japanese government has to say about thismonument!
The Japanese governmentbrought this on itself with its callous disregard for human life in World WarII, a pattern that continues to repeat itself to this day even with its ownpeople. The Japanese government should be ashamed for what it did to the womenit enslaved in World War II (and don't get me started on their whaling fleetpractices). FOR SHAME!!




有没有图啊?来自: iPhone客户端
张俊 发表于 2013-7-30 21:37
对日本军人的畜生行为感到震惊,同时也为韩国人坚持不懈的精神感动,反观中国人显的冷漠的态度,甚至为日本 ...
特战神兵 发表于 2013-7-30 21:49
特战神兵 发表于 2013-7-30 21:49
bj123456 发表于 2013-7-30 21:26
对日本军人的畜生行为感到震惊,同时也为韩国人坚持不懈的精神感动,反观中国人显的冷漠的态度,甚至为日本 ...
特战神兵 发表于 2013-7-30 21:49
芒砀山 发表于 2013-7-30 22:11
好像当年的日本兽性和他们今天的快乐生活无关!这样的人可以得 ...
bj123456 发表于 2013-7-30 23:13
没有公知会傻到为日本侵华叫好的,每当有批评外国的帖子他们都会跳出来列举中国的阴暗面,什么地沟油命中南海心啊,bla bla bla...意在表达你骂国外不如骂ZF
韩国也不是光喊的 也有实际行动的 法院已经判三菱重工对二战劳工做出赔偿 我记得中国打这类官司还得跑去日本打 结果是必输的 这方面韩国人做的很不错的 结合前几年的开拓团立碑事件 除了一小部分国人 还有个别政府机关 也有缺心眼的 别人做得好的要认可 自己做得不足的要改进
海深蓝 发表于 2013-7-31 01:16
一张韩国警方5月在汉城的日本大使馆前面慰安妇雕像旁边站岗照片让我五味杂陈。看着这照片,我想如果我们在 ...
的确就应该在中国的驻日使馆前树立日本侵华战争的标志性建筑!警示日本!在你承认罪行并道歉前中国是永远不 ...
特别勤力 发表于 2013-7-31 02:03
别,丢不起这人。一个大小伙(中国)被一个小学生(日本)打得满地找牙。还好意思立个碑天天告诉人家听? ...
特战神兵 发表于 2013-7-30 21:49
bj123456 发表于 2013-7-30 21:26
对日本军人的畜生行为感到震惊,同时也为韩国人坚持不懈的精神感动,反观中国人显的冷漠的态度,甚至为日本 ...
remono 发表于 2013-7-31 04:57
让南棒打头阵对日本跳脚,我们间接支持,让南棒和霓虹互咬互掐,我们OB才是上策,大国应该沉得住气。像南棒这样动不动就被刺激得浑身发抖,怒火中烧不但影响身心健康,还让霓虹挖苦嘲笑,更进一步刺激原本就很敏感的民族自尊心来自: iPhone客户端
对日本军人的畜生行为感到震惊,同时也为韩国人坚持不懈的精神感动,反观中国人显的冷漠的态度,甚至为日本 ...
对日本军人的畜生行为感到震惊,同时也为韩国人坚持不懈的精神感动,反观中国人显的冷漠的态度,甚至为日本 ...
特别勤力 发表于 2013-7-31 02:03
别,丢不起这人。一个大小伙(中国)被一个小学生(日本)打得满地找牙。还好意思立个碑天天告诉人家听? ...
对日本军人的畜生行为感到震惊,同时也为韩国人坚持不懈的精神感动,反观中国人显的冷漠的态度,甚至为日本 ...
特战神兵 发表于 2013-7-30 21:49
安全令牌 发表于 2013-7-31 08:20
日本就是由一堆“不知道也不想知道”的无脑蠹虫与更大一 ...

安全令牌 发表于 2013-7-31 08:20
日本就是由一堆“不知道也不想知道”的无脑蠹虫与更大一 ...
煞破狼 发表于 2013-7-31 03:35
remono 发表于 2013-7-31 04:57
thomas1987 发表于 2013-7-31 08:49
我是谁 发表于 2013-7-31 06:54
很奇怪,一直有人寄希望于美国,希望美国出面阻止日本的右倾化,甚至不惜牺牲本国的利益,殊不知美国才是东 ...
