
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/05/02 16:38:41
原文地址:http://edition.cnn.com/2013/06/2 ... rch#cnn-disqus-area

原文标题:China flexes its space muscles with lesson in zero gravity

China flexes its space muscles with lesson in zero gravity

Hong Kong (CNN) -- In a further sign that China is edging ahead as the world's dominant space power, Wang Yaping -- the second Chinese woman in space -- gave a physics lesson to school children from zero gravity.
Speaking through a video link from the Shenzhou-10 manned spacecraft to a class of middle school students in Beijing, Wang demonstrated the effects of zero gravity on water and a pendulum.
The blue-clad astronaut also showed how she could push a fellow astronaut into the wall of the module with touch of her finger and gulped down the drop of water as it floated in mid-air.

Mass audience
More than 60 million students across China watched the lecture on China's state broadcaster CCTV as Wang demonstrated Newton's second law of motion (force equals mass times acceleration) and the surface tension of water.
Wang fielded questions from students that ranged from whether the team had seen any space junk or even UFOs, to the efficacy of weight scales in space.
The demonstration drew a spirited response on social media in China, with comments on Weibo -- China's equivalent of Twitter -- ranging from enthusiastic support for the country's space program, to questioning the cost of the Shenzhou-10 program.
"The U.S. used to be proud of their space class, (but) now we've made it, too!" one user posted. "We should be proud of this. What others have, we have it too."
在中国的社交媒体在微博中对这次课程给予了热烈的回应, 微博--相当于中国的Twitter—从狂热的支持国家的空间项目到质疑神舟十号任务的成本。

Experimental space station
China launched three astronauts into space on board the Shenzhou-10 craft last week to dock with Tiangong-1, an experimental space station used to test orbital rendezvous and docking capabilities.
It is China's fifth manned mission to space in a decade.
While the space station only has a two-year operational lifespan, the development of a permanent space station is part of Beijing's ambitious multi-billion dollar space plan, which is being hailed by the Communist Party as a symbol of China's growing technical expertise.
China first sent a human into space in 2003 but is already planning to complete its space station by 2020, and sometime afterwards land a man on the moon. Despite the ambitious space program, China still lags Russia and the U.S. and is still attempting to reach milestones achieved by the two superpowers decades ago.

Playing catch-up
Despite these limitations, China's Tiangong-1 space station is half the size of the first space station, Salyut 1, that the Soviets sent up in 1971 -- analysts say that China is able to take advantage of advances in spaceflight technology.
"What we have seen more than anything else is a truly long-term commitment to space that dates back at least 25 years, and a sustained interest during those 25 years," Dean Cheng of the Heritage Foundation, a policy research group in Washington DC,
He said NASA's human spaceflight program has struggled under changing budgets and governments while the Chinese space program had seen ordered and incremental progress since the 1990s.
"So as long as the money holds out and political stability reigns, they might well get to some place like Mars or establish a lunar presence, precisely because they are persistent and willing to spend the money and make the effort," he said.
“在我们看来最主要的是至少可以追溯到25年前的坚定的长期投入,和在25年间持续不断的关注。”美国传统研究会,一个华盛顿特区的政策研究团体的Dean Cheng说。


Haiqiang Tao   
She's just so beautiful! Those students are lucky,when I was in primary school, I was playing NES and having boring classes,now today those kids get to talk to a astronaut, how can I not be jealousy?

Pedro Gomez  
China is leading the world, amazing news

Hunter  Pedro Gomez
We still need to do a lot on self-improvement. So, we thank there is a nation named USA to push us for improvement on all aspects including democracy. I am not joking. I think new generation of Chinese people will work hard to improve our own life, community and society as well as our high technology. BTW, more and more domestic Chinese people are watching TEDs and CNN news and CSIs...HA~~
在自我改进方面我们还有很多需要做。所以,我们要感谢一个叫USA的国家,迫使我们改进所有的方面包括民主。不是开玩笑,我认为新一代的中国人会努力工作改善他们的生活,社区和社会和我们的高技术一样会进步。BTW,越来越多的国内的中国人观看TEDS和CNN新闻和CSI… 哈哈~~

She is the most beautiful women astronaut i have even seen.if i was free that day,i could go to JiuQuan to watch the great rocket blastoff and witness the great moment of china.

Jake Chang
How's teaching physics considered "flexing muscles"? Are we in Cold War again?

watcher  Jake Chang  
get used to CNN mentality... the propaganda machine...

Jake Chang  watcher  
I know. But at least have some decency of being subtle... Oh well, objective journalism is extinct long long time ago...

TheVoice  Jake Chang
Yo, no such thing as objective journalism bro.

pauIking  TheVoice
two words that dont go together.

Jake Chang  TheVoice
Lousy CNN is not even trying... lol ...

Baron Von Geschicht  TheVoice
How true.

Dalai Lama Vs the Devil  Jake Chang
Yes, CNN isn't very subtle lately. "The Age of China" was a dead giveaway.

TheVoice  Jake Chang  
We always against the Chicoms my man.

Jake Chang  TheVoice
Antagonism do no one good. Calling people of other nation "Chicoms" is juvenile and immature. Space exploration is not a zero-sum game. It benefits the whole humanity. It's laughable that a typical American is against anything China does. It's almost as bad as many mainland Chinese unconditionally support the current Chinese Government . People, open up your mind!

pauIking  Jake Chang  
Hi, I am not American. But can you tell me why China hacked NASA and stole like 90 percent of their data on space flight and rocket technology.

Jake Chang  pauIking  
Did you pick that from CNN? Very creditable source I see...lol... So you are saying that US is not trying to hack into Chinese government's computers?

Dalai Lama Vs the Devil  Jake Chang
I think you missed his topic that China stole technology for its space program.

harro_prease  Dalai Lama Vs the Devil
just like how NASA arrested Nazi scientists to help them to the moon, to be honest they should plant the German flag on the moon because it was the achievements of Germany that helped the rich good for nothing americans to the moon.

THEGenuineOLiTWiST  pauIking
If the Chinese can steal 90% of data from NASA, then NASA need to look at their network security more seriously. And blaming the Chinese for US's declining power of late is so sour grape man.

Baron Von Geschicht  THEGenuineOLiTWiST  
You are a little man, nothing more.

THEGenuineOLiTWiST  Baron Von Geschicht  

Zhonghua  pauIking  
one country do not need any reason to spy on another country, cause every major power in the world do the same thing. the only difference is that some countries are doing too much espionage, while others keep it within a acceptable range.

Dalai Lama Vs the Devil  Jake Chang
China's space exploration is a zero sum game. Because they just take from existing technology (hacked, stolen, or given), do not contribute anything new, and try to damage the economies of their competitors so they can be the dominant country on the planet. China is a zero sum country, period.
In order for them to succeed, they have to sabotage us. This has been the reality that we learned over the last 10 years.

Chinese Jack  TheVoice
i understand your complaint, because you are losing, bit by bit.

Dalai Lama Vs the Devil  Jake Chang
Everything China does is about face, superiority or inferiority. They aren't normal human beings who try to advance the human race.

Zhonghua  Dalai Lama Vs the Devil
sure, the chinese are not as "normal" as you are, who always see shortcomings of other people and blame them to hell.

Chinese Jack  Dalai Lama Vs the Devil

harro_prease  Dalai Lama Vs the Devil
LOL "they are not trying to advance the human race" LOLOLOL,
All the Chinese invention of paper, gun power, printing press, compass, blast furnace, and hundreds of other major inventions that helped the west to start Renaissance and industrial revolution is surely has nothing to do with "advancing the human race"

Baron Von Geschicht  Jake Chang  
We have you surrounded with our military might, how much colder would you like it? Do the allies have to actually bomb you out of Tiannanmen square?

John B  Baron Von Geschicht
It's tiring hearing stupid comments about how the US military might will destroy China or any other country. Seriously, when was the last time the US won a war against the Chinese
or any other Asian nation even though they were "militarily superior" in every war since WWII? They couldn't beat Mao and the Chinese in the Korean
War when the Chinese were outgunned and using inferior weaponry and the same
goes for the North Vietnamese in the Vietnam War. The US may have taken out
Saddam but left a freakin' mess for the Iraqis who are no better off today than
under Saddam and now the US is negotiating with the Taliban because they are
tired of fighting them. Superior weapons and military might does not equate victory in war.

Jake Chang  Baron Von Geschicht  
"You are a little man, nothing more..." Talking tough
can make you look smaller.

Dalai Lama Vs the Devil  Jake Chang  
Americans invented sun glasses. Too bad you had to leave your own culture behind in the dust bins. Got to emulate the real superiors ...

Baron Von Geschicht  Jake Chang
No no no, not talking, action my frend, action. We have you contained, get it?

Jake Chang  Baron Von Geschicht  
Why haven't you or your "friend" start bombing then, like what you just "talked'?

Baron Von Geschicht  Jake Chang  
Because Xi came on a begging trip to the US of A.

Cheng Jia  Jake Chang  
Also, there are only a handful of countries that have the capability to produce the equipment for this purpose of communication. So it is not a trivial flex of muscle.

Cheng Jia  Jake Chang =
Well..... high speed uninterrupted lower orbit communication is not necessarily limited to civilian use if you get my drift... But I agree, even if it is a muscle flex, it's a damn subtle one.

The only Asian nation that USA can not beat.

TheVoice  taewit  
beat what? floating in a tin can?

raindrop1008  TheVoice
They didn't hitch hike on Russia's rocket to their tin can like some.

Baron Von Geschicht  raindrop1008  
Aber it ist cheaper, that is why, plus it includes the Russians.

THEGenuineOLiTWiST  Baron Von Geschicht  
Cheap is the way to go , how else would that fit into US's ever shrinking budgets?

Hunter  taewit  
Well, we do not want to beat anyone. And I personally do not like to hear this word since it sounds like somebody alienates one person from another...And then somebody else can benefits from it.

Baron Von Geschicht  taewit
LOL You must be Chinese.

it's just a space lesson for teenagers. I wish the CNN didn't push nit into politics.

Dalai Lama Vs the Devil  Fantasist
It strikes me as immitative of what we used to do for decades. Trying to ape us is what they do best.
A space lesson for teenagers is irrelevant when the country is a slave labor hell hole. Their attempts to immitate the West without immitating its values will never work.

Ai Khim  Dalai Lama Vs the Devil  
I don't know why your name is DaLia Lama,but AFAIK ,the Tibet dominated by Dalai Lama was slave society....

LOL.... Whitey are such savages. It is obvious that self-improvement for its own sake, and learning never occur to them. Whites are such rotten people,

TheVoice  ChineseNationalist
Keep thinking like that and it gives them an excuse to wipe all yous out.

        ChineseNationalist  TheVoice  
LOL...You know why you are a loser that works in a minimum wage job? it is because you are a loser, and not because of China.

Dalai Lama Vs the Devil  TheVoice
You hear that guys, Chinese are now about learning and it was us that were out to save "face" for 60 years of communism.

Dalai Lama Vs the Devil  ChineseNationalist  
Sounds like you summed up the Chinese space program. Which serves precisely to enrich China and nothing else.
China is such a miserable country. They try to trade realities with everyone they meet. It's China's "I'm you, and you are me" trick.
Sorry no trade, China no good.

Let's celebrate the future of space travel for all humans...The more countries willing to invest in the advancement of space exploration, the better for everyone here on Earth.

We did all that in the 1960s..

THEGenuineOLiTWiST  LetsDoCokeCat  
So what happened since?

LetsDoCokeCat  THEGenuineOLiTWiST •

THEGenuineOLiTWiST  LetsDoCokeCat  
Like warp drive? given the massive head start NASA had, they should be selling apartments in Mars by now.

Baron Von Geschicht  THEGenuineOLiTWiST
You are a ignoramus trouble maker which has no idea of the fundamentals of space travel and planetary relocation. China will never ever get beyond America's heels, so to speak.

THEGenuineOLiTWiST  Baron Von Geschicht  
Trouble maker huh? or is it because i am not playing the right music to your ears?
Hate trolls do see me as a trouble maker for obvious reasons.

Baron Von Geschicht  THEGenuineOLiTWiST  
Please, I am no troll. I am an intellectual, danke!

THEGenuineOLiTWiST  Baron Von Geschicht  
I can see that

Hello, Voyager 1 anyone?

Ever heard of the MARS ROVER?

PeaceLover  pauIking  
USA's achievements do not conflict with China's development....

Baron Von Geschicht  PeaceLover
We do not call what you are doing "development".

How many moon missions did The USA complete?

PeaceLover  pauIking  
Yes, it's cool. Hope the whole world continue exporing Moon, there are still a lot human beings do not know about moon.

TOM  pauIking
none, they complete hollywood mission non stop

Ever heard of the space shuttle program?

Zhonghua  pauIking  
you mean something USA used to be capable of, but, unfortunately could not launch anymore? never mind, no country can lead the world forever, it might be time for retirement.
------------------------原文地址:http://edition.cnn.com/2013/06/2 ... rch#cnn-disqus-area

原文标题:China flexes its space muscles with lesson in zero gravity

China flexes its space muscles with lesson in zero gravity

Hong Kong (CNN) -- In a further sign that China is edging ahead as the world's dominant space power, Wang Yaping -- the second Chinese woman in space -- gave a physics lesson to school children from zero gravity.
Speaking through a video link from the Shenzhou-10 manned spacecraft to a class of middle school students in Beijing, Wang demonstrated the effects of zero gravity on water and a pendulum.
The blue-clad astronaut also showed how she could push a fellow astronaut into the wall of the module with touch of her finger and gulped down the drop of water as it floated in mid-air.

Mass audience
More than 60 million students across China watched the lecture on China's state broadcaster CCTV as Wang demonstrated Newton's second law of motion (force equals mass times acceleration) and the surface tension of water.
Wang fielded questions from students that ranged from whether the team had seen any space junk or even UFOs, to the efficacy of weight scales in space.
The demonstration drew a spirited response on social media in China, with comments on Weibo -- China's equivalent of Twitter -- ranging from enthusiastic support for the country's space program, to questioning the cost of the Shenzhou-10 program.
"The U.S. used to be proud of their space class, (but) now we've made it, too!" one user posted. "We should be proud of this. What others have, we have it too."
在中国的社交媒体在微博中对这次课程给予了热烈的回应, 微博--相当于中国的Twitter—从狂热的支持国家的空间项目到质疑神舟十号任务的成本。

Experimental space station
China launched three astronauts into space on board the Shenzhou-10 craft last week to dock with Tiangong-1, an experimental space station used to test orbital rendezvous and docking capabilities.
It is China's fifth manned mission to space in a decade.
While the space station only has a two-year operational lifespan, the development of a permanent space station is part of Beijing's ambitious multi-billion dollar space plan, which is being hailed by the Communist Party as a symbol of China's growing technical expertise.
China first sent a human into space in 2003 but is already planning to complete its space station by 2020, and sometime afterwards land a man on the moon. Despite the ambitious space program, China still lags Russia and the U.S. and is still attempting to reach milestones achieved by the two superpowers decades ago.

Playing catch-up
Despite these limitations, China's Tiangong-1 space station is half the size of the first space station, Salyut 1, that the Soviets sent up in 1971 -- analysts say that China is able to take advantage of advances in spaceflight technology.
"What we have seen more than anything else is a truly long-term commitment to space that dates back at least 25 years, and a sustained interest during those 25 years," Dean Cheng of the Heritage Foundation, a policy research group in Washington DC,
He said NASA's human spaceflight program has struggled under changing budgets and governments while the Chinese space program had seen ordered and incremental progress since the 1990s.
"So as long as the money holds out and political stability reigns, they might well get to some place like Mars or establish a lunar presence, precisely because they are persistent and willing to spend the money and make the effort," he said.
“在我们看来最主要的是至少可以追溯到25年前的坚定的长期投入,和在25年间持续不断的关注。”美国传统研究会,一个华盛顿特区的政策研究团体的Dean Cheng说。


Haiqiang Tao   
She's just so beautiful! Those students are lucky,when I was in primary school, I was playing NES and having boring classes,now today those kids get to talk to a astronaut, how can I not be jealousy?

Pedro Gomez  
China is leading the world, amazing news

Hunter  Pedro Gomez
We still need to do a lot on self-improvement. So, we thank there is a nation named USA to push us for improvement on all aspects including democracy. I am not joking. I think new generation of Chinese people will work hard to improve our own life, community and society as well as our high technology. BTW, more and more domestic Chinese people are watching TEDs and CNN news and CSIs...HA~~
在自我改进方面我们还有很多需要做。所以,我们要感谢一个叫USA的国家,迫使我们改进所有的方面包括民主。不是开玩笑,我认为新一代的中国人会努力工作改善他们的生活,社区和社会和我们的高技术一样会进步。BTW,越来越多的国内的中国人观看TEDS和CNN新闻和CSI… 哈哈~~

She is the most beautiful women astronaut i have even seen.if i was free that day,i could go to JiuQuan to watch the great rocket blastoff and witness the great moment of china.

Jake Chang
How's teaching physics considered "flexing muscles"? Are we in Cold War again?

watcher  Jake Chang  
get used to CNN mentality... the propaganda machine...

Jake Chang  watcher  
I know. But at least have some decency of being subtle... Oh well, objective journalism is extinct long long time ago...

TheVoice  Jake Chang
Yo, no such thing as objective journalism bro.

pauIking  TheVoice
two words that dont go together.

Jake Chang  TheVoice
Lousy CNN is not even trying... lol ...

Baron Von Geschicht  TheVoice
How true.

Dalai Lama Vs the Devil  Jake Chang
Yes, CNN isn't very subtle lately. "The Age of China" was a dead giveaway.

TheVoice  Jake Chang  
We always against the Chicoms my man.

Jake Chang  TheVoice
Antagonism do no one good. Calling people of other nation "Chicoms" is juvenile and immature. Space exploration is not a zero-sum game. It benefits the whole humanity. It's laughable that a typical American is against anything China does. It's almost as bad as many mainland Chinese unconditionally support the current Chinese Government . People, open up your mind!

pauIking  Jake Chang  
Hi, I am not American. But can you tell me why China hacked NASA and stole like 90 percent of their data on space flight and rocket technology.

Jake Chang  pauIking  
Did you pick that from CNN? Very creditable source I see...lol... So you are saying that US is not trying to hack into Chinese government's computers?

Dalai Lama Vs the Devil  Jake Chang
I think you missed his topic that China stole technology for its space program.

harro_prease  Dalai Lama Vs the Devil
just like how NASA arrested Nazi scientists to help them to the moon, to be honest they should plant the German flag on the moon because it was the achievements of Germany that helped the rich good for nothing americans to the moon.

THEGenuineOLiTWiST  pauIking
If the Chinese can steal 90% of data from NASA, then NASA need to look at their network security more seriously. And blaming the Chinese for US's declining power of late is so sour grape man.

Baron Von Geschicht  THEGenuineOLiTWiST  
You are a little man, nothing more.

THEGenuineOLiTWiST  Baron Von Geschicht  

Zhonghua  pauIking  
one country do not need any reason to spy on another country, cause every major power in the world do the same thing. the only difference is that some countries are doing too much espionage, while others keep it within a acceptable range.

Dalai Lama Vs the Devil  Jake Chang
China's space exploration is a zero sum game. Because they just take from existing technology (hacked, stolen, or given), do not contribute anything new, and try to damage the economies of their competitors so they can be the dominant country on the planet. China is a zero sum country, period.
In order for them to succeed, they have to sabotage us. This has been the reality that we learned over the last 10 years.

Chinese Jack  TheVoice
i understand your complaint, because you are losing, bit by bit.

Dalai Lama Vs the Devil  Jake Chang
Everything China does is about face, superiority or inferiority. They aren't normal human beings who try to advance the human race.

Zhonghua  Dalai Lama Vs the Devil
sure, the chinese are not as "normal" as you are, who always see shortcomings of other people and blame them to hell.

Chinese Jack  Dalai Lama Vs the Devil

harro_prease  Dalai Lama Vs the Devil
LOL "they are not trying to advance the human race" LOLOLOL,
All the Chinese invention of paper, gun power, printing press, compass, blast furnace, and hundreds of other major inventions that helped the west to start Renaissance and industrial revolution is surely has nothing to do with "advancing the human race"

Baron Von Geschicht  Jake Chang  
We have you surrounded with our military might, how much colder would you like it? Do the allies have to actually bomb you out of Tiannanmen square?

John B  Baron Von Geschicht
It's tiring hearing stupid comments about how the US military might will destroy China or any other country. Seriously, when was the last time the US won a war against the Chinese
or any other Asian nation even though they were "militarily superior" in every war since WWII? They couldn't beat Mao and the Chinese in the Korean
War when the Chinese were outgunned and using inferior weaponry and the same
goes for the North Vietnamese in the Vietnam War. The US may have taken out
Saddam but left a freakin' mess for the Iraqis who are no better off today than
under Saddam and now the US is negotiating with the Taliban because they are
tired of fighting them. Superior weapons and military might does not equate victory in war.

Jake Chang  Baron Von Geschicht  
"You are a little man, nothing more..." Talking tough
can make you look smaller.

Dalai Lama Vs the Devil  Jake Chang  
Americans invented sun glasses. Too bad you had to leave your own culture behind in the dust bins. Got to emulate the real superiors ...

Baron Von Geschicht  Jake Chang
No no no, not talking, action my frend, action. We have you contained, get it?

Jake Chang  Baron Von Geschicht  
Why haven't you or your "friend" start bombing then, like what you just "talked'?

Baron Von Geschicht  Jake Chang  
Because Xi came on a begging trip to the US of A.

Cheng Jia  Jake Chang  
Also, there are only a handful of countries that have the capability to produce the equipment for this purpose of communication. So it is not a trivial flex of muscle.

Cheng Jia  Jake Chang =
Well..... high speed uninterrupted lower orbit communication is not necessarily limited to civilian use if you get my drift... But I agree, even if it is a muscle flex, it's a damn subtle one.

The only Asian nation that USA can not beat.

TheVoice  taewit  
beat what? floating in a tin can?

raindrop1008  TheVoice
They didn't hitch hike on Russia's rocket to their tin can like some.

Baron Von Geschicht  raindrop1008  
Aber it ist cheaper, that is why, plus it includes the Russians.

THEGenuineOLiTWiST  Baron Von Geschicht  
Cheap is the way to go , how else would that fit into US's ever shrinking budgets?

Hunter  taewit  
Well, we do not want to beat anyone. And I personally do not like to hear this word since it sounds like somebody alienates one person from another...And then somebody else can benefits from it.

Baron Von Geschicht  taewit
LOL You must be Chinese.

it's just a space lesson for teenagers. I wish the CNN didn't push nit into politics.

Dalai Lama Vs the Devil  Fantasist
It strikes me as immitative of what we used to do for decades. Trying to ape us is what they do best.
A space lesson for teenagers is irrelevant when the country is a slave labor hell hole. Their attempts to immitate the West without immitating its values will never work.

Ai Khim  Dalai Lama Vs the Devil  
I don't know why your name is DaLia Lama,but AFAIK ,the Tibet dominated by Dalai Lama was slave society....

LOL.... Whitey are such savages. It is obvious that self-improvement for its own sake, and learning never occur to them. Whites are such rotten people,

TheVoice  ChineseNationalist
Keep thinking like that and it gives them an excuse to wipe all yous out.

        ChineseNationalist  TheVoice  
LOL...You know why you are a loser that works in a minimum wage job? it is because you are a loser, and not because of China.

Dalai Lama Vs the Devil  TheVoice
You hear that guys, Chinese are now about learning and it was us that were out to save "face" for 60 years of communism.

Dalai Lama Vs the Devil  ChineseNationalist  
Sounds like you summed up the Chinese space program. Which serves precisely to enrich China and nothing else.
China is such a miserable country. They try to trade realities with everyone they meet. It's China's "I'm you, and you are me" trick.
Sorry no trade, China no good.

Let's celebrate the future of space travel for all humans...The more countries willing to invest in the advancement of space exploration, the better for everyone here on Earth.

We did all that in the 1960s..

THEGenuineOLiTWiST  LetsDoCokeCat  
So what happened since?

LetsDoCokeCat  THEGenuineOLiTWiST •

THEGenuineOLiTWiST  LetsDoCokeCat  
Like warp drive? given the massive head start NASA had, they should be selling apartments in Mars by now.

Baron Von Geschicht  THEGenuineOLiTWiST
You are a ignoramus trouble maker which has no idea of the fundamentals of space travel and planetary relocation. China will never ever get beyond America's heels, so to speak.

THEGenuineOLiTWiST  Baron Von Geschicht  
Trouble maker huh? or is it because i am not playing the right music to your ears?
Hate trolls do see me as a trouble maker for obvious reasons.

Baron Von Geschicht  THEGenuineOLiTWiST  
Please, I am no troll. I am an intellectual, danke!

THEGenuineOLiTWiST  Baron Von Geschicht  
I can see that

Hello, Voyager 1 anyone?

Ever heard of the MARS ROVER?

PeaceLover  pauIking  
USA's achievements do not conflict with China's development....

Baron Von Geschicht  PeaceLover
We do not call what you are doing "development".

How many moon missions did The USA complete?

PeaceLover  pauIking  
Yes, it's cool. Hope the whole world continue exporing Moon, there are still a lot human beings do not know about moon.

TOM  pauIking
none, they complete hollywood mission non stop

Ever heard of the space shuttle program?

Zhonghua  pauIking  
you mean something USA used to be capable of, but, unfortunately could not launch anymore? never mind, no country can lead the world forever, it might be time for retirement.