
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 05:53:16


“每个前任妓女在变老时,都会想对其他人进行道德说教。尤其是在海外的巡回演唱会上。”俄罗斯副总理、前驻北约大使罗戈津在“推特”上回应。他对麦当娜喊话:“要么脱掉你的十字架,要么穿上你的裤衩。”  演唱会上,除了撩裙秀臀露大腿等各地巡演“老梗”外,麦当娜也不小心暴露了自己的疲惫,连轴转的麦姐眼下皱纹十分明显,超厚粉底亦遮挡不住。


注:(麦当娜最近在俄罗斯举行的几场演唱会引起轩然大波。由于呼吁俄当局释放因演唱反普京歌曲而被起诉的女子摇滚乐队“造反猫咪”,并公开支持俄国同性恋,麦当娜被俄罗斯副总理批为“前妓女”。亲克里姆林宫活动家们要在演唱会现场对言行进行严密监视。麦当娜曾在莫斯科的演唱会中上演脱衣秀,仅剩的黑色胸衣无法遮掩其后背的鲜明字样“Pussy Riot”(“造反猫咪”)。“造反猫咪”乐队的三名成员曾在救世主大教堂的祭坛旁唱歌、跳舞,请求圣母将俄罗斯总统普京清除出俄罗斯,三人因此被捕并将于8月17日面临审判。)


【环球时报记者 】美国流行歌手麦当娜最近在莫斯科和圣彼得堡举行演唱会时呼吁俄政府释放演唱反普京歌曲的女子朋克乐队,并公开支持同性恋者。为此圣彼得堡一些社会组织决定向法院提起诉讼,要求她及其演唱会组织者赔偿圣彼得堡市民精神损失费3.33亿卢布(约合6600万人民币)。




评论翻译: 原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:爱睡觉的狗 转载请注明出处
本贴论坛地址: http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-81285-1-1.html  


Madonna sued in Russia for supporting gays
1、The new Middle Class Part ...  •  Fort Lauderdale, Florida  •  11 hrs ago
If you can sue for being offended, I'm gonna be rich


回复 :
morris 1 hr 15 mins ago
You must be young because you are very stupid


Vashti 2 hrs 5 mins ago
Well, it is clear that Nancy hates the *spirit* of sodomy. Many heteros partake in this too. You don't mind because they keep this quiet and to themselves? Where are you hanging out with gays?
Las Vegas is indeed a fun town


Jess 2 hrs 22 mins ago
I care about everyone, but if someone breaks into my house its going to affect me. If at work I'm excluded because of my religion, its going to affect me. When I was a teacher and seen my gay cousin being bullied it affected me. I am self centered I worry about myself and do what I have to do even if it means working for nothing to help others, I do it



2、Jerry  •  Fort Belvoir, Virginia  •  9 hrs ago
Well, I've always been told that if you're in another country, you're subject to their laws and regulations. Even if the court would rule agaist her I'm curious how they'll collect. Will they just ban her from ever coming back?


回复:LittleOne 47 mins ago
"I wish Christians would rail against adultery and divorce more stridently than they do. I guess these *sins* are too close to home.."
On this we can agree. Having been a child of divorce myself, my own experience w/ it as a kid is that it is devastating & has a lasting impact on kids. Thank you for saying this, too. I wish people would take their marriage vows seriously anymore.




3、HansV  •  11 hrs ago
If she wasn't a citizen of the US she may well have been jailed, Most countries around the world don't have a bill of rights or free press and speach. Be thankful for what most take for granted in the US.


D 58 mins ago
It´s hard to argue with Art´s point


Art 1 hr 0 mins ago
Really? We have free speech in the US? Well last I heard is if you vocally support traditional marriage, You get ridiculed by mayors, governors and the homosexual community,You won't be allowed to open a business(Chick-fil-a) for example. you may lose your job and get persecuted in other forms


(注:Chick-fil-A 是美国最大的私营连锁餐馆之一,凭借自创的去骨鸡胸肉三明治起家,并率先在购物中心从事快餐经营。其2006 年的年销售额为22.75 亿美元,而且在过去13 年里销售额增长率达到两位数,据此而言,它是美国的第二大鸡肉快餐服务连锁店。Chick-fil-A目前在37个州和华盛顿特区拥有近1,300 家餐馆。公司取得成功的关键因素是公司对客户服务、产品质量和特许经销代理关系的高度关注。)


4、ladjfiadfj  •  11 hrs ago
Pretty soon the only people that hate gays will be backwards loonies in Russia and Africa. Maybe US christians should move to one of these places where they'd be more comfortable


5、Elizabeth  •  6 hrs ago
she trys this in a Muslim country.

她应该试试 去在穆斯林国家(宣传同性恋)

6、Reality-Check  •  11 hrs ago
Anyone who supports this immoral unnatural anti-American lifestyle deserves to have law suits against them. They should also be subject to criminal prosecution!


7、A Yahoo! User  •  New York, New York  •  11 hrs ago
Sounds like Russia is my kind of place


8、Juan Lopez  •  6 hrs agoMadonna doesn't really care about gays. She will do anything for attention. She recently exposed her breast in Turkey and now, she is supporting gays in Russia which is known for being anti gay. She is desperate for controversy



9、Wheezer  •  11 hrs ago
[Madonna sued in Russia for supporting gays]
But Madonna likes to experiment! Other nations should understand her and her political stances made in their nations! Gosh darn it!


10、lyavu  •  10 hrs ago
I will never comment on gay issues until someone explains how different sexes came into being, Besides the bible and scientific analogy. Why does it take a man and a woman to reproduce? Enough said. Jmo!


11、jolly roger  •  Lewiston, Idaho  •  5 hrs ago
If they don't like it, don't book her there. I'm just surprised that she wasn't arrested for stomping on the cross


12、wilbur  •  11 hrs ago
gee lets see.How do men get aids.Well putting it in each others rear qualify.your rear is the most dirtiest organ you can imagine.and please dont say you gays dont do it.You are all pigs



13、Mstr_gekko  •  West Chicago, Illinois  •  9 hrs ago
I am offended by the stupidity of our elected officals...... Can I sue?


14、KoreG  •  Pleasanton, California  •  10 hrs ago
Typical americans. Equal rights? Freedom of religion and expression? Freedom to choose who you have sex with? Oh no, we freedom loving americans wouldn't want that! We would prefer to make sexist comments and racist comments and hate everything that isn't like us. I'm so proud to be an american at this moment! NOT!


I have friends on the oth ...  •  4 hrs ago
Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve !!!!!!



16、macsvens  •  9 hrs ago
A thousand men were polled and asked if they would have sex with Madonna. They answered, "Not again."


17、Dan  •  11 hrs ago
Anti-gay sentiment is strong in Russia.
God bless Russia for that! Unfortunately, the USA is miles behind progressive Russia...


18、Mr. Weems  •  8 hrs ago
Good for the Russians! They don't want that dirty filth in their country, miltary or government. Homosexuality is nothing but perversion of nature. Let's clean house here!


19、Beware I Bite  •  4 hrs ago
Russia isn't free. The world is not free. Express your opinions in your own country or risk death, imprisonment or financial ruin




“每个前任妓女在变老时,都会想对其他人进行道德说教。尤其是在海外的巡回演唱会上。”俄罗斯副总理、前驻北约大使罗戈津在“推特”上回应。他对麦当娜喊话:“要么脱掉你的十字架,要么穿上你的裤衩。”  演唱会上,除了撩裙秀臀露大腿等各地巡演“老梗”外,麦当娜也不小心暴露了自己的疲惫,连轴转的麦姐眼下皱纹十分明显,超厚粉底亦遮挡不住。


注:(麦当娜最近在俄罗斯举行的几场演唱会引起轩然大波。由于呼吁俄当局释放因演唱反普京歌曲而被起诉的女子摇滚乐队“造反猫咪”,并公开支持俄国同性恋,麦当娜被俄罗斯副总理批为“前妓女”。亲克里姆林宫活动家们要在演唱会现场对言行进行严密监视。麦当娜曾在莫斯科的演唱会中上演脱衣秀,仅剩的黑色胸衣无法遮掩其后背的鲜明字样“Pussy Riot”(“造反猫咪”)。“造反猫咪”乐队的三名成员曾在救世主大教堂的祭坛旁唱歌、跳舞,请求圣母将俄罗斯总统普京清除出俄罗斯,三人因此被捕并将于8月17日面临审判。)


【环球时报记者 】美国流行歌手麦当娜最近在莫斯科和圣彼得堡举行演唱会时呼吁俄政府释放演唱反普京歌曲的女子朋克乐队,并公开支持同性恋者。为此圣彼得堡一些社会组织决定向法院提起诉讼,要求她及其演唱会组织者赔偿圣彼得堡市民精神损失费3.33亿卢布(约合6600万人民币)。




评论翻译: 原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:爱睡觉的狗 转载请注明出处
本贴论坛地址: http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-81285-1-1.html  


Madonna sued in Russia for supporting gays
1、The new Middle Class Part ...  •  Fort Lauderdale, Florida  •  11 hrs ago
If you can sue for being offended, I'm gonna be rich


回复 :
morris 1 hr 15 mins ago
You must be young because you are very stupid


Vashti 2 hrs 5 mins ago
Well, it is clear that Nancy hates the *spirit* of sodomy. Many heteros partake in this too. You don't mind because they keep this quiet and to themselves? Where are you hanging out with gays?
Las Vegas is indeed a fun town


Jess 2 hrs 22 mins ago
I care about everyone, but if someone breaks into my house its going to affect me. If at work I'm excluded because of my religion, its going to affect me. When I was a teacher and seen my gay cousin being bullied it affected me. I am self centered I worry about myself and do what I have to do even if it means working for nothing to help others, I do it



2、Jerry  •  Fort Belvoir, Virginia  •  9 hrs ago
Well, I've always been told that if you're in another country, you're subject to their laws and regulations. Even if the court would rule agaist her I'm curious how they'll collect. Will they just ban her from ever coming back?


回复:LittleOne 47 mins ago
"I wish Christians would rail against adultery and divorce more stridently than they do. I guess these *sins* are too close to home.."
On this we can agree. Having been a child of divorce myself, my own experience w/ it as a kid is that it is devastating & has a lasting impact on kids. Thank you for saying this, too. I wish people would take their marriage vows seriously anymore.




3、HansV  •  11 hrs ago
If she wasn't a citizen of the US she may well have been jailed, Most countries around the world don't have a bill of rights or free press and speach. Be thankful for what most take for granted in the US.


D 58 mins ago
It´s hard to argue with Art´s point


Art 1 hr 0 mins ago
Really? We have free speech in the US? Well last I heard is if you vocally support traditional marriage, You get ridiculed by mayors, governors and the homosexual community,You won't be allowed to open a business(Chick-fil-a) for example. you may lose your job and get persecuted in other forms


(注:Chick-fil-A 是美国最大的私营连锁餐馆之一,凭借自创的去骨鸡胸肉三明治起家,并率先在购物中心从事快餐经营。其2006 年的年销售额为22.75 亿美元,而且在过去13 年里销售额增长率达到两位数,据此而言,它是美国的第二大鸡肉快餐服务连锁店。Chick-fil-A目前在37个州和华盛顿特区拥有近1,300 家餐馆。公司取得成功的关键因素是公司对客户服务、产品质量和特许经销代理关系的高度关注。)


4、ladjfiadfj  •  11 hrs ago
Pretty soon the only people that hate gays will be backwards loonies in Russia and Africa. Maybe US christians should move to one of these places where they'd be more comfortable


5、Elizabeth  •  6 hrs ago
she trys this in a Muslim country.

她应该试试 去在穆斯林国家(宣传同性恋)

6、Reality-Check  •  11 hrs ago
Anyone who supports this immoral unnatural anti-American lifestyle deserves to have law suits against them. They should also be subject to criminal prosecution!


7、A Yahoo! User  •  New York, New York  •  11 hrs ago
Sounds like Russia is my kind of place


8、Juan Lopez  •  6 hrs agoMadonna doesn't really care about gays. She will do anything for attention. She recently exposed her breast in Turkey and now, she is supporting gays in Russia which is known for being anti gay. She is desperate for controversy



9、Wheezer  •  11 hrs ago
[Madonna sued in Russia for supporting gays]
But Madonna likes to experiment! Other nations should understand her and her political stances made in their nations! Gosh darn it!


10、lyavu  •  10 hrs ago
I will never comment on gay issues until someone explains how different sexes came into being, Besides the bible and scientific analogy. Why does it take a man and a woman to reproduce? Enough said. Jmo!


11、jolly roger  •  Lewiston, Idaho  •  5 hrs ago
If they don't like it, don't book her there. I'm just surprised that she wasn't arrested for stomping on the cross


12、wilbur  •  11 hrs ago
gee lets see.How do men get aids.Well putting it in each others rear qualify.your rear is the most dirtiest organ you can imagine.and please dont say you gays dont do it.You are all pigs



13、Mstr_gekko  •  West Chicago, Illinois  •  9 hrs ago
I am offended by the stupidity of our elected officals...... Can I sue?


14、KoreG  •  Pleasanton, California  •  10 hrs ago
Typical americans. Equal rights? Freedom of religion and expression? Freedom to choose who you have sex with? Oh no, we freedom loving americans wouldn't want that! We would prefer to make sexist comments and racist comments and hate everything that isn't like us. I'm so proud to be an american at this moment! NOT!


I have friends on the oth ...  •  4 hrs ago
Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve !!!!!!



16、macsvens  •  9 hrs ago
A thousand men were polled and asked if they would have sex with Madonna. They answered, "Not again."


17、Dan  •  11 hrs ago
Anti-gay sentiment is strong in Russia.
God bless Russia for that! Unfortunately, the USA is miles behind progressive Russia...


18、Mr. Weems  •  8 hrs ago
Good for the Russians! They don't want that dirty filth in their country, miltary or government. Homosexuality is nothing but perversion of nature. Let's clean house here!


19、Beware I Bite  •  4 hrs ago
Russia isn't free. The world is not free. Express your opinions in your own country or risk death, imprisonment or financial ruin


I have friends on the oth ...  •  4 hrs ago
Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve !!!!!!
