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失蹤十年 美3失蹤女性逃禁錮

(法新社芝加哥6日電) 俄亥俄州警方今天說,3名失蹤多年的女性在克里夫蘭(Cleveland)被發現,其中2人失蹤時還是少女。2人連同另1名女性一同逃離遭禁錮的民宅,重見天日。
3名獲救女性分別為柏利(Amanda Berry)、迪赫素斯(Gina DeJesus)和奈特(Michele Knight)。
3人奇蹟式重見天日,起於鄰居藍西(Charles Ramsey)聽見柏利的尖叫聲,並發現她試圖逃出民宅。


Amanda Berry DeJesus
Three girls who went missing as teenagers managed to escape from their captor after spending a decade chained up in the dungeon of a house in Ohio.

Amanda Berry, 26, and Gina DeJesus, 23, and Michelle Knight, 32, were found alive in the Cleveland house just a few miles from where they disappeared.
Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus和 Michelle Knight,分别是26岁,23岁和32岁,被关押在克利夫兰的一处房子里,而这离他们10年前消失的地方仅仅几英里远。

Amanda Berry和 姐姐以及自己的女儿

The trio escaped after a neighbour helped break down the door after hearing Berry scream for help when their captor left the house.

Three brothers have been arrested in connection with the case - one has been identified as Ariel Castro, 52.
三个兄弟因为涉嫌非法关押,已经被逮捕,其中一个叫做Ariel Castro,52岁


Berry's relatives have confirmed that one of the children in the house is her daughter that she gave birth to while being held against her will.

The women appeared to be in good health and were taken to a hospital to be evaluated and to reunite with relatives.

After 10 years being held against their will, the women were finally freed after neighbours said they heard someone kicking at a door, yelling for help and trying desperately to get outside the house.

A neighbor, Charles Ramsey, told WEWS-TV he saw Berry, who he didn't recognize, at a door that would open only enough to fit a hand through.
一名叫做Charles Ramsey的邻居对记者说,他看到Berry出现在门边,而这个门再怎么开也仅仅只有容纳一只手的宽度。

When she told him it was locked, he helped her break the door down.

'We had to kick open the bottom,' he said. 'Lucky on that door it was aluminum. It was cheap. She climbed out with her daughter.'

When Berry fled the home and ran across the street to call police, she was holding the hand of a young girl.

Charles Ramsey接受采访
'Help me I'm Amanda Berry...I've been kidnapped and I've been missing for ten years and I'm here. I'm free now,' Berry is heard saying in the call to police that has been publicly released.
“请救救我,我是Amanda Berry。。。。我被绑架了,失踪了十年,我在这里。我现在自由了。”在警方公布的电话录音上,人们可以听到她说的这些话。

'I need them now before he gets back!' she said in the frantic phone call to 911, going on to identify her captor as Ariel Castro.
“在他回来之前,我现在就需要你们的帮助!”在她打给911的电话中,她如此狂乱的说道,接着对警方说非法囚禁她的人叫Ariel Castro。

Castro has lived in the house since 1992 and he was arrested for domestic violence in 1993.
Ariel Castro从1992年起就已经住在这栋房子里了,并且在1993年因为家庭暴力问题而被逮捕.

Amanda Berry 的表姐
Sources close to local station WOIO are telling the station that the women were reportedly tied up during their captivity and police found chains hanging from one of the ceilings.

They also reported that there were signs that dirt had recently been moved in the backyard of the house, though police continue to investigate whether or not the dirt will lead to any new evidence in the case. Police will hold a press conference Tuesday morning to address the case.

Berry disappeared on April 21, 2003, a day before her 17th birthday, and a year later then-14-year-old DeJesus went missing on April 2, 2004.

On Monday evening, DeJesus' cousin Sylvia Colon spoke to CNN, saying that the missing girl's mother Nancy Ruiz confirmed to relatives that Gina is alive and well in hospital.

'What a phenomenal mother's Day gift this is,' Ms Colon told the station.

Berry went missing shortly after she called her sister to say that she was getting a ride home from her job at Burger King. DeJesus went missing on her way home from school.
Michelle Knight went missing in 2000 at the age of 20-years-old.
Michelle Knight在2000年的时候失踪,当时她20岁。

'I heard screaming, I'm eating my McDonalds, I come outside and I see this girl going nuts trying to get out of the house and I go on the porch and she says "Help me get out! I've been in here a long time,"' neighbor Charles Ramsey told local News Net 5.
施救者Charles Ramsey说:“我听到有人在尖叫,我当时正在麦当劳里面吃东西,于是我走了出来,看到一个女孩在挣扎的想从屋子里出来,我走了过去,她说‘救我出去,我在这里很长时间了,’”
'I go on the porch and she said "Help me get out. I’ve been here a long time." I figure it was domestic violence dispute.'
'She comes out with a little girl and says ‘Call 911, my name is Amanda Berry’... When she told me, it didn’t register.'
“她把一名女孩子一起带了出来,还说‘呼叫911,我的名字是Amanda Berry。”
'That girl Amanda told the police "I ain't the only one, there are some more girls up inside that house" so they went.'
The women were taken to MetroHealth Medical Center, as they are reportedly suffering from severe dehydration and slightly malnourished but alive.
Charles Ramsey said that he was shocked about the discovery because the man who owns the home- who is thought to be the kidnapper- did not stay hidden from those around him.
Charles Ramsey说这个事件让他感到震惊,因为这个屋子的主人——应该是绑架者——平时并没有躲躲藏藏。
'I've been here a year. I barbeque with this dude, we eat ribs and what not and listen to salsa music.
Not a clue that that girl was in that house or that anyone else was in there with,' Charles said of Castro.
'He's somebody you look and then you look away because he's just doing normal stuff.
'You got some big testicles to pull this one off because we see this guy every day,' he told NewsNet5
Local news reporters told CNN that Castro is said to have worked as a bus driver for the Cleveland Metropolitan schools, though it is unclear whether that was the case when the women were kidnapped.
Crowds of Cleveland residents gathered at the police station and cheered as squad cars pulled into the station Monday night, and a similar crowd gathered outside of the hospital.
The disappearances of Amanda and Gina captured the attention of the entire city for the past decade, as their relatives have continually held vigils and kept the story alive in the local press.
在过去的十年时间里,Amanda 和Gina的失踪牵动着整座城市的注意力,她们的亲属不断的在当地报纸上刊登她们失踪的消息。
Amanda's mother Louwanna Miller, died in March 2006 after the years of her daughter's disappearance had taken a toll on her deteriorating health. Local news reports said that she 'died of a broken heart'.
Amanda's sister has continued to keep the case in the public's attention since their mother died, and she has worked closely with the DeJesus family.
Earlier in the case, DeJesus' mother Nancy Ruiz raised the alarm that her daughter was the victim of human trafficking.
'I always said it from the beginning; she was sold to the highest bidder,' Ms Ruiz said in April 2012.
Cleveland mayor Frank Jackson was the first public official to speak out about the case, confirming the identities of the three women.
'I am thankful that Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight have been found alive. We have many unanswered questions regarding this case and the investigation will be ongoing. Again, I am thankful that these three young ladies are found and alive,' he said.
“Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus 和 Michelle
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ ... s-article-1.1337965
Cleveland kidnapping house of horrors: Neighbors reported seeing naked women crawling on leashes, a woman with a baby pounding on a window for help ... but cops walked away 3 times
What the neighbors saw was terrifying and dehumanizing: Naked women on dog leashes, crawling in the dirt. A lady clutching an infant and pounding on a window for help.

Yet the gut-wrenching reports couldn’t persuade the Cleveland cops to go inside the rundown house — where three women kidnapped between 2002 and 2004 were held hostage by the vile homeowner, officials said.

Police banged on the door of the two-story home three times between 2004 and 2011, but never followed up or uncovered the continuing nightmare on Seymour Ave., according to neighbors and authorities.

The hostages were likely on the other side of the screen door on the wooden porch each time the cops arrived, authorities said.

“They didn’t take it seriously,” said Elsie Cintron, who lived three doors down from the ramshackle residence where the three victims finally broke free Monday evening.

明镜亦无台 发表于 2013-5-9 11:52
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/cleveland-kidnap-house-horrors-article-1.1337965 ...
这不就和车臣那家伙一样,俄国情报机构都发警告了,估计他们就问个你妈贵姓之类的。PS 那个 Charles Ramsey 红到澳洲来了,电台一天到晚放他的“名曲”  deeeead give away. 不得不说这黑哥很有表演天分。

什么门啊 一踢就破?
还有 最好查查房子下面是否还有人体残骸什么的