银行冷血 美国法官忍无可忍将房主债务一笔勾销

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 11:44:35
萨福克的法官Jeffrey Spinner购销了加利福尼亚州银行归还52万5千美元按揭贷款的要求,斥责那是“苛刻,令人厌恶,令人震惊和反感”的行为。

  这个离奇的决定让Diane Yano-Horoski和她的丈夫Greg Horoski得到了在East Patchogue的农场房子,并且不再欠一分钱。

  Spinner在重击OneWest 的银行时非常坦然。那些银行在得到联邦政府814.2 百万美元援助后,仍在收回房屋抵押品赎回权的上保持有极其冷血的记录。

  “银行如此顽固不化,法官决定要惩罚他们。” 55岁的Greg Horoski这样说。
Judge blasts bad bank, erases 525G debt

A Long Island couple is home free after an outraged judge gave them an amazing Thanksgiving present -- canceling their debt to ruthless bankers trying to toss them out on the street.
Suffolk Judge Jeffrey Spinner wiped out $525,000 in mortgage payments demanded by a California bank, blasting its "harsh, repugnant, shocking and repulsive" acts.
The bombshell decision leaves Diane Yano-Horoski and her husband, Greg Horoski, owing absolutely no money on their ranch house in East Patchogue.
Spinner pulled no punches as he smacked down the bankers at OneWest -- who took an $814.2 million federal bailout but have a record of coldbloodedly foreclosing on any homeowner owing money.
"The bank was so intransigent that he [the judge] decided to punish them," Greg Horoski, 55, said about Spinner's scathing ruling last Thursday against OneWest and its IndyMac mortgage division.
It erased up to $291,000 in principal and $235,000 in interest and penalties.
The Horoskis -- who had been paying only interest on their mortgage -- had no equity in the home.
Horoski, who had begged the bankers to let him restructure the loan, said, "I think the judge felt it was almost a personal vendetta." Dealing with the bank, he said, was "like dealing with organized crime."
OneWest said, "We respectfully disagree with the lower court's unprecedented ruling and we expect that it will be overturned on appeal."
It claimed it "has been extremely active in working with consumers on home loan modifications through the Obama administration's Home Affordable Modification Program and other loan modification initiatives."
The bank is owned by a private equity group that purchased the failed IndyMac bank.
Yano-Horoski, a college professor of English and cognitive reason, and Horoski, who sells collectible dolls online, bought their 3,400-square-foot, one-level house 15 years ago for less than $200,000.
In 2004, court records show, they refinanced, paying off their original mortgage with part of a $292,500 sub-prime loan from Deutsche Bank. They used what was left for health care and for his business.
The loan carried an initial adjustable interest rate of 10.375 percent, which soared to 12.375 percent.
It eventually ended up being either owned or serviced by IndyMac, and the bank sued the couple in July 2005 when they began having trouble making payments because of Horoski's health problems.
After a foreclosure was approved last January, Yano-Haroski successfully asked for a court settlement conference.
Spinner excoriated OneWest for repeatedly refusing to work out a deal, for misleading him about the dollar amounts at stake in the case, and for its treatment of the couple over months of hearings.
OneWest's conduct was "inequitable, unconscionable, vexatious and opprobrious," Spinner wrote.
He canceled the debt because the bank "must be appropriately sanctioned so as to deter it from imposing further mortifying abuse against [the couple]."
The bank is involved in a similar case in California, where it's trying to foreclose on an 89-year-old woman, despite two court orders telling it to stop.
萨福克的法官Jeffrey Spinner购销了加利福尼亚州银行归还52万5千美元按揭贷款的要求,斥责那是“苛刻,令人厌恶,令人震惊和反感”的行为。

  这个离奇的决定让Diane Yano-Horoski和她的丈夫Greg Horoski得到了在East Patchogue的农场房子,并且不再欠一分钱。

  Spinner在重击OneWest 的银行时非常坦然。那些银行在得到联邦政府814.2 百万美元援助后,仍在收回房屋抵押品赎回权的上保持有极其冷血的记录。

  “银行如此顽固不化,法官决定要惩罚他们。” 55岁的Greg Horoski这样说。
Judge blasts bad bank, erases 525G debt
A Long Island couple is home free after an outraged judge gave them an amazing Thanksgiving present -- canceling their debt to ruthless bankers trying to toss them out on the street.
Suffolk Judge Jeffrey Spinner wiped out $525,000 in mortgage payments demanded by a California bank, blasting its "harsh, repugnant, shocking and repulsive" acts.
The bombshell decision leaves Diane Yano-Horoski and her husband, Greg Horoski, owing absolutely no money on their ranch house in East Patchogue.
Spinner pulled no punches as he smacked down the bankers at OneWest -- who took an $814.2 million federal bailout but have a record of coldbloodedly foreclosing on any homeowner owing money.
"The bank was so intransigent that he [the judge] decided to punish them," Greg Horoski, 55, said about Spinner's scathing ruling last Thursday against OneWest and its IndyMac mortgage division.
It erased up to $291,000 in principal and $235,000 in interest and penalties.
The Horoskis -- who had been paying only interest on their mortgage -- had no equity in the home.
Horoski, who had begged the bankers to let him restructure the loan, said, "I think the judge felt it was almost a personal vendetta." Dealing with the bank, he said, was "like dealing with organized crime."
OneWest said, "We respectfully disagree with the lower court's unprecedented ruling and we expect that it will be overturned on appeal."
It claimed it "has been extremely active in working with consumers on home loan modifications through the Obama administration's Home Affordable Modification Program and other loan modification initiatives."
The bank is owned by a private equity group that purchased the failed IndyMac bank.
Yano-Horoski, a college professor of English and cognitive reason, and Horoski, who sells collectible dolls online, bought their 3,400-square-foot, one-level house 15 years ago for less than $200,000.
In 2004, court records show, they refinanced, paying off their original mortgage with part of a $292,500 sub-prime loan from Deutsche Bank. They used what was left for health care and for his business.
The loan carried an initial adjustable interest rate of 10.375 percent, which soared to 12.375 percent.
It eventually ended up being either owned or serviced by IndyMac, and the bank sued the couple in July 2005 when they began having trouble making payments because of Horoski's health problems.
After a foreclosure was approved last January, Yano-Haroski successfully asked for a court settlement conference.
Spinner excoriated OneWest for repeatedly refusing to work out a deal, for misleading him about the dollar amounts at stake in the case, and for its treatment of the couple over months of hearings.
OneWest's conduct was "inequitable, unconscionable, vexatious and opprobrious," Spinner wrote.
He canceled the debt because the bank "must be appropriately sanctioned so as to deter it from imposing further mortifying abuse against [the couple]."
The bank is involved in a similar case in California, where it's trying to foreclose on an 89-year-old woman, despite two court orders telling it to stop.
f22 发表于 2009-11-26 23:08
左翼法官凭个人感情断案,等着上GLENN BECK吧
回复 3# 可乐加冰块

可乐加冰块 发表于 2009-11-27 01:04 对财产权的法理支持是社会存在和有效运转的根本原则之一.
某些大喊法律原则的人其实不懂法律 ;P


虎魄 发表于 2009-11-27 10:05

回复 13# 虎魄 扯谈也不要是这么扯的,道义上是一码事,这种事情一旦传开了,所有濒临破产欠债者都要向此案例看齐,美国还不完蛋啊?你以为法律是什么?

回复 13# 虎魄 扯谈也不要是这么扯的,道义上是一码事,这种事情一旦传开了,所有濒临破产欠债者都要向此案例看齐,美国还不完蛋啊?你以为法律是什么?
虎魄 发表于 2009-11-27 10:05 这种官司一般不会召集培审团,而且,这个可视为宪法官司打上最高法院,除非贷款者找到资助,这个律师费他根本给不起.财产全官司上到巡回和最高院,考虑的就是立法初衷和原则问题,银行输的可能性近于零.
zhu250 发表于 2009-11-27 10:34


f22 发表于 2009-11-27 10:38


美国文化基本上就是钱是一切, 这个法官这样判基本上违反了所有法律, 银行不单止上诉会赢, 这个法官也会被打入冷宫. 法官很多时候有酌情权, 但这种白字黑字的法律关系可以行使的酌情权不多, 法官可以做的就是把银行收楼的时间拖, 每次银行收楼都说银行的资料不充份, 要它排期再来..;P
如果签合同後楼价狂升时, 发展商有权取销交易把房原价收回, 就同意你这个讲法.;P
一般无什麽事实争议的都不用陪审团. 有抵押合同在, 有没有还钱是无什麽好争议的事情. 除非说当初签合同是被误导, 就算法庭认为被误导, 抵押合同无效, Non Est Factum (签了合同不认) 是有可能, 但过往案例是除非是文盲老人, 否则机会极微. 但就算合同无效, 原本收到银行的钱也是要还.:L

你以为是“扯淡”,可问题是美国的法律实践就是这样。美国法律中还允许做有罪推定,而这在我们这里正是 ...
虎魄 发表于 2009-11-27 10:40



你以为是“扯淡”,可问题是美国的法律实践就是这样。美国法律中还允许做有罪推定,而这在我们这里正是 ...
虎魄 发表于 2009-11-27 10:40



f22 发表于 2009-11-27 12:21



虎魄 发表于 2009-11-27 10:05
f22 发表于 2009-11-27 12:21