约旦第五届“勇士竞赛”国际特种兵大赛参赛队伍,和历届 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 09:34:23



Registered Teams for the 5th Annual Warrior Competition as of March 7, 2013:
Palestine (Special Police)

Lebanon (Black Panthers- Team 1)

Lebanon (Black Panthers – Team 2)

Jordan (Gendarmerie)

Canada (Canadian Special Operations Regiment)

Iraq (CT)

Kazakhstan (SF)

Jordan (Public Security Directorate)

Netherlands (Royal Netherlands Marine Corp)

Russia (Global Body Guard Service - Redut Bezopasnost Global)

Palestine (Presidential Guards)

Algeria (SF)

Bahrain (Defense Force)

Netherlands (104 SFCOY)

USA (IDS-private company)

USA (ARCENT - Team 1)

USA (ARCENT - Team 2)

Lebanon (Information Department Special Forces)

China (Snow Leopard)

China (SF)

Switzerland (Skorpions)

Saudi Arabia (SF Navy)

Jordan (Royal Guards)

Greece (SF)

USA (1-22IN, 1st BDE, 4th IN DIV)

Jordan (Special Ops)

Malaysia (SF)

Lebanon (Armed Forces – Team 1)

Lebanon (Armed Forces - Team 2)

France (CPA10)

Jordan (GID)

Palestine (National Security Forces – SF)

Kuwait (SF)

US (Marines – Team 1)

Iraq (Federal Police)


The Warrior Competition was created as a component of the Grand Opening Ceremony on May 19, 2009. It was designed to demonstrate the types of skills being taught at King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center (KASOTC) and bring attention to KASOTC as the counter-terrorism training center of excellence. This first ever competition was held May 19-21 and had a mix of Jordanian and US teams participating.

19-21 May 2009: seven (7) teams participated, representing 2 countries, in the 1st WC (Jordanian & US teams): winning team was from Jordan (GID, intelligence directorate, security service).

With considerable help from SOFEX the following year, the Warrior Competition was established as an annual event for KASOTC. Hosting the 2nd annual warrior competition in conjunction with Jordan’s Special Operations Exhibition (SOFEX), Jordan was able to draw attention from a few int’l teams to compete in the planned 5 team events and 2 individual events.

7-10 May 2010: Ten (10) teams participated, representing 4 countries, in the 2nd AWC (Lebanon, Brunei. Jordanian teams & US teams): winning team was from United States (Marine Force Recon, Special Operations Capable).

The third annual warrior competition saw the addition of a team event called the King’s challenge. It was designed as a combination of skills used in all other events. It has become the Warrior Competition’s signature event with participants actually using pistols belonging to HRM King Abdullah II. In addition to expanding the events, this was the first year that sponsors were authorized to be a part of the warrior competition and establish exhibits showcasing their products as well as conducting demonstrations of equipment on our ranges.

The team events include: Precision Rifle, Methods of Entry and SMG/Carbine, Precision Pistol, CT Par-Course, Tower Run, and the King’s Challenge. Individuals also showcased their skills in the Steel Challenge and the Obstacle Course Shoot.

8 – 11 May 2011: 22 teams participated, representing 12 countries, in the 3rd AWC (9 individual countries: Afghanistan, Australia, Austria, Brunei, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Netherlands, Bahrain; 2 US teams, 2 Lebanese teams & 9 Jordanian teams): winning team was from Austria (EKO Cobra, special police).

Established as a global event, Warrior Competition interest increased dramatically. The fourth Annual Warrior Competition saw countries and teams represented both increased by 150%. The same events as previous competitions were featured as many teams had never participated before.

2-6 May 2012: 34 teams participated, representing 18 countries, in 4th AWC (10 individual countries: Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Brunei, Algeria, Austria, China, France, Germany, Uganda, Italy; 2 Qatari teams, 3 Lebanese teams, 3 Palestinian teams, 2 Saudi Arabian teams, 3 Spanish teams, 2 Iraqi teams, 4 US teams & 5 Jordanian teams) – these were the teams registered, this was the first year in which teams registered but were unable to make the competition. Both Iraqi teams and the team from Algeria were unable to make the event. Winning team was from Germany (GSG 9, special police).


The 5th Annual Warrior Competition will feature significant changes. The team events have increased to 12. There will also be a surprise event. Along with doubling the number of team events, we have made two of these competitive activities our first ever NIGHT events. The difficulty of this competition has gone up considerably and will test the innate skills of all warriors.

Day 1:        Precision (300 M range)/ FAST 100 Rifle – demonstration of endurance coupled with advanced marksmanship and time management skills.

High Angle Rally (Tower) - Testing endurance with high angle marksmanship skills.

MOE (Methods of Entry Bldg) - will test team endurance, planning, strength, urban obstacle maneuvering, communication, climbing techniques and high angle marksmanship at distances less than 100 meters.

Day 2:        Gate to Gate (All 3 Sq Bays) - will test combat marksmanship, climbing techniques, agility, team work and time management.

Man Down (Urban Area Section 2) - will test each team’s cohesion, speed, endurance, urban combat maneuverability and ability to accurately engage targets under physical stress.

Aircraft Assault - will test target discrimination, planning, urban obstacle maneuvering, communication, climbing techniques and marksmanship.

Day 3 (night):        Spec Ops Rally ( SQ Bay, MOE) - will test combat marksmanship, climbing techniques, agility, teamwork and time management.

Hostage Rescue (CQB) - will test each team’s cohesion, speed, endurance, urban combat maneuverability and ability to accurately engage targets under physical stress.

Day 4:        King’s Challenge (UNK Distance, 300m range, Close Quarters Bldg, High Angle, SQ Bay) - Warrior Competition’s signature event is a 10km biathlon style team relay to test planning, endurance, speed, pistol marksmanship, precision shooting at unknown distances, carbine marksmanship, physical fitness, patience, and team work.

Day 5:        Tactical Transition (Sq Bay) - will test combat marksmanship, teamwork and time management

Hogan’s Alley (Urban Area 3) - will test combat marksmanship, and time management.

Sniper’s Reach (UNK Distance) - will test the Sniper team’s Range Estimation Skills, Ability to read winds and Sniper Marksmanship.




Registered Teams for the 5th Annual Warrior Competition as of March 7, 2013:
Palestine (Special Police)

Lebanon (Black Panthers- Team 1)

Lebanon (Black Panthers – Team 2)

Jordan (Gendarmerie)

Canada (Canadian Special Operations Regiment)

Iraq (CT)

Kazakhstan (SF)

Jordan (Public Security Directorate)

Netherlands (Royal Netherlands Marine Corp)

Russia (Global Body Guard Service - Redut Bezopasnost Global)

Palestine (Presidential Guards)

Algeria (SF)

Bahrain (Defense Force)

Netherlands (104 SFCOY)

USA (IDS-private company)

USA (ARCENT - Team 1)

USA (ARCENT - Team 2)

Lebanon (Information Department Special Forces)

China (Snow Leopard)

China (SF)

Switzerland (Skorpions)

Saudi Arabia (SF Navy)

Jordan (Royal Guards)

Greece (SF)

USA (1-22IN, 1st BDE, 4th IN DIV)

Jordan (Special Ops)

Malaysia (SF)

Lebanon (Armed Forces – Team 1)

Lebanon (Armed Forces - Team 2)

France (CPA10)

Jordan (GID)

Palestine (National Security Forces – SF)

Kuwait (SF)

US (Marines – Team 1)

Iraq (Federal Police)


The Warrior Competition was created as a component of the Grand Opening Ceremony on May 19, 2009. It was designed to demonstrate the types of skills being taught at King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center (KASOTC) and bring attention to KASOTC as the counter-terrorism training center of excellence. This first ever competition was held May 19-21 and had a mix of Jordanian and US teams participating.

QQ截图20130331130506.jpg (5.6 KB, 下载次数: 19)

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2013-3-31 13:05 上传

19-21 May 2009: seven (7) teams participated, representing 2 countries, in the 1st WC (Jordanian & US teams): winning team was from Jordan (GID, intelligence directorate, security service).

With considerable help from SOFEX the following year, the Warrior Competition was established as an annual event for KASOTC. Hosting the 2nd annual warrior competition in conjunction with Jordan’s Special Operations Exhibition (SOFEX), Jordan was able to draw attention from a few int’l teams to compete in the planned 5 team events and 2 individual events.

QQ截图20130331130513.jpg (3.71 KB, 下载次数: 18)

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2013-3-31 13:05 上传

7-10 May 2010: Ten (10) teams participated, representing 4 countries, in the 2nd AWC (Lebanon, Brunei. Jordanian teams & US teams): winning team was from United States (Marine Force Recon, Special Operations Capable).

The third annual warrior competition saw the addition of a team event called the King’s challenge. It was designed as a combination of skills used in all other events. It has become the Warrior Competition’s signature event with participants actually using pistols belonging to HRM King Abdullah II. In addition to expanding the events, this was the first year that sponsors were authorized to be a part of the warrior competition and establish exhibits showcasing their products as well as conducting demonstrations of equipment on our ranges.

The team events include: Precision Rifle, Methods of Entry and SMG/Carbine, Precision Pistol, CT Par-Course, Tower Run, and the King’s Challenge. Individuals also showcased their skills in the Steel Challenge and the Obstacle Course Shoot.

QQ截图20130331130520.jpg (4.77 KB, 下载次数: 20)

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2013-3-31 13:05 上传

8 – 11 May 2011: 22 teams participated, representing 12 countries, in the 3rd AWC (9 individual countries: Afghanistan, Australia, Austria, Brunei, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Netherlands, Bahrain; 2 US teams, 2 Lebanese teams & 9 Jordanian teams): winning team was from Austria (EKO Cobra, special police).

Established as a global event, Warrior Competition interest increased dramatically. The fourth Annual Warrior Competition saw countries and teams represented both increased by 150%. The same events as previous competitions were featured as many teams had never participated before.

QQ截图20130331130526.jpg (7.08 KB, 下载次数: 19)

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2013-3-31 13:06 上传

2-6 May 2012: 34 teams participated, representing 18 countries, in 4th AWC (10 individual countries: Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Brunei, Algeria, Austria, China, France, Germany, Uganda, Italy; 2 Qatari teams, 3 Lebanese teams, 3 Palestinian teams, 2 Saudi Arabian teams, 3 Spanish teams, 2 Iraqi teams, 4 US teams & 5 Jordanian teams) – these were the teams registered, this was the first year in which teams registered but were unable to make the competition. Both Iraqi teams and the team from Algeria were unable to make the event. Winning team was from Germany (GSG 9, special police).


The 5th Annual Warrior Competition will feature significant changes. The team events have increased to 12. There will also be a surprise event. Along with doubling the number of team events, we have made two of these competitive activities our first ever NIGHT events. The difficulty of this competition has gone up considerably and will test the innate skills of all warriors.

Day 1:        Precision (300 M range)/ FAST 100 Rifle – demonstration of endurance coupled with advanced marksmanship and time management skills.

High Angle Rally (Tower) - Testing endurance with high angle marksmanship skills.

MOE (Methods of Entry Bldg) - will test team endurance, planning, strength, urban obstacle maneuvering, communication, climbing techniques and high angle marksmanship at distances less than 100 meters.

Day 2:        Gate to Gate (All 3 Sq Bays) - will test combat marksmanship, climbing techniques, agility, team work and time management.

Man Down (Urban Area Section 2) - will test each team’s cohesion, speed, endurance, urban combat maneuverability and ability to accurately engage targets under physical stress.

Aircraft Assault - will test target discrimination, planning, urban obstacle maneuvering, communication, climbing techniques and marksmanship.

Day 3 (night):        Spec Ops Rally ( SQ Bay, MOE) - will test combat marksmanship, climbing techniques, agility, teamwork and time management.

Hostage Rescue (CQB) - will test each team’s cohesion, speed, endurance, urban combat maneuverability and ability to accurately engage targets under physical stress.

Day 4:        King’s Challenge (UNK Distance, 300m range, Close Quarters Bldg, High Angle, SQ Bay) - Warrior Competition’s signature event is a 10km biathlon style team relay to test planning, endurance, speed, pistol marksmanship, precision shooting at unknown distances, carbine marksmanship, physical fitness, patience, and team work.

Day 5:        Tactical Transition (Sq Bay) - will test combat marksmanship, teamwork and time management

Hogan’s Alley (Urban Area 3) - will test combat marksmanship, and time management.

Sniper’s Reach (UNK Distance) - will test the Sniper team’s Range Estimation Skills, Ability to read winds and Sniper Marksmanship.

本名未注册 发表于 2013-3-31 16:49
单纯special force的缩写而已
lanchong750 发表于 2013-3-31 16:46
zzf1975 发表于 2013-3-31 14:46
一碗清水 发表于 2013-3-31 14:07
@##¥……&*(*))……!@@**)&&……(&&*&……%%¥!!!就不翻译,楼主你基本能看得懂,不懂就百度翻译 ...
= = 最后一句我只是想表达大家基本应该都看得懂....赶脚这种约旦人写的阿拉伯式英语还是比较简单滴.....没别的意思,囧
Palestine (Special Police) 巴勒斯坦特警
Lebanon (Black Panthers- Team 1) 黎巴嫩黑豹1
Lebanon (Black Panthers – Team 2) 黎巴嫩黑豹2
Jordan (Gendarmerie) 约旦军事警察部队 值得注意的是这不是警察部队 而是军队 只是带有警察的民事责任 多见于欧洲
Canada (Canadian Special Operations Regiment) 加拿大特种任务部队 CSOR是相当不错的快反部队 类似于我15军
Iraq (CT) 伊拉克反恐部队...所有伊拉克队伍中唯一不那么水的...
Kazakhstan (SF) 哈萨克斯坦特种部队 纯属酱油队伍
Jordan (Public Security Directorate) 约旦公共安全部队 没查出点啥来...
Netherlands (Royal Netherlands Marine Corp) 荷兰海军陆战队 水平么...哼哼
Russia (Global Body Guard Service - Redut Bezopasnost Global) 俄国...私人安全公司 说白了黑水一类的
Palestine (Presidential Guards) 巴勒斯坦总统卫队(你们有总统么?)
Algeria (SF) 阿尔及利亚特种部队 一个字水...
Bahrain (Defense Force) 巴林防卫部队
Netherlands (104 SFCOY) 荷兰特种部队 相当不错的队伍
USA (IDS-private company) 美国...私人防务公司
USA (ARCENT - Team 1) 美国第三军1队 第三军的另一种叫法即为中央指挥部 管辖区包括中东 不过队伍就很水了 不是特种部队
USA (ARCENT - Team 2) 美国第三军区2队
Lebanon (Information Department Special Forces) 黎巴嫩信息部特种部队...酱油队
China (Snow Leopard) 中国 雪豹 (貌似是这里唯一一个特警部队诶...)
China (SF) 中国 特种部队 (这就不知道是哪家了,估计是722)
Switzerland (Skorpions) 瑞典蝎子部队 (瑞典的swat而已...名字有点牛逼)
Saudi Arabia (SF Navy) 沙特 海军特种部队 钱多人傻战斗力渣的典型
Jordan (Royal Guards) 约旦 皇家卫兵
Greece (SF) 希腊 特种部队
USA (1-22IN, 1st BDE, 4th IN DIV) 美国 第四步兵师第一旅22步兵联队 (打酱油啊 就是步兵嘛...) Jordan (Special Ops) 约旦 特种部队
Malaysia (SF) 马来西亚 特种部队 (酱油打得有点远...)
Lebanon (Armed Forces – Team 1) 黎巴嫩 武装部队一队
Lebanon (Armed Forces - Team 2) 黎巴嫩 武装部队二队
France (CPA10) 法国伞兵10队 (是特种部队的一支)
Jordan (GID) 约旦中央情报局
Palestine (National Security Forces – SF) 巴勒斯坦国家安全部队
Kuwait (SF) 科威特特种部队
US (Marines – Team 1) 美国海军陆战队一队
Iraq (Federal Police) 伊拉克联邦警察 纯属酱油队伍
pkdd51 发表于 2013-3-31 17:47
Palestine (Special Police) 巴勒斯坦特警
Lebanon (Black Panthers- Team 1) 黎巴嫩黑豹1
Lebanon (Bla ...
本名未注册 发表于 2013-3-31 16:49
ever_captain 发表于 2013-3-31 18:06
= = 顺丰。。。。他们对待包裹的态度倒是挺像的打仗的