
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 21:37:44


  杂志还说该武器是一个由弹道导弹带入太空的"动能攻击载体" ,一个老化的中国气象卫星被此武器击毁。



:D :D
美国胡说 我们是考虑到太空垃圾太多 所以才放导弹摧毁点 保持太空清洁的
  :victory: 中国的反卫星技术成功了
:L :L
“我们注意到此事并对此表示关注,我们要让大家知道这点”,白宫发言人Tony Snow说。
“例如,如果我们介入台湾的冲突,首先发生的就是他们将很可能击落我们所有的低轨道间谍卫星,蒙上我们的眼睛。”globalsecurity.org的John Pik说,这是一个汇集全球安全出版物信息的网址。


(2007-01-19 12.25 pm)





日本关注中国摧毁太空卫星试验2007年01月19日 12:01


手段不嫌多:D 多一种是一种,老美不是老报道中国用激光照他的卫星
美国表示中国上周成功地试验了  一种攻击卫星武器,并对此表示关注。航空周刊杂志最先报道说,美国情报机构得出结论说,中国在1月11日成功地试验了一枚攻击卫星武器。杂志还说该武器是一个由弹道导弹带入太空的"动能攻击载体" ,一个老化的中国气象卫星被此武器击毁。据报这次试验在距离地面800公里的高空进行。
作者: seemore R , Jan 19,2007,02:05
  刚刚看到美国《航空周刊》的报道,称根据中央情报局消息,中国在本月11日美国东部时间下午5点28分左右,从西昌发射了一枚反卫星导弹,成功地击毁了已经退役的“风云1C”气象卫星。据称这次试验使用了动量杀伤弹头。吃惊之余,赶紧到美国空军Space-Track网上查了风云一号的轨道数据(由北美防空司令部雷达系统提供)。结果显示,风云1C的轨道在格林威治时间11日21:44至12日13:03之间,从845x864公里突然升高到 869x876公里。对一颗燃料基本耗尽的退役卫星来说,这么明显的轨道提升确实是不正常的。12日之后,该网站没有发布过任何新数据。据《航空周刊》透露,中央情报局对这次导弹发射事先有知。Space-Track在11日发布的风云1C轨道数据达5次之多,大大超过平时的1-2次,说明当日雷达系统有意识加大了对风云1C的跟踪。从以上情况判断,这个报道有一定的真实可能。当然,也不排除风云1C由于某种我们未知的原因发生了轨道变化,而中央情报局或者记者,出于对中国的偏见,臆断和制造了这个事件。
http://www.aviationnow.com/avnow ... d=news/CHI01177.xml

中国成功试验反卫星导弹 被击毁的风云1C卫星残骸轨道参数   
1 29716U 99025E 07018.14056077 .01482684 33183-5 10176-2 0 24
2 29716 099.4445 009.0586 0434042 295.3239 060.3546 15.33910255 738
FENGYUN 1C DEB 1 29717U 99025F 07018.20357443 .00662046 92160-4 33597-2 0 25
2 29717 100.3941 009.0448 0415960 308.0061 048.4185 15.13672781 735
1 29718U 99025G 07018.15171844 .00319691 22342-4 19527-2 0 26 .
2 29718 099.2624 008.8284 0428139 297.7743 058.2025 15.08106084 507
1 29719U 99025H 07018.25585704 .00210418 10636-4 20082-2 0 20 .
2 29719 099.0227 008.8256 0436034 329.4655 028.1829 14.98719064 797
1 29720U 99025J 07018.19759740 .00405073 00000-0 74196-2 0 26
2 29720 098.9596 008.7229 0374016 312.8608 044.1739 14.97604260 653

Chinese Test Anti-Satellite Weapon
By Craig Covault/Aviation Week & Space Technology
01/17/2007 07:45:59 PM
U. S. intelligence agencies believe China performed a successful anti-satellite (asat) weapons test at more than 500 mi. altitude Jan. 11 destroying an aging Chinese weather satellite target with a kinetic kill vehicle launched on board a ballistic missile.
The Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, NASA and other government organizations have a full court press underway to obtain data on the alleged test, Aviation Week & Space Technology will report in its Jan. 22 issue.
If the test is verified it will signify a major new Chinese military capability.
Neither the Office of the U. S. Secretary of Defense nor Air Force Space Command would comment on the attack, which followed by several months the alleged illumination of a U. S. military spacecraft by a Chinese ground based laser.
China's growing military space capability is one major reason the Bush Administration last year formed the nation's first new National Space Policy in ten years, Aviation Week will report.
"The policy is designed to ensure that our space capabilities are protected in a time of increasing challenges and threats," says Robert G. Joseph, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security at the U. S. State Dept. " This is imperative because space capabilities are vital to our national security and to our economic well being," Joseph said in an address on the new space policy at the National Press Club in Washington D. C.
Details emerging from space sources indicate that the Chinese Feng Yun 1C (FY-1C) polar orbit weather satellite launched in 1999 was attacked by an asat system launched from or near the Xichang Space Center.
The attack is believe to have occurred as the weather satellite flew at 530 mi. altitude 4 deg. west of Xichang located in Sichuan province. Xichang is a major Chinese space launch center.
Although intelligence agencies must complete confirmation of the test, the attack is believed to have occurred at about 5:28 p.m. EST Jan. 11. U. S. intelligence agencies had been expecting some sort of test that day, sources said.
U. S. Air Force Defense Support Program missile warning satellites in geosynchronous orbit would have detected the Xichang launch of the asat kill vehicle and U. S. Air Force Space Command monitored the FY-1C orbit both before and after the exercise.
The test, if it occurred as envisioned by intelligence source, could also have left considerable space debris in an orbit used by many different satellites.
USAF radar reports on the Chinese FY-1C spacecraft have been posted once or twice daily for years, but those reports jumped to about 4 times per day just before the alleged test.
The USAF radar reports then ceased Jan. 11, but then appeared for a day showing "signs of orbital distress". The reports were then halted again. The Air Force radars may well be busy cataloging many pieces of debris, sources said.
Although more of a "policy weapon" at this time, the test shows that the Chinese military can threaten the imaging reconnaissance satellites operated by the U. S., Japan, Russia, Israel and Europe.
The Republic of China also operates a small imaging spacecraft that can photograph objects as small as about 10 ft. in size, a capability good enough to count cruise missiles pointed at Taiwan from the Chinese mainland. The Taiwanese in the past have also leased capability on an Israeli reconnaissance satellite.

作者: 美国华人网 R , Jan 19,2007











原帖由 伟哥A. 于 2007-1-19 15:44 发表
硬杀伤把对方的卫星摧毁太多了,碎片满天飞,自己的卫星、太空设施也倒霉,而软杀伤只是将卫星的内部元件毁坏,或干扰到其无法正常工作,而卫星的外 ...

没错,现在老美和其他有卫星在同一轨道上的国家都担心卫星残骸碎片的问题. 不过话说回来,美国和前苏联早在八十年代就具备打击卫星的能力,中国是第三个具备这样能力的国家,也符合一贯的规律.
软杀伤美国有很多高科技东东去保护, 这个是他们强项. 硬杀伤就除非美国星星穿上护甲, 否则什麽高科技也敌不过一块砖头.;P



      美国国家安全委员会指出,中国的做法有违两国在民用太空领域合作的精神, 美国、 澳洲及加拿大对事件表示关注。

       一名美国国防部官员说, 在中国试射导弹当日,国防部和一枚试验中的间碟卫星失去联络,但暂时未有证据指两件事有关连。

http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/1 ... mp;partner=homepage

Published: January 19, 2007
China successfully carried out its first test of an antisatellite weapon last week, signaling its resolve to play a major role in military space activities and bringing expressions of concern from Washington and other capitals, the Bush administration said yesterday.

Only two nations — the Soviet Union and the United States — have previously destroyed spacecraft in antisatellite tests, most recently the United States in the mid-1980s.

Arms control experts called the test, in which the weapon destroyed an aging Chinese weather satellite, a troubling development that could foreshadow an antisatellite arms race. Alternatively, however, some experts speculated that it could precede a diplomatic effort by China to prod the Bush administration into negotiations on a weapons ban.

“This is the first real escalation in the weaponization of space that we’ve seen in 20 years,” said Jonathan McDowell, a Harvard astronomer who tracks rocket launchings and space activity. “It ends a long period of restraint.”

White House officials said the United States and other nations, which they did not identify, had “expressed our concern regarding this action to the Chinese.” Despite its protest, the Bush administration has long resisted a global treaty banning such tests because it says it needs freedom of action in space.

Jianhua Li, a spokesman at the Chinese Embassy in Washington, said that he had heard about the antisatellite story but that he had no statement or information.

At a time when China is modernizing its nuclear weapons, expanding the reach of its navy and sending astronauts into orbit for the first time, the test appears to mark a new sphere of technical and military competition. American officials complained yesterday that China had made no public or private announcements about its test, despite repeated requests by American officials for more openness about its actions.

The weather satellite hit by the weapon had circled the globe at an altitude of roughly 500 miles. In theory, the test means that China can now hit American spy satellites, which orbit closer to Earth. The satellites presumably in range of the Chinese missile include most of the imagery satellites used for basic military reconnaissance, which are essentially the eyes of the American intelligence community for military movements, potential nuclear tests and even some counterterrorism, and commercial satellites.

Experts said the weather satellite’s speeding remnants could pose a threat to other satellites for years or even decades.

In late August, President Bush authorized a new national space policy that ignored calls for a global prohibition on such tests. The policy said the United States would “preserve its rights, capabilities, and freedom of action in space” and “dissuade or deter others from either impeding those rights or developing capabilities intended to do so.” It declared the United States would “deny, if necessary, adversaries the use of space capabilities hostile to U.S. national interests.”

The Chinese test “could be a shot across the bow,” said Theresa Hitchens, director of the Center for Defense Information, a private group in Washington that tracks military programs. “For several years, the Russians and Chinese have been trying to push a treaty to ban space weapons. The concept of exhibiting a hard-power capability to bring somebody to the negotiating table is a classic cold war technique.”

Gary Samore, the director of studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, said in an interview: “I think it makes perfect sense for the Chinese to do this both for deterrence and to hedge their bets. It puts pressure on the U.S. to negotiate agreements not to weaponize space.”

Ms. Hitchens and other critics have accused the administration of conducting secret research on advanced antisatellite weapons using lasers, which are considered a far speedier and more powerful way of destroying satellites than the weapons of two decades ago.

The White House statement, issued by the National Security Council, said China’s “development and testing of such weapons is inconsistent with the spirit of cooperation that both countries aspire to in the civil space area.”

An administration official who had reviewed the intelligence about China’s test said the launching was detected by the United States in the early evening of Jan. 11, which would have been early morning on Jan. 12 in China. American satellites tracked the launching of the medium-range ballistic missile, and later space radars saw the debris.

The antisatellite test was first reported late Wednesday on the Web site of Aviation Week and Space Technology, an industry magazine. It said intelligence agencies had yet to “complete confirmation of the test.”

The test, the magazine said, appeared to employ a ground-based interceptor that used the sheer force of impact rather than an exploding warhead to shatter the satellite.

Dr. McDowell of Harvard said the satellite was known as Feng Yun, or “wind and cloud.” Launched in 1999, it was the third in a series. He said that it was a cube measuring 4.6 feet on each side, and that its solar panels extended about 28 feet. He added that it was due for retirement but that it still appeared to be electronically alive, making it an ideal target.

“If it stops working,” he said, “you know you have a successful hit.”

David C. Wright, a senior scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists, a private group in Cambridge, Mass., said he calculated that the Chinese satellite had shattered into 800 fragments four inches wide or larger, and millions of smaller pieces.

The Soviet Union conducted roughly a dozen antisatellite tests from 1968 to 1982, Dr. McDowell said, adding that the Reagan administration carried out its experiments in 1985 and 1986.

The Bush administration has conducted research that critics say could produce a powerful ground-based laser weapon that would be used against enemy satellites.

The largely secret project, parts of which were made public through Air Force budget documents submitted to Congress last year, appears to be part of a wide-ranging administration effort to develop space weapons, both defensive and offensive.

The administration’s laser research is far more ambitious than a previous effort by the Clinton administration to develop an antisatellite laser, though the administration denies that it is an attempt to build a laser weapon.

The current research takes advantage of an optical technique that uses sensors, computers and flexible mirrors to counteract the atmospheric turbulence that seems to make stars twinkle. The weapon would essentially reverse that process, shooting focused beams of light upward with great clarity and force.

Michael Krepon, co-founder of the Henry L. Stimson Center, a group that studies national security, called the Chinese test very un-Chinese.

“There’s nothing subtle about this,” he said. “They’ve created a huge debris cloud that will last a quarter century or more. It’s at a higher elevation than the test we did in 1985, and for that one the last trackable debris took 17 years to clear out.”

Mr. Krepon added that the administration had long argued that the world needed no space-weapons treaty because no such arms existed and because the last tests were two decades ago. “It seems,” he said, “that argument is no longer operative.”














  据不愿透露身份的美国政府官员说,美国方面在11日下午(中国时间约12日清晨)侦测到中国的测试,航空周刊和太空科技(Aviation Week and Space Technology)杂志的网站在昨天贴出这项消息,并说明当时美国情报单位还未完全证实此项测试。中国驻华府的大使馆发言人则表示,有听闻,却没有任何资讯及评论。


Published: January 19, 2007
Filed at 6:18 a.m. ET

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The United States criticized China on Thursday for conducting an anti-satellite weapons test in which an old Chinese weather satellite was destroyed by a missile.

The Bush administration has kept a lid on the test for a week as it weighs its significance. Analysts said China's weather satellites would travel at about the same altitude as U.S. spy satellites, so the test represented an indirect threat to U.S. defense systems.

''The United States believes China's development and testing of such weapons is inconsistent with the spirit of cooperation that both countries aspire to in the civil space area,'' National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe said. ''We and other countries have expressed our concern to the Chinese.''

Japan,for example, demanded a full explanation from Beijing, Japan's top government spokesman said Friday.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuhisa Shiozaki also suggested that China's lack of transparency over its military development could trigger suspicions about its motives in the region.

''From the viewpoint of the peaceful use of space and security, the Japanese government is naturally concerned about this act of destroying an artificial satellite with a ballistic missile,'' Shiozaki told reporters in Tokyo.

Kyodo News agency quoted Foreign Minister Taro Aso as saying Tokyo had received a message from Beijing saying the two countries ''are in accord on the peaceful uses of space.''

The head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lt. Gen. Michael Maples, told Congress last week in his annual threat address that China and Russia are the ''primary states of concern'' regarding military space programs.

''Several countries continue to develop capabilities that have the potential to threaten U.S. space assets, and some have already deployed systems with inherent anti-satellite capabilities, such as satellite-tracking laser range-finding devices and nuclear-armed ballistic missiles,'' he said in his written testimony on Jan. 11, the same day China's test was conducted.

The test, first reported by Aviation Week, destroyed the satellite by hitting it with a kinetic kill vehicle launched on board a ballistic missile.

In October, President Bush signed an order asserting the United States' right to deny adversaries access to space for hostile purposes. As part of the first revision of U.S. space policy in nearly 10 years, the policy also said the United States would oppose the development of treaties or other restrictions that seek to prohibit or limit U.S. access to or use of space.

''Freedom of action in space is as important to the United States as air power and sea power,'' the policy said. ''In order to increase knowledge, discovery, economic prosperity and to enhance the national security, the United States must have robust, effective and efficient space capabilities.''

Precisely what drove China to act now remains a mystery. But the United States has to figure out how to respond, said John Pike, a satellite expert at globalsecurity.org.

Since the mid-1980s, the United States has had the ability to take down satellites, but the Chinese don't have satellites worth attacking, Pike said. The United States may have to develop alternatives to its current spy satellites -- perhaps stealthy satellites or unmanned aerial vehicles, which are harder to detect than the current well-established U.S. satellite network.

Reconnaissance satellites in low-Earth orbit -- ''eyes in the sky'' -- are essential to how the United States fights wars.

''Our space assets are the first asset on the scene,'' Pike said. ''They are absolutely central to why we are a superpower -- a signature component to America's style of warfare.''

The Defense Department declined to comment on the test.

Adm. William Fallon, the chief of U.S. Pacific Command, has spearheaded a major push to revive exchanges with the Chinese military. Ties soured after a U.S. spy plane collided with a Chinese fighter plane in 2001.

Fallon has pushed ahead with the program, despite criticism inside the Pentagon. He believes that Chinese and U.S. officers need to understand each another better to avoid disastrous miscalculations.

Bush nominated Fallon this month to take over command of troops in the Middle East.


AP White House Correspondent Terence Hunt and AP writer Kana Inagaki in Tokyo contributed to this report.
Published: January 19, 2007
Filed at 4:47 a.m. ET

TOKYO (AP) -- Japan is concerned by a Chinese anti-satellite weapons test and has demanded a full explanation from Beijing, Japan's top government spokesman said Friday.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuhisa Shiozaki also suggested that China's lack of transparency over its military development could trigger suspicions about its motives in the region.

''The Chinese side is being asked firmly to demonstrate transparency, and the first step is to provide a clear explanation of this incident,'' Shiozaki told reporters.

The United States, which bases some 50,000 troops in Japan, said China earlier this month conducted a test in which an old Chinese weather satellite was destroyed by a missile.

Analysts said China's weather satellites would travel at about the same altitude as U.S. spy satellites, so the test represented an indirect threat to U.S. defense systems.

''From the viewpoint of the peaceful use of space and security, the Japanese government is naturally concerned about this act of destroying an artificial satellite with a ballistic missile,'' Shiozaki said.

Japan's Foreign Minister Taro Aso criticized China's move as saying that Beijing did not give any advance notice to Tokyo and debris from the test could scatter.

''I doubt if we could call this a peaceful use,'' Aso was quoted as saying by the Asahi newspaper.

The test comes at a sensitive time for Sino-Japanese relations.

Ties between the two had sharply deteriorated in recent years amid disputes over territorial issues, use of maritime resources and interpretations of wartime history.

Relations have recovered since Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took office in September and immediately made a fence-mending trip to Beijing. Both sides have publicly called for further improvements in ties.

Chinese military modernization has been a key security concern in Japan, a top U.S. ally in Asia. Aso has in the past called China a military threat.