
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/05/05 15:13:19

  Chang W. Lee, 时代杂志的李先生a photographer for The Times, 在他跟随纽约

  交响乐团对北韩进行的史无前例的访问中,got a rare outsider's glimpse of North

  Korea during a trip he took 作为随行记者团的一员as part of a contingent of journalists traveling with 对北韩有了一次局外人难得的the New York

  Philharmonic 一瞥for a landmark concert. 左边At left, soldiers crossed

  平壤的战士们正在通过大同江Taedong River on Tuesday morning in Pyongyang, North Korea. 背景正是主题思想塔Juche Tower is in the background.


  The orchestra’s heavily乐队的大量舞蹈编排,choreographed visit to对于平壤的访问,Pyongyang, left, is the first hint of 暗示这是半个世纪以来a broader thaw in a

  half-century-long cultural standoff. 对疏远的文化来一次破冰。


  A view from the 从平壤的一家旅馆向外望去Yanggakdo Hotel in Pyongyang.

  纽约交响乐团的Stephen Freeman, 低音黑管演奏家斯蒂芬弗里曼the bass clarinetist

  for the Philharmonic, 指出 pointed out大街上没有红绿灯 the lack of traffic

  lights in the streets, 甚至可以说没有多人行人or even traffic.


  Soldiers after 晨练过后morning training平壤的士兵们 in Pyongyang.


  The Pu Hong 地铁站subway station. Critics 批评家hold out 对little hope that

  这种新式的乒乓this updated version of ping-pong 外交政策diplomacy, 运动和文

  化交流sports and cultural exchanges that helped 虽然曾经在1970年代热络了

  warm relations北韩和with Maoist 毛中国China in the 1970s的关系 will do

  对于北韩在much to金正日 transform North Korea under 领导下的转变Kim Jong-il.



  Mr. Kim has 过去,金先生cracked open把北韩的门户向 North Korea’s door to outside businessmen, 外部的商人,运动队和外交官开了一条缝sports teams and diplomats in the

  past但是,不允许without allowing significantly more pluralism 对这个国家已经管制的的

  经济和政治生活in the country’s regimented economic 显著地多元化一些and political life.


  A teacher, right, 右边的一位教师taking the 正乘坐地铁去学校subway to school. There are

  few signs 纽约交响乐团的到来that the arrival of the New York orchestra 对于他们的生活

  也没有发出太多要改变的信号signals a major shift in direction.


  An English classroom这是人民大学堂内的一间英文教室 with portraits of Kim Il Sung, left,

  and Kim Jong Il 墙上挂着金日成(左)和金正日的肖像at the Grand People’s Study House.


  Lorin Maazel, 劳林曼扎尔,纽约交响乐团的成员和音乐指挥the music director, and members

  of the New York Philharmonic arrived at Sunan International airport in Pyongyang,

  星期一到达北韩平壤的国际机场North Korea, on Monday.

  The orchestra’s visit —乐队的到来,包括大师级的演奏人员 including master classes, tours

  of the town 参观城镇和星期二晚上的演出and a concert on Tuesday night — is

  extraordinary无论从其内容和范畴来讲 in nature and scope都是极其特别的.


  The orchestra 乐队的全家福:在停机坪上摆好了“经典图片”的姿势posed as a whole for a

  "class picture" on the tarmac, 表明这是一次历史性的旅行a sign of the historic nature of the trip. 同时,翻译和导游们也都找到了各自的客人,他们事先已被Meanwhile, interpreters and guides located the journalists they had been 安排好服务assigned to serve

  and mind并且要小心.


  Buses took the contingent into town汽车偶然闯进小镇, passing through barren brown

  fields 走入尘土混合着雪的荒凉的田野dusted with snow. 路边的房子越来越多了More and

  more buildings appeared by the side of the road, and some of them 有些似乎最近才

  加了油漆seemed freshly painted. 很多英里之内For miles, no cars 路上没有汽车的影子

  appeared on the road, and牛车咕咕碌碌压过 ox carts trundled by, 伴随着几辆自行车

  along with a few bicycles.


  On the streets of 平壤的大街上Pyongyang.


  Closer to the center, 走进市中心the buildings 建筑变得大了些became bigger. Huge

  paintings 金日成巨大的of Kim Il-sung 画像开始出现了began to appear. The streets grew

  more 大街上人群拥挤起来crowded, as 因为许多的工人要回家many workers were going

  home. 非同寻常地是Photographers, 摄影师允许在unusually, were allowed to snap

  pictures freely公共汽车里自由地抓拍照片 from the bus.






  North Korea, 北韩,由于它的高度的中央集权制和对人民日常with its highly centralized system

  and tight controls on生活的 the daily lives of its 严密控制people, remains firmly in the

  grip of its leader, 牢牢地Kim 掌握在它的领导人Jong-il金正日手里. He and his father, 他和他的

  父亲Kim 金日成Il-sung, are the subjects of a personality 是个人崇拜的主体cult that 要求

  家家户户requires portraits in every home and悬挂他们的 their肖像 images on在所有的

  官员的 lapel pins on the jackets of 制服和夹克上别带像章officials. Huge statues of the

  older老金的巨大雕塑 Kim dominate主宰者各个城市 cities. The state operates what human rights experts say is a vast 人权专家说gulag of 这个国家的运作是一个labor 巨大的集中营

  camps, many filled with许多都关押者 the ideologically 嫌疑犯和他们的家人suspect and

  their families.


  Only a trickle of 只有小部分的外国foreigners 人能够定期come regularly 来到北朝鲜to North Korea, 新闻记者人数更少and even fewer journalists. The influx with the Philharmonic

  交响乐团的涌入 is serving as 确是一件something of a令人震惊的事件 shock. A resident

  Western diplomat,一个不愿意透露姓名的 who 西方常驻spoke on condition of anonymity

  外交官说because of the delicate position of envoys here, 由于很微妙的代表团在这里

  reported 一名外交部的官员说the words of one foreign ministry official: “Yes,的确 this is something 这是一件大事big.”


  Choe Won Il 崔元日和其他26名舞蹈家and 26 other dancers 表演perform "Peasant Dance.

  "农民之舞。Outside the theater, 戏院之外的真实的平壤in real Pyongyang, 电力常常和匮乏

  where electricity is often scarce, most of the buildings大多数的建筑里 were 都是漆黑的

  dark. Malnutrition 营养不良persists在这个国家很普及 in the countryside. Yet然而 North

  Korea 北韩对最近的星期一参访的代表团的到来,欢迎presented a仪式很盛大lavish welcome

  on Monday to its latest visiting delegation, the New York Philharmonic: a gala

  performance of traditional music and dance, and an endless banquet with quail

  eggs, roast mutton and pheasant ball soup.


  A scene from the finale,压轴戏“下雪啦” "The Snow Is Falling," performed by Ri Pok Hui and 16 other dancers.


  From second left to right: Zarin Mehta, the president of the New York Philharmonic;

  Lesley Maazel, the son of Lorin Maazel; Lorin Maazel; Song Suk Hwan, the vice

  minister of the Ministry of Culture in North Korea; Paul Guenther, the chairman of

  the board of the philharmonic; and others at the end of the performance at

  Mansudae Art Theater.

  Chang W. Lee, 时代杂志的李先生a photographer for The Times, 在他跟随纽约

  交响乐团对北韩进行的史无前例的访问中,got a rare outsider's glimpse of North

  Korea during a trip he took 作为随行记者团的一员as part of a contingent of journalists traveling with 对北韩有了一次局外人难得的the New York

  Philharmonic 一瞥for a landmark concert. 左边At left, soldiers crossed

  平壤的战士们正在通过大同江Taedong River on Tuesday morning in Pyongyang, North Korea. 背景正是主题思想塔Juche Tower is in the background.


  The orchestra’s heavily乐队的大量舞蹈编排,choreographed visit to对于平壤的访问,Pyongyang, left, is the first hint of 暗示这是半个世纪以来a broader thaw in a

  half-century-long cultural standoff. 对疏远的文化来一次破冰。


  A view from the 从平壤的一家旅馆向外望去Yanggakdo Hotel in Pyongyang.

  纽约交响乐团的Stephen Freeman, 低音黑管演奏家斯蒂芬弗里曼the bass clarinetist

  for the Philharmonic, 指出 pointed out大街上没有红绿灯 the lack of traffic

  lights in the streets, 甚至可以说没有多人行人or even traffic.


  Soldiers after 晨练过后morning training平壤的士兵们 in Pyongyang.


  The Pu Hong 地铁站subway station. Critics 批评家hold out 对little hope that

  这种新式的乒乓this updated version of ping-pong 外交政策diplomacy, 运动和文

  化交流sports and cultural exchanges that helped 虽然曾经在1970年代热络了

  warm relations北韩和with Maoist 毛中国China in the 1970s的关系 will do

  对于北韩在much to金正日 transform North Korea under 领导下的转变Kim Jong-il.



  Mr. Kim has 过去,金先生cracked open把北韩的门户向 North Korea’s door to outside businessmen, 外部的商人,运动队和外交官开了一条缝sports teams and diplomats in the

  past但是,不允许without allowing significantly more pluralism 对这个国家已经管制的的

  经济和政治生活in the country’s regimented economic 显著地多元化一些and political life.


  A teacher, right, 右边的一位教师taking the 正乘坐地铁去学校subway to school. There are

  few signs 纽约交响乐团的到来that the arrival of the New York orchestra 对于他们的生活

  也没有发出太多要改变的信号signals a major shift in direction.


  An English classroom这是人民大学堂内的一间英文教室 with portraits of Kim Il Sung, left,

  and Kim Jong Il 墙上挂着金日成(左)和金正日的肖像at the Grand People’s Study House.


  Lorin Maazel, 劳林曼扎尔,纽约交响乐团的成员和音乐指挥the music director, and members

  of the New York Philharmonic arrived at Sunan International airport in Pyongyang,

  星期一到达北韩平壤的国际机场North Korea, on Monday.

  The orchestra’s visit —乐队的到来,包括大师级的演奏人员 including master classes, tours

  of the town 参观城镇和星期二晚上的演出and a concert on Tuesday night — is

  extraordinary无论从其内容和范畴来讲 in nature and scope都是极其特别的.


  The orchestra 乐队的全家福:在停机坪上摆好了“经典图片”的姿势posed as a whole for a

  "class picture" on the tarmac, 表明这是一次历史性的旅行a sign of the historic nature of the trip. 同时,翻译和导游们也都找到了各自的客人,他们事先已被Meanwhile, interpreters and guides located the journalists they had been 安排好服务assigned to serve

  and mind并且要小心.


  Buses took the contingent into town汽车偶然闯进小镇, passing through barren brown

  fields 走入尘土混合着雪的荒凉的田野dusted with snow. 路边的房子越来越多了More and

  more buildings appeared by the side of the road, and some of them 有些似乎最近才

  加了油漆seemed freshly painted. 很多英里之内For miles, no cars 路上没有汽车的影子

  appeared on the road, and牛车咕咕碌碌压过 ox carts trundled by, 伴随着几辆自行车

  along with a few bicycles.


  On the streets of 平壤的大街上Pyongyang.


  Closer to the center, 走进市中心the buildings 建筑变得大了些became bigger. Huge

  paintings 金日成巨大的of Kim Il-sung 画像开始出现了began to appear. The streets grew

  more 大街上人群拥挤起来crowded, as 因为许多的工人要回家many workers were going

  home. 非同寻常地是Photographers, 摄影师允许在unusually, were allowed to snap

  pictures freely公共汽车里自由地抓拍照片 from the bus.






  North Korea, 北韩,由于它的高度的中央集权制和对人民日常with its highly centralized system

  and tight controls on生活的 the daily lives of its 严密控制people, remains firmly in the

  grip of its leader, 牢牢地Kim 掌握在它的领导人Jong-il金正日手里. He and his father, 他和他的

  父亲Kim 金日成Il-sung, are the subjects of a personality 是个人崇拜的主体cult that 要求

  家家户户requires portraits in every home and悬挂他们的 their肖像 images on在所有的

  官员的 lapel pins on the jackets of 制服和夹克上别带像章officials. Huge statues of the

  older老金的巨大雕塑 Kim dominate主宰者各个城市 cities. The state operates what human rights experts say is a vast 人权专家说gulag of 这个国家的运作是一个labor 巨大的集中营

  camps, many filled with许多都关押者 the ideologically 嫌疑犯和他们的家人suspect and

  their families.


  Only a trickle of 只有小部分的外国foreigners 人能够定期come regularly 来到北朝鲜to North Korea, 新闻记者人数更少and even fewer journalists. The influx with the Philharmonic

  交响乐团的涌入 is serving as 确是一件something of a令人震惊的事件 shock. A resident

  Western diplomat,一个不愿意透露姓名的 who 西方常驻spoke on condition of anonymity

  外交官说because of the delicate position of envoys here, 由于很微妙的代表团在这里

  reported 一名外交部的官员说the words of one foreign ministry official: “Yes,的确 this is something 这是一件大事big.”


  Choe Won Il 崔元日和其他26名舞蹈家and 26 other dancers 表演perform "Peasant Dance.

  "农民之舞。Outside the theater, 戏院之外的真实的平壤in real Pyongyang, 电力常常和匮乏

  where electricity is often scarce, most of the buildings大多数的建筑里 were 都是漆黑的

  dark. Malnutrition 营养不良persists在这个国家很普及 in the countryside. Yet然而 North

  Korea 北韩对最近的星期一参访的代表团的到来,欢迎presented a仪式很盛大lavish welcome

  on Monday to its latest visiting delegation, the New York Philharmonic: a gala

  performance of traditional music and dance, and an endless banquet with quail

  eggs, roast mutton and pheasant ball soup.


  A scene from the finale,压轴戏“下雪啦” "The Snow Is Falling," performed by Ri Pok Hui and 16 other dancers.


  From second left to right: Zarin Mehta, the president of the New York Philharmonic;

  Lesley Maazel, the son of Lorin Maazel; Lorin Maazel; Song Suk Hwan, the vice

  minister of the Ministry of Culture in North Korea; Paul Guenther, the chairman of

  the board of the philharmonic; and others at the end of the performance at

  Mansudae Art Theater.
原帖由 corven 于 2008-3-4 16:08 发表

原帖由 永远爱海军 于 2008-3-4 18:58 发表


但是非洲人不吹牛B, 说什么生活在世界上最幸福的国家里


那个 特大号南街村 的外号起得不错
原帖由 f22 于 2008-3-4 20:35 发表

油菜油菜:D :D
另外那个第三张让我想起了《红色警戒2》里的冰雪地图;P 。
原帖由 f22 于 2008-3-4 20:35 发表

原帖由 歌剧院幽灵 于 2008-3-4 20:01 发表


但是非洲人不吹牛B, 说什么生活在世界上最幸福的国家里



原帖由 士大夫惹是非 于 2008-3-4 16:27 发表
