
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 14:56:14
原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com
正文翻译:The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown,Conn. has sparked a surge in gun sales, according to independent arms dealersacross the nation.


Robert Caselnova, who owns a Connecticut gun shoplocated less than 10 minutes from the school, said firearms flew off hisshelves over the weekend, with multiple requests for AR-15 style rifles, aweapon Adam Lanza used in the Newtown massacre. Caselnova said he knew theLanzas and that the mother and son had visited his store in the past,separately, but never made any purchase

Robert Caselnova,在康涅狄格州拥有一家枪店,离学校不到10分钟路程,他说上周末枪械飞一般从货架上卖掉,有很多人希望购买AR-15步枪,凶手Adam Lanza在新城的大屠杀中用过此武器。Caselnova说他认识Lanza,他母亲和他过去分别拜访过这,但是从来没买过任何东西。

After high-profile shootings, debate over gun controlcan cause consumer demand for guns to rise, government records have shown.Industry experts say fears that stricter laws will follow such incidents pushpeople to stock up on firearms before regulators can clamp down. But lastweekend’s spike in business was unprecedented, gun shop owners in California,Connecticut and North Carolina told HuffPost.


Larry Hyatt, owner of North Carolina-based Hyatt GunShop, which claims to be America’s largest independently owned gun store, saidhe had a line out the door on Saturday, forcing him to call in extrasalespeople.

Larry Hyatt,北卡罗莱纳州Hyatt枪店店主,号称是美国最大的独立枪械销售商,说他上周六在外听说了这件事,迫使他叫来额外的店员。

“We already have tons of customers because ofChristmas, hunting season is peaking right now, and not to mention, theelection,” Hyatt said. “But this tragedy is pushing sales through the roof,” headded. “It’s like putting gasoline on a fire.”


Last weekend’s gun rush caused the federal system thatprocesses background checks for firearm purchases, known as the NationalInstant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, to experience heavy delays.The FBI, which runs the database,declined to comment on the number of background checks it has received sinceFriday. But Paul Marquardt, owner of ArmsX, a Connecticut-based gun store near SandyHook Elementary, said the wait-time on Saturday for a background check wasnearly an hour -- the longest wait-time he’s ever seen.

上周末的枪击案造成联邦系统对枪械购买过程背景的调查,称为国家即时犯罪背景调查系统,简称NICS,经历了重重的延误。负责运行NICS数据库的联邦调查局,拒绝对从星期五收到的一些背景调查发表看法。但Paul Marquardt,康涅狄格州桑迪霍克小学附近的枪店ArmsX所有者,说星期六进行的背景调查的等待时间花了近一个小时——如此长的等待时间是他从未见过的。

“The two busiest days I’ve witnessed during my fouryears in the business,” Marquardt said, “was the day after Obama was elected,and ahead of that, last Saturday.”

“我见证了在我做买卖的四年里两天最忙的日子,”Marquardt 说,“在奥巴马当选前后和上周六。”

The Black Friday after the Nov. 6 election, gun salesacross the country broke records, crashing the FBI's background check system,according to The Denver Post.


At Ade's Gun Shop in Orange, Calif., manager LisaAtkinson said Saturday was the biggest day the shop has ever had, with some$13,000 in sales.

在加州奥兰治Ade枪店经理Lisa Atkinson说,星期六是店里有史以来销量最大的一天,有13000美元的销售额。

"It was the first time we had to call a nearbygun shop to see if they could sell us a gun because we had run out,"Atkinson told The Huffington Post. "It's been crazy."


In Arizona, one-day gun sales jumped 60 percent aftera gunman killed six people in a Tuscon parking lot and wounded others,including then-U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Similarly, in Colorado, after 12people were killed inside a suburban movie theater in July, background checksfor gun purchases reportedly spiked 41 percent. In the wake of the Sandy Hooktragedy, these checks have spiked again, reaching a record-high for the year.

在亚利桑那州,枪手在Tuscon停车场杀死六人并造成包括美国众议员Gabrielle Giffords在内多人受伤.,之后一天的枪支销售额上涨60%,。同样,七月在科罗拉多州的一个郊区影院12人被杀后,背景调查购买枪支据说增加41%。在之后的桑迪霍克惨案,这些调查数目必定再次上升,达到了一年里最高纪录。

The AR-15 style rifle, a weapon of choice in both theColorado shooting and last Friday’s shooting in Connecticut, accounted for morethan 25 percent of ArmsX’s recent sales, Marquardt said.

在科罗拉多州枪击案和上周五在康涅狄格州枪击案中,凶手使用的都是AR - 15步枪,此枪占ArmsX最近销售额百分之25以上,Marquardt说。

Freedom Group, the weapon's manufacturer, reported a20 percent increase in revenue for the first nine months of this year. “Themanufacturers [of the AR-15] can’t keep up with the demand,” Caselnova said.

自由团体表示,今年前九月军火商报告的收入比往年增加20%。“军火商AR - 15 步枪的产能无法跟上需求,” Caselnova说。

Not all gun shop owners saw more business over theweekend. Chad Sumner, who works for his family's shooting range and gun shop,Knob Creek Gun Range in West Point, Ky., said the mass shooting did not affectfoot traffic, but the increased talk of an assault weapons ban added an elementof uncertainty.

不是所有的枪店老板看到在周末有更多的商机。 Chad Sumner,,在他家庭经营的射击场和枪店工作,位于西点的Knob Creek Gun Range,肯塔基州人,说大规模枪击事件并没有影响客流量,但加大对攻击性武器禁令的讨论,增加了不确定因素。

"Another assault weapons ban [would] really limitour sales," he said. "People like the assault weapons. People saythey are useless, but so are dragsters. Why do people want to drive a dragsterdown a drag strip?"


Brandy Liss, owner of the The Arms Room, a shootingrange and gun shop in League City, Texas, said she opposed stricter gun laws,noting that Friday's killer had broken dozens of laws during his rampage.

Brandy Liss,在League City的射击场和枪店Arms Room的业主,德克萨斯人,说她反对更严格的枪支法,并指出,星期五的杀手,在他狂暴期间破坏了几十个法律。

"Most people feel that if teachers had ability toprotect themselves, there would have been less casualties," Liss toldHuffPost in a phone call on Monday.

“大多数人认为,如果教师有保护自己的能力,那伤亡会有更少,” Liss在星期一通过电话告诉记者。

Protection and the government's failure to provide itis part of the reason gun sales are rising, Hyatt said, adding that theeconomic downturn spawned a growing belief among his customers that the U.S. isill-equipped to safeguard its citizens. “You can’t get enough police to protectus, the jails are full, the mental health system is failing us,” he said.“That’s why more people are buying weapons, to protect themselves and theirfamilies.”

政府未能提供保护部分原因是枪械销量上升,Hyatt 说,并补充道经济低迷他的客户产生了大量这样的看法,美国是没有能力保护其公民的。“没有足够的警察保护我们,监狱是满员的,我们的心理健康系统是失败的,”他说。“这就是为什么越来越多的人会购买武器,保护自己和家人。”

Hyatt said he wishes his staff had better informationon whether buyers had a history of mental health issues. A 2010 investigationby The Washington Post ranked Hyatt Gun Shop second on a list of American gundealers that had sold the most firearms eventually recovered by the police.


“Every gun you sell,” Hyatt added, “you have to worrywhether that customer is competent, and whose hands that gun may end up in.”

评论翻译:原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com 翻译:Constantine 转载请注明出处

Look at what Australia did after the Tasmania massacre- gun buyback with huge success! Not a single mass shooting since then! That'swhat we need - I hope someone has the guts to push the idea forward in thiscountry!!!


I would think this occurrence would cause people to beturning in guns to police rather than buying them.


"A well regulated militia being necessary to thesecurity of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shallnot be infringed."
The NRA obsesses about the "right to beararms" part, but seems to conveniently ignore the "wellregulated" part.


And they ignore "militia" the modern versionof which is the national guard and the armed forces, not private citizens


So now that they've purchased even more guns, who arethey planning on shooting? More children?


Buying more guns after a tragedy like this is likeputting out fire with gasoline. The stupidity is appalling.


I TOLD YOU, I TOLD YOU, I TOLD YOU. I knew these gunfetish toting Sons of B's was going to got out and purchase more guns to add totheir arsenal because they feel that their gun rights are going to be takenaway.... ignorance is so predictable.


More people are killed in gun related accidents thanthere are deaths prevented by gun owners. Guns make it easier for a criminal toengage in crime and makes death all the more likely.


The winner of the Sandy Hook tragedy? Gun stores andmanufacturers.
I actually think the NRA loves incidents like this.


20 babies and there teachers mowed down - and this isthe response....sickening.


These are also the same people who call public schoolteachers "incompetent".

这些和打电话给公立学校说教师 “无能”的是同一些人。

Predictable knee-jerk hillbillies, arming for the nextCivil War they're hoping to start.


I am truly, TRULY disgusted by my country.


Gun sales soar after twenty children are massacred intheir school. Has to be one of the most disgusting set of stats I've ever read.


I have come to the conclusion we as a society can no longer be trusted and be responsible to carry and own firearms. I agree most people who own firearms are responsible adults. Yet in comparison countries like Canada and other industrial nations people are responsible with firearms and there are very few incidents of these horrific crimes or killings by guns. Why in this country are we the exception?The culture in this country is changing. To many sick and angry people are living in our communities, not to mention all the criminals. To many innocent lives are being lost.There are no easy answers. It is obvious the laws that are on the books are not preventing these crimes. There is to much easy access to firearms. So what do we do?????


Violence begets violence. A commentator said if John Lennon had owned a gun, he would be alive today. My reply is if John Lennon had owned a gun, he would not have been John Lennon. There are some things we cannot buy at any price.


I read a comment from a man who said he was not going to buy a gun, but instead, a bullet proof vest. Heh, good idea. Let's provide them to our school children!


Why complain about Obama? He's been the best thing to happen to the gun industry ever. The sales figures prove it.


Yes, cure the problem of gun violence with more guns!

没错,解决枪支暴力问题需要更多的枪。原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com
正文翻译:The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown,Conn. has sparked a surge in gun sales, according to independent arms dealersacross the nation.


Robert Caselnova, who owns a Connecticut gun shoplocated less than 10 minutes from the school, said firearms flew off hisshelves over the weekend, with multiple requests for AR-15 style rifles, aweapon Adam Lanza used in the Newtown massacre. Caselnova said he knew theLanzas and that the mother and son had visited his store in the past,separately, but never made any purchase

Robert Caselnova,在康涅狄格州拥有一家枪店,离学校不到10分钟路程,他说上周末枪械飞一般从货架上卖掉,有很多人希望购买AR-15步枪,凶手Adam Lanza在新城的大屠杀中用过此武器。Caselnova说他认识Lanza,他母亲和他过去分别拜访过这,但是从来没买过任何东西。

After high-profile shootings, debate over gun controlcan cause consumer demand for guns to rise, government records have shown.Industry experts say fears that stricter laws will follow such incidents pushpeople to stock up on firearms before regulators can clamp down. But lastweekend’s spike in business was unprecedented, gun shop owners in California,Connecticut and North Carolina told HuffPost.


Larry Hyatt, owner of North Carolina-based Hyatt GunShop, which claims to be America’s largest independently owned gun store, saidhe had a line out the door on Saturday, forcing him to call in extrasalespeople.

Larry Hyatt,北卡罗莱纳州Hyatt枪店店主,号称是美国最大的独立枪械销售商,说他上周六在外听说了这件事,迫使他叫来额外的店员。

“We already have tons of customers because ofChristmas, hunting season is peaking right now, and not to mention, theelection,” Hyatt said. “But this tragedy is pushing sales through the roof,” headded. “It’s like putting gasoline on a fire.”


Last weekend’s gun rush caused the federal system thatprocesses background checks for firearm purchases, known as the NationalInstant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, to experience heavy delays.The FBI, which runs the database,declined to comment on the number of background checks it has received sinceFriday. But Paul Marquardt, owner of ArmsX, a Connecticut-based gun store near SandyHook Elementary, said the wait-time on Saturday for a background check wasnearly an hour -- the longest wait-time he’s ever seen.

上周末的枪击案造成联邦系统对枪械购买过程背景的调查,称为国家即时犯罪背景调查系统,简称NICS,经历了重重的延误。负责运行NICS数据库的联邦调查局,拒绝对从星期五收到的一些背景调查发表看法。但Paul Marquardt,康涅狄格州桑迪霍克小学附近的枪店ArmsX所有者,说星期六进行的背景调查的等待时间花了近一个小时——如此长的等待时间是他从未见过的。

“The two busiest days I’ve witnessed during my fouryears in the business,” Marquardt said, “was the day after Obama was elected,and ahead of that, last Saturday.”

“我见证了在我做买卖的四年里两天最忙的日子,”Marquardt 说,“在奥巴马当选前后和上周六。”

The Black Friday after the Nov. 6 election, gun salesacross the country broke records, crashing the FBI's background check system,according to The Denver Post.


At Ade's Gun Shop in Orange, Calif., manager LisaAtkinson said Saturday was the biggest day the shop has ever had, with some$13,000 in sales.

在加州奥兰治Ade枪店经理Lisa Atkinson说,星期六是店里有史以来销量最大的一天,有13000美元的销售额。

"It was the first time we had to call a nearbygun shop to see if they could sell us a gun because we had run out,"Atkinson told The Huffington Post. "It's been crazy."


In Arizona, one-day gun sales jumped 60 percent aftera gunman killed six people in a Tuscon parking lot and wounded others,including then-U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Similarly, in Colorado, after 12people were killed inside a suburban movie theater in July, background checksfor gun purchases reportedly spiked 41 percent. In the wake of the Sandy Hooktragedy, these checks have spiked again, reaching a record-high for the year.

在亚利桑那州,枪手在Tuscon停车场杀死六人并造成包括美国众议员Gabrielle Giffords在内多人受伤.,之后一天的枪支销售额上涨60%,。同样,七月在科罗拉多州的一个郊区影院12人被杀后,背景调查购买枪支据说增加41%。在之后的桑迪霍克惨案,这些调查数目必定再次上升,达到了一年里最高纪录。

The AR-15 style rifle, a weapon of choice in both theColorado shooting and last Friday’s shooting in Connecticut, accounted for morethan 25 percent of ArmsX’s recent sales, Marquardt said.

在科罗拉多州枪击案和上周五在康涅狄格州枪击案中,凶手使用的都是AR - 15步枪,此枪占ArmsX最近销售额百分之25以上,Marquardt说。

Freedom Group, the weapon's manufacturer, reported a20 percent increase in revenue for the first nine months of this year. “Themanufacturers [of the AR-15] can’t keep up with the demand,” Caselnova said.

自由团体表示,今年前九月军火商报告的收入比往年增加20%。“军火商AR - 15 步枪的产能无法跟上需求,” Caselnova说。

Not all gun shop owners saw more business over theweekend. Chad Sumner, who works for his family's shooting range and gun shop,Knob Creek Gun Range in West Point, Ky., said the mass shooting did not affectfoot traffic, but the increased talk of an assault weapons ban added an elementof uncertainty.

不是所有的枪店老板看到在周末有更多的商机。 Chad Sumner,,在他家庭经营的射击场和枪店工作,位于西点的Knob Creek Gun Range,肯塔基州人,说大规模枪击事件并没有影响客流量,但加大对攻击性武器禁令的讨论,增加了不确定因素。

"Another assault weapons ban [would] really limitour sales," he said. "People like the assault weapons. People saythey are useless, but so are dragsters. Why do people want to drive a dragsterdown a drag strip?"


Brandy Liss, owner of the The Arms Room, a shootingrange and gun shop in League City, Texas, said she opposed stricter gun laws,noting that Friday's killer had broken dozens of laws during his rampage.

Brandy Liss,在League City的射击场和枪店Arms Room的业主,德克萨斯人,说她反对更严格的枪支法,并指出,星期五的杀手,在他狂暴期间破坏了几十个法律。

"Most people feel that if teachers had ability toprotect themselves, there would have been less casualties," Liss toldHuffPost in a phone call on Monday.

“大多数人认为,如果教师有保护自己的能力,那伤亡会有更少,” Liss在星期一通过电话告诉记者。

Protection and the government's failure to provide itis part of the reason gun sales are rising, Hyatt said, adding that theeconomic downturn spawned a growing belief among his customers that the U.S. isill-equipped to safeguard its citizens. “You can’t get enough police to protectus, the jails are full, the mental health system is failing us,” he said.“That’s why more people are buying weapons, to protect themselves and theirfamilies.”

政府未能提供保护部分原因是枪械销量上升,Hyatt 说,并补充道经济低迷他的客户产生了大量这样的看法,美国是没有能力保护其公民的。“没有足够的警察保护我们,监狱是满员的,我们的心理健康系统是失败的,”他说。“这就是为什么越来越多的人会购买武器,保护自己和家人。”

Hyatt said he wishes his staff had better informationon whether buyers had a history of mental health issues. A 2010 investigationby The Washington Post ranked Hyatt Gun Shop second on a list of American gundealers that had sold the most firearms eventually recovered by the police.


“Every gun you sell,” Hyatt added, “you have to worrywhether that customer is competent, and whose hands that gun may end up in.”

评论翻译:原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com 翻译:Constantine 转载请注明出处

Look at what Australia did after the Tasmania massacre- gun buyback with huge success! Not a single mass shooting since then! That'swhat we need - I hope someone has the guts to push the idea forward in thiscountry!!!


I would think this occurrence would cause people to beturning in guns to police rather than buying them.


"A well regulated militia being necessary to thesecurity of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shallnot be infringed."
The NRA obsesses about the "right to beararms" part, but seems to conveniently ignore the "wellregulated" part.


And they ignore "militia" the modern versionof which is the national guard and the armed forces, not private citizens


So now that they've purchased even more guns, who arethey planning on shooting? More children?


Buying more guns after a tragedy like this is likeputting out fire with gasoline. The stupidity is appalling.


I TOLD YOU, I TOLD YOU, I TOLD YOU. I knew these gunfetish toting Sons of B's was going to got out and purchase more guns to add totheir arsenal because they feel that their gun rights are going to be takenaway.... ignorance is so predictable.


More people are killed in gun related accidents thanthere are deaths prevented by gun owners. Guns make it easier for a criminal toengage in crime and makes death all the more likely.


The winner of the Sandy Hook tragedy? Gun stores andmanufacturers.
I actually think the NRA loves incidents like this.


20 babies and there teachers mowed down - and this isthe response....sickening.


These are also the same people who call public schoolteachers "incompetent".

这些和打电话给公立学校说教师 “无能”的是同一些人。

Predictable knee-jerk hillbillies, arming for the nextCivil War they're hoping to start.


I am truly, TRULY disgusted by my country.


Gun sales soar after twenty children are massacred intheir school. Has to be one of the most disgusting set of stats I've ever read.


I have come to the conclusion we as a society can no longer be trusted and be responsible to carry and own firearms. I agree most people who own firearms are responsible adults. Yet in comparison countries like Canada and other industrial nations people are responsible with firearms and there are very few incidents of these horrific crimes or killings by guns. Why in this country are we the exception?The culture in this country is changing. To many sick and angry people are living in our communities, not to mention all the criminals. To many innocent lives are being lost.There are no easy answers. It is obvious the laws that are on the books are not preventing these crimes. There is to much easy access to firearms. So what do we do?????


Violence begets violence. A commentator said if John Lennon had owned a gun, he would be alive today. My reply is if John Lennon had owned a gun, he would not have been John Lennon. There are some things we cannot buy at any price.


I read a comment from a man who said he was not going to buy a gun, but instead, a bullet proof vest. Heh, good idea. Let's provide them to our school children!


Why complain about Obama? He's been the best thing to happen to the gun industry ever. The sales figures prove it.


Yes, cure the problem of gun violence with more guns!
