
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 07:44:07
A 3bn yuan (HK3.4bn dollars) satellite China built and launched for Venezuela in late October had encountered some serious operational glitches that Chinese engineers were striving to fix, space-industry sources confirmed yesterday.Details of the malfunction are unknown, and satellite experts are divided on the cause of the issue, as only a handful of self-detecting sensors are on board and the information they pass down is limited.The technicians are anxious, as there is little time left for debate. The Simon Bolivar Satellite -a 5-tonne communications device for radio, television and data transmission -was launched at the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre in Sichuan on October 30. It is being tested and official service is scheduled to begin in February.If the handover is postponed or aborted it would be a blow to the Venezuelan government, which has touted the satellite as proof that Latin American countries can achieve a technological breakthrough without US assistance.

The incident would also hinder China's ambitious and rapidly growing "space diplomacy", aimed at forging political and economic alliances with developing countries -especially oil-or mineral-rich nations in South America and Africa -by admitting them to the space club at an affordable price.But the reputation of China's space programme would suffer the most, industry experts say, as it represented the second failure of another country's satellite within a month.Nigcomsat-1, a communication satellite built and launched for Nigeria last year, failed on November 11 because of a solar-panel breakdown.The failure was announced by the China Great Wall Industry Corporation, the international outlet of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, which then sacked a senior official in charge of the programme, sending shock waves through the industry.

The nation rarely sacks senior officials for satellite failures, as space missions often encounter problems. The unusually severe punishment came partly because Nigcomsat-1 was China's first exported satellite.The country hoped it could open the international satellite market long dominated by the United States and Russia. The punishment was harsh because a product-quality flaw on the solar panel was "utterly unpreventable", a satellite expert with the Chinese Academy of Space Technology said. "In a space project, we can make two kinds of mistakes.

One is unpreventable because we might be using a new technology, exploring a new environment or be caught by an issue that we had not heard of before. "In this case, you would not expect to be punished," the professor said. "But if you mess up a mission because of management blunders, such as bypassing necessary quality checks, you must take responsibility." The professor said the Nigcomsat-1 satellite had been hastily built to meet a very tight deadline.

Source: South China Morning Post website, Hong Kong, in English 5 Dec 08A 3bn yuan (HK3.4bn dollars) satellite China built and launched for Venezuela in late October had encountered some serious operational glitches that Chinese engineers were striving to fix, space-industry sources confirmed yesterday.Details of the malfunction are unknown, and satellite experts are divided on the cause of the issue, as only a handful of self-detecting sensors are on board and the information they pass down is limited.The technicians are anxious, as there is little time left for debate. The Simon Bolivar Satellite -a 5-tonne communications device for radio, television and data transmission -was launched at the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre in Sichuan on October 30. It is being tested and official service is scheduled to begin in February.If the handover is postponed or aborted it would be a blow to the Venezuelan government, which has touted the satellite as proof that Latin American countries can achieve a technological breakthrough without US assistance.

The incident would also hinder China's ambitious and rapidly growing "space diplomacy", aimed at forging political and economic alliances with developing countries -especially oil-or mineral-rich nations in South America and Africa -by admitting them to the space club at an affordable price.But the reputation of China's space programme would suffer the most, industry experts say, as it represented the second failure of another country's satellite within a month.Nigcomsat-1, a communication satellite built and launched for Nigeria last year, failed on November 11 because of a solar-panel breakdown.The failure was announced by the China Great Wall Industry Corporation, the international outlet of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, which then sacked a senior official in charge of the programme, sending shock waves through the industry.

The nation rarely sacks senior officials for satellite failures, as space missions often encounter problems. The unusually severe punishment came partly because Nigcomsat-1 was China's first exported satellite.The country hoped it could open the international satellite market long dominated by the United States and Russia. The punishment was harsh because a product-quality flaw on the solar panel was "utterly unpreventable", a satellite expert with the Chinese Academy of Space Technology said. "In a space project, we can make two kinds of mistakes.

One is unpreventable because we might be using a new technology, exploring a new environment or be caught by an issue that we had not heard of before. "In this case, you would not expect to be punished," the professor said. "But if you mess up a mission because of management blunders, such as bypassing necessary quality checks, you must take responsibility." The professor said the Nigcomsat-1 satellite had been hastily built to meet a very tight deadline.

Source: South China Morning Post website, Hong Kong, in English 5 Dec 08
华南早报? 没有后续报道 ? :o
原帖由 银灰 于 2008-12-12 10:21 发表
日前从中国航天科技集团公司所属中国长城工业总公司传出消息,自“委内瑞拉一号通信卫星”(Venesat-1)于2008年10月30日成功发射以来,卫星变轨、在轨测试等各项有关工作按照计划顺利进行。截至目前,卫星在 ...



源自:South China Morning Post(华南早报?)网站,香港,英语5,12月8号
委内瑞拉官方消息(12月6日):委内瑞拉科技部长奥丽维拉驳斥了某些媒体报导的“独立技术仪器”所记录到的可能故障,称目前Simón Bolívar 通信卫星状态良好......

http://www.rnv.gov.ve/noticias/i ... mp;f=14&t=85647

不明白了。新闻自由造就的谣言满天?还是新闻不自由造成的欺上瞒下?还是趋向于官方消息。[:a5:] [:a5:] [:a5:]
原帖由 hpyfy 于 2008-12-12 12:12 发表
不明白了。新闻自由造就的谣言满天?还是新闻不自由造成的欺上瞒下?还是趋向于官方消息。[:a5:] [:a5:] [:a5:]


人民网北京12月8日讯  记者蒋建科从中国航天科技集团所属中国长城工业总公司获悉,自“委星1号”(Venesat-1)通信卫星于10月30日成功发射以来,卫星变轨、在轨测试等各项有关工作按照计划顺利进行。

South China Morning Post《南华早报》(貌似官方是这样翻译的,而不是华南早报),我看过,香港的英文报纸。算是比较权威的那种,不是街头小报。其主要关注正经方面的时事,不是八卦新闻一类的报纸。类似美国《华尔街日报》《纽约时报》一类的风格。


  截至目前,卫星在轨测试工作已全部完成。在轨测试结果表明,“委星1号”卫星在轨状态正常,卫星各项性能满足要求,卫星已经具备投入运营的条件。近期,卫星将择日正式交付用户。 (责任编辑:罗园)
可能是误报吧,一般新闻稿都准备好坏两份,同样是12月8号,官方发布了好消息之后,SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST就发布坏消息,有意混淆是非的动机较小,所以误报的可能性较大。
原帖由 meee 于 2008-12-13 01:22 发表
可能是误报吧,一般新闻稿都准备好坏两份,同样是12月8号,官方发布了好消息之后,SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST就发布坏消息,有意混淆是非的动机较小,所以误报的可能性较大。

5th December 2008
Satellite problems hit Beijing's space export ambitions
Stephen Chen , 481 words
A 3 billion yuan (HK$3.4 billion) satellite China built and launched for Venezuela in late October had encountered some serious operational glitches that Chinese engineers were striving to fix, space-industry sources confirmed yesterday.

Satellite 'ready to go'

Stephen Chen
Dec 10, 2008  
The Chinese-built Venesat-1 communications satellite is in good condition and will be handed over to Venezuela on time, according to a mainland satellite exporter....
http://www.scmp.com/portal/site/ ... ss=China&s=News
有新闻要播,没有新闻制造新闻也要播????;P ;P ;P
China Academy of Space Technology
大陸通訊衛星是借鑑歐洲出口衛星再自行研製 ,技術水平不差只是質量有待提高 ,而對地觀察衛星即雷達或光學一類影像

衛星 ,由於受歐美制栽 ,技術只能達到西方15~20年前水平 ,在亞洲仍落后於日本`印度 ,而和巴西合作亦是無奈之舉 ,提高
