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Who Says Dumb Artillery Rounds Can’t Kill Armor?  November-December 2002 Field Artillery
谁说集群炮火不能干掉坦克? 野战炮兵 11-12月号

By Major (Retired) George A. Durham
作者:美国陆军退役上校乔治 A. 德尔哈姆

Early in the afternoon of 23 May 1944, the 1st Canadian Division attacked Germans in defensive positions during the battle of Hitler’s Line in Italy. Soon after the battle started, it was apparent the attack had failed. The Canadians had suffered high numbers of casualties; the Germans then counterattacked with tanks. The Canadian Army Group Royal Artillery (equivalent to a US Field Artillery brigade) proceeded to defeat the counterattack.


This was one of many battles in World War II where artillery defeated armor. Has anything changed since these battles to make artillery less effective against armored targets? Not really. Determining the effects of artillery is critical to military planning. The number of weapons and the amount of ammunition required to defeat different types of targets are factors to be considered when determining the composition of ground forces.


As US forces and their allies face contemporary operational environment (COE) threats—such as the al Qaeda during Operation Anaconda in the Shah-e-kot Valley in Afghanistan— there is no question that our Army needs an all-weather organic precision fires capability. Air-delivered precision munitions are limited in their ability to provide close support to a ground force in contact—are most effective against fixed
targets vice the fleeting targets in fast-paced ground combat. (See the interview “Afghanistan: Fire Support for OperationAnaconda” of Major General Franklin L. Hagenbeck, commander of the ground forces during Operation Anaconda, in the September-October edition.) The ground force’s artillery must be capable of responsive, surgical lethality that minimizes collateral damage.


But at the same time, as Lieutenant Colonel Christopher F.Bentley, fire support coordinator (FSCOORD) for the ground forces during Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan, said, “PGMs [precision-guided munitions] are not ‘silver bullets’ for every target array.” (See Page 5 of his article “Afghanistan: Joint and Coalition Fire Support in Operation Anaconda” in the September-October edition.) In addition, precision munitions are expensive.

但同时,阿富汗“蟒蛇行动”中担任“地面部队火力支援协调员”(FSCOORD)的克里斯托弗F.宾利(Christopher F. Bentley)中校曾表示:“使用精确制导弹药(PGMs)也并不是要把每一个打击目标都列入‘银弹’(指昂贵的精确制导武器)打击范围的。精确制导弹药由于价格高昂,对于地面部队作战难度改变并非如想象中的大。

As Major General Hagenbeck said in the interview, the mix of munitions on future battlefields is mission, enemy, terrain,troops and time available (METT-T)-dependent. Ideally, the options would include precision, but “all that matters is whether or not the munitions are time-on-target and provide the right effects” (Page 8). Artillery area fire (dumb) munitions can have some pretty amazing effects, some of which they have not been given credit for in recent years.

正如哈根贝克少将在接受采访时所说的那样,未来战场弹药组合还是要遵循任务、敌人、地形、军队和时间(METT - T)等主要因素。理想的情况是,各种选择都能十分精确,但“最重要的还是——弹药是否能及时命中目标,并且产生适当的效果。所以,当我们把目光从空中精确打击和精确制导弹药等“现代战争明星”身上移开,认真检视事实后我们会发现,只要有效使用传统炮火,其覆盖范围内的火力打击效果一样会取得非常惊人的战绩,虽然一些效果在近几年还没有获得业界的完全认同。

This article reminds the Army of the lethality of area fire Field Artillery by examining the background of modeling and simulations data used to portray artillery effects in a study beginning in 1988 and reviewing the results of this four-year test of the effects of the basic Soviet 152-mm and US 155-mm rounds.



In the early 1970s, the Army began developing force-on-force models to work effects issues. An outgrowth of this work has been the development of battle simulations used for training. The realism of these models and simulations depends on the accuracy of the database used to represent the effects of combat on the battlefield.


As force-on-force models were being developed, military analysts noted an interesting dichotomy when comparing US and Soviet estimates of the effectiveness of high-explosive (HE) fragmentation rounds. HE is the basic artillery round used by NATO forces and the former Warsaw Pact.

随着对抗型模拟复杂程度的升级,军事分析家们在比较和分析美国与苏联在高爆弹(HE)碎片杀伤效果的评估时,发现了一个有趣的“思维模式” 的区别。高爆弹的北约和前华沙条约组织均使用的基本炮兵弹药。

Both the US and Soviet estimates on effects against “soft” targets, such as personnel, trucks and radar, were about the same. But there was a significant difference between the amount of HE the Soviets and US estimated it took to defeat or kill armored targets.


For example, to achieve 30 percent effects against an armored personnel carrier, the Soviets estimated it would take 2.8 fewer rounds than US estimates. “Thirty percent effects” was defined as damage that would keep the vehicle from continuing the battle, but it wasn’t enough damage to “destroy” it. The number of HE rounds in the Soviet estimates for 30 percent effects against tanks was only slightly higher than the number required for armored personnel carriers.


The US database was a result of the modeling data developed in 1972 that required direct hits against tanks to achieve any effects. To ensure a direct hit with area fire munitions, the models required a large number of rounds to be fired. Over a period of time, the large number of rounds fired and the resulting minimum effects caused artillery fires to be downplayed in force-on-force modeling. Military analysts knew
the criteria for HE to achieve effects was inaccurate, but they did not have data upon which to base their corrections of the modeling database.


Artillery Effect Tests.

In 1988 the Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (Force Development) directed the Soviet Artillery Effects (SAE) Study be conducted to validate the effectiveness data used in models. A literature search conducted before the test found a Soviet report titled “Firing for Effects Against Strongpoints.” This report became the “base case” for comparing US and Soviet effectiveness estimates.


The Soviets claimed that 122-mm and 120-mm mortars and 152-mm artillery rounds achieved very high levels of damage against tanks and armored personnel carriers. The explanation of the disparity ranged from the Soviets simply overestimating their effectiveness to the difference in the way damage criteria were established. Other possibilities offered were that the database for US models was incorrect or not used properly. Further research revealed the Soviets had a large database developed by an extensive live-fire test program.


A basic difference existed in the way damage criteria were used. The Soviets had two criteria: “damaged,” which means unable to continue to fight, and “destroyed.” The US used “estimated time of repair” as the yardstick for damage in models. If damage could be repaired in less than 30 minutes, it was not counted; 30 minutes to one hour was assigned as a value; one hour or more had a value; and so on.


While it seemed the US criteria were less realistic than the Soviets’, the analysts conducting the study decided to continue to use the existing US damage criteria in the SAE test.


One significant problem was that the US had limited data on the effects of fragmentation on armored vehicles. The last live-fire test of artillery munitions conducted in 1972 used World War II- and Korea-vintage armored targets. The artillery rounds had not changed significantly since that test, but there had been major changes to armored vehicles.


To correct this lack of data, the SAE was designed around four tests. Tests one and three were operational tests comparing model predictions with live-fire results. Tests two and four were technical tests designed to gather data to upgrade or correct the database.


Test Results.

The first test was conducted in 1988. Researchers confirmed that the US 155-mm HE round was a reasonable surrogate for the Soviet 152-mm HE round. An M109 155-mm howitzer battery using Soviet fire direction and gun procedures fired the test. The targets were manikins placed in fighting positions, US trucks, M113 and M557 armored vehicles, and M-48 tanks. Several different computer models were used to predict results. The test was fired three times using 56 HE rounds with point-detonating (PD) and variable-time (VT) fuzes.

新的“炮火对装甲目标的损害效果测试”的首次试验被安排在1988年进行。研究人员证实,美国155毫米高爆弹相与苏联152毫米高爆弹效果相当。试验使用了一辆M109 155毫米自行榴弹炮,采取苏军使用的射击角度和发射程序。目标放置在阵地中,有美军卡车、M113和M557、M-48坦克等。采用几种不同的计算机模型来预测结果。试验中使用56枚各型引信的炮弹,包括瞬发(PD)和延时(VT)引信的高爆弹等,共发射了3轮。

The resulting effects on the trucks and personnel were close to model predictions. However, the effects on the armored vehicles and tanks were significantly higher than model predictions.


Figure 1.jpg

The model predicted 30 percent damage to armored vehicles and tanks; however, 67 percent damage was achieved. Fragmentation from the HE rounds penetrated the armored vehicles, destroying critical components and injuring the manikin crews. (See an example of such damage in Figure 1.) In addition, the HE fragmentation damaged tracks, road wheels, and tank main gun sights and set one vehicle on fire.


Interestingly enough, none of the damage to the armored vehicles or tanks was the result of direct hits—all the damage was caused by near hits.


This test confirmed that US Army models did not accurately portray artillery effectiveness. Direct hits were not required to damage tanks and other armored targets.



Who Says Dumb Artillery Rounds Can’t Kill Armor?  November-December 2002 Field Artillery
谁说集群炮火不能干掉坦克? 野战炮兵 11-12月号

By Major (Retired) George A. Durham
作者:美国陆军退役上校乔治 A. 德尔哈姆

Early in the afternoon of 23 May 1944, the 1st Canadian Division attacked Germans in defensive positions during the battle of Hitler’s Line in Italy. Soon after the battle started, it was apparent the attack had failed. The Canadians had suffered high numbers of casualties; the Germans then counterattacked with tanks. The Canadian Army Group Royal Artillery (equivalent to a US Field Artillery brigade) proceeded to defeat the counterattack.


This was one of many battles in World War II where artillery defeated armor. Has anything changed since these battles to make artillery less effective against armored targets? Not really. Determining the effects of artillery is critical to military planning. The number of weapons and the amount of ammunition required to defeat different types of targets are factors to be considered when determining the composition of ground forces.


As US forces and their allies face contemporary operational environment (COE) threats—such as the al Qaeda during Operation Anaconda in the Shah-e-kot Valley in Afghanistan— there is no question that our Army needs an all-weather organic precision fires capability. Air-delivered precision munitions are limited in their ability to provide close support to a ground force in contact—are most effective against fixed
targets vice the fleeting targets in fast-paced ground combat. (See the interview “Afghanistan: Fire Support for OperationAnaconda” of Major General Franklin L. Hagenbeck, commander of the ground forces during Operation Anaconda, in the September-October edition.) The ground force’s artillery must be capable of responsive, surgical lethality that minimizes collateral damage.


But at the same time, as Lieutenant Colonel Christopher F.Bentley, fire support coordinator (FSCOORD) for the ground forces during Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan, said, “PGMs [precision-guided munitions] are not ‘silver bullets’ for every target array.” (See Page 5 of his article “Afghanistan: Joint and Coalition Fire Support in Operation Anaconda” in the September-October edition.) In addition, precision munitions are expensive.

但同时,阿富汗“蟒蛇行动”中担任“地面部队火力支援协调员”(FSCOORD)的克里斯托弗F.宾利(Christopher F. Bentley)中校曾表示:“使用精确制导弹药(PGMs)也并不是要把每一个打击目标都列入‘银弹’(指昂贵的精确制导武器)打击范围的。精确制导弹药由于价格高昂,对于地面部队作战难度改变并非如想象中的大。

As Major General Hagenbeck said in the interview, the mix of munitions on future battlefields is mission, enemy, terrain,troops and time available (METT-T)-dependent. Ideally, the options would include precision, but “all that matters is whether or not the munitions are time-on-target and provide the right effects” (Page 8). Artillery area fire (dumb) munitions can have some pretty amazing effects, some of which they have not been given credit for in recent years.

正如哈根贝克少将在接受采访时所说的那样,未来战场弹药组合还是要遵循任务、敌人、地形、军队和时间(METT - T)等主要因素。理想的情况是,各种选择都能十分精确,但“最重要的还是——弹药是否能及时命中目标,并且产生适当的效果。所以,当我们把目光从空中精确打击和精确制导弹药等“现代战争明星”身上移开,认真检视事实后我们会发现,只要有效使用传统炮火,其覆盖范围内的火力打击效果一样会取得非常惊人的战绩,虽然一些效果在近几年还没有获得业界的完全认同。

This article reminds the Army of the lethality of area fire Field Artillery by examining the background of modeling and simulations data used to portray artillery effects in a study beginning in 1988 and reviewing the results of this four-year test of the effects of the basic Soviet 152-mm and US 155-mm rounds.



In the early 1970s, the Army began developing force-on-force models to work effects issues. An outgrowth of this work has been the development of battle simulations used for training. The realism of these models and simulations depends on the accuracy of the database used to represent the effects of combat on the battlefield.


As force-on-force models were being developed, military analysts noted an interesting dichotomy when comparing US and Soviet estimates of the effectiveness of high-explosive (HE) fragmentation rounds. HE is the basic artillery round used by NATO forces and the former Warsaw Pact.

随着对抗型模拟复杂程度的升级,军事分析家们在比较和分析美国与苏联在高爆弹(HE)碎片杀伤效果的评估时,发现了一个有趣的“思维模式” 的区别。高爆弹的北约和前华沙条约组织均使用的基本炮兵弹药。

Both the US and Soviet estimates on effects against “soft” targets, such as personnel, trucks and radar, were about the same. But there was a significant difference between the amount of HE the Soviets and US estimated it took to defeat or kill armored targets.


For example, to achieve 30 percent effects against an armored personnel carrier, the Soviets estimated it would take 2.8 fewer rounds than US estimates. “Thirty percent effects” was defined as damage that would keep the vehicle from continuing the battle, but it wasn’t enough damage to “destroy” it. The number of HE rounds in the Soviet estimates for 30 percent effects against tanks was only slightly higher than the number required for armored personnel carriers.


The US database was a result of the modeling data developed in 1972 that required direct hits against tanks to achieve any effects. To ensure a direct hit with area fire munitions, the models required a large number of rounds to be fired. Over a period of time, the large number of rounds fired and the resulting minimum effects caused artillery fires to be downplayed in force-on-force modeling. Military analysts knew
the criteria for HE to achieve effects was inaccurate, but they did not have data upon which to base their corrections of the modeling database.


Artillery Effect Tests.

In 1988 the Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (Force Development) directed the Soviet Artillery Effects (SAE) Study be conducted to validate the effectiveness data used in models. A literature search conducted before the test found a Soviet report titled “Firing for Effects Against Strongpoints.” This report became the “base case” for comparing US and Soviet effectiveness estimates.


The Soviets claimed that 122-mm and 120-mm mortars and 152-mm artillery rounds achieved very high levels of damage against tanks and armored personnel carriers. The explanation of the disparity ranged from the Soviets simply overestimating their effectiveness to the difference in the way damage criteria were established. Other possibilities offered were that the database for US models was incorrect or not used properly. Further research revealed the Soviets had a large database developed by an extensive live-fire test program.


A basic difference existed in the way damage criteria were used. The Soviets had two criteria: “damaged,” which means unable to continue to fight, and “destroyed.” The US used “estimated time of repair” as the yardstick for damage in models. If damage could be repaired in less than 30 minutes, it was not counted; 30 minutes to one hour was assigned as a value; one hour or more had a value; and so on.


While it seemed the US criteria were less realistic than the Soviets’, the analysts conducting the study decided to continue to use the existing US damage criteria in the SAE test.


One significant problem was that the US had limited data on the effects of fragmentation on armored vehicles. The last live-fire test of artillery munitions conducted in 1972 used World War II- and Korea-vintage armored targets. The artillery rounds had not changed significantly since that test, but there had been major changes to armored vehicles.


To correct this lack of data, the SAE was designed around four tests. Tests one and three were operational tests comparing model predictions with live-fire results. Tests two and four were technical tests designed to gather data to upgrade or correct the database.


Test Results.

The first test was conducted in 1988. Researchers confirmed that the US 155-mm HE round was a reasonable surrogate for the Soviet 152-mm HE round. An M109 155-mm howitzer battery using Soviet fire direction and gun procedures fired the test. The targets were manikins placed in fighting positions, US trucks, M113 and M557 armored vehicles, and M-48 tanks. Several different computer models were used to predict results. The test was fired three times using 56 HE rounds with point-detonating (PD) and variable-time (VT) fuzes.

新的“炮火对装甲目标的损害效果测试”的首次试验被安排在1988年进行。研究人员证实,美国155毫米高爆弹相与苏联152毫米高爆弹效果相当。试验使用了一辆M109 155毫米自行榴弹炮,采取苏军使用的射击角度和发射程序。目标放置在阵地中,有美军卡车、M113和M557、M-48坦克等。采用几种不同的计算机模型来预测结果。试验中使用56枚各型引信的炮弹,包括瞬发(PD)和延时(VT)引信的高爆弹等,共发射了3轮。

The resulting effects on the trucks and personnel were close to model predictions. However, the effects on the armored vehicles and tanks were significantly higher than model predictions.


Figure 1.jpg

The model predicted 30 percent damage to armored vehicles and tanks; however, 67 percent damage was achieved. Fragmentation from the HE rounds penetrated the armored vehicles, destroying critical components and injuring the manikin crews. (See an example of such damage in Figure 1.) In addition, the HE fragmentation damaged tracks, road wheels, and tank main gun sights and set one vehicle on fire.


Interestingly enough, none of the damage to the armored vehicles or tanks was the result of direct hits—all the damage was caused by near hits.


This test confirmed that US Army models did not accurately portray artillery effectiveness. Direct hits were not required to damage tanks and other armored targets.


The second test was conducted over a period of seven months. It was designed to provide updated fragmentation damage data for modern armored fighting vehicles and tanks. An M109 howitzer fired 155-mm HE ammunition with PD and VT fuzes. One round was fired at a time, and a detailed analysis was completed on the effects of a direct or near hit of each round.


A direct hit with an HE round with a PD fuze consistently destroyed the various target vehicles. Near hits damaged or destroyed road wheels, tracks, main gun sights and vision blocks. Aerial bursts of HE rounds with VT fuzes damaged or destroyed gun barrels, vision blocks, antennas, sights and engines and destroyed anything stored on the outside of the vehicle. (See Figure 2.)


Figure 2.jpg

The third test was against a simulated US mechanized infantry team in defensive positions. The target area consisted of a forward defense area with a tank ditch 250 meters long, minefields and wire obstacles. The infantry was dismounted and had prepared positions with overhead cover. The fighting vehicles and tanks were in supporting positions, dug in with both “hull down” and “turret down” positions.


For this test, a 24-gun 155-mm battalion was used to achieve the Soviet criteria of 50 percent destruction. To accomplish these effects, the fire plan for each of the three iterations of the test required 2,600 HE rounds with a mix of PD and VT fuzes. In each iteration, 50 percent of the infantry fighting positions were destroyed and about 50 percent of the personnel were wounded or killed.

The physiological and psychological effects on personnel could not be measured as Army regulations prohibit using humans or animals in this type of testing. However, research conducted in the first phase of the test documented battles of World War I and II where unmotivated or poorly trained soldiers did not stand up to large concentrations of artillery fire. This finding was confirmed during Operation Desert Storm in the Gulf in 1990 with the mass surrenders of enemy soldiers. The soldiers’ will to fight was worn down by fire support from multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS), cannons and air strikes.


In addition, during the third test, 50 percent of the infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) and tanks suffered damage that would have prevented them from moving or firing, thus taking them out of the battle (Figure 3). Smoke and dust caused by the HE rounds would have reduced the IFV and tank crews’ ability to engage targets at maximum range.

Figure 3.jpg

This test demonstrated that an artillery attack using standard HE fragmentation projectiles is much more lethal against tanks and armored vehicles than US effectiveness data estimates had predicted. Based on the data provided in the second test, the modeling predictions were closer to the actual results but remained on the low side of the actual damage and destruction.


Artillerymen need to understand that databases used to drive force-on-force models are not always accurate. Many of the models have not been updated, and their databases do not reflect all aspects of lethality.


The SAE tests clearly demonstrated that force-on-force models have not been portraying the effects of artillery fires properly. Near and direct hits cause significant damage to armored vehicles and tanks. The test results confirmed the validity of the published Soviet’s report on the lethality of artillery (Figure 4).


Figure 4.jpg

Even with an updated database, force-on-force models tend to be conservative. The models are not capable of measuring the complete effects of artillery fire, such as smoke, dust, weapons sights effects and the physiological and psychological effects on humans. The SAE live-fire tests proved that HE fragmentation rounds are very effective against the most modern US and Soviet stationary armored systems.


The second test was conducted over a period of seven months. It was designed to provide updated fragmentation damage data for modern armored fighting vehicles and tanks. An M109 howitzer fired 155-mm HE ammunition with PD and VT fuzes. One round was fired at a time, and a detailed analysis was completed on the effects of a direct or near hit of each round.


A direct hit with an HE round with a PD fuze consistently destroyed the various target vehicles. Near hits damaged or destroyed road wheels, tracks, main gun sights and vision blocks. Aerial bursts of HE rounds with VT fuzes damaged or destroyed gun barrels, vision blocks, antennas, sights and engines and destroyed anything stored on the outside of the vehicle. (See Figure 2.)


Figure 2.jpg

The third test was against a simulated US mechanized infantry team in defensive positions. The target area consisted of a forward defense area with a tank ditch 250 meters long, minefields and wire obstacles. The infantry was dismounted and had prepared positions with overhead cover. The fighting vehicles and tanks were in supporting positions, dug in with both “hull down” and “turret down” positions.


For this test, a 24-gun 155-mm battalion was used to achieve the Soviet criteria of 50 percent destruction. To accomplish these effects, the fire plan for each of the three iterations of the test required 2,600 HE rounds with a mix of PD and VT fuzes. In each iteration, 50 percent of the infantry fighting positions were destroyed and about 50 percent of the personnel were wounded or killed.

The physiological and psychological effects on personnel could not be measured as Army regulations prohibit using humans or animals in this type of testing. However, research conducted in the first phase of the test documented battles of World War I and II where unmotivated or poorly trained soldiers did not stand up to large concentrations of artillery fire. This finding was confirmed during Operation Desert Storm in the Gulf in 1990 with the mass surrenders of enemy soldiers. The soldiers’ will to fight was worn down by fire support from multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS), cannons and air strikes.


In addition, during the third test, 50 percent of the infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) and tanks suffered damage that would have prevented them from moving or firing, thus taking them out of the battle (Figure 3). Smoke and dust caused by the HE rounds would have reduced the IFV and tank crews’ ability to engage targets at maximum range.

Figure 3.jpg

This test demonstrated that an artillery attack using standard HE fragmentation projectiles is much more lethal against tanks and armored vehicles than US effectiveness data estimates had predicted. Based on the data provided in the second test, the modeling predictions were closer to the actual results but remained on the low side of the actual damage and destruction.


Artillerymen need to understand that databases used to drive force-on-force models are not always accurate. Many of the models have not been updated, and their databases do not reflect all aspects of lethality.


The SAE tests clearly demonstrated that force-on-force models have not been portraying the effects of artillery fires properly. Near and direct hits cause significant damage to armored vehicles and tanks. The test results confirmed the validity of the published Soviet’s report on the lethality of artillery (Figure 4).


Figure 4.jpg

Even with an updated database, force-on-force models tend to be conservative. The models are not capable of measuring the complete effects of artillery fire, such as smoke, dust, weapons sights effects and the physiological and psychological effects on humans. The SAE live-fire tests proved that HE fragmentation rounds are very effective against the most modern US and Soviet stationary armored systems.


Artillery Lethality Myths.

Because the databases in forceon-force simulations/models have not accurately portrayed the effects of artillery fires for a number of years, several myths have arisen. The SAE results dispell the following five myths.

Myth #1—It requires a direct hit with an artillery round to damage or destroy an armored vehicle. Not true; 155- mm rounds that impact within 30 meters cause considerable damage (Figure 5). Air bursts using VT or dualpurpose improved conventional munitions (DPICM) can strip away communications, sights, vision blocks and anything stored on the outside of the vehicle. These air bursts are especially effective against soft targets such as multiple-rocket launchers (MRLs). (See Figure 6.)

Figure 6.jpg

Myth #2—It takes 50 artillery rounds to destroy or damage a tank. Not true. It takes one round (Figure 7). If an artillery battalion engages an armored formation (54 rounds), more than one tank will be destroyed or damaged.

Figure 7.jpg

Myth #3—Artillery cannot engage moving targets. It is difficult, but it can be done. The issue is not lethality, but the tactics, techniques and procedures to hit the moving target. Units must train to shift fires.

Myth #4—Modern armor cannot be defeated by artillery. Tanks are designed to kill tanks, and most of the armor is designed to protect against direct fire. HE rounds with VT or delayed fuze and DPICM are very capable of defeating “modern” armor (Figure 8).

Figure 8.jpg

Myth #5—Armored vehicles can button up and drive through artillery fire. Yes, they can. But as soon as they button up, their ability to see is reduced by approximately 40 percent. And as they drive through the artillery fire, there is a high probability they will have mobility and firepower damage or that the formation will change its direction of attack. The results are delay and suppression of armor.
误区5:装甲车辆只要一踩油门就能安全开过炮火覆盖区域。是的,他们当然可以这样做。但是他们一踩油门,高速运动中的装甲车辆其可视能力将下降大约 40%。即使是他们企图高速通过炮火覆盖区域,但极有可能等待他们的是,他们的火力发挥和机动性将大幅下降,他们就会后悔为什么当时没有选择改变进攻的方向。不论怎么样,想一踩油门通过炮火覆盖区域的结果可能是延误战机并遭到对方装甲部队有效压制。


The Field Artillery earned its reputation as “The Greatest Killer on the Battlefield” during World War II. That reputation was built on the artillery’s ability to mass fires and respond with rapid, accurate fires for maneuver plus the belief that the artillery could destroy any target on the battlefield. The same capability exists today.

It is the responsibility of every Field Artilleryman to know the branch capabilities—to reject the myths about artillery effectiveness against armor—and ensure the force commander makes the most of his firepower assets in combat.

Major (Retired) George A. Durham has been Deputy Director of the Depth and Simultaneous Attack (D&SA) Battle Lab at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, since May 1992. His previous assignment was as Director of the Soviet Artillery Effects Study in the Directorate of Combat Developments in the Field Artillery School, also at Fort Sill. George Durham was the Executive Officer for a Department of the Army Special Action Team for Corps Support Weapons Systems, developing the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS). Before retiring from the Army, he served as the Executive Officer of the 4th Battalion, 4th Field Artillery, III Corps Artillery at Fort Sill and commanded two batteries. He’s a graduate of the Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

【作者简介】:美国陆军退役上校乔治 A. 德尔哈姆自1992年起曾任位于俄克拉荷马州福特希尔的深度模拟攻击战斗实验室(D&SA)的副主任,起初担任同样位于福特希尔的野战炮兵学院作战研究理事会苏军炮火损害效果研究项目(Soviet Artillery Effects Study)的负责人。他曾任特种兵支援武器系统陆军特别行动小组部门的执行官,负责研发陆军战术导弹系统(ATACMS)。从陆军退役前,他曾任驻福特希尔的第3炮兵部队第4野战炮兵第4旅的副指挥官[XO],管理两个排的野战炮兵。他毕业于堪萨斯州福特莱文沃斯的陆军指挥和参谋学院。

Artillery Lethality Myths.

Because the databases in forceon-force simulations/models have not accurately portrayed the effects of artillery fires for a number of years, several myths have arisen. The SAE results dispell the following five myths.

Myth #1—It requires a direct hit with an artillery round to damage or destroy an armored vehicle. Not true; 155- mm rounds that impact within 30 meters cause considerable damage (Figure 5). Air bursts using VT or dualpurpose improved conventional munitions (DPICM) can strip away communications, sights, vision blocks and anything stored on the outside of the vehicle. These air bursts are especially effective against soft targets such as multiple-rocket launchers (MRLs). (See Figure 6.)

Figure 6.jpg

Myth #2—It takes 50 artillery rounds to destroy or damage a tank. Not true. It takes one round (Figure 7). If an artillery battalion engages an armored formation (54 rounds), more than one tank will be destroyed or damaged.

Figure 7.jpg

Myth #3—Artillery cannot engage moving targets. It is difficult, but it can be done. The issue is not lethality, but the tactics, techniques and procedures to hit the moving target. Units must train to shift fires.

Myth #4—Modern armor cannot be defeated by artillery. Tanks are designed to kill tanks, and most of the armor is designed to protect against direct fire. HE rounds with VT or delayed fuze and DPICM are very capable of defeating “modern” armor (Figure 8).

Figure 8.jpg

Myth #5—Armored vehicles can button up and drive through artillery fire. Yes, they can. But as soon as they button up, their ability to see is reduced by approximately 40 percent. And as they drive through the artillery fire, there is a high probability they will have mobility and firepower damage or that the formation will change its direction of attack. The results are delay and suppression of armor.
误区5:装甲车辆只要一踩油门就能安全开过炮火覆盖区域。是的,他们当然可以这样做。但是他们一踩油门,高速运动中的装甲车辆其可视能力将下降大约 40%。即使是他们企图高速通过炮火覆盖区域,但极有可能等待他们的是,他们的火力发挥和机动性将大幅下降,他们就会后悔为什么当时没有选择改变进攻的方向。不论怎么样,想一踩油门通过炮火覆盖区域的结果可能是延误战机并遭到对方装甲部队有效压制。


The Field Artillery earned its reputation as “The Greatest Killer on the Battlefield” during World War II. That reputation was built on the artillery’s ability to mass fires and respond with rapid, accurate fires for maneuver plus the belief that the artillery could destroy any target on the battlefield. The same capability exists today.

It is the responsibility of every Field Artilleryman to know the branch capabilities—to reject the myths about artillery effectiveness against armor—and ensure the force commander makes the most of his firepower assets in combat.

Major (Retired) George A. Durham has been Deputy Director of the Depth and Simultaneous Attack (D&SA) Battle Lab at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, since May 1992. His previous assignment was as Director of the Soviet Artillery Effects Study in the Directorate of Combat Developments in the Field Artillery School, also at Fort Sill. George Durham was the Executive Officer for a Department of the Army Special Action Team for Corps Support Weapons Systems, developing the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS). Before retiring from the Army, he served as the Executive Officer of the 4th Battalion, 4th Field Artillery, III Corps Artillery at Fort Sill and commanded two batteries. He’s a graduate of the Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

【作者简介】:美国陆军退役上校乔治 A. 德尔哈姆自1992年起曾任位于俄克拉荷马州福特希尔的深度模拟攻击战斗实验室(D&SA)的副主任,起初担任同样位于福特希尔的野战炮兵学院作战研究理事会苏军炮火损害效果研究项目(Soviet Artillery Effects Study)的负责人。他曾任特种兵支援武器系统陆军特别行动小组部门的执行官,负责研发陆军战术导弹系统(ATACMS)。从陆军退役前,他曾任驻福特希尔的第3炮兵部队第4野战炮兵第4旅的副指挥官[XO],管理两个排的野战炮兵。他毕业于堪萨斯州福特莱文沃斯的陆军指挥和参谋学院。
德云班主 发表于 2010-1-2 02:15

在沙漠风暴行动中,MLRS 主要是负责打击远距离目标,如炮兵阵地和后防的补给单位。第3装甲师(3AD)、第3装甲旅的第40野炮团、A连(A/40 FA)1991年2月27日,沙漠风暴陆战第4天的一次射击任务打了69发MLRS 火箭,击毁13辆弹药运输车、两架BMP 和一辆SA-9防空导弹车。

不过,有机会时,MLRS 也会打集结的装甲单位。当天(27日) 下午,3AD 从伊拉克杀入科威特时,A/40 FA 向伊拉克“共和卫士”的“塔瓦考纳”(“真主就我们”)机动步兵师的装甲车辆集结位置和炮兵阵地发射了81发MLRS 火箭。第82野炮团第2营(2/82 FA)也向“塔瓦考纳”师的位置打了221发155mm M483A1 式“两用改良常规弹药”(DPICM) 子母炮弹。结果,击毁了多辆T-72坦克和BMP 装甲步兵战斗车。

M-109A3 155mm炮打坦克的机会比较多,27日另外一次设计任务中,2/82 FA 向 Dorsett 目标一个伊拉克坦克和步兵的据点发射196枚M483A1 式DPICM子母炮弹。结果,击毁了9辆T-55 坦克。

M77 DPICM 无论是155mm 炮弹还是 MLRS 火箭“散播”对于坦克目标都是很有效的。炮弹散播M77 涵盖的面积比空爆高爆弹要大,所以,M483A1 式是“优先使用”。











PD = Point Detonation 不是“瞬发”是什么意思?






德云班主 发表于 2010-1-2 02:15

在沙漠风暴行动中,MLRS 主要是负责打击远距离目标,如炮兵阵地和后防的补给单位。第3装甲师(3AD)、第3装甲旅的第40野炮团、A连(A/40 FA)1991年2月27日,沙漠风暴陆战第4天的一次射击任务打了69发MLRS 火箭,击毁13辆弹药运输车、两架BMP 和一辆SA-9防空导弹车。

不过,有机会时,MLRS 也会打集结的装甲单位。当天(27日) 下午,3AD 从伊拉克杀入科威特时,A/40 FA 向伊拉克“共和卫士”的“塔瓦考纳”(“真主就我们”)机动步兵师的装甲车辆集结位置和炮兵阵地发射了81发MLRS 火箭。第82野炮团第2营(2/82 FA)也向“塔瓦考纳”师的位置打了221发155mm M483A1 式“两用改良常规弹药”(DPICM) 子母炮弹。结果,击毁了多辆T-72坦克和BMP 装甲步兵战斗车。

M-109A3 155mm炮打坦克的机会比较多,27日另外一次设计任务中,2/82 FA 向 Dorsett 目标一个伊拉克坦克和步兵的据点发射196枚M483A1 式DPICM子母炮弹。结果,击毁了9辆T-55 坦克。

M77 DPICM 无论是155mm 炮弹还是 MLRS 火箭“散播”对于坦克目标都是很有效的。炮弹散播M77 涵盖的面积比空爆高爆弹要大,所以,M483A1 式是“优先使用”。
猎杀m1a2 发表于 2010-1-2 11:28

话说这辆T-72 M要真是30米外被破片打掉负重轮的,动力装甲服党要悲哀了:D


可是ISU-152明显和我发的图的区别 ...
猎杀m1a2 发表于 2010-1-2 11:28



Enclave 发表于 2009-12-30 22:27




上为JSU-152-1[246工程],下为JSU-130[249工程,装的S-26 130毫米舰炮]


可是ISU-152明显和我发的图的区别 ...
猎杀m1a2 发表于 2010-1-2 11:28



Enclave 发表于 2009-12-30 22:27




上为JSU-152-1[246工程],下为JSU-130[249工程,装的S-26 130毫米舰炮]

猎杀m1a2 发表于 2010-1-2 11:04

bei1234 发表于 2010-1-2 14:23

Enclave 发表于 2010-1-2 14:15

micshang 发表于 2010-1-2 15:00

回复 24# Enclave


lz的材料主要研究传统高爆弹对装甲目标的伤害 高爆弹在直接命中坦克时 确实会造成严重伤害 但这个几率很小 不是直接命中的话 就要看破片的威力了 设计上打算主要用于杀伤人员的炮弹 会尽可能多的产生破片提高杀伤范围 但小破片质量轻 减速快 即使对装甲车这样的轻装甲 伤害也是很小的 距离稍远就不能击穿了 目前炮弹主流都是采用小破片的设计 因为打坦克的任务主要交给了两用子母弹完成 子母弹的破甲战斗部能打穿40mm以上的装甲 对于装甲车基本是必杀 对顶部没有额外增加防御的坦克来说也是相当具有威胁的 所以lz的文章题目本身就是个伪命题 自打60年代子母弹诞生以来 一直就是炮兵反坦克的利器 尤其是火箭炮发射子母弹 覆盖面积和杀伤效果更是惊人 炮弹和子母弹具有数量极多的特点 因此主动防御系统对此难以招架 好在目前小型子母弹威力较低 坦克顶部安装附加装甲后能有效抵御 但今后随着那些智能攻顶的子母弹的大量装备 坦克也就越来越危险了
lhp_sg 发表于 2010-1-2 15:23



lz的材料主要研究传统高爆弹对装甲目标的伤害 高爆弹在直接命中坦克时 确实会造成严重伤害 但这个几率很小


如果榴弹的爆破就可以严重破坏装甲,那么就不会把炸药做成V 形以聚能,或者做成整成紧贴装甲然后从后部起爆造成崩落。


lz的材料主要研究传统高爆弹对装甲目标的伤害 高爆弹在直接命中坦克时 确实会造成严重伤害 但这个几率很小


如果榴弹的爆破就可以严重破坏装甲,那么就不会把炸药做成V 形以聚能,或者做成整成紧贴装甲然后从后部起爆造成崩落。

lhp_sg 发表于 2010-1-2 15:23

  我说一个“K”毁伤  吧


猎杀m1a2 发表于 2010-1-2 15:33
lhp_sg 发表于 2010-1-2 15:45
