三哥眼中不屑的中国。。。。。。长长长。。。。略去3W字 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 10:09:42

China’’s urban population is expected to swell up to a billion by 2025, and the country will have as many as 221 mega cities, 10 of them with over 10 million population each, leading consultancy McKinsey & Co says in its latest report.
  大意先亮:2025年中国的城市人口将破10亿 (汗!~~怎么这么多呀~), 全国将拥有221个特大城市,其中的十个城市人口将破百万~叉叉和叉叉在最近的报告中指出。
  背景图片说我也要亮~( 注意最右边~囧囧~可惜三哥们不知道它响亮的中文名字~)
  and India is struggling to make another Metro.
  ~by A P (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:23 AM ?
  Hide repliesof this time in independence after the 4 metros just Bangalore and to some extent Hyderabad , Pune and Chandigarh are the only cities which could have been developed by India. What a shame!
  捂脸逃走~印度独立这么多年~只有4座城市发展了~班加罗尔(科普:班加罗尔是印度南部著名的花园城市,以风光秀丽、气候宜人而出名。近年来,班加罗尔又以其计算机软件业闻名世界,被誉为亚洲的硅谷。)~海德巴拉(科普:印度第六大城市,安得拉邦的首府,位于印度中部。以其富饶的历史和建筑、清真教寺、庙宇而著名。它拥有丰富的艺术、手工艺和舞蹈的文化遗传。) ~普纳(科普:印度西部马哈拉施特拉邦经济、文化和交通中心,浦那专区和县的首府。人口市区约120万 ,包括郊区在内约169万。位于西高止山的内陆斜坡,海拔600米。)和佳德拉 (呃~这个科普已经不太好找了~大家见谅! ),后三各城市勉强算是大城市吧。 ( 唉~~怎么说的这么可怜呀~~ )
  no wonder
  by RobinLongstride (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:24 AM ?| Hide replies
  china is china, they have that thing in them to grow. Growth is faster than any of the Asian countries can even think of! they are coming out of their labour identity, they dont want to be tagged as cheap labour country anymore. they are well educated, branching into electronics and automobiles. India will still be 20 to 25 years behind china no matter what. The entire system has to change, this will when we have the right political leader..not as arrogant/hitler kinds as Jintao but atleast half like him, to streamline everything!!!
  中国是中国,他们有自己的那一套。他们成长的这么快是任何亚洲国家没有想到的。他们的劳动力也变厉害了,甩掉了只有廉价劳力的标签。他们普及教育,深入电子和汽车产业。无论怎么说印度也和中国有20至25年的差距。我门国家的政体运作必须变革,我们需要好的政治领袖,不需要傲慢的希特勒,而需要一个锦涛 (请注意:原文就是Jintao~涛哥呀~你彻底亮了) ,哪怕有锦涛的一半也好呀,来治理国内的一切。
  Re: no wonder
  by Sanjay Durani (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:44
  AM While analysing the gigantic growth of China which is surely growing by leaps and bounds,we have to keep in mind that there are still some areas in which they are lacking when compared to India like a democratic set-up, adherence to transparent and well agreed upon policies with consensus, an accountable political system, well disciplined armed forces working in tandem with the political leadership and of course giving refuge to the supressed people of its neighbouring countries (unlike china)who are exiled and banished from their lands by their own people or the govts. It is these qualities that has gained India respect the world over and it is because of this India is called a "GREAT" country and not because India has so and so weaponery and nuclear warheads. There are many problems also but they are bound to be there as we constitute a vast and diversified population. Having said that, the challenge and threat posed by china has opened up the opportunies and the healthy competition to India which is actually necessary to shake-up India’’s slow progress and complacent attitude. All the best to India......
  在我们分析中国的巨幅增长的时候,虽然我们承认这种增长的强劲,但我们也要清醒的意识到他们还有很多地区(和印度这个民主国家比起来)缺少政治透明度,存在政治分歧,不具备负责任的政治体制,由于领导作风问题而军纪不够严明,对那些被邻国政府驱逐的受压迫的人们无法提供很好的庇护,而印度却不存在这类的问题。正是印度有这样好的特质让印度受到世界尊重并被称为伟大的国家,而不是因为印度有核武器和军事力量。中国有很多问题,但是中国注定了和我们一样是一个有多样化人口组合的庞大群体。对于中国来说,机会与危险并存,中国与印度的健康竞争有助于提高印度的增速和自满的态度。上帝保佑印度吧。( 兄台,我服了你的大长句子和复杂的态度了~~~一句话占了一半篇幅呀~~翻译不对的求指教 )
  india is best
  by anotherdumb indian (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:30 AM ?| Hide replies
  只要我们有5000年的古老文明,我不在意像地沟里的老鼠一样活着。( 恭喜三哥贺喜三哥~~你们的确有5000年文明 )
  dedication required
  by prasant nayak (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:32 AM ?|
  Hide replies
  they want they design & develop themself & they do it.
  他们想,他们计划,他们发展, 实 他们践。
  by Arun Premraj (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:39 AM ?| Hide replies
  we will have many mega urban slums by 2025
  Re: dsfd
  by Jamali (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:50 AM
  These industrious Chinese and Pakistanis have made development of their countries as their religion and unless we wake up, I am afraid brother, we will be left even further behind because the gap between us and these countries continues to grow wider with each passing day.
  由于人们的信仰( 中国的信仰???难道只佛教??), 工业化的中国和巴基斯坦已经取得了巨大的发展。印度啊~~醒醒吧快,我想说,我们之间的差距将越来越大,这两个国家每天都在进步。
  Re: Re: dsfd
  by jaapaal maatre (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:59 AM lolz, jamali,
  i do agree abt industrious chinese, but you should discuss abt industriousness of pakistanis on paki forums not here. we know all abt you and your paki brothers.
  Idiot rediff
  白痴网站( 冲网站来的? ?) by Juni (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:48 AM ?| Hide replies
  They dont even know the meaning of Megacity.Megacity is a city with population more than 10 million."by 2025, and the country will have as many as 221 mega cities, 10 of them with over 10 million population each"That means by 2025 China will have 10 Megacities and not 200. Here 200 are for cities over 1 million population.
  Re: Idiot rediff
  (回楼上 )
  by shubasrikrishna (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 01:01 PM They meant mega cities in terms of infrastructure and not population.Yes we will surely top if Mega cities were calculated in terms of population.
  哦对了~如果城市级别是按人口来算的话我们毫无疑问会是最棒的。 (赶紧的吧~~计划生育呀)
  @ ppl giving gyan on Indians are far behind Chinese
  by Debashree Chatterjee (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:57 AM ?| Hide replies
  every country and economy has its own course of growth,.. India is one of the fastest growing country in the world!!I am definitely proud of that! If yu think lot of things are missing! why don’’t you come forward and do something for the country apart from blabbering nonsense onIndia! and a small thing... In China I doubt you have this amount of liberty to post your liberal cinical comments about the own country!! they dont have FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION if you don’’t know.... Evrything looks beautiful from far.... do something to make your country proud of you.. what about that??
  每个国家和经济体有自己的成长方式。印度是世界上增速最快的经济体之一。我很骄傲。如果你觉得这不好那不好的,那你上台来干点事事儿,别只在那里扯印度的闲篇儿。反而,在中国,我怀疑能否看到这么多可以自由的发表反对自己国家的评论。这是为什么呢?他们没有言论自由呀没有言论自由呀( 小羊我这里也激动了 )。远看一切都是美好的~做些让国家因你而自豪的事实儿吧。可做的事儿有很多。
  Re: @ ppl giving gyan on Indians are far behind chinese
  ( 回楼上~老兄~~嫩这小论文爽了看帖的~苦了译贴的 )
  by Argumentative Indian (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:45 AM
  The Chinese I met in Chinae are not at all upset about their lack of political freedom. In fact they seemed very happy with their lives, infrastructure & government. In Shanghai they told me that as recently as 20 years ago, it was a semi - urban dump & they are absolutely proud of the progress China has made, and seeing the landmarks of Shanghai, I couldn’’t fault them. They have complete economic, religious (I could not note any outward signs like a black robe covering from head to toe, or turbans or large Tilaks, though) and commercial - cultural freedom.
  An American colleague posted in China told me, that at a recent poll in our company’’s China office, the employees voted politics as the most respected profession! The Chinese genuinely love and respect their politicians and their polic officers, I’’m told a Chinese police officer earns $ 10,000 p.a. in a city like Shanghai!
  一个美国同事参与了一次在中国的的投票,他告诉我,在一次公司内负责中国区域的投票中,所有员工有很尊重正果的政体。中国人民爱戴他们的政治领袖。我被告知一个中国警察在上海这样的城市一年赚10000美元。( 不要怀疑~~最后一句话我翻译的没问题 ~)
  The ONLY lack of freedom I found was, when my Indian colleague, warned me not to cross the road in the middle away from the traffic sign, as it is against the law and when he had tried it last time he visited China, a police car appeared out of nowhere and took him off to the police station! He was finally rescued by our local China office people, but after all formalities!
  BTW, the average Chinese engineer, doctor, technician, nurse, cobbler, sweeper etc. etc. does NOT do any nation building, they only do their own work.
  Re: Re: @ ppl giving gyan on Indians are far behind Chinese
  by Hari Narasimhan (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 11:58 AM While I do agree with your views, your examples only address people in cities and Americans working in China.China is following the principle of "selective development", in that all development is limited to only a few areas and not the country as a whole. People living in rural areas in China do not have access to any of the basic human rights. The dictatorship decides who should live a good lifestyle and who should not. There is no way anyone can protest against this discriminatory development since villagers are at the mercy of the dictatorship.
  There was an article in a kannada magazine on how the Beijing olympics were conducted.It highlights the flip side very well and mind you, this article was not written by an American or a westerner but by a kannadiga Indian journalist who visited China.Millions of poor people were affected by this but none of it came out and nobody dared to protest since they were afraid that they would be massacred.Villagers were not even allowed to see the Olympics that their own country was hosting. Even otherwise villagers are not allowed into major developed areas like Shanghai, Shenzen etc.People may argue that they won many medals, but at what cost? Poor children are not treated as human beings but merely as medal factories. Their parents are so poor and at the mercy of the dictatorship that they dare not protest
  我看过一篇加拿大杂志上写的北京奥运会是如何操作的。作者强调了许多人们忽视的小的方面,我必须要提醒你,这篇文章不是美国或西方的人写的,而是一位曾到过中国的加拿大籍印度记着。为了奥运会,数以万计的穷苦人民深受其害,但是没有人站出来,没有人感反对,因为他们害怕被杀害。( 我靠~有没有那么夸张啊 ~)。农村人甚至不被允许观看他们自己国家举办的比赛。甚至这些人不被允许进入上海深圳这样的大城市。人们会说虽然我们赢了那么多金牌,但是又有何用?可怜的从穷人家出来当运动员的孩子根本不被当看成人,只是制造金牌的机器。因为他们的父母太穷了~孩子只好听凭政府摆布~不敢发表任何怨言。
  Re: Re: Re: @ ppl giving gyan on Indians are far behind
  ( 这一帖长的要死了~~~这位还没说完呢 )
  by Hari Narasimhan (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 11:59 AM continued from above...It is like calling a man a millionaire just because he has hosted a lavish party after starving one out of three of his children.I am only trying to put things straight. Any comments/questions are welcome
  我继续我的话( 您少说点吧~~~看的爽了~~译得哭了 ~)
  我只是有话直说,欢迎拍砖。( 总算完了 )
  Re: @ ppl giving gyan on Indians are far behind Chinese
  by kalpesh shah (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:07 AM
  this country is den of dead soul..they forget anddigest any thing.....curruption running in veins...every thing is artificial be it medicine or edible item..
  Re: Re: @ ppl giving gyan on Indians are far behind Chinese
  by Sunil Swain (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:56 AM
  coming to adulteration.. India beats china in tat.. You think like that abt china but when you come to indian shops you’’ll see more adulteration..
  Capitalist India & Communist China.
  by Suresh Babu (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:57 AM ?| Hide replies
  Mukesh Ambani had a house at Mumbai costing around Rs. 4500 crores and this is largest residential building in the world
  穆凯什?阿姆巴尼(科普:印度最大民营企业信诚工业集团(Reliance Industries)的董事长,,印度的新首富。)在孟买的房子价值4500卢比(6300RMB),这是世界上最大的民宅建筑了。
  Re: Capitalist India & Communist China.
  by Amit Bansal (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:13 AM So, what’’s the point here between the two....
  after 15 years india became hell of the world
  by kalpesh shah (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:04 AM | Hide replies
  thanks to our secular leaders and their policy..
  and our techno savvy gen x...
  还有军事技术人员X( 这个???有点不太会翻 )
  Re: after 15 years india became hell of the world
  by p sadfd (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:11 AM
  I am just late by minutes to comment the same words...adding to it,
  can these people even make one mega city in INDIA in next 20yrs...and
  shouting like...what great job they r doing for the country & public...
  India will have 100 jumbo cities
  by ganesh pillai (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:09 AM | Hide replies
  Nobody can beat India when it comes to big cities. How clean and well maintained they are ?
  Indian cities have good roads, good water, nice people, accident free (during traffic jams) etc.

China’’s urban population is expected to swell up to a billion by 2025, and the country will have as many as 221 mega cities, 10 of them with over 10 million population each, leading consultancy McKinsey & Co says in its latest report.
  大意先亮:2025年中国的城市人口将破10亿 (汗!~~怎么这么多呀~), 全国将拥有221个特大城市,其中的十个城市人口将破百万~叉叉和叉叉在最近的报告中指出。
  背景图片说我也要亮~( 注意最右边~囧囧~可惜三哥们不知道它响亮的中文名字~)
  and India is struggling to make another Metro.
  ~by A P (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:23 AM ?
  Hide repliesof this time in independence after the 4 metros just Bangalore and to some extent Hyderabad , Pune and Chandigarh are the only cities which could have been developed by India. What a shame!
  捂脸逃走~印度独立这么多年~只有4座城市发展了~班加罗尔(科普:班加罗尔是印度南部著名的花园城市,以风光秀丽、气候宜人而出名。近年来,班加罗尔又以其计算机软件业闻名世界,被誉为亚洲的硅谷。)~海德巴拉(科普:印度第六大城市,安得拉邦的首府,位于印度中部。以其富饶的历史和建筑、清真教寺、庙宇而著名。它拥有丰富的艺术、手工艺和舞蹈的文化遗传。) ~普纳(科普:印度西部马哈拉施特拉邦经济、文化和交通中心,浦那专区和县的首府。人口市区约120万 ,包括郊区在内约169万。位于西高止山的内陆斜坡,海拔600米。)和佳德拉 (呃~这个科普已经不太好找了~大家见谅! ),后三各城市勉强算是大城市吧。 ( 唉~~怎么说的这么可怜呀~~ )
  no wonder
  by RobinLongstride (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:24 AM ?| Hide replies
  china is china, they have that thing in them to grow. Growth is faster than any of the Asian countries can even think of! they are coming out of their labour identity, they dont want to be tagged as cheap labour country anymore. they are well educated, branching into electronics and automobiles. India will still be 20 to 25 years behind china no matter what. The entire system has to change, this will when we have the right political leader..not as arrogant/hitler kinds as Jintao but atleast half like him, to streamline everything!!!
  中国是中国,他们有自己的那一套。他们成长的这么快是任何亚洲国家没有想到的。他们的劳动力也变厉害了,甩掉了只有廉价劳力的标签。他们普及教育,深入电子和汽车产业。无论怎么说印度也和中国有20至25年的差距。我门国家的政体运作必须变革,我们需要好的政治领袖,不需要傲慢的希特勒,而需要一个锦涛 (请注意:原文就是Jintao~涛哥呀~你彻底亮了) ,哪怕有锦涛的一半也好呀,来治理国内的一切。
  Re: no wonder
  by Sanjay Durani (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:44
  AM While analysing the gigantic growth of China which is surely growing by leaps and bounds,we have to keep in mind that there are still some areas in which they are lacking when compared to India like a democratic set-up, adherence to transparent and well agreed upon policies with consensus, an accountable political system, well disciplined armed forces working in tandem with the political leadership and of course giving refuge to the supressed people of its neighbouring countries (unlike china)who are exiled and banished from their lands by their own people or the govts. It is these qualities that has gained India respect the world over and it is because of this India is called a "GREAT" country and not because India has so and so weaponery and nuclear warheads. There are many problems also but they are bound to be there as we constitute a vast and diversified population. Having said that, the challenge and threat posed by china has opened up the opportunies and the healthy competition to India which is actually necessary to shake-up India’’s slow progress and complacent attitude. All the best to India......
  在我们分析中国的巨幅增长的时候,虽然我们承认这种增长的强劲,但我们也要清醒的意识到他们还有很多地区(和印度这个民主国家比起来)缺少政治透明度,存在政治分歧,不具备负责任的政治体制,由于领导作风问题而军纪不够严明,对那些被邻国政府驱逐的受压迫的人们无法提供很好的庇护,而印度却不存在这类的问题。正是印度有这样好的特质让印度受到世界尊重并被称为伟大的国家,而不是因为印度有核武器和军事力量。中国有很多问题,但是中国注定了和我们一样是一个有多样化人口组合的庞大群体。对于中国来说,机会与危险并存,中国与印度的健康竞争有助于提高印度的增速和自满的态度。上帝保佑印度吧。( 兄台,我服了你的大长句子和复杂的态度了~~~一句话占了一半篇幅呀~~翻译不对的求指教 )
  india is best
  by anotherdumb indian (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:30 AM ?| Hide replies
  只要我们有5000年的古老文明,我不在意像地沟里的老鼠一样活着。( 恭喜三哥贺喜三哥~~你们的确有5000年文明 )
  dedication required
  by prasant nayak (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:32 AM ?|
  Hide replies
  they want they design & develop themself & they do it.
  他们想,他们计划,他们发展, 实 他们践。
  by Arun Premraj (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:39 AM ?| Hide replies
  we will have many mega urban slums by 2025
  Re: dsfd
  by Jamali (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:50 AM
  These industrious Chinese and Pakistanis have made development of their countries as their religion and unless we wake up, I am afraid brother, we will be left even further behind because the gap between us and these countries continues to grow wider with each passing day.
  由于人们的信仰( 中国的信仰???难道只佛教??), 工业化的中国和巴基斯坦已经取得了巨大的发展。印度啊~~醒醒吧快,我想说,我们之间的差距将越来越大,这两个国家每天都在进步。
  Re: Re: dsfd
  by jaapaal maatre (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:59 AM lolz, jamali,
  i do agree abt industrious chinese, but you should discuss abt industriousness of pakistanis on paki forums not here. we know all abt you and your paki brothers.
  Idiot rediff
  白痴网站( 冲网站来的? ?) by Juni (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:48 AM ?| Hide replies
  They dont even know the meaning of Megacity.Megacity is a city with population more than 10 million."by 2025, and the country will have as many as 221 mega cities, 10 of them with over 10 million population each"That means by 2025 China will have 10 Megacities and not 200. Here 200 are for cities over 1 million population.
  Re: Idiot rediff
  (回楼上 )
  by shubasrikrishna (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 01:01 PM They meant mega cities in terms of infrastructure and not population.Yes we will surely top if Mega cities were calculated in terms of population.
  哦对了~如果城市级别是按人口来算的话我们毫无疑问会是最棒的。 (赶紧的吧~~计划生育呀)
  @ ppl giving gyan on Indians are far behind Chinese
  by Debashree Chatterjee (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:57 AM ?| Hide replies
  every country and economy has its own course of growth,.. India is one of the fastest growing country in the world!!I am definitely proud of that! If yu think lot of things are missing! why don’’t you come forward and do something for the country apart from blabbering nonsense onIndia! and a small thing... In China I doubt you have this amount of liberty to post your liberal cinical comments about the own country!! they dont have FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION if you don’’t know.... Evrything looks beautiful from far.... do something to make your country proud of you.. what about that??
  每个国家和经济体有自己的成长方式。印度是世界上增速最快的经济体之一。我很骄傲。如果你觉得这不好那不好的,那你上台来干点事事儿,别只在那里扯印度的闲篇儿。反而,在中国,我怀疑能否看到这么多可以自由的发表反对自己国家的评论。这是为什么呢?他们没有言论自由呀没有言论自由呀( 小羊我这里也激动了 )。远看一切都是美好的~做些让国家因你而自豪的事实儿吧。可做的事儿有很多。
  Re: @ ppl giving gyan on Indians are far behind chinese
  ( 回楼上~老兄~~嫩这小论文爽了看帖的~苦了译贴的 )
  by Argumentative Indian (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:45 AM
  The Chinese I met in Chinae are not at all upset about their lack of political freedom. In fact they seemed very happy with their lives, infrastructure & government. In Shanghai they told me that as recently as 20 years ago, it was a semi - urban dump & they are absolutely proud of the progress China has made, and seeing the landmarks of Shanghai, I couldn’’t fault them. They have complete economic, religious (I could not note any outward signs like a black robe covering from head to toe, or turbans or large Tilaks, though) and commercial - cultural freedom.
  An American colleague posted in China told me, that at a recent poll in our company’’s China office, the employees voted politics as the most respected profession! The Chinese genuinely love and respect their politicians and their polic officers, I’’m told a Chinese police officer earns $ 10,000 p.a. in a city like Shanghai!
  一个美国同事参与了一次在中国的的投票,他告诉我,在一次公司内负责中国区域的投票中,所有员工有很尊重正果的政体。中国人民爱戴他们的政治领袖。我被告知一个中国警察在上海这样的城市一年赚10000美元。( 不要怀疑~~最后一句话我翻译的没问题 ~)
  The ONLY lack of freedom I found was, when my Indian colleague, warned me not to cross the road in the middle away from the traffic sign, as it is against the law and when he had tried it last time he visited China, a police car appeared out of nowhere and took him off to the police station! He was finally rescued by our local China office people, but after all formalities!
  BTW, the average Chinese engineer, doctor, technician, nurse, cobbler, sweeper etc. etc. does NOT do any nation building, they only do their own work.
  Re: Re: @ ppl giving gyan on Indians are far behind Chinese
  by Hari Narasimhan (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 11:58 AM While I do agree with your views, your examples only address people in cities and Americans working in China.China is following the principle of "selective development", in that all development is limited to only a few areas and not the country as a whole. People living in rural areas in China do not have access to any of the basic human rights. The dictatorship decides who should live a good lifestyle and who should not. There is no way anyone can protest against this discriminatory development since villagers are at the mercy of the dictatorship.
  There was an article in a kannada magazine on how the Beijing olympics were conducted.It highlights the flip side very well and mind you, this article was not written by an American or a westerner but by a kannadiga Indian journalist who visited China.Millions of poor people were affected by this but none of it came out and nobody dared to protest since they were afraid that they would be massacred.Villagers were not even allowed to see the Olympics that their own country was hosting. Even otherwise villagers are not allowed into major developed areas like Shanghai, Shenzen etc.People may argue that they won many medals, but at what cost? Poor children are not treated as human beings but merely as medal factories. Their parents are so poor and at the mercy of the dictatorship that they dare not protest
  我看过一篇加拿大杂志上写的北京奥运会是如何操作的。作者强调了许多人们忽视的小的方面,我必须要提醒你,这篇文章不是美国或西方的人写的,而是一位曾到过中国的加拿大籍印度记着。为了奥运会,数以万计的穷苦人民深受其害,但是没有人站出来,没有人感反对,因为他们害怕被杀害。( 我靠~有没有那么夸张啊 ~)。农村人甚至不被允许观看他们自己国家举办的比赛。甚至这些人不被允许进入上海深圳这样的大城市。人们会说虽然我们赢了那么多金牌,但是又有何用?可怜的从穷人家出来当运动员的孩子根本不被当看成人,只是制造金牌的机器。因为他们的父母太穷了~孩子只好听凭政府摆布~不敢发表任何怨言。
  Re: Re: Re: @ ppl giving gyan on Indians are far behind
  ( 这一帖长的要死了~~~这位还没说完呢 )
  by Hari Narasimhan (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 11:59 AM continued from above...It is like calling a man a millionaire just because he has hosted a lavish party after starving one out of three of his children.I am only trying to put things straight. Any comments/questions are welcome
  我继续我的话( 您少说点吧~~~看的爽了~~译得哭了 ~)
  我只是有话直说,欢迎拍砖。( 总算完了 )
  Re: @ ppl giving gyan on Indians are far behind Chinese
  by kalpesh shah (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:07 AM
  this country is den of dead soul..they forget anddigest any thing.....curruption running in veins...every thing is artificial be it medicine or edible item..
  Re: Re: @ ppl giving gyan on Indians are far behind Chinese
  by Sunil Swain (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:56 AM
  coming to adulteration.. India beats china in tat.. You think like that abt china but when you come to indian shops you’’ll see more adulteration..
  Capitalist India & Communist China.
  by Suresh Babu (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 09:57 AM ?| Hide replies
  Mukesh Ambani had a house at Mumbai costing around Rs. 4500 crores and this is largest residential building in the world
  穆凯什?阿姆巴尼(科普:印度最大民营企业信诚工业集团(Reliance Industries)的董事长,,印度的新首富。)在孟买的房子价值4500卢比(6300RMB),这是世界上最大的民宅建筑了。
  Re: Capitalist India & Communist China.
  by Amit Bansal (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:13 AM So, what’’s the point here between the two....
  after 15 years india became hell of the world
  by kalpesh shah (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:04 AM | Hide replies
  thanks to our secular leaders and their policy..
  and our techno savvy gen x...
  还有军事技术人员X( 这个???有点不太会翻 )
  Re: after 15 years india became hell of the world
  by p sadfd (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:11 AM
  I am just late by minutes to comment the same words...adding to it,
  can these people even make one mega city in INDIA in next 20yrs...and
  shouting like...what great job they r doing for the country & public...
  India will have 100 jumbo cities
  by ganesh pillai (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:09 AM | Hide replies
  Nobody can beat India when it comes to big cities. How clean and well maintained they are ?
  Indian cities have good roads, good water, nice people, accident free (during traffic jams) etc.
  by kalpesh shah (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:11 AM | Hide replies
  tell me who is secular shahi imam or the man who
  beaten by imam’’s bodygaurd
  ( 这句我能力有限了~shahi是个啥?~按我得理解大概就是中国不存在和宗教沾边儿的东东~)
  india will have 200 mega-slums by nex 15 years
  by sagar (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:24 AM | Hide replies india will have 200 mega-slums by nex 15 years. first see and try to imporve/show by
   improving the conditon of financial capital and other cities scuh as living standard,
   slum, roads, garden, shcools, colleges, lakes,m trees etc and then think of building
  200 mega cities. why indian politicians want to convert mumbai into shanghai why china
  does not wnat to convert Beijing into Delhi or Mumbai.
  All cities were developed before independence in India!!!!!!!!
  印度没独立前的城市反而不断发展~( 老兄你很猛么~)
  by India (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:33 AM | Hide replies
  Why no good cities developed after independence
  This shows how useless Indian politicians are..
  british were far better...they may have exploited Indians but built many
  Judiciary etc
  Our present rules are far worse and biggest cheats
  by vivek srivastava (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 10:59 AM | Hide replies
  The basic problem with India is that Indians are very selfish. We are bothered
   only about our own interests and that of our families. This is the reason why
   Indians are unable to follow simple social rules like standing in queue,
  driving in the correct lane etc. Indians are less socially responsible than
   developed countries. This culture reflects in the attitude of our politicians
   too.Its of no use blaming politicians because they originate in Indian society.
   Their only aim is to amass wealth sufficient for many generations. This is
  because of the uncertainty in politics. Politicians have no long-term vision
   for the country and hence compromise on any issue provided their ’’interests’’
   are satisfied.Indian citizens also have a large role to play because they elect
  a politician based on caste, creed, religion etc. This is done with the selfish
   hope that when he comes to power he would do some favour for them. Now if the
   elected politician has to do some favour for that particular person he has to
  overlook another meritorious Indian. This sets a bad precedent and affects every
   sphere of governance. Unless the common man realizes this and votes for
   meritorious candidates, India can only dream about competing with China.
  by kuldip nair (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 11:06 AM
  Very True but then i dont see that changing :(
  I hope no one report abuse your post
  by KKunal Ghogrre (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 12:08 PM
  Vivek: Very good and mature analysis
  回第一个人( omg~泪奔着滚去码字 )
  by new mumbai (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 11:49 AM
  India would have being better if the Congress or Nehru would
   not have ruled India after independence. That was a ugly point
  for India. I don’’t think India would have being such as we have
   now before independence. See other British colonies which are
  far more developed and well cultured. No discipline was ever
  levied on Indian by the government ever and today we see its
  Consequence. Thre is no discipline among people for standing in
   queues or driving in correct lanes. what do u expect from people
   who drive auto and taxis these people were not able to receive
  any good education and therefore they took up the profession of
   driving auto & taxis. The police is corrupt, each & every department
   in government is corrupt and this tradition began soon after
  independence. There was no proper five years planning and implementation.
   The bridges that were built in USA or other developed countries in
  18th centuries are not built in India today. People are living lives of
  cat & dogs here with no social security, no infrastucture, no good
  government policies nothing that v can b proud of. sometimes i feel
  guilty of giving birth to child and make the child like living in hell.
  the development is so slow that by the time anything is developed the
  population is grown so much that thing looks insufficient. I know politicans
   r from our society but if the education level has not rised so nor will the
   mentality of politicans grow.
  我们没有合理的五年计划( 说的是中国的那个么?? )和没有任何实践。悲呀~~就连美国和
  到任何安全保障,( 呜呼哀哉~在这里请允许小羊我留下一滴鳄鱼的眼泪吧~ ),没有完善的基
  Yes we can also!
  by common man (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 11:09 AM | Hide replies
  India also a developing county friends. Don’’t feel ashame.Don’’t feel
   negative. Think about our previous socialist era. Actually we wasted
  40 years after independence. At this rate of growth 2025 India will
  become the same standard of present china.(But we have to dump the
   Masjid/Mandir issue into the drain pit at least in 2025). If somebody
   is performing more than us why feel jealousy? Why everybody blaming
  politicians for everything? Ok corruption is there. Corruption is there
  in china also.Corruption is there in all countries. But compared to
  socialist era things are far better now. Then why complaint again & Again?
   Our future will be the best .
  Re: Yes we can also!
  by Proud Indian (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 12:00 PM
  Forget it!!! We cannot. Not because of politicians...Its because of our own
   attitude. No national pride(except for India-Pakistan games), "abuse public
   property" attitude, lack of awarness in infrastructure usage(including ppl
   who are literate), poor standard of life and very very low quality thinking.
   These are few of many reasons...why we cannot.
  几点罢了。。。这就是为什么我们不能。( 唉~小羊再次滴下鳄鱼的眼泪 )
  Re: Yes we can also!
  iby chirag kenia (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 12:11 PM
  I like the way you think. Somewhere, even I feel being slow and no-where will
  help us n long run. It’’s the people who make and break a country, not the
  leaders :)
  200 Mega Budget Movies in India by next 20 years
  by Nancy Singh (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 12:33 PM | Hide replies
  I think Indian Film Industry will produce 200 Mega Budget Movies by next 20 years.
  Also few Big Scams like Satyam,3G,CWG,Verdict Issues,Terrorists Attacks...etc..
  This seems to be lined up for the next few years..
  Only fake promises before elections.
  Aadmi will get Aam but no Kaam.
  All the electronics wastes been dumped here.
  I don’’t think we had an efficient leader who could rule this country.
  Aadmi will get Aam but no Kaam( 这句实在译不出来~请教高手)
  { 这一贴翻译耗时过长~~此为就结贴~~鉴定完毕~飘走}
  by migtwentyone bis (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 12:35 PM | Hide replies
  india will produce 200 Mega slums in the next 15 years.
  Re: truth
  by Paradox (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 01:44 PM
  Name one mega slum that grew in the last 25 years after Dharavi in Mumbai..
   Even Dharavi is getting better by the day
  Re: Re: truth
  by migtwentyone bis (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 02:01 PM
  govandi slum,mankhurd slum etc
  { 这哥们儿也玩儿真的了~}
  Re: truth
  by Dev (View MyPage) on Oct 20, 2010 04:28 PM
  you are right. agree totally
  India should change the attitude
  My recent trip to Bhutan I went thru Bengal via an airport named
   Bagdogra then by road. The road journey was a nightmere just from
   outside the road till borders of Bhutan I enquired to found that
  a big political protest in hampering the road developments work in
   bagdogra for last 6 months where it was originally proposed that
   the 8 lanes national highway will pass but roadside shopwallas
  are protesting. If this is the situation after 25 years India will
   become caotic
  毫无秩序 。{不解~~不丹和印度不是两个国家么??}
  Gujarat developing Six mega cities
  by SHS ( View MyPage ) on Oct 20, 2010 01:16 PM | Hide replies
  Gujarat developing Six new mega cities with help of Japan.
  古吉拉特邦(科普: 古吉拉特邦是位于印度最西部家的邦)要爱日本的帮助下发展6个大型城市 {呵呵~~小羊笑而不语}
  Re: Gujarat developing Six mega cities
  by tamil ( View MyPage ) on Oct 20, 2010 04:05 PM
  but china develops on its own...do gujarat needs spoon feeding even now..get some help from good engg from south india..who built major towers in gulf and singapore region...
  Re: Re: Gujarat developing Six mega cities
  by prashant ( View MyPage ) on Oct 20, 2010 04:44 PM
  its better to take help of japanese rather than black monkeys who will come and settle down and then start reproducing!!
  算了吧~还不如请日本人呢。那些黑猴子来了,不走了,然后才开始干活儿{ 这位是哪里人?}
  Re: Re: Re: Gujarat developing Six mega cities
  by hanif muhammed ( View MyPage ) on Oct 20, 2010 05:37 PM
  There goes your
  你们印度人有去那里 。{ 这位又是哪里人?}
  Are you aware that many of these cities are empty???
  by Paradox ( View MyPage ) on Oct 20, 2010 01:41 PM | Hide replies
  Nothing to feel jelaous of chinese.. Once you show the chinese how to make something, they just replicate in 100s, 1000s or maybe millions.. Many of the so called cities which are ready, have no occupants.. Its understandable to see a building that is not occupied.. but an entire empty city is crazy..
  These guys are heading for a major disaster.. dont worry..
  没什么可嫉妒中国的。你一旦教会了他们如何做一个东西,他们会将着一个东西复制100次,1000次,甚至10万次。 那些所谓的城市根本没有人。如果一个楼没有人占据还可以理解,但你能想象一个城市都是空的么?太疯狂了 { 要真是这样多爽呀~房价不是问题了~ }
  We are going slow and steady.. Many of you may be in a hurry.. but India is not in a hurry to dominate the whole world.. We will one day.. slowly and surely..
  Re: Are you aware that many of these cities are empty???
  by Dev ( View MyPage ) on Oct 20, 2010 04:25 PM
  If you want to tackle situation of 1 b people you have to have capability of building entire cities..maybe they build it,then lease the space to companies who in turn employ people. its possible to think like this when you have 1 b people.
  Many small towns in West have very few ppl ther but have facilities for an entire Indian city
  如果你想要应对10亿人口的情况你就必须有能力在全城建满房子。他们也许确实建了空房子,但之后可以租给企业呀,企业会招员工呀。当存在10亿人口是这样的想法是合理的。 许多西部的小城镇住的人更少,可那里放置的机器设备可以供用印度所有城市使用了。
  by Dev ( View MyPage ) on Oct 20, 2010 04:21 PM | Hide replies
  china has got its act together.
  it knows what it wants its cities to look like.
  and how to get the funds for its infrastructure.
  -India DOSENT KNOW what it cities should look like ! and DOSENT KNOW how to get it funded either.
  China has a COMPREHENSIVE VISION for its cities. India has VISION LIKE SKIN DISEASE ..scabies,eczema
  Re: china
  by Dharmesh Patel ( View MyPage ) on Oct 20, 2010 04:23 PM
  ok, fine, whats the hurry to suffocate yourself in gas chambers??? you wants to reach from one city to another in 1 year or say in day or 2 like in India???
  Re: Re: china
  by Dev ( View MyPage ) on Oct 20, 2010 04:32 PM
  is it difficult to travel from one city to other in china?
  难道在中国从一个城市去另一个很费事儿么?{ 小羊同问 }
  Re: Re: Re: china
  by John ( View MyPage ) on Oct 23, 2010 10:22 AM
  beijing subway will be longest in the world in 10 years
  in fact at present you can go to another city tianjin in the subway....
  10年内,北京地铁将是世界上最长的地铁。实际上,现在你就可以乘地铁去另一个城市天津了。{ 证人小羊:否,此为城际高铁}
  Re: Re: china
  by Dev ( View MyPage ) on Oct 20, 2010 04:31 PM
  what ?? Patel,kya?? you saying india is better?
   India will also demobilezed 200 slums in next ten years ????
  10年内印度能遣散200个贫民窟么 ?{小羊郑重声明:正在吃饭和刚吃饱的请跳过~否则后果自负}
  by Samarpan Twinkle ( View MyPage ) on Oct 20, 2010 04:26 PM | Hide replies
  India is demolishing slums developed by encroachment around Mumbai, Delhi, and many more cities where ever empty lands we saw encroachment and all those peoples from slums are sheeting all around rail lines, road sides and our civic body is looting from them by charging monthly rents including police personnel.
看到长长地翻译贴就有点头疼 LZ可以现整理一下嘛 挑出亮点来就好啦
3哥 说历史比我们悠久 是对的
  文化渊源的确比我们 早几百年 。。
啊3很活跃呀 继续看
LZ 你的翻译有些悲剧。
中国菠菜 发表于 2011-5-10 12:08

3哥野心勃勃 不可不防(从他买那么多武器就能看出)
   虽然蠢  但是有一天来个个不蠢的领导 。。  那就麻烦了
猥琐的老道 发表于 2011-5-10 12:21

    他们那悠久的历史已经灭绝 除了阶级制度
中国菠菜 发表于 2011-5-10 12:11

“今后的20年印度有200部大电影的预算 ”
猥琐的老道 发表于 2011-5-10 12:21

原文用了not as arrogant/hittler kinds as jintao应该是不需要一个希特勒式的涛哥,但至少要有一半像他,就是能抓住一切(权力);所以三哥那位不是涛粉而是涛黑
These industrious Chinese and Pakistanis have made development of their countries as their religion and unless we wake up, I am afraid brother, we will be left even further behind because the gap between us and these countries continues to grow wider with each passing day.
  由于人们的信仰( 中国的信仰???难道只佛教??)
猥琐的老道 发表于 2011-5-10 12:21
